#also he could try to just fuckin. kick flip frank
oh my god i'm so in love with all the fic ideas you talked about, but especially the last two with the castles kidnapping matt in like a friendly and well-meaning way. it's so funny to me and also the dynamic here would be absolutely excellent. never realised i needed a pro-crime hyper-competent maria castle in my life but apparently i do???
the dynamic in those, but especially the christmas one, is fucking hilarious. i love it so much. i'd write it tomorrow if i had the time
like the castles are treating this like one of those times where you pick up a puppy out of a cardboard box in a kmart parking lot and like, it's a little scrawny and underfed and feral and yeah, it probably would have been smarter to pick one out of the shelter where at least you know they've been checked out and have their shots and everything, but you know, the kids wanted one so bad and it's christmas, and it's cold and the poor thing's probably going to freeze to death in the cardboard box, so you bring it home, and suddenly it's in these new and unfamiliar surroundings and it keeps trying to skitter out the front door every time it opens, so maybe you have to keep it in a back room or tied up for a while and you hand feed it treats until it stops trying to run away and like, you know eventually the puppy's going to warm up to you as long as you treat it right and when that happens you'll have a happy new member of the family that you can probably shove felt reindeer antlers on for the family christmas card
meanwhile matt's treating this like a fucking kidnapping
#it's so funny to me#like matt is somehow in the minority in thinking kidnapping an adult man is a big deal#normally he'd be able to hurl is body out a third story window and fuck off#but devastantly frank is one of the few people on the planet that can go toe to toe with him on a good day#and he keeps dragging matt off the windowsills and acting like matt's being ridiculous for trying to escape his own kidnapping#also he could try to just fuckin. kick flip frank#but it's so much harder to do that to maria and the kids#and it's SO AWKWARD to get into a physical confrontation with the dad of the kids whose lives you saved and who idolize you now#like merry christmas kids i need to punch your dad#maybe the real kidnapping was the societal conventions we found along the way#also matt's not super at one hundred percent on account of he took on the CIA in a t-shirt and sweatpants and like he WON but it's not GOOD#matt spends this entire time like 'please stop trying to teach me about the magic of christmas time'#'i need you to start treating this hostage situation seriously this is a federal crime you are committing a FEDERAL CRIME'#and maria's engaging in mild gaslighting like 'that's a bit dramatic dear here have a sugar cookie'#matt: 'i don't want a sugar cookie i want you to UNLOCK THE HANDCUFFS'#see the thing is that i'm absolutely convinced teh castles are absolutely fucking insane all of them#like we know frank is not above zip tying a child to the bed and kidnapping her for her own safety#maybe they're just all like that#the moral of the story is that this nice young man helped them and is living a horrible fucking existence so there's no reason why#they can't forcefully adopt him and make him take his medication and recover in their nice guest bedroom instead of a fucking boiler room#like this is 60% physical force and 40% a guilt trip keeping him captive
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so ik we aren’t sure if the camo kiss was cut or not, but i wrote it just in case:) this takes place directly after 11x04!
(also i am still working on prompts after a little break, those will b up soon!<3)
Ian stumbled up the front steps of the Gallagher house, trying not to pay too much attention to the heavy metal music and the roar of the bonfire coming from the lot beside the house. He fumbled in the cheap fabric pockets of his military outfit to try and find his housekeys (Frank had started being vigilant about locking the front door since what he was calling the “Great Milkovich Invasion”). Mickey was a couple of steps behind him, stopping to lean over the chain link fence and flipping off one of his more scraggly-looking cousins who had just taken it upon himself to yell “military pussies” as Ian and Mickey walked by- honestly, not the worst insult they could have shouted, considering they’d had all day to brew up new combinations of slurs after seeing Mickey and Ian walk by in their uniforms on their way to Kev and V’s that morning.
Ian slid the key in the lock, and turned around to call to Mickey, who was still hurling insults at his bearded cousin as the moonlight bounced off his face.
“Better watch your fucking back, Gary, ‘cause my window’s right up there above you, and I’d hate to accidentally do some target practice during your little sleepover under the stars out here.”
Ian rolled his eyes. “Hey, sharpshooter, you wanna come inside?”
Mickey cast one more glare at the tattered group of Milkoviches, then reached over the fence to take the can of beer one of them was holding.
“Better sleep with one eye open, assholes.”
Mickey turned and finally ambled up the creaking front steps, ducking under Ian’s arm that was holding the door open into the warm glow of the living room. Mickey kicked off his boots and threw them onto the living room floor, then took a sip of his stolen lukewarm beer and grinned, his defensive facade completely melting away now that they were safely indoors.
“Nice first day, Gallagher. Might have to give you a promotion soon.”
Ian rolled his eyes even more aggressively as he crouched down and untied the shoelaces of his bulky pleather military boots.
“Oh yeah? I don’t remember saying I was interested in being employed on a regular basis.”
Mickey took a final sip of the stolen beer and winced, then crushed the can on the back of the couch. “Well I guess today’s your lucky day then, lover. I ended your job hunt right before it even started.”
Mickey took off the flimsy camo pageboy hat and tossed it on the ground next to his shoes. “You want a beer? That shit was disgusting.”
Ian smirked, pulling off his boots and putting them by the door. “Yeah, sure.”
Mickey strode into the kitchen, while Ian scooped up Mickey’s discarded boots and hung up his hat by the door.
“I still can’t believe they had all that fucking weed just lying around, man!” Mickey called from the kitchen, opening the fridge and making the bottles clang as he fumbled for two beers.
Ian smirked and ambled into the kitchen, settling against the edge of the countertop. Mickey handed him a beer, which Ian opened on the side of the counter and slowly took a sip.
“Yeah. It’s fuckin’ crazy.”
Mickey was standing inches in front of him, twisting off the cap of his own beer and smiling with bright eyes, like he was glowing from this absurdly weird day going exactly as he had planned. Ian had the sudden thought that maybe it had- while Mickey seemed to act like he didn’t want to wear the camo gear that Ian discovered in the back corner of the dingy army supply store, Ian was starting to realize that Mickey getting him to play dress-up all day while they did the security job might have been exactly what Mickey had in mind when he was giving Ian shit at the store. As if confirming Ian’s thoughts, Mickey smiled a half-smile and poked him in the chest, giddy.
“Gallavich security, bitch. No more faking pay stubs for my P.O., the two of us are gonna make a killing just fucking hauling weed around all day.”
Ian barked out a laugh as he set his bottle down on the counter and pulled himself up to sit on the edge. “Gallavich security?”
“Fuck yeah, bitch. We’re going official. The name sounds totally badass anyways, gotta let everyone know what we mean business.”
Ian smirked. “Hm, okay. And since both of our names are in the business title, does that mean I still work for you? Or does it mean that we’re partners now?”
