#ah yes the toothpaste twins themselves
larachelledrawsfe · 11 months
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*Framme Voice* Diviiine Dragon!!
Avenir | Lindwurm | Picket | Successeur Vidame | Sleipnir Rider | Cupido | Tireur d'élite
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ohshcscenerios · 5 years
Scenario: Above you hangs a thin rectangular sign that reads Music Room 3. A classmate told you about a peculiar club that took place just behind the pink double doors in front of you and curiosity stole the better of you. Now you stand in the hallway about to find out why your classmate raved about this club. You push open the doors and is instantly greeted by a plethora of rose petals. They swirl around you as your eyes adjust to the bright light inside. Soon you can make out seven figures posing in front of a couch. “Welcome Princess, we have been waiting for you.” A soothing voice calls out. You step inside and see seven handsome young men grouped together at the room’s entrance. You realize the one who spoke is the blue-eyed blond sitting centered on the couch. He uncrosses his legs and stands to his feet. “Well, my darling, who would you like to entertain you today? What is your type?” “My type?” You ask, confused. The blonde laughs and gallantly swings his arm across the others. “Yes, your type. Do you like the cool type?” He points to the one wearing glasses. “Or the forbidden love type?” He points to a pair of twins who were mirrored portraits of each other. “Or the wild type?” He points to the tall one standing behind the couch off to the side. “Or the boy lolita type?” He points to a small blond sitting beneath the tall one. “Or maybe the natural type.” He points to a young boy sitting on the couch’s end. “Or perhaps you’d prefer the princely type.” He said as he twirled on his heel in a full circle. “Uh...” You stammer, “I’m not sure. I don’t know who you are or what this club is about. I was just told about you by a friend...” The blue-eyed blonde pinched his chin and nodded his head as if mulling over your confession. After a few seconds of silence he snaps his fingers and points his finger at you. “My dear, you are in for a treat! If you have never heard of our glorious club then allow me to grant you a one-time-only special! Today you may sample each host and decide which of us you would like to see again.” You consider his offer and decide it does sound enticing. You don’t have pressing obligations at home so your evening schedule is coincidentally open for such an experience. You notice the seven hosts have been intently watching you while you were lost in thought and your nerves spoke on your behalf. “Ok, I suppose it should be fine.” You agree nervously. The blonde smiled wide and snapped his fingers. Instantly the twins hook their arms around yours and carry you towards a table in the corner, surrounded by large windows.
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Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin:
“My name is Hikaru.” The one on your right says. “And my name is Kaoru.” The one on your left adds. “We are the Hitachiin twins.” They cheer in perfect unison, pitch and all. They seat you on a luxurious couch and offer a cup of fragrant tea. “Would you like to try this rose tea our dad brought back from Canada? It’s best served with a teaspoon of honey.” You nod and graciously accept the tea. You aren’t sure of how this club describes tea time etiquette so you daintily grip the teacup’s handle with two fingers with an extended pinky finger. Kaoru laughs, “Look Hikaru, she’s trying to appear fancy.” Hikaru chuckled, “When in doubt, pinky out!” You feel embarrassed at being caught and quickly move to set the tea down on the coffee table between you and their couch. Kaoru notices and reaches out at lightning speed to stop you from running away. “Please, we didn’t mean to insult you. My brother and I are -” His hand tips your tea cup and hot tea splashed over his hand. Kaoru grimaces in pain, forcing Hikaru to jump into action. “Kaoru!” Hikaru grabs his burnt hand within his and softly blows cool breaths across his skin. “Please be more careful. Your skin is too delicate.” Hikaru grabs a nearby cloth napkin and dabs at the remnants of tea on Kaoru’s hand. He works with such care you find yourself transfixed by his actions. The bond they share seems to delve deeper than the average sibling relationship and suddenly you find yourself curious to know how the two Hitachiin twins truly behave together.
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“Princess, it is time to meet your next host.” The natural host escorts you from the twins to the neighboring table. “His name is Kyoya Ootori.” He informs you as he leaves you alone with Mr. Glasses.
