#anyways. hope u guys enjoy this design bc i had fun making it
soadscrawl · 2 years
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you guys seemed to really like my medic steve, so i decided to expand on it. apparently im not the first person to think of this concept, and i think its so funny we all collectively saw this violent teenage boy who punches everything and were like “what if he did the opposite of that” lmao. some notes:
-this is what i imagine his outfit for wizards would be. he still hangs out with the knights, but thats becasue hes a medic who keeps having to patch them up during the tournament and stuff
-i imagine a running gag where everyone in the past thinks steve is a medical genius bc he knows about things like washing your hands before doing a medical procedure and boiling water to purify it. a big chunk of his arc would be about him liking to feel like hes smart and not wanting to leave the past bc he feels special there since he has so much more knowledge than them.
-the longer hair is for two reasons: 1) its in some concept art and i thought it was cute, 2) in the rewrite of TOA that lives in my head theres a timeskip between the end of 3below and wizards, so it also shows the progression of time, and represents how steve has changed since the beginning of 3below.
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milkbreadtoast · 9 months
Ask and ye shall receive! I am here to ask you to tell us all about your OCs! What kind of world do they live in? What kind of story do you want to tell with them? Their personalities? Your favorite aspects of each of them? What do you associate with them, like, what thing, when you see it, makes you go "ohhhhh! This reminds me of them!" Please tell us!
OMG.... THANK U FOR ASKING AAAH 🥺🥺🥺 so im going to answer this for the 2 OCs i drew and posted most recently... these guys...
FIRST OF ALL want to start off w a disclaimer that I'm going to talk abt them as if it's like. a story or webtoon or webnovel that im going to make but in reality i think theres a slim chance of me making that a reality even tho i rly want to TT but its still fun to think abt/develop them...
This OC story has a main 4 (2 guys and 2 girls); there's a 💙girl, 💚guy (the 2 protagonists) and ❤️girl and 💜guy (on the opposing/"antagonist" side). This story is actually based off a dream I had back in 2018 LMAO but my subconscious just gave me the very basic concept/vibes (like a prompt basically) and i had to flesh it out from there... also only 3/4 showed up in the dream, the 💜guy I had to make from scratch and he went thru the most changes(+all r still being developed)
-what kind of world do they live in?
So in this universe there's a power system/a small percent of the population has powers... I've just been generically calling them "psychic powers/espers" like in mp100 (超能力/초능력, lit: superpowers) bc i dont have a name for them like "nen" or anything... I'm not going to go into detail of how it works yet but I think it does share some similarities w mp100 (like how some r born w it and others can awaken it thru stress)... Anyway, both 💚 and 💜 are very strong psychics(aka have strong power)... I think all 4 of the main charas have some powers, or at least 3/4 (💙 is also a very strong psychic.) Other than that I guess it takes place in modern day Korea..? Except... I may be Korean American but I know very little about actual Korea/have never lived there, so if I was ever to make this story a reality(again prob neverㅠ), I'd have to do a lot of research and/or have a Korean writing partner/consultant...
-their personalities (v basic intro)
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💚guy... His name is Hyojun (lastname tbd) and he's the son of a rly rich family (3/4 mcs are from rich familys...def influenced by ouran smhdsj). Even tho he's from rich society, he doesn't really look or act like it (he's handsome, but has a rough/rowdy look), and really detests this environment and most of the people; finds them suffocating, obnoxious, scummy, Fake, etc. He has a rebellious personality, hates rules and values freedom... He's also really good at and enjoys fighting/sparring. He is a powerful psychic and is also physically strong (knows martial arts + how to fight). (yyh yusuke is def one of his influences heh..) The "hyo" in his name means filial piety/duty... basically a name given with the hope that he'd be an obedient and dutiful son...
His color motif is green💚 and his animal motif is snake🐍 (secondary motif: lizards in general). He's one of the 2 protagonists!! (The other is the 💙girl)
I like the idea of one of the protags having an atypical animal motif that's often associated with evil (or being slimy/conniving etc) like a snake... tried to incorporate this subtly into his design too (slit pupils + cute fang(s)... the fangs give him a cat/dogboy look but it's actually bc snake motif😙)
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💜🦋: I kind of designed him to be a foil to hyojun and contrast him in many ways... He's one of the main "antagonists" of the story! (in that he's on the side opposing the "protagonists"... not that he's necessarily "evil"...) He's the heir to a very rich & powerful family, and Unlike the rough and rebellious Hyojun, he's refined, elegant, reserved, calm, polite and gentle. His design is made to look very soft in contrast to Hyojun's sharp edges (literally designed him to contrast hyojun in as many ways as possible lmao🫣). He's also a powerful psychic. He and his family are involved in some shady business behind the scenes... He usually seems kind and gentle, but he's hiding a lot of things behind his smile... He and Hyojun may be opposites in terms of personality, but they may have more similarities than they seem. 👀 I'm being vague but KDJSKDN basically know that he's the smiley faker type... like Clotted Cream Cookie... (clotted actually matched so many of the ideas i had for this OC which I think is 1 reason why I got so attached to him when he came out bdkbdn... his lore is diff but his personality/vibes r p similar + both have parental issues/trauma...)
His color motif is purple💜 (+yellow) and his motif is butterfly🦋!! (/moths? +insects in general) I really love this motif for him bc butterflies have an image of being docile, fragile, gentle and pretty... I love the trope of villains/antagonists with aesthetics/motifs that are soft/pretty/unassuming and atypical of villains... Just like w hyojun having a 🐍 motif as a protagonist... But I also love the butterfly motif because besides being pretty, as insects, there's a somewhat creepy/horror element to them too? I think the duality of butterflies suits the duality of his chara perfectly... And I tried to incorporate the motif into his design thru his spotted eyes... They're normally light on dark and look like sparkly eyeshines, but the colors invert when he's using his powers and become dark spots on light, inspired by spotted butterfly eyes (u can google "butterfly eyes"), creating an entirely different vibe + invoking slight trypophobia (but in the latest/final iteration of his design I simplified the spots to just 3 as to not go overboard)
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(Btw I actually wanted all the psychic charas eyes to look diff when using their powers as a cool visual indicator... 💜's are prob the coolest atm but Hyojun💚's eyes also change/invert; they go from black w a light green slit pupil to green with a black slit pupil)
-what kind of story do u want to tell w them?
If I had to describe it, it'd be like a mix of a shounen/action genre piece (action scenes, fighting, facing an evil org, superpowers etc) and at the same time play heavily off of/include a lot of elements/tropes of the shoujo/romance genre??? This won't make sense without more context but... there'd be a lot of insp from/playing off of (and subverting) tropes from shoujo romance manga/webtoons... while at the same time blending it with the action genre... The goal is to draw heavily from both and take these tropes and mash and twist them up and create something new and really fun (and hopefully funny... I def want it to be a comedy kdhfj. But also I want it to include well rounded characters with deep and angsty backstories and relationships... def a lot of overcoming trauma...) Even the makeup of the main 4 mirrors the main character tropes of both the action/shounen and romance/shoujo genres... there's 4 main charas, mirroring the main 4 of some of my fav shounens (mainly YYH and HxH), but they're also evenly split in terms of gender, 2 guys and 2 girls, which mirrors the main cast formula of the romance genre (ex: female lead, male lead, sub male lead, sub female lead/rival)... It's definitely going to have a strong theme of friendship/found family/platonic bonds (as is typical of shounen genre) bc I eat that sht up... It wouldn't be classified as a "romance", but that doesn't mean it won't have romance... just not in the direction one might expect... Idk how much I should say but it'd be sooo hetbait dkbfdjd I love the idea so much... (hetbait but actually gay kshdjdh)
Anyway I want to make a story that'd have readers (like the webtoon commenters i see) confused about what genre it is lmaoo... like is this supposed to be action or romance... and also be like who am i supposed to ship... KFJSKJ (i have my own ships but it'd be fun to see who ppl would ship during the course of it... ppl liking diff ship dynamics... fantasizes abt it being a real thing even tho it prob wont happen lmao)
I need to draw updated art of 💙girl and ❤️girl..!! In the meantime here's some older art of 💙girl(2021-2022) that I apparently never posted... my pookie she is everything to me mfbdn Her name is Seol!
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And here's some even older art (2018-2019)!! I've had these charas since 2018 (well... 💜 didnt exist back then... conceptualized in 2019) but I only drew/developed them once in a blue moon bc i usually just draw fanart of my hyperfixations🥹... sorry for neglecting u, ocs...
edit: I realized I forgot a very important piece of info... ages MCNDNB Hyojun and Seol are both 20 (at least for now? it could change) and 💜guy(NEED TO NAME HIM SOON FR) is like 1-2 yrs older. hmm... when i first made them they were my age but now theyre younger lmaoo. Maybe I'll age them up or not but they're all over 18 at least
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villaincock · 1 year
ey yo seth! do you recommend the new fire emblem game? bc i ADORE FE but ive seen absolutely nobody talking about it so i have like. no reference from people who actually LIKE FE playing it, its just dudebros bitching bc "eww a new fire emblem and the protag is toothpaste lmaoooo" which is NOT helpful. also about your fic: dont feel bad, you write from PASSION as it SHOULD BE, grammar be DAMNED
thank you for your comment about my writing, it means a lot!! im glad u think so!
anyways, here is my Honest Opinion(tm) about Engage (under a cut bc its long):
yes, there are many unhelpful biased comments about the designs, the life sim aspects, and the story. ive seen the fucking "lolol toothpaste haha COLGATE heehee PEPSI lmao" joke over and over again with no end in sight. its not that funny anymore, guys.
to me, as a fire emblem fan (mind you, my first game was path of radiance when i was in ???middle school??? but the first fe game i FINISHED was awakening, when i was about 16 or 17), i think that Engage is fine as it is. :) the gameplay is what REALLY matters in a game, and the gameplay is VERY fun and challenging, so if nothing else, i'd recommend it for its unique playstyle. the story is kind of a rehash of awakening, with some details swapped out, and to me, the writing is actually sliiiiightly better here than in awakening. if you like awakening: great!!! you'll like the story in this game too! its a bit more in-depth, and the villains are focused on much more than in awakening, which i personally appreciate.
alear, the protagonist, reminds me a lot of robin, in that: they make their OWN choices, NOT the player's choice. for instance, in the first few minutes of the game, they decide to RUN from enemies instead of fight! they want to protect their stewards, vander and framme+clanne. i thought that was interesting. so far (and im almost finished with the game), i havent had a prompt about what i, the player, want to do in regards to a story beat. alear does the decision-making for you. even robin had a few player-driven choices to make, but not alear. alear is their own character. which is nice!!!
as for the life sim stuff, its very limited. the somniel is almost entirely optional. you can s support, but only alear can s support, and even then, NOT all of them are romantic in nature (see: pandreo and ivy, who both have romantic endings with alear regardless of their gender). if you choose, you can build and grind supports. the support convos arent always interesting, similar to awakening or fates, but they are cute and serve a purpose. but all that i just mentioned in this paragraph is not integral to the story AT ALL.
the story. the story is good, with some twists and turns here and there! we are supposed to get more characters and a new story option in wave 4 of the dlc (i am unsure when that is coming out!), and so the story might deepen with that dlc option. right now im doing a vanilla run with no dlc and ive been enjoying it thus far.
in short, im not DONE with the game, but i am REALLY enjoying myself so far. the battles are engaging (lol) and challenging (ive died on some skirmishes before :P), and i LOVE the characters, even if theyre not super deep. i hope the game has a satisfying ending and i suspect the replay value will be amazing, with all the unlockable classes there are :)!
id recommend you play it if youre a fan of fe, even if youre not crazy about the designs or the story. of course i cant dictate how others feel, but i actually enjoyed myself very much and remember to HAVE FUN and NOT CARE what ANYONE else thinks !!
