#acotar nessian
duskandstarlight · 3 months
When she might just come out of hiding because she’s furious about the state of Nessian in that HOFAS bonus chapter.
Will be writing to rectify it immediately. Don’t worry huns, I’ve got you and the Cassian that lived rent free and untainted in our minds.
If anyone else wants to run off into E&L land where SJM doesn’t ruin their Nessian paradise, I can assure you there is plenty of room.
@noirshadow will you still be my beta? I think it’s time to dust off my keyboard.
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lyssasdrafts · 1 month
“oh take me back to the night we met” as nessian in acowar. nesta throwing herself over his body when she thought he wasn’t going to make it and cassian’s speech about finding each other again in their next lives…
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The Wee Hours of the Morning
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Summary: In the tranquil city of Velaris, Cassian finds himself navigating the joys and challenges of first-time fatherhood with his spirited daughter, Elara. From mastering early morning rituals to decoding the secret language of baby coos and gurgles, Cassian's days are filled with tender moments and humorous trials as he and Nesta adapt to their new roles. As Elara grows and explores the world around her, Cassian learns that the heart of a warrior is not just forged in battle but in the gentlest of touches and the quietest of mornings.
No warnings necessary - just ACOTAR fluff
Cassian stood transfixed as he gazed into the little bassinet cradling the sleeping babe before him. She was snugly wrapped in a soft pink swaddle, her perfect pink lips slightly parted, emitting faint, melodic gurgles of sleep. He could lose hours watching her slumber; a rare treat as Cassian felt she rarely slept at all. She lay in serene repose, her long black lashes resting gently on her rosy cheeks, her tiny, sharp nose—an endearing echo of her mother's—completing the idyllic image of his baby girl. Carefully, he reached down to tuck the blanket snugly across her chest, a tender smile playing on his lips as he moved with deliberate gentleness to avoid waking her. At just three months old, she was a mere speck in their immortal timeline, yet these months had wrought changes in him more profound than any in his five centuries of existence. He felt as though his life had truly begun only when he first laid eyes on her. 
Cassian sighed and turned his gaze towards the open window of the nursery. A gentle breeze wafted in from the summer air of Velaris, making the linen curtains dance softly. At the slight movement of air, Elara stirred, her tiny shoulders wriggling against the snug confines of her swaddle as she kicked her legs downward. 
Under Madja's wise counsel, Nesta and Cassian had relocated Elara's bassinet to the nursery, a room conveniently adjacent to their own, just a few steps from their bed. Elara was a particularly fussy  infant, and it seemed with each passing day she reduced the already scant hours she spent asleep. Exhausted and frayed, Nesta and Cassian found themselves pacing through the house at night, endlessly rocking and soothing their newborn with gentle lullabies sung until their voices turned hoarse. The situation reached a breaking point one night during Elara’s second month when Nesta, overwhelmed by fatigue and frustration, dissolved into tears, convinced she had failed as a mother and at a loss for what she was doing wrong.
Madja had suggested that Elara's restlessness stemmed from her acute awareness of her parents’ presence; she was perhaps too attuned to their nearness to allow herself to fully relax into sleep. While Cassian initially preferred to keep her close by in their bed, Nesta was plagued by anxiety, spending entire nights watching over Elara, terrified of accidentally rolling onto her. Reluctantly, they decided to move Elara to her own room, and since then, she began sleeping in longer stretches of four to five hours. This slight but significant change had markedly improved the wellbeing of the entire family. 
This adjustment didn't mean that bedtime had ceased to be a struggle. Nesta had hoped to establish a structured sleep schedule for Elara, but it quickly became apparent that the baby was not inclined to conform to her mother's timetable. Instead, Cassian and Nesta learned to attune themselves to Elara’s subtle signals: more frequent bouts of nursing without much intake, a diminishing interest in her surroundings, her tiny, squeaky yawns, and the gentle rubbing of her eyes. And, of course, if they missed these early cues, Elara would launch into a piercing wail—a clear signal that the battle for sleep had begun in earnest, and that mom and dad were squarely in the crosshairs of her nocturnal insurgency.
Nesta and Cassian had crafted a meticulous plan, not unlike the strategic battle plans Cassian was accustomed to, to coax their baby into sleep. The routine commenced with Nesta nursing Elara in the library while reading aloud from a book—any book—for about fifteen minutes. Cassian would then take over, gently lifting Elara from her mother's arms to burp and bounce her as he roamed the library's stacks.
During this interchange, Nesta prepared a warm washcloth and laid out the swaddle in the nursery. Cassian would then join her there to change Elara, carefully wiping her down to cleanse her of the day's fatigue and gently massaging her, paying particular attention to her delicate wings to prevent them from aching. Nesta would envelop the baby in a warm towel, thoughtfully provided by the house, which seemed as attuned to their nighttime strategy as the parents themselves.