Kyoya Ootori:
You notice the cool host doesn’t have the same layout as the twins. His station is merely a couch, a coffee table, and him sitting on a center cushion with an open laptop resting on his thighs. He almost seems disinterested in charming you until he looks up with a dazzling smile. “Welcome, please join me.” His inviting voice coerces you sit beside him. You do not want to appear rude but the temptation to peer over his shoulder is too great. ‘Is he working on something important?’ You think to yourself. “You may be wondering why I am still typing on my laptop instead of focusing my attention on you. My dear I assure you, nothing on this laptop is more important than you.” He says as he closes his laptop with a click. You are stunned by his intuition and now wonder if he is secretly a mind-reader. “I have to stay on top of our club’s financial accounts or else we couldn’t properly entertain lovely women such as yourself.” He turns to you with a grin spreading across his lips. “Would you like to browse our recent collection of photo books?” You shake your head slightly, confused as to why he switched into a salesman. “Ah, alright then.” Something falters in his eyes; disappointment maybe? There is something behind his grin his grin that unsettles you. Yes, he is handsome and appears intelligent but something feels off... “May I interest you in idle chatter until you switch to another host?” He asks. You realize you haven’t said a word since joining him at his station and you instantly blush in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I must seem rude for not saying anything until now.” You say quietly. “Please tell me, why are you considered the cool type?” Kyoya’s grin relaxes into a shadow of a smile and it spreads chilly goosebumps down your spine. There is something about this host that makes your hair want to stand on end but he seems so nice... Maybe you’re just being paranoid? “Our time is up but I have enjoyed meeting you. Please come see us again.” He says cooly as he reopens his laptop and continues his chaotic tapping of keys. You feel a wall of ice erect between you two and suddenly it clicks on your head. ‘Ah, the cool type.’
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The natural host leads you to the next station and like the Hitachiin twin’s table there are two hosts sitting on the same couch. The small blonde greedily bites into a large piece of cake while the tall host sits silently beside him with a stoic face.
Mitsukuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka:
“Hello!” The small blonde squeals after swallowing his indulgence. The tall host takes a clean cloth napkin and wipes away the bits of frosting clinging to the blonde’s cheeks. ‘Interesting’ you think. “My name is Mitsukuni but you can call me Hunny! Everyone calls me Hunny... well except for Takashi. He calls me by my real name.” Hunny’s eyes perk up as a thought crosses his mind. “Oh yeah, this is Takashi but everyone calls him Mori. He’s really shy so he doesn’t say much. I hope you don’t mind.” You blush at Hunny’s comment. How could you mind if someone was incredibly shy? They shouldn’t have to change themselves for your convenience. You nod in acknowledgement which Hunny reciprocates with a large toothy smile. “What is your name?” Hunny asks. It just occurs to you that no one has asked for your name yet. So far the hosts have been calling you princess and darling. You don’t know if you should insulted or impressed. “My name is Y/N”. You answer with a slight smile, happy to be given adequate attention since you’ve stepped foot in this club. “Y/N-chan, I like that name! It sounds... sweet! Just like cake!” Hunny cheers as he grabs another slice of cake from the tabletop dessert display on his table. Takashi quickly snags the plate from Hunny’s small hands and returns it to the display. “Mitsukuni, brush your teeth before eating again or else you’ll get another cavity.” His baritone voice shocked you. You weren’t expecting him to sound so... deep. You realize you like it. “Alright.” Hunny turns to you. “I’ll be back Y/N-chan. Keep Takashi company while I’m gone, ok?” With that he hops off his chair and races towards the bathroom down the hall, a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste in hand. You turn to Mori to see him locking his steely gray eyes with yours. “So Mori...” You fidget in your chair not certain which kind of small talk Mori preferred. The weather? Homework? The stock market? “What do you do for fun?” Mori continues looking at you for a second before answering, “Kendo.” “Ah, you’re also in the kendo club?” You ask. Mori nods. ‘He’s not much of a talker.’ You think to yourself.
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You see him watching something behind you and instinct tells you it’s time switch stations. As you suspected, the natural host approaches you from behind and leads you to an empty table. “Where is the host?” You ask, looking around the room for a roaming host. The natural host chuckles and points to himself. “This station is mine. I’ll be your next host.”