Mickey stepped closer, eyebrows raised and his tone playful. “Well, I don’t know. That depends on how hard you work, how you do in your employee review. You’re the one always talking about work ethic and all that shit.”
Ian rolled his eyes, but reached his arms up to comfortably rest over Mickey’s shoulders. “Oh yeah, boss? And how’d I do today?”
Mickey took a second to respond, leaning in closer now that he was ensnared in Ian’s grasp. His eyes flickered to Ian’s lips, then back up to meet Ian’s eyes with that intoxicated, heavy-lidded look he always had when Ian’s face was inches from his.
“Not sure yet. You gonna work with me again tomorrow?” Mickey retorted, a little more softly.
Ian sighed. “If I say yes, will you get off my fucking back about the fact that you have a job and I don’t?”
Mickey leaned his face in closer, then reached up and pulled Ian’s cheap camo hat off of his head.
And then they were kissing, and Ian’s arms were pulling Mickey closer and cradling the back of his head in his hands—they were kissing, and for the first time in weeks they weren’t kissing because they had been fighting, or because they wanted a quick fuck and needed to blow off some steam, but because they wanted to be closer to each other, kissing because they were finally on the same team. He and Mickey were wearing matching fucking costumes, and they probably looked fucking ridiculous—but they were actually working together for once, were actually standing hand in hand in front of whoever crossed their path. While the day had begun with Ian reeling in panic that Mickey would do something illegal or stupid or both and end up in prison and away from him again, now Ian couldn’t shake the warmth that overtook him, sitting on the kitchen counter with his legs wrapped around a warm and thrumming Mickey, who had softened the second that Ian decided to get off the couch and be with him all day.
Perching on the kitchen counter, feeling his husband’s hungry lips press against his again and again, Ian couldn’t help but think that this wasn’t the way he’d envisioned wearing camo someday back when he was 16 and in ROTC; hell, he never would have imagined that he would have gone to jail someday when he was 16, or that he would preach in a church to crowds of hundreds of people, or that he would be bipolar— but the most surprising thing of all in his life was the fact that he would actually get to love Mickey Milkovich, that he was married to the dirt-smudged shit-talking teenage boy he’d spent his whole life wanting to be close to. The Gallagher kitchen had undoubtedly seen its fair share of make-out sessions, between him and Trevor or Caleb or whoever—but Ian couldn’t help but think that this moment with Mickey felt like the only kiss that mattered, the only time that Ian wasn’t putting on an act. Mickey was the only person that Ian didn’t have to pretend for, the only one who was his exact brand of crazy— Mickey was the only one Ian could think of who wouldn’t scoff at Ian’s idea of wearing matching outfits to do a security job, and instead got dressed and walked down the street beside him, got giddy at the fact they could spend the day together. Ian had never known where his life would take him, but building a business with the love of his life seemed like a pretty good start.
Ian’s hand slid from the back of Mickey’s head and down his neck, and he let his fingers rest over the camo-printed lapels of Mickey’s shirt, right in the spot he knew Mickey’s tattoo was. Mickey trailed kisses down the side of Ian’s neck, pulling him in closer.
“Love you, love you so fucking much,” Mickey mumbled as he crashed their lips together again.
And as Ian grasped the back of Mickey’s hair once more, breathing him in, he knew that this was exactly where he was supposed to be.
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johnny2071 · 5 years
Top 10 Worst of Sue Murphy *STRONG CRITICISM*
F is for Family is a very divisive show that has garnered a lot of attention on the internet, whether its the bitter and crass nature of the show itself, the dysfunctionality of the Murphy family, or the jarring one-liners and temper of the main character, that only a stand-up comedian like Bill Burr can provide. However, while this show gets nothing but an obscene amount of praise, especially over its outspoken protagonist, not much is said regarding the main female of the house who invokes a lot of emotional drama: Sue Murphy, who quite honestly is far from pleasant and approachable. We all have stress in our lives. However, Sue's methods of handling them, along with sheer amount of obsession, neglect, hostility, and miscommunication with just the people in her house, is enough to keep anyone awake for weeks, especially with a show written as real as this. This is a top 10 list of Sue's worst moments in each episode throughout the first three seasons up to this point (with some exceptions). Before anyone in this rabid "show-can-do-no-wrong" subreddit/fanbase bites my head off or "puts me through da fuckin' wall", it's important to read this quote from a popular YouTuber: "Rather than insulting these people, maybe try to understand the perspective and say why you disagree. This kind of reaction to negativity and critique needs to stop. There is nothing wrong with negativity. Negativity, especially in criticism is a necessity. You cannot have positivity without negativity. Bother are in balance, and one without the other is unnatural. You cannot live your life without negativity or negative opinions towards something. It's completely natural. Not only that, but living in a world where everything is treated as if they have no flaws is misguided. That's not how things are. So when a product comes along, it should be scrutinized with negativity and positivity."
Unlike Watchmojo or any regular top ten video, I will not include full paragraph analysis for each bad Sue moment. This will be kept as brief as possible. Also, these aren't rankings for the episodes themselves (since other characters do horrible and questionable things). With that said, let's move on to this top 10 list.