With the nursery lights dimmed and a soft lullaby lilting through the air, Cassian would swaddle Elara snugly as Nesta continued her soft serenade. If all had gone according to plan, Elara would be gently drifting off. Cassian would then pass their drowsy daughter back to Nesta, who would cradle her in the rocking chair, continuing her lullaby until Elara's eyes finally closed.
With utmost care, Nesta would then hand Elara back to Cassian for the final transfer to the bassinet, beneath which danced a tiny mobile of bats and stars. Together, they would then silently drop to the floor, knowing that any movement might rouse Elara. If she stirred, witnessing either parent might necessitate a swift move to phase two of their plan. However, on nights when the transition was seamless, which was becoming more the norm, Nesta and Cassian would stealthily army crawl out of the room, ensuring their departure went unnoticed.
Rhys and Feyre had erupted in laughter after learning about the elaborate bedtime rituals at the House of Wind. The High Lord and Lady of the Night Court had faced their own trials in getting their child to sleep when he was young, but their approach had never been as meticulously orchestrated as what Cassian and Nesta endured. While Rhys often teased Cassian about the regimented nature of their routine, Cassian took the ribbing in stride, secure in the knowledge that he understood his baby girl's needs best. He quietly looked forward to the day Rhys and Feyre would have to babysit Elara, confident that they would soon appreciate the critical necessity of such a carefully devised strategy.
Despite getting less sleep, Cassian still found himself wide awake long before dawn. Since Elara's birth, he had developed a habit of lying in bed during the early morning hours, resting on his side and gazing at the bassinet, eagerly anticipating the first soft coos from his daughter. He cherished these mornings with her, relishing the chance to let Nesta catch a few more hours of sleep while he and Elara enjoyed precious time together.
Cassian was well aware that Elara’s preference shifted when Nesta was present; the baby invariably wanted to be close to her mother. While Elara was content in her father's arms, Cassian knew that if both he and Nesta were in the room, Elara's inclination was unmistakably towards her mom. He understood this; Nesta was Elara’s sanctuary. They had spent ten months intimately connected, Elara cocooned in the womb, constantly surrounded by her mother's scent, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
Cassian often pondered how daunting the world must appear to a newborn. Removed from the warm, serene, quiet haven of their mother's womb and suddenly thrust into a realm that was loud, chilly, and blindingly bright. Yet, despite his understanding, he couldn't help the slight ache in his heart, wishing that Elara would reach for him just a bit more often.
That's precisely why Cassian cherished the early morning hours with his daughter. These moments, when Elara smiled solely for him, cooed directly to him, and more recently, giggled joyfully at his gentle antics, were precious. It was during these quiet times, just the two of them together, that he felt a special connection with her, capturing memories that were his and his alone to keep.
Elara yawned, squirming in her swaddle before her bright hazel eyes fluttered open to see her father leaning close to her face.
"Good morning, sweet baby girl," Cassian cooed, gently bringing his nose down to nuzzle hers. As Elara kicked her little legs, the snug swaddle held her tight, making her look like a tiny caterpillar. She let out a happy grunt and a contented gurgle in response. Elara twisted her head from side to side, tickled by the sensation as Cassian continued to gently rub his nose against hers. She emitted a soft, sleepy giggle in response. Cassian reached into the bassinet, his large palm cradling her head with tender care as he pulled her out of the bassinet and up to his shoulder. 
Cassian placed a soft kiss on Elara's temple, where her soft brown curls were just beginning to sprout. Gently, he began to bounce the little one in his arms as he unwrapped her from her swaddle, inhaling deeply. He cherished her scent—a delicious aroma unique to new fae babies, yet distinct to their parents by an ancient trait designed to help fae parents swiftly locate their children in the wilderness if ever they were separated. To Cassian, Elara smelled of vanilla, sweet milk, and a hint of cinnamon—a blend so enchanting he felt he could bask in it all day.
Elara let out happy gurgles as she stretched her newly freed hands toward her shoulders, grasping at her father. Cassian gently hushed her with a soft whisper, "Let's not wake up Mama just yet, my love," as he pressed another tender kiss onto her head. 
Cassian walked over to the changing table, where the house had thoughtfully laid out a fresh diaper and clothes for Elara, even going so far as to warm the table for her comfort. Quietly expressing his gratitude, as he did each morning, Cassian set about changing his daughter, appreciating the thoughtful gestures that made these early hours smoother for both of them. 