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misqnon · 2 months
do u ever get scared that maybe im lying to u about who i am... i wouldnt do that but i feel like if i had an anon that came off anon and revealed themself i would think "is it really u"... im not rly doing myself any favors by planting this idea in ur head but i want to know if u have thought abt it or not
SOMETIMES THAT IS HOW I AM.. not usually with zosan bc theyre not actually enemies.. theyre more like . rivals who argue a lot (and sometimes they try to kill each other for fun). but when its two characters who like.. idk.. killed each others families for example. i am thinking "get revenge.. kill them.. get revenge... revenge...." and revenge is NOT making out . revenge is NOT getting into a relationship..
ive never written any ship .. fanfic. so i dont think i could confidently write hanyagellan. i should though.. i should learn to write multiple characters. actually up until like. last month. i had never read fanfic that wasnt x reader. wait no thats wrong i HAD but it was characters i didnt know and purely bc i was bored. anyways if i am obsessed with fictional characters its usually bc i want to date them. and the ones i dont like like that r just blorbos, and i dont ship them with anyone. my first times actually shipping characters were basically.. me finding out phoenix wright and maya fey dont get together (i thought they were canon for some reason).. and it means its ok to ship wrightworth. and then enjoying satosugu content, a lot. both happened in the past 6 months or so
im actually kind of thinking kidd might have his time to shine in the next arc??? i wont say why but.. anyways heres hoping .
its mentioned one time in sabaody i think. that they have killed innocent civilians. and when i was rereading i was like "WOAH WAIT WHAT???? THE GUYS I FELL IN LOVE WITH ARE JUST REGULAR MURDERERS??" it was . a shocking moment. for sure. i filtered it out the first time bc i didnt really know kidd that well at the time. but NOW.. now... its different. ok wait i found the image
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it doesnt change how much i like them but it is kinda a wake up call.. like thats right.. theyre... bad guys...
maybe marineford traumatized oda /j. like he had to go a while without his perverted cook and hot ladies and when he got them back he had the sanji reaction. maybe sanji is just his self insert. his reaction to being able to draw women again is sniffing them and bleeding out because of them
i have had a few moments where i really liked (mackenyu) zoro. when he smiled, once, i was like WOW ??? HELLO??? I LOVE U ... and then it was Gone.. i just need the silly guy to be silly. either way his action scenes are fantastic like. huge kudos to mackenyu for that. "zoro’s characterization seems to be one of the major criticisms ive seen across the board so maybe they’ll lighten him up for season 2." I HOPE SO!!! its not like hes doing an awful job or anything, im just sad abt the way the character has gone. make him smile a little more and joke around a little more and i will be happy as a clam or whatever that saying is. also excited for whatever the zoro saying fuck scene is.. i dont really notice cussing most of the time in media so i hope it doesnt slip past me
i heard koby's actor is trans?? i was very happy to hear that. excited for whenever we see him again in water 7 and hes all grown up. assuming the show goes for long enough to reach that point
actually i Did draw a fem sanji that i am willing to share bc its not too bad,, here u go. not like i did anything crazy with the design. its just sanji with boobs and longer hair.. and no facial hair. and also theres no obligation to do anything back. bc i was gonna draw fem sanji anyways. im only showing u bc i like u /p >:) otherwise it would never see the light of day
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"luffy trying to pronounce the name of someone he doesnt care about be like" im so flattered to be compared to luffy HAHA even if its about his awful ability to remember names
"once i tried to see if there was some kind of website or plug in or tool to put in your email address and find any accounts linked to it so i could delete them but i didnt really find what i was looking for which is crazy." ive never thought to do that, but the fact there was nothing is so??? like dont other people have this issue?? idk if i have any really crazy websites i was on.. its more like the stuff i did when i had those accounts is crazy LOL
"blissful ignorance" fr. best to just ignore ur problems
"BUT I REMEMBERED THAT RUMIKO AT ONE POINT MENTIONED LIKING USAGI DROP AND I WAS LIKE. its so jover you guys" NOO THATS SO BAD... mangaka's please stop ruining ur characters and stories.. please........
"the nyan cat creator is actually here on tumblr lmao" THATS SO COOL.. time to see if they talk about it at all..
"also the vocaloid oliver voices puppycat in bee and puppycat! and a vocaloid song actually mde it into a MARVEL MOVIE??" I HEARD ABT THAT AND LIKE?? MARVEL... MARVEL... THE BIGGEST MOVIE FRANCHISE.. YEAH.... THATS INSANE..
"i could link my vocaloid megaplaylist but its. long." u should anyways .. if ur comfortable. the playlist i used most often to listen to music.. for years.. is 83 hours long. and it was just every single thing i liked. so. just letting u know the extent of how Not Picky i am
"i had one of the most fun times of my life lmao. i was JAMMIN." it sounds like a lot of fun!!! i hope kikuo comes back... so i can go see them... as. an actual fan next time .
"i think 90% of what oda says should be ignored LMAO. MY STORY NOW!! half joking. maybe a little more than half." Exactly!!! exactly!!! although i think his choice to not have any romance was a very good one so i will thank him for that.
"when the live action cast talks about how much they respect him and how cool meeting and talking to him was i almost feel bad bc he seems like a kind and goofy guy a lot of the time, but oof, man really needs to evaluate his biases…" I KNOW,, ME TOO. i saw uh.. iñaki ? meet him . and like.. man.. he seemed so happy. i love the guy. but it is tainted by my knowledge of who oda is.
i do also sometimes purposely bury posts.. im sorry u have to deal with the knowledge that i might see the things u dont want people to see .. also i will go ham spamming u since i have permission now. (im overhyping myself. i will probably spam a normal amount)
i actually resisted tiktok extremely well until like . 2022? maybe? and now ...i am addicted. im not actually but i AM on there a lot.
i think i was like 11? maybe? when i saw the impel down scene with iva . and i was still in denial about being trans for a while after that (i dont know what was going on in my child brain bc i came out as genderfluid 3 times at 11 12 and 13 i think. (i forgot each time. yeah.) and yet i was still like "nah im not trans.. thats not possible") and actually i made a fursona (without admitting it was a fursona. it was just an animal and i said "actually this is me...") and i made THEM genderfluid.. and while making it i was like . "no.. me?? im not genderfluid... but u can be. ur allowed to be ." anyways just a big tangent to say iva thank u for helping me accept myself it was a very long and confusing process but finally... i have a vague understanding of who i am...
i don't think oda would answer me but he HAS said multiple times that he reads every single letter he gets (thats been approved by.. idk.. his manager or something?). imagine being immortalized in sbs though.. i think it would be funnier to be trans and not ask a question involving it at all and when ur question gets answered u can come out and say "whats up suckers actually this was me. i bet u wish u were me huh." . idk, i will do anything to get back at transphobes...
"and iva is apparently based not only on dr frankenfurter but also a drag queen he knew irl?" i heard. i heard that the voice actor for iva IS the person iva is based on . and that he was arrested actually... for .. posting "indecent images" online. i thought that meant nudes but apparently he was just trying to show he has tattoos. on his lower half. and then he had to step down as a voice actor
'sometimes i think about how bon clay’s jacket just says "OKAMA” on the back and it can. sometimes be considered a slur?' i go back and forth a lot on how i feel abt the use of okama in one piece. like on one hand yeah,, queer people do use their own slurs. but sometimes its too much... like.. sometimes i feel weirdly targeted by it. i think part of that is probably bc ive had slurs used against me as slurs but. anyways he doesnt have to use it in EVERY SENTENCE describing a queer person.. right.. like we do have just regular descriptors besides "queer".. but then i have other times I'm like hell yeah!!! queer people!!!!! and i love that they use that word. idk. consistency is not my strong suit.
"2gether we can remember the fishman royal family LMAO." perfect. a team effort.
i dont remember exactly what noah is supposed to be , theyre a little vague about it (probably on purpose) but i do remember them talking about the dawn of the world quite a bit. the poneglyph in the fishman island arc is i think an apology to joy boy. and roger is involved bc he could hear the voices of the neptunians, like luffy can
the only layer of ur comic i understand is the horses sadly... once again my lack of knowledge rears its ugly head..
"i can see him doing this but only to zoro. to piss him off." either zoro wouldnt notice or he would and it would definitely turn into another fight. wait those are just the only two possible courses of action..
"usopp’s in on it probably" thank u. i feel like this was for me. even if it wasn't. thank u.
u can be.. uh.... judge of sanji... no maybe not.. that just reminds me of vinsmoke judge..
i have never understood powerscaling. i have a very slight understanding of what it is but. like. i dont know how thats fun.. for people... i have always enjoyed stories more when theyre focused on characters and settings rather than action. i love a good fight but it is nowhere near my priority. part of the reason i love dressrosa so much is cuz they have that stupid (/lh) moment where everyone starts working together to push back the birdcage. makes me cry every time.
anyways yeah i do think zoro is meant to be stronger. i think its kinda lame cuz the sanji and zoro rivalry, where theyre constantly on equal levels but hate to admit it, is fun. but at the same time i dont think i would mind if zoro was declared second in command and therefore became the stronger one. perhaps thats just my zoro bias showing though. making zoro 1 cm taller is VERY funny .. u know he would use that against sanji.. with the way he constantly lorded over people (sanji especially) that he was the first person to get to sabaody
"its the crack cocaine" this may be controversial.. but i would think that would STUNT their growth /lh. big mom as a child was like the same size as her parents. but with the proportions of a child. and once again i am faced with the question of . do huge characters come out normal sized and then just have insane growth spurts.. or.. the other, scary option: they come out huge. but their parents r usually normal sized... imagining that is terrifying
i like to try to form my own opinions and theories bc i think its fun but.. some ppl are just way smarter than me at reading characters. how do they do that!! the fact u were reading character analysis as a kid is impressive tho bc i was definitely in my "characters are only either evil or good" stage for a loooonnggg time.
u commiting hard vs me having commitment issues. who would win. thank u for excusing sanuso its the only sanji ship i actually like. I'm picky too and. sometimes i just hate a ship for no particular reason. i have tried to analyze myself but i cant figure it out
"i will do you one better and give u a link to the SBS + a translator who looked at the question." THATS PERFECT THANK U
i dont think i can meet oda halfway....
idk if this is popular or not but the reasoning ive seen behind trans zoro is that he took kuinas sword after she died, which is like. a metaphor for leaving behind his pre transition self. n i like that connection a lot. but also zoro as a transmasc is just fun..
also a while ago?? u reacted to zoro not hurting uhh the bird lady on punk hazard. i saw that when i was looking through ur liveblogging.. tags. and i wanted to say that. that made me really angry too LOL . like i expected better from u.. ur supposed to be the one who gives equal treatment no matter what. but then. partially for my own sanity. i started thinking that maybe he didnt actually hurt her not bc shes a lady,,, but because he doesnt like to hurt weak people. he has had a lot of moments where he's shown to protect weak people specifically, regardless of gender.
these comments.. helped me see the light (i hope theyre readable)
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if oda does make him into the type of guy who protects women for being women. i might go insane. he had that moment in skypeia where robin got hurt and he was like "shes a woman" as if that makes any difference how strong she is or how easy an opponent should go on her. and wait i see ur point about the characters not acting like their own established .. character... i see it..
if ur interested here are my thoughts from the punk hazard moment. upon reread. i didnt remember it happened because i wiped it from my brain so my anger was just as intense as the first time LOL
tw for violent language and cussing
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ok huge tangent aside
that summary from the zosan fic is so good. they r both trans . hell yeah.
i havent seen the matilda movie!! i havent read the books either. i do see ppl talk abt them a lot though and i have been meaning to give it a try. i like danny devito. i love theatre!! havent really seen many shows . especially not high production ones. but i was in theatre in middle and high school. thats Right im a theatre kid. except i was part of the backstage crew and never wanted to do acting.. no one talks about crew it makes me sad
i love trans family frobin and chopper. zoro is also definitely choppers big brother. i disagree with the popular headcanon of him being choppers dad. they r brothers.
i do not have any favorite creators tbh. im very non commital so i will usually only have videos i like or art i like or . yeah . i do have a few recurring one piece artists i reblog though? i think? (all on tumblr.. i dont really use social media). so let me get those for u,,,
huyandere (shuggy my beloved)
and honestly i think thats it? i was mostly using tumblr for kpop content until very recently so i dont have much that is. one piece centered.. most of my interests are very different from each otherr,,,
never know how to end asks so here is how i feel about law
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i feel like i am not popular enough for that to happen but . but
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okay yea thats valid. i dont think ive actually come across any enemies ships like that…i mean im sure i HAVE but i dont think i have shipped any?? well. well no thats not true. but. i was 14 and also stupid
my favorite characters are almost always characters i have a fictional crush on AND one of the half of my favorite ship…this probably says something about me but im choosing to ignore it. i dont know a lot about ace attorney but do phoenix and miles not have some sort of rivalry as well?? or do they become buddies by the end
someone told me they think kidd is gonna be king of the pirates?? did i say that before. i dont know why they think this but that in combination with u thinking he’ll get more screentime is. compelling
JDFBDSKS WOOPS !! its ok…luffy will reform them,..sometimes i think oda writes a character being terrible and then if it was long enough ago we just forget about it and pretend its ok. like.remember how franky beat the SHIT out of usopp AND robbed him and that was never really addressed aside from a few lines and he just joined the crew and has been a happy goofy guy since. i do. i MEAN ZORO ALSO WAS JUST MURDERING PPL FOR BOUNTIES BEFORE HE JOINED THE CREW and then luffy was like hey. stop that. and so he did and we dont talk about it much LMAO
I KNOW SANJI GOTTA BE HIS SELF INSERT. im sure he inserts himself in many of the characters but sanji hardcore. this video  talks a lot about it. including how oda’s signature has sanji’s eyebrow swirl. also i think that is why sanji sucks so much and i want to beat him to death with hammers . who said that
YEA MACKENYU IS LIKE. SO PRETTY. HI MACKENYU,..HI. i think what bothered me most is that (esp pre ts) zoro was a very angry and loud character. he laughs loudly, he yells when he’s mad, he gets those big silly angry faces oda draws all the time. he’s quieter post ts but when he gets mad he still gets Loud yanno. zoro is boisterous. but opla zoro is always talking at Edgy Cool Boy Mumble. for reference the fuck is about buggy. which is so funny
koby’s actor IS trans!! i really like the casting they’ve gone with. For doing their races right, first of all, and also for things like giving koby’s role to a trans actor even though they didnt “have to”. and also i will now HC koby as trans thank u matt owens. i doubt they’ll get to water 7 (i think they might like. finish alabasta. and thats it. personally) but i mean WHO KNOWS. 
thank you for showing me!!  :D 
i think there were SOME options but they either required an account or cost money or didnt do the whole job so i kinda gave up. it is weird bc that seems like a very useful tool in this day and age
here…here is my vocaloid megaplaylist…it…pretty much is just every vocaloid song i liked. there’s a couple vocaloid-adjacent songs in there too. enjoy
i actually really like making playlists for ppl (vocaloid or otherwise) so if u ever want a more. condensed playlist of something. let me know!
kikuo is already doing more stuff in the u.s. so i bet he will come back!! i hope he does i spent like $50 on his merch so like I FUNDED IT
inaki meeting oda WAS very sweet imo…some people have said it seemed fake/forced but i didnt get that vibe at all. and oda does seem like a nice and funny person like. in real life. but again I KNOW WHAT U FUCKING THINK IN UR BRAIN…nuance and al that i guess.