Haruhi Fujioka:
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were a host. Since you’ve been escorting me...” You didn’t know how to finish your thought without accidentally insulting him. How could you admit he reminds you of an errand boy? Yet, something about him rings oddly familiar... You can’t quite place it... Is it his soft facial features? Or his silky hair? Or maybe his large innocent eyes? You decide to leave it alone for now. Maybe it’ll dawn on you later. You sit down beside the host and he offers you a cherry tea biscuit. “My name is Haruhi Fujioka. We’re both first years.” He ends his sentence with a wide smile, one that pushes back his slender cheeks. You have to admit, he is adorable. “Nice to meet you Haruhi. I am Y/N.” You introduce yourself before diving into the cherry biscuit. It tastes sweet and tart - very appetizing. Haruhi prepares a cup of tea and sets it down on the coffee table in front of you. “I figured you might like some tea to wash down the biscuit.” He says. There’s a glimmer in his eye and you realize why he is the natural host. Charming young women comes natural to him, as if it were second nature. He is handsome - er... pretty actually - with a small frame and thick brown hair. You wonder why he would join such a club. “Haruhi, may I ask why you joined this club? You don’t seem to fit in with the others.” You wince at how blunt your question sounded but Haruhi didn’t seem to notice the harsh undertones. He looked to the ceiling as he thought of his answer. “Well...” He said, “I initially joined because I accidentally broke a -”
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Suddenly two pairs of hands captured Haruhi’s words in their palms as they covered her mouth. You look up to see the twins wrapping their arms around a very annoyed Haruhi. “That’s enough of that.” Kaoru teases. “It’s time you meet milord.” Hikaru adds. “Milord?” You repeat to yourself. “I believe they were referring to me.” The blue-eyed blond cradled your hand in his and guided you from the couch to his station in the room’s center.
Tamaki Suoh:
“Hello my dear, or should I say Y/N. Welcome. I am honored to be in your presence.” The blonde’s velvety voice carries his words like weightless cherry blossoms floating in the wind. “Hello.” You manage to say, a blush staining your cheeks. He wiggles his finger playfully and teases, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. There is no need to be nervous around me princess. You are in good hands. I will not let anything befall you.” He grips your hand in his and brings it near his lips. Your breath catches in your throat as you watch your dorsal approach his soft lips. ‘Is he really going to kiss my hand?’ “My name is Tamaki. Tamaki Suoh.” Suoh. That name sounds familiar. You’ve heard that name once already today. You try to remember why his last name strikes a cord in your memory but his flirtatious antics keeps distracting you; washing your mind blank every time he touches you. “Would you care for a danish? We had them flown in from France this morning.” He offers a cheese danish on a disposable napkin but you politely decline. If you keep eating sweets and drinking tea you’ll ruin your appetite for supper. “Very well, then may I recite a poem that reminds me of you?” He pulls out a folded piece of paper from his jacket pocket and unfolds it. The poem is one from Edgar Poe and you didn’t have the heart to tell him that the author didn’t mean for this particular poem to be romantic but Tamaki is having so much fun trying to serenade you you decide to let it be. After all, his foolishness kind of makes him cuter.
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“So what do you think of our club?” Tamaki asks. You think about it for a minute before answering, “I think it’s interesting. You all seem like close friends and I’m glad you find enjoyment in entertaining others.” Your honesty took Tamaki by surprise. You surmise he was expecting you to fall over yourself praising his skills but instead you stand from the couch and offer a gracious bow. “I must get going but thank you for letting me tour your club.” With that you turn to leave and exit through the double doors. Once you spill into the hallway you quicken your pace to catch the next train. There is no need to worry mother with your tardiness and you’re sure she will understand if you explain you checked out a club at your new school. And quite possibly... you’ll be back.
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If you have a request for a scenario let me know! Thank you for reading.
