#also Frost is 17-18 at the time and has big Antagonistic Younger Sister energy toward Kenshi but dotes on Takeda (but would never admit it)
gophergal · 10 months
Talk about ur au man, if it dont make sense cause you need to explain it, explain it more!!! That means ur talking about ur au more!!!
Alright I legit didn't see this before? Somehow???
Ok so basically, I've been working on a Mortal Kombat AU/Rewrite/whatever that I've been calling MK: Karnate (that's a working title, I need to figure out something more elegant). Legit all I want to do with it is take the parts of the franchise I like and smash them together like a stew
The post this ask was in reference to (I think) was because I had been figuring out how I wanted to incorporate the Kombat Kids in this timeline
(got kinda long winded about it. Oops!)
Now, for Jin, Cassie, and Jacqui this isn't too much of an issue. I mostly just want to give them more interesting stuff to do that sets them apart from their predecessors. Takeda however...
Well Kenshi is much younger than the rest of the Klassic Krew in this AU. Around the time of DA, he's 22. Cassie and Jacqui were born just after MK4 (which i think is best placed in 1994) and would be 8-ish. I think you can see the problem
So honestly my options for Takeda were either Kenshi being an extremely young father (which makes me uncomfy) or T himself being younger than his peers (not ideal). So he's not Kenshi's son anymore.
He's still related to him, and inherited the latent telepathy of the Takahashi clan. Suchin Takahashi is still his mother, but she was a former Shirai Ryu who married a distant relative of Kenshi's. Takeda's father was killed at some point (perhaps at the hands of the Red Dragon) and, in pursuit of vengeance, Suchin became a vigilante.
Kenshi, while working for SF, learns that the Red Dragon is preparing to kill her and it mostly follows the way it went in the MKX prequel comic.
Sensing the telepathic potential in the tiny Takeda, Kenshi decides that the best place for him would be with the last remaining Shirai Ryu. After all, in this AU I have Scorpion (and Sub-zero, of course) in a loose mentor role for Kenshi, so it's not weird that he'd trust Takeda with him.
This all boils down to Kenshi being more of a distant Older Brother to Takeda than a Deadbeat Dad, with Hanzo being allowed to actually be acknowledged as Takeda's surrogate/adoptive father.
I just think it's neat :3
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