i literally reblogged a nsfw comic the other day (it was a joke comic, but still) and i was like i will bury this. and queue it for 1 am. i am so safe. AND NOW I DO NOT FEEL SAFE!! im joking i dont care that much. but tumblr why
how did you…how did u forget u were gendrfluid 3 times…actually. actually im REALLY bad about putting a label on my gender so i cant talk. i used to say “girl with a little agender on the side” or something and then went by demigirl kinda for a while? and then people would ask my gender and i’d be like “idk its whatever man” and my friends would go “i thought u were a demigirl?” and id be like OH FUCK OH YEA but now its evolved and i still dont have a name for it. im one of those ‘no labels’ people now but only bc i dont feel like looking into it more. lazy moment. and labels feel too definitive. 
u should do that actually. a couple of his sbs people have gotten pretty popular for frequent comments i think. also I DIDNT KNOW THAT ABOUT IVA VA??? WHAT THE FUCK
PFFT dont worry about not understanding the comic its fairly niche. the song lyrics are from this song (very explicit btw. also a bop imo) and the “lipsync for your life” bit is a reference to rupauls drag race when the queens have to perform to a song to not get eliminated. and i like to imagine iva put sanji through many a gay time
“wait those are the only two possible courses of action..” I USE THAT SAME PHRASE A LOT AND ACCIDENTALLY DO THAT SAME THING EVERY TIME LMAO
fuck…but it would work so well with my gavel…damn it…im uh uh…magistrate of sanji, (i literally googled judge synonyms for this. and also it made me think about that one vocaloid song where kaito is a judge)
i rlly dont care about powerscaling and i have never looked into it and never will. i actually really do like cool fights but in anime they always get dragged out SOO long and then im just pissed cause i care more about the plot and characters. i prefer the idea of them being perfectly matched for multiple reasons but i guess we’ll never know…probably. idk im still waiting on that death pact thing to come back
u make a good point. about the cocaine. maybe it has to do with haki/willpower. tbh i can see that. the powerful guys are always taller. i think oda just wants them to be intimidating but if we want an in canon explanation…its cause theyre so damn AMBITIOUS !!
i was reading character analysis as a kid but i also thought characters could only be one or the other for way too long. bisexuality of man or whatever
what other ships do i like…i like zosan. obviously. i like dofuwani for similar reasons but I WAS LIED TO AND SHIPPED IT BEFORE I MET THEM AND THOUGHT THEY INTERACTED WAY MORE..OH WELL. i like nami/vivi and kaya/usopp!! and frobin!! buggy and shanks can be cute too. but i dont really CARE much about any of them except zosan. any luffy ship be gone from my sight for aroace reasons. wait add hannyagellan
im ngl hannyagellan is like a funny joke ship to me but if it becomes one of those crack ships u acciddentally get attached to im gonna be so mad (i wont be mad itll be really funny)
ive never heard that but i like that interpretation. god. i think about kuina a lot. i miss her. this is so stupid but i was listening to “slipping through my fingers” by abba and makin amvs in my head of zoro losing kuina and shit…embrassing. and also made me emo. 
hm…im torn on the punk hazard stuff. to me it def felt like a woman thing esp after that comment about robin in skypiea. i think it goes against zoro’s character esp considering UHH KUINA but its yet another symptom of oda’s own biases bleeding into the work. but i would have to watch it again and consider it being a weakness thing. though i feel like he’s had weak men challenge him before that he didnt make a big deal out of not fighting. or maybe i just feel like if it was a guy he wouldnt hesitate as much…im blanking on evidence
2 OUT OF 3 OF MY ROOMATES IN COLEGE WERE ON TECH CREW HAHAHA  they told me about it and made me appreciate it!! i love theatre a lot. i want to go see more. thats the only one ive ever seen and its bc it was for a school trip. my favorite musical ever is cabaret and i watched it all on youtube in several parts jdfnvkfjn (the 1990’s run with alan cumming) i could have been a theatre kid if i was less shy i think.
I AGREE ZORO IS CHOPPERS BROTHER. THANK U. although if we’re talking crew dynamics overall i do not think robin is a mother. she is 100% a cool aunt. and actually not that responsible when it comes to wrangling luffy and crew. franky’s a dad but he’s not THEIR dad. he’s just a dad coded guy who they’re friends with. jinbei gives grandfather even though hes only in his 40’s. brook is weird uncle. nami is a mom. sanji is also a mom. zoro is a big brother and usopp and luffy and chopper are little brothers. 
i made my irl friend get on tungle and she also uses it for kpop purposes lmao. i know very little about kpop but she likes ateez…my other friend likes stray kids…i had a friend who liked shinee and i liked one of their songs…i like a few bts songs…but i will never join that fandom (sorry mack if ur reading this)
i think in terms of like one piece videos i like melonteee, totally not mark, mugiwara no goofy (for laughs) and also these two guys who just shitpost and its really funny
one piece artists,,,so many. wellfine is a big one…i love when ppl draw sanji with a hooked nose and lots of body hair. bluechanas…demonzoro…chvvy…that translation blog i linked earlier. i actually have a lot more but i realized a lot of them are just zosan and i didnt want to subject you to . all that 🧍LMAO. WAIT I FORGOT ONE. THEMETALHIRO. THEIR COMICS ARE SO FUNNY ALL THE TIME
i feel the need to ask a one piece question but i cant think of one rn. uh. uh. do u have any questions. or discussions to start. its ok if u dont!!
also p.s. there is never any pressure to watch any of the videos i link it is more for a sourcing purpose unless u actively want to watch them
I HAVE THAT EXACT IMAGE SAVED IN MY CAMERA ROLL LMAO. to end off here are some of my best (worst) sanji images
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justablah56 · 10 months
my vape has been pronounced burnt so instead of hitting it and yarking: gothweebcleats anon here! headcanons time (cw for drug/alcohol talk idk if ur sensitive to that so!! fair warning ahead of time /gen)
the first one to fart in front of the others in the group (all 5 including hermie ofc) was linc. it was an accident and he was deathly embarrassed until taylor’s laugh attack also caused him to fart and then no one could keep it together (even scary. sorry beth)
taylor was the first to be Offered drugs/alcohol but scary was the first one to try weed. she was Exponentially Chiller and if this had been like. height of doodler era the guys wouldn’t have talked abt how they prefer her on weed but they would have all thought abt it (can’t be mean when you’re melting into the couch)
norm likes four lokos. (for those who don’t know: four lokos are 13.9% alc/vol (a lot), have four servings in a can, and have caffeine mixed in) scary likes vodka. taylor drinks rum but likes seltzers. linc doesn’t drink bc drinking is for lame-o’s who aren’t getting a degree in kickology (he’s the designated driver always and we love her for it). hermie is the smoker of the group but has been known to enjoy fancy ales
scary develops a semi-popular poetry blog on tumblr!! taylor and linc help her set it up because they support her and her endeavors and they r so so proud to watch her grow with the validation she receives
scary marlowe had never written love poetry. and then taylor and linc body slammed into her life and now all of a sudden she wants to write about linc and taylor and taylor and linc. she eventually gives them each their own poems (dedicated to them) and a copy of a poem about all three of them (all handwritten, all different) and like. okay. linc and taylor didn’t Really get the poetry thing before (this is their girl how can they not support even when they don’t understand) but now they think they do (they are crying to varying degrees of loudness)
scary and taylor not helping linc rekindle their relationship with his father (bc fuck all dads dad haters club) but instead taking him on fun dates and over to their houses and just. outside and Not with her dads all the time i know linc’s relationship with their fathers is something that has been played off mostly for goofs but they r so. so dependent on their dads it’s a little. worrying (or maybe we all just have different relationships with our parents but as a coddled kid i KNOW what over dependency on ur parents looks like)
all right that’s all for now folks o7 i think this one was mainly for me but!! hoping u find some enjoyment in it aether <3
welcome back gothweebcleats anon ! also ah sorry this took me a minute to respond to - but ahshnenjd all of this is so beloved !! also the boys all agreeing but never actually *saying* they all prefer chill high scary LMAO not gonna make a whole lot of comments on the alcohol hcs bcs . I cannot legally drink and do not plan to and therefore know nothing shjdjdkskd but I will just assume you are very correct abt all of them 😌 anyways , SCARY NOT WRITING LOVE POEMS UNTIL LINC AND TAYLOR AND LINC AND TAYLOT NOT UNDERSTANDING POEMS UNTIL THEY WERE SCARYS LOVE POEMS !!!💥💥!!! SO IMPORTANT TO ME !!! scary writing poems for all of them is literally so cute I love it <333 and Taylor and Scary not trying to get Linc to fix their relationship w her dads !!! helping him figure out how to have her own independence !!!!! takin them on cute little dates !!!! beloved !!!!!!
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20cm · 2 years
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♡ megbias highlight reel — heart boys, if you will . for meg @slowrabbitpd , happy birthday . ♡
#caleb.gif#i could tag all these guys but honestly this is For meg <3 :') its rly not fandom related its just going to be posted on tumblr dot com#( if anyones curious tho: changkyun + yeonjun + kang daniel / kihyun + junhyeok + taehyun / seungyeop + steve + romin )#meg!! happy birthday bestie 💕#really i hope you have an absolutely wonderful day ahead of you and are able to enjoy it w/ your People whoever they may be#and that you get to treat yourself to something fun <3 and have a wonderful meal 💖#spiritually i am making you egg on rice right now.. or go out for kbbq or w/e u kno..#truly its been an absolute pleasure to have met you and become friends outside just being mutuals on tumblr#youre such a fun and warm and funny person whos just . smart as a whip and have a killer sense of design and general eye#ur an absolute joy to talk to nd i cherish all the roller coasters we've been on together since last year .. theres no one else id rather -#be SO so normal with <3 u just Get it. and i appreciate that more than i could put into words. i love all our shared megrook bias boys +#biases in law? is that what we can call it. anyways. megbiases are treasured <3 so i wanted to include them in a little something#all for you <3 including some very special sky pics !! bc u sent them to me a while ago and i treasured them!! so. have some megbias boys#peeking into ur photos. thats the concept yup fkgjkjdgf idk i just had an idea of sort of .. flipping thru photos here.#anyways. love u bestie! very much. sending u big warm hugs#we are the [deep breath]#taejunist high school yearbook editor freshman orientation leader magic and hiyyih defense squadists kep1er detectives#the boyz gatekeepers woojinist dailytaehyun and soobinsource admin team •_• (witnesses of the horrors) + peer review service#^ that gets longer EVERY time. lmfao 💕#ill shut up now but <3 just thank u for being here and being u. i admire u and cherish our friendship + thank u for ur endless patience#bc ik the last few months i was sorta awol but u never once made me feel bad for it and its that sort of level of Comfortable that means -#the world to me<3 so im glad i have tht w/ u <3#MWAH ok [posts]
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hi! Can you do roommates au for kuroo, oikawa, iwachan and atsumu?
hi!! thank you for requesting i hope you like these!!
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kuroo tetsurō
kuroo as a roommate is both the best and worst thing that’s ever happened to you
for one, you always have a tutor in case you need help 
and he’s really good at keeping you in check
will always make sure u eat, sleep well, manage your time
stuff like that
he’s so messy pls
like every room might as well be kuroo’s room because his stuff is always everywhere 
this is only a good thing when his shirt/hoodies end up in your domain 
bc this guy’s like 6’1? 6’2? doesn’t matter who you are his clothes are comfy whether they fit right or dwarf you 
does not know how to clean
at all
like how difficult can cleaning be??? idk ask kuroo
he’s really good at picking up new habits though so he’s your designated cook
cleaning is on you, cooking is on him
i hope that’s okay w u bc otherwise u will not survive 😃
he’s so big on cuddling 
he’ll ask you to sleep in the same bed constant nights 
at first it’s so ??? weird??? 
like why would u??? 
but then u find that it’s actually kinda nice
it’s a great way to destress bc as soon as ur cuddling ur mind just turns off 
@ the tutor thing 
he’s a really good teacher 
but his notes?
get ur own <3 
literally no one but kuroo can understand them so good luck g 
anyways overall he’s a great roommate good job on scoring this hunk of a man 😻
oikawa tōru
first few months, he completely avoids you
weird i know i know
but oikawa is not someone that just opens up to anyone yk? he’s very selective. it takes a while for him to trust you
but you live in the same house so it’s inevitable 
it’s not that he avoided you per se but he kept your interactions to a minimum 
which had been fine by you! he was respectful of your privacy, did his part to maintain the house while you did yours, etc 
it’s when he starts getting comfortable that’s the problem 
i think it would happen spontaneously and you two would stay up s o late together out of nowhere and suddenly you’d know each other’s deepest darkest secrets 
believes in those roommate bonding activities 
friday nights are reserved for the two of you, and that’s a set rule. only extreme cases have priority over it
can’t cook and can’t clean
but he’s so good at lifting up his legs while you vacuum <3 
literally if you leave for the weekend you come back to an unrecognizable home 
the amount of shit he’s broken bc of volleyball like literally go play anywhere else 
overall he’s a great roommate because he’s both respectful of your boundaries and genuinely really fun to have around 
(so fucking annoying though sometimes you just wanna suffocate him in his sleep hehe)
iwaizumi hajime
best roommate hands down he’s the perfect candidate oh my god 
he will cook
and he will clean
he’ll be respectful 
he’ll help you with your work 
only issue is he’s a bit standoffish you’ll think he hates you for the longest time
until you just straight up ask him “do you hate me?” 
and he’ll be genuinely so shocked like “no! what? why would i live with you if i hated you? what?” 
god he’s so precious 
i see iwa as someone that likes routine 
so it’d be great if you can adapt to that/adapt to his routine specifically 
you two split the work evenly so well
like if he takes care of breakfast (cooks or it buys it), dinner is on you
spring cleaning is actually so fun with hajime because he actually puts in as much effort as you
but also 
you’re blasting some music on the speakers and using the broom as a mic that he can’t help but let loose tbh 
he learns your quips so well overtime it’s amazing he just 
he just knows you so well is he psychic or some shit???
