#adult alterhuman
seafoamwave · 3 days
Let’s break dating stereotypes by being wolves
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dog-thing-augustus · 2 months
i wish i could purr-
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merdemiboy · 2 months
I want to buy an otherkin flag :( can’t really find any anywhere….
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servalsahara · 3 months
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intro post!!
☆ hii my name is leo! im 20 and my pronouns are he/him. i am also trans and queer and i am neurodivergent ☆
☆ i am new to the community and unsure of labels, but as of now i think alterhuman and therian fit my identity ☆
☆ i am an african serval and a domestic cat ☆
☆ my other interests are fall out boy, scene + emo subcultures, rave culture, marble hornets, and art! I am also a furry! ☆
☆ my main blog is @macaroni-0verlord, i interact from @macaroniguardian ☆
☆ blinkies below the cut! ☆
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alterhumansafespace · 10 days
A fenrir kin! Nice to meet you. How did you discover that?
Asking because you are primarily a dragon (?) and it's quite hard for me to understand individuals who have more than 1 kintype unless they're related somewhat. To be honest it used to be I didn't understand at all but now I discovered I was a kelpie so...
It's directly related to being an incarnation of Loki for me. If it's not related I definitely have a hard time understanding so if you want to share I'd love to hear.
It’s a pleasure to meet you as well! Glad to talk to someone who’s an incarnation of Loki.
Being Fenrirkin is specifically a Copingkin I never really asked to have. Yes, I do love Norse mythology, but being a copingkin of Fenrir can be… well- a bit self destructive for me.
I had been reading a lot into the binding of Fenrir and other information on him. Parts of the story correlate uncannily. When I experience Fenrir shifts, the room felt too small and the intense desire to bite at my right hand was always prominent. I get a constant feeling of being suspicious of authority, sometimes this includes questioning and thinking I know better. But the hardest thing is the intense feeling of betrayal that comes during Fenrir shifts, especially of the ones who were treating you right.
The betrayal part comes from traumas I dealt with. The multitude of gods equating to my family always saying that each other are liars, and others who constantly betrayed my trust. Tyr can be substituted for three different people. My mother, my father or my ex. I tend to associate Tyr more with my ex due to closer similarities.
I wasn’t the best after the breakup and I did lash out viciously. The sword that is stated to hold Fenrir’s jaws open correlate to my need to scream or a need to explain to my ex how his betrayal hurt me, for how sorry I am for hurting him. The bindings are a creation of anger/rage and extreme guilt.
I have always felt a very close tie and extremely empathize with Fenrir’s story. It’s almost like a deeply rooted spiritual connection that isn’t easy to describe. My mental/perception shifts do not feel like that of a normal human. No, they’re intensified by a different sort of emotion that felt very nonhuman in nature.
As for explaining being a polykin with pretty different kintypes, it’s a bit confusing, but not impossible. My dragonself is much less destructive and almost guide like in how I behave. The pride I get when talking about strength are different levels. For my dragonself strength is something I take pride in, but I don’t feel like it’ll crumble at any moment. For my Fenrir self, if I have it questioned, I want to prove myself. This does end up that if someone I consider close to tells me that I am weak, I will break and will either shut down or lash out. Thankfully the lashing out is only internally, but it is destructive by nature.
There are specific behaviors that happen that do not correlate between my dragonself and Fenrir self. As my Fenrir self is much less shifty and is an involuntary identity that allows me to cope with betrayals.
Being a dragon comes with its own difficulties, but I tend to mentally know the difference between my Fenrir tendencies and my dragon tendencies. It all depends on how high, and how self destructive, my emotions get.
I do apologize if it’s a little incoherent. I tried my best to explain the best I could how I separated shifts and behaviors of my two animalistic kintypes. As well as explaining how I came to the conclusion.
I don’t consider myself as Fenrir Otherkin. Involuntarily identifying as and with Fenrir is purely a way of coping that I never asked for as stated above.
Hopefully this explains it enough for a general understanding
>Saiph 🐉
Edit: if you’d like further explanation or clarification, feel free to DM me or send another ask. I’m a very open person and I get good vibes from you
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darkplanets · 6 months
...Bloodmoon Ursaluna is probably my favorite paratype, it has The Creature's essence without actually BEING her. Like, this huge gnarled bear will very much convey the idea.
