#also a catboy woah hes everything
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you guys don't understand. I need him badly bc why such a slutty waist and voluminous chest?? for me to grab it??
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flightfoot · 2 years
Lingering Trauma
(A/N) So I came up with the premise for this fic back when Hack-san first aired, but didn't want to write it because well, salters were screaming that Adrien was an attempted murderer who should be arrested and thrown in prison. Which uh... no. I waited until that had calmed down before starting on this. I just really wanted to put Alya through some trauma so that I had an excuse to focus on her thoughts and emotions, and her almost being Cataclysmed seemed like a good catalyst for that. Though I also ended up exploring Adrien's feelings quite a bit as well.
Adrien, Alya, and Marinette are all good kids who care about each other a lot and hate to hurt people, but sometimes it happens unintentionally, like with what this fic is sorting out. Luckily, they can also talk things out and get to a good place again! With hugs. Hugs are mandatory.
Oh yeah, I always intended to release this fic after whatever the newest episode after "Multiplication" ended up being. The fact that "Destruction" touches on some similar themes to this fic is fortuitous, but purely coincidental. I finished writing this fic months ago.
“There’s only one Ladybug, which means you can only be… a sentimonster or an akuma!” Chat Noir took out his staff, spinning it around and aiming it at Scarabella.
Her mind raced, trying to come up with some way out of this situation. Dammit, she’d assumed that Marinette had given Chat some form of heads-up about her, but it must have slipped her mind. She had seemed to be in a hurry at the train station, she probably didn’t have time to consider her partner’s reaction to someone else showing up wearing the Ladybug Miraculous.
She held up her hands placatingly, hoping to assuage the angry catboy. “Woah, wait, I’m not a bad guy, I promise!”
“Liar! What have you done to M’lady?!” he geared up, hitting her across the midsection, sending her flying into a nearby chimney stack.
Right. She’d always loved watching clips of Ladybug and Chat Noir being super protective of each other, but being the one perceived as a threat to their partner’s safety? Not so much. “It’s not what you think! She trusted me with it!” Crap, what could she do to convince him she was telling the truth?! It’s not like she had a sworn affidavit from Ladybug proclaiming Scarabella to be her appointed substitute!
“She’d never do that without telling me! CATACLYSM!”
She didn’t get the words out in time. 
Stumbling back, she stared at her hands as her suit slowly lost its luster, turning ash-black. Her fingers lost feeling, crumbling into dust before her eyes. As the corruption slowly spread down her arms, she fought to scream. Even that grew beyond her, the destruction reaching her chest, silencing her voice.
All she could do was watch as her body fell to pieces, until the last piece of her was gone.
Alya woke up gasping. Fumbling blindly for the light switch, she felt along the wall of her room until she finally found it, flicking the switch.
As light flooded the room, she looked down at her hands.
They were intact.
She let out a deep breath. Of course they were. She wouldn’t have been able to turn on the light otherwise. 
Everything was fine. She’d gotten the Lucky Charm up in time, fended off Chat, and persuaded him she was one of the good guys. Heck, they’d even had fun together near the end, posing and joking together during the museum fight! Things worked out in the end.
So why were her hands still shaking?
Right. She just needed to get her mind off this for a bit. Once her brain had time to calm down, she’d try to sleep again. 
Setting her silk nightcap to the side, she pulled out her desk chair, waking her computer up.
Let’s see… maybe working on one of her articles for the Ladyblog would make her feel better. Even if it didn’t, at least she’d have something to show for her lack of sleep. 
Not something with Scarabella yet – she’d need to wait for her readers to submit videos of the fight, or petition the city to give her surveillance footage of her debut. It’d take a long time to comb through the videos, cut them together in an appealing way, and add her own commentary to it. Definitely something she needed to do, but not a task she wanted to undertake at 4 am on a school day.
What about the article she’d been working on before Marinette called her up? What was it again?
Frowning, she looked at her most recent docs. “Top Ten Most Inventive Uses Of Catacly-”
Abruptly she pushed away from her computer. Right. That was enough of that for today. 
Sighing, she eyed her bookshelf. What would be helpful for making her feel better…
Her vision caught on a thin, tall book with a red, yellow, and blue spine. 
Smiling, she put on her glasses. Majestia comics always helped her feel better. Her daring rescues, her interventionist philosophy, her steadfast belief that anyone could make a difference in the world - it always electrified her imagination, even back when she was a young child. Sometimes you couldn’t fix everything right away, but so long as you kept persisting, things would get better. 
Opening the book, she let herself get sucked into the adventures of her second favorite superheroine.
“...Alya?” she heard Marinette ask.
Alya groaned, her head married to her desk
“Is there an akuma attack?” she asked Marinette blearily.
“No, but-”
“Then NAP.”
“You’re gonna hurt your neck if you sleep like this!” her friend fussed.
“At least then I’ll sleep,” Alya muttered.
“Alya, what’s wrong?” Alya still couldn’t see Marinette’s face since her head was face down on her desk, but she could hear the concern in her friend’s voice. “Usually I’m the one coming in here half-asleep, because– well, you know why. You’re the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed one. Did something happen?”
“I–” she hesitated. “It’s nothing, really. Just some nightmares. Everything went fine.”
Marinette gently laid a hand on Alya’s arm. “If it’s keeping you up, then it’s not nothing,” she said quietly.
Would talking about it with Marinette even help anything? There wasn’t anything to change or fix, nothing bad had actually happened. She just needed to calm herself down, get her brain to realize that.
Turning her head to the side, she caught a glimpse of Marinette’s worried expression, her eyebrows drawn together as she gave Alya a small frown.
That sealed it. She still wasn’t sure whether talking to Marinette would help lessen her anxiety, but it’d help with her friend’s worries at least. It was worth a try. “Alright. But we need to talk about it at your place, not here.”
Marinette’s frown deepened, but she nodded. “First, though–” she rummaged around in her backpack, pulling out a U-shaped pillow. “Here. If you’re gonna sleep in class, at least lean back and use this. It’ll be more comfortable and less likely to cause problems.”
Alya took the pillow, settling it over her shoulders. “Should I ask why you have this stuffed in your backpack?” 
Marinette blushed. “Well, you know how little sleep I sometimes get. I figured it was better to prepare for a class nap than to just pretend I’d never need one.”
Alya chuckled. “Fair enough.” 
She laid her head against the soft pillow, absently noting the fine craftsmanship as she drifted off. “Oh, and Marinette? Thanks.”
“It’s the least I could do…” was the last thing Alya heard, before she drifted off to sleep.
Alya settled down in Marinette’s room during lunch break, feeling a little less like a member of the walking dead than she had that morning. Thankfully Ms. Bustier let her sleep. She didn’t normally like her students sleeping in class, but she recognized that if they were tired enough that they were conking out on wooden furniture, they weren’t gonna learn anything anyway. 
She smiled, watching the little kwamis flitting around, Daizzi happily drawing on a piece of paper in one corner, Sass arranging a game of red light, green light in another. At least they were having a good time.
“So what’s going on?” Marinette asked, her chin on her hands. “I heard you muttering while you were napping, you didn’t seem to be getting good sleep, even during class.”
Alya looked away. Her dreams weren’t as vivid as earlier, but they still weren’t entirely peaceful. “How much do you know about what happened during Robostus’s attack? About my team-up with Chat?”
Marinette blinked, frowning. “Not much, just what you told me. I mostly rely on the Ladyblog for superhero-related news, and you haven’t posted much about it. I was actually gonna ask you about that, I’d expected you to have an article up about the ‘new hero’” she made air-quotes with her fingers, “and I wasn’t sure why there was such a delay. It’s not like you.”
Alya let out a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, the team-up… it went well near the end, Chat was fun to banter with and was good at following my lead, even when we weren’t able to discuss a plan ahead of time, but… it didn’t start out like that.”
