#a lot of the stuff i like isn't technically canon except in the eyes of the queer creator
Can we talk about how heartstopper is like. Not good. Like pretty sure it's. Y'know. Kinda bad. Mediocre at best. To be clear I don't actually want to talk about it because i don't want all the gen z's to flay me alive for being a millennial who just doesn't get their cool gay stuff like idk I just don't like this it feels so sanitized and so bland and safe.
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mixelation · 1 year
What is deidara’s relationship with kushina? Actually what is the entire team’s relationship with kushina
cut for length
deidara has a problem with authority in general so at first he is both dismissive of her as a shinobi and is like "why should i listen to this lady, hmm? marrying the hokage doesn't mean you're SHIT" but kushina's approach to problems is "i will just hit it really hard" and her approach to life is "you should have as much fun as possible make the most of every situation!!" and is, in fact, the authority figure most likely to support deidara being artistic on main. so he softens up to her :P
tori is not used to having a mentor who won't secretly steal her organs and kushina's personality is sort of pushy for her tastes. so she starts subconsciously pretty distrustful, but kushina is sympathetic to a lot of her problems in ways tori forgot people could be. kushina's teaching style of "just throw the genin at something until she figures it out" isn't the best match for tori but it's not the WORST match and so tori experiences a lot of on and off frustration DURING her genin days but years later will look back at being slammed into the ground repeatedly because she couldn't "just figure out" a specific move like "ah yes.... nostalgia"
more than she does deidara and itachi, kushina views tori as her precious student minato obviously picked out for her specifically-- tori is a foreigner training to be a konoha ninja and she's obviously angling for a fuinjutsu specialty. so kushina is a little bit hurt when they don't click immediately, but she gets over it quickly because that just happens sometimes. meanwhile she does end up "clicking" better with deidara but there's actually not a lot deidara needs to be taught? his jutsu is already fully developed and he has his own goals and priorities, although kushina sees his.... personality.... as being an immature 12 year old who does need some guidance on important Life Things. imagine you're deidara and kushina tells you about the birds and the bees. RIP
i think she and itachi must already have an established relationship bc it IS canon that she and mikoto are friends, and i do think the dialogue between them in the manga low-key implies that friendship probably would have turned into naruto-sasuke playdates if everything hadn't gone to shit. so i think itachi already knew her in the context of her being sasuke's friend's mom who once got drunk in their kitchen with mikoto and snorts when she laughs over any other contextualization, INCLUDING "hokage's wife," so i think he would struggle with 1) deferring to anyone but the hokage himself (since he's being taken out of being a genius ANBU captain just because he's TECHNICALLY a genin), and then 2) deferring to this particular person because even if he's seen her stats on paper.... that's just naruto's mom??? it's confusing. she threatens to rinse his mouth out with soap after he says something mean and his brain shuts down. is she is commanding officer or his babysitter. he doesn't know and he's afraid
kushina's view of itachi is that, like Deidara, she understands he doesn't really need her guidance except for maybe Life Stuff. she's actually kind of annoyed at Minato for giving her this team, instead of one where she actively got to teach more. she does respect itachi's skills as a shinobi and understand their relationship through his mother makes the whole thing Weird, but it is infinitely funnier to pinch his cheeks and watch the panic in his eyes.
kushina's view on the team as a whole is that they should not be able to work together but they can and they do, but ONLY under very serious circumstances. so obviously she should be throwing them at increasingly dangerous situations to make them work together, duh. trust her minato she's a fucking teaching genius
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kalcifers-blog · 10 months
I'd like to know your head canons on JBM, plus, how would Marvin react when they figure out that homophobia/transphobia exists?
Starting off with Marv, they'd mostly be like "???????? H u h??" In response to that because it just doesn't sound real to them tbh. Like "it's literally none of their business why are they so mad??".
- Jackie's HOH/Partially deaf, and uses hearing aids, he developed hearing problems in his childhood (around age 10) and uses BSL (my newest version of JBM is British-Irish)
- Jackie is the youngest out of all the egos so to everyone (except Marvin) he's seen as the younger brother/son figure
- Jackie's powers are a direct result of IRIS experimenting with Anti-Matter. He doesn't know this but he was specifically chosen to one day be the person to put an end to Anti's reign, but the experimentation didn't go as planned and Jackie was essentially cast aside (some IRIS workers were genuinely considering killing him so their work isn't revealed to the public).
-Carrying on from the last note; Jackie's powers can look extremely similar to Anti's because of the fact that he was created with stopping Anti in mind- meaning he has things like teleportation(however it's only in short bursts, think Hunter from The Owl House), an unnatural endurance, super strength and a level of control over electrical fields. One of the side effects is that his powers can occasionally become unstable if not regulated properly.
- Another side effect is the fact that he can't exactly die? Since his powers directly correlate with Anti (yk the guy that's literally in a "dead" body 24/7) his "healing abilities" arent the fact that he's healing it's that his body naturally works on injuries faster- meaning it would take something that would kill him instantaneously for it to actually work- otherwise he will eventually come back from it (also the healing doesn't mean he can't get scars anymore, he still gets scars from any injury he attains) and yes he does still feel pain
- Ever since he completely cut ties with IRIS, he out right refuses to use his powers as much as he is physically able too, sometimes he's unable too due to the fact that they are tied to his well-being and can come out during outbursts or moments involving high levels of stress, anger etc.
- his eyes used to be grey before everything happened, now they're extremely bright blue- he doesn't exactly hate it but it still catches him off guard to see them sometimes
- Most of his "hero" work isn't technically the stereotypical stuff a hero would normally do- but it's still very important that he does. He very often goes to protests and volunteers at places wherever he can. He doesn't consider this hero work either, just stuff he wants to do to help out where he can
- The man is an extrovert to his core, he literally will be making friends literally anywhere and half the time the rest of the egos are just like- "what the fuck???" Because none of them are extroverts.
- I think Jackie took a lot longer than Marvin to fall for them than they did. Mostly because mans got horrid issues regarding to letting people seeing him be vulnerable, and it's only when Marvin makes it extremely clear that they're safe to be around that he ends up slowly falling for them. He also admires how they don't particularly care about anyone else's opinions and values taking care of themselves over conforming into what any society says you should be.
-this ones pretty obvious but Jackie is 100% punk
- his day job is being a freelance artist and guitarist in a punk band. He also part times as a bartender (THE MANS IS BUSY AS SHIT.)
-he obviously mains as a guitarist but he does also know how to play bass and drums (he's had to step in for his other band mates occasionally)
THATS ALL FOR NOW!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!! Please feel free to send in asks for headcanon lists I love seeing them!!
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
For the gets real fanfic writer ask: 🎈💞💋💌
Have a nice day!
Ooh, I'll have to go see what these are! Apologies in advance for if I accidentally answer the wrong emoji (I've done that before)!
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
It does change, I know/think it has changed. People used to said was a bit poetry-like, and they don't say that any more so it's not just me who thinks that. BUT this is not a bad thing! These days I worry a lot less about individual words but that means I'm able to write longer fics (especially in the past year or so) and I feel less awkward with explaining plots and whatever. I do still overthink the words a bit (maybe? writing is ABOUT overthinking words, isn't it? so it's probably fine?), and I'm sure nobody else cares whether I do this or not but I do stop and spend several minutes going "I need a word that starts with this letter and it has this many syllables and ideally ends in a sound like this one." Because it's a poem! Except not!