will never force you to like do any bonding activities but i see you two just playing a shit ton of boardgames together, things like monopoly
loser gets extra chores hehe 
god i want roommate iwa in my life so bad
a really good roommate because of the fact that he’s super mature and a really thoughtful person in general
miya atsumu
worst one 
he’s the WORST
like oikawa can’t cook or clean, but he has some redeeming qualities. atsumu?? none ! 
im kidding y’all he’s the cutest i would die to have him as my roommate
he’s so 
your first night as roommates he just waltzes into your room and drags you out to the living room where the tv is already set up, two large pizzas and so many wedges have been ordered, and drinks <3 
spends the entire time getting to know you
he learns to live with you really easily tbh like he adapts so quick
he’s so used to sharing bc he’s a twin, so nothing ever properly bothers him 
he can’t cook, but he does watch you and tries to learn from you
he’ll do very basic things like you can leave breakfast safely to him
after minimum 2 months of practice 
he likes to be very involved and likes to involve you just as much 
he’s not nosy he’s just curious leave him be 🥺
there is always one day a month where it’s just the two of you going out 
to like a carnival 
amusement park
ice skating 
all that stuff. it’s necessary 
i need to clarify that 3 am drives to get mcdonalds take out is a very regular thing with atsumu 
driving up a hill and sitting on the hood of your car while you get some nuggets and stare at the city skyline beneath you
immaculate vibes 
a really fun roommate tbh no regrets with this one you will never feel like shit and even if you do
what are the 3 am drives for amiright 😻
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end note; i hope that was good, and that the requester and everyone else enjoyed that!! like always, requests are open <333
thank you to everyone that’s voted about the smau thing! i’ll wait a little while longer before deciding who won, and hopefully, i’ll have the first few chapters up soon!! mwah <3
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!! i finally got around to finishing the stranger haha,, by which i mean i just watched it today. was veryyyy excited for it as i really like the poster design for this one. anyways. this event starting w/ the sort of portrait format or whatever / that narration is like. god. threw me right back to autumn troupe. I kind of love that the storytelling format itself is so distinct for autumn! the moment I realized it was omi I started getting teary… like oh man oh man… omi…. And the connection with him taking photos! ahh!! now that I think about it… omi kind of seems a bit like early version tsumugi, huh? also I keep forgetting this man is a college student lol. suspension of disbelief I suppose. onto the play i think like. mankai should invest in a fainting courch for tsuzuru. i also went to watch the play and 1) im betting yuki had a hell of a time costume design wise like the vines on the body? such fun costuming wise and 2) the ethical implications of whatever this play has,,, fun fun. tsuzuru was clearly having some kind of thoughts. i love zeros design and am always up for a3 characters crossdressing bc 1) i think its fun and 2) the costume design. i also dearly wish this whole thing was animated bc I feel like it’d be o fun to see taichi act as zero. or at least I hope this event gets full voiced one day... moving on to the scene where omi adds soy sauce to the paella I know it’s just like haha homare funny so lets five him a lil bit but like everyone in autumn troupe making their comments on the paella and like homare just jumping in. homare autumn troupe besties. just thinking. also the way they just r like. no no no omi it’s fine if u made a mistake!! it’s ok! we like it (you) anyways <3 it’s got it’s own special taste. something something omi’s perfectly pleasant as he is now but even if he weren’t on his a-game and was dealing with all of the biker gang stuff they would love him just as hard. another thing that got me was omi telling banri that he’ll give him something sweet so juza will stop grinding his teeth in his sleep… guys… guys you’ll give him cavities…. mb omi is a college student after all lol.
anyways when i saw the actual costumes. appreciative of them, i like the lil circuit-esque detailing on banri’s outfit, and that sakyo and taichi (nine and zero) both share that like collar detail? its very symbolic and probably also literal but its a nice way to sort of signify their relation to each other visually! also sakyo just looks nice. seeing him without glasses is so great. whoever thought up the like two mole detail for him was doing gods work.
something that confused me was ryo mistaking juza for nachi for a split second? like. does juza… look similar to nachi? or was it just that ryo only heard juzas voice and made that mistake. if it’s appearance wise too. kumon nachi confirmed. I’m joking lol bc I feel like I would’ve heard at least something abt it in one of the like small conversation comments, plus that doesnt seem like itd fit summer troupes style and kumon is for sure the wrong age… but still.
i really like how for this event, the roles for taichi and omi were kinda reversed. and taichis just so like. idk. smiley. rly lifts ur spirits. its kind of nice how this event contrasts to that cg where taichi is crying on omi. I also think like. idk. considering the story of the stranger. wolf gives zero a sense of purpose and life and I think that zero helps wolf lose his apathy. it’s about “the stranger” and the ending makes him like… not a stranger, right? because he’s got a companion. in the same way, taichi brings omi out of his emotional isolation. the picture taking! also the stickers coming back… thats such a good setup! the found family of it all!!
when he was trying to work out zeros character as soon as taichi mentioned a sharp speaking style I KNEW it was Yuki… yuki would never be as honest as zero is though lol… to me i imagine she’s got a sort of juza internal monologue feel? anyways. the taichi yuki dynamic intrigues me. havent yet decided how I feel abt it but when I do… yes. sorry that I make literally no sense. I think it’s very obvious that yuki is my fav chara kind of? I’m just. hmmm it makes me think! I’ve been monologuing to myself abt the yuki and juza dynamic lately which, to my a3 knowledge so far, doesn’t exist, but its ok bc I’ll make it exist! uhhh anyways this event was very good i liked the pacing. i think it didnt drag too hard and it really properly honed in on just omi and taichi, which was quite nice. they really did a lot for just an event!
time to listen to the event song,,, ok so. ah. i rly enjoyed just for myself it was very much to my taste so. out of curiousity i was like ok lemme look up the composer / producer AND IT WAS YUYOYUPPE....... that guy is like!!!! one of my FAV producers ever!!!!!! i know him from like. his vocaloid days and god leia is still one of my fav songs to this day...! this knowledge gives me so much joy omg!!! like wow!! wowwww!!! like i knew yuyoyuppe was out there doing other stuff (i know he worked on a lot of babymetal music which is cool) but like idk. to suddenly encounter it like this. heheh.... its so nice! made me soooo happy. going to relisten to leia now haha
WAIT ONE MORE THING. i was like "haha let me look at other songs i remember liking a lot" which. for me was rakuen oasis and don't cry. anyways. rakuen oasis is ALSO by yuyoyuppe???? oh my god!!! oh my god... sigh. feel like im in heaven.
OH HI FRIEND!! so good to see you with an a3 update!! :D
godd yeah The Stranger started so strongly and the idea to still incorporate portraits in his story was really something to make us cry!
And linking Omi and Tsumugi like this is pretty interesting :O <hat is your reasoning exactly? :O
For the fainting couch for Tsuzuru LMAO and i'm letting you know there's a webcomics that addresses it in Act 2 (hough there's no spoilers aside from the fact Chikage is here)
Im glad you liked the costume and the play!!! yeah i love the designs and it is always a blast to see them this into it, and yeaaah Tsuzuru has thoughts huh. It'll get voiced sooner than later hopefully and there we'll see more in details :3c but also that's what made the seiyuu live so fun bc they perform the songs in play cosplay and replay a bit of the play everytime and it's *chief kiss*
And yeah the scene itself was so cute TwT they all want to reassure Omi and be there for him it's so sweet :( but yeah i love how you say it all, Omiimi TwT
and dLKFJDFLKJFDFD Giving Juza cavities is the price to pay for sleep i guess??
yeah agreed on the costume they all look so cool! and nice catch on how those three seem linked like that with their costumes, Yuki (and the designers) does such a good job! and god yeah for Sakyo.. yeah. He has sucha good design dLKJFDF
aND DLKFJD yeah no Juza is supposed to look like Nachi physically, but mostly his face? like i think Nachi was had green hair? we see a sprite of him in a future story, and yeah, everything is in the eyebrows. so Kumon should be safe? Omi mentions he sees a lot of Nachi in Juza, and while it is mostly due to their passions i think, the fact they're also rough looking guy with a heart of gold must play a part as well. but yeah, he does look like Nachi a bit.
and i love your deeper analysis of the event yeah!!
I feel like Taichi is really an emotional core of the troupe in the sense that is, he tends to catch on what others are feelings easily. And he uses it in the early chapters to ease off the tensions and stuff, but he was being held back by knowing he was deceiving them. So now that he's more free, he can be more of himself. but yeah i also love the contrast with how Omi was the one to help Taichi through his breakdown and guilt, and now it's the other way around, it's Taichi helping him through it. and the parallelism between the play and their dynamic is spot on imo! well said!!
and god yeah the sticker things made me cry sO HARD, and the pictures! and everything!! sobs it's such a sweet found family i'm going to cry :(
And! i love what you say about Yuki, Taichi and Juza on this one. I love that Taichi keeps bringing it back to "that childhood friend" and it's always like. so obvious who it is for us rip. But it can make you wonder if Yuki was more honest as a kiddo when Taichi knew him, though now he's clearly not. I love the mention of how Zero is more like Juza's internal speech (which, if anything is another argument about why you should let Juza wear a dress, cOWARD)
but also your mention of the Yuki and Juza thing, while i can't think of them having a dynamic per se yet, but i actually wrote a post during my reread about how i was baffled at the fact they treated Muku the same way?? like both of them tried to push Muku away because they were scared of how people would react if they say pure, sweet Muku was associated to them. And i find it fascinating because i guess those two are pretty aware of how the world see them, and it used to stop them from fully allowing them to be themselves.
I also find it relevant with the fact Yuki says in his personal song that while all of this way people judge him weight on him, he rather be himself, and "I want to love myself". Meanwhile we have Juza who's also aware of the way people judge him and it weight on him, and he wants to change himself from this person he hates, this self loathing - and in a way, he can grow in a way to be "someone" he may not hate, even on stage. I feel like those two have quite a bit in common in this way of being rejected by their peers in some sort of way.
I really want them to share some stuff at some point because there's really a groundwork on it all :(
But i'm really glad you liked that event!! agreed on the pacing and i do love what it brings to the characters! it really fleshes them out and have them move forward a little and it's pretty sweet.
AND OMG THAT'S SO COOL FOR THE SONG!! i'm so glad you liked it, but that's incredible it turned out to be from one of your fav producer!!! ahah sometimes life is like that where you end up finding the stuff you loved back into new stuff! and the fact Rakuen Oasis was from him as well... that's so cool!!! just, so so cool!
im pretty sure he has more songs going forward so i hope you'll enjoy the ride even more!!
thank you once again for sharing your thoughts about a3 :3c it always makes me so happy to see them!!!
Thank youu <3 have a good day :3c
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ziracona · 3 years
hey zira, what are your hot takes on all of the fo4 companions?
Haha, I don’t know how hot they are, but I can give you a speed run! (Also I am very excited to get this. FO4 was the first open world game I ever played and just the concept of that and the hugeness of the world and branching story & sudden feeling changes towards me in companion characters totally blew my mind, & it still lives rent free in my heart).
Ada, Old Longfellow, and Strong I /still/ haven’t maxed despite having too many hundred hours to want to list on this game—the former bc they were DLC, Strong because honest to god I left him at a nice settlement and then completely forgot about him and remembering that I am the energy in this Ryan O’Flanagan video but abt leaving my super mutant in a tiny settlement alone. I will get there! To max affinity I mean. But anyway, I don’t truly know those three, so my takes are incomplete. So far though, I really like Ada. She is a good girl just trying her best. Fucks me up I can tell her to self destruct. Even though I feel sure she would ignore me, I cannot imagine ever saying that to her. It was really sweet she was willing to forgive the Mechanist and move on with her life. A good girl. Longfellow I am maxing rn (was last time I played anyhow). I enjoy him. Gruff grumpy old man but he seems quite decent and I like his idle banter and when he sings to himself a lot. Seems like he’s had it rough. Strong I liked. He’s wild, and I loved how insane meeting him was, and am worried about him eventually understanding poetry and how that might mess up his sense of world understanding. But he’s a chill dude in his own way and I am glad they gave us at least one nice super mutant.
For the companions I actually do know like the back of my hand, the speedrun:
Nick Valentine: Best man on earth. One of two fictional characters I ever called husband. I would die kill or live for him. I want to be 1/4th the man Nick Valentine is. One of the best characters ever period and I adore literally everything about him. It fucked me up early in game where right after he offered to basically risk destroying his mind to help a stranger look for her son, he asked me how I was doing. First character in the entire game to do that. His first companion dialogue is abt how you’re doing TuT. The man is very kind and forgiving and fair, but knows when the draw the line and take no shit. Emotionally mature, kind, caring, longsuffering. Incredibly damaged and broken by life, but holding on and living kindly and to help others anyway. One of the four most marryablen fictional men I’ve ever seen.
Preston Garvey: Brave, kind, sweet man. I would defend him with my life. He really just wants so bad to make the world better and life has been so hard, but he’s still trying. A beautiful and underrated companion and I would throw hands for him on sight. I adore how he whistles. A true and gentle and loyal friend. Take him to Quincy and let him get his justice it’s what he deserves. People who hate him because he tries to get help helping civilians in that game are weak. I love him so much... please give him enough time to reach max affinity he’s so worth it.