Marinette cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean? I know you said that he was put-out that I’d told someone else my identity without informing him, that he felt like I’d been pushing him out of the loop, but we talked it through, and I think we’re okay now.”
“‘Put out’ is one term for it,” she replied. “Marinette, if, out of nowhere, a new Black Cat wielder appeared with no word of warning from Chat Noir, what would be your first assumption as to how this new Black Cat acquired the ring?”
“Well… hm. Chat wouldn’t tell his identity to anyone but me,” Marinette muttered, looking down in concentration, “so if someone else had his ring, then either he lost the ring and Plagg found someone else to use his Miraculous– wait, no, something like that’s happened before, Plagg just went and hung out at Fu’s. So he’d probably just take the ring to me. Which means that, if someone else had the Black Cat Miraculous, they probably stole it from Chat!”
Her face fell. “Wait… did Chat make that assumption too?”
Alya nodded. “I told him that you entrusted your Miraculous to me, but he couldn’t believe that you’d give your earrings to someone else without telling him, so…”
“So he assumed you must’ve gotten them through nefarious means,” Marinette concluded. “And if I hadn’t tried to contact him in some way about the theft, like by wearing my motorcycle outfit and waving him down, then–”
She froze. “Alya,” she said slowly, “did Chat Noir think that you’d hurt me so badly that I couldn’t get in touch with him?”
Alya nodded.
Marinette groaned, burying her face in one of her pillows. “He attacked you, didn’t he.” her muffled voice said. It wasn’t a question.
Alya nodded, before remembering that Marinette still had her head down. “I did persuade him I was one of the good guys, but it took me kicking his ass and pointing out that I could steal his ring, and choosing not to do so. Which he accepted, thankfully. But before that…” she trailed off, thinking back to the inky blackness that’d spread over her Lucky Charm as Chat destroyed it.
Marinette turned her face to the side to look at Alya. “Is that why you’ve been having trouble sleeping? Because of that fight?”
Biting her lip, Alya nodded. “I know why he thought I was a villain. Heck, if I’d been in his shoes, I’d probably have thought the same thing, been just as angry and scared about what’d happened to you. He found out I hadn’t hurt you and everything was fine. But when I see him using Cataclysm, think about what could’ve happened if just one small thing had gone differently–” she shuddered. The only living beings she’d ever seen Cataclysm used on were Sentimonsters. But they weren’t exactly regular creatures. If people were affected the same way that inanimate objects were…
She shook her head. No need to continue that line of thought, her nightmares had done that plenty.
Marinette looked away. “I– I know the feeling. I’ve had to face Chat a few times before. It’s never been pleasant fighting him. Especially–” a shadow crossed her face. “Never mind. Let’s just concentrate on you right now.”
Sounded like Marinette was leaving something out. “You can talk about it, you know. I don’t need to be the only one spilling my guts.”
Marinette shook her head resolutely. “It will never happen, I made sure of it. I don’t want to think about it.”
Alya frowned, but didn’t pursue the subject, filing it away for later instead. “If you’re sure. Anyway, that’s why I wasn’t sure about talking about it. I don’t see what can be done to help, except just… try to get over it.”
Humming to herself, Marinette looked around her room, her eyebrows drawing together. She climbed down her ladder, approaching the Miracle Box.
Alya hurried after her. “Marinette? What’re you doing?”
“Something I should’ve been doing more of since I became Guardian: sitting down and talking with my partner,” she lifted the box out, looking at each Miraculous symbol. “Hey Pollen, you up for a quick jaunt with Alya?” she called out. 
“Of course, my Guardian,” Pollen said, flitting over to Alya.
“Oh no you don’t!” Trixx protested, flying in front of her Holder. “Alya’s my Holder, mine! Bad enough I had to share with Tikki for a day, I’m not sharing with you too, I’ve got dibs! Besides, you already have a wielder, you just don’t get to be with her all the time like I do.”
Marinette let out an exasperated sigh. “Trixx, Rena has to remain hidden at all times, Alya can’t use you publicly.” 
Trixx opened his mouth, but Marinette barreled onwards. “And I know that you could cloak her in an illusion, but it’d only last five minutes and could be dispelled way too easily. It’s safer for this if she just uses a different kwami for this occasion. I promise that it’s temporary, and you’ll still be the one staying with Alya permanently.”
“What’re you talking about?” Alya asked. Sometimes Marinette forgot that not everyone was privileged with knowing how her thought process worked, and you had to get her to slow down and actually explain what she was doing and why. She’d become adept at it over the past school year. “I thought you said you were the one talking with him?”
“You and me,” Marinette clarified. “This whole issue arose through miscommunication, so maybe some better communication can help fix it.”
That… wasn’t a bad idea, actually. Though she had a feeling it wouldn’t matter much what she thought of it either way. Once Marinette had seized on a solution to a problem, she pursued it with a single-minded determination that both impressed and scared her. “Just make sure to let Chat know I’m coming this time.”
Marinette nodded, handing over the Bee Miraculous to her. “The transformation phrase is ‘Buzz on’.”
Taking the comb, Alya let out a slow breath. She didn’t know whether this would help, but– “Pollen, Buzz On!”
Alya leapt across buildings, savoring the acceleration as she jumped, the exhilaration as gravity took hold of her and she fell back to earth, and the joy as she leapt once again. She giggled, unable to contain herself. As Rena she’d had to keep a low profile recently, and as Scarabella she’d had a villain to get to, but now? As Apidae? She could savor the abilities the Miraculous gave her.
A giggle escaped from Ladybug as she bounded, leaped, and swung alongside her. “Having fun?”
“You know it!” Alya said, indulging in a completely unnecessary (though oh-so-fun) double front flip, smoothly transitioning back into a run when she landed.
Ladybug’s expression softened. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I was hoping a run would help, before-”
“Before we talk to Chat Noir,” Alya said, voice dropping a little. Normally she’d look forward to seeing the catboy, and part of her still did, but… with how she’d been reacting to any reminder of Cataclysm, she was afraid of what would happen when she met up with him again. 
Still. Marinette was right. She needed to talk to him, to attempt some sort of closure. She didn’t want to be afraid of watching the heroes’ fights, for fear of getting flashbacks. Maybe this would help, maybe it wouldn’t. But it was worth a shot. 
Rounding a corner, a flash of black caught her attention. Chat Noir’s ears perked up as he turned to face her.
Not for the first time, she wondered whether his senses improved as Chat Noir. She hadn’t noticed anything like that while she’d been transformed as Rena Rouge (or Rena Furtive nowadays), but then again, Chat Noir had always embodied the animal he represented more than most other Miraculous wielders did. No one else had a tail or ears that responded to their mood, after all. Seriously, that was a crime. She wanted to be able to wag her tail, dammit! And if Carapace had a tail of his own…
Nope. Not the time. She could think about how cute it would be to make her boyfriend blush in the suit, his tail betraying his feelings, later. This meeting was dedicated to something far less fun.
“Milady! And…?” he trailed off, looking at Alya.
“Apidae,” she supplied. “Though you know me as Scarabella.”
He nodded. “She did say that you would be using a different Miraculous.” Chat gave a mischievous smile. “You look bee-autiful, by the way.” 
She laughed. “Thanks, but I already have a boyfriend.” 
He shrugged, unbothered. “I only have one Lady in my life, anyway.” He tilted his head to the side. “So, what did you need to talk to me about? It’s great seeing you again, don’t get me wrong, but it didn’t sound like this was just a social call.”
That sobered her. She hated the idea of wiping the smile off of his face, but she was sure he’d be even more upset if he found out what she’d been going through, and that she hadn’t told him about it. He’d been kept out of the loop enough already. “I- I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately. I keep having nightmares. Getting flashbacks.”
He frowned. “Nightmares? Flashbacks? Why…” His eyes widened. “Is- is it because of something I did?” he asked hesitantly.
She drew in a breath, closed her eyes, and nodded.
“What is it? How- how did I hurt you?” His voice took on a strained tone.
