#all these low spoon meals people suggest start with chop an onion ๐Ÿ˜Š like no. i want to dump something in a pan and wait 10 min and be done
its-yashas-strong-arms ยท 1 year
best thing I've ever done for myself is stuff my fridge absolutely full of minimal-effort homemade meal packs.
baggies of portioned-out bok choy and wontons and pre-ground ginger and garlic, so I can just dump a baggie into a pan, add soy sauce, water, and noodles. wait 5 minutes. boom, noodle soup. single-portion baggies of bolognese, so I can just thaw it & boil pasta and have a good zero-effort meal. single portions of burrito filling, so I can make a burrito in 2 minutes or less.
just two or three different types is enough variety that i'm happy eating something i have in my freezer whenever i'm low-energy & it's actually really helpful
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