Deacon: *To the tune of You Are My Dad* You are my friiiiend! You’re my friend! (Boogie woogie woogie). Initially, he pissed me off bc he lies all the god damn time, but after we got close enough he actually trusted me, he stole my heart and I would also die for Deacon. He’s a really good person who thinks he’s shit because of who he was on his past. Also him 🤝 Preston: massive survivor’s guilt. They should be friends. Poor Deacon has been the last member of the Railroad like four times, and it’s awful. Help him. Give him love and support. He’s one of my all time faves. Also, Railroad hands down best faction and if you kill them for any reason other than like a walkthrough route video and I ever get the chance I would 100% clock you in the face as hard as I can, like going for losing teeth, and feel no guilt. I know it’s a game and that’s wrong, and I’d be wrong, but I’d still do it. Also, Ryan Alosio (his VA) saw me do cosplay for Deacon once and told me it was great and it filled me with even more love. Anyway Deacon is great. Also, his whole “There are other organisations out there. And, in time, I'm sure they're going to spoon-feed you their own patented form of bullshit. Ignore the verbage and look at what they're doing. What they're asking you to do. What sort of world they'd have you build and how they're going to pay for it.” Is one of the like, two most iconic quotes in all of FO4 & just super good in general.
Hancock: Hardcore badass man but also a good dude and a champion for the people. Man really puts his money where his mouth is and you gotta respect that; another favorite companion for sure. Big fan of the way he stabs a guy for you upon meeting, and is a cool leader who organized his crime and does a decent job actually leading. He works hard to help people and bites back hard. Social justice advocate, dangerous man about town, not afraid to cosplay a revolutionary war hero 24/7 & u gotta respect the no fucks given attitude. A chill dude. Like that he fights the institute, hates the Brotherhood, helps the Railroad, and is friends with Nick. He’s legit af. Also, his VA gives a different answer every time someone asks him about the voice he did for hancock and they’re funny af.
Piper Wright: A cool spunky lady. Lois Lane on the case, kicking butt, and taking name. She’s nice but also hardcore and smart, supportive, fun. A good person. You always get points if you like Nick (which most companions do), and they’re good friends. She’s funny and I love her. A good heart.
Codsworth: He’s great. He’s family. He’s like my...weird brother. Getting to max affinity is heartwarming and also makes my heart go :’-] . Great early-game companion bc he kicks ass and doesn’t need stims to heal. I love getting called by my name and think that was a great feature (well, my PC’s name). He’s a wonderful funky little robot dude and I am so glad he likes me.
Dogmeat: Amazing. A good boy. Doggo of the year. His actor deserved the game award she won. Cute, full of love, and plays with a teddy bear if you give him one. 100/10z
Cait: I like her a lot. She’s been through so much shit, and it makes sense she is how she is. I like they actually gave her an emaciated and messy (though still pretty) design, since she is a drug addict. And that they make her main quest about taking that seriously and wanting to get help, and that she’ll call out the player if they fuck around and do drugs in front of her after she gets rehabilitated. Her relationship to the PC if good is really sweet, and I am a fan. I like that while she’s not sympathetic to synths and thinks they aren’t people, she forgets that every time Nick walks into a room and is like “Oh hey Nicky : )”. She’s a good girl who has been through a lot and still needs time to heal and find herself, but she’s making great strides.
Robert Joseph MacCready: Human disaster (loving). Homeboy a goddamn /mess/ but I love him. He tries so hard to be cool. I love he makes you pay him to come with, then chickens out and gives it back lol. A fool ball of anxiety and bad decisions and what he thinks brovado is. I wish he, Preston, and Deacon would quit fighting, bc I am always like “ :’-] </3 Boys Please” when they swap out, but I love them just the same. He’s doing his best, he’s just stupid and a fool. Like Philip J Fry. Keeping his goddamn soldier toy, which somehow is listed as junk instead of sent to Misc with quest items where it would be fine, safe?parylizes me with fear. I’ve lost 2 hours of gameplay reloading an old save bc I accidentally lost it.
X6-88: A more complex one to answer about. He’s bad, but like, I’m pretty sympathetic to how he got that way. He was created in a lab and had his emotions mostly dragged out of him in intense psychologically damaging training so he would be a weapon and view himself as an object. I was relieved he chose me over the institute even if he wasn’t a fan of the chocie, and think that means there’s a lot of hope for him. Wish he’d chill the fuck out and quit intimidating civilians for 6 god damn seconds, but I like him. I bring him fancy lad snack cakes home from travels all the time, bc Synths are supposed to like them. Really like that he’s the /most/ sympathetic companion towards Danse in Blind Betrayal, even though he should not be programmed for that, and Danse hated him and made it clear any time they interacted.
(EDIT) Curie: I FORGOT HER BABY IM SO SORRY. I like Curie a lot, despite the fact I temporarily forgot she existed. I stg I thought she was in here. Uhhh, okay. Curie: like her character and personality, HUGE un-fan of both the way her desire to get a synth body is to be ‘more real,’ as if Codsworth isn’t a fully realized person while the same robot type she is, instead of just like. Because it would make her happy. ALSO hate how much of a Born Sexy Yesterday she is, even intentionally in not-determinate affinity talks. It’s gross. But her herself, I like a lot. She’s my daughter and I will protect her. She works at The Castle right now as their on-site medic.
Paladin Danse: I know I’m gonna take heat for this but honestly? He didn’t do much for me. I like that he looks and sounds kinda like Buzz Lightyear, and that’s fun, but idk at all why people think he’s so hot. He’s very boring & generic looking to me. Like you’re valid! Taste all be different. But he doesn’t do it for me personally in looks or personality. I don’t at all like, hate him. Or even dislike. Tbh I am fairly neutral on him. It was funny making affinity with him though. Every other companion I had maxed, I liked more and more with each affinity talk. They’d be like “So my dad was a minuteman and died and I want to honor him” or “I just want to really feel like I’m a person, for real, myself, and I am glad I met you, because the good we have achieved together is ours, even if I can’t be sure of anything else,” or “My brother threw the cultural minorities out of our city for clout bc the rich citizens were all racist, and I tried to help—I snuck them food to the unsafe ruins they set up in for weeks, but eventually, they just vanished, and I still bear immense guilt and self-hatred over not having stopped that.” And Danae’s would be like “One time a buddy of mine got kidnapped by super mutants. They turned him into one of them, and they’re all abominations, so I killed him and it made me really sad.” And I was just like “...Oh danse. I really wanted to like you more. But what the fuck.” His relationship to Haylen is sweet though. And ofc I saved him in Blind Betrayal. I blew up the Prydwin so he’s safe now too, and he lives in the garden by my house and tells me how glad he is we’re friends, and I’m p into that. Overall, my feelings on him are not strong at all though.
Porter Gage: Not a fan. Like, I appreciated he helped me kill the old boss, sure. And bc I owed him for that, I went to max affinity to see what there was to him as a person. And like, as far as raiders go, he was okay. But he wasn’t deeply sympathetic, and he’s a slaver, and if you try to liberate the slaves he and the others own, he /will/ turn on and attempt to murder you immediately, no matter how close you were, so he made his choice, and it was to be a bad person and an asshole to the last. Really enjoyed the VA’s work a lot on him tho.
And there you have it 👈👈😎. Thanks for asking!
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honeybinnies · 5 years
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𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦. — a skz multi-ship one-shot wherein ten friends take a trip to a cabin, and go wild with a game of spin the bottle, and seven minutes in heaven. 
pairings: seo changbin, lee felix + reader, kim woojin, bang chan + kim seungmin, lee minho, han jisung + hwang hyunjin 
additional characters: yang jeongin (bc hes babie) 
rating: E (explicit) for sexual content and vulgar language
word count: 3.3k words
note: @changlixfucker69 come get yall juice i hate u for making me die several times while doing this
thanks for 500+ followers! this is what i had in store for u guys, so i hope doing this one-shot did you justice! for a better experience, have this, this, and this song for,,, you know,,, the adventure 
       “YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKIN’ SUCKS?” Felix hollered over to the living room where the rest lazed, either tapping away on their phones or having some minimal conversation about how the weather was, or the classifications of goats’ cheese around Europe. Despite the coziness in the cabin they settled in for the next few days, unpacking was never a forte within them. They would only catch you, Woojin, Chan and Seungmin moving about, unloading baggage and settling down in the wooden house. The rest were unproductive, as usual.
Felix groaned at the lack of response, gripping his hand tighter on the doorknob. He didn’t stop complaining, nonetheless, and shut the bathroom door as loud as he could. “When people leave their drips of pee on the bowl, and never even bother to clean it up after! I mean, think of the other bathroom users who actually care about sanitation.” Snappish, he rubbed his hands clean with sanitizer from the countertop, and flopped right beside an uninterested Jisung. “Which one of you fuckers had the audacity to break proper bathroom decorum?”
“Calm your ass, Bokkie.” Hyunjin mused, swiping several filters for a selfie he took with the resplendent design of the furnished cabin. “If anybody would do such a thing, it would be Jisung.”
“Excuse me?” Jisung looked up from his phone, disinterest now incredulous. “Why do you always blame me for everything, huh? Just this morning, you blamed me for spilling strawberry milkshake on the seat when it was clearly Jeongin.”
“No, Ji, we all know that was you.” Seungmin remarked, huffing out a small sigh as he placed the rest of the bags on the empty armchair beside Minho. “Could you all please get up and help us four here? [First Name]’s having trouble with the grill!”
“I got it.” Changbin stood abruptly, locking his phone as he did so. The rest could only tease, resonating a sound of “oohs” and whistles that echoed around the cabins of the forest. Changbin, seemingly flustered, looked over to the bunch, and flashed them an easy glare. “What?” He grumbled. “It’s obvious that the girl needs help. It’s a grill.”
“Right, like you should’ve known that earlier.” Minho laughed, quirking an obvious brow at the younger. The rest only snickered at Minho’s retort, obviously enjoying the teasing session they were giving Changbin. It was an inside joke among the guys that you and Changbin were known as the “Romeo and Juliet” of the bunch, knowing the obvious signs of fancy towards you two. Your denials were borderline a pain to hear most of the time, but it’s not like the guys never knew about the secret kisses you two shared when no one was looking, or the whispers of endearments on your ears when it was quiet amidst the night.
The guys were going to deal with another series of these subtleties for the next three days, and they didn’t know whether to cry or to tune into their interest.
Little did they know that a certain person was in quite of a dismal conflict with yours and Changbin’s relationship. As Changbin finally escaped his friends’ constant teasing, Felix followed the older’s gaze as he made his way to the door, eager to help you with tonight’s grilling session. He whipped his head to the side at the thought of the two of you, a small sour pit building on his stomach slowly, but horribly. Unlike Changbin, the greatest hyung to ever exist in his life, you were the first to ever move his heart in any way. You were there for him when he was going through some of the hardest time, you were there when he would ask for some criticism on his dance moves, you were there when he improved himself, made himself a better person. It wasn’t wrong for him to suddenly fall on a crush for you, and if any guy would love you for your looks, Felix loved you for what you’ve made him become. A better person.
Jeongin was the first to notice the pain written across Felix’s features, as the laugh that he emitted died down from the rest, glancing over to the blonde boy with sympathy. He looked over to the door where Changbin once stood, assuming that he was probably helping you with the rustic grill with the marred green edges, and back at Felix, whose company seemed to be bothered at the moment. Carefully, he grazed his palm over Felix’s knee, and sported him a sad smile, one that Felix returned back, if not even more sorrowful than the one Jeongin had. “I’ll be okay.” He mouthed at the youngest, to which the youngest nodded before returning back to the sudden conversation on bugs around the cabin.
“Alright, fellas. Let’s get down to business.” Chan sighed once everybody has settled down. It’s past afternoon, nearing five in the cabin. The “porters” were exhausted in their place, wiping some sweat and grime off their faces as they turned their attention to Chan. He could almost laugh at how tired they must’ve been from the four-hour trip, but that didn’t waver him from the itinerary. “First off, dinner. It’s almost 6PM, so we better start prepping the meat.”
He looked at each one as they turned to face him, faces attentive and ears open. “Secondly, Woojinnie, [First Name], and I set up a bonfire by the backyard—“
“A backyard campfire?!” Jeongin brightened, sparkles twinkling on his eyes. “With the marshmallows and all?”
“Yes, Innie.” Chan chuckled, fond of the youngest. “We’re having s’mores. Lastly,” there was a change of expression on the older’s face, something less calm and more clouded, almost challenging if the guys were to describe it. Dread slowly crept up to their throats, and suddenly, they all wondered if they would like the idea that Chan had in mind.
A deep, almost shy chuckle escaped from Chan’s lips as he brought a hand to his nape, rubbing the base bashfully. “We’re having a game of spin the bottle.”
The entire cabin went silent. All of the guys, including you, stared dumbly at Chan for a good few seconds, processing everything. A game of spin the bottle? How could such a simple, family-friendly game be so…worrisome to the rest. There was a catch, you all thought. There must be a catch. It isn’t just a game of spin the bottle when a person like Bang Chan hosted it—
“Threesome edition.”
Another silence. The air stilled, the stares grew deeper. If you could almost hear the way the gears on your minds were working, they’d be turning fast. Nobody knew what to say. It wasn’t like the bunch has ever done dirty games such as these. Hell, you guys have done the craziest and dirtiest of games, though they were mostly through drinking sessions and foolish, bored times around the dorm or your apartment whenever you’d offer them a 10-person dinner.
A threesome edition, though, was something else, and Felix had the urge to glance at you and Changbin, if not the slightest of peeks.
“Wait,” Seungmin interjected, snapping everyone out from a daze. “A…A threesome? Just how are we going to do that?”
“The way other people have done threesomes.” Chan shrugged, still slightly bashful. No one noted the way Woojin rubbed comforting rubs beneath his inner thigh, hoping to ease the shyness out of Chan. “We can think of something else if you’d like—“
“Let’s do it.” Minho said, suddenly daring. Chan brightened at the younger’s challenged expression, and looked over at the rest, the same look mirroring Minho’s. “You guys up for it?”
