#actively paying attention and learning stuff about the dudes as they were hanging around throughout the movie - like finally learning
brittlebutch · 10 months
bill and ted and their efforts in education is something thats So Important to me - they really do want to learn and find new things soo interesting, its just that traditional teaching methods fail them. even stuff they love (music) took them so long to learn !!!! which is something i feel like ppl miss a lot. choosing to learn smthn that is difficult and has a steep learning curve is actually So Hard and frustrating and bill and ted actually put in so much effort to learn!! and ofc it works out (they win battle of the bands, become famous, save the world etc) but i feel like they wouldve worked at it even if they never met rufus and all that bc they approach life with such genuine earnestness. which is a trait i admire so much and they make me so happy :)
yes dude you absolutely hit the nail on the head!!! i love love love that Bill and Ted don't make it through any of the movies thanks to any kind of special skill or innate talent, they manage to make it through just because they're so affable and enthusiastic that people around them (even some who would have reason to actually dislike them) just can't seem to help but be taken with them and decide to help them out - no perpetuating the myth of independence anywhere!!
and you're so right about the time travel probably not being strictly Necessary in their development like, their audition at the beginning of Bogus Journey isn't very good but it's still technically way more musical than their garage jam sessions were in Excellent Adventure! (You could argue that's just the Princesses carrying the sound, which is probably true to an extent, BUT I don't think that's it entirely bc there's not any discordant distortion-noise like there was in EA and parts of the melody do seem to cut out when Bill and Ted pause playing to speak) So they were learning and improving between movies, it's just that they're naturally kind of slow at it AND they've also probably not been able to focus on learning all that well bc they're working full time and struggling financially - once they take like a year and a half outside of time to practice nothing but guitar they're able to show off some serious musical acumen, and THEN i love how Face the Music shows how even though they've both gotten pretty Technically skilled at a huge variety of instruments, they're still 'bad at it' bc they struggle to write music that other people enjoy/understand and they still aren't overly bothered by that at all!
Also love that the same applies to Billie and Thea - they seem to have a much easier time of things than their dads do wrt learning/innate skills BUT they're still 24 and haven't moved out or gone to college or gotten jobs or anything and no one (other than Chief Logan ofc) puts them down or admonishes them for this! They're both loved and supported wholeheartedly by their parents (who OFC understand it all completely) and they make it through the movie the same exact way Bill and Ted did! Even though Billie and Thea do rely on a more-than-solid grasp of musical history to navigate the circuits of time, their ability to sway the historical figures to their cause largely thanks to their enthusiasm for the topic and general affability and i love how that's always upheld by the movies as a Valued Trait i love it SO much
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Hello! Thanks again for your hard work! I wonder if you're interested in writing hcs about dfel boys falling in love with someone. Not necessarily x readers headcanons but something about how they would feel and how they would show it 👉👈
hello and of course anon! i hope these are what you’ve asked for!
the dangerous fellows boys falling in love
- this poor boy would be a HUGE mess because let’s be honest here he’s never fallen in love with someone before
- whenever you look at him he becomes bright red and looks away bc he’s so shy around u
- he doesn’t even realize how bad he has it for you until somebody on his baseball team brings up the topic of being in a relationship and his mind immediately goes to you
- he never stopped thinking about you after that
- he’s not the best with words, so he tries to be around you a lot more. he doesn’t like the thought of you being in a place where he can’t protect you
- in addition, he makes an effort to talk with you a lot more. he’s generally much more open with you and tries to crack a joke or two just to see you smile
- if you’re in his class he’s not gonna sleep throughout the entire time for once
- whatever activities or hobbies you like he’ll try to pick up and learn more about it just to have more conversations with you
- would cut his baseball practices short just to walk you home or take you somewhere
- he’s absolutely whipped for u please be whipped for him back i’m begging
- growing up he’s never dreamed of falling in love because of his parents
- he didn’t want to put himself in that type of situation so he’s always been very distant with the idea of love
- falling in love with you tho,,, was something he did not see coming
- but at the same time, how could he not?