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frankpanioncube · 4 years
Costco Adventures
Somehow, @loganthrives and I got onto the idea that it’d be hilarious to see demons in a costco. And I wrote it. I used @loganthrives and @wowanothergotdamnedartist ‘s oc’s with my own. And I hope it’ll be funny
Lord Diavolo had issued a decree - a human needed human supplies, then it was necessary to go to the human world for such things
“We need to get lots of stuff in a bit of a hurry. We need to make sure they have bathroom things and all sorts of food that’s safe for humans. How do we do that? And quickly?”
“We use Costco.”Logan suggested. “There are plenty of them all over the world.”
“Oh. Good point” Kotomi nodded. “You know, I have to say, living here I almost forgot about all our human stuff. It just seems second nature to use Akuzon now.”
“You know, I know what you mean.”
Logan nodded at her fellow human by way of a reply.
“This is excellent.” Solomon said and that should have been the warning this whole thing was going to go off the rails extremely quickly. 
“Costco it is!”
And that should have been the end of it, but this was the seven Demon brothers and also...Diavolo. Plus two angels and three humans. Honestly no one was sure where they were. Could have been London, could have been Bangledesh. Could have been Toronto.
(It was actually Chicago)
“Oh look. There’s hotdogs and pizza and blue drink. What does blue drink taste like?”
It took a moment for the humans to register Diavolo was addressing them. “It’s usually blue raspberry.”
“How exciting! And I do believe I would like to try this bubblegum stuff. Is this what pink tastes like? Ah, Lucifer, you must try this!”
“Of course, Lord Diavolo.”
“And this is...raspberry but...blue?”
“Yes. It’s very common by modern standards.”
If the prince of hell wasn’t going to try to figure it out no one else had any options.
“Maybe I could ask Heavenly Father.”
“And let’s not do that, Angel.”
Winter shrugged at Satan but left the issue alone.
“It’s wonderful.”
It was almost normal by Diavolo’s standards. No one (wisely) asked where Diavolo got a blue raspberry ice pop out of the clear blue.
“Wonderful.” Beel and Winter had hit the food stand already and Asmo had disappeared down some aisle that had health and beauty products, leaving Mammon, Lucifer, Belphegor and Satan to turn to their humans for any actual shopping. Levi had seen the TV’s not ten seconds after walking in and run.
“How are we supposed to get things from the top shelves.” Belphegor complained.
“Oh how easy. Did you forget your own twin has wings? And so do some of us. Lucifer fly up there.”
“Oh hell yes. Any day Lucifer looks like an idiot please and thank you.” 
“Lord Diavolo there is toilet paper on the ground here.”
“Get the one at the top. It’s more fresh.”
No one had the heart to tell Diavolo toilet paper didn’t have a shelf life. Or maybe, just because it was the demon prince’s shenanigans. Either one made sense.
“Oh this is the best day ever.” The wings had been all out of balance since Lucifer fell and with all members of the Lucifer Sucks club present this was like Christmas.
As it turned out, the party was down by a bunch which made Solomon’s arrival at the cart with boxes extremely conspicuous.
“Asmo asked me to get them.”
Lucifer shook his head. “I very much doubt my brother asked you to get...24 packs of chicken salsa taquitos. I might believe Beel but this is your worst lie ever.”
They were in the cart. The now by MUCH put upon Avatar of Pride shook his head, but Diavolo stopped his hand. “Oh but humans like them! That is a human!”
And the group they were supposed to be buying for had gotten cut by a third.
“Where is Logan? And Belphegor and...anyone who didn’t stay at the food court.”
“Come with me!” “Belphegor had whispered. 
Logan was a tougher human than most but Belphegor usually didn’t do her wrong and they found themselves being lead away from Diavolo and the toilet paper and into a large display in the centre of the store.
“There’s a bed right here. Come on, let’s try it out.” 
Logan had always prided themselves on being at least a bit more willful than that but apparently there was no stopping Belphegor when he wanted to cuddle. They got into the bed - it was….a bed, they guessed. Nothing to write home about and honestly they were messing up a display. They’d done their dues in retail before being asked to the Devildom - maybe not a Costco but this had to be a retail worker faux pas.
