#also Tubbo’s dreamon Hunter mentor is Dage lol
sing-me-under · 2 years
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Hero’s Journey is my attempt to cram every single canon thing (hard, dubious, and semi-retconned) into one cohesive timeline. I can’t wrap my head around the FundyWasTaken/Dreamon Hunter bit within any normal scenario, so I took A LOT of liberties with character interpretation and just split Fundy’s character into two. I differentiate them as Fundy and Dage.
Anyway, this is Fundage II and Salome Wastaken. They’re salmon-hybrid siblings. Fundy really looks up to his uncle, so when he transitioned, he took his uncle’s name.
Also, Dream took Dage’s surname even though they never ended up getting married, hence the Wastaken. (Fundy’s Wedding video is a dream sequence)
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