Cassian leaned in close to his daughter as she reached out and grasped a loose strand of his hair with her chubby fingers. Gently lifting her feet to his lips, he kissed the bottoms softly. "I see ten tiny toes," he whispered playfully, "and two little legs," he continued, tickling his fingers up them, eliciting giggles and kicks from Elara.
"I see two baby arms," he announced, gently freeing his hair from her grip and spreading her arms out wide for a good stretch. "Good stretch, little one," he cooed. "And I see ten tiny fingers that look good enough to eat." Cassian then took Elara’s fingers into his mouth, pretending to bite down gently with his lips, sending her into a flurry of delighted giggles.
After finishing the diaper change, Cassian lifted her from the table and cradled her against his shoulder. "And I see two strong baby wings," he noted softly, pressing the delicate flesh between her wings to help them stretch comfortably.
Before Elara's birth, Cassian had journeyed to consult with some Illyrian women, seeking advice on raising an Illyrian baby. Initially surprised by Cassian's earnest plea for parenting tips, the women were ultimately delighted to impart their wisdom. They explained that a newborn's wings are typically held tight against their bodies to aid in passage through the birth canal. To ensure Elara's wings developed properly, Nesta and Cassian would need to gently unfold and stretch them regularly during the first few weeks to promote healthy blood flow.
One woman noted that, much like teething, Illyrian babies often experience discomfort in their wings as they grow. She recommended massaging and stretching the wings to alleviate the dull ache of these growing pains. In the early weeks, Elara found the wing stretching uncomfortable, and often cried during the sessions. Nesta would sob, worried she was causing pain to her new baby. To spare her, Cassian decided to take on the role of the “mean parent”. 
Whenever he stretched them now, though, Elara would respond with joyful coos, her little arms and legs extending in unison with her wings. The Illyrian women had also shown him how to gently press the area between her wings on her back, a technique that encouraged babies to flex their wings on their own—a reflex affectionately known as "Wing Warp."
As Cassian gently massaged that tiny spot between Elara's wings, they fluttered open gracefully. Her arms stretched out above her head and her little legs extended straight out. Cassian chuckled softly to himself when her enthusiastic stretch led her hand to whack him in the nose. Once he stopped applying pressure, she curled back up, scrunching into a cozy little baby ball.
"Are you hungry, baby girl?" Cassian whispered, pressing another soft kiss to Elara's temple. "I bet you are. I know I am." He gently opened the door to the nursery and quietly shut it behind him. Sensing their movement, the house gradually raised the lights in the hallway, dimly illuminating their path and allowing both Cassian and Elara's eyes to adjust smoothly to the new light. 
Cassian wandered into the kitchen, gently bouncing Elara in his arms to soothe her. "Let's see, I think Mama left you some milk last night," he murmured, skillfully opening the refrigerator door with one hand while balancing his daughter in the other. Inside, he scanned the contents as Elara let out a faint grumble, her impatience with her father's leisurely search for her breakfast growing. "Oh, come on, don't get grumpy with me already," Cassian muttered with a light chuckle, finally spotting and retrieving a bottle of milk.
The house had already set a pot of water boiling on the stove. Cassian dropped the bottle into the gently bubbling water. Elara let out a faint whine. 
“No, no, no, none of that. See?” Cassian turned Elara to face the stove. “See? Dada’s already working on it for you. You have no patience at all. You’re just like your mother,” he chided, his voice filled with laughter. Elara responded with another faint whine, prompting Cassian to sway gently, soothing her. “I’m sorry that unlike some people in this house, I don’t just ooze milk on command. I’m working on that power, but unfortunately, it’s taking a little more time to master than I thought,” Cassian joked, a twinkle in his eye. “If I could just make my own meals with my body, I would be unstoppable. I tell you, kiddo, the only thing standing between me and world domination is my lack of a self-sufficient food supply.”
Cassian swayed back to the fridge in search of his own breakfast, but as Elara let out another small cry, he responded playfully, “Oh, so you’re the only one allowed to eat in this place?”
Elara squirmed slightly, seemingly disgruntled by her father's teasing dismissal of her hunger. Cassian plucked an apple from the counter and took a crisp bite. “Someday,” he told her between bites, “you’re going to learn that breast milk isn’t as good as real food.” He chuckled, taking another bite of the apple. “Don’t get me wrong, sucking on a titty never gets old, but wait until you get introduced to salt and pepper—that will rock your tiny world.”
The bubbling from across the room quieted as the House adjusted the temperature to perfection.
“See,” Cassian said, lifting the bottle from the water and shaking off the excess, “you waited just a few minutes and now you have a nice warm bottle of milk ready to go.” He swirled the milk in the bottle to mix it evenly before carrying both it and Elara into the adjoining sitting room. He settled onto the couch, comfortably positioning Elara in the crook of his elbow, and popped the top off the bottle. As he tilted it towards her, Elara eagerly began to drink.