I also like alliteration and puns! And using words that kind of rhyme but they also don't! I have also got better at smut in terms of it's now a lot easier for the reader to work out who's put what where due me being less vague and more willing to just call a cunt a cunt. :D
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
The characters! That's the whole point of fanfic for me, as I am not vastly into worldbuilding stuff generally. As a general rule I won't a write a character into a fic if I can't 'hear' their voice in my head. (Possibly wrongly, I tend to consider canon characterisation work 'good' or not based on how quickly I feel like I can replicate the character's voices myself.) And when reading fic the thing most likely to put me off is if the characters don't sound like themselves. They can do things that seem a bit odd for them, or extreme, but they have to sound like themselves while they're doing them.
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
I have done this one here earlier :)
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
The next chapter of what I lazily refer to on tumblr as 'The AU' is part 5 but after THAT it's chapter 6 which is where the murdering starts! I have vastly oversold the murdering aspect of this fic (at least in terms of the number of murders) but I do feel like this is where things finally start to kick off. This particular murdery bit is actually what I was referring to here when I said things had gone a bit darker than intended.
It's entirely possible that half the readers will just nope out of the story once the killing starts but that's a them problem not a me problem, and if people can't appreciate a spot of surprisingly-romantic murder then... well they're probably very well-adjusted members of society, now that I think about it?
And also I like the last line of the entire fic. I wrote that bit months ago and I still like it, and I think that's a good sign. The final scene sets out how things stand now that [SPOILER], and various people feel emotions about various things, and then I just sort of... do this face: 😉 Not me myself, obviously, but like. The story. If the story had eyes and a face. (Nobody is allowed to say they're disappointed when they get to that last line, btw. You all have to pretend you think it was really good and a wise choice on my part. You're also not allowed to ask what happens after that, because I'm not letting this thing get any longer than it already has to be.)
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jestiamy · 1 year
here i put off doing this. way too long
💭 ✈️ 🎮 (video gamesfor. undertale ocs in particular but i dont care)🖊️💍
❤️ 🤍 💔 💘🧡 💚 💙 💜 🖤 (i thought all of the hearts were pretty cool/hj)
🍝 🍦 🍔
😊 🤔 🧐 🤩 (starry eyes for. venera)😥 😓 😞 (😞 for. undertale ocs in particular)🤒 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
i want. venera and your. undertale ocs(more specific the ones u sent in the oc channel that one time ever)(i thought the one on the far left was cool but. all of them) and just to be silly throw in an. oc you barely talk about because why not.
this is for the. oc emoji stuff or whatever if u forgor(its been several days and ive been putting it off)
also would you like for me to put the. definitions next to the emojis(i would. prefer if you did this for me because i always forget btw) or liek. u dont care. or wyateverf.
I am fine ever with you not putting the things next to the emojis (I just open a separate tab and copy and paste the questions over) but I can definitely do that for you ya ++ edit like. almost at the end (currently on thinking emoji). I fully misread the part about venera and undertale ocs the first few times so I've just been doing random guys plus venera and the occasional undertale oc. genuinely my bad. my reading comprehension is not. especially good today. the rest will be. venera and undertale guy focused solely and stuff
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
I actually just end up giving almost all of my ocs a shuffle of intp/istp/intj ; the only outlier I have is. where I do the same thing except it's entp/estp/entj for more outgoing characters. the reason for this is because I've taken this test like three times and I got 50/50 split on intp/istp and I took it again recently and got 50/50 on intp/intj and I only know anything about those ones ; everything else (ennegram/other) I. don't know
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
all of my ocs are. homely people. though a select few (makya and venera and. probably someone else I'm forgetting) are very not
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Light likes reading, Jianwei likes theater and other related art forms when he can manage the money for it, and Gamma. apparently wanders up mountains. (they like gardening)
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
Rana (twst oc) actually does have one but. only one. a claw one on his back. otherwise Makya has a few (mostly skulls and clouds and whatever) but only in that au that's set like. I think ten years post canon. before that he was too busy living in the literal 1950s and then being cursed to bother. oh and light has those cracks on their bones ; but that's less tattoo and more. cracks on their bones.
💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
Jianwei has ear ones, Makya has. a lot (one on lip, three on ears, two near eyebrow[one above one below]), and probably more I'm. forgetting. but I think most don't really tend to give them very often.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
I can't. really think of any (too large of a selection to chose from) ; though. I mean a good plus for all of them is that so far none of them has ever eaten a person. that's like, so cool and positive of them right
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
Percei (other twst oc) technically is half eldritch abomination/parasite-trying-to-achieve-symbiosis-but-oh-my-god-that-isn't-how-science-works. it's only morally questionable because Percei's other half is like, full 14 year old boy dying slowly because of that. they both know and are totally okay with it but. definitely questionable. / Venera. is really secretive. which isn't really a big deal outside of the antag!au and even then in the antagonist au it's less "keeping secrets because I keep secrets" and more "if I do not lie I will be potentially put in extreme danger" so it's. definitely a trait. / Light. tends to disengage mid conversation sometimes to answer the little voice guys in their head. this interrupts many conversations. they do not feel keen to stop this. though in serious situations they can and will ignore the voice guys in their head until they are no longer in peril.
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
Jianwei would sell your kidney for you without telling you if he thought he would get enough money out of it / Percei is a walking murder. like literally. he is dying perpetually / Rana holds a lot of repressed anger. he is so angry. he tries to funnels this into enthusiasm, but he is not very good at it so he's just kind of. pissed off. but he smiles very tensely during that.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
most of my ocs have the typical 'friends and family thing' - though antagonist venera is the only one with a specific person they are like. fully attached to. no one else.
🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends?
makya would prefer family, but. he accidentally chose friends when it came down to it anyway. jianwei firmly prioritizes family. venera prioritizes family - though it's not really their choice (think: shapeshifter family. not. nuclear.) if she was allowed to chose it'd probably be friends. light prioritizes family they chose - which technically could count under friends. gamma prioritizes friends. rana prioritizes friends. percei prioritizes family, though it depends (rana ranks above distant family in percei's eyes, but his parents and rana are sort of on equal grounds of importance to him.) hong prioritizes family. he once prioritized friends. he no longer thinks that way. ch'en prioritizes family - though he sees them more in a typical found family light then the shapeshifter type family. gongdai prioritizes family. I could go on but I ran out of names
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
I don't really think about it - only major exceptions are Light (zalgo and arial), Makya (fluent english & russian, conversational german and french, somewhat okay italian), Rana & Percei (fluent common, shockingly good old trade, and native nothern rosen)
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
I have said it before but. all of them are inside people except makya, jianwei, and venera.
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
Venera can do some pretty heavy illusion work, but mostly they just use it for parlor tricks and storytelling. Haven't sorted out Rana & Percei yet but they probably could do something cool once I do. I say venera is pretty good at it, but it was hard to get to this point (they had a lot of time to practice.) and rana is average, while percei seesaws between "prodigy level good" and "astonishingly bad" depending on their health of the day
💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background?
I try not to think too hard about it. makes my head spin (I have way too much information about all of them.) the most detailed chart I've ever made on a family tree was for this one naruto oc named Itori. I charted out everything to his great great grandparents. I never want to think about it again. (I do have charts, but I refuse to do this one unless given specific characters.)