- he loves everything about you
- he grows to relish the warm n fuzzy feeling in his heart whenever he sees you
- he’s always been a sweetheart, but with you he’s even more gentle and caring
- offers you his help every chance he gets, brings you a small snack everyday, sends you good morning and good night texts, etc. you’re basically his entire world and he treats you like it
- when he’s around you his headaches doesn’t hurt that much anymore
- he embraces his love for you and while he’s a bit nervous about everything because he doesn’t want to wind up like his dad, but with you, he’s more than willing to take the chance
- this man has never once considered falling in love with someone since he automatically assumes that people just want him for his money
- so when you came along he’s suddenly dealing with this new weird feeling in his chest and this idiot immediately dismissed it as being sick
- he panics when the feeling doesn’t go away
- he realizes he’s in love the moment he sees you laugh and he realizes that he’ll do anything just to see you like that again
- he makes up random excuses to be around you more
- you’re going to get lunch? he insists on taking you out because “you probably forgot your wallet so he’s coming just in case”
- you need to go do homework? for the first time in his life he’ll go to the library because “he also had to study for that biology test on friday” he never studies
- ditches all his hang out plans with his friends for you
- he especially loves teasing you because he loves the reaction he gets out of you but he never passes the limit
- he swallows his pride and tries asking somebody like lawrence what to do confessing for you because he’s just so incredibly in love with you and wants to give you the absolute best
- the moment he realizes he’s in love with you is when he’s trying to write a song and his mind is literally just you
- enters the first stage of grief, denial
- “maybe if i ignore it long enough it’ll go away”
- it doesn’t
- a complete tsundere, he acts like he doesn’t care but the moment you say that you’re cold this man is stripping for u LOL
- shyly asking you if you could hear his new songs
- gets flustered about EVERYTHING. he thinks you’re the most adorable person in the world and he hates it bc it’s hard to look at u without blushing
- he does extra stuff for you. buys you food, waits for you outside your classroom, and is always keeping you company
- he tells you about his dreams and goals, and you’re the first one to ever hear his songs. he gets nervous singing to you because you’re his audience, but when he stares at your face and sees how gorgeous your eyes are, he no longer feels anxious
- when you’re not with him, he becomes a bit more cranky and gloomy. he doesn’t like the small ache in his heart whenever you’re not around
- takes weeks to write a song just for you to tell you about his true feelings
- dude has the same routine everyday
- all he does is go to school, study until 3 in the morning, sleep, repeat
- he doesn’t really particularly look forward to anything until he met you
- he has never ever considered the concept of love bc his parents refused to let him date, so his heart beating faster and his face becoming red whenever you were around was definitely a surprise. he’s not stupid tho so he figures out that he likes you pretty fast
- tries to ignore his growing feelings for you because he wants to prioritize his schoolwork, but he can’t help but stare at you a lot more
- once he got the opportunity he offered to tutor you on certain subjects
- takes you out on study dates in coffee shops
- yall don’t get any studying done LMAO u guys got too carried away with talking but it’s fine bc u both managed to get ur homeworks done somehow
- whatever you tell him he remembers. homeboy remembers every single detail about u bc he pays sm attention to u
- he's also whipped af u could muse about wanting something and he'll get it for you asap
- extremely patient with you, drops his own work to help you with your own
- he becomes one of your teacher’s assistants just so whenever he came across grading your work he can give you the automatic 100%
- he’s completely fallen for you, he doesn’t care about his parents’ stupid rule about dating anymore. as long as he has you and can make you happy, he’ll be more than welcome to be your boyfriend
this was extremely fun to write, thank you for the request anon!
> lychee
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next-lvl · 7 years
Majority of my followers know what Wakfu is, but not all know about the game: how many wounds it left in my heart, and everyone else’s. This post isn’t gonna be precisely explaining the wrongs that Wakfu did, I just wanted to mention that, in aftermath, it was a disaster of a game that left its most loyal players hurt, disappointed and immensely sad. I still keep meeting people who love this franchise, but can’t stand the game anymore since it’s.. Changed too much and didn’t stay enjoyable, to say mildly. I’m surrounded by, literally, traumatized veterans who look back at the good old days and shed tears. And I’ve been talking a lot about GW2 recently, not for no reason.
