losergendered 3 months
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ID: a set of 6 images in 3 pairs. each has one image of the listed genshin impact character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Kokomi from Genshin Impact is a depressed semiverbal autistic bubblegender fishgender bluegender yanderecoric traumafem bloodrot transfem trans woman hyperfem girlfag lesgay fishkin lesbian with hypersexuality, PTSD, tics, mobility issues, OCD, BPD, and DPD! She uses she/it/that thing/object/馃/blood/guts!
Ganyu, who is that thing鈥檚 girlfriend, depended, and favorite person, is an asexual fat autistic goatkin futch icegender moongender softgender bluegender coldgender transmascfem hyperfem boygirl boydyke lesbian with anxiety, misophonia, and tics! He also has OSDD! She uses he/she/it/they/non/fuck/wool/fur pronouns!
Both Ganyu and Kokomi are in a queerplatonic relationship with Sucrose! Sucrose is a nonverbal intersex autistic queer transgender sciencegender experimentgender alchemistgender flowgender windgender airgender greengender nonbinary gaygirl oddthing flowerkin lesbian with burns from experiments, tics, schizotypal personality disorder, PPD, AvPD, hallucinations, and delusions! Sucrose uses no pronouns but if there comes a time where it needs to, it uses it/it鈥檚 pronouns only!
For anon!
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jolteonflags 1 year
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ALCHEMISTGENDER A gender that is connected to alchemy and being an alchemist.
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mogai-headcanons 1 year
Gabriel Boutin ( form he bastard son and the devil himself )is a boyflux alchemistgender alchemygender Genderwitch bloodgender Warlockgender bluegender gay bloodwitch who has ptsd and uses he/it/they/Alchemy/blue/blood pronouns
queued! i wasn't able to find alchemistgender or bloodwitch, but if you lmk where i can i'll get them added!
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losergendered 3 months
kokomi from genshin impact is a depressed semi verbal autistic bubblegender fishgender bluegender yanderecoric traumafem bloodrot transfem trans woman hyperfem girlfag lesgay fishkin lesbian with hypersexuality, ptsd, tics, mobility issues, ocd, bpd, and dpd, she uses she/it/that thing/object/馃/blood/guts
ganyu from genshin impact, who is that thing鈥檚 girlfriend, depended, and favorite person, is an asexual fat autistic goatkin futch icegender moongender softgender bluegender coldgender transmascfem hyperfem boygirl boydyke lesbian with anxiety, misophonia, and tics. he also has osdd. she uses he/she/it/they/non/fuck/wool/fur pronouns
both ganyu and kokomi are in a queer platonic relationship with sucrose from genshin impact. sucrose is an intersex autistic queer transgender sciencegender experimentgender alchemistgender flowgender windgender airgender greengender nonbinary gaygirl oddthing flowerkin lesbian with burns from experiments, tics, schizotypal personality disorder, ppd, avpd, hallucinations, and delusions. sucrose uses no pronouns but if there comes a time where it needs to, it uses it/it鈥檚 pronouns only
if there are any flags in any of the hcs that you can鈥檛 find that鈥檚 okay! there鈥檚 a lot so i wont blame u ^^
"i鈥檓 the same person with the kokomi, ganyu, and sucrose submission. could you add that sucrose is nonverbal pls?"
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