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
Okay so the first one kind of varies. I don't often let my ocs explicitly kill people, but it's definitely happened at least once for most of them (makya was a very. infamous? mercenary? sort of. he was in a group of mercenaries but he wasn't really known for his work. he moved on to mafia work after being cursed) ; Jianwei had a sister once. he does not have a sister anymore. she's not really dead in any way that'd matter - but he definitely doesn't claim himself as her family now. it'd be kind of a dick move to after everything and whatever, anyways. [he counts for both of the last ones]
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
Sirik likes lasagna. this is the only thing that comes to mind (I don't often think about ocs favourite foods. and also I've been at this for like fifty minutes now)
🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc's favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
Jianwei likes mint chocolate chip, Venera likes chocolate though he likes trying weird flavours if he kind find them, Makya likes cookies and cream, Sirik likes neapolitan, and. I don't know. Karius likes rainbow sherbert.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
I honestly forget there's a difference between the two. Anyways, Makya is good at cooking but awful at baking comparatively, Sirik can bake but sucks at cooking, Rana can do both but it's really hard to convince him to try, Percei can do neither but is willing to try if asked, and Karius can do both - but needs to be carefully talked down from attempting to do so very often. he tries very 'adventurous' combinations that taste genuinely awful.
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
jianwei varies between conman, sad guy, and that one homeless guy that sleeps on playgrounds and trees sometimes. he generally tries to take it a day at a time - big picture thinking stresses him out. he mostly wants to just get a roof over his head right about now, I'd imagine
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
jianwei stares forlornly into the distance a lot. this is just his default facial expression. he has no idea he does this. antagonist v has trouble understanding what is and is not edible sometimes (??? why keep fake fruit on a table?? it's fruit. in a fruit bowl. why is this not edible?????) ; I'd share more fun facts but. my eyes are kind of starting to hurt. I've been looking at this tumblr box for an hour now.
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional?
v is more logic driven by emotion ; antag!v is more emotion driven by emotion. sirik is emotion driven by logic. karius is logic driven by logic.
🤩 FACE WITH STARRY EYES — is your oc a planner, or are they more spontaneous in their actions?
venera is a planner but only in the short term, and only so they can hold up the fact they tend to be spontaneous if they can get away with it. antagonist venera is a planner, but only to hold up the fact they have no idea what they're doing or what's going on at any moment of the day
😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool?
Venera keeps their cool really easily - but most of antagonist venera's like entire personality is being stressed. their face tends to hide that though (resting face is very. 'super evil' aligned. they do not know it does this.) sirik is prone to being stressed easily too and doesn't really hide it - karius is also stressed, but unlike sirik, very tries to hide it. he mostly succeeds too.
😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?
venera is open minded, but prefers to keep to themselves unless pushed otherwise. (see: the literal fucking ancient tomb they have in their room they've never once tried to decipher. if someone went "hey, venera, what does this book in ancient greek say." they'd probably find a reason to try) ; karius is. very stubborn. though he's naturally inquisitive he tries to curb that because. that's not really the best stance to have in his world and whatever
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
Light attracts others - they at first generally preferred to be alone but. the giant void of darkness really tends to change perspective. they no longer like being alone.
🤒 FACE WITH THERMOMETER — does your oc get sick easily?
venera gets sick all of the time. they don't really show that unless it's really bad though. inversely, antagonist venera actually has a really good immune system - though they tend not to cause a scene if it's really bad, they'll get all annoying if it's like a common cold or something.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
Venera has the rest of their little shapeshifter clan guys. Antagonist Venera has Macaque (which. probably counts?). Sirik has Karius. Karius as Sirik. Light has the void (and that melty guy in it). Gamma has. Omicron. probably.
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wswe-autism-fic · 11 months
seeing as ive already given my opinions on the entire mario timeline, i may as well do sonic. no, it will not be as in depth. why? because oh my god have you ever tried piecing together the sonic timeline??? dont.
basically, i believe most alternate universes to be canon. and by the way, if its an au i havent enjoyed, im not counting it lmao.
classic games!!!
i like the generations version of things, where the classic games are when they're all younger. i'd say sonic's probably about 12, tails 5, knuckles 13 and amy 11. robotnik can be about mid to late 30s at this point and i cant be bothered with any other characters lmao
and before someone goes 'bit odd that sonic's eye colour changed lmao' ik but like it reminds me of my brother. he had the same colour eyes as me when he was a baby (really dark brown) but now his eyes are hazel (or, as my dad calls it, 'autumn'). i also like how the only reason they specifically chose green was for green hill zone. i think that's really sweet.
i also like to think the OK KO crossover happened about here, if not, very early on in the modern games. maybe sonic underground??? actually, no, i dont think sonic underground could be canon.
modern games!!!
the modern games happen in the order that they happen in. dont ask me about the weird bit. actually, just dont ask at all - nobody knows what to do with this bit. im also counting the idw comics as modern games seeing as they're apparently canon now? yeah idk either.
as for fleetway, archie and any other comics i cant think of, i havent read them, i dont know.
for the ages, generally, sonic's 15, tails 8, all canon ages, yada yada EXCEPT for amy. i dont like amy being 12, so in my head she is 14. i dont even ship sonamy, just the entire thing of her being 12 when sonic is 15 and those two being probably the most canon sonic ship out there that isn't technically canon (STOBOTNIK DOES NOT COUNT JUST IN CASE IN THE FUTURE ITS EVEN MORE EXPLICIT) really makes me feel grossed out.
oh yeah and seeing as he doesnt have a canon age, robotnik is vaguely 40.
post-timeline stuff!!!
this is mostly where actual theory comes into play, because before this point its like, yeah? we knew that? i get that sonic boom is an alternate universe, but i... i like sonic boom. i like it a lot. so it's canon in my eyes. tbf they do all look and act much older, so i'd imagine boom is a future where they're all adults. as of posting this, sticks has only just been made canon, with that mention in frontiers, so if she really does end up in any mainline games, they just happen before this. probably. i dunno, maybe they'll ruin this entire portion.
i think that robotnik is probably late 40s, early 50s by this point, and tbf i think the main cast overall is only rough suggestions, because i could imagine sonic boom happening over the course of a few years. sonic is probably about 19-25, knuckles 19-26, amy 17-24, tails 11-15, and im pretty sure sticks is about knuckles' age canonically? so we'll say she's 19-25.
i get that shadow is 50 and whatnot, probably about 55-60 at this point, but i generally think he's like, a few months older than sonic if we're going based on why we count age (experience and stuff), so probably 19-26, like knuckles.
this is where i think most crossovers take place: mario & sonic, all the weird sega sports games from the late 2000s to mid 2010s (im looking at you, sega all stars tennis/sonic and sega all stars racing (but specifically for the wii (because thats the best version))), stuff like that. with the mario timeline, i said most crossovers aren't canon, but with sonic, anything is possible! because of that, the only crossover than comes to mind that definitely wouldn't be canon is smash, and thats because smash is canonically a kid playing with their toys.
the bit where i lose my mind (aGAIN OMG THIS HAPPENED WITH MARIO)!!!
anyway, this is the bit that couldnt possibly be canon. or hell, maybe it could, the sonic lore is never logical. basically, if you havent read the mario theory, i ended up linking it to undertale, saying that undertale is basically the future of mario, at least for my favourite characters, wario and waluigi. this is like that.
hear me out:
my hero academia?
i'm sorry, but i cant help but think mha is like sonic now. its definitely more of a stretch than undertale and mario, so this one i count as being less reliable, but like... yk how shadow in every tv show has to beat tails to a pulp? shadow is bakugo and tails is deku. as for rouge, rouge is transmasc legend, kirishima. idk who omega is, but tbf he doesnt have a life, so maybe thats why.
and sonic is like all might! and knuckles is like kirishima again! but knuckles can also be iida, if he likes! and amy is uraraka! and i need therapy!
sorry. again. im very sorry. i formally apologise. i could never make this up to you. sorry.
