#aew predictions
sheinthatfandom · 5 months
Time to make my Worlds End predictions.
Even though it’s not until tomorrow I’m feeling pretty good and wanna focus on something that makes me happy soooo wrestling. Gonna just put everything under the cut cause it’s a lot of matches and I have thoughts.
Zero hour
20 man battle royale. Not putting the pic cause there’s no faces anyway.
Why are we having a battle royale for the PPV this coulda been a womens match. Oh or a women’s battle royale. I have no idea who in this but since Lee Moriarty isn’t already on any posters for this PPV I want him to win. Scorpio sky should not be in this or wardlow just no neither should go near this belt again. Also is Chuck healed yet? I’ll also accept Chuck winning
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The dream is for Yuta to walk out with two belts. Realistically, never gonna happen. Hook has never lost clean and after the last loss he shouldn’t lose to shenanigans again. What I do want is for Yuta to bring the monster out of hook. I want this to be a blood bath and for both of them to get the crowd on their feet and chanting fight forever. I want when this match is over for the ftw belt to mean the bloodiest hardcore shit in aew. Hook is most likely winning this but I want it to feel deserved.
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Andrade lost the c2 and with CJ still gone after the infection/surgery it would make sense for him to lose because she’s not around to cheer him on and manage him to greatness. This should be miros match to win but it would be great if Andrade mimicked some of miros moves making it seem like CJ might have taught Andrade her own husbands stuff. That’s for commentary to put over but if it’s the usual folks I doubt they’d do that and will most likely be talking about what they had for lunch 🙄
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So originally it was gonna be Kyle but I guess now we’re getting Takeshita. Which to me means they didn’t want the losing team to be3 people with belts so they moved him out. Hopefully it’s that and not an injury. Either way fuck this match Takeshita shoulda been in the battle royale. The only good thing about this match is Ricky and Will (Hobbs) being on the same team again and it could be interesting seeing them move fluidly together and Bill like 👀 are you trying to take a big booty princess???? Especially when Ricky makes it such a point that he and bill don’t know each other aren’t close aren’t friends and don’t even have a tag name and it’s all on purpose and by design. (Because the last person he trusted was will and will went after his neck.) And then Jericho is out here naming himself after nazi sympathizers. We already know whose winning and I hate it all.
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IF SWERVE DONT WIN I WILL PERSONALLY SHOVE MY FOOT UP TKS NARROW ASS!!!! This man needs to be put on the fast path to the world title and losing to Lee when I don’t see any legitimate story for Lee after this ain’t it. If they have to let it be Nana coming in with shenanigans and run this back when Swerve is world champ.
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I hope everyone has fun 🥰🥰
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I’m hoping Lethal gets knocked tf out early and we can just watch everyone fuck nasty for 20 mins before Danny pins Lethal for the win. (And then we get Danny in a winners room with only the BCC cause he’s a good boy and deserves it) also Danny should wear the panties since he’s teaming with Bryan. 🥵
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As much as I’m done with Christian as tnt champ adam doesn’t deserve it. I personally want Christian to walk out with the belt. But I can see tk giving it to Adam and with no dq maybe lucha helps adam and turns on Christian to keep a story going. But again I don’t want Adam to win here.
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I love you mox so much you’re my fave wrestler in the history of forever you are the heart and soul of professional wrestling… buuuuut Eddie is and should be the one to walk out with 3 belts. The story that has been building not even for months for years is for Eddie to take this and it’s the only ending. Nothing else this is for Eddie
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I’m not ready for Toni to lose the belt and I’ve never been a riho fan. I don’t hate her but I def don’t see her as champion at least not for aew. If Toni does lose it would be cause Mariah cost her but again I don’t want that. It could also be Mariah’s first match be against riho cause she costs riho this match if they don’t want riho to lose clean.
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I want mjf to win only because I do not want Joe as a transitional champion and I really really want swerve to get the belt early in 2024. The devil needs to show his face already. Also who tf is our roh tag team champs right now? It better be the kingdom. Plus if joe loses and he willingly gave up his tv belt like can you imagine how unhinged he will be? It’s gonna be so sexy 😏 and then imagine zack poking him like Samoa Joseph I guess we know whose the greatest television champ is don’t we. This man is gonna be a menace if he loses will make it everyones problem.
Here’s hoping the devil is Adam or Kyle 🤞
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naritaren · 2 years
Here are my All Out Predictions. I’ll add anything that was added during Rampage afterwards. Ishii v Kingston - Kingston Pac v Kip - Pac Hook v Angelo - Hook Bryan Danielson v Jericho - Jericho cheats and wins, leading to Garcia being upset and leaving after his match on Wednesday Women’s 4 Way - Toni will win House of Black v Darby, Sting, Miro - House of Black Jade Cargill v Athena - Athena Jungle Boy v Christian - Christian. Luchasaurus turns on JB Wardlow/FTR v Jay and MCMG - Jay/MCMG. Someone in FTR gets pinned to set up rematch Ladder Match - Whomever the Joker is. I think the Joker is Lance, but if it’s MJF, it changes who wins the main event Swerve in our Glory v Acclaimed - Swerve Ricky v Hobbs - Ricky The Elite v TBD (Let’s be real, it’s Dark Order). I think Dark Order wins because Don Callis betrays Kenny to join up with the United Empire. Mox v Punk - If Lance or Joe are the jokers, Mox wins. If MJF is the joker, Punk wins with MJF getting the belt at Grand Slam. 