“I’ve seen fully grown Illyrian soldiers who haven’t eaten in days eat with less determination than you,” he joked, gently wiping away a dribble of milk that escaped from her lips. The babe continued to feast hungrily on her bottle, her little fingers clenching and unclenching with each swallow. She gurgled contentedly as the early morning light began to filter into the living room, heralding the dawn.
As he watched Elara, Cassian reflected on the profound changes in his life since becoming a father. Previously, his days had begun long before sunrise, either trying to beat the heat of the training ring or camped out in the wilderness of Prythian with a war squadron. Now, his mornings were calmer, paced by the needs of his little girl. He wouldn't change it for the world. Life had slowed down, yet each night, as he put Elara to bed, he felt poignantly aware that they were one day closer to her not being so little anymore. The little chunk had gained almost a pound a month since birth and showed no signs of slowing her growth anytime soon.
Elara finished her bottle, pulling her little mouth away from the nipple and turning her head to look around the room. Cassian placed the now empty bottle on the side table next to him and lifted her onto his shoulder, standing up. As he began patting her back, he wandered around the room, engaging her growing curiosity about her surroundings. She reached out for new sights and cooed at bright colors and lights.
As they moved about, Cassian spoke softly to her, narrating their environment. "Here's the bookshelf where Mama keeps all her favorite things in the world, other than you, of course," he chuckled, continuing his gentle pats. "But you aren't allowed to read these books yet, because Mama is a little freak and likes to read about people having sex in all kinds of ways, and you, my dear, are just a baby. There’s no need for you to know about all that just yet.” 
Elara cooed and let out a slight burp, earning a chuckle from Cassian. "Nice one," he praised, amused. He continued to meander through the room, confident that she had another burp in store.
"And here," he said as they approached a part of the room, "is the painting that Auntie Feyre made for Mama and Dada when they had their mating ceremony." Cassian held the babe up to the painting to give her a closer look. Elara reached out her tiny hands, pressing them against the figure of her mother in the painting, patting it happily and cooing.
"That’s right, baby girl, that’s your mama!" Cassian beamed, pointing towards the image of Nesta. Then he pointed to himself in the painting, "And that’s Dada," he said softly, repeating "Da-Da" to her, hoping it would stick. Cassian had wagered with Rhys that he could get Elara to say 'dada' before Nesta could coax 'mama' from her, but the odds weren’t looking favorable. Elara turned to look at her father and clapped her hands against his cheek, giggling joyfully. 
Cassian smiled as Elara playfully slapped his cheeks. He continued to chant "da-da" while she gazed up at him, grinning a toothless, gummy smile.
"If you burp in my face, young lady, we're going to have problems," Cassian playfully warned her. She responded with a happy coo. "Alright, kid," he said, adjusting her to his front, "if Mama wakes up and you haven't had your tummy time yet, Dad's going to hear about it."
He unfurled a small mat on the ground in front of the fireplace and gently set Elara down on her belly. She energetically strained her arms and legs, kicking as she tried to lift her head. Cassian lay down on the floor opposite her, resting his chin on his crossed arms, his wings spead on the floor behind him. 
As Elara struggled determinedly, Cassian watched her with amusement as she grunted and gurgled. She finally lifted her head momentarily and met his gaze before her head fell back to the mat.
"Look at you, my little warrior," he whispered. The early morning light streamed in through the window, casting a golden glow across the room.
Just then, footsteps whispered across the floorboards, and Nesta appeared in the doorway, her hair tousled from sleep. She leaned against the frame, watching them, a soft smile playing on her lips.
"Everything alright here?" she asked, her eyes soft with the sight of her family.
"Perfect," Cassian replied, not taking his eyes off Elara. "Just perfect."
Nesta walked over and sat beside them, laying her hand gently on Cassian's shoulder. Together, they watched Elara's efforts, knowing these morning sessions were fleeting, soon to be memories they would cherish in the years to come. 
The family of three basked in the quiet joy of their togetherness, each moment precious, each day a gift. This was their world, their time, and nothing else mattered but the love that bound them.
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kaelderdoer · 1 year
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“”What do you want?” Cassian managed to ask, voice rasping.
She smiled, and damn if it wasn’t the loveliest thing he’d ever seen.
“You’ve had me from the moment you met me.”
She tucked a strand of hair behind an arched ear. “I know.””