“Do you remember when you first encountered me? How you thought I was a villain?” she asked softly.
He blinked. “Yeah, I thought you’d hurt Ladybug and stolen her earrings, so I-” His breath hitched. “So I… I tried to… to Cataclysm you… Oh. That’s- that’s why, isn’t it?”
She looked away to avoid seeing his face. If she kept looking at his devastated, kicked-kitty expression, she wouldn’t be able to finish describing her feelings. She needed to put this out there. “I had a nightmare last night where I didn’t get my Lucky Charm up in time. I slowly watched the corruption eat away at my body, until I crumbled into nothingness. I couldn’t get to sleep again for the rest of the night. Any mention of Cataclysm started to bring back those memories, the idea of ‘what-if?’” She took in a deep breath, centering herself. “Ladybug suggested I talk with you, see whether that would help me… I dunno, come to terms with it? 
“I- I didn’t know- I’m sorry, I-” his voice cracked. “I never wanted to hurt another person with my Cataclysm. Not again.”
“Again?” She’d never heard of Chat Cataclysming a person before. Sentimonsters a few times by accident, sure, and there was that one time Volpina faked him Cataclysming himself, but that was it. He only ever intentionally Cataclysmed non-living objects. 
He winced. “You know Uncanny Valley?”
“Of course I do!” she was one of Majestia’s biggest fans, she could hardly call herself that if she didn’t know about her daughter. “What does that have to do with… oh no. No, what happened?”
Ladybug put her hand on Chat’s shoulder. “Do you want to tell the story, or would you prefer I tell it, kitty?” she asked softly. 
He hesitated for a moment. “You tell it,” he finally said. “I don’t feel up to it right now.”
She nodded, turning to Alya. “During the fight with Techlonizer, the villain managed to grab Chat while he was distracted and whip him around so fast he wasn’t able to stop his momentum. He let Chat go when he was aimed right at me, with Cataclysm active in his hand. I wasn’t able to dodge in time. But Uncanny Valley saw what was happening, and took the blow instead.”
“I gave up the ring back then,” Chat said, fiddling with it. “I didn’t want to risk harming anyone like that ever again.” He let out a sigh. “But it happened again. I hurt you.”
Nope, she wasn’t letting him continue down this train of thought. It’d hurt both Marinette and Chat, compromise the fight against Shadow Moth, and would only make Alya feel worse than she did right now.
“Like I said back then, I don’t know that I can be Ladybug without you,” Ladybug said sharply, a tinge of panic in her otherwise firm voice. “I don’t want to have to find out, either.”
“Running away isn’t the answer,” Alya said. “The mistakes you made, the accidents that occurred… they could happen to any Black Cat. Hell, even Ladybug ended up making a sentimonster run amok-” she winced at the unintentional pun, but barrelled onwards “-when she was Lady Noire. We need to figure out a way to deal with stuff like this when it happens, not give up. That doesn’t fix anything.”
Chat looked down. “Do you have any suggestions? I- I’m just afraid I’ll mess something up again, if I try to come up with an idea.”
That would be tricky. It’s not like he was hitting the wrong targets on purpose. During the heat of battle, tempers ran high, and accidents happened. 
Still. There were some things they could try.
“What if you only called Cataclysm when you had a good idea what you’d use it for?” she suggested. “And tried not to use it unless you actually needed it, either. I’ve looked through a lot of the Ladyblog’s footage of your fights in the past-” very recently in fact, since she had been working on her Top Ten list for best Cataclysm uses, “-and over half the time, you just use it to break an akumatized object that would’ve been destroyed just as easily by snapping it with your hands, or stomping it on the ground. It’d also reduce the time pressure on you, since you wouldn’t be at risk of transforming back.”
“..Huh,” Ladybug said, a thoughtful expression on her face. “You know, that could work. There’d be some risk in it - it takes a second to prepare a Cataclysm, so if you only called it right before you were gonna use it, you’d risk getting interrupted - but it might be worth it.” She looked at her partner. “What do you think? It’s your call. If you think it won’t work or you just don’t want to do it, we’ll drop it. You’re the one who uses the power all the time. You’d have the best grasp of how feasible this is.”
Chat looked down, his eyebrows bunching up in concentration as he closed his eyes. After a moment he opened them and smiled. “You know? I think that might work. And if it might reduce the danger of Cataclysming something- someone- I didn’t mean to…” he looked down at his right hand. “I just don’t want to hurt people.”
“I think anyone who’s been around you knows that, kitty cat,” Ladybug said softly. “There’s a reason Fu chose you.”
Alya frowned. “This policy wouldn’t have stopped you from Cataclysming me, though, since that wasn’t an accident.” 
Chat Noir winced, looking away.
“I’m not saying it’s a bad idea,” she said, putting up her hands. “I was the one to suggest it. But we might need something else as well. Something based more on why you decided to jump to Cataclysming, when you don’t usually do that for supervillains.”
“I was angry and- and scared,” Chat said. “I thought you’d knocked Ladybug out, or maybe even-” He took a deep, shuddering breath. “I lost my mom recently. I was afraid that Ladybug was gone now too, like she was.” His eyes widened, processing what he’d just said. He whipped around to face Ladybug. “Sorry, I know we’re not supposed to say anything about our identit-ooph!”
Ladybug’s sudden bear hug knocked the air out of his lungs. “Kitty, you’re allowed to talk about stuff that hurts you,” her muffled voice said, “even if it’s with your civilian identity. I never wanted you to feel like you had to hide something that affected you that much. Just try not to say anything that’d make your identity obvious, that’s all.”
“Thank you, Milady,” Chat said, his voice quavering. He wrapped his free arm (the one that Ladybug hadn’t inadvertently trapped at his side with her hug) around her, returning the hug just as fiercely.
Alya smiled, wishing she could record this for the Ladyblog. Granted, Marinette wouldn’t like that, since she’d ordered Alya to get rid of her Ladynoir file, but she could still appreciate seeing the two of them being so close with each other. Romantic or platonic, they were quite the pair.
“Maybe you two should set up some contingencies for what to do if either of you suspect the other is… indisposed somehow?” She suggested. “I mean, I don’t think it’d stop Chat from freaking out if you were hurt - heck, I don’t think it’d stop ME from freaking out if you were hurt - but bad situations are less scary when you have a plan to deal with them. Just don’t expect that plan to survive contact with reality.”
Ladybug’s face lit up, as Alya knew it would. If there was one thing Marinette was good at, it was making plans for any possible future. “I think I can help with that, kitty,” Ladybug said. “Do you think it would help you, though?”
He gave her a soft smile. “I don’t know, but I want to try.”
Alya gave a small laugh. “Mind if I join the hug, or is this Dynamic Duo only territory?”
He blinked. Ladybug chuckled. “I think we can make room for one more.”
As she wrapped one arm around Chat Noir and the other around Ladybug, Alya felt safe and at peace, in a way she hadn’t since she’d transformed into Scarabella.
That evening, Alya pulled up the list she was making of Cataclysm uses, reading them over before exiting the file.
She wasn’t ready to finish it yet.
But she would be.
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redorich · 3 years
Goodboyhalo Says a Naughty Word
“Geo-orge, come here!”
“No! I’m not going to let you turn me into a fucking catboy!”
Bad watched Dream chase George around the outskirts of New L’Manberg, idly snatching a handful of popcorn proffered by Sapnap. Tossing a piece into his mouth, he chuckled. “Do you think Dream’ll actually do it?”
Sapnap shrugged. “He can’t run forever. George, that is. Dream, I’m not so sure about.”
“Yeah, but like, even when Dream catches up to George--”
“When?” Sapnap raised an eyebrow. “You’re pretty confident in him.”
Bad snorted. The two men didn’t have to speak to know Bad was thinking about the most recent Manhunt.
“Yeah, okay, you have a point,” Sapnap conceded. “You were saying?”