“I’ll be the game master.” Jeongin said bluntly, fiddling with a split end of his bangs. “Always have been anyway, since none of you ever really involve me in your slutty shenanigans. Now, let’s eat!” He stood, grinning from ear to ear. “I’m starving over here.”
“This’ll be exciting.” You stood with the rest, patting the dust off the crumbs and specs of the clothed couch. You turned your head over to Felix, who seemed to be the most silent throughout the talk, and nudged your knee on his thigh. “Right, Lix?” He only gave you a spread of a smile, one that didn’t reach his eyes, and stood alongside you, patting your shoulder. “Yeah, it’ll be fun.”
You never understood the emptiness in his usually cheerful voice.
          The ten of you didn’t expect the spin the bottle game to be like…this. It was already expected that things would get especially spicy, yet the fate of the bottle spinning towards the groups of three was unexpected, but somehow fated. It was around 10 in the evening, mouths cleaned from the sweetness of the chocolate and marshmallows, and skins fresh from the dirt and hard-work from today’s set up. The each of you knew that showering again would be the best option, so neither of you never minded it. The game was just too interesting.
Here’s how it all went down:
The moment the bottle landed last on Seungmin, everybody guffawed, throwing themselves off their crossed-legged position on the floor or shaking one another by the shoulders. The last man chosen could only blink at the bottle, before staring up at the other two in slight bemusement. Woojin and Chan were flustered as they should, exchanging eye contact with the younger. Surprisingly, Seungmin never minded, and just stood, going to the room.
“Well?” He asked when he turned to Woojin and Chan, who were baffled by his sudden change in demeanor. The rest never knew what happened inside that room once the door was shut and locked, the three inside aware of their time limit. Seven minutes in heaven, that’s all they had, and for whatever’s worth, the rest were curious to what they had in stored for each other, knowing that Seungmin wasn’t the type to be easily persuaded in these events.
Little did they know that Seungmin himself was propped up on an armchair, fingers wrapped around the material of his camera as he captured the scene unfolding in front of him. His photos were skin against skin, tongues tied and saliva slicked, mouths wide open and breathing out gentle moans. Woojin had his cold fingers trailing over the base of Chan’s stomach, his warm lips filled Chan’s neck, peppering, licking, sucking, while Chan’s warm palms roamed past Woojin’s back, smoothing past his skin while he let the older take complete control over him, hitting him in the right spots.
“Don’t mind me, hyung.” Seungmin hummed when he heard Chan moan out his name in question, as if asking him why he wasn’t joining in. He only sunk deeper in the armchair, eyes hooded and voice suddenly an octave lower, and raised his camera, focusing and zooming in on Woojin’s glossed lips on Chan’s chest, the quality coming out dim and golden. “Just have your fun while I’m having mine.”
Jisung wasn’t having it any better too. He was having the best time of his life.
The moment Jeongin set the timer from outside their door, Minho and Hyunjin gave him no mercy. The two had him fisting at the white sheets of the cabin, one that smelled like fresh detergent and a tinge of cinnamon. He had his head thrown back completely, eliciting vocal moans that had the two’s egos boosted way up as they patched every bit of his skin with kisses and bites. “F-Fuck, wow.” Jisung spluttered, jolting in peer pleasure when he felt Minho’s lips travel down to his length, licking the seams of his tip like dripping ice cream.
“You’re wet, Sungie.” Minho chuckled on his tip, staring up at him hungrily as he gave one more lick for good measure. “Hyunnie seems to be doing a good job up there, huh?” Before Jisung could respond, he was left a stuttering mess once more when he felt Hyunjin groan against Jisung’s neck, pleased with the praise Minho gave him. With Hyunjin’s hands brushing past his nipples, and his plump lips pressed firmly against the sensitive spot on his neck, it pissed Jisung off how wet he could already get by just this short form of foreplay. Minho, amused by his speechless response, rose up to kiss Jisung, allowing him to taste a bit of his precum before tilting his head to the mirror.
“Look at you, fucked out already. It hasn’t even been seven minutes, and you’ve already reached heaven.” Jisung could only whimper in response, vision clouded and hazed as he locked gazes with himself in the mirror. Sweat glistened from his body down to his navel, and it showcased a perfect view of Hyunjin’s side profile on his chest, eyes closed and at pure bliss at his own lips on Jisung’s skin. Not to mention, the hooded bangs on Minho’s eyes and the gloss of saliva and cum on his lips didn’t even help Jisung one bit, and he shut his eyes, pleasure enfolding him completely.
“Ahh-ah,” Minho gripped his chin, snapping him towards the wide mirror view. “Keep your eyes on the mirror, Sungie. You need to see how beautiful you look while Hyunnie and I bring you to heaven in the next five minutes.”
Lastly, it all went down to you, Changbin, and Felix. While the rest were unfazed by the pairing, only Jeongin would look over to how surprised Felix’s face was when he knew he was paired with the two of you. With Felix’s heart beating louder and louder, his eyes shone over to the both of you once the door closed, and heard Jeongin count to hammering of his heart on his chest, loud and clear.
“Seven minutes, your time starts now!”
If Felix were to be frank, he didn’t even know what happened after the minutes started ticking down. Firstly, all he ever did was stand here, conflicted and wondering how he was going to go about this entire game without you and Changbin noticing his final moments of sanity. He’s…never really thought about anything exceptionally lewd with you, let alone with his hyung. Well, yeah, sure, he’s had thoughts of kissing you, had thoughts of making out by the couch or by the kitchen countertop, but he’s never thought of an actual threesome.
How would he even make you pleasured? He knew nothing of the sort, unlike you and Changbin, who have probably snuck in a few sneaky touches underneath the shirt or beneath the tables. He wondered how Hyunjin and Seungmin tackled theirs—Seungmin explaining that he took pictures instead—but Felix couldn’t take pictures as good as Seungmin. Would he even have the guts to visualize Changbin and his caressing touches on your skin when all he could ever feel was a tinge of jealousy that churned around his stomach.
Felix wanted to leave, but it was too late. He already immersed himself in this game, and it was getting too addictive to stop.
“That’s it, love.” Changbin whispered on your ear as you moaned to his touch, raking the fingers on the sheets while his hands kneaded your breasts expertly. “Don’t be afraid to let it out, I’ve always adored your voice when you call out my name.” With his fingers trickling up from your lower breasts to your nipples, you gasped when he teased his fingers over your hardened buds, as if waiting for the right moment to pinch.
“B-Binnie, please, I—Lix!” To your surprise, you jolted when Felix had your legs spread wide and his face locked in between your legs, peppering gentle kisses on your damp heat. His fingers were splayed perfectly on your inner thighs, rubbing circles that stimulated your arousal. He didn’t know what went over him, honestly, but everything about you enticed him; your moans, your beautiful face glistening with sweat from the sex filling the room, and the way your legs were spread nicely, caging his head in place whenever the ghost of his tip ran over your folds, making you shiver in pleasure. It was an urge, he thought to himself, and he’s glad that he took the chance when he had it.
“I’m sorry, was that too much?” Felix pulled away, quirking a brow at your reaction. He could almost smirk when he heard a whine escape your lips, as you shook your head dismissively through the various kneads of Changbin’s fingers on your hardened buds. “N-No, you’re good you’re—you’re great…”
Satisfied, and so full of himself, Felix grinned at the praise you were giving him, and dived his head back down, positioning himself once more between your legs, glancing up at you ravenously. “Tell us how good we’re making you feel, love.” Love, since when has he ever called you that? “We want to hear how good we’re making you feel.” This is too overwhelming, but too exciting at the same time. The thrill is setting him on fire, and it doesn’t take rocket science to know that the words that spilled out your lips next sent him to heaven faster than you and Changbin could ever reach.
So, with his tongue swirling expertly on your heat, taking in your leaking cum by each time his tongue presses on your clit, his eyes flutter shut at the sensation of eating you out, humming by the shiver and throb of your skin on his lips. He groaned when your fingers began threading to his hair, tugging and pulling at the roots, taking him deeper, filling his tongue all across your core. Your moans have grown excessively louder, and each stimulant on your neck from Changbin’s bites and your throbbing core made you want more, more, more. You stuttered a breathy whimper when you spread your legs wider, giving Felix better access to roam his tongue all over your core, and the single finger of his hand to slip inside you, pressing twice on your clit to have him enjoy his course. Everything was in pure bliss for the three of you, and you three weren’t even aware that knocking resounded on the door, four knocks too long.
“You guys!” Jeongin huffed impatiently. “It’s way past seven minutes, get out of there!”
“Let them be, Innie.” Jisung patted the youngest on the shoulder, face spread into a sympathetic look as Jeongin turned to face him. “[First Name] and Changbin have never gone this extreme before, and it’s Felix’s first time to even touch a woman. Give them seven more minutes.”
“Or an hour.” They could hear Changbin hoarse out through the door, leaving the rest silent in their place. Sullenly, they sauntered back to the couch, and settled in complete silence as they regarded your vocal moans and Felix and Changbin’s words of praises as music to their ears, except for Jeongin, obviously.
“I can bet you Bokkie dommed the shit out of [First Name]!” Hyunjin exclaimed, listening in more to the way Felix begged for your praises. The rest seemed to agree with him, eyes up and focusing on the lewd shouts resonating from the third room to the right. They didn’t notice Jeongin ghosting a smile from the kitchen, his back faced from his friends as he prepared himself a midnight snack. Perhaps Felix has realized something from this silly little game that his hyung prepared in their three-day trip, and even if it meant taking him days to open up to you and Changbin about it, at least this should knock some sense into him. Never mind how weird the circumstance is, just let Felix be the judge of that.
“Third time’s a charm.” Jeongin mumbled to himself, sipping his cup of hot chocolate before going back to his group of friends, who were currently betting over who got to pleasure you better.
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peytonains · 4 years
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( madelaine petsch ⊹ twenty-two ⊹ cis-female ⊹ she/her ) is that PEYTON AINSWORTH i see over there? huh. last time i heard, they live in FAIR LANE and are an EVENT PLANNER. people are starting to notice that they were actually a SECRET HOOK-UP to nate beauchamp. i also heard they’re afraid of AUTHORITY? interesting. anyway, lets hope they can survive what’s to come….. penned by haley, 20, she/her, est.
 peyton hasn’t live in rosefield all of her life. in fact she is one of the town’s newer residence. she moved there a little under a year ago with her mom and sister.
* peyton was born and raised in san francisco in a neighborhood called pacific heights, commonly known as billionaire’s row.
* her mother is from the town but in fear of being a townie, she went to san francisco and never looked back until now.
* she was born into wealth, her father owning a chain of five star hotels for as long as she could remember. she spent a ton of time in the beautiful hotels her father owned, learning her work ethic from him. her father was stoic man who put more value on a dollar than substantial relationships with his family. your typical rich dad.
* her mother was a trophy wife, spewing meaningless side projects like perfume lines and eye shadow palettes that enviably made their way into departments stores alike.
* peyton’s fondest childhood memories was helping set up for the weddings in the hotels. watching the flowers be arranged, the chairs be strategically placed, the wait staff setting the champagne flutes. this lead to her taking an interest in doodling wedding dresses and small flower arrangements.
* she has a small wildflower tattoo going along the curve of her breast that she drew, fun fact.
* when she was five, her little sister was born. the two grew up inseparable, running amuck in their house together, pranking the nannies but most importantly: ice skating. there were obviously no ice rinks in california naturally but their nanny would take them to an indoor skating rink for lessons. peyton and audrey were quite good skaters.
* in high school, peyton won a ton of awards in art contests and even got scholarship to attend art schools across the country. her dad insisted there was no money in being artist, he urged her to take over and be a hotel tycoon like him. peyton and her father fought a lot towards the end of high school about this but at the end of the day, she was her fathers daughter and was stubborn.
* she attended rhode island school of art and design, earning a degree in interior design and a minor in illustrator. after graduating, she returned home and expected to have a job in the hotel that could suit her.
* as she expected, her father got her a job in his business planning the events and having creative control over how each other ballrooms looked as well as the lobbies. working in close quarters with her father made their relationship grow quite strong. the two did everything together and suddenly their stoic walls were crumbling, only for each other.
* this was until one night when police knocked on the door of their home late at night and arrested her father for laundering money and other organized crimes. this broke peyton’s heart and forced her to become cold to the world once more.
* in fear of their family name being slaughtered, peyton’s mother sold the hotel and assets to the highest bidder and moved back to her home town.
* peyton was definitely not born for the suburban life style but she enjoys being close to her grandparents and loves all the opportunities for her work.
* she lives in a wealthy neighborhood In rosefield. her home is the closest thing to having a mansion that rosefield has to offer, a very old money feel.
* when peyton moved to rosefield before the first murder occurred, she didn’t have many friends. she’d mostly hang out with her family.
* about a month in, she downloaded tinder the way any lonely 22 y/o would.
* her and nate hooked up several times but peyton didn’t want any of the high school drama that came with sleeping with an eighteen year old so she wanted to keep it secret.
* the two would swim in her pool and talk for hours about life. he’s the only person in rosefield that knows how her family is rich or knows about her dad.
* the girl suppressed any blossoming feelings for nate despite the likelihood they both had feelings.
* peyton has becoming a known face in the nate beauchamp tragedy because she has organized every event in his honor. fundraisers, swim-a-thons at the community pool, and so on.