- A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas
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"i have no regrets in this life, but this. that we did not have time. that i did not have a home with you, nesta.
i will find you again in the next world--the next life. and we will have that time. i promise." -acowar p.652
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shadowisles-writes · 1 year
Watch Me Fall Apart (Part 1) [Nessian]
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A/N: Here is my contribution to the ACOTAR Writing Circle! I know I know, being late posting for my own event is bad but hopefully the spice in here makes up for it. Enjoy this Nessian doctors AU, which will have two more parts written by two other people in the writing circle <3 I’m excited to see where this story gets taken.
Word count: 3549
Warnings: smut
“I need one of you to assist me on the valve replacement,” Doctor Odell said as she checked the patient’s blood test results one last time.
“I’ll do it!” Nesta jumped in before Cassian had a chance to speak. He glared at her in response.
“Alright, Cassian go to the ER. You can jump in on a case there,” Odell ordered, and a smirk grew on his face just as Nesta’s smile turned into a frown.
Sure, she was going to be in surgery to replace that valve, but she had assisted on that procedure before. Being in the emergency room meant getting the craziest, weirdest and usually best cases. Cassian smiled sweetly at Nesta and raised his eyebrows in victory before he turned away to find himself some patient who had a crazy accident.
It wasn’t that they wished for people to be hurt, of course. There was nothing worse than losing a patient, but since people were going to get hurt anyway, everyone just hoped that there would be interesting cases to work on.
Nesta’s rivalry with Cassian started on the day they met at the hospital. Both were first to arrive, and they had barely exchanged greetings before the rest of the interns showed up. The chief of surgery gave them a tour and asked dozens of questions that Nesta and Cassian fought to answer.
It was a competitive field. Even as students in the safety of a university, only the best made it. They had to be at the top of their class to pick their internship, and now that they were in, remaining at the top was essential for the rest of their career. Nesta and Cassian were first in their respective classes, they were used to being the best and a bit of a teacher’s pet, but it was stubbornness that ultimately brought them to where they were.
When she met him, Nesta thought the rivalry might be playful. She wanted to be first, but there were plenty of fields to specialize into. She had kept a positive attitude until she found out he wanted to be a neurosurgeon. That had been her goal before she even started medical school, and she wouldn’t let him win. His pretty face might have allowed him to bat his lashes at anyone to get what he wanted so far in his life, but not anymore.
Being the best, Nesta and Cassian got the most cases. They were first to be allowed to perform risky procedures, first to be considered to assist in any interesting case. They had enough of an attitude to make sure no one would step on their toes, but every time Nesta was proud of herself for improving, Cassian fought his way to the same level.
It was infuriating.
“How was the replacement?” He asked, walking past her locker to get to his own.
“It went great,” Nesta grumbled. He was far too happy, which meant he was going to boast.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what I did today? That’s not very polite,”
“What did you do today Cassian?” Nesta played into his game without looking at him.  She removed her scrubs and quickly replaced them with her clothes.
“I,” Cassian grinned. “Got an injured cyclist with a massive brain hemorrhage, and I was lead surgeon.” He had a proud smirk on his face, Nesta couldn’t believe he got a solo brain surgery but she knew he wouldn’t lie about it.
“And what state is he in now?” She slammed her locker closed and watched him zip up his jeans, still shirtless. The whole thing made frustration bubble inside of her, why did it always seem that anything he wanted fell right into his hands?
She was too furious to even focus on his naked chest. Usually she got a little flustered at the sight of him and his tattoos, but any red on her cheeks today was from irritation.
“He’s awake, got his full cognitive abilities and still moves his toes,” He pulled his shirt over his head, and when he got to look at Nesta again, her confident look had fallen for one of shock. “See you tomorrow, honey,” He walked past her close enough to let her feel his body heat, and she fell down to sit on one of the benches as soon as he was gone.
He was winning this, but Nesta was far from done fighting.
She got back at him the next day when he remained with Doctor Odell in cardiology and she scored the rest of the week with Rayer in neurology. Nesta gave him a little wave and a wink when she walked past him, the neurosurgeon she was working with a couple of steps ahead of her. Cassian’s glare in response gave Nesta the most satisfying feeling.
Nesta got her first solo surgery in neurology too. Since Cassian had gotten his and they were both the best, Doctor Rayer had decided she could get one too. It was exciting and stressful, but she didn’t let any of her satisfaction break her away from her concentration.
“Good job, you’re clipping an aneurysm on your own tomorrow,” He told Nesta as soon as she was out of the OR.
“Really?” She tried not to sound too excited, but her grin gave her away.
“Unless you don’t want to, I’m sure Cassian can take over,” He teased her a little but she knew he was serious. The second either of them messed up the other would win first place.
“No! No I’ll do it,” Nesta nodded quickly, already itching to get another brain surgery.