Laughing and wincing in equal measure at a minute fumble on George’s behalf, Bad said, “When Dream catches him, do you think he’ll actually turn George into a catboy?”
“Kick his ass, Gogy!” Sapnap cheered before redirecting his conversation to Bad. “God, I hope he goes through with it. Can you imagine? Blackmail for decades.”
Bad rolled his eyes-- it was difficult to tell, given that they were pure white, but Sapnap was familiar enough with his friend’s face to spot it.
“Blackmail’s only for when it’s a secret.” Bad crossed his arms. “And if George gets turned into a catboy you know that Tommy at the very least will never let him forget about it.”
George shrieked, dodging a flaming shoe Dream had thrown at him just moments before. No one present was missing any shoes; on second thought, it looked like it might belong to Ranboo. Sucked to be him, Sapnap thought. He pondered when Dream had the time to steal it.
George sprinted between Bad and Sapnap, screaming. He ran fast enough that there was a Doppler effect. Sapnap stumbled but caught himself; however, Bad was not so lucky. While Bad was pushing himself off the ground, mourning his lost popcorn, a lime green beam of magic shot out from Dream’s hands and missed George, hitting Bad square in the face. There was an explosion of light for a split second (thankfully it was an explosion of only light, given New L’Manberg’s history), then a familiar stranger was sitting on the ground in Bad’s place.
Dream, George, and Sapnap all stopped what they were doing to stare.
“Ouch...” the stranger whined, rubbing a marble-white hand on his equally marble-white cheek. The man’s pure black eyes narrowed in confusion, and he pushed himself to his feet warily, dusting off his white toga.
Sapnap personally couldn’t figure out how the man actually managed to stand up without tripping, given the sheer amount of draping white fabric he was wearing. Everything from the waist and lower on the man was completely covered; not a toe stood out. The same fabric was also draped casually across one of the man’s shoulders, but most of his chest and back were bare. It was such a contrast from Bad’s usual outfit, completely covered from head to toe in black, that for a moment Sapnap was unsure if this man really was wearing Bad’s face.
“Woah,” George said, “you’re like a doppelgänger.”
“Huh?” the man said. “The hell’s going on?”
Dream stepped closer into view. He looked sheepish, but Sapnap knew him better than that. He was nervous.
“Uh, that would be me. Sorry, I, uh... accidentally replaced my friend with you?”
“Not my fucking problem, you cumsock looking motherfucker,” the stranger said with a sneer that looked completely alien on Bad’s face. “The name’s Goodboyhalo, don’t wear it out.” 
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
I apparently watch G'raha cutscenes so much that I've had a dream about one of 'em. 😅
Last week, I had a dream of the cut-scene where we, the player meets Lyna and the Exarch. It was interesting. I wrote this all down the morning after it happened as I excitedly told the three friends that were also in the dream.
Okay, so, everything was pretty much the same except for some obvious differences. For example, I was in it. Not my in game character, by me. Real life me but in game graphics? I was even a miqo'te too. And three of my best friends were there. One was a fellow miqo'te and the other two were Elezen. I'mma call them Andi (miqo'te), Zafirah (tall elezen) and Rhiannon (shorter elezen).
We're just walking along the path, just chatting about how beautiful the place was. Rhiannon asks me where we are cause last she checked, we were all in the Source investigating why the Scions were dropping like flies. Apparently dream-Grey is all knowing and gives the perfect answer as well as a bit of a history lesson. But it ended up confusing them.
And so there was a little conversation going on:
Me: Remember that catboy we met before?
Andi: That one in the tower? You wouldn't stop crying about him
Me: Yep! Well he's here
Zafirah: He's gonna get it when I see him. Making you cry like that!
And yet again, Dream-Grey explains that the cloaked man we're about to meet, the Exarch is actually catboy G'raha. But what gets me is she tells the girls not to mention this outside their group as it could mess with the timeline.
The next thing we hear is Lyna addressing us. asking us to halt and asking from where we hail. In normal fashion, my friends give our own typical answers. And to me, they're funny.
Rhiannon: Earth
Andi: Over there
Me: Our moms
Zafirah: I don't know, I just woke up
And just like the cutscene, she doesn't like our answers. So the four of us huddle together to try to scheme our way around her. But then a big sin eater attacks, but Lyna cuts it down in like a single hit. The three of my friends are kinda freaking out, but Dream-Grey is kinda like "Woah that just happened in front of my face."
And then the exarch comes. And our group is calm but we're still stand relatively close together. Rhiannon looks suspicious of him, Zafirah and Andi are glaring at him, and I'm just heart-eyes about him. Because honestly it wouldn't be me if I wasn't looking at him like he was the cutest man in the whole world.
And next thing that happens is he's moved closer to us, whispering that he'll take us to the Crystarium to discuss everything. And Rhiannon as our leader is just like "Alright cool, lead the way. But if this is a trap, know that we won't hesitate to hurt you".
And the dream just ends right there so abruptly. Kinda a bummer. Is it only me who's having dreams like this?
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thebadchoicemachine · 3 years
For the writing prompt, what about ghost!Robin and Catboy!Corpse seeing present day Cornelius/Dream? Like Dream being confused and happy about his Partner and Son’s Ghosts being there and everyone else being v confused about the two random people calling him Cornelius and knowing him from a hundred years ago.
anon im so sorry. This has been sitting in my inbox for months now but I just cannot finish this story. it a really cool idea though. Here’s my incomplete first draft. I just copy and paste it from my wip to here so this is it, notes and cuts and typos and all. 
The idea is Karl shows up when they’re in the prison and they see the false timeline where Cornelius was a killer and are forced to accept he sucks
- The execution cell was supposed to be merciful, a more civilized solution than being beat to death, but everything about it made Robin gag. He hoped he would never ever end up in it. 
tw: implied indirect suicide, major death but they’re ghosts(?) 
Colors and colors and colors wouldn’t stop melting and mixing and swirling. They surrounded him. They were in him. They were him. He breathed them in without breathing, he bled them without blood, he was falling and flying and stood completely still. 
And then it was dark. No, then it was light. White and clean like the marble of a palace Robin knew he would never get to see. 
Where... where was he? He’d won hadn’t he? They’d... killed... him. They’d killed everyone. 
He wanted to die. He had to. There was boiling in his blood he couldn’t ease, he had to die, he needed them to hate him. To end him. The Jester’s Curse. Cursed to be wronged, to be hurt, to be freed. 
He’d always had it, as far as he was concerned. He didn’t know why he resisted for so long. Perhaps, despite everything, he’d enjoyed living at one point. Despite what he was, despite his curse, despite bring a jester, he wanted to live! At some point he couldn’t care less about tricking others into condemning him to the grave. 
After Cornelius, after Cat, he didn’t even fight it nor could he fight for it. He didn’t even care. Even as the ground swallowed him up in flames of the execution he held no harmony. No peace. There was no joy in his victory, there was no meaning to his death. Even in fulfilling it, he’d denied his curse. 
That’s why he was still here, wasn’t it? Jesters want to die, they want to transform, to be released into vengeful spirits of lies and trickery. He was... dead. He was also... still here... why? He knew why. He didn’t think he liked the answer. 
Robin couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t stand to bother mourning anymore. Not himself, not his long-dead family, not his new fath- he choked. He didn’t know know on what, he had no air, no lungs. He just couldn’t finish the thought. 
“We never did make it official, did we?” A solemn, comforting, voice rang out.
Robin spun around. No. What? No, it’s not. It is. He is. Right there. Standing- no, not standing. Neither of them can stand. Not floating either just… there… was Cat. 
Robin felt his eyes fill up with tears, he didn’t know how, he didn’t care. He flew into his friend’s arms. 
“Woah! Ah, be careful, child.”
“H-how,” Robin sobbed into his chest. “How are you…”
“You’re here, aren’t you?”
“I th-thought that was because of my c-curse.”