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Love Delivered To Your Doorstep
Tumblr media
Evan Buckley x Reader
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of cheating, break ups and killing/serial killers. (<in a joking context) 
Category: fluff for the most part. 
Word Count: 3.9k
Author’s Note: Doesn’t follow canon, it has a little of buck begins in there but it doesn't follow a strict timeline. It also is written like Buck moves to LA and has his apartment from the moment he moves there while trying to figure out what he wants to do. 
Texting and calling was never your choice method of communication. 
Letters had always been more of your thing. 
Truthfully, they hadn't been your thing until your boyfriend moved halfway across the country for university. The two of you met in high school, freshman year and became inseparable since. Growing together and promising to always love each other no matter what -you always knew that couldn't be true but it never stopped you from telling him. 
When he told you that he was going to be applying to UCLA during your senior year of high school, it came as a bit of a shock to you. The plan was always going to college together, get engaged when you were done school and then married with a house by 30. 
You held out the hope of that being possible until the day he showed you his acceptance letter. 
You were incredibly proud of him but it was real now, he was leaving. 
You watched him pack up his entire life and uproot himself from New York and moved across the country. You sent the first letter to him at what was supposed to be his apartment. 
September 30th.
‘Hi baby! 
Just writing to see how you're settling in. How’s UCLA ? Have you gotten a chance to go around and get to see the place ? I know you’re there for school but you've got to live a little too. Hope your neighbours are sweet, your mom told me it’s a pretty nice place and it’s got a good view, sounds like your type of place. Hopefully I can come visit you soon. 
I started my classes last week. My chem professor is a pain in my ass already, he expects us to read an entire textbook in a week - well not exactly an entire textbook but you get the point. My biology professor is a sweetheart, she showed us pictures of her kids and talked about them for an hour, I didn't realize being a mother was so interesting but she was cool. Also showed us a video of an appendectomy that one of her colleagues performed last week. How are your classes and professors ? 
Did I mention I bumped into Sam at the grocery store ? Yeah, he’s back and he’s not fine to tell you the truth. He seemed like he was ready to snap but that might just be my judgment. He said to tell you hello if I spoke to you so- hello :) 
I’m going to sign off here, I know this one is short but I don’t have much to update you on. Life’s been pretty dull without you. Hope you’re having fun out there, soaking up the sun for me.
Write me back soon, I love you. 
Yours always, y/n’
You mailed the letter the next day, a few weeks had passed before you received a letter back. Except this letter had a different sender name but the same address.
October 22nd. 
‘Hi y/n,
This isn't your boyfriend. (I'm assuming that’s who you're writing too based on the context of the letter) I’m Evan, I live in the apartment you thought belonged to your boyfriend or maybe you got the address wrong, I’m not sure.  I know you were waiting for an update on all these exciting things that are happening at UCLA. I do not go to UCLA nor can I update you in anything exciting that’s happening there, sorry.
Anyways, the reason I'm writing you back is because I figured you’d want to know that this isn't the correct address and the person you were looking for isn't here before you send another letter and get no response. I was debating if I should have even written you back, but here I am, writing you back. 
Your professor for chem seems like an ass to be honest (hope that’s not rude) and your biology professor sounds great, is she hot by the way ? because bonus points for that. Anyways, are you studying medicine ? I'm guessing yes because of the classes you're taking. I'm thinking of signing up to become a first responder but I haven’t decided yet on what yet or if I'm actually going to do it. Anyways, good luck on your classes and the shitty chem professor. 
Hope you find your boyfriend (again, assuming) 
Peace out, 
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. How could the letter you sent to your boyfriend’s apartment belong to someone else ? Why was there someone else living in his apartment ? You dug through your apartment, searching for the paper he left you with the address, you finally found it buried in a drawer.
The address on the paper was identical to the one that Evan sent to you and to the one you sent prior to that. Either your boyfriend was lying or you were losing your mind. 
November 4th. 
‘Dear Evan, 
I'm sorry that I sent the first letter to you and as you guessed, I was looking for my boyfriend who seems to be a bit MIA right now. His mother says that’s the right address and the place that she helped him move into. So I'm not really sure what’s happening there. Anyways, sorry for unloading all of that on you. 
To answer your question, yes, I am studying medicine and no, she isn't hot. My bio professor is a 65 year old woman who loves her college aged kids very much. If that’s your definition of hot, then yes - she's got milf status
Have you decided yet if you’re going to sign up to be a first responder ? That’d be pretty cool. Imagine all the girls swoon over you and how many girls you’d pick up just for being a paramedic or a firefighter. 
Wait, are you into girls ? Or guys ? You know, whoever you're into, just imagine how many of them you’d pick up. 
Also, you’re not a murderer or anything right ? because I rather not answer questions when the police come asking about why I've been sending letters to a serial killer. 
Anyways, signing off for now. 
Yours always, y/n. 
ps. if you do end up bumping into or meeting a guy that looks like my boyfriend, (tall, brown hair, brown eyes. he’s got a pierced ear and a little butterfly tattoo by his collarbone- though not sure why or how you'd see his collarbone) let me know or tell him that his girlfriend is looking for him.
Double ps, what size shirt do you wear ?’
Buck laughed at your absurd question. A person he didn’t even know was asking what size shirt he wore. The letter was set on the coffee table with the rest of the mail, getting buried under all of the stuff he had on there. It was almost the end of December when he realized that he hadn't written you back yet. 
December 21st. 
‘Hey y/n, 
Sorry I've taken so long to get back to you. Things have been hectic over here. I’ve been doing some ‘soul-searching’ - I guess you could call it that and honestly, I don’t think if this whole first responders thing is for me. 
I tried out bartending or well, the technical term is mixologist and I’m liking it so far, I think i’m going to stick with it for now. 
How have you been ? How’s school ? Surely, you’re on break for the holidays right about now or at least when you get this letter. I hope that you're spending the break doing something fun. 
I’m not going to make this very long, I’m sure you’ve been busy with whatever you’re doing right now. 
Also, I’ve been meaning to ask. Have you located the mysteriously disappearing boyfriend yet ? I haven't seen anyone that fit your description. 
well, that’s not true- I did and just to be sure I asked to see his collarbone, he looked at me like I was a mad man so I guess it wasn't him ? 
Anyways, I hope you have a good holiday and you're probably gonna get this sometime between holidays, so merry belated (?) Christmas and happy New Years y/n. 
Peace out, 
ps. medium or large, depending on what it is. Hopefully that answers your question weirdo.’
January 13th. 
The morning of the 13th, he went down to check his mail. A box was there with his name on it, the return address was one he had only seen on an envelope. The box returned upstairs with him, setting it on the counter before opening it. 
Upon opening it, there was a letter and some colourful tissue paper with what seemed like a sweater under it. He opened the letter first.
‘Dear Evan, 
Happy New Years! How was your holiday going ? Did you do anything fun ? 
I’ve been good and school is good too, I'm almost done my first year, isn't that crazy ? Just a few more months to go. 