10. This is Not Good - Out of these current 26 episodes, there have been some minor moments. But it's this episode that highlights Sue's neglect and sets the tone that erupts into a fierce conflict. 9. Punch Drunk - While Sue has major hostility towards Chet and Frank for not siding with her judgement, what really takes the cake is when she coldly blows off Maureen, who was only voicing a complaint about her father. 8. Paul Lynde to Block - Sue's mood in general over the summer heat, and Frank and Kevin's arguing. But the real kicker is her brief exchange with Bill over bug spray, shortly before she meets the new neighbors. 7. Landing the Plane - Sue's bitterness at the beginning of the episode, as well her treatment towards a random bystander while drunk from her sorrows of having her idea stolen. 6. F is for Fixing It - Sue's mood throughout the whole episode, as she puts pressure on Frank to resolve their marriage. 5. Bill Murphy's Day Off - Frank and Sue's first explosive argument, where they both say negative about Bill behind his back. 4. The Stinger - Sue's outburst in this episode is what provoked me to create this list. She kicks Bill out the house and sends Maureen to her room, just so she can have the whole living room to herself, only to threaten everyone she invited over (and even Maureen) to by her product. Selfish bitch! I wish I could just barge in there, call her out on her shit, and snatch and toss away that carton of ice cream she has the nerve to triumphantly eat. And I'll gladly take on any SJWs who object. 3. Pray Away - Sue was frosty throughout the entire episode (no peaceful moments there), but flips out when Frank sincerely expresses his source of anger. 2. Fight Night - I'm not sure what things were like at the beginning, the things go SOUTH between Frank and Sue the minute they're called into the Maureen's classroom. 1. A Girl Named Sue - Do I even need to explain why this is number one. It's that one scene alone, and I do not want to recount it. Dishonorable Mentions: -The Bleedin in Sweden - When the new television is broken, Sue intentionally guilts the children over Frank's outburst in the store. After Kevin takes the fall, she zeroes in on Bill and scolds him for it when he comes clean. Even though Frank is kind to him at the end, Sue says NOTHING. -Saturday, Bloody Saturday - At the beginning, Sue scolds Kevin for his bad grades, and stops a fight between Bill and Maureen, by threatening to go insane. -The Trough - While Kevin rightfully gets called out for not doing his homework and keeping his promise, it doesn't paint Sue in a positive light. However, Sue shows her scary side once again (exclaiming that she wished she was never married), when she runs into Ginny, who eats all her time in the rest of the day she was going to spend with Maureen (who was dragged along with her). Whether Sue actually had Maureen in mind or just brought her along as a prop to quell her own insecurities is debatable. This also the matter that Sue almost  returns home in rage to chew out Frank (after Maureen mention that he has exclaimed that same thing before). -F is for Halloween - Sue's silently storms off when she finds out about the message Sue left. This is not in the top 10, because she's gone throughout the rest of the episode until the end. -O Holy Moly Night - Sue's hostility in this episode is subdued, but still prominent at the beginning. Directly after the fire incident, all Sue can do is just sit at the table and glare at Bill, while Frank chews him out. When Bill mention's that he knows about their bedroom argument, he catches their attention for a brief second, but when Maureen mentions that Major is missing, and they go right back to giving Bill hostility. The drama that scarred Bill and led to the fire in the first place, is never elaborated on past that, and Bill is made an altar boy off-screen by Frank and/or Sue. Other than that Sue simply prepares for the holiday season, up until the Fitzsimmons' call out the entire family and Sue sends them running with a bat and drops her first f-strike. -Heavy Sledding - While Sue is relatively tame throughout the whole episode, the biggest upset is when she screams at a 9-year old who called her family loser, and then throws her cigarette in his face. The fact that she even smokes at this point, strongly implies that this is a very unpleasant woman. -S4E10? - Considering what this show is how it does not deviate from the worst possible scenarios, Sue going in labor will go as well as you would expect it to, and it wouldn't be like any labor scenario that's ever happened in pop culture (and real-life).
----------BONUS DISCUSSION----------
Less Volatile Behavior (a.k.a. the remaining episodes): -The Liar's Club - Didn't watch -Night Shift - Sue's only disdain was over lettuce, before getting wrapped up with her first invention brainstorm -Breaking Bill - Sue had a bad day at work, only to see Frank arguing with Kevin in public. Other than that, she didn't do anything else. -Are You Ready For Summer? - Didn't watch. Sounded like an already involved episode as it is. Apparently, she "wasn't any better than Frank" at the parade. -Frank the Father - Sue gone for most of the day, rooting for Maureen at the Hobo Jojo Show, and expresses disappointment and disgust when she sees Frank and Kevin arguing as she returns home. She then mutters under her breath whether or not its her fault or the family. Needless to say, it's her. -It's In His Blood - Sue is distraught over losing the recently build baby room due to not having a permit. She also pays zero attention to Kevin when he actually tries to get advice from them over a serious matter. The rest of her activity consist of trying to get Nguyen-Nguyen to seek help and Frank's anger over Chet. -Mr. Murphy's Wild Ride - Now this one is quite mixed. Sue actually wishes Kevin a happy birthday, but this is likely due to her being gung-ho that receive "positive feedback" over the Forkoontula. One could argue that she defended Bill, when Marie accuses him of being a liar, when he takes the blame for Phillip pushing Anthony (only for Phillip to admit it anyway). However, she probably used this as a segway to call Marie out on her lie, when she finds out she threw her invention away in the garbage can. To Sue's credit, she does realize how harmful her invention is and gives one of the rarest and sincerest apologies that she/Laura Dern can deliver (a total 180 from the previous episode and earlier, excluding the part where Maureen isn't taken into account, but leagues better than the one she co-gives to Bill when he calls both his parents out). However, this scene shows us just how bad Sue's listening skills are, as she misinterprets two things. First, she thinks that her friends were only fearful towards her invention and not herself and the way she acted. Second, she thinks they actually like her invention, despite the "few flaws". -Summer Vacation - After Frank drives away both Sue's parents and their children, they almost have another argument. Fortunately indigestion kicks in, and they have a good laugh together. -Battle of the Sexes - Sue seems to express no real hostility, but not much sincerity. -Bill Murphy's Night Off - Sue spend the bulk of the episode searching for Bill while worried sick, finally learns how neglectful both her and Frank are as parents, and decides that being parents is their most important priority. We can only hope and pray that they (especially Sue) actually follow through with that promise (the right way), and not just scream at and punish them more, while "being their parents". ----------CONCLUSION----------
Sue has bad bipolar disorder, and needs serious psychological help as well as anger management. The sad thing about all of this is that she's the only female in this series who any real depth and sense of morality and sensitivity, and its the beautiful ones (combined with over-the-top movie star voice acting) that get under our skin and tug the emotional appeal cord. But point being, no one can make a big dramatic stink like Sue, and may god help the innocent party around her (as oppose to those who screw her over in the first place). At this point, in order to redeem her character just somewhat, the whole family need to bring enough up to speed and discuss/clarify all the miscommunications that happen during their neglect this third season alone. And yes, a plot-focused clip show (A CLIP SHOW)/recap episode would be gladly welcomed here. Sure some people would whine about them re-showing clips from previous episodes, but people in this particular fanbase binge each season in repeat anyway. Oh, and being pregnant doesn't give you the right to snap at others, especially over seemingly minor infractions. Sometimes I wonder if Sue is in Philip's kill book (the one character who has hidden unstable malice, regardless of age and gender). 
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filmfanatic82 · 7 years
Remind Me to Thank my Dad
AO3 link (HERE)
“You can’t hide in there forever,” Kimberly calls out in her adorably cute, sing-song voice, that she likes to use at opportune moments whenever Trini needs an extra nudge of confidence.
“Wanna bet?” Trini replies back through the bathroom door. She lets out a long, unsteady sigh and then looks back at her reflection once again in the bathroom mirror.
Trini’s hands mindlessly wander upwards to her now androgynous looking, buzzed sides and back, undercut, flipping the longer locks to one side and then back again to the other.
Two full weeks have already passed since Trini had finally given in to Kimberly and let her cut her hair shorter, and yet, it still feels somewhat foreign whenever she catches a glimpse of herself in a mirror. As if the person staring back at her is just a wishful illusion of who she can only hope to one day be.