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saiphthepolykin · 10 days
What it means to be a Fenrir copingkin to me is that my strength is something I take a lot of pride in. I deal with very negative and self destructive shifts in mood that feel otherworldly and not on the level of human rage. I bite at my right hand as hard as I can, I feel like screaming but understandable to. The phantom shifts of the sword in my jaws and gagged into silence. Constantly suspicious of authority/authority-like figures. A feeling like someone will betray you at any moment that you might not ever know.
It’s knowing I hurt the one person I thought I’d never hurt severely. Someone who was loyal to me even if their betrayal was for my own good. They were loyal to me and I, figuratively, ripped off their hand that treated me so well. It’s feeling my guilt and anger trapping me in the same chains that the Æsir tied Fenrir down with.
Though, the more positive side is that I don’t feel weak and helpless all the time. As stated I take great pride in my strength. I am gentle when needed, but I am also cruel and unforgiving to those who are deserving of such monstrous punishment.
This identity is something I didn’t ask for. It’s very much rooted in very negative shifts. I get very angry, very sad, and some of my thoughts change to those similar to the story of Fenrir during Ragnarök. I become self destructive due to trauma outside of my kin identities.
While yes there’s some positive things that come from this identity, the negatives remind me that nothing is always sunshine and rainbows.
Maybe someone can relate to this as well. Maybe it’ll be helpful to others
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strawberrybabydog · 3 months
this is a wierd question maybe but has a medical professional ever said anything at all about quadrobics?
i just know that in human pup safety courses they specifically dedicate a lot of time talking about wrist and hand injuries you can give yourself related to not playing properly and not using any wrist protection or support. MMA gloves are one of the most basic humanpup gears that they frequently stress is the Most important piece of gear you have because it's basically armor. and in humanpupplay, there is no running and jumping and parkour-type shit; youre just on the floor walking around or wrestling another dog. if its so easy to break your wrists doing that, imagine how easy it is to break your wrists with absolutely no protection whatsoever, running and jumping around?
(video from Gpup Alpha who is a humanpup educator AND doctor!)
iirc one of the entire points of the sport is to do it without protection to show off how adaptive or agile your body is. and honestly i think this is really terrible. this is a 1 way ticket to completely fucking up your wrists. again - if its easy to fuck up your wrists just by walking on your knuckles and knees, its even easier to do that when youre running and jumping and slamming your entire weight down onto your wrists without protection or support
i feel bad not having a real conclusion to this post. i want to say "go buy MMA gloves, go buy wrist support, go watch humanpup safety videos" but i am also not a medical professional and i have no idea what would work best here as protection against injury or longterm strain. maybe i'll say you should check in with a doctor before starting quadrobics and see what they recommend for wrist support because SOMETHING has to be better than forcing your entire body weight onto your hands and wrists this way (a fragile structure which has 8 bones btw!!)
be careful with your body. i dont care if you hate your body or do not identify with it. it is still a delicate machine that carries you through your life!!
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megaraptormenace · 10 months
I love chewing on stuff. Just sinking my teeth in and going HGGRRRHGGGGRGRRRRRRGGRRGRRRRR
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seafoamwave · 18 hours
Haha the people interviewing me for this job don’t know that I’m an animal
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dog-thing-augustus · 3 months
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my dog and her sticks
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merdemiboy · 3 months
I’ll put a couple examples I’ve seen for the Mer Kin flag as ideas and while I’d accept it as the official flag for Mer Kin, I have ideas I want to share.
The first flag listed is good, in my opinion. I love the scales and the seven point star but I feel like it copies too much of the pride strip pattern that waaay too many flags seem to be defaulting to, again, in my very incredibly humble opinion.
The next one is, in my opinion, even more of a copy of the very boring stripe pattern as well as lacking the seven point star. The fin DOES get a clearer “Mer” message across, though.
The last photo is my amateur rough draft of my idea.
On the typical 3x5 flag template, a circle is at the center of, lines swirling from the circle to the lower left and upper right corners of the flag. In the center, a seven point star with a mer tail symbol in the middle.
