#also i had to establish a lot of shit w arceus in the beginning so things would make sense sorrY
exspiravited-a · 6 years
15 bya -- Arceus is born
Born into a void of nothingness where neither time nor space existed, Arceus wasn’t sure where to begin with the universe. He had sentience, had the instinct to create, though had no idea where to start. Internal debating compelled him to split the void of nothingness, creating Mt. Coronet from the empty space, with Spear Pillar resting at the top. The thought of making the Hall of Origin had not yet occurred to him; he merely stayed at the peak of the mountain. He spent time thinking, debating, brooding, unsure of how to proceed. Loneliness was a damnable existence.
14.3 bya -- Arceus is wed
During his time atop Spear Pillar, he got a visit from a mysterious woman. She seemed impressed at the start of a new universe, spending time talking to Arceus and giving him ideas. He would soon learn she was the ruling goddess of another universe. Deantha had been plagued by the same indecision that he was. It was her suggestion that he create children for himself to fill the loneliness, and from her idea, he had several more. After a promise for her to return, he would spend time brainstorming. Yes, Arceus had thought about creating some sort of being to fill the void, but never children. The idea filled him with a newfound emotion of excitement.
In the following billion years between 15 bya and 14.3 bya, he and Deantha would speak more. Sometimes she would visit his universe, and other times he would visit her. Deantha helped him solidify his ideas for his children, suggesting that they could aid him in the creation of the universe. She also confided in him that she’d always wanted children of her own, yet her reproductive system simply didn’t allow it to happen. She especially wanted a daughter.
Naturally, they grew closer. Approximately 14.3 bya, Arceus took her hand in marriage. Unfortunately, due to her duties and his, they couldn’t live together. Arceus would return to his own universe reluctantly, heart swelling with nothing but love.
14 bya -- The Creation Trio and the universe are born
Dialga and Palkia were created first, respectively representing the aspect of time and space. Though his ons were incredibly young, they were able to aid Arceus slightly in the creation of the universe. A third child, Giratina, would soon be created. His only daughter would represent antimatter, setting off the catalyst he needed to spin the universe into being thanks to her energy. Yes, the trio were incredibly young, though like him, they worked off instinct at first, despite not fully understanding or knowing their powers. 
Stardust and light filled the black void above them, and the universe spiraled outwards brilliantly from Spear Pillar. Matter and antimatter clashed together, destroying each other in a brilliant display of colors. Energy rocketed across space, and time began to flow. It was at this point Arceus created his grand palace-- the Hall of Origin-- as a place for him and his children to live together in. A dimension for each of his children would be spun together. Giratina’s dimension doubled as a sort of “testing grounds” for Arceus for several millennia, as he brainstormed ideas of how a planet could look should he choose to create one.
13.8 bya -- The Sickness
After 200 million years together, Arceus’ wife soon was befallen with a terrible illness. He had been busy teaching his children about their powers, as well as creating. When he found out, he waited until he put his children to bed to slip out of his universe and to his wife’s. By the time he arrived, she had already slipped into a deep coma. Nobody understood what had happened and how it happened to quickly, as she had been perfectly fine the day prior. 
Arceus stayed with her for several hours until her heartrate slowed. The medical mages pronounced her dead. Grief struck him like a train, and he soon blamed himself for what had happened. Her body was taken away into a hidden part of the castle, being preserved with magic. For if her body was destroyed, her universe would go with it. Despite the immense grief and sadness he felt, he volunteered to take over her universe. They needed someone to maintain it to prevent it from eroding. Even if her body was preserved, the universe would begin to decay over billions of years if not kept in check. Arceus promised he would return, and he went back to his own universe.
Little did he know, he would be inflicted with the same ailment that Deantha had succumbed to.
The reason for her death was simple: the parasite tried to take her body and mind over. Her resistance brought her end. The parasite was smart, entering Arceus’ psyche and making him succumb to its control. 
“You wouldn’t want yourself dying, would you? To leave your universe in control of your children? They couldn’t handle the power. Surely they would die too.”
13.79 bya - 11 bya -- Tyranny
Arceus effectively changed overnight, becoming a much more angry individual filled with hatred and scorn. His children saw the worst of this. They were constantly berated by the man. His teachings on their powers came to an abrupt halt. The task was left to the trio of children no older than age six at this point. Giratina’s powers were especially violent and volatile. Mishaps were common in the Hall of Origin, which only enraged Arceus. 