Trini still can’t fully believe she even found the nerves to let Kimberly do it in the first place. Then again, she had had no clue even what Kimberly had in mind to begin with. All Trini had said was that she was ready for cut it shorter and then before she could even blink, Kimberly had chopped off almost a good foot of her hair.
Sure, at first Trini had freaked out a bit. No, scratch that. She had pretty much lost her shit in a full-blown panic attack when she realized what Kimberly was exactly doing, but after some reassuring words and deep breaths, it all turned out okay.
But, it’s not her hair, that’s sending Trini’s ever present anxiety through the roof…
It’s the outfit.
Trini stands before the bathroom mirror in a custom-fitted, charcoal grey suit complete with matching a pale yellow tie. Although masculine in cut, the suit somehow manages to hug her in all the right places, showing off her best features. Trini knows she looks damn good, but still she feels overwhelming unsure.  As if maybe it’s too much… Too different.
The suit had been Kimberly’s dad’s idea. The Angel Grove gala was only days away and of course Trini had nothing remotely close to appropriate to wear. It wasn’t, though, fully her fault. Trini hadn’t exactly remembered to grab formal wear when her parents had kicked her out of the house.
At first, when Kimberly’s dad, Frank, had offered to take her shopping for something to wear, Trini had politely turned him down, saying that she could just borrow something from Kimberly. But, like his daughter, Frank was stubborn… beyond stubborn actually. And also seemed to have selective hearing when it came to the word “no thanks”.
So Trini wound up one day after school accompanying Frank to his personal tailor to be fitted for what Frank fondly referred to as “the smartest outfit she would ever own”.
The fitting itself had been nothing short of awkward to say the least. Not even five seconds in and it was clear that Frank’s tailor wasn’t exactly 100% comfortable with the scenario. He kept fumbling with his measuring tape and avoiding eye contact with Trini at all costs.
Frank, on the other hand, made damn well sure to make it clear to everyone within the shop that he was beyond 100% comfortable with the situation… That he was, in fact, beaming with pride. He proceeded to openly brag about Trini and the fact that he had struck potential daughter in-law gold for the entire length of the fitting, occasionally flashing Trini a warm smile and a reassuring wink or two.
And secretly -- or not so secretly -- this had been one of the best moments of the last six months of Trini’s life.  
“Trini… C’mon. Just open up.” Kimberly lightly knocks on the door, snapping Trini right out of her thoughts.
“Fine,” Trini huffs out in an exhale of breath. She reaches over to unlock the bathroom door and then returns to staring at herself in the mirror.
After a moment or so, Trini’s hears the bathroom door creak open but can’t seem to bring herself to look at Kimberly. Not yet at least.
“I know it’s a bit…” Trini trails off as she looks up and finally catches sight of Kimberly within the reflection of the bathroom mirror.  
Kimberly stands there in the doorway, completely and utterly frozen. She stares back at Trini, pupils blown and mouth slightly open. But no words whatsoever.
Trini starts to shift from foot to foot as she feels the sudden surge of nerves course through every inch of her body.
Oh shit… shit… shit…
She hates it. She fuckin’ hate it.
It’s too much of a change for her. She’s never gonna--
“Fuck me,” Kimberly whispers, breaking the silence between the two of them.
“I said…” Kimberly replies with a level of sultriness to her voice that is simply unnerving. “Fuck… Me…”
Trini swallows thickly as a fiery desire starts to build deep within her core. She slowly turns around to face Kimberly and produces her signature cocky smirk. “I think you’re missin’ the magic word, Princess.”
“Now,” Kimberly growls and with that, swiftly closes the distance between the two of them. She roughly seizes Trini by her suit jacket lapels and pulls her in for a lip bruising kiss.
And in that very moment, Trini utterly becomes putty in Kimberly's hands. She feels Kimberly's tongue swipe against her bottom lip and she happily grants access as her hands entwine themselves into Kimberly's messy Raven locks.
Trini has quickly become somewhat of a seasoned pro at reading the hidden meaning Kimberly's kisses. There’s the “you’re so adorable” pecks. And the “I love you more than words” types. And then there are these… These kisses are raw and almost animalistic in nature.
These are the ones that lead to one place and one place only…
“Kim, I--” Trini attempts to choke out as Kimberly’s lips latch onto her pulse point on the side of her neck. “We’re gonna ruin the outfit.”
Upon hearing these words, Kimberly playfully shoves Trini backwards, instantly creating some breathing room between the two of them. “You’re right. Take it off.”
Trini carefully slips out of the suit jacket, taking the utmost care not to create any unnecessary creases or wrinkles and then slowly starts to undo her tie.
“Jesus. You’re taking way too long.” Kimberly hands are instantly upon Trini once again, moving at the speed of lightening. She manages to undo Trini’s shirt in one swift motion without popping any of the buttons and then like an overexcited child unwrapping a gift, she tears through the belt and pants, unceremoniously tossing them in the corner of the bathroom.
Then, without any warning, Kimberly's hand slips within the waistband of Trini’s boxer briefs and straight away plunges two fingers deep inside Trini.
“Mierda,” Trini responds in a fine mixture of shock and pleasure. She instinctively wraps her arms around Kimberly’s back, digging her nails into her flesh as she feels her back hit up against the counter. “Fóllame más fuerte!”
Kimberly picks up her speed, pumping her fingers in and out at a mind-blowing rate, while her lips savagely attack Trini’s pulse point, sporadically alternating between sucking and biting.
“Ay,Dios… Ay, Dios… Ay, Dio…” Trini chants with in an exhales of shaky breath as her back arches and her hip lift upwards, desparate more friction.  
And this is all Kimberly needs to hear. She plunges a third finger into Trini and begins to draw tight circles with her thumb on Trini’s harden clit. “C’mon, baby. I’ve got you.”
With one more pump of Kimberly’s fingers, Trini’s body tenses and she spectacularly tumbles over the edge with a series of deep, pleasure driven, spasms.
Completely and utterly spent, Trini leans her head head on Kimberly’s shoulder, trying to catch her breath. “Wow. Guess you really like the suit, huh?”
“You could say that.” Kimberly then pulls her fingers out of Trini and with a somewhat devilish smirk, licks them clean. “Remind my to thank my dad.”
“Ugh. Really, Hart?” Trini groans out against Kimberly’s shoulder and shakes her head.
Kimberly just chuckles in response and then, simply takes hold of Trini’s hand and pulls her up off of the counter and towards the shower.
“Wait, where are we--”
“Round 2, Gomez.”