I want you to heal, just like I did. I mean.. I’m still hurt over Wakfu and I’ll stay this way forever, but I found a game where you can feel safe, loved, cared about. Devs in GW2 are humans who talk to us, who put smileys and memes in their posts, who hang out on reddit and ingame. This’s one of the major and striking differences between Wakfu and GW2. I’m still genuinely stunned by my own experience with customer support, I had a few troubles during my 1.5 years in GW2 and the response was not only fast and effective, it was HUMAN AND CUTE. I’m still not over it. Now that I’ve been invited to be a creative partner.. I’m still not over it too. They shower their regular players and content creators in gentle attention and kindness. I cry. During the 5+ years of being the most active and visible artist in Wakfu fandom, literally promoting it with thousands of drawings, I’ve never got a tiniest bit of official recognition. Not even a single placement on official media. When I took part in contests, I never won. Overall it’s been a one-way street. During my first 1.5 years in GW2, I’ve been noticed, picked up by the team, pampered and spoiled to the point of barely believing it’s true. That’s my personal experience, but it should indicate Anet’s general attitude towards the players. They. Do. Care.
I just wanna try and convince more ex-Wakfu players to give GW2 a shot. The two games are different in the visual and core gameplay aspects, yes, transitioning from an isometric 2D turn-based to a 3D, real-time game was somewhat harsh, but boy, how glad I am that I did it.
There’s EVEN MORE TEXT, brace yourselves. :D In GW2, I found everything that I wish was in Wakfu.
GW2 is a true sandbox. You log in, you do whatever the fuck you want. Level your first (second, 12th, 33rd, 68th) char? Grind mobs and dungeons? NO. Run around, look for events, explore, literally everything you do and everywhere you go, gives xp. You can level via crafting! Which, btw, is relevant throughout the entire game, unlike in Wakfu.
You do have dungeons of two kinds, and you CAN farm them if you want, but it’s your deliberate decision. There ARE farms in GW2, but they’re fun, if you’re not trying to get a legendary weapon in a month. I personally like running around with a bunch of random people who are there to FARM events in a specific map, but that happens once every two months.
Said legendary weapons ARE hard to get and yes, they can get you burnt out in no time if you don’t have a concept of a “long term goal”. Leggies are a prestige item, and, just like other prestige items (auras, specific minis, skins, etc), they’re meant to be your ultimate show-off item. People see you and know that you’ve been through.. A lot. BUT. Your hard-earned prestige item is to stay prestige. I assume you know relics in Wakfu? Then you must know what happened to them after a few years.
There’s no devaluing in GW2. Your trophies stay relevant and rare. Your prizes, your exclusive titles, skins, etc stay exclusive. You aren’t losing half of your wealth just because the devs decided to revamp ALL GEAR FOR THE THIRD TIME.
Speaking of the gear, the orange set you get at 80, is endgame gear. GW2 is 5 years old, so that orange gear is. People crafted it on the release and.. It stayed endgame. Yes, there’s also pink gear, which ~5% better than orange and is only needed if you do high lvl fractals or are min-maxing in raids. If you’re casual or just starting, you don’t even have to think about it. But once you craft your set, it stays relevant forever. People’s effort is never shoved up their asses.
There’s no constant carrot-on-a-stick gear upgrades. Level cap is 80 since release and will stay so. The game promotes safety and stability, that’s what attracted me. You take a 2 years break? No problem, you log in and go play. Nothing has lost its value, you don’t feel inferior, you don’t need to catch up to play with your friends.
Which reminded me: there’s a wonderfully done level downscale system. You’re a lvl 80 in a lvl 16 zone? Your stats are auto-adapted so the enemies you fought as a noob are still dangerous, and your reward (xp/gold/materials) is adapted to your true lvl. You go and play anywhere you want, and get fair rewards.
Crafting materials of all levels are also demanded and relevant. Oh yeah, you can run around for hours just gathering wood/ore, familiar to Wakfu players? It’s nice and relaxing until you meet another player. Well, in GW2 all gathering nodes are NOT shared. You see a tree? It’s your tree. That dude who runs up to it won’t steal it from you.
Oh also there’s no kill steal! Which is big, imo. You’re encouraged to play together, to help people kill stuff, to contribute to any event you see around, since everyone gets rewarded equally.
Legendary stability of GW2 servers. Lemme just say: there’s no weekly maintenance. There is. No. Downtime. Even on the big update days, you can download and play pretty safely. If there’s a hotfix, the game KINDLY WARNS YOU that you need to update and you have TWO FLIPPING HOURS to do so. Before you did that, you still can play, finish whatever you were up to.