In the upper left, the North Star would be seen. In the lower right, the southern cross. My reasoning being that using stars to navigate when traveling by sea is common and having both the northern star and southern cross is inclusive to everyone on the southern hemisphere.
The stars would be white, the outline of the swirls (I was trying to mimic the curve of a wave) along with the seven point star and mer fin would’ve black. The corner that has the northern star would start as a light sea foam green and fade into a blue that would eventually fade into purple once on the side with the southern cross.
Another idea is to remove the stars and put the moon in one corner (because of the effect it has on tides) and the mer fin in the other corner to avoid cramping the middle.
Just and idea!
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liongoatsnake · 8 days
Best thing about being an adult nonhuman plural system? We can decorate our house however we want.
In place of common family/friends photos normally sprinkled around the house, we get to have artwork or photos representing ourselves and our partners as their ourselves.
We can have a piece of bathroom decor that says, "Wash your paws. Brush your fangs, Comb your tail."
We can proudly decorate our home in ways that touch on our plurality and nonhumanity as we see fit without concern or shame because we're adults, and we can do what we want.
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Hello! I have a question, do you think you could explain emotional shifts, astral shifts, aura shifts, bi-locational shifts and spiritual shifts to me? I know about mental shifts, and i can assume what perception shifts are about, but i've never heard about this other types of shifts!
Thank you!
I’ll definitely be posting each separately in their own terms of the week posts, but I’ll give a rundown of each with examples of how I personally experience them.
Shift types:
Emotional- basically they happens to come from a heightened state of emotion, which can be any.
Example: My copingkin has these shifts when I feel rejected, heightening the feeling into betrayal due to the fact that I cope as Fenrir from Norse myth.
Astral- where your alterhuman self leaves your human body. Normally found in meditation and dissociation, and requires a belief in the astral plain.
Example 1: I get this a lot with my dragonself. I’m a very spiritual person by nature.
Example 2: You could think of wolf walkers if you’ve seen the movie/clips of the movie on TikTok for this type of shift as well.
Aura- This one requires a belief in auras, but it’s where you feel the form of your life energy turn/as your alterhuman identity.
Example: I feel these a lot actually as I sometimes intertwine some of my phantom shifts as my dragonself.
Fun Fact: This is how I actually was able to figure out my dragonself’s appearance and size, as well as my Fenrir copinglink. My aura’s size changed drastically.
Bi-locational- It’s you feeling your alterhuman self in their natural habitat in a different location. This can be felt through double sensory input or vivid daydreaming.
Example: I get these a lot with my dragonself, especially when I am looking out a car window or in a plane. This also happens when I’m up late at night.
Spiritual- These are undefined shifts that require you to believe that your alterhuman identity(ies) are to some level spiritual, like astral and aura shifts
Example: I do believe in past lives and reincarnation, but none of my identities are past lives. My best example is my otherkin identity. I believe it’s a connection of myself from somewhere else.
I do believe all of my identities are in some capacity both psychological and spiritual. My dragonkin identity just happens to be the best example of spiritual shifts.
As an added note, perception shifts are shifts in your perception of the outside world or self-image through your alterhuman identity. The Fenrir ones encompasses both outside world and self image.
There are other sorts of shifts as well that I don’t personally experience, like dream shifts due to the fact that I never remember my dreams.
Hopefully that helps you with a basic understanding of what these shifts are!
>Saiph 🐉
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softservecanine · 1 year
Young therians stop being ableist challenge (impossible, apparently)
There are so many young therians who pin such importance on quadrobics, I've even seen them start groups that are basically quadrobist exclusive.
I'm a disabled therian. We exist. Not everyone can do quads and I don't understand the obsession with it.
Quadrobics is a very physically demanding sport, and it's not required to be a therian. Don't exclude your disabled therian friends just because you think this activity is cool.
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dogs-have-fallen · 30 days
adult therians! survey poll down below :)
this is an 18+ post with NSFW themes (kink), minors keep scrolling!!
my friend was telling me that on the Theriopology discord server it and a few others developed a hypothesis.
“therians with a domestic theriotype are more likely to be into petplay than those with a feral or wild theriotype”
now this is just for funsies!! i may send poll results to my friend to see, but only percents, your users will never be shown
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