#also i currently have covid but really wanted to write something OTL
bluewindfall · 4 months
Yukio flips a page in his textbook, listening to the soft scratches of Shiemi’s pencil across paper. 
The mid-afternoon sun flows over the interior of the shop like a layer of swaying silk, warming the wood of the table. It’s quiet, with only the flourishing houseplants in their company. The room smells fragrant, filled with the scent of a jasmine plant blooming on the counter. 
He’s fortunate enough to have two hours of spare time today, working through a worksheet of derivatives to the side as he answers occasional questions from Shiemi. Perhaps it’s a welcome distraction. 
Small tremors run through the table as Shiemi erases a row of equations. 
Yukio lifts his eyes cautiously. 
The delicate red tassel on Shiemi’s hair clip sways when she tilts her head. Her lips have pressed together in concentration, pulling into a puzzled frown as her pencil traces along the curve of the parabola Yukio penned in her notes. When she flips back to another page, a pleased smile lifts her cheeks. A minute later, she moves diligently onto the next problem. 
She’s been working hard and has grown so much in the past few months. All she needs is a bit more confidence in herself.
As Shiemi rests her chin on her hand, a few strands of her hair slip from behind her ear. Several red spots of petechiae peek out from under her collar, like pinpricks, left behind from the grip of Mayuko’s hair. They’ll fade in a few days. Even so, it must have been painful.
Yukio flips another page, running his thumb along the waxy texture of the paper of his textbook without reading any of the print. “Yesterday,” he begins, “I was really impressed by you and Kamiki-san.” 
Shiemi’s eyes meet his, just a shade brighter than the mellow green of the aloe sitting behind her. “Really?” 
To read more on Ao3 :)
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