“Okay. We’ve tried it out and…”
Logan wasn’t sure if it was some trick of the Avatar of sloth or whether this bed was comfy or whether Belphegor was the comfortable one if he was hugging you, But allri---
Kevin drove a fork lift. That was his job. He rotated stock. He had a rapport that was decent with his coworkers. Every so often Amran the sample dude would give him whatever the store was hocking if he was in the vicinity. So how in the hell there was what seemed to be two people cuddled up in the display bed?
He...decided not to disturb them.
Although...when next he drove his forklift around after his break...they were on a porch swing.
Just how? And HOW did that man have a tail. Maybe he was one of those furries...that was a thing. Well...Kevin wasn’t a judge. He got back on his forklift.
“Okay sho...Sho I don’t half to pay for these?”
“The idea is, SIR….” and the sales lady said that with a very implied suggestion that ‘keeping her job’ was the only reason the individual before her ought to receive any sort of title  “That you pay for them if you like them. They’re samples.”
“But they’re FREE samples, right?”
The poor human was definitely not paid enough to be dealing with this level of shit. “Would you please buy a box? Or maybe ten? ”
“Oh...Oh hell yeah. Hell yeah my brother will. Lemme take these and I’ll add them to the cart. But thanks for lunch! Pretty good food ya humans got here.”
“Thank you? Uh...human?”
“Don’t worry about--”
“I’m so sorry. It’s apparently Mammon’s first time being around people. We’ll buy your stuff...too.”
Kotomi sighed and grabbed almost her fifth box from the random samples. “Sometimes I think you should be the Avatar of Gluttony…” she muttered.
“Well if they ain’t nailed down they’re free. And I ain’t gonna pass up a free lunch ya know.”
Lucifer and Diavolo were looking at some toothpaste when the human and the avatar of greed caught up. Kotomi dumped ten boxes of all the free sample products Mammon had ate across the store.
“Are these things you need?”
“Yes. They are things we need because Mammon decided to make a meal of the samples.”
Lucifer grit his teeth. 
Diavolo nodded peaceably. “Ah, well we can’t have enough. I had never thought chimera would be poisonous to humans but happy accident we were able to help. These...pizza bagels are evidently more to human taste being they’re sold in a human shop.”
Wherever Logan and Soloman were right now, there would be a human plot to get Lucifer to eat a pizza bagel. It would probably be hilarious.
It was predictable enough that Beel gravitated towards any place that served food just as Levi was likely looking at the wall of televisions (he was) . It was also predictable that Winter accompanied the Avatar of Gluttony.
“Beel I’m really full. I don’t think...Why don’t you finish this?”
“Oh wonderful!” 
The angel breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m just going to rest my head here. You keep eating.”
“I can’t believe this food is so cheap!”
“I can’t believe I ate five hotdogs.”
“I’m proud of you.” Beel said around a mouthful. “I worry about you.”
Winter managed a smile. “You know you don’t need to. I’m just fine. And most of us don’t need to eat as much as you do. But it’s sweet you worry.”
And with that the angel slipped into a food coma. 
“Oh! Lucifer...you guys are back. Ah….you think you could settle up?”
“Beel...this board says the pizza and hotdogs are $1 each. How the hell did you rack up…$89.95?”
“Is that angel okay?“ Diavolo whispered
“She’s an angel - she’ll just be groggy and bloated.”
Winter managed a slight noise that was best translated as ‘Mrr’ before cuddling into Beel’s arms.
“Ah are we checking out? The distraction from the over full Angel (who seemed to be well...angel like gorgeous despite being slumped over Beel’s shoulders) was a shock to all. 
“Satan and Levi.” 
Lucifer’s joy at not having to track down anyone else was a bit short lived when he saw what Satan was carrying.
“What is that?” By this point the Avatar of Pride was just resigned.
“An HD TV with 3D Capabilities.” 
“And a PS5.”
“Is that a thing now?” Kotomi asked.
“Oh, actually yes.” That was Soloman. “iS that the 250 gig one?”
“Yes indeed!” the otaku chirped. “And I’ll even put it in the common room.”
“What was that, Lucifer?”