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idekman-ao3 · 7 years
nothing says coffee like - frank/karen diner au
“There’s something distracting about the girl’s presence, as much as he tries to force abject disinterest. Her hair is long and blond, pulled up into a messy bun – he thinks he can see a pen buried in there somewhere – and she’s clearly exhausted. Distracted, too; she’s trying to pull on a jacket with one hand as she flips through revision cards with the other, mumbling facts under her breath as she goes.
When her hand reaches for the door handle, he realises it’s trembling.
‘Hey,’ he calls out, before he can stop himself. The girl turns, concern written across her features. ‘When did you last eat?’
She opens her mouth, lets out a long, unconvincing, uh that has him rolling his eyes.
‘If you don’t know, it’s been too long,’ he mutters, shaking his head. ‘Wait there.’”
FRANK CASTLE IS THE GRUMBLY LUKE DANES-ESQUE DINER OWNER. KAREN PAGE IS A TIRED STUDENT WHO NEEDS A NAP. so yeah here’s a diner au literally no one asked for. you can also read this here on my ao3. there’ll be a part 2 so follow for updates if you enjoy! 
There’s some student who’s been sat by the window for four hours and is still nursing the same cup of coffee. And sure, usually he’d be pretty lenient with this sort of thing. But the kid’s also taking up an entire table, bags and coats slung over various chairs, papers spread across the entire table top, a stack of folders shifting precariously every time someone comes in through the door.
He approaches, coffee pot in one hand, notepad and pen in the other. It’s a pointed gesture.
‘Refill?’ He asks, gruff. The kid looks up, face open and pleasant. Usually, a glare from Frank Castle is enough to scare off even the hardiest of students – but this kid just fuckin’ smiles, holds his coffee cup out.
‘Thank you,’ the guy chirps, all innocent and slightly distracted but all together quite genuinely polite. Frank wants to smack him upside the head with the coffee pot.
‘Can I get you anything else?'
‘Oh, no –’
‘Maybe some fries?’ Frank cuts in. ‘We do a great burger, too –'
‘No, honestly –’
The bell above the door chimes, interrupting the two of them. A gangly blonde breezes into the diner, bringing a waft of the day’s dry heat with them. She remains paused at the precipice until her eyes land on the student Frank’s attempting to harass into ordering some food. He looks inordinately grateful that she’s arrived.
‘Hey, Foggy – excuse me –’ the blonde shuffles past, leans over the table to press a quick kiss to the kid’s cheek and settles in opposite him, clearing herself a space of textbooks and papers.
‘Welcome to Frank’s,’ Frank mumbles, slamming the coffee pot down on the table, earning a startled jump from the pair. Deliberately, he clicks his pen against his notepad and hovers, poised to write. ‘What can I get you?’
‘Oh – just a coffee, please,’ the girl smiles absently, already beginning to haul books out from her own bag. The diner table is beginning to wilt under the combined weight of what looks to be the entire contents of the Columbia University library. He remains, stood, watches as she comes to look back at him, large blue eyes turned wide. He tries to his features into something a little friendlier. He fails. ‘And… some fries?’ The girl questions.
‘One plate of fries, coming up. I’ll get your coffee to you in a second.’
‘I can’t, Foggy. I can’t anymore. Please. Make it stop.’
Foggy enters Karen’s room to find her draped across every scrap of paper, textbook, notepad and revision card she’s collated across four years of study.  
‘Jesus Christ,’ he bleats. She raises her head to stare at him as he takes in the pit of chaos and study-inspired despair that is her room.
‘I’m dying!’
‘You’re not dying. You can't die of studying, it's not a disease.’
‘Who’s got a disease?’
‘No one,’ Foggy shouts down the hallway to Matt, who’s just come in, the door clicking shut behind him. ‘Karen’s just being a drama queen.’
She throws a balled up page of notes at him. They both watch as it lands a meter short and rolls, pathetically, to a stop at his foot.
‘Slander!’ She shouts.
‘Karen, we’re so close,’ Matt sighs, reaching for the door frame and slumping against it.
‘Two more days,’ Foggy chirps up, which only prompts another, admittedly dramatic, groan from the floor. ‘And then we’re done. Forever! You just need to – to get out of the house. Let’s go study somewhere.’
Karen finds her face screwing up even as she straightens, pushing herself up into a sitting position.
‘Like where?’
Matt tilts his head to one side.
‘I’m pretty sure the barista at the last Starbucks said Foggy and I were banned from every store in the tri-state area after last time.’
‘I told you they wouldn’t let you nap there,’ Karen huffs. ‘What about the place down the road – that cute coffee place with –’ she cuts herself off at the look on Matt’s face. ‘No! There too? Why? What did you do?’
‘Elektra –’ Matt starts up, which prompts a chorus of groans that he has to raise his voice to speak over; ‘Elektra chewed out the barista there and we’ve got a lifetime ban now.’
‘Ugh, Matt!’
‘Yeah, they took a picture and put it up on the wall and everything.’
‘Fine – fine,’ Foggy interrupts, desperately placating. ‘There’s that place on campus with the wifi…’ He trails off at the look on Karen’s face. ‘Not Brownie’s, tell me you didn’t get us banned from Brownie’s. They let everyone in.’
‘I may have plugged my laptop charger in – you know, the old one.’
‘The one with the frayed cable that I told you to replace sixteen times last week?’ Matt asks sternly, folding his arms across his chest. Even from behind his glasses she can see the judgement stamped across his face.
‘You blew the fuse, didn’t you?’
Karen buries her face in her hands.
‘Their electricity went down for, like, an hour.’
‘There must be somewhere within walking distance that we haven’t been banned from,’ Foggy groans, moving to slump down on Karen’s bed – and then, upon catching the bright-eyed look Karen sends him; ‘No, Karen –’
‘Come on!’
‘No, not again! Not after last time!’
‘It won’t be so bad when there’s all three of us! And there’s air-con! Please, Foggy, I’m melting in here, I took three showers today and I still feel sticky –’
‘I’m not going back to the murder diner, Karen!’
‘Now who’s being a drama queen,’ she grumbles, reaching up to wipe sweat off the back of her neck.
‘I heard someone did actually get murdered there once,' Matt pipes up.
'Exactly!' Foggy gestures. 'And, more importantly - they don’t even have wi-fi there! You know what they do have? An owner who spent three hours glaring at me.’
‘And bringing you sweet, sweet free coffee refills,’ she pushes, brushing straight past the way Foggy rolls her eyes at her. ‘A system we flagrantly abused for ages last time.’
Foggy slumps, feeling defeat in the air even as he turns to Matt.
‘Well, buddy, you’re the deciding vote.’ Matt’s mouth opens, and shuts. ‘Just a reminder, pal, we’re going into business together. This decision could very much decide our working relationship for the rest of our lives –’ the balled up notes connects with Foggy’s knee this time.
Finally, Matt shrugs.
‘You said they have air-con?’