Everything revolves around player’s happiness and convenience. There are constant quality-of-life updates. Your bags are full of crap? Here, salvage it into materials with two clicks, then deposit into your bank with two clicks (from anywhere in the world), then compact the rest of your shit. Yeah, with two clicks. x’D
There’s wonderful Fashion Wars. The game offers so much customization, and it’s taken so seriously, that it’s one of the endgame aspects. There’s 30000+ achievement points to earn, which are mostly fun and make you go out of your usual way. Dailies? You get 10 points and 2 gold for doing 3 easy tasks that take ~15 minutes.
There’s LORE. There’s fun little interactions all over the world. You just did an event? Stay here and listen, probably npcs will say/do something and start another event, logically following the previous one. The world lives and breathes. You can just walk around and observe. You’ll learn so much. And of course, there’s always a good cause to laugh. Dialogues/reactions are just hilarious sometimes.
Regarding the lore: there’s a so-called personal story which accompanies you up to lvl 80, then there’s “living world”, smaller events and single maps being rolled out every once in a while - so far there’s 2 seasons available, and 1 being “historical”, not playable anymore. In that season, they fucking crushed the main capital city. It changed forever. It was an epic event, which I missed, but watched people’s videos later. Then season 2, then HoT, then season 3, and now we’re waiting for PoF, second expansion. The updates have picked a nice pace and are frequent now.
There’s just so much to do. Just go, dive into the world and drown forever. :3c And meet me on the bottom. x’DD
GW2 feels different from Wakfu, but I found similarities for myself. It’s a sandbox after all, and later endgame has a lot of strategy. GW2 is never tank-and-spank. You just, literally, can’t facetank shit here. You gotta use your skills wisely, time your dodges, play with traits/passives until it all flows together. You’ve got a HUGE BUILD FREEDOM. There’s 9 classes, each having at least 3 defined roles, with more variations. You don’t just go ranger (oh archer it’s like a cra rite??) and do pew pew from max distance. Well, yes, you have a bow and can pew pew.. Or you can be a melee fighter, you can be a full blown healer/support.. As a ranger, yes.
I’ll be wrapping up now, I swear. GW2 is true f2p. Which of course does have a few restrictions (can’t trade or use map-chat), but you can get to 80, gear up and explore to your heart’s content before you decide to pay. I personally played for 5 months, every day, before I bought HoT.
Why’d you buy an expansion? More story, more maps, new class traits, gliding in HoT and mounts in PoF. The expansion and living world content has been constantly improving, visually, mechanically and lore/writing-wise.
Other than that, there’s a gemstore offering cosmetic and convenience items (gems can be bought for cash OR ingame gold). There are infamous rng boxes, but none of those are p2w. GW2 is oriented at the western consumer, which means, yeah, they know that we hate p2w and they’ll never do that to us.
*breathes out* I had to get that off my chest. I wanna talk about GW2 forever, but it’s exhausting to do one-on-one. :P Hopefully someone’s still reading this!
Now lemme remind you that now I have those partner links, if you use this to create a new account and play for free (for an hour or two months? w/e), or this to buy an expansion, I’ll get paid a bit. Not much, but it definitely helps!
And I was gonna write this wall of text regardlessly of the partnership one day, now I just have more incentive. x’DD Plus, we’re gonna have a beta weekend on 11-13 august, where you can preview the second expansion for free! It’s a perfect timing to write this post and try convincing you. You’ll just need a f2p account, and you’ll be given a lvl 80 boost and whatnot for that beta weekend. I’m not sure yet, but I assume you WILL. Just please register using my link above, so that I get paid for the two hours I spent on this post. :D
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cruzrogue · 7 years
William’s Summer Vacation
Starting Summer Vacation Oliver wanted to get to know his son. It has been an exhausting spring with what Prometheus and crew had brought to his team and himself. Having a long conversation with Felicity and then including Samantha to their plans. Oliver was able to breathe a sigh of relief that least everyone was on the same page. All he needed was to ask William if he wanted to hang with him throughout the summer.
With Samantha and William looking out the balcony of the loft, Oliver was finishing up dinner while Felicity set the settings on the table. She has been cheering him on which he appreciates. God he loves her and the fact they she turned the tables and asked him to marry her shortly after their reunion in Lian Yu. He has been on cloud nine for days.
Felicity had her tablet on the counter ready for Oliver to suggest as many as these with William in the coming weeks before they would head back to where Samantha’s parents lived. She figured after this ordeal she wanted to be with her own family and William was moving with her.
“William” Oliver called out as both he and his mother walked back indoors. William came to a halt and took the tablet his dad was offering. Looking down at it he smiled but then grimaced and said, “Nothing to do with stuff like this.” He pointed and Oliver noted that Outdoor activities like camping; fishing and forest like adventures were a no go.