Nesta was beaming that evening in the locker room, everyone was getting ready to go home and a few were grabbing some drinks in the bar across the hospital. Her rivalry with Cassian didn’t stop them both from being friends with the rest of the interns—when they weren’t working they could almost get along.
The rivalry was a joke to the rest of their close group. Two of them were guys who hit it off on the first day when they decided they wanted to do completely different things. It was the opposite of Nesta and Cassian, except they were fine with being considered average while the two sucked up all of the attention. Emerie was the only girl Nesta was close with, women were a minority in the middle of the other interns and she was the only one who didn’t look at Nesta with disdain because she was always putting herself first.
She understood it was the only way for Nesta to fight her way to the top—it didn’t mean she was inconsiderate to others—Nesta would never want to cause harm to anyone, but the way she managed to get every case and cool surgery made the others jealous. Successful women always annoyed people. It was the same with the men, but they kept underestimating her and were too convinced Cassian would win.
That was the one thing she did like about Cassian. He respected her. He saw her worth. He played their little games knowing he might very well lose at the end of it all.
It was lonely at times. Nesta had friends outside of the hospital but none that could understand the amount of pressure she was under. Her little group of five was good enough, Cassian was insufferable at work but he was an alright person outside of it. He was a mirror of herself, and he understood her too well.
“You got a solo surgery?” Jurian’s eyes almost bulged out of his head. He got to do more than just assist but he was never the one leading the entire surgery. None of the interns were.
“I got one yesterday,” Cassian took a swig of his beer, acting like it wasn’t a huge deal because he was obviously jealous of Nesta. He didn’t even get to tell everyone he was first before she caught up to him.
“Yeah, it was really cool,” Nesta was still on a high from it, it was her first taste of what she wanted to achieve. “I’m getting another one tomorrow,”
“What?” Cassian almost spat out his drink. “With Rayer?”
“Yes, I’m on his service for the rest of the week at least,” Nesta revealed the extent of it and his jaw clenched.
“I’m in pediatrics for the next three days,” Emerie knew she wouldn’t see them as much because that area was a little more secluded so that the kids wouldn’t run around every service.
“Yeah, I’m with you,” Cassian’s eyes were dark when he looked at Nesta but she knew better than to be scared of his attitude. Instead, she smiled.
“Have fun,”
“You two need to fuck this out of your systems,” Lucien shook his head, tired of watching them both like this. It was playful when it started but as it went the sexual tension between the two grew so much that everyone could feel it.
Nesta dismissed it and Cassian scoffed, as if the idea disgusted them both.
They stole glances at each other through the whole night, thinking of every ‘what if?’ that could make them both end up in a bed together. Nesta didn’t want her friends to win but she had to admit there was pent up sexual tension, especially since they were both far too busy fighting their way to the top to have time for other people.
The whole group sat at the bar for a while to have a beer, but as they all got hungry they decided to move to a booth for a burger and some fries. Everyone was too lazy to go home and cook. Jurian used Nesta’s first solo surgery as an excuse to celebrate while Cassian grumbled a reminder that he got his yesterday too.
Nesta ended up squeezing in first, him following right after her while the other three sat across. It was a tight fit for them, even Cassian was close to Nesta so the three of them ended up a little squished. Nesta tried to hide her surprise when Cassian’s fingers brushed her thigh. His legs were spread open just enough for his knee to touch hers, and he let the tips of his fingers run along her skin over her jeans.
Nesta shivered in delight, glancing down at his hand for a second. It was so big compared to hers, a large warm palm that she didn’t doubt would feel like heaven holding her hip and long talented fingers she knew could work absolute wonders. Cassian turned his head to look at her for a moment when he let them trail closer to her inner thigh, he watched the way Nesta bit the inside of her lip and spread her legs a little wider for him.
He took the invitation, his teasing growing bolder while she gave him a daring look to see how far he would take it. Casual conversation continued with the rest of the group, Nesta wasn’t bothered enough for it to be visible yet although her cheeks were growing redder by the second.
Cassian traced circles on her inner thigh and gradually came closer to her center, going slow to frustrate her but also to make sure she knew what his intentions were before he made any move. Nesta caught his hand in hers before he made it all the way to her core, she was already dripping but she spotted the waiter coming over with the burgers she was sure were for their table.
He licked his lips and turned his palm up to squeeze her hand for a second, signaling that he was far from done with her before he brought both hands up over the table to eat. Nesta did the same thing, all they could do while they ate was have their legs touch, and it was far from enough for either of them.
At some point during the meal Cassian eased back into his seat, taking a drink of his water while his hand fell back down on her inner thigh. This time he didn’t hesitate to press his finger right against her to rub her pussy over her jeans. Nesta jolted in her seat and passed it off as a cough, closing her legs to get rid of his hand while a cocky smirk spread on his lip.