The scorn he held towards his children was twisted and manipulated. Creating children was her idea. Arceus’ deep rooted sadness over the fact she never got to meet them became twisted and warped into hatred. It was her idea, and now she was dead. They were his creation, but her idea. His disdain towards Giratina was especially strong. “I’ve always wanted a daughter of my own,” she’d said. 
Giratina didn’t know why her father had become so mean. The dad she once held nothing but love and adoration for became a man she soon learned to fear. Formerly blissful nights full of pleasant dreams were filled with horrific nightmares. Giratina often clung to her brothers in the night, unable to stop the tears from falling. At this point in time, it was rare not to see her alongside Dialga and Palkia. She was determined to keep them safe from their father and his terror, no matter what it meant for her. 
It took her several hours to shake off the shock the first time she had been struck by her father. A slap to the face for speaking out of line and disrespecting him. Better her than her brothers... although they weren’t free from his reign either. With Arceus’ sons, he more often resorted to verbal and emotional abuse. This didn’t mean Arceus didn’t strike either of them if they stepped out of line or did something he didn’t like. Giratina suffered both verbal and emotional abuse, as well as physical. 
It was always a relief for the trio whenever it was bedtime. The bed they shared that was once filled with laughter and excited whispers was now quiet, besides Giratina’s soft crying. She felt bad when she kept her brothers awake, so she often waited until they were both asleep to cry. 
10.9 bya - 5.1 bya -- Separation
At this point, the trio was around 8 years old. Arceus was still as angry as ever, full of nothing but hatred. He would soon forcibly separate Giratina from her brothers, sending her to stay in a small, dark room in the back of the palace. Dialga and Palkia were also separated, as Arceus thought they were much too old to share a room now. While Giratina seeing her brothers was extremely forbidden, Dialga and Palkia were still allowed to see and talk to one another. 
Naturally, this didn’t stop Giratina from sneaking out of her room despite it locking from the outside. Being a dark and dragon type, she could travel under the door through the shadows. Her visits to her brothers were never very long, fearing she would be caught and punished. 
As the years ticked by, Giratina visited her brothers less and less. Fear and paranoia became deeply rooted in her mind after all of her years in solitude. She never spoke anymore. Arceus provided her with just enough food to survive. Giratina never talked to him. 
Darker thoughts soon overshadowed all else in her mind. Would it be better if she was dead? How easy would it be to sneak a knife back to her room? She was a monster, she was a destructive freak. 
Giratina would end up sneaking back a large kitchen knife with her on one of her forbidden excursions. She was never brave enough to go through will the task of ending her life. Each time when she thought she was able to, she wound up chickening out at the last second.
She would soon come to learn that she wished she had gone through with it.
5 bya - 1999 -- Banishment
Giratina, now 14 years old, was filled with dread the moment Arceus came and got her from her room. A portal was open in the throne room and part of her was filled with dread for what it meant for her. She fought back fiercely against her banishment, defying her father for the first time. The only thing that stopped her was his ultimatum. Either she goes, or her brothers go. It was enough to make her stop fighting back.
Approximately several years into her banishment, Giratina would soon die in the Distortion World due to starvation. Being in a different dimension with nowhere for her spirit to go, tied with the fact she felt deep anger for what had happened, she would soon wake up several hours later. Now she was a ghost and dragon type instead of a dark and dragon type. The fact that she died changed her personality and her thought process forever, holding a large amount of terror from that very fact. Terror soon turned to anger like all her emotions would. Her hand would phase through her chest and grip her now still heart, wrenching it free from her ribcage. It was merely dead weight now. The ache in her chest from old memories and regrets soon faded.
Years and years would come to pass. Giratina became irate. She would sharpen rocks against one another, trying and trying to kill herself again. Hoping that she would just stay dead. But she never did. She always came back. Back into her dimension of turmoil and despair, plagued with the horrific memories of her past.
The earth was created in her absence. She knew nothing of what happened to her brothers. She didn’t know anything about what had happened to the universe. All she knew was anger, sadness, and loneliness. Crushing boulders together was only fun for so long. Her strength had begun to plateau without any real opponents. She became so, so bored that she would talk to herself.