Cat sighed, gently ruffling the child’s hair.  
“No,” he spoke, finally. “I don’t think that’s why any of us are here.”
“No, I don’t think it’s what happens to everyone either. I’ve been alone as far as I can tell. I haven’t found anyone else. Not even…” he sighed again. 
Robin understood. Cornelius was gone. 
“I’m so sorry, Robin.” Cat tightened his grip. “I’m so sorry for what we put you through. We promised we would give you a better life, a safer one, but we left you in the worst way possible. You were executed because... because of me.”
“Oh,” Robin stared down at his feet. “You... were there for that?”
“No. I wasn’t- I can’t- I don’t know how to explain it, I only know what happened. Exactly what happened. It was like living a story being told to you, as though a nar- narrating...
Narration. Something clicked in both of their minds. Wasn’t there some strange… the spirals… the colors… he didn’t have a name, not one he ever told them. He had simply showed up one day, right before it all began. He wasn’t there, not properly anyway,. but he was there. He was there in the backs of everyone’s minds. He was there as he explained away every awful thing like it was a footnote in a novel. He was there as he made and told truth. He was the Narrator. 
He had such an air of control, such an air of change. 
Thoughts (memories?) of a past that never happened flashed through Robin’s mind. Cat was out investigating, Robin was carefully looking over his medical supplies. He couldn’t risk- NO. No. He swept the distraction from his mind. He wouldn’t get carried away, not this time.
The narrator. The Narrator. He had a book. A swirling and swishing mash of colors cover on his book he scribed all their horrors into. That’s where they were. 
“Cat, we need to go. He made a mistake. This… was his first time. We are not supposed to be here. We were never meant to leave. We should try to get out.”
Cat only nodded. Robin didn’t know why he understood or how deeply, but he did. This was a mistake.
The two began wandering the halls. It was strange, being able to think and move again as though his body was still his. To have his mind and thoughts working in a stream of consciousness instead of a thick muddy bog of echos. If he didn’t know any better he’d describe it as feeling more… alive.
He even reached out to guide Cat out of habit. How amazing was it that he had habits again? Cat allowed him to because he knew the comfort it gave him to have something so familiar. Although, of course, not really needing him to. They were both still dead, spirits, memories. Living- not living like this, detached, was like existing with a million tiny radars reaching out all around you. It wasn’t a matter of seeing or feeling, simply knowing. When you were so disconnected from life and itself you were able to get a much clearer and instant idea of the world, he supposed.
They walked and wandered in silence for a while. At least, a while from their perspective. Even with no real idea what or where they were Robin could tell time was… off… here. 
Eventually, they found their way out. There was no exit or pathway they walked through nor was it a sudden jump. They had just… made it out. They were standing beneath the shelter of some trees. It was raining. They were surrounded by unfamiliar structures and landscapes. Of course they were, but this wasn’t just some distant biome or kingdom it was…
“Robin? Are you alright?” 
“I- yes. I’m fine, Cat. This is- I mean, that place is just… wow.”
“It’s... different, yes. This rain is- hmm, it’s weird. I can’t feel it but I know it’s there. It’s making everything fuzzy.”
Robin stuck his hand out. The raindrops sizzled against his skin. He was so focused on the odd sensation he jumped when Cat yanked his arm back.
“What was that? Are you alright?”
“The rain, it stings.”
“Badly? Are you hurt?”
“Not really. It feels like I’m a bar of soap being whittled down by the drops but I’m fine. It only feels strange.”
“Oh, good,” Cat breathed a sigh of relief. “In that case, let’s keep moving.” 
Robin agreed. They didn’t have anywhere to go but neither felt like standing under the tree for all eternity. Besides, they were in a whole new world, maybe even a whole new dimension, and Robin was really curious to see what was with those strange building 
It all seemed impossible. 
His breath was taken away at every turn as they walked. Structures like nothing he’d ever seen before. There were so many colors, so many shapes, so many mechanics, so many things, and all so high and huge. It was amazing. 
“Slow down a little, this rain is really disorienting.”
“Sorry! Sorry, this place is just… wow.”
“So you’ve said,” Cat laughed. “What exactly is so amazing about it? Describe it to me.”
“Well, there’s so much of it. It’s like a town but nothing like a town at all. More like a whole kingdom. A very strange kingdom.  There’s no uniform to it, every build is unique. There was a castle we passed, it was huge and had so many colors! There were just rainbows and rainbows pouring out of every-”
“Mmm, interesting.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“This castle though, it felt like regret, didn’t it?”
“Y-yeah? Kinda,” Robbin had been trying to avoid thinking about that, how he could feel every building. “Uh, over to your side there is a pit, a giant crater bigger than our entire town! It’s tragic. It’s refreshing a little. It’s kind of…”
“Familiar. I- I don’t want to be near that, Robin. Let’s keep moving.”
Robin didn’t agree. He wanted to get closer, to feel what was so sad, so new, so ended, what about whatever tragedy there was familiar. He wanted to understand what he knew would hurt him, and why. 
“No! He would never!” Cat’s voice was rising. It was honestly scary, Robin had never seen him so wrathful. “He is the kindest person you will ever know! He is a protector! He’s- he is-”
“Do you really believe that?” The Narrator asked, calm and unfazed, sorrow creeping into his question. Robin couldn’t shake it from his mind. His thoughts were ruffles like pages flipping backward in a book. Like a pencil rubbing revealing words erased and undone but that had still been written. He was sent back to his flashing memories, his lies, unable to stop them.  
Cat was out investigating, Robin was carefully looking over his medical supplies. He couldn’t risk choosing wrong tonight. He’d been right to focus on himself. No, he’d been lucky. He’d panicked. Cat was out to the town now. Robin was out now. The killers knew they could stop them, they would be targets. The killers…
Part of him wanted to ignore it, to go back to thinking it couldn’t be one of them. That no one would do something like that, that is must be some outside force but Jimmy… they’d gotten him right. Robin winced at the memory of Helga, at how it had almost been him, but they’d gotten Jimmy right. He knew they had, the Narrator said so. 
The next morning, no one had died. Robin hadn’t needed to heal anyone. Cat reported Jack hadn’t left his home. It seemed like, well, it must be Jack. It just had to be, didn’t it? Robin frowned. He liked Jack enough, he didn’t want to kill anyone. He didn’t want to be wrong again but what choice did he have?
Jack was fighting. He was shouting, angry, scared. He was in the exact same place Robin had been a few nights ago. The familiarity burned inside his chest. He couldn’t stand any more of this, it needed to end tonight. 
“IT’S CORNELIUS!  IT’S HIM! IT HAS TO BE! Look at me. Look at me! You know me, I’m simple, I farm potatoes. If Helga was still here she’d remind yall I ain’t good for much else. You really think I could do this?”
Robin couldn’t comprehend what he was hearing. He wanted to believe it. He wanted to spare everyone he could but… Cornelius? Could he really condemn him any more than he could Jack? Could he any less? 
“What makes you think it’s me and not one of them? I know you’re a killer, Jack. You guessed Cat would be on your trail tonight and didn’t kill. Why else wouldn’t someone be dead today?” Cornelius’s voice was as calm and upbeat as ever, if not a bit exasperated. 
“He’s smart! He’s too smart. Look at his freaky, calculatin’ eyes, if you can ever see them. Look at him! Hiding behind that mask, wearing that ridiculous green hood, what’s that smile for, huh? None of us should have trusted him the day he set foot in this town, make up for it now. C’mon! Cat, I know you’re better than murderin’ folks for mayhem. Bob, you’re as simple as me! Robin,” Robin froze up as he was addressed directly “You’re a child, a sweet one. I’m sorry you have to live through this. I’m sorry you’ve been where I am now but I only hope that gives you the empathy you need to make the right choice. It’s him. I swear it’s not me!”