Looking down he read the article that Felicity flagged for him.
 Top 10: Father-Son Activities: 10 Activities That Will Bring You Closer To Dad Than Ever Before
Even if you’re lucky enough to live with your son full-time, it’s always a challenge to find enough time to devote to him. The father-son activities we’ve put together fit a number of criteria: They are reasonably simple and inexpensive, and they provide mutual benefit and enjoyment. Above all, each father-son activity works well as a platform for instilling your values and teaching lessons to your son. Sometimes, the message is subtle, but that’s often how a lasting impression is made. If one of these father-son activities sticks and you both enjoy doing it, make it a tradition. Without further ado, here are our Top 10: Father-Son Activities.
 A few already were not happening so he crossed them out:
9. Camping
3. Fishing or hunting
 10. Gaming
You might usually try to get your son away from the Xbox as much as possible, but if he enjoys it and plays games appropriate for his age and maturity level, moderate gaming gives you an opportunity to share in an activity he already loves. Anyway, video games are like breasts: They’re meant for kids, but grown-ups like them too. Plus, playing with your son is a good way to monitor the games he plays and control the amount of time he spends on them. When you’re in the game with him, you can keep your hand-eye coordination sharp while teaching him how to play fair.
So they were going to go down the list and at number 10. Felicity made popcorn she was so going to enjoy this video game competition between Oliver “games are a waste of time” and ‘game master’ Bill.
“What was that?” Oliver questioned making a peculiar face.
“That dad was you face being zapped by that ugly alien dude.” He laughed happily as his father squirmed.
Felicity took out her camera as the boys were oblivious to the outside world and took some photos.
“Dad, you got to stop dying. These aliens aren’t going to be defeated otherwise.”
“Stop whining. What does this one button do on the controller again?” Oliver losing focus as he kept struggling to get the right functions in. Felicity slide by his side and pecked his cheek. While William was on the rug staring at the large screen pressing buttons a mile a minute.
“You’re doing great honey.” She whispered into his ear. He turned his head slightly and raised an eyebrow. He was doing horrible against the alien invasion. He slid the control into her hands and nodded to the TV. He asked for help with a silent ‘help’ and Felicity took the controller and partially paying attention started to kick the attackers. Oliver brought her into his arms as he watched two people he loved very much take down virtual rogues.
“Dad, awesome you just…” William said excitedly until he saw who was playing. A big grin crossed his face and he went for a fist bump and Felicity happily returned. “Now let’s take them down.”
8. Sporting events
It may be one of the most popular father-son activities, but it’s also where a lot of guys sap the quality out of the experience. How many times have you gone to a sporting event only to have it tainted by a rude, drunk guy? It’s embarrassing to even be in his section. But here’s your chance to be a bigger man than the obnoxious drunk guy. Remember: You have to set the example of enthusiasm and team spirit without poor sportsmanship. It also helps to be in a kid-friendly atmosphere, so check out a college or amateur game. If they don’t offer free admission, it’s usually low-dough. You’ll probably be closer to the action too. 
As mayor Oliver is asked to attend functions all over the city and even within the state. He usually passes due to his night time activities but he has been looking forward to a wrestling match and with William and Dig by his side he was sure they would have a good time.
“Can’t believe Felicity and Lyla turned this opportunity down.” William says as he shakes his head.
Oliver and John give each other knowing glances. John knows of Oliver discomfort in watching Felicity ogle other half naked men while they work out and Oliver knows that John dislikes that Lyla breaks down each performance as to worthy or unworthy combatants. They want to enjoy the flashy sport as it is meant to be enjoyed.
So a little more than half way through the show the rowdy guys a few seats down start chanting for Diamondust to finally pick his competitor for the fanfest show coming up.
Diamondust nods and starts spewing out comical wording of who he picks will get their ass handed to them. Noticing a famous face of Oliver Queen he starts to target the well-known man who is now mayor of Star City.
Oliver Queen’s love life becomes front and center as Diamondust targets it with a fever. John knows that it could get out of hand fast and whispers, “We can head out.”
“No.” Oliver says under his breath. Though he sandwiches William between Dig and himself. When Felicity Smoak’s name is ushered from the man in the ring Oliver reacts by balling his fists yet makes no move. The men a few rows back start chanting inappropriate Smoak references Diamandust calls out to Oliver, “Felicity who? I don’t think she’s relevant. Isn’t she last year’s model?”