How’s your job as mr. mixologist going ? I'm sure you’ve met some wild people and heard some interesting stories. 
As for the boyfriend situation, that's over. I’m not surprised to tell you the truth but it still kinda sucks. Anyways, so what happened was that his older brother had come home from college last year and brought a friend with him. She went to the same school as his brother but transferred to UCLA- anyways long story short, they hooked up while he and I were still together and he moved in with her after his mom helped him move into the apartment I thought he had. 
But! I’m single and chilling now so it’s all good. (bonus, she cheated on him and left him so yeah) 
I got you a little something for Christmas and as a “sorry for unloading all my boyfriend drama on you” present. I was in the gift shop and it made me think of you. Do you celebrate Christmas? I forgot to check oops. If you don't, count it as a just a “sorry for unloading all my boyfriend drama on you” present? 
I got a large because I wasn't sure if it would fit. I hope you like it. That’s all for now.
Yours always, y/n.’
He unwrapped the tissue paper to see a blue sweater with the letters NYU on it. He smiled, he assumed that’s where you went. It was sweet that you took the time to get him something, even if it was a by the way thing. Not a lot of people would send something to a person they had been talking to via letters and halfway across the country. 
February 12th. 
2 days before Valentine's Day, your least favourite holiday of the year. You weren't looking forward to watching all your friends going on with their boyfriends and girlfriends. The mail had arrived while you were out, you picked it up and headed in. There were two envelopes with your name on it,  a plain white one and a red one. The red envelope was more squared than rectangular, you assumed it was a card- both had the same sender name. 
‘Hey y/n!
Thank you for the sweater, it was nice of you to think of me and get me something. I didn’t know we were doing gifts or I would have sent you something as well and yes, I do celebrate Christmas. 
My job as ‘mr. mixologist’ was going well until I quit. It just didn’t feel like the right fit for me you know ? I'm going to see what else is out there for me. 
Sorry to hear about your boyfriend, he seems like a douche. Who would cheat on you ? You seem great I mean at least you are on paper (did you get my joke, it’s hard to tell) 
Also, remember how I was thinking I might actually give that first responder thing a try? Imagine me as a firefighter, that’s pretty cool right ? 
So I kinda did a thing and signed up and then I got in. I started two weeks ago and it was kicking my ass at first but I've gotten a hang of it and things are going pretty well. There's three other Evans in my class so everyone calls me Buck-I kind of like it. 
The other envelope, hopefully you opened this one first, is a little something for you for valentines. Hope you like it. 
Peace out, 
The red envelope was on your lap, you pulled the edges carefully not wanting to rip it. Inside was a plain white card with bright red letters that made you laugh. The cover read ‘I’m not sick of you yet!” Opening the card, a $20 fell onto your lap. There was a little message inside that went along with the cash. 
‘Since we aren't together and can’t spend valentines together, there’s some cash to get yourself a box of chocolates and a teddy bear. Happy Valentines Day y/n
Love, Buck.’ 
You smile, this was the first time that Buck had signed with ‘love, buck’ it had always been ‘peace out, buck.’ You tucked the card into the drawer, one you didn’t use very often so you knew it’d be safe there. 
*4 years later*
A few weeks had passed since Buck had last heard from y/n. His last letter to her was at the end of June, telling her all about the day he had spent at Hen and Karen’s. He always described every little detail so vividly that it made her feel like she was there with him- but it was now July, end of actually and moving into August. 
4 years had blown like nothing.
It felt like just yesterday he got the first letter in the mail. 4 years and they still had no idea what each other looked like but they knew every intricate and intimate detail about each other, their lives and the people in it. 
Y/n and Buck had grown rather close over the last few months- more than they already were. Y/n just went through a pretty shitty break up and Buck wasn't exactly big on relationships as of right now. 
He had just gotten home from work, his keys set on the counter when he realized that he forgot to check his mail. Stepping back out, there was a woman in the hallway and boxes scattered across her, leading into the apartment down the hall. 
She must be his new neighbour.
He wanted to go over and introduce himself but she was busy telling the movers where to set her couch so he decided that he would check the mail and then introduce himself when he returned so he did just that. 
Except, she was still busy. 
She leaned against the wall, watching the movers move what looked like a coffee table. She glanced up to see Buck walking by, she smiled and he returned the smile. 
Buck reaches his apartment, the mail in hand and steps in. He sorts through the pile, bills, ads, coupons and no letter from y/n. 
Your new apartment was a mess. You decided it was time for a change. You applied to a few hospitals after your break up and the one in LA hired you. So you dropped everything and moved- no family, no ties. 
A fresh start. 
It was a nice neighbourhood and the building was quiet. The neighbours you met were pleasant and welcoming. When you were having the furniture moved in, there was a blonde man who smiled at you and you assumed he lived in the unit down the hall because that’s where he stepped into. 
It was almost 11pm when you finally sat down. You had been on your feet all day and just wanted to eat something. The box with the dishes was beside the couch, you pulled the tape off and opened it. There was an envelope sitting on top of the stack of plates. 
Buck’s last letter to you. 
You must have tossed it into the boxes while packing and you forgot to write him back. Tumbling through the boxes, you find a sheet of paper and a pen from your bag. Sitting on the floor, the paper resting on an unopened box, you begin writing. 
‘Dear Buck, 
I’m sorry I've taken so long to get back to you. I quit my job, and uprooted my entire life. The break up sucked major ass as you know, so I decided it was time for a change. 
Guess where I decided to go ? 
Did you guess yet? 
No, not Canada, why would you guess Canada ? 
Yeah, isn't that crazy that I ended up here of all places? Maybe we could get together one day (if you haven’t turned into a crazy serial killer that is.) 
Anyways, that’s why I've taken so long to write. I was packing when I got your letter and I tossed it in a box and just found it again. Anyways, I hope you’ve been good, how have things been at the station ? 
I promise I'll write again with more details soon, I just have to get settled in first. 
Yours always, y/n.’ 
Folding the paper, you slipped into an envelope. The address being scribbled into the back of the envelope. You were about to seal it when the building number caught your eye. 
It was the same number as the place you moved into. The same address, the building number, the same floor. 
The unit number was the only difference. 
There was no way you moved into the building that Buck lived in. 
You knew the address felt familiar when you saw the listing but you didn’t think anything of it nor did it occur to you that you knew the address. 
Stepping out of your apartment, looking at the number on the room and back down at the envelope in your hand. Buck’s apartment was down the hall. 
Part of you just wanted to mail it and keep things as it was but another part of you wanted to meet him, to see what he was really like in person. So there you were walking down the hallway at a quarter past 11 in the dead of the night to meet a man you had been sending letters to for the last 4 years. 
The end of the hallway, you stared at the black wooden door in front of you. Your brain weighing the options right now: he’s a sweetheart and welcoming and makes you feel comfortable or he’s a weird guy who’s been lying to you this whole time and you told him everything about you and now he’s going to kill you. 
Before you could register what you were doing, you knocked on the door. 
Glancing down at yourself, you were wearing a pair of old shorts and a t-shirt from high school that you found in a drawer while packing. Not an ideal outfit, maybe he’s sleeping and you can go home and change- the door opened, a man wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt stood there. He looked like he had just woken up. 
“Sorry, did I wake you?” 
“It's alright,” he yawned, his hand covering his mouth as he blinked away a few tears. “What can I do for you ?” he leaned against the door. 