Everything felt stifled. He muffled the distraught protests of Cat in favor of listening to his own. No. No, it couldn’t be.  Everyone in town used to be friendly but Cornelius was a friend. He and Cat had been there for Robin. They’d taken him in, cared for him, treated him as their own son. Well, Cat had. 
Robin slowly blinked. What had Cornelius done for him? Thinking this way made him sick but he needed to be rational here. Did he really believe Cornelius was innocent, truly? He trusted Cat. Cat had proof he was safe, even if he wasn’t an investigator he had years and years of kindness to back him up. What did Cornelius have, really? He was kind, decent enough, but so was Jack. So were Jimmy and Helga. That wasn’t something he could base his vote on. 
So what did make him so sure it wasn’t Cornelius? The only… he realized the only thing holding him up was Cat. Cat loved him. Robin wanted that to be enough. He wanted desperately to go back home, to lay in Cat’s lap while Cornelius told them stories. He wanted to retreat into his memories but when he tried they felt corrupted, tainted, hollow. 
Every time he tried to imagine the kind way Cornelius had ruffled his hair, how he’d giggle and blush after a kiss from Cat, how he’d take off his mask at home and join Robin sitting on the porch, every time he tried to lose himself in the memory of that soft, humored, smile he was frozen inside by the eyes. Even when they were sad or kind his eyes were always vibrant, sharp… calculating. 
Robin took a shaky breath. He didn’t like this, he didn’t want to do this, any of it. He was filled with a numb resolve as he cast his vote. He had no proof either was innocent but he had no reason to believe Jack was capable of this… he knew Cornelius was. 
“The voting has finished,” The Narrator began. “Jack... Jack is the most suspected but this means nothing. Cornelius, by 3/5ths of the vote you have been found guilty. Please, step into the chamber.”
“NO!” A scream cut through the faux memory, just barely. Just enough for Robin to hear it. Who had yelled? Cat? Cor- Dream? Himself? He didn’t know, he was still lost.
Lost… Robin was so lost. 3/5ths. Cornelius obviously voted for Jack and vice versa, Bob was on Jack’s side, Cat must have voted for Jack even if only to save his love. Robin had been the deciding vote. What had he done? Was he right? Cornelius gave him no answer as he calmly stepped into the cell. The Narrator blabbed on, explaining the votes and who and what but for the first time since the colorful stranger arrived Robin couldn't listen to a word he said, instead focusing on Cat. 
Cat had run to the jail, his hands reaching desperately through the bars. “I didn’t want this. I didn’t want this,” he kept repeating. His voice was calm and low but Robin could tell that was desperate. He was putting on an act, trying to reassure Cornelius as though it would all solve itself if he just kept together. Cornelius still didn’t speak. He took Cat’s hand and rested it on his face, under his mask.
Then the grate snaped close and Cat was forced to pull his hand back. He barely moved though, pressing his hands against the wire through the bars. Cornelius pressed his hand up from the other side. Maybe Cat could feel it, maybe he couldn’t, Robin didn’t know which he preferred. 
Part of Robin wanted to put him to back away, to warn him the bars and fence was there for a reason, but the rest of him knew he couldn’t. The least- the only thing he could do was allow Cat this brief moment of closure, if you could even call it that. 
Cornelius still kept silent, for just the briefest of moments Robin hated him. How dare he? How dare he sit there, keeping Cat suffering in silence? How dare he keep Robin in this horrid suspense? How dare he not admit his crimes or keep pleading his innocence? How dare he… how dare… then Robin heard Cat whimper and the anger was gone. 
“We’re gonna get you out of here, okay? We-”
“Well, that’s not gonna happen,” The Narrator laughed, almost callously. If he wasn’t so detached from the world, so different from them he felt innocent even in cruelty, Robin might’ve felt like spitting on him. He couldn’t though, he was different. He was detached. He was like a child who didn’t know any better than to hurt others’ feelings. Like a child except instead of not knowing any better he knew too much. 
Maybe that’s why Robin didn’t lash out or protest as the narrator pulled the lever. Maybe that’s why he didn’t scream as the pistons shifted. Maybe that’s why he only closed his eyes and ignored the shouts of triumph. He couldn’t even find it in himself to be angry at Jack and Bob for celebrating, at the moment he was only glad their cries drowned out the sizzle. 
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crazyrandomfucker · 4 years
Marichat May Day 21: Fireworks
Chat Noir and Kitty Noire decide to enjoy the night of Heroes' day with their civilian friends
After a hectic Heroes' Day filled with activites here and there and lot's of places and meetings to attend to, the four defenders of Paris are finally relaxing for a bit in a rooftop with views to Place de la Concorde. They chit-cat about their plans for the night activites of Heroes' Day and about what they had seen during the rest of the day. When the time comes, Lordbug and Ladybug stand up and leave early to meet some friends as they had already decided before. Some moments after the bugs are no longer in sight, the cats also stand up and leave the place, running with a certain destination in mind as they wager their tails playfully from side to side. They land perfectly at Marin's roof nd greet the twins who already were there drinking a cup of tea while waitng for Chat Noir and Kitty Noire.
"It's nice to see you" says Marinette.
"Busy day I guess" says Marin.
"You have no idea" says Chat Noir stratching a bit.
"But at last, we have some time to spend with our favourite civilian friends!" says Kitty happily.
"Do you know what events are going to happen tonight by chance?" asks Marin.
"Nope, it wouldn't be fair if only my Lady and My Lord were to be the only ones not knowing what's in store for tonight" says Chat Noir.
"One would think that the heroes would be informed of what would be going on during their day" points Marinette.
"Well, they want to make it a surprise for us, so I don't think that's bad" says Kitty.
"At least, we do know one thing for tonight, don't we sis?" says Marin looking to Marinette.
"Yes, we do know something" says Marinette.
"Huh? What is it?2 asks Kitty curiously.
"We know where will we be having dinner, because our parents decided to invite you two to have dinner" says Marin.
"Oh, but we wouldn't want to impose or anything" says Chat.
"My father has forgiven you for last time, you know?" says Marinette.
"And that's exactly another reason to refuse the invitation. It'd be so embarrassing" complains Chat.
"Oh come on brother, it would be rude to refuse the invitation" says Kitty making puppy eyes to convince Chat.
"There is some quiche, pizza and even focaccia among other things for tonight~" says Marinette taunting the catboy.
"O-Okay, we'll accept the invitation, but out of respect, this is definitely not because of the food" says Chat salivating.
Marin chuckles. "That would be much more convincing if your mouth wasn't as watery as it is right now" says Marin.
"Kids, supper is ready!" calls Sabine from downstairs.
"Shall we go then?" asks Marinette with a smile.
"Sure" says Kitty Noire.
The four of them went downstairs and the cats properly greeted Tom and Sabine as well of thanking them for inviting them to dinner, to which both adults just nodded and smiled happily. They all sat down around the dinning table and ate at their hearts content, especially Chat and Kitty since they were enamoured by the food. After singing some praises to Tom and Sabine for their food and for their bakery as well, Tom proposed to play a round of videogames with the cats to see how good they were. While they played, Tom and Sabine were complimenting the heroes for their achievements in fighting crime as well for their gaming abilities. In the end, Chat only managed to win once against Tom and Sabine beat them all mercilessly before Marin recieved a message from Alen about the night time activities.
"Look at all those activities" says Sabine impressed. "We could go to that night market in the ninth arrondissement, we might find something interesting".
"We're going ther then!" says Tom happily, but then he turns to the teens. "What about you kids? Is there somewhere you'd like to go?"
"Don't worry about the time for tonight" says Sabine to her children. "It's a festivity day and you're in good hands I believe".
"Should we maybe go and see this street performances near the Louvre?" proposes Marinette.
"That's fine for me" says Marin shrugging off. "Maybe we run into Alix and Alex thought" says as he looks at the cats.
"Don't worry Mar, we've got this covered" says Kitty smirking. "Remember that time you caught us as civilians?"
"Please, don't tell me that you're going to detransform" says Marinette worried.
