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royalarchivist · 4 months
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Etoiles: [Less than 30 seconds later]
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igirisuscones · 7 months
the way Jesse McCartney voice acts like rent is constantly due the next day needs to be studied
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qtubbo · 2 months
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I miss them </3 heartbreak and this is really cute two in one
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useless-englandfacts · 6 months
so if you didn’t know, last week rishi sunak was due to meet the greek prime minister to discuss — amongst other things — the parthenon sculptures that we've been hoarding in the british museum for a couple of centuries. rishi cancelled last minute for no good reason and one greek newspaper came up with a great response:
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ofukitty · 4 months
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tfw your card declines at the therapist office so the weird worker reminds you about how you died as a child
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heres it with the meme included
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slavhew · 2 months
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charmed, i'm sure
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badlydrawnronpa · 5 months
i love how this blog called "badly drawn" while like some of these doodles are better than my finished sketches lol
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svtskneecaps · 26 days
i also just want to point out the qsmp members' commitment to like never letting the inactive members die. like dantdm logged on twice and is canonically dead and everyone continues to blame mysterious happenstance on him. spreen is canonically dead and yet people are still like namedropping him even tho the house façade he built has been demolished and also probably consumed by a mountain. they meme on kameto who's barely been on except that time he was a fed spy that was iconic as hell. they just immortalize their members and they're always so happy to see old faces come back and it lowkey makes me emotional lmfaoo like missa barely logged on for a while but goddamn nobody forgot his name bc philza can't go one day without mentioning him and mariana barely logs on but every time fit saw the homeless mariana in roier's city no matter what he'd stop dead and tell it "come home" and when slime came back to the server for elections after having logged off for the last like two months everyone was still excited to meet him bc the others had kept his memories on the server fresh and alive, maxo died canonically in the nuke and pierre pasted his face all over the server, luzu vanished for months and we never forgot him either thanks to the computers and foolish's wack ass family tree. like when purgatory teams were chosen and team red constantly joked about how it would be so over for the other teams once germán logged on despite the fact that germán had only ever logged on ONCE, the way they cheered when they snatched rubius in the split of green despite the fact that rubius hadn't logged on more than twice since march. they just keep the names alive all the time and it's like
it just makes me really happy to see. like it makes me really happy. like the admin team and the members alike are like 'no way in HELL are we letting your memory go' like damn once ur on isla quesadilla you really are stuck as an islander forever :D
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kadextra · 28 days
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heritageposts · 24 days
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royalarchivist · 6 months
Cucurucho's slow turn to stare at Fit when Pac got all up in his face was so funny, LMAOOOO
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thisischeri · 2 months
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Windows XP iconography, 2001
instagram: cheri.png
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outofcontextdiscord · 4 months
WARNING: Paingful colors.
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zillychu · 7 months
YOU! Yeah, you!
Are you overwhelmed by social media? Yearning for the early 2000s internet with casual games, forums, fun graphics, and HTML customization? May I offer you a goat in these trying times?
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Goatlings is a super cute, simple little pet + doll maker site I've been playing that I simply adore! I'm not sponsored for this or anything, I just really love this site and want to invite more ppl to join!
There's a handful of simple games to play, and a little explore + battle mechanic too. Think Neopets, but much more and better imo!
But the best thing is how low-key it is! There's very little FOMO. Just log in when you want, you can advance at your own pace. There are some time-limited things, but they're never out of reach, and honestly everything just continues to get better and better. New stuff is added all the time!
You can adopt cute little Goatlings and customize them and their pages!
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There's also a built-in Picrew doll maker for your user icon! You collect items to build your inventory, and since this site has been around for a while, there are LOADS of items!
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Did I mention there's a bunch of cute items to collect too? You can add them to your Goatlings pages as treasures!
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Not only that, but users (artists and non-artists alike) are encouraged to submit ideas for everything on the site! Goats, things to add to the doll maker, items, anything! A ton of items are adapted from designs submitted by users. There are contests for them too, where everyone votes on favorites and you get prizes for winning!
There's also charity drives going on at all times, so if you like to throw money at indie game companies for their fun sites, you can do that AND help support a good cause 💕
Click here to check it out!
I do get a fun lil in-game referral bonus if you use this link, but you don't have use it. I'd be happy just seeing more friendly faces there!
(btw if you sign up, I'm Zillychu on there as well! Feel free to say hi on the site or in the official discord!)
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