“Um, this is an odd question-” you shifted, glancing down at the envelope in your hand. “Are you Buck ?” 
“I am, who are you ?” 
You had never seen a man wake up that fast, he seemed surprised, confused and concerned all in one. “How- uh, are you- What ?” he mumbled. 
“I found your letter in the box after I moved, I moved into the apartment down the hall” you point to your left, Buck sticks his head out of the doorway and looks at the door you were pointing to. You were the woman in the hallway that he saw earlier, he knew you looked familiar. 
“I just wrote your letter and I noticed that the addresses were the same, just a different unit number so I decided to come check. Sorry if I bothered you, we can talk another day- it’s late and you probably have work” “Would you like to come in?” he opens the door a bit more, looking to you for an answer. 
“Um, okay sure.” stepping in, you can’t help but glance around. The apartment was similar to yours, the layout was a bit different though. “Can I get you something to drink ? Coffee, water ? A beer ?” he rounded the kitchen counter, you took a seat on one of the chairs by the counter. 
“Water’s fine, thanks” 
He reached for a bottle from the fridge, sliding it over to you. You gave him a smile, he leaned against the counter and was now looking- studying you. 
“I know we’ve talked to each other for 4 years but this is kinda strange” you chuckled awkwardly, Buck can't help but smile. 
“Yeah, it is, isn't it? but can I ask why you moved to LA?” 
“Well all of that was in the letter” you slide the envelope across the counter and he picks it up, opening it. Giving him a few moments to read, you watch his expression like you were hoping for some insight as to how he was feeling or what he was thinking. He let out a laugh, “how’d you know I'd guess Canada ?” you smiled at him, a small wave of relief washing over you for some reason. “Lucky guess I suppose” 
“Do you-” “What are-” the sentences cutting each other off, the two of you awkwardly smiling at each other. “You first” looking at him, he hums. 
“Do you have work tomorrow or are you busy ?” His eyes meet yours, you found yourself leaning forwards towards the counter- towards him. He made you feel comfortable, you’d go as far as to say safe, in a way you’ve never felt before. 
“No, I don't start until the 21st. Why ?” 
“I was thinking - if you're not busy and if you want to, of course. Maybe I could take you out for breakfast and I could show you around ? Or lunch or dinner ? Whatever works for you actually” he rambles, fiddling with his fingers to avoid eye contact. 
A small laugh slips past your lips causing him to look up, his brows furrowed as he studies your face, looking for an answer. 
“Breakfast sounds good, what time should I be ready for ?” 
“Uh, is 10 okay ?” he asks, you nod. “I’ll be ready for 10 then.” 
“Okay, I'll pick you up” he smiles. 
“Buck, we live in the same building.” 
“Oh right,” he chuckles, “well I'll be by yours at 10 then” the two of you smiling at each other. 
taglist: @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @beth-winchester21 @fernandaweasley2 @yikesyikesyikes95 @hotchsdarling @duhbar1975 @hailsstormthings @averyhotchner  @captainxholmes @venusrosepetal @luke-alvez​ @looney-literature @caitsymichelle13​ @artemishunter18​ @anxiousblanketqueen​
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marisol993 · 3 years
For some time now I've seen, over and over again, that the Qunari in the Dragon Age Universe are apparently some kind of racist caricature of black people, muslims and other types of poc's, bipoc's, minorities, ....
From a personal perspective I never saw them as such, but since a personal view of things isn't very objective and can be skewed by ones life-experiances I was completely willing to admit, that I might have been wrong about that and had an opportunity to learn something new here.
The more I thought about it and critically examined this statement though, the less I agreed with any of it. Especially since a lot of arguments in favor of this view seemed to boil down to "this person of [insert relevant minority here] said so". I.e. another "personal viewpoint".
So let's get into a critical analysis of the Qunari and why I think that they are so very far removed from any kind of "minorty" (from a western point of view) coding that you couldn't even see it with the power of the Hubble and James Webb space-telescopes combined:
First of all, who are the Qunari? The Qunari are tall, medium to heavily built, horned (or unhorned, if you only played Origins) humanoids, that come in varying shades of grey skin, with whiteish hair. They are more intensly sexually dimorphic than the Dwarves, Elves and Humans of Thedas, with the males being sometimes nearly twice as wide (especially in the shoulders) and much more muscled than the females. They call themselves the Qunari as they are followers of the Qun (their guide to life and society), though the word is more of an umbrella-term, since anybody of any race is called a Qunari if they "convert" to the teachings of the Qun.
Here's a picture:
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At this point some people might already remark, that the Qunari are very obviously "black-coded" since apparently nowadays any deviation from natural, real-life human skintones automatically has to mean, that the fantasy-race in question is meant to reflect black or brown people (even if they are green or bright purple), unless you literally give them a complete and utterly snow-white skintone. If that is the argument you want to go with, I would like to redirect your eyes to the picture above, as it already disproves this. As it is shown there (and in the DA:I Character-Creator), the Qunari can come in a complete spectrum of skintones (from very light grey to nearly ebony), just like all the different races of Thedas (even the dwarves for some reason, which doesn't make much sense for a race that lived underground for most of their history, but what can you do..). This basically means, that yes there are dark-skinned (or "black") Qunari, but there are also those that could be better described as "light-skinned", so the coding-qualifier goes away.
Then there are the people, who might want to say, that because they are tall and "burly", together with the unnatural skintone makes them "black-coded" which is something I never really understood, since the tallest people in the world by ethnicity are the Dutch and if you look at heights in correlation with body-weight the Russians take first place. Both countries not really know for their large populations of darkskinned-humanoids. Another coding-qualifier that goes away.
And then there are the people (who I would seriously suggest should maybe review their own "racial" views, if "black and brown people" is the first thing they think about when it comes to this), who say, that they are a stereotype of the "savages and natives", which is something that is actively contradicted in canon. One of the most prominent traits of the Qunari is that they are efficiant to a T, use every resorce at the disposal to it's maximum (including their people) and that they are more technically and scientifically advanced than many other race in Thedas (except maybe the dwarves) . This is shown through their mastery of gunpowder (which they call gaatlok) and the fact that they can use chemicals and drugs to literally warp the mind of people without needing magic. They are in no way presented as "savage" and if they are named such, it's usually by people who they are actively at war with, who want to insult them. They are also not "natives" of Thedas. Even their so called "homeland" in Thedas, which is called Par Vollen, was colonised by them, when they landed at it's shores in 6:30 Steel-Age and started converting the original population of Tevinter humans and elves, with whom they have been at war with ever since. Let me say that again: The Qunari are active colonisers and at war with the Tevinter-Imperium, who's people are the original population of the land. Not exactly a typical "native or black" stereotype in western media.
So who do I think the Qunari are actually modeled after?
Well let's summarise:
The Qunari came from across the ocean in their ships filled with cannons and guns, to colonise the land and convert the native population towards their beliefs. They are currently fighting a war against the Tevinter-Imperium, an old and powerful empire, that engages in widespread slavery and practices blood-magic by sacrificing said slaves, sometimes also to one of their many gods.
(If you can't guess who I think they are supposed to be modeled after by now, I would recommend to maybe picking up a 7th-grade history textbook again)
Yes, you can make a very strong case for the Qunari actually being these guys:
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The Conquistadors (heck, if you cross out a few letters you can even anagram the word "Qunari" out of the word Conquistador). Who also came from across the sea with ships, cannons and guns to colonise the land (south- and middle-america) and convert the native population (to christianity) and fought an ancient and powerful empire with slaves and blood-sacrifices (the Aztec-Kingdoms).