I'll add any last minute matches predictions under this.
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mjfass · 3 months
Hangman and Swerve will be so into trying to fuck and kill each other during the match, that they’ll forget about Joe and he’ll end up winning.
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blackfire5561 · 2 years
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Danhausen is an excellent lawyer, he’s got the official tie and everything!
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queeniesaewblog · 6 months
Lol next week we are going to see Samoa Joe return Max to Adam like “here he’s your problem now. Have fun bye” and then go prepare for Worlds End
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piratewithvigor · 1 month
Hook has the opportunity to do something really funny* tonight
*=replace his regular hat with Jake Hager's bucket hat, insinuating he has killed Hager as a psychological edge against Jericho
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oOoOO new take --
What if at Revolution
During Samoa / Hangman / Swerve
MJF returns and costs Joe the belt
And Swerve takes advantage and wins
Causing Hangman to go even more feral and Unhinged
@katries @mrsmatt @rainries
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supakixbabe · 1 month
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Young Bucks art! 🖤💜 a.k.a My prediction for AEW Dynasty.
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devilsxhook · 3 months
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my predictions for tonight!
Sting and Darby
Joe (i want swerve to win)
Orange Cassidy
Eddie Kingston
Daniel Garcia
Will Ospreay
Wardlow (even tho i have all faith in hook of course)
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elitehoe · 3 months
Last minute Revolution thoughts
Team BlackHart vs Team WillowStat. Honestly I just hope they have fun they deserve it.
Bang Bang Scissor Gang vs Team Jarret. Private Party I'm so sorry you keep getting paired with losers. BBSG for the win, with Jay getting antsy and angsty.
All-Star Scramble. I have no interest in this match. Sorry to them but this could've been a pre show thing.
BCC vs FTR. I'm riding with Blackpool Cunty Club always.
Christian Cage vs Daniel Garcia. I would rather Danny win the belt than Cope tbh.
Orange Cassidy vs Roderick Strong. Roddy is gonna break my favorite blonde twink in half lord.
Will Ospreay vs Konosuke Takeshita. I got huge expectations for this and I'm sure it might be my match of the night.
Eddie Kingston vs Bryan Danielson. If Eddie loses we kill TK plain and simple.
Toni Storm vs Deonna Purrazzo. May the gay gods shine down upon them and may they launch more sicko shit into this women's division. Amen.
Samoa Joe vs Swerve Strickland vs Hangman Page. Hangman 100% is costing Swerve that belt.
Sting and Darby vs Young Bucks. This is the best send off for Sting and the best heat for the Bucks. 3x tag champ agenda lives tonight babe.
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Here are my picks to win for revolution
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naritaren · 1 year
Revolution 2023 Predictions
Mark Briscoe and The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix) (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Ari Daivari and The Varsity Athletes (Josh Woods and Tony Nese) (with "Smart" Mark Sterling) - Mark Briscoe and The Lucha Brothers
Christian Cage vs. "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry - Jungle Boy
Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks - Ricky Starks
The Elite vs. House of Black - House of Black
Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Saraya vs. Ruby Soho - Ruby Soho
Jon Moxley vs Hangman - Hangman
Samoa Joe vs Wardlow - Joe
The Gunns vs The Acclaimed vs Jeff Jarrett/Jay Leathal vs Danhausen/Orange Cassidy - The Gunns
MJF vs Bryan Danielson - MJF
Other predictions: Returns/Debuts - Punk, Ibushi, White MJF cheats to get at least one pinfall Malakai or Julia mists Kenny
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sydsaint · 3 months
My predictions for Revolution tonight.
Bang Bang Scissor Gang VS Jeff Jarrett, Satnum, Willie Mack, Private Party- BBSG
Julia and Skye VS Willow and Stat w/th Stokley- Willow and Stat
Jericho VS Wardlow VS Hobbs VS Lance Archer VS Hook VS Brian Cage VS Magnus VS Dante Martin- Wardlow or Jericho
Christian Cage VS Danny Garcia- Christian
Orange Cassidy VS Roddy Strong- Roddy
Will Ospreay VS Konosuke Takeshita- Ospreay
Eddie Kingston VS Bryan Danielson- Eddie
Toni Storm VS Deonna Perazzo- Deonna
Samoa Joe VS Hangman VS Swerve- Joe or Swerve
Sting and Darby VS Young Bucks- Sting and Darby
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angels-hook · 1 month
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Me when dynastys today and i have shit to do 😞🧘‍♀️
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queeniesaewblog · 7 months
Why do I feel like tomorrow when MJF has his segment he’s going to be confronted by the person in the devil mask??
I have a sneaking suspicion it’ll be like a big tease for Saturday.
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champsamizayn · 6 days
its hard to imagine mercedes losing her debut . but also willow just got the belt so its hard to imagine her losing it so soon
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