‘Hopeless!’ Foggy cries, even as Karen lets out a smugly victorious ha that gets buried under Foggy’s groans.
The diner is a little less busy when the familiar faces – joined, this time, by a third – enter once again, but it’s still hot and sweaty enough that Frank’s irritation kicks up a notch at their presence. The trio spend a little time scoping out a table – the blonde insists they have a good amount of natural light, the bigger kid seems to have stipulations that they don’t sit too close to the counter and the third is complaining about a draft from the door, despite the fact it’s eighty-six degrees out. By the time they finally settle on the exact same table they were sitting at last time, Frank is ready to hit someone.
‘Can I get you guys anything to drink?’ He rumbles, pointedly slapping down three menus as he does so.
‘Three coffees, thanks,’ the girl responds, immediately. The menus don’t get a look-in.
‘Three coffees,’ he sighs. ‘Coming right up.’
It gets busy enough that he forgets to be irritated with the students until the night turns late, the diner empties and he realises the two boys are gone, leaving the girl behind. She’s plugged into some headphones, tapping her pencil anxiously against a textbook she’s scribbling on.
He sends David, the kid who helps him with serving on Saturdays, home around nine, and eventually the evening regulars filter out too. The girl remains. She’s devolved to chewing on her pencil, head almost literally buried in textbooks by this point.
‘Hey,’ he calls from the counter. She doesn’t respond. He can hear the tinny buzz of her music filtering out through her headphones from here. He gets a little closer, gives an awkward wave – then shakes his head at his own ridiculousness and goes to rap on the table top.
He watches her jump halfway out of her skin, textbook raised instinctively in a vague sort of self-defence, and immediately feels bad.
‘God, sorry,’ she breathes out, tearing her headphones. ‘I’m about ten cups of coffee deep,’ she tells him, unnecessarily; he’d poured all of them for her. His previous guilt abates somewhat; she’s jumpy as hell, clearly wired. ‘Feeling a bit – well, you know.’
‘We’re closing,’ Frank grunts.
‘Right – right, sorry,’ she breathes out. As she begins packing away books he wipes down the last few tables, grabs a broom to sweep up.
There’s something distracting about the girl’s presence, as much as he tries to force abject disinterest. Her hair is long and blond, pulled up into a messy bun – he thinks he can see a pen buried in there somewhere – and she’s clearly exhausted. Distracted, too; she’s trying to pull on a jacket with one hand as she flips through revision cards with the other, mumbling facts under her breath as she goes.
When her hand reaches for the door handle, he realises it’s trembling.
‘Hey,’ he calls out, before he can stop himself. The girl turns, concern written across her features. ‘When did you last eat?’
She opens her mouth, lets out a long, unconvincing, uh that has him rolling his eyes.
‘If you don’t know, it’s been too long,’ he mutters, shaking his head. ‘Wait there.’
When he emerges with a sandwich wrapped up in paper, she’s already protesting, hands held outward as if he’s threatening her with a knife, rather than the meal he’s wielding.
‘Oh, no – I’ve got no cash, on me, I –’
‘’S’on the house,’ he grumbles. When she doesn’t step forward, staring at her a little blankly, he moves to her, presses the sandwich into her hand.
‘Oh,’ she bleats at him. But then she recovers, shoots him a high-watt smile. ‘Thank you.’ She turns to leave – turns back again. ‘Sorry, for all the bother, with all our study stuff, and -’
‘It’s no problem,’ he tells her.
‘We won’t be bothering you any time soon – we’re just studying for tests and stuff, but it’s all done, soon. On Tuesday.’
‘Tuesday. Right.’
She nods, slow, once and again, tucks a strand of hair behind her ears. Her face is a little pink.
‘You know, you should get wi-fi in here.’
That has him lifting an eyebrow.
‘Yeah – you’d have loads of people coming in.’
‘More students?’ He scoffs, immediate and acerbic.
She blinks at that, head rearing back and he realises, too late, how rude, how sharp, that had sounded. His mouth flaps open, casting for a way to sooth the sting – but the girl’s already turning, mumbling out a right, sorry, the door slamming behind her.
He watches her go down the street until she disappears from sight. Then he goes back to wiping tables.
He doesn’t see her again for three months.
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survivor-kalymnos · 4 years
Ep. 9 - “im running on borrowed time”- Franco
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I would love to see a full list of who everyone voted for. Its VERY fishy and a complete blindside. Makes me feel worse about disadvantage next round
Right when cranjes becomes my ally, they get kicked off. lol. what is happening in this tribe rn? I want to get to the bottom of it.
ive never felt more alone in this game. people clearly lied to me.
according to dusty, Franco and Eliza flipped for the split vote. yuck! what to do now? I don't know. I think if I have any chance of getting Eliza or Michele out, I have to make a new alliance. 
Dusty just said that her franco rain and worm were the ones to flip and that makes me very anxious and I don't know if I can trust rain fully :/ that makes me sad. I really hope I can. 
so michele and I are talking which is v heartwarming. I apologized for being cold towards her. I hope we can work together. 
Well that was messed up LMAO That’s the second time Eliza has flipped on me and taken out my closest ally...anyway I will not be working with her anymore. But I’m gonna make her believe it. And thank you to my amazing acting skills she gave me her half of the super idol..........ma’am. I’m so sorry. She expects me to give it back to her after this round but Idk if I can do that if she isn’t in the game anymore! She also told me that it was her and Franco that flipped with rain and worm. So now I’m trying to work with Lenny and Michele who seem to be on board, and it seems like I’ll also have to working with frank and Sasha. And with this blind round there’s a fear of voting for someone that won immunity buuut at least I have a 10% advantage to help me out :) Wish me luck!
kinda blew up a little so gonna lay low for strategy. i also sometimes take things too personally which is why i only do like 1 org a year so that last tribal got to me a lot. franco messaged me saying he doesnt trust me and even tho his instincts are completely correct idk it just feels weird. i think i just hate general confrontation 
So I’m shocked Cranjes left but I’m quite happy about it. He was leading a lot of things so to have him go is wonderful. After tribal, Michele approached me about getting out Eliza or Franco, so we stan that. Once one of them is gone though the other needs to be taken out as well since they’re both strong and we don’t need one of the having a story of, oh my partner got out but I still made it through so much. After that get rid of Dusty and then Lenny at some point bc who. I’m fairly quiet but Lenny is practically a ghost. Right now the only person I actually trust though is Sasha, which is not something I thought I would say but here we are.