So after pissing of one half of tumblr with that, let's start with the other half by talking about the apparent "muslim-coding" and how I disagree with that too.
Let's start with a rough definition of what a muslim is and how I think that that alone shows how the Qunari are in no way coded to be them:
I would define a muslim as somebody who is an active member of the religion of Islam. Islam is defined by it's holybook (the Qur'An), which was revealed to the prophet Muhammad by an all-knowing and omnipresent abrahamic god.
This in and of itself basically already disqualifies the Qunari from being "muslim-coded" since first and foremost the Qunari are not a religion. They do not have a god and they don't pray to any, the Qun is not a "holy-book" and Ashkaari Koslun (the guy who wrote it) was not a prophet, who wrote down the word of god, but a philosopher who basically crafted a "guide to life and society" with his works.
If you really wanted to find something that is slightly "muslim-coded" in the world of Thedas, you might actually have more luck with the chantry-stuff, since they do have a prophet (Andraste) who could talk to god (the Maker), they have a holy book based of her teachings (the Chant of Light) and they believe that the whole world should follow those teachings, so god will return to them (singing the Chant from all four corners of the world). They even have their own flavour of jihadist religious warfare with the Exhalted Marches (though all in all I do think that the Chantry can be better viewed as a take on christian religions since the split between the Imperial Chantry and the original one is similar to the split of the (western) christian church into catholics and protestants).
So what do I think is a better representation for the Qun in the real world?
Well lets look at it in the simplest way possible that the canon gives us:
The Qun is a guide for the life of the Qunari (the people of the Qun) that ecompasses everything from laws, legislative guides, too how society should be struktured and how everyone has to fit into and function in that society, from the most mundane and simplest tasks and jobs to it's highest administrative bodies. Everyone in this society is evaluated, so that they can be put into a position that is best suited to them and their skill-sets. There they will then each work according to their abilities and each be provided for according to their needs (see what I did there). Yes, the Qun can in my opinion be best described as a take on an authoritarian-socialist guide to life, written by somebody with a similar philosophie as Karl Marx.
So all in all, I don't think that the Qunari are in any way black-, brown-, bipoc- or muslim-coded, but a fantasy take on the Conquistadors, if instead of a bible they had all carried around "A Guide to Life, Luck and Community, written by Karl Marx (during one of his more productive weekends)", visually represented by giant Minotaur-People of many colours.
Also I find this obsession with finding every and any kind of reflexion of our real world in some random fantasy setting, by people who are most of the time actively looking to get offended by at least something and mostly every- and anything, quite contrived most of the time and that the day people on tumblr learned the word "codeing" a significant part of the internets critical-thinking skills and will just shrivelled up and died.
Thank you for coming to my TED-talk.
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asexualzoro · 4 years
list of reasons i find Brook ridiculous
for brook’s birthday, ive decided to follow up my other two posts of this genre by dragging yet another idiot swordsman. i have everybrook open on my phone next to me. here we go
- first and foremost his most ridiculous crime is existing. as he’s already so ridiculous as a character, im going to talk only about things hes done
- i want to know, did Brook make a conscious effort to change his laugh to sound like his favorite song? how long did it take? what was the in between period like? what did his crew have to say about this? the rumbar pirates were big on playful teasing, did they let Brook live this down? 
- ALTERNATIVELY: was brook’s laugh already like that? is that why bink’s sake is his favorite song? is that why it was York’s favorite-- oh we only made it two bullet points before i made myself sad
- relatedly i cannot make fun of anything Brook did in his backstory it will make me too sad. hes spared for now
- i DO want to say from a writing standpoint its so fucking ridiculous to me that he mentions twice being a convoy captain in the past and it never comes up again. oda?? why even bother to include something that cool if you weren't even going to do anything with it?? you could have said hes just always been a pirate but no. oda?? oda
- there was that bit where a bunch of people thought Brook was satan and addressed him as such (i think Satan-sama in the original, and the translation i read was like... Lord Satan or Lord Demon or something). not only did Brook never correct them, but he also ran with it and later used this case of mistaken identity as a reason to threaten to eat a man’s heart 
- also both men and women were showing him their underwear in that bit. bi rights
- those satanists let Brook get kidnapped while saying they would try to summon him back. do you think they're still at it
- Brook is older than... basically every old man in the series. Garp, Whitebeard, Rayleigh... all of them. something about that is so weird to me and i cannot place why
- Brook has seen and can prove the existence of an afterlife in One Piece canon and its then never addressed again
- Brook missed so many huge events while being dead. im looking at a timeline rn and these include the obvious, like, roger’s execution and subsequent effect on in-world culture and society and whatever. but also things like the destruction of ohara (which was in his home sea), the founding of the world power known as the revolutionary army (which was about 20yrs ago), and the births of every other member of his crew. wack
- he seems to know about stuff related to the pirate king post time skip, and i wonder if thats because someone told him or he’s just playing along now. maybe he just thinks Luffy made up the term pirate king cuz it sounds cool and he wants to support his captain’s interests
- if he DID ask though, like, who did he ask? his managers? did he pull aside some fan asking for an autograph at a concert like “hey, you look like a knowledgable young lad, mind helping me out?”
- i would love to be there when someone takes the time to explain roger, the pirate king, raffle, the One Piece.... and Brook asks them “what is the One Piece?”.... and someone has to look him in the eye (...or not) and tell him “i don't know” 
- Brook has technically died of fright (his soul left his body), like... at least once? it was luffy’s fault
- Brook was an urban legend on the florian triangle and i doubt he even knows that about himself
- when they're heading to fishmen island Brook gets all scared when they encounter a possible ghost ship and Usopp slaps him
- when captured by big mom he sleeps so godamn soundly and securely that he is harder to wake up than she is and this fact nearly gets a bunch of his crew killed
- Brook is the only character i can think of who has ever broken the fourth wall. he only did it once. maybe seeing the afterlife means he now knows hes in a manga. or maybe being isolated for 50 years just made his head be not screwed on right
- speaking of, there’s a bit in WCI at the wedding where Brook is decapitated. i don't know how it goes in the anime, but in the manga like... no one is shown to have decapitated him. his head just pops off. maybe he was just having fun
- also the bit where he rips the fake face off in wci. when someone calls him gross he cries
- there’s a bit in fishmen island where Brook is trying to ask Nami if he can see her panties (disgusting bastard) and he inadvertently protects her from being dehydrated by some guy they were fighting. except the panel setup reminds me a lot of / mimics ace protecting Luffy from Akainu, and it haunts me
- speaking of bits from fishmen island that haunt me, there's a page where it’s strongly implied Brook fucked a mermaid (maybe two). i will of course include the page here
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- yeah. sorry. 
