#aka my absentee grandmother
fbfh · 1 month
You need to come on line so we can give you boooooppppssss!!!!!
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I relinquish myself to the boops.
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go-redgirl · 4 years
Pelosi on Mail-In Ballot Push: ‘We’re Now calling It Voting at Home’ Breitbart ^ | May 25 2020 | TONY LEE
OPINION:  No! No! No Nancy Pelosi, we will not be voting by Mail-in Ballots as long as you ‘crooked’ Democrats are in Congress.  
We will be voting as usual with ‘ safe distancing’ gloves and a mask at the ballot box.  You crooks will never get the opportunity ‘rigg’ our voting system.  
No one in this country trust the Democrats in this country with something as precious as individuals voting rights in this country.
Safe distancing, gloves an a mask to cover your mouth is all that’s needed.
To: knighthawk
Here we are five months before the election and people have had ENOUGH and they are going out and living life, enjoying themselves.
In November this will be a distant memory.
There is ZERO reason to shut down polling places when “social distancing,” masks and hand sanitizer are the perfectly acceptable methods to keep Walmart, Safeway and ACE Hardware open.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:07:59 PM by ProtectOurFreedom
To: knighthawk
Nope. Let them kill it in the SEnate, and then if it gets by McConnel, the President will veto it.
Of course, Nanzi knows this.
She’s banking on the DNCMedia carrying her water by saying not allowing vote by mail is a. Racist b. Sexist c. Hurts the poor d. Hurts the unemployed e. Kills Grandma f. Is voter suppression (which turns it completely on its head)
The real answer is to NOT allow it, Mitch.
She and her fellow media Trump haters can pound sand.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:10:33 PM by Alas Babylon! (The prisons do not fill themselves. Get moving, Barr!)
To: ProtectOurFreedom
Their chicken shi## followers will be voting from home, Im going out to vote and in light of what we all have witnessed with our Marxist Nazi mayors and governors WE NEED A LANDSLIDE THAT WILL SMACK THIER DEAD GRANDMOTHERS
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:12:10 PM by ronnie raygun
To: knighthawk
Voter fraud, mail fraud…the potentials are endless.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:13:23 PM by Ouchthatonehurt
To: knighthawk
Pelosi on Mail-In Ballot Push: ‘We’re Now calling It Voting at Home’
Cheating from home.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:14:30 PM by SmokingJoe
To: knighthawk
All voters means anyone who is registered. This means non-citizens.
We know there are roughly 50 million non-citizens in this country now. If we allow this to go through, we would be giving the democrats another 15 points toward the final election results.
The globalist will forever be sending us there non-productive members. We will cease as a country.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:14:33 PM by Flavious_Maximus
To: knighthawk
We’re now calling it a “Slightly Pre-Owned Food Sandwich”.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:15:06 PM by Mr. Rabbit
To: knighthawk
To quote my favorite Senator John Kennedy (R-LA.the “the short answer, NO! the long answer, HELL NO”.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:19:29 PM by GOYAKLA (Winning not whining!)
To: knighthawk
Honestly, this is so important, that we should all be willing to protest this with civil disobedience. Absentee ballots can be filled out by ANYONE, and the number of these that will be circulating to illegals etc. will be astronomical. Plus, you just know that these will be counterfeited like crazy. There will be more ballots being mailed in then there are voters.
Voting SHOULD require effort. It SHOULD require proof of citizenship. It SHOULD require voter verification. We SHOULD shut down this election entirely until this is solved. If the Botox B*t*h thinks it's too unsafe to go to the polls, then we should delay the election.
 posted on 5/25/2020, 2:22:36 PM by neverevergiveup
To: knighthawk
Voting is a PUBLIC act of private selection of a candidate. It is a voluntary act of the Citizenry (real citizens)by a process described in the U.S. Constitution.
It is not-— “voting at home”. What utter bull crap. One goes to a precinct to physically vote— where a physical record of a registered voter (limit one vote per citizen per their one precinct) records their vote. Anonymously.
What this biotch is proposing removes.. PROOF of citizenry, and anonymity as well as the ability to have far more “ballots” to be COUNTED as “votes” which are NOT and would never be... legal votes. One person one vote.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:31:57 PM by John S Mosby (Sic Semper Tyrannis)
To: knighthawk 
“Voting at home” aka: Massive DemoRat vote fraud.
 posted on 5/25/2020, 2:35:30 PM by Signalman
To: knighthawk
This is voting from the cemeteries. 
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:36:30 PM by CMailBag
To: knighthawk
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:38:14 PM by Dogbert41 (Jerusalem is the city of the Great King!!!)
To: knighthawk
We are now calling it massive voter fraud to allow Dems to have power forever..kind of voting. 
We rent out a guest house out back, had many tenants throughout the years, even though they no longer live here we still get their ballot info delivered every election season..so I could vote in all of their names if I wanted to
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:38:46 PM by Sarah Barracuda[ Post Reply 
To: knighthawk
I dont want to vote at home.I dont want several layers of unsecure people getting their hands on my ballot.
 posted on 5/25/2020, 2:43:57 PM by Secret Agent Man (Gone Galt; Not Averse to Going Bronson.)
To: knighthawk
Pelosi on Mail-In Ballot Push: ‘We’re Now calling It Voting at Home’
Hell... if it's that simple then we really DON'T need Senators or elected Congressional Representatives now, do we?
The American people can REPRESENT THEMSELVES by replacing the Government reps and just vote on issues from home that are presented by the executive branch. /s
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:45:48 PM by VideoDoctor
To: knighthawk
She should be more worried about the Chinese communists nuking her district in the upcoming world war.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:48:34 PM by july4thfreedomfoundation (I'm triggered by liberals and other assorted moonbats.)
To: knighthawk
It’s called ‘stealing the election’ Democrat-Communist Party style
 posted on 5/25/2020, 2:50:02 PM by yardboyd (Call me a rose.... or leave me alone.)
To:  Flavious_Maximus
This would be the end of a Republican winning any significant election again. The fraud and abuse seen already is absolutely disgusting.
posted on 5/25/2020, 2:56:09 PM by shanover (...To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.-S.Adams)
To: knighthawk
When things aren’t going well Democrats always change the name instead of the policy.
posted on 5/25/2020, 3:01:41 PM by SaxxonWoods (Just sit in your house until the food stops coming and then starve. You'll be safe.)
To: Flavious_Maximus
All voters means anyone who is registered. This means non-citizens.If they're registered voting by mail won't make any difference. It would be just as easy to vote in person.
 posted on 5/25/2020, 4:49:47 PM by semimojo
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