She waited for him to pick up the half of the burger he had left and bite into it to bring her hand to his cock, cupping him firmly and feeling him hardening under her touch. Cassian choked on his food, getting worried looks from all of their friends.
“Dude, you okay?” Jurian chuckled at the way he had to cough.
“Yeah, just swallowed that wrong,” Cassian made up an excuse and Nesta patted his shoulder condescendingly.
“Don’t worry, you’re in a bar full of doctors, we all know the heimlich,” she teased him and went back to her food, proud of the effect she had.
It was all fun and games until the plates were gone from the table and Cassian’s hand was free to roam underneath it. He popped the button of her jeans open and slid his hand underneath them, the zipper sliding open as he went. He decided to go straight past her panties when he saw her spread her legs far apart to make it easier for him, and his cock twitched when he got to feel how wet she was. He did that to her.
Nesta tried to erase herself from the conversation so that she wouldn’t have to struggle to reply, she had a hard enough time holding back noises from the way Cassian was swirling his fingers over her clit. He wished he could push his hands further down to get to push his fingers inside of her, and Nesta cursed himself for wearing jeans that tight.
She felt feverish, her whole body was heating up and she knew she’d be too far gone soon. She held Cassian’s wrist once more, the warmth of his skin against hers sending a shiver down her spine. He froze his movements, waiting to see what she wanted, and he pulled his hand out of her jeans when she tugged on it.
He wished he could suck the wetness off his fingers to find out how sweet she tasted, but they were still in public, so he wiped his hand over his leg instead.
“I should probably head home,” Nesta closed her jeans and ran her clammy hands over her thighs. “I want to take some time to go over tomorrow’s surgery,”
“Yeah makes sense,” Jurian nodded. “We should probably all go,”
They  all set enough money on the table to cover their meals and leave a generous tip before Cassian got up, letting Nesta out as the others slid out of the booth and finally got some space.
“Bye guys,” she waved at them when they all separated to go to their cars, Cassian was the only one still walking with her because they had parked close to each other when they arrived this morning.
“Do you really need to study that surgery?” He asked, spotting his car a few steps away.
“Not really, no,” Nesta admitted, gasping a second later when he seized her arm and pulled her until her back was against his car. His hand was set right by her head, and his face was so close to hers that she could feel his breath on her skin.
“You know,” He lodged his knee between her legs, satisfaction coursing through him when she parted them to let him come closer. “They’re not wrong when they say we should probably fuck this out of our systems,”
“And you’re planning on doing that in a parking lot against your car?” Nesta cocked her head to the side, a daring look in her eyes.
“I was thinking inside the car,” He chuckled his free hand traveling down her side to grip her hip. “I’m feeling a little impatient, but I guess I can drive back to my place,”
“How about both?”
A minute later Cassian was in the driver’s seat, moving it all the way back to make space for Nesta. She climbed on top of him a little awkwardly until she was settled straddling him.
“Lean back,” she asked, already out of breath, and he inched the seat backwards so that she’d have room not to hit her head every time she moved.
“Wait,” He grunted as he pushed himself up to open the glove compartment. He grabbed a condom out of it and put it down in the passenger seat.
“You done?” Nesta asked, rolling her hips to rub herself against him, and a pleasured groan was all she got in response.
“Take them off,” He tugged at her jeans, and she tried to figure out how to do that best.
Nesta ended up rolling off him to sit in the passenger seat, grabbing the condom and handing it to him so that he could take care of it. She got rid of her jeans and panties completely, leaving them on the floor while he pushed his clothes down his legs.
The sight of his hard cock made her mouth water. If she weren’t so desperate to feel him inside of her she’d love nothing more than to suck him off. Nesta let him roll the condom all the way down his length before she came back on his lap, her wet pussy rubbing right against him for a couple of rolls of her hips.
“Fuck,” He lifted her shirt to hold her waist, panting slightly when she reached down to place him at her entrance.
Nesta sank down on him slowly, biting her lip to quiet a whine while she stared right into his eyes. Cassian’s cheeks were flushed, he was completely gone before it even started. She leaned forward with her hands on his shoulders to bounce on him, struggling with the limited space of the car.
“Let me,” Cassian held her hips still after she had moved up, his feet were firmly planted on the floor and he thrusted up to fill her.
Nesta moaned quietly as he settled into a rhythm, picking a fast pace but still taking the time to keep his thrusts long and hard. The blissful expression on her face made him twitch deep inside of her. She looked completely fucked, any hint of an attitude erased from her eyes and replaced with pleasure. Cassian was aware he probably didn’t look any different.