* nobody knows about peyton and nate’s relationship besides thempersonality / fun facts:
perfectionist!! detail oriented!!
the problem child bc her sister is an angel
big bitch but has a heart sometimes
super afraid of cops because of her father’s arrest, super paranoid driver, gets shaky around authority. prob makes her look suspicious
will literally come over and marie kondo ur entire life
evil genius and luvs revenge
a legit psycho when it comes to loving people like has hacked her exes phones even though she seems calm and collected on surface level
will force u to watch home videos of her skating and u will watch
don’t ask to see her sketch books she will blush and change the subject
could ruin your life
wanted connections (more wanted connections & plot drops)
a no homo friendship: a really close female friendship that peyton has a crush on the other and is super flirty towards them but acts like she doesnt have feelings for them bc fear of rejection and like acts she’s joking (but maybe it’s one sided/unrequited or maybe it’s mutual???)
clients: people she’s planned events or is going to plan events for
partner in crime: someone who is just as crazy as she is and they do the absolute most together PSYCHO BESTIES
fwb!! guys gals non binary pals, peyton’s a hoe & a freak
someone who thinks she killed nate, the reasoning is rly up to you
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kyliexc · 5 years
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AYOOOOOO, it me, mini from the blockkk ~ and im here to give you a very bratty kid. she’s rude, unfiltered, ride or die and a hell of a fighter. truly, i hate her but i hope you enjoy her and i wanna plot with everyone new and old pls. 
chicago’s very own kylie castillo has been spotted on madison avenue driving a bentley continental gt, welcome ! your resemblance to becky g is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty first birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re hot tempered , but being brave might help you . i think being an aries explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be a bottle of patron, messy makeup brushes and a joint. & ( female + she/her  ) +  ( mini , 23, she/her , est )
We got a pinterest board right here ! Besides that, give this a like and i’ll mssge u! 
Basic Information
Full Name: kylie valentina castillo
Nickname(s): ky, kyky, k, kybby
Age: 21
Height: 5 ft
Date of Birth: April 15th 1998
Zodiac sign: aries
Hogwarts house: slythindor (slytherin + gryffindor)
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic-catholic
Tattoos: a peach on her ass, #2 tramp stamp and canon becky g tattoos
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
Accent: american with a hint of spanish
Weather: fall
Colour: yellow or pink
Music: sebastian yatra, reik, travis scott,
Movies: halloween or selena
Sport: soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball
Beverage: tequila
Food: chicken or carne asada tacos 
Animal: lions + dogs
Father: alejandro castillo, soccer player (jersey #7)
Mother: lupe castillo (molina), seamstress/designer
Sibling(s): ricky castillo
Step Siblings: jesse james altera, elissa altera
Pet(s): sushi and lola (dogs)
kylie castillo is 2nd generation American, meaning that both pair of her grandparents immigrated to the United States a looong time ago from Mexico, and both her parents grew up in the USA. 
Her dad, alejandro castillo grew up in Los Angelos, California working to be a big time soccer player, and he got scouted but he ended up playing for MEXICO, and when he wasn’t playing for the official team, he played for Barcelona FC. So her dad made a name for himself in soccer. 
Her mom, lupe castillo molina grew up in Chicago, Illinois. She went to school and started up her own fashion brand, it was small and slowly growing as she was working as a seamstress for different companies all over Chicago. It took awhile to take off, but it did, and she had a shop in Spain bc she was illegal in the US and it was easier to stay in Spain and gain citizenship. ANYWAY, her shop blew up in Europe before getting big in the US. 
Both met in Barcelona where lupe was just a fan. it suddenly became more after they got pregnant, and after they married with their first child they decided to settle in Chicago. 
They were together until Kylie was 12 years old and her mom started seeing angelo altera, eventually marrying him for a few years. This means that she’s step siblings with lennon james and elissa altera! 
That marriage didn’t last that long, so right now both her parents are single, separated and living in different households that share the same customs. EXCEPT, kylie’s mom and dad seem to be sorta reconciling~
lupe castillo currently lives in New York for her step kids and kids while alejandro castillo still resides in Chicago, and sometimes Los Angelos. 
kylie was born in Chicago and she had a pretty normal childhood. she grew up in a house with her parents, siblings and grandparents under one household, growing up with hispanic traditions. She grew up speaking latin american spanish meaning she’s bilingual and is 100% PROUD of her ethnicity even though she has been told the typical slurs from ignorant people, but you know, it happens. it’s really only made her stronger as a person.
kylie has always been the closest to her dad and he implemented not just in kylie but in all of his kids that if you work hard you can achieve anything. to not let anyone tell you that you can’t do things. this was especially true with sports. ofc having a soccer player for a dad, kylie was automatically interested in soccer, all of her siblings were and are. they were known as the sports family on the block.
while her dad taught her sports and to toughen up in any situation, by no means does this mean she was a tomboy. she can play a game of soccer in 6 inch heels. if you don’t think so, she’ll prove it to you! So while her soccer interest grew, her mom would introduce kylie to clothes, makeup, cooking. all of that stuff so kylie always knew to be presentable. ‘let them judge you by what you wear so you can prove them wrong with who you are.’ is one of a thousand quotes her mom would tell her about life.
even if kylie grew up comfortable and in a good position, her parents instilled the value that you gotta work hard to get what you want. if you don’t implement blood, sweat and tears, you haven’t earned it. So if you know kylie, she’s a partier mixed with a workaholic sometimes mixed with a UFC Fighter dEKJGDKJFSGH
When her parents broke up, she went on a rebellious streak, more of a streak than the one she’s always on. she had family that weren’t the safest but for kylie it was safe. so she got involved with some shady characters, and she’s done some stufffffffffff. hmu if you wanna know more. FKJGHDFKHGJ that went on for awhile, she was wildin and she settled into her new home with her step siblings and step dad. 
Kylie is still very much closer to her dad than her mom but she loves them both, bouncing between houses and states (since her mom lives in NYC now) to hang out with each of them often. 
In a grand total, she’s a problem child that just likes to have fun. 
There was at one point where she wanted to be a soccer player like her dad but for a women’s team. although there were times growing up where she would definitely show guys she could kick their asses in the sport. she still can! 
When her dad found out what she wanted, he made sure and he worked with her everyday to make her a better player, EXCEPT, kylie overworks herself, A LOT, even when her dad didn’t schedule practices. it didn’t work out for her in the end because during a game she really messed up her knee where she had to give up the sport.
She was DEVASTATED, and she moped for about a day before she found something else, which was makeup. She actually rlly slowly got into it, watching tutorials, practicing on her lita’s, siblings, tia’s, mom, etc. By networking through her mom’s connections, she landed a couple of gigs to do makeup for a couple of backstage things and movie productions. she was getting around to a lot of stuff.
For awhile she was an MUA, and works with a lot of different people. she doesn’t care who you are as long as you’re chill, but then she wanted to try something different and went into music. She is step siblings to lennon james, and there is a lot of musical influence in her life, so of course she was going to dip into that. 
Her style of music is primarily in spanish, targeting that market and since it’s being big in the US, she’s definitely one of the prominent artists since she’s one of the few born in America that makes this type of music. So currently she’s working out stuff with music, working on collaborations, and then doing things in other fields.
Kylie doesn’t believe in limiting herself, if she wants to do something, she’ll do it. She also very much loves to work with charities and going to marches for things she believes in, using her platform for things like that ... even if she isn’t the best person to look up to. 
kylie is literally F I E R C E. she’s got two types of personalities, one where she’s a home body and loves her family, will beat you in a quick game of soccer. she’s that bubbly girl with the laughter, sarcastic remarks followed by a smirk at the end of it
she is also that girl that when it’s time to work, she is scary. she knows what she wants, she knows how she wants it and she will get flustered when it’s not like that. she’s got a whole ‘that BIIITCH’ personality, like when she’s on the red carpet, she just has it going for her kind of thing.
but she’s a goof, and that’s something everyone will notice. she loves to make people laugh and smile. 
if you’re an asshole, those are her favorite types where she’s just drawn to those people. she really does love a challenge. 
A big thing for her is she is really hot tempered. talk shit get hit, is kinda her thing. if you wanna start an argument, don’t expect to come out of it without a scratch on you when you’re with kylie. she just has that mentality that if you don’t wanna talk it out she already has her hands up to start swinging. 
If you’re close to her, she will ADORE YOU. This girl is ride or die for anyone she loves, she doesn’t care what you did, or how other people perceive you. if you’re close with kylie, that’s all she cares about. she’s too loyal.
old school friends
old school enemies
makeup clientele
ride or die
drunk friends
sibling like friends
exes ( good + bad + messy + angsty )
crushes ?
former lovers to friends
um, anything? let’s brainstorm ! :)
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XII)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
First date Illusion for a broken man
Hello Friends! I'm here again with another volume from my Destiel Chronicles.
In this meta I'm gonna trace a parallel between 5x03 "Free to be you and me" and 5x13 "My bloody Valentine."
I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder who made the gifs for this meta! You are amazing, girl!
Now, let's start this...
First hunting date
When Dean and Cas went on their first hunt together, it was like a first date, and as we saw in 5x03 "Free to be you and me", Dean really enjoyed being Castiel's partner and hunt with CAS.
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Trying to teach him human's stuffs, giving him advices, and even going out to a brothel with him was so fun, that he admitted he was happy with him, as he wasn't in a long time.
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Yes... Seeing Castiel having a bad time was funny too, he was discovering being around the angel was exquisitely entertained. He had tried made him mad, and locking him with pop culture, and now watching him so nervous was delicious.
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That had been a great first date, he even tried to seduce him by flirting... But Cas was such a cute clueless angel...
But I'm a broken man
Coming back to 5x10 "Abandon all hope", Jo gets hurt bc she saved Dean from the hellhounds. And she dies later with her mother Hellen.
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Dean let the guilt to consume him again, and we had, immediately after that episode, 5x11 "Sam interrupted", in which we saw Dr. Cartwright, as a construction/illusion, from Dean's mind to question himself about the mission, about his duties. The program he had in his head as THE BIG PROTECTOR and the FIRST BORN. The mission to protect everyone to any cost, even his life. He was questioning that because he felt Jo and Hellen had died for him. And that was too painful.
The first time Dr. Cartwright appeared, she asked Dean about his father, but the second time... He asked about the Mission Heritage.
DEAN: Why me, what?
DR. CARTWRIGHT: Why do you have to hunt monsters? Why not let someone else do it?
DEAN: (shrugs, smiles) Can't find anybody else that dumb. (thinks for a moment) It's my job. Somebody's gotta save people's asses, yours included.
Here is Dean asking himself why he has to do this. Why he has to hunt and keep saving people. And he answers himself. IT'S MY JOB. IT'S MY DUTY. BECAUSE I'M AN OBEDIENT SON. I'M A GOOD SON.
Then this...
DR. CARTWRIGHT: So, is there a quota? How many people do you have to save?
DEAN: All of them.
DR. CARTWRIGHT: All of them? You think you have to save everyone?
DEAN: Yep. Whole wide world of sports.
Dean has to save and protect anyone. So... Why he couldn't protect Jo and Hellen? That's the huge guilt that is now on his shoulders... But this didn't end there... When the Doctor asked how he would protect and save everyone, he said...
DEAN: It's the end of the world, okay? I mean, it's a damn Biblical apocalypse, and if I don't stop it and save everyone, then no one will, and we all die.
DR. CARTWRIGHT: That's horrible.
DEAN: Yeah, tell me about it.
DR. CARTWRIGHT: I mean, apocalypse or no apocalypse...monsters or no monsters, that's a crushing weight to have on your shoulders. To feel like six billion lives depend on you...God...how do you get up in the morning?
DEAN stares contemplatively for a moment.
DEAN: That's a good question.
How can Dean avoid all of this and wake up in the morning? He can't... He is carrying with it the whole journey... As we will see in the following scene.
Free will is an illusion
In episode 5x13 "The song remains the same", Dean talks with Michael!John, and that was one of the huge points that settled the Dean's despair that will lead him to say Yes to Michael and I will talking about that in the next volume, I just wanted to point here this phrase from the Archangel...
MICHAEL: You're my true vessel but not my only one.
DEAN: What is that supposed to mean?
MICHAEL: It's a bloodline.
DEAN: A bloodline?
MICHAEL: Stretching back to Cain and Abel. It's in your blood, your father's blood, your family's blood.
Michael is announcing everything is part of a plan, everything was constructed with a reason and with a destiny.
MICHAEL: You know, my brother, I practically raised him. I took care of him in a way most people could never understand, and I still love him. But I am going to kill him because it is right and I have to.
DEAN: Oh, because God says so?
MICHAEL: Yes. From the beginning, he knew this was how it was going to end.
DEAN: And you're just gonna do whatever God says.
MICHAEL: Yes, because I am a good son.
DEAN: Okay, well, trust me, pal. Take it from someone who knows—that is a dead-end street.
Michael is the good son, the obedient, as Dean is. This similitude is traced intentionally, and is one more proof that reveals everything was written to be like this. Even Mary and John were made for each other by design of God.
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This lasts words from Michael will stay in Dean and will be part of the following events I will analyze in the next volume, will show us why he was about to quit to his free will.
Tryin to remember that first date when I was happy with you...
So, after these two things that happened to Dean, after questioning his duties, Famine arrives to the town on 5x14 "My bloody Valentine". And is Saint Valentine's day... But Dean was so broken and sad, that he didn't want to celebrate as always...
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They start to investigate in the Morgue, and when they found enochian in one of the victims, they decided to call Castiel... And this classic Destiel scene happened...
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Again he has this dorky angel in front of him, and is incredible he is doing that. But Dean and Cas are looking at each other's eyes again, with that intensity the hunter is use to by now... But is not less captivated.
And then, when CAS is explaining the boys about Cupid, Dean made a joke again...
DEAN: You mean the little flying fat kid in diapers?
CASTIEL: They're not incontinent.
SAM: Okay, anyway. So, what you're saying--
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CASTIEL: What I'm saying is a Cupid has gone rogue and we have to stop him--before he kills again.