"Worry not Marinette, this cats have thought of everything" says Chat. "As our civilian selves, we have the disguise you saw us on minus the sunglasses, but we also added these big plastic mask of our hero selves! No one will recognize us since lot's of people will be wearing heroes' masks".
"That's actually quite a good idea" recognizes Tom. "Will you be able to transform back in case anything happens?"
"Yes, we have a lot of cheese to bribe the things that power us up to behave and to transform us" explains Kitty.
"You need cheese to transform?" asks Sabine surprised.
"Unfortunately, yes. The smellier the better, that's how our kwamis like it" says Chat. "The kwamis are the ones who give us power and transform us and ours are cheese gluttons".
"Must be tough to mask the smell" says Marin.
"Don't even get me started with that. My classmates think I have an obsession with cheese" says Kitty.
"Oh, look at the time" says Marinette looking her phone. "We should maybe hurry up and get going if we want to get there early".
"Have fun kids" says Sabine waving as the teens rush to go outside.
Not much later, they get close to one of the allies nearby the Louvre and the cat-themed heroes detransform. As they had said, their outfits were nothing like the usual clothes they wear everyday and they had masks of themselves on, so not even Marin or Marinette could see their faces nor recognize them. Once the kwamis were fed and hidden, the gang run towards the permormance site and watched excitedly how different dancers moved at the rythm of hip-hop and some singers roasted eachoters in rap battles. During the performance, they met with the Kubdel twins as predicted, who were accompanied by Kim, Jin, Max and Mathilda. When the performace ended, they said goodbye and went to the next place, Eiffel's tower, where Jagged Stone was playing along with Clara Nightingale and the arising band Kitty Section.
Upon arriving to the entrance of the improvised enclosure where the concert was going to be held, someone pulled Marinette aside. It turns out that the one who pulled Marinette aside to get her attention was no other than Jagged's assistant, Penny. She told Marinette and Marin that since the three groups playing that night had some of their clothes tailored and designed by Marinette and Marin, they had a space reserved for them and any friends they brought with them. Between each concert, Jagged, Clara and Kitty Section paid a visit to the designers to have a chat, all of them happy to see their favourite designers assisting their concerts.
After the concert, they looked again at the night activities and selected one unanimously: Fireworks from the Seine. They went to an alley and Chat and Kitty transformed back into their hero identities to have some privileged seats for the show. They carried Marinette and Marin all the way to Notre Dame and sat in a hidden spot on the roof where the views of Paris and the Seine were amazing. There was still some time until the fireworks, so they relaxed a bit and talked about their everyday. Before the fireworks started, Kitty asked Marinette to change her place under the pretext of sitting next to Marin during the fireworks, while in reality her intentions where to make Mari sit with Chat to give them a gentle push, even if she definitelyappreciated spending such a romantic moment with Marin.
"Do we know the exact hour for te fireworks?" asks Chat Noir.
"They'll start anytime know" says Marinette looking at the horizon. "I'm quite excited to see them, they are always so beautiful".
"I doubt their beauty can hold a candle to yours thought" says Chat teasingly.
"You flirty cat" says Marinette rolling her eyes.
"I think maybe we should go somewhere else Kitty, because they seem to be about to kiss" jokes Marin.
"Indeed, who would have thught that tonight we'd become family" replies Kitty having fun.
"And when is your wedding then?" asks Chat Noir. "You two seem so awfully close to eachother".
"It was yesterday, I forgot to send you an invitation" replies Kitty sassily.
"Then mine too, because I don't remember you two being so close" teases Marinette as a payback.
"It must have been the mailm-" tries to says Kitty, but the fireworks lit the sky and all of their attention turns to the fireworks.
"Woah, so amazing" says Marin.
"It always leaves me with all this excitement" says Marinette energically. "I think I could lift Chat if I wanted to".
"She really gets into the mood" says Kitty Noire surprised.
"I never saw Marinette this excited since that time she found those super fabric rolls" add Chat.
Marinette blushes a bit awkwardy because all of their comments. "Sorry if I get too hyped by them" apologizes the girl.
"Don't worry Princess, it's cute to se you like that" says Kitty smiling.
"She took the words from my mouth" says Chat Noir. "Your cuteness' levels skyrocketed for a moment".
"Now, now. If you flirt with her that much I'll have to call you two in-laws" jokes Marin while Marinette hides her blushy face.
"You could call me something else if you wanted to Prince Charming" says Kitty winking at Marin.
"Okaay, time to stop" says Cat. "For real flirting you cn go somewhere else, kiss and whatever, but not in front of me please".
"Says the one who is holdig back the urges to cuddle with my sister" points Marin and Chat sits straight.
"I'm not holding any urges back!" says Chat blushing.
"It would be more convincing if you weren't blushing brother" points Kitty.
"Come on Kitty, let's give them some space to calm down and stop blushing like red lightbulbs" says Marin.
Kitty Noir picks him up bridal style. "We'll come back later, make sure to kiss a lot!" says Kitty smugly.
"I'm going to skin Marin fo that" says Marinette blushing.
"Same here Princess" says Chat Noir.
They fell into an awkward silence, stealing glances from one another but not uttering a single word. As MArinette shivered, Chat got closer to her and offered his Jacket for her, which she refused to accept and they ended up sharing it instead so neitherof them would freeze. They stayed like that for some time, simply sitting next to each other without speaking until it was time to go back home. Meanwhile, not much far away, Marin and Kitty Noire were truly enjoying the fireworks. After a quick confession from both sides, the sat together holding hands with their heads resting on Marin's shoulder. They had some chaste kisses, afraid of exploring the other's lips by the mere fear of scaring the other for going 'too fast'. But they enjoyed the fireworks, much like the blushing messes known as Marinette and Chat Noir.
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Jupiter // Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction //
Words: 2200+
And it made her messes matter. Made her chaos count. Let every little fracture in her. Shatter out loud.
Here it is on AO3 ➡ http://archiveofourown.org/works/13553499
Marinette was softly smiling at her thoughts while she was sketching some ideas for future clothes of her own. Her pencil was slightly touching the paper leaving lines behind it. The girl didn’t use a rubber even once. It’s not like she hadn’t done any mistakes, she just didn’t care much. The ideas were pretty cute and she liked all the flaws she had in there.
Everything had its own flaws, hadn’t it?
Marinette had her flaws. She was spontaneous, passionate and lightheaded sometimes. Her thoughts were on fire and full of excitement and then – poof – it’s gone. She couldn’t sit straight and just listen during lessons because something was always distracting her. It could be the birds outside, Alya with another amazing story about Ladybug, it could be Chloe. It could be Adrien. He used to be.
After Marinette confessed to Adrien about her feelings, well, kind of confessed, it was easier not to notice him sometimes and not to pay much attention to each breath of his. Maybe it was because they didn’t interact so often now. Honestly, it seemed like he was avoiding her.
At first, it hurt her a lot. Because, when Chat Noir accepted the truth and tried to be there for her even if he couldn’t return what she was asking for, Adrien just let her go. Didn’t it mean that he wasn’t willing to be friends with her anymore?
This thought crossed her mind again and Marinette accidentally drew a too rough line.
Damn this boy.
She looked in front of her and stared for a little bit at the blond nape. He wasn’t writing even though he was sitting right under the eyes of the teacher. He was just… sitting, sometimes shifting uncomfortably. Maybe he was feeling her gaze, who knows. Not Marinette anyway.
After all the time that passed after she tried to ask him out, Adrien started to be…not very unique as he used to be for her. All the characteristics she had used to describe him before were kind of fading now. His hair wasn’t shining that much anymore, he was still clever and amazingly beautiful but now… She seemed to avoid him, too.
When he said no to her, something changed inside of her. He was still precious, yes, and she would give her life to protect him. But now every time she caught his rare glance it felt like a punch. Because if he said no, then there’s a reason. The reason why he noticed Ladybug but hadn’t given her real self a chance.