Blind rounds are so SCARY. Mainly the part about no one knowing who wins immunity. Like, we got out 2 idols last round by blindsiding Cranjes and flushing Frank's, but theres still more out there. And no one is going to know how tribal is going to play out Michele was kinda pissed at us for leaving her out of the vote. But? Sis left us out of her alliance with og Plati, and didnt give us ANY information last round despite knowing I was a target. Eliza is also.... Kinda not smart. She gave her half of the idol to Dusty because she wanted to reconcile. Which is nice and all! But thats a direct chance for him to get back at us and take a shot at us. Keeping the idol separate was best for everyone. So I just gotta pray Eliza knows Dusty as well as she says she does!! I dont expect to win this challenge. Im gonna chat around, but I think Im going to have to play my idol this round to save my skin. My name has been thrown around 2 rounds in a row, im running on borrowed time. We'll see how today goes!
So Franco messaged me about if I’m gonna vote him this round and that he doesn’t understand why I’m going after him. So I did the kind thing and explained it and said that I don’t want to work with him because he’s working with everyone and that I don’t see that as being beneficial to my game. So Franco is my target again and michele messaged me last night to get rid of him so we stan. I’m probably gonna get votes but who could be shocked by that.
surprise!! my name is going around AGAIN!! i'm so. not shocked. Frank has it out for my for some reason?? I confronted him this morning, let him know his """allies""" are throwing him under the bus and offered to exchange information or work together in some capacity but he literally turned it down. first rule of survivor is never shut down lines of communication like that!! he is denying any chance of game relationship we could have and thats such bad gameplay. I bombed the challenge because I'm dumb. And now that I know my name is circulating I'm going to have to play my idol. I just have to hope that whatever happens is good for my game. It's so hard to orchestrate votes during an invisible round, everyone is playing strictly for themselves because there's no reason not to. I really really finally want Frank gone. This is the THIRD ROUND in a row I've said that. but seriously I'm over him. he's gotta GO.
Dear diary... Literally can’t believe we pulled that blindside off! I had to do some damage control with dusty and because I know what kind of player he is I gave him my half of the super idol. I told him I’d give it to him for this round to prove that the cranjes vote had nothing to do with him and that he is still someone I want to work with. He seemed shocked but obviously took the security and I think I have at least some of his trust back, I mean this IS the second time I blindsided him and voted out his closest ally. Now I know you’re probably thinking, ellie you’re a dumbass, and that I am but I know how dusty works at this point in the game and it’s gonna take a bold move like that one to get ANY of his trust back. Franco didn’t think it was the best move but I can’t just play according to Franco’s standards. The invisible round is absolutely terrifying, everyone agrees that it’s frank but we all know that he could 100% win this challenge. Obviously everyone with a brain wants to split but some of these people won’t wanna split again after they got out smarted, Franco might be playing his idol because we all know frank wants him out but frank has also said I need to go and I have absolutely no security rn so yeah, I’m fucking scared. Let’s see what happens!
So... I haven’t been around much today. I abstained from immunity. My depression is kicking in and even tho I’m doing well in the game, I can’t be bothered to get into it, as much as I want to. So I’ll ride Franco and Eliza’s coattails until either I pull out of this funk or I get voted out. The move tonight is to try to get frank. Except he’s kinda good at challenges (although, tbh, hasn’t been that great since returning - maybe the idol was holding him back?) so we think he may get immunity. I think voting Sasha would be better - like come on, I don’t even think he’s trying (is that hypocritical to say?) and he only talks to his allies. The other side (oh is it just dusty, Sasha, and frank now? Fuckin sweet) doesn’t even attempt to socialize with me. Dusty to some extent, but talking to Sasha and frank is like talking to a fucking wall. I’ll be happy if either of them go. But tbh at this point I’m ready to join the jury. I’m going to keep playing and keep trying because that’s what jay and the people I’ve voted out deserve to see, but whenever I go home, I know I played a good game for my first game in over a year. 
not feeling confident about this challenge or good in general. Rain is most likely working with franco and eliza. I hope I can trust dusty. oof
So last round seemed to have back fired. I think I have alienated myself even more but I'm not sure if saying people not talking to me is showing that. They weren't talking to me before anyway so I guess nothing really changed then lol They goal this round is to target Frank which is okay with me cause I think people will start going after bigger targets next round like Eliza and Franco. Michele seems really mad at me which i can't fault her for so my goal if I survive this round is to talk to her and get her back on my side. Maybe reuniting the alliance of dusty, her, and I could make a huge impact. This challenge is really difficult so I don't think I had any chance of winning. I kinda hope I do for just in case reasons. If I being told the truth and everyone is targeting Frank then it should happen pretty easily. His idol got flushed last round so it should be simple to get rid of him. But until those votes are read I do believe that I will be the one going home.
Watch Franco have an idol and I go home. That would be funny, tbh I guess it just would be. But oh boy I am gonna get myself a nice snack if Franco goes...although let's be real I'm gonna have a nice snack no matter what. But I just want to stay and have Franco or Eliza leave since that would benefit my game to an extreme since they KEEP TRYING TO VOTE ME OUT. Or at least saying my name which is enough for me. Like if you say my name, get out!
Tribal is in a few minutes, and I’ve just had an emotional chat with Franco He is truly an incredible ally and I really look forward to being in the reunion w him and finding out who he is irl (although I have a guess) Anyway, I just wanted to give him some positive edit, because I’m sure he’s very N as the villain of the game :P 
This is crazy idek if I won immunity or what’s happening I changed my vote like 3 times LMAO i voted for Eliza I don’t know what’s happening i think I’m freaking out for no reason. My only fear is michele being very quiet. 
being quiet worked i guess. wasnt really a game move but i didnt get voted out so yay
I really just gave up on trying to have my own strategy/game and just voted how people told me to huh
Dear diary... It was a tie between me and frank, this might be the last time I write in confessions but hopefully I was able to make some sort of impact in the game. Wow this sucks
jflkdsaiof okay a tie well michele being quiet all day meant that she didnt get the chance to know the vote was for eliza... which just made me think someone decided to not flip against eliza/franco so in the revote i reached out to worm and rain to try and get them to flip which they both denied. ugh im so stupid, they would know regardless that i flipped, but now it seems like i was soooo adamant about her going... oh well. Franco is going to be pissed anyway
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gotsevenheaven-blog · 7 years
Best Tv Shows Ever
'Lost' 2004-10
A cosmic mystery trip so complex nobody has ever really figured it all out – a band of castaways trapped on an island following the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, having a smoke monster and also the enigmatic group called the Others, several time lines, the Seventies back-story of the Dharma Initiative, each episode filled with clues to be argued over for years to come. Lost proved there was a broad audience around who needed their Television to be more unpredictable and difficult, not less – and Television would never be the same.