Getting a ding on her tablet that both her name and Oliver’s were in the news she turned the news station on while waiting on Oliver and William to come home and saw Oliver run into the ring in one impressive jump and accept the challenge spitting out her drink. “What the hell.”
7. Bicycling
Whether it’s on a road bike, mountain bike or hybrid, bicycling is great exercise for both of you. It’s relaxing to hit a bike trail away from traffic and you can bond with your son as you take in the scenery. It can be habit-forming too. If your son takes a real interest in it, he just might continue biking into adulthood, and that’s a healthy habit you can be proud to have helped foster.
William already enjoyed biking so taking a stroll Sunday morning with his dad was no problem that was until some ladies seem to follow them around. One thing he noticed that hanging with either his father or soon to be step-mother there was no privacy.
Stopping at their tracks while in the park as kids were running across the bike path some of the bicyclists started a conversation with his dad.  
“Mr. Mayor, I love your incentive on the new bike paths across the city.” Blonde 1 stated.
“Are we going to see you biking more? Maybe join a team?” Blonde 2 asked.
His dad replied nicely and the ladies plus some new ones to the conversation kept him occupied and William getting bored of this asked his dad, “Dad, the path is free again can we go now?”
Oliver looked at his son than at the small gathering crowd and made his apologies as he took back to cycling with his son.
“That happens a lot huh?” William asked at a crossing. His dad just shrugged being in public this sort of thing happened it was his normal William really didn’t like it.
6. Cooking
Your son should know there’s more to life than microwave burritos. If prefab food is the extent of your own culinary skills, it’s never too late to right the course. You can experiment and learn together. Cooking a meal — a real meal — is something that’s actually fun if you’re patient and willing to practice a little. Your son will soon realize that great-tasting meals are possible with healthy ingredients. This is another habit he can develop further as he matures; everyone knows women dig guys who can cook.
Walking in to the loft and seeing your son and the love of your life sitting at the counter waiting for the microwave ding made him shake his head. They loved those gross chicken nuggets.
“I can whip something up that be even taster?” Oliver pronounced as he walked towards them. “Come on Will, its next on our list of activities.”
“But… I like chicken nuggets.” He looked at his dad than back to Felicity. “It tastes good.” Felicity overwhelming nodded in agreement.
“How about dinner we make up a dish I’ve been meaning to try?” Oliver standing before them and the microwave as William nodded and got excited when the microwave finished cooking his lunch. Both he and Felicity happily took the tray as Oliver trying to show disgust in this duos excitement.
After the day’s activities William was in the kitchen with his dad. One thing he noticed is that his dad really enjoyed cooking it mellowed him out. He has been a very overprotective dad. Guess being the Green Arrow slash mayor kind of made his dad intense.
“So William, add those two ingredients in the pan as I stir this mixture then after I’ll cut some more vegetables and you can mix in the broth.” Oliver instructed.
“Dad, you forgot to get this ingredient.” William pointed out.
“Ah, no I didn’t forget, Felicity allergic to nuts.” As Oliver looks at the recipe over his son’s shoulder.
“Now it makes sense.”
“What?” Oliver looks at his boy.
“None of the cupboards holds peanut butter.”
“You never asked.”
William shrugged then answered, “I’d go home and mom had peanut crackers waiting for me.”
“Oh, well for Felicity’s sake there is nothing here that could hurt her.”
“That makes sense.” He shakes his head and adds an afterthought, “She can’t get hurt.”
They worked well and the little convo they had going on was well worth this father-son activity.
 5. Working around the house
We're not suggesting you dole out chores to your son while you crash on the couch. Instead, you have to work together. Show him how things work around the house, as well as how they’re maintained and repaired. You’ll obviously do most of the work, but let him watch while you explain the process. He’ll respect you for being able to solve problems, and you’ll lay the foundation for him to do the same. By the time he’s old enough to take on light tasks by himself, he’ll have learned the responsibility and value of maintaining his home.
“Oh frack” Felicity mumbled as she glanced at the broken disposal.
“What’s wrong?” Oliver asked as he headed her way.
“I think it’s stuck again?”
William put down his comic book as he was absently reading upside down on the sofa nearest the window.
“Dad, can I help. Isn’t it the next thing on the list?”