The girl actually knew why, but how she supposed to achieve the characteristics of the superhero without having special power? How she could have shown him how brave she can be, when there’s no chance in the life of civilians to be brave in the real meaning of this word?
But Marinette was a little bit free because the girl was out of the cage that used to keep her captured for so long. And even if in that moment she was still soft and easily got herself into sobbing mess, she was starting to be alright again.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng could never live up to the expectations that included her Ladybug self.
She didn’t know who she was at that moment, but she knew for sure who she wasn’t. Her heart was singing do, re, mi and then all over again. It was a circle of pain. This pain wasn’t permanent but it left her feeling numb when Chat wasn’t near her. With all the jokes and laugh she would forget for a moment that he said no, as well.
Also, Marinette found herself slowly losing interest in achievement to become really close friends with Adrien. Now it seemed really impossible.
Once Chat crossed her mind, he wasn’t easily taken of it. And now when she was comparing them, Marinette understood that catboy cared way too much for her. Much more than Adrien ever did.
In two hours it was a lesson she wished she hadn’t come to. The lesson that kind of was teaching them physical education. Kind of. It always was harder for Marinette still be the clumsy one when it came to this kind of classes. Yes, she didn’t pay much attention to the things in her daily life. But after becoming a superhero it was harder to be the same when it was about physical activity. Now she had some good reflexes and being weak in her body was a complete hell. No one still wanted her in their team. She bet if she showed herself, everyone would fight to get her with them.
Marinette was stretching with Alya, well, helping her. And giving glances to the volleyball play that was going to start in five minutes. Actually, Marinette and Alya were almost the only ones who didn’t play. Also, Rose and Juleka weren’t playing, as well. But everyone else was.
“Hey, Mari,” Alya called her, groaning a little bit, because her friend was pressing too much pressure on her.
“Oh, sorry,” Marinette carefully removed her hands from Alya and sighed. “I got carried away with my thoughts. Again.”
“About?” Alya laid down on the floor, looking somewhere behind Marinette.
“Adrien,” Marinette said softly. It wasn’t a surprise for ALya, who knew everything (almost) about her best friend. But now it was a little bit tiring that even after a rejection her thoughts were pining after him.
“Mari, listen, maybe you need to move on? I mean, look around. There are too many boys and you can pick anyone. Except for Nino, because we’re already dating. Maybe you should give a chance to Nath? You rejected him, as well. And he somehow still after you. What if you’re losing your chance to be happy, honey?”
“I you were me, you wouldn’t saying that so sure.”
Alya’s words somehow affected her not in the best way and now the sadness was occupying her. She remembered how he avoided her on daily basis. And how he was interested in everyone but her. What a nice chance to find someone else, huh, yeah. How could she bring happiness to anyone if Marinette wasn’t happy on her own?
“Well, your highness. I’m sorry but it surely not my fault he doesn’t like you back,’’ the moment Alya said it, her eyes got a terrified look.
Marinette inhaled and gave a fast glance around. Everyone heard them for sure because somehow no one was warming up for the game. Woah, how nice. Now her entire knew that she was pathetic and didn’t get her feelings re-turned. And everyone knew who she had a crush on.
Marinette bet that Adrien was looking at her, too. But she didn’t give him a single look. She didn’t want to see what his expression could give her. It would break her heart again and she wasn’t sure if it’s going to be healed after that.
The raven haired girl ran from them all, leaving the pressure on everyone’s shoulders.
Now it was clear that she wasn’t fine as she tried to make herself.
Maybe Marinette in the first place didn’t have to listen to Chat pleading and go to school.
She was sitting on her balcony wrapped in soft blanket that her momma gifted Marinette on Christmas. The girl was curled up and looking at the stars trying to find the one who will look exactly like the one Chat usually liked to talk about. Actually, she had never found it without his help. Without him every star was the same.
“It’s too late, Princess. You have school tomorrow,” she heard a whisper somewhere behind her and a little smile showed on her face. “Were you waiting for your knight? If so, I’m sorry. Just had some bad time with people I care about. But they clearly don’t care that much about me, though.”
He sit near her on the wooden floor and gave her a look. She was quiet and didn’t look at him like at all. Something wasn’t fine and he had a thought he knew what was going on. The guilt filled him up till the moment he almost apologized, but then remembered that she didn’t know who he was.
“I cooked you some cupcakes, feel free to take them with yourself when you’re gonna leave,” Marinette looked down to find him staring right in her eyes.
She knew him well enough to see he was in pain. In an emotional one. The same look he gave to Ladybug when they were patrolling and he wasn’t paying much attention and fall from the roofs but she caught him from falling on the road or between alleys. Then they usually had a talk and she was petting him. Yeah, it was strange but he was one of her dearest friends and she hated seeing him broken.
“What’s wrong, Chat?”
Marinette looked in front of herself, being pleasured with the night view of the Paris. It was quiet and soft lightning was decorating every building and person. And Marinette herself, so she was smiling a little bit, being completely relaxed. Even if her mind was somewhere else.
“I hurt a person who means a lot to me. And it’s eating me every day, every minute and second. I can’t apologize enough to make her shining again. I bet some parts of her kind heart still hate me.” He laid his head on her shoulder and sighed heavily.
“You don’t need to feel guilty, though. Well, he is not, why would you, huh?” she wasn’t really thinking about the words she was saying but it clearly didn’t matter a lot at that moment.
“He?” Chat shifted near her, but his head was still on her shoulder and the boy was slightly purring which meant he’s comfortable enough.
“Adrien. I bet you know him. His face is all over the city,” she chuckled and closed her eyes. “I asked him out and got rejected. Then I asked you a fine question, as well. And then you rejected me. I’ve got a double trouble. I’m wondering if someone was that lucky, too.”
“So, you think that he’s not guilty? Wait, do you mean that you told me what you told me just because I was a second option?” he was looking at her, she felt his gaze.
“I know he is not guilty. And, well, Chat. As I told you, I was pining after two boys at once. And if you ask me, I knew what exactly I was going to hear. I was just hoping one of the two I loved would pick me over her. But who I am against that?” she finally said and the pressure she felt was out of her chest. “You don’t need to tell me how talented and nice I am. And all of it again. Because even if you really think like that I’m not the one you chose. By the way, I really do appreciate that you didn’t leave me hanging with my feeling all alone. It is very nice of yours. I wish Adrien was that brave. Or at least interested. He doesn’t want to be even my friend now. He avoids me, I avoid him. After today everyone knows what’s going on.”
“I am sorry.”
“Stop, Chaton. I mean, Chat,” she remembered that he didn’t like when she called him that in her Marinette form. “It’s not your fault you are the way you are. And, as my friend said, it’s not your fault you don’t like me back. Maybe, we didn’t mean to happen.”
It was a good period of time with them and silence. She didn’t care to say more, Marinette just wanted him to stop feeling like he had to hang out with her because he made her heart ache. With him it felt like she’s going to be okay. It wasn’t the first time she felt this way. The girl knew for sure that if Adrien was acting as Chat in that situation, they would end up being friends again. She would give him advice; he would help her with language problems she struggled with. They would be hanging out with Alya and Nino and wouldn’t feel the pressure between them. Now it felt like it was the end of every connection they would have had.
“I don’t mind, you know,” he said quietly, being afraid to break the silence and peace around them.
She looked down to see he was exploring her shoulder that wasn’t covered with blanket or her t-shirt because it slipped on this side of her body and left her skin naked and shining with the glow of the moon and the city. Marinette wasn’t sure what he was talking about or what the hell he was doing with his clawed fingers when they first touched her. They weren’t that sharp as she thought. They weren’t cold as she thought.
Then it hit her that he was counting birthmarks and freckles on the soft petals of her neck and shoulder skin.
The blush appeared on her face and neck, probably covering the skin he was carefully touching, as well.
“I don’t really mind when you call me Chaton.”
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