'Star Trek' 196669
The Star-Ship Business took off having a five-year mission: "To discover odd new worlds, to to locate new life and new civilizations," and it succeeded in making the most beloved of sci fi franchises, not just inspiring many spin offs but also codifying fanfiction as an art form. Gene Roddenberry's original sequence stays the basis, with William Shatner's awesomely pulpy Capt. Kirk, Leonard Nimoy's logical Mr. Spock, Bones, Sulu, Uhura and Scotty. They speak to strange and inexplicable lifeforms – Romulans, Gorns, Joan Collins. During its three years, Startrek suffered from low ratings until NBC pulled the plug, but thanks to the most doggedly loyal of TV cults (remember when "Trekkie" was an insult?), Roddenberry's vision lives long and prospers for this day.
'The Daily Show' 1996-Present
The fa-Ke news show that became mo Re credible as opposed to news that is real. Comedy Central started The Daily Present when Jon Stewart took over in 1999, but it hit its stride. The Daily Present got more politically abrasive as the news got progressively worse. Stewart had the rage of a man who had signed on at the finish of the Bill Clinton years, only to finish up with an America significantly more scary and more ugly for, as well as the anger showed. "It is a comic box lined with unhappiness," he informed Rolling Stone in 2006. While the franchise struggles on without him, Everyday alumni John Oliver and Samantha Bee keep that hard-hitting spirit on their own displays.
'Friends' 1994 2004
A team of twenty somethings in New York sit around complaining about their day jobs, their sex lives, their screwed -up households. It's a formula countless sitcoms tried to get right on the years (great try, Herman's Head), but it took the Central Perk crew to get the best mix of personalities, from Lisa Kudrow's flaky folksinger to the schlub-fox romance of David Schwimmer's Ross and Jennifer Aniston's Rachel. Even at the time, it was absurd how luxurious Monica's West Village apartment and large was, and also the storyline where she's banging Tom Selleck just gets more abdomen-turning the Blue Bloods stays that are lengthier on-the-air.
'South Park' 1997-Present
Trey Parker and Matt Stone touched America someplace special and deep, and also you got to respect their authori-teh. Year after year, this cartoon began, Matt Stone informed Rolling Stone, "we'd view success as finally acquiring to the point where we get canceled because no one gets it." So here's to not exactly twenty years of failure – and hopefully 2 more.
'The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson' 196292
Heeeeeeere's Johnny! There's a cause Carson stays the template for each and every late-night host, after ruling The To Night Show for three decades. Like a TV answer to Frank Sinatra, he epitomized Rat Pack cool, and his monologues were a sound track to generations of Americans boozing every night themselves to slumber. Nearly 2-5 years after he signed-off (and more than 10 years after he died), Carson's the ghost king who nevertheless haunts evening. When he abdicated in 1992, Letterman and Jay Leno started battling for his throne and never quit. (In his last display, Letterman cracked, "It looks like I am not planning to get The Tonight Show.")
TV Series Third Watch
'The Sopranos' 1999-2007
The crime saga that slice the the history of Television kicking off a golden age when abruptly something seemed possible. About how much you could get away with on the little screen together with The Sopranos, David Chase smashed all of the rules. And he developed an American antihero in James Gandolfini's New Jersey Mob boss, Tony Soprano, presiding over a crew of gangsters who also double as dads and broken husbands, guys seeking to stay using their murderous strategies and dark recollections. As the late, great Gandolfini told Rolling Stone in 2001, "I noticed David Chase say one time that it's about people who lie to themselves, as we all do. Lying to ourselves on a daily basis and the mess it creates." What an inspiring mess it is. Since it transformed the world, this specific poll was run away with by the Sopranos. Chase confirmed just how story-telling ambition that was much tv could be brought to by you, and it didn't take long for everybody else to rise to his challenge. The breakthroughs of the next few years – The Wire, Mad Guys, Breaking Poor – could not have occurred without The Sopranos kicking the door down. But Chase had a difficult time convincing any network to battle a story of a guilt- gangster who goes to treatment, while his mother plots to kill him. "We'd no idea this show would appeal to folks," he told Rolling Stone. "The display really unexpectedly made this kind of splash that it screwed all of US up." The Sopranos kept heading for the long bomb over six masterful seasons on HBO having a wild mix of blood shed and humor. When FBI agents tell Uncle Junior which mobsters they want him to finger, he says using a shrug, "I want to fuck Angie Dickinson – let's see who gets lucky first." The Sopranos is full of damaged figures who linger on in the long term parking of our national imagination – Edie Falco's Carmela, Dominic Chianese's Junior, Michael Imperioli's Christopher, Tony Sirico's Paulie Walnuts. E Street Band guitarist Steve Van Zandt became Tony's lieutenant Silvio – Chase spotted him on early Bruce Springsteen album addresses. (As Chase told Rolling Stone, "There was something about the E Street Band that looked like a crew.") It might not have been possible without Gandolfini's slow-burning intensity – he was the only actor who could deliver Tony's angst to life. But the writing, directing and acting went locations Television had never reached before. Where Christopher and Paulie Walnuts get lost in the woods, realizing the Russian gangster they tried to whack is nevertheless out there-in the darkness, the Sopranos arguably hit its innovative peak with all the well-known Pine Barrens episode. They shiver in the cold. ("It is the the fuckin' Yukon out there!") They wait. And worry. The Sopranos never solved this mystery – for all we know, the Russian is still atlarge, yet another key these guys can not shake off. On The Sopranos, family loyalties flip, both in the streets and a T home. Beloved characters can get whacked a T any moment. It kept that perception of danger alive proper up to the final seconds. And not quite a decade after it faded to black in a Jersey diner together with the juke-box enjoying "Do Not Stop Believin'," The Sopranos stays the standard all ambitious TV aspires to fulfill.
'30 Rock' 200613
Alec Baldwin said it best: "You are truly the Picasso of loneliness." He's a point. The Liz Lemon of Tina Fey is one gal who spends her evenings working on on her behalf evening cheese playing Monopoly alone or viewing the Life Time movie My Stepson Is My Cyber-Husband. But Fey created her a timeless heroine -space experience at The Girlie Show to the backstage antics, having a crazy- deep bench that included Jack McBrayer, Jane Krakowski and Tracy Morgan. And Baldwin chewed up the role of his life, turning what might have been a generic sitcom boss into the only guy worthy to stand-by Lemon.
'The Office (U.K.)' 2001 03
Ricky Gervais created one of TV's most agonizing comic tyrants in David Brent – a bitter, awkward, pompous ball of vanities terrorizing his workers at a London paper organization. He fidgets, fondles his tie, cracks dreadful jokes, plays guitar ("Free Love Free Way"!), invisible to anyone except the longsuffering office drones who have to put up with him. This mockumentary raised the cringe level of sitcoms every where, spawning the remarkably great U.S. version (also on this checklist) while paving the way for the glories of Parks & Re Creation and Peep-Show.
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