Billions upon billions of years would soon pass, crawling by agonizingly slow. On one fateful day while descending to the very bottom of her dimension -- something she’d been extremely hesitant to do -- she would find a golden, jagged orb. Upon holding it, her head would be full of whispers. Whispers goading her to leave, to escape her prison. As soon as she put the orb down, the voices would stop. When she picked it up, they would start again.
Holding the orb tightly in her hand, she would bring one of the mirrors down, looking at the outside world. Her entire body was petrified, unwilling to step through for several moments. Steeling herself, Giratina tentatively forced herself to walk through.
1999 - 2001 -- Hiding
Her first thoughts upon leaving the Distortion World were that she should have stayed. Earth was something that overwhelmed her the moment she stepped in, causing her a great amount of stress. The trees around her buckled and warped unnaturally, before exploding out of existence. 
The only thing nearby was a lake, followed by a small shack. Giratina immediately sought shelter in the rundown house, not caring that the roof was caved in on the second floor. The first floor had a bed. That was all she needed to live. Her terror prevented her from leaving for the next two years. She didn’t want to run into her father or her brothers should she go out. The thought was enough to make her weep. The creaking of the house reminded her to stay calm and vigilant, lest her powers would destroy her only place now to call home. 
As she lay upon the bed, tear filled eyes couldn’t help but stay on the orb. Upon holding it, she could feel power course through her veins. She felt her form maintain itself despite not being in the Distortion World. The orb had given her freedom. With a swift motion, she placed the orb in her ribcage-- where her heart would have been if she hadn’t tore it out.
2002 - 2007 -- Learning to live
The next following years were a big change for Giratina. She cleaned herself up and got herself better clothes, allowing her to be more presentable to the public eye. Many, if not all things on earth were foreign and new to her. Days were spent observing people in public and what they did. She observed how certain objects were used, and how people acted normal. Mimicking what they did was easy. It was simple to put on a fake facade and masquerade as someone she wasn’t.
Thoughts would wander to her family, specifically her brothers. She wondered if they hated her. She wondered if they cared. She wondered about a lot of things. Despite her emotions being volatile surrounding her siblings, Giratina couldn’t help but wonder about their wellbeing. Arceus’ unmistakable aura could be felt across the entire region, but Dialga and Palkia’s? Radio silence.
From 2003 to 2007, she spent her time travelling the Sinnoh region, trying to discern any clues of their whereabouts while familiarizing herself with the land she called home.
2008 -- The scourge of the gods
It’d been a few months since Giratina had returned from her travels. She rested at home, when a large amount of energy exploded outwards from Spear Pillar. It was enough to make her jolt up from bed, eyes full of terror. Her brothers. They were here, but... something did not feel right. Her ears rang as she sprung out of bed. There was no time to travel to Spear Pillar from where she was. She had to go through her world fast.
As she bolted from her house, her body was clouded in shadow as the true Renegade emerged. A large, glowing portal was opened upon the surface of her lake. The size of the portal was something she would not have been able to do in her human form. The familiar sights of the world greeted her, but she had no time to look for an access point to Spear Pillar. She had to make one, by tearing the very fabric between dimensions. It was yet another thing she could only do in this form. 
Tendrils tore the space open as if it were paper, and a swirling shadow soon overtook the peak. Red eyes gazed upon her siblings, shackled by what looked to be chains. There were several humans atop the peak as well, but she just knew which one was responsible. A blue haired main, spouting nonsense about using her siblings powers to erase the universe. Where on earth was Arceus during this?
Her rage soon took her over as she readied herself to strike, dragging the man down into her hell as he was speaking, freeing her siblings from his control.
It’s unknown to all but a select few what happened in the Distortion World. Two trainers and the region’s champion emerged from the other dimension, though Cyrus did not follow. It’s assumed he merely stayed behind in the world of nothing, realizing that it was what he sought.
Giratina knows the entire truth. She had been the one to tear him to pieces, blinded with hatred and anger. Hatred and anger. Hatred and anger.
Sinnoh would soon fall back into its normally peaceful state, but nobody would ever forget that fateful day atop Spear Pillar.
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