Oliver looked at his boy and nodded. “Okay Will we’ll be fixing this shortly.” Felicity was about to interrupt not like she can’t fix it herself but looking at her boys she just thanks them and lets them do their thing.
“Okie dokie.” As William puts down the comic and waits to be of any use.
His dad shows him where the circuit breaker is for this and shuts it while giving him a small lecture about safety. They go through many steps from using the reset to forcing it back and forth in both directions a few times to free the impellers. They finally get it working and high five each other.
4. Automotive maintenance
Here’s a lost art that deserves a big revival. You’ve seen features on AskMen about reclaiming your manhood, right? Here’s a perfect example: There’s nothing manly about another guy changing your oil. It’s downright emasculating, in fact. Remember when you were a kid and you helped your dad with the family car, most likely holding the flashlight and handing him tools? OK, forget how funny it was to hear him smack his knuckles and utter half a curse before censoring himself and whipping the tool aside. Teaching your son the basics of automotive care is valuable on many levels. First, he probably digs cars anyway, so it’ll be an easy way to bond. Second, when he gets his own wheels, he’ll already know the basics of car care and the consequences if he doesn’t perform maintenance.
His dad won’t let him ride on his bike yet but at least he gets to help his dad maintain it. Being on the list and all. His dad hands him a checklist:
A motorcycle requires a lot of maintenance. ...
Keep It Clean. ...
Change The Oil. ...
Check The Chain. ...
Give Your Tires Lots of Love. ...
Check Those Cables. ...
Hardware Maintenance is Important. ...
Taking Care of the Battery.
Motorcycles are different from automobiles because you only have two wheels to take you down the road, and one loose bolt on a bike can mean the difference between an enjoyable ride or an incident.
They clean the Ducati and inspect the bike which already had an oil change recently so Oliver shows him some chains as he lubricates them.  They go down the list as Oliver then surprises William with a helmet and gives his son his first motorcycle ride.
2. Playing with radio-controlled vehicles
Here’s an underrated activity that has an almost cult-like following. If you haven’t considered a radio-controlled car, plane or boat, give one a go. You’ll probably find it easy to pick up and tough to stop — it can be really addictive. Meanwhile, your son’s hand-eye coordination will be tested and improved while he practices teamwork and good sportsmanship around you and other RC hobbyists. Some of the most basic RC toys are really inexpensive and will give your son a fun introduction to the pastime. As he grows, the vehicles can grow with him, getting more challenging along the way.
Felicity comes home with a grin happy Curtis holding a box.
Oliver has already sprung from the sofa to meet with his girl while William gets up slowly and heads to give Felicity a hug. They have missed their girl while she was away for hours leaving them to watch TV or really let his dad catch up on some work.
“So what’s in the box?”
“So glad you asked.” Says Curtis as he gives the boy the box.
“It’s not his birthday.” Oliver automatically replied he didn’t want to spoil his son. Both Felicity and Curtis rolled their eyes.
“Oh wow.” William said animatedly. “It a…”
“Radio-controlled vehicle.” Oliver finished looking at Felicity.
Felicity smiled as she explained, “The reason why I asked you not to shop for one of these is well when you started this list I already asked Curtis to help me build a one of a kind bad ass RC toy.”
“Oh she did more than that, she has both of you enrolled in a competition tomorrow” Curtis smirked.
Oliver looked at her surprised is that why she blocked his calendar for tomorrow telling him it was a family day?
The trophy on the mantle proudly displays first place.
1. Playing sports
You could bore your son to death with pointless, embellished ramblings about your glory days or you could shake off the rust and show him by doing it yourself. The lessons he’ll learn include sportsmanship, coordination, discipline, and teamwork. It’ll all be lost on him, however, if you don’t set the standard yourself. It’s not about winning or losing for either of you; it’s about teaching the aforementioned skills while getting some exercise. Let your son have a say in which sport you choose to play. Forcing one on him will result in diminished returns; he won’t enjoy it as much and he’ll get less out of the whole experience.
Grabbing the soccer ball Oliver headed back to the field. His friends and family all here to play ball. It was a beautiful day and enjoying every moment with people he cared about was the best feeling in the world.
William looked at his dad and smiled the huge grin on his father’s face as he tormented well really taunted some of his closest friends was great to see. Hearing stories about how serious his dad was and how over the years his dad started to live again. He was blessed to have this family. Really blessed.
 And there it is... Thanks for reading!!!
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