“I said, where are Logan and Belphegor? Also did anyone keep tabs on Asmo? I���”
“Uh hello? Hi...hi there hello?” A man in a Costco uniform was running across the parking lot. “
“Um...okay this is going to sound super weird but are you people...um...are you with the um...the two people in the bed in Asle 19?”
“Probably.” Diavolo spoke up.
“Okay one of them has a cow tail and the other is a white chick with some---”
“Yes. Yes they’re with us. Can we get them back?”
“Please.” Kevin said, who literally had never had a weirder day. “Do you...do you maybe want to take the guy in Aisle 5 too? He just checked out with about five boxes of lotion and facial masks and just about everything from the cosmetic section...he’s a little dude but wow you all….I mean….wow.”
“Thank you for the compliment kind human! We all loved your store and we got plenty of stuff for the humans.”
It didn’t take too long for the weird little party to leave the Costco with the strangest break room conversation.
Kevin the forklift guy apparently went to mandatory counselling because he swore he saw a door open into hell and swallow a whole bunch of weird customers. 
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beaniegyu · 3 years
IT'S OK honestly i think everyone's been pretty busy so !!! busy twins !
YEA I GET IT and honestly once you start you can't really stop so ! i have over 5 and i still think of getting more hehe but i think my mom would have a heart attack. but . they so pretty .
OMG PLEASE THEM IN LATING BBQS ASKDJAKSDJ STFUUUUUU THAT WOULD SUIT THEM SO MUCHHASKDAJD !!!!!! the cumbiaakdjskdjsdakjdh that made me laugh pls imagine soonyoung dancing to that he would be so ridiculous i'd literally pay to see it.
also vernon legend. literally. legend!!!! he is my second favorite lyricist in svt hands down like he's literally a genius. i'll never get over the way i felt when i realized his verse in lie again was related to his dwc verse.
it was at 10am for me but i went out the day before until late so i was like zzzzz but then i remembered how much i paid for it and got up real fast aksjaksjs PLS I THOUGHT UNIT SWITCHES WOULD BE AGE ://// but i loved it regardless and yes vocal unit was literally superior the amount of through they put into it i literally cant
ok so the plan is to reveal myself by the end of next week hehe so you can idk hold the playlist if you want? or you can drop the link in an ask or in your blog and i'll see it anyway hehe whatever works best for you!
there was a mission about gaming and i honestly have no time and i missed it BUT there's a new mission on summer stuff so ! here are some summer asks even tho it's not summer there:
1 - Favorite summer songs?
2 - If you could travel to any place in the world right now, where would it be?
3 - Favorite ice cream flavor?
4 - Do you know how to swim?
ok that's it hehe have a nice rest of the week bestie!!
- ☀️
HI i'm sorry i'm so late but i've been so busy i couldn't bring myself to be social on social media too haha you know what i mean? work and life in general was crazy this week so if i opened tumblr it was just 5 mins to check if i'd missed on anything and then move on but anyways here i am.
i'm so sorry you had to listen to that cumbia song but it was hilarious not to share. soonyoung would definitely dance to that at the club. you know when you're dancing with friends and it's kinda like a circle? he would 100% dance in the middle of the circle i just know it.
vernon is such a nice dude like i wish i could channel some of his energy because i'm the opposite of him most of the time. great boy. i love him and his mind and his vibes.
lmao i felt that. i paid for half bc you two devices can enter the account so i split with my best friend, but i did curse when the alarm went off at 4:30am.
AH! LOVE SOTY that's it 🧡. 95 line really outdid themselves with that one.
OH i think i'm gonna wait for the reveal so i can make a post with the playlist and tag you in it hehehehe.
okay summer asks let's go
i don't have a specific favorite, but i do like upbeat songs the most during summer. i think everything that's currently happening in kpop appeals to my summer vibes.
right now i'd travel to seoul and tokyo. it's a plan i have with my friend but right now due to covid we're still saving for it. i want it to be safer when we go, but those are definitely the places i want to visit.
mint chocolate 💚🤎. i understand why a lot of people don't like it, but the whole "it feels like eating toothpaste" argument is invalid for me because i would, in fact, eat toothpaste if i could.
i do! i did swimming for about 4 years when i was kid ☺️
what about you???
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