#also i may have thought of steve having a knight trainee love interest whose constantly getting hurt in insane and weird ways as a gag
soadscrawl · 2 years
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you guys seemed to really like my medic steve, so i decided to expand on it. apparently im not the first person to think of this concept, and i think its so funny we all collectively saw this violent teenage boy who punches everything and were like “what if he did the opposite of that” lmao. some notes:
-this is what i imagine his outfit for wizards would be. he still hangs out with the knights, but thats becasue hes a medic who keeps having to patch them up during the tournament and stuff
-i imagine a running gag where everyone in the past thinks steve is a medical genius bc he knows about things like washing your hands before doing a medical procedure and boiling water to purify it. a big chunk of his arc would be about him liking to feel like hes smart and not wanting to leave the past bc he feels special there since he has so much more knowledge than them.
-the longer hair is for two reasons: 1) its in some concept art and i thought it was cute, 2) in the rewrite of TOA that lives in my head theres a timeskip between the end of 3below and wizards, so it also shows the progression of time, and represents how steve has changed since the beginning of 3below.
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