Nesta was dripping on his cock, the coil in her stomach tightening quickly. The anticipation through the night had gotten her worked up to a point where she knew she’d come embarrassingly fast, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
Cassian’s cock was throbbing, he could feel every clench of her pussy when he hit that spot that made her see stars, and his eyes dipped down to her lips for a second. They still hadn’t kissed. He could easily do it, Nesta’s face was just an inch from his and they were panting against each other. Would that be too intimate?
He didn’t have to make the decision when she pressed her lips to his to hide a moan. Cassian’s rhythm faltered for a second before he whimpered into her mouth, parting his lips to tease her tongue. Everything about Nesta felt fucking perfect and he didn’t know how much longer he could last.
She couldn’t hold back a noise when his hand snuck between their bodies to rub tight circles on her clit, and Cassian kissed her harder. Nesta bit his lip in response, pulling a deep groan out of him that vibrated through her whole body before she came all over his cock.
Her body went tight under his touch and she buried her face in his neck while he gave her a few more hard thrusts, snapping his hips faster to get himself to finish right after her. Cassian emptied himself in the condom, panting as he fell back into his seat before Nesta lifted herself off him.
“Fuck, that was long overdue.” He grunted, his hands still on her ass. “That good enough to keep you waiting until we’re at mine?”
“Actually,” Nesta slid into the passenger seat and reached for her clothes, trying not to think of the way she immediately missed his warmth. “I’ve got my own place to get to.”
Cassian was silent as she pulled her panties up her legs and then struggled to get back into her jeans. There was nothing for him to say, and Nesta was too busy trying to get out of his car to say a word. She fixed her hair quickly, double checked that her clothes were on properly and opened the door to leave.
“Wait Nes,” Cassian made her stop just before she was about to slam the door shut behind her. “Good luck tomorrow.”
“I don’t need luck,” was all Nesta said before the door fell shut and she walked away towards her own car.
She was already out of sight by the time Cassian huffed out a breath and muttered to himself, “I know.”
Taglist:  @dealfea​ @chosenfamily-valkyriequeens​  @dwnofav​   @shisingh​ @ruthieluvsbooks​   @sydney-fae25​ 
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sydneymack · 3 months
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The Inner Circle - A Court of Thorns and Roses
Artist: @tangerine.eileen
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duskcowboy · 9 months
The Bat Boys & The Archeron Sisters 🫶🏼
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🎨 by @eospaint on tumblr and on insta
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podemechamardek · 1 month
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@nestaarcheronweek | Day Four: Lover
A swift shadow passed overhead, followed by a whisper of wings, and Nesta didn’t need to look to know who sailed high above, making sure all was safe. That she was safe.
Busybody. [...]
Her mate. Her love. Her friend. The light within her chest brightened to a radiant sun. – A Court of Silver Flames, Chapter 80
For today I wanted an illustration of Nesta and Cassian enjoying the tranquility of the House. This was, in fact, the first illustration that I commissioned with Pablo and when I saw how it turned out, I was unable to correctly order the words because of how impacted I was by the beauty of the illustration.
Art by: Pablo Souza (pablochmn)
Commissioned by: @podemechamardek
🚫 Please do not repost.
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Can I ask WHY ACOSF had to be about making Cassian a courtier and Nesta a warrior when the storyline of brilliant, cunning, kill you with her political skills Nesta and strong, rutheless, kill you by just killing you Cassian is RIGHT THERE?
Like you wrote the line, Sarah - “he would be her sword.”
Imagine the dynamic that would create - I can practically HEAR Rhys smirking and plucking invisible lint as he goes over a political problem he’d rather not wage war over - “First, we send Nesta. Then, if she deems it necessary … her mate can join her.”
Nesta: laying out terms for a treaty, “this is our final offer and you would be wise to accept it before we are forced to take further action”
Courtier(snarling, probably): “Yeah, you and what army?”
Cassian (busting through the doors with like 6 weapons strapped to him): “THAT’D BE ME PRETTY BOY THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY???”
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acomaflove · 1 month
Azriel: *sneezes and shadows come out of his nose*
Nesta: ………So we are all just going to ignore that?
Cassian: Oh my bad; bless you, Azriel.
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eospaint · 9 months
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“But I still don’t know how to fix myself.” “There’s nothing broken to be fixed,” he said fiercely.” ― Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames
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lyssasdrafts · 1 month
head empty just thinking of nesta teaching nyx how to dance and cassian teaching nyx how to fly 🥺
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lily-chen-supremacy · 2 years
fictional men who have the “it’s okay to murder people but it’s never okay to disrespect women” energy>>>>>>>>
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ourhighladysarahjmaas · 2 months
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Illustration : Emelinc Pommery
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meriyart · 5 months
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messy bun couple ✧
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