- when Brook first meets the strawhats he invites himself inside because “it’s cold out!” but he later admits in punk hazard that he cant feel cold. he was just lying
- no one introduces himself to Brook except Luffy for the entirety of thriller bark
- half related, Franky cradles Brook in his arms / carries Brook around for like a full scene in thriller bark 
- there's a link two second bit in film gold where the crew is just relaxing while they're planning for how they're going to get Zoro back and they're all shown eating burgers from pirate mcdonalds or whatever. and Brook is eating a burger and hes so messy that hes got burger on his forehead, and Franky is next to him just looking at him
- Brook also wears fake skin in that movie
- Brook has a running gag where he gets upset when things refuse to eat him and i was going to make a joke about it but im wondering if maybe hes just afraid of being left behind........ made myself sad again
- he cries when a dragon won't eat him tho
- Brook admits to reading monster hentai when talking to Sanji and Kin’emon and if i have to be burdened with knowing that so do you
- when hes trying to figure out the weakness of the zombies on thriller bark he overhears one ate a salted fish and lost its shadow and immediately assumes “oh, must have been the fish!” idiot man
- where does his sword cane go when hes not using it. it just appears. where does he store it
- there's a bit where the strawhats all use a combo attack at thriller bark and the first step is firing an electrically charged Brook in a slingshot through oars/oz. he ends up in a wall and no one ever pulls him out. i don't even think the manga shows how he got down
- enemies post time skip regularly assume Brook is dead when they manage to knock the crew out and it makes me wonder how popular of a rock star Brook actually was
- Brook goes on a mini rant to no one while they're descending to fisherman island where he wonders aloud how he sees without eyes and it makes me lose it
- this isn't Brook technically but Nekomamushi is based on a song Brook’s voice actor wrote about his cat.
- Brook literally doesn't have a brain. like i know we all know that but its so fucking funny. we make jokes about other strawhats only having one braincell or whatever but Brook straight up 100% just has a seashell where his brain is supposed to be 
-  why does he have rubber glove looking hands when hes haunting the castle at wano i fucking hate them
- relatedly, there’s a bit where Brook mentions he’s been, at kinemon’s interaction, sitting in a well for like... possibly days? is he okay
- honestly i love everything about Brook’s actions as a ghost in wano bc its so fucking funny but my FAVORITE fact is that Brook is in the wikipedia article about starving skeletons
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im leaving you with that. appreciate ur local skeleton today
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lxchara-dreemurrxl · 5 years
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Name: Chara Willows [adopted last name Dreemurr]
The name Chara is born with is changed when they fall Underground, as they wanted to start a new identity at the time. Their original first name is for the most part unknown except for themselves. The last name was changed to Dreemurr when they were adopted by the Dreemurr family.
Nickname(s): Char, though most don't really use nicknames for her. After all, their name isn't too difficult to say. There are some more threatening names, but those vary depending on the person.
Gender: Non-binary
Depending on the RP, I can use a masculine or a feminine version, but my default will be they/them unless asked for otherwise.
Age: Default age will be eight years old, but we can go older or younger depending on the roleplay. I have a few main aged Chara's I'm willing to play if requested, which I will elaborate on here.
Three: Toddler Chara. This will probably be more likely to be used if someone would like to look after the little demon. This is DEFINITELY a no romance.
Six: Little kid. Slightly more mature than three year old Chara, but still just as mischievous. They can be out on their own, but not too far from another person since they're still young. That can change depending on the plot, though. This is a no romance. Maybe some cute kindergarten crush stuff, but no kissing or anything.
Eight: My default! Canon Chara. They definitely give off quite a creepy vibe and are extremely determined and clever, though that can be used for negativity. They're more a chaotic neutral, doing what benefits them most at the time. Chara is also not the best person. They say some very mean things, simply because they don't really mind hurting someone's feeling. The truth hurts sometimes. They are also really manipulative for a kid that age. I will do some romance with this, but at most a little kiss on the cheek and handholding. Nothing nasty, this is a kid.
Twelve: More mature and slightly smarter. They know what they want and how to get it when they want it, which has earned them quite a few enemies. Chara isn't a terrible person entirely, they do have attachments to certain people, they just don't like to show it.
Twenty: Adult. Chara is definitely a lot more mature now, and is a fair bit less cruel. They still have their manipulative talents and their brutal honesty, but they don't go out of their way to hurt someone and show affection a bit better. Plus, they've found other hobbies, one of which being baking (which they aren't good at but enjoy) and photography (something they show clear talent with).
I can do other ages as well, if requested!
Weapons: Knives.
Fighting Style: Basically, slash and hit hard. There is no mercy if you strike a fight with Chara.
Friends With: Depends on RP, but usually canon friendships stand. EX: Asriel Dreemurr.
Neutral With: Depends on the RP
Enemies With: Depends, but they certainly don't have a good relationship with Sans.
Family: Toriel Dreemurr (adoptive mother), Asgore Dreemurr (adoptive father), Asriel Dreemurr (adoptive brother)
Crush(es): Depends
Relationship (dating) Status: Single
Personality Towards Humans: Distasteful, unless they've formed a positive relationship with one or two in particular. Humans are soulless, cruel people in their eyes, even though they technically are ok themselves. It's complicated.
Personality Towards Strangers: Cold and generally rude.
Personality Towards Friends: They're definitely more friendly, though they aren't good at all when it comes to expressing their care. Their mainly more joking and protective.
Personality Towards Enemies: Sickly sweet. They generally prefer to make threats and keep it looking cutesy and kind in a sinister way, but once you cross the line, they won't hesitate to cut you down.
Personality Towards Allies: It's all work and for their own benefit. Don't expect them to try and get personal with you on their own.
Personality Towards Family: Kinder. Their adoptive family was the only real family that they had ever had, so why wouldn't they care greatly for them?
Strengths: Physical attacks, mental manipulatiom
Weaknesses: ACTing or convincing others not to fight. They also struggle when it comes to resisting a fight.
Flaws: They can't back down from a fight. Ever. That tends to get them hurt.
Likes: Chocolate, flowers, knives, Toriel's awesome pie.
Dislikes: Bright lights, sickness, tight spaces, needles.
Fears: Death.
Eye Color: Crimson
Clothes: Canon outfit. Brown shorts reaching their knees, sneakers, and a green and yellow sweater with a brown undershirt.
Hair: Short and slightly wavy light brown.
Skin: Pale, almost like a ghost.
Other: Their cheeks are constantly rosy and pink. No, they aren't blushing, it's just how they look. When they get mad, though, it tends to get darker and their eyes get slightly brighter.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Items: A golden locket with a photo of them and Asriel inside, along with a knife with a leather handle and a glistening silver blade.
Chara was born in a small town near Mount Ebott. They were abandoned as a child and taken to an orphanage, where they spent most of their early childhood living among other children. They were always regarded as weird and creepy due to their sort of heartless smile and their crimson colored eyes.
They were a 'demon' to the other children.
Chara took it for a long time. The constant torment and yelling and hitting, and they rarely fought back. One day, though, the realization dawned on them. They were getting hurt because they were weak. They didn't fight back, they didn't return the hurt.
So, they started to adapt the mentality they hold now. Chara began picking fights with their tormentors within the orphanage. If they came near them, they would make threats and clever insults to scare the others off.
One day, a boy approached them and took it way too far. The things he called them made them angry beyond belief. They had taken this for so long and had even started returning some of it; hadn't anyone gotten the message? Hadn't anyone realized that Chara wasn't someone to be messed with?
They snapped.
They jumped on him, and started hitting with anything they could find.
Long story short, the guy didn't walk away from that encounter.
Chara realized shortly after their rage had vanished for the most part what they had done and the crowd that had gathered around them. They weren't going to be walking away from this if any adults caught them, were they? The kid panicked, grabbed their knife, and ran towards the only place they knew nobody would follow them.
Mount Ebbot.
The rest you know, I'd guess.
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