Castiel got a little anxious here, and Dean enjoys this. He enjoys this as he enjoyed putting him nervous that time in the brothel. He enjoys seeing Castiel mad too.
With all the things that happened to Dean, sad things, seeing Cas and... As we could see later on this episode, hunting alone with him, it reminds him that first date/hunt they had, when he was happy. When he enjoyed Castiel's company. So yes. Dean wasn't interested in food, in sex, in celebrating Valentine's day, he didn't feel Famine influence on him... The only thing/person that caught his attention was this dorky angel again. Because with him he had a good time. And now, admiring him and looking at him that way, checking him, he was trying to enjoy Castiel's company. (Even if people could say this was a cockles scene... The writers and the producers let the thing in the episode for one narrative reason.)
That's one deep, dark nothing Dean got there.
When Castiel realized Dean was the only one not having symptoms with Famine on town, he get curious.
CASTIEL: (...) What I don't understand is...where is your hunger, Dean?
DEAN: Huh?
CASTIEL: Well, slowly but surely, everyone in this town is falling prey to Famine, but so far, you seem unaffected.
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But the truth was, the big hole Dean's had inside and Famine saw...
As I analyzed in my meta "Let's make a tour inside Dean's soul", that hole, that nothing, will be filled with love, family love and romantic love. But now, Dean is feeling empty, dead.
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To conclude:
Jo and Hellen's deaths incremented the guilt inside Dean, he questioned his whole mission as the Big Protector.
The first date/hunt Dean and Cas had in 5x03, is a very nice memory for Dean, because he was happy and having a good time with CAS there.
In 5x14 "My bloody Valentine", the only thing/person Dean showed interest was Castiel, going to a hunt with him again and seeing him acting like the weird, dorky, little guy he is, should brought Dean good memories from their first hunt together.
The emptyness Dean have inside, pointed by Famine, is one another huge point for the following events, and later will be filled with Love.
I hope you like this!! C-u in the next volume!
Tagging @metafest @gneisscastiel @mrsaquaman187 @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @castiellover20 @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @cheerstofandomfamily @drsilverfish @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfatmydoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @hippyatheart80 @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh
If you want to be tagged in the Destiel Chronicles, please let me know.
Links to previous volumes: VIII / IX / X / XI
Buenos Aires May 23rd 2019 1:21 AM
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6ad6ro · 5 years
just a lil warning this post is a journey and gets a little dark. as in i will be making fun of some pathetic dude who wrote some rly offensive stuff. enjoy.
sooooo i recently was revisiting the dead or alive series. i played thru doa dimensions (it’s like a best-of abridged compilation of the first 4 games) and had a ton of fun. it’s been forever since i payed attention to doa, and i had forgotten how much i loved 2 and 3 way back when! i’m prob gonna get doa5lr next time im out, and 6 looks rly cool w all the changes! um i should prob say that i actually like the cute girls n char designs etc? but i could also care less that tittyanime element was (allegedly) toned down for 6 (it looks same to me lol). they went overboard w that kinda content in 5 so it’s a smart idea tbh. anyways it still looks v fun and this isn’t even the point of the post. see i was lookin up stuff about the content in 5 bc it has all these dif versions and it’s confusing? and suddenly i found this rly obnoxiously clickbaity title in one of the results. much like videos of people roadraging on youtube, i’m ashamed to say... cleeeek.
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at first i was like “wait did they actually remove content”? i know 5 went way too far w that stuff lol but i didn’t know this kinda stuff went down? did sony ban costumes for bein too pervy like that’s crazy!
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oh no no no nm. this was written by a liar and was titled specifically to trick ppl into thinking what i thought. in reality it was just some post whining about how a private tournament requested (not even forced) ppl to tone down on a few specific overly sexy costumes. so that ppl took it more seriously as a competitive fighter, rather than keeping the reputation as waifubuttonmasher.  and most of the costumes were still fine to use too! like there’s... omg are there over 1,000 outfits in this?? what the heck... anyways pretty reasonable and nbd right? but err no bc this article was written by a dude who literally typed out  “muh-soggy-knee istic”. like yes he actually wrote that out and emphasized it with italics like wow. i’m starting to get an idea of the type of person he is. and why something so minor as this would hurt his feelings so much.
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oh my god is this a parody article? is this a joke?? i’m...
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well tbh the sexy stuff def wasn’t the only appeal like it was just an aspect of an otherwi..................... HOLD THE FORT what the fuck did he just write!? wowww that’s like suuuuper offensive holy shit lol. no no fuck this dude. and oh god there’s one of the famous telling buzzwords too: “females”. christ.
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listen. i’m a very devout pacifist. i’m passionately against violence. but i want to kick the shit outta this dude.
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ahahah okay okay that made me laugh. i’m back. these fucking weirdo incel nazis are just so robotic? parodies of human beings with a four word vocabulary. u know the ones: CENSORSHIP! SJWS! FEMALES! ANITASARKEESIAN!
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there he is! he looks sad tbh... i mean i don’t feel sorry for him bc he took all his his sadness and anger and... instead of seeing a therapist? he decided to be mortally afraid of women and “the gays” etc. and *laughing as i write this* become a serious video game journalist ehehe. great job, dude. seriously tho i hope u get actual help bc ur very confused about a lot of things... wait actually why the fuck is he talking about anita anyhow? err how old is this article? oh oops. stupid google. i rly need to start filtering stuff by date........ march 2015. god wasn’t that when the gamergaters were in full swing? and still pretending they cared about “journalistic integrity” rather than just openly hating any and all minorities? even so this article is pretty extreme for some poorly designed noname game website.
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NEVERMIND! this whole site is a toilet. wow like this sucks. like suuuper ew. thanks google. like i’m sorry i’d better write a lil warning at the start of this post bc this shit is fucking gross........... annnnd done. apologies to anyone reading this. anyways THANKFULLY one of the top 5 posts ended up being a really really exciting and interesting one!
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thank you jesus. um i didn’t want to look into this site anymore bc it was clear it was some long-dead edgelord clickbait dumpsterfire and there wouldn’t have been a point. also i didn’t wanna depress myself any more. so like the good smart person i am (def not dumb), i did exactly the opposite and started reading that goodbye article.
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oh so you were “surprised” your “vision” didn’t go over well? maybe don’t make a hate site dipshit. maybe don’t exploit prejudice to make ur money. fucking imbecile. slug. and AHA see see i fucking knew it. gamergate. lol. god damnit...
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...”masculine men” lol what the fuck OH WAIT OH NOOOOOO OH GOD it’s THIS fuckin dude? NOOOOO what the fuck this guy is like one of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet! i can’t believe i accidentally was on some site by the return of kings guy. oh goddamn... no fucking wonder. i have nothing else to say. this journey couldn’t have ended any worse lol. post is cancelled.
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! how have you been since the hell that ensued after halloween is?
also could you do a batboys college au? like their major and how the reader would meet them and all that jazz? 👉👈
hi anon!! i’m not sure what ur talking about @ the halloween stuff hvsdhjs but! here are the batboys hc’s! i’m not very familiar with duke thomas’s character enough to write about him tbh, so he’s not included here :( but if you want me to add him let me know!! i hope you enjoy!!
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dick grayson
out of all the batboys i really didn’t know how to choose a major for him
i think he’d do law tbh, specifically criminal law 
his main motivation to become a police officer in bludhaven had been to be able to help people in any way he can 
i forgot if it’s canon or not but he does realize how corrupt it is and he quits but that’s another thing we won’t get into that lmao 
anyways yes let’s just stick with law 
meeting you ! 
he shares one or two courses with you
one that’s really early in the morning 
and one that’s later on in the afternoon 
dick is like a magnetic okay
anywhere he goes people are just attracted to him
like literally he will breathe 
but someone call the ambulance there’s a person that’s passed out bc of how beautiful he is
but this is an 8 am class 😃
so there’s no way ur awake enough to notice him
coincidentally he sits next to you one time
and this is the one time
you decide
yeah lemme just fkn sleep is uni even worth it 
dick definitely notices right away but he doesn’t say anything 
he thinks you look so cute passed out on your desk like this 🥺
when the professor signals the end of the class, he watches as people file out and then he just leans over and nudges you slightly 
you nearly punch him bc he scared you ❤️
he just laughs and goes “class is over” 
you just sigh like the guilt starts to hit you and your heart begins to sink
and he sees your disappointed face and just goes 
“i took a lot notes. i can share them w you?”
lifesaver in every single way dick grayson 😻😻😻
you had another class that you had to run to and you were rushing
he was like “dw i’ll just give them to you whenever i see you next” 
and you 🏃🏻‍♀️ outta there
imagine ur surprise when u enter class at 12 pm and he’s there in all his glory 
after the lecture is over, he walks up to you as you’re packing and asks if you want to go to the coffee shop nearby 
to take his notes of course
and you finally register just how handsome he is 
so obviously you say yes wtf
and the rest is history 😼
he asks you out, properly, pretty early on tbh 
so unfazed lmfao 
now you take naps on his shoulder instead of the desk 💞💞💞
soooo into pda 
kisses u when he first sees you
when you’re parting ways
when he feels like it
straight up cuddles w during lectures i’m not even joking 
it’s disgusting how cute you two are 
gets you coffee for all those 8 am classes u have w him hehe
study dates always turn into karaoke sessions somehow don’t even ask lmao
jason todd
english literature 
this is a collective agreement right? 
definitely english literature 
i dont even think he wants to go to uni but he’s going to waste time plus this is bruce’s money 😏🤑
your major doesn’t necessarily have to be english literature as well
but you share one class
and my god 
you two disagree on everything
like every little thing
at this point if he says something and you slightly agree internally you’ll still say some opposing shit 
that’s kinda what draws you to him 
at first you genuinely had nothing against him
but then this kind of rivalry developed for no specific reason 
but it was fun
and he was hot
so seeing him get flustered or angry made him even hotter somehow 
but then
but t h e n
you’re not sure if your professor like ships you or something
so you’re assigned a debate topic on one of the books you’d discussed in class/one of the books you’ve read outside, and within each group are the two sides for and against 
not only were you in the same team as jason, but you were on the same side as him
so you had to work with him
the audacity of the professor omg 
but jason needs this course 
well you don’t but it’s too late to back out now 
you two meet in the campus library after deciding on a book with the other two of your team
you two work so well together 
like insanely well
during the debate you destroyed the other team 
spoiler alert 
doing so well with jason kinda made you like hot and bothered 
seeing him in his zone
sexy <3 
what i mean to say is
you both end up making out in some storage room lmfao 
or hate sex 😏
professor has a phd in matchmaking 🤔😻
i think you two don’t admit you like each other
bc you’re both stubborn as fuck
but eventually you’re literally on his lap on his couch and it just hits you
and you lean back and go
“wanna go out w me” 
and he just shrugs and goes “sure” and pulls you in for more kissing hehe
he’s not v good at the boyfriend thing tbh
you have to chase him around and be like “sir!!! did u forget about me huh!!!”
he doesn’t mean to i promise
he gets all blushy and flustered once he realizes 
only ever into pda if he’s insanely jealous 
will straight up make out w u regardless of where u are or who ur with lmfao 
he’s still getting used to the little intimacies and all 
debates in class are so much more fun now cause he finds it so hot when u get all riled up hehe
that eng lit professor is so happy for you two omg
tim drake
okay i also couldn’t really decide for him
but maybe he’d study something like physics (or maybe computer engineering/computer science) 
idk u have to have a death wish to wanna major in physics so tim’s major it is
i’m not sure how it works for every other uni but my uni requires 6 credits of sciences to graduate 
so let’s say for the sake of this hc u take like just the first level of physics to get 3 credits 
you’re struggling 😃👍🏼
so you like approach your professor with a few questions before the quiz 
but tim is also there
and he kinda makes small talk while you two wait outside the office
and he asks why you’re here
you show him
and he’s like “oh i took this course w the same professor as well, i could help?” 
it’s like an angel had descended from the heavens for you personally 
you take his number and decide to meet up with him after a few hours 
he’s of so much more help than your professor would’ve been, even if ur prof is a really nice and smart person 
and he’s super like
patient with you? 
also he pays for all the coffee and snacks you’re getting after you already get them 
ur like bruh i didnt 
dont pay pls
and he’s like no im loaded let me 😼
swooning <3 
and guess what!! 
you ace the quiz out of some miracle
first thing you do is text him and he congratulates you 
and then
bc ur not blind and tim is so fucking cute
you’re like “can i take u out to thank u” 
tim’s brain stops working but ! 
he does say yes eventually 
he becomes your designated physics tutor + your amazing boyfriend
being with tim is so like
it’s a very relaxed time 
lots of study dates! and cafe dates! all hours of the day whether the sun is up or not 
into pda but to a certain degree 
like yes of course have a kiss pretty baby 
but also it will only be a small peck
any time anyone passes by like common rooms you two will be there snuggling on the couch, one or both of you completely passed out 
damian wayne
business major 100% 
or a bsba econ major, which is basically the business side of economics 
he has to take over his father’s company one day duh 
also i genuinely think damian would excel in this field 
he’s a very keeps to himself kinda guy in uni
like you only ever see him in your common classes and then he just
anyways there was this party that everyone was going to, and damian wasn’t planning to
but dick accidentally read some groupchat’s messages and was like are u going
damian went 🏃🏻‍♀️
but dick was like go and try to make friends !!!! 
and dames cant say no to his big bro 🥺 so he goes
stays in a corner on the settings app the entire time
like half an hr in he just leaves and is walking home/back to his dorm when you come like rushing up to him 
you’re zooming 
and then you just latch onto his hand and lean up to press a kiss to his cheek, whispering in his ear “this person’s been following me for like 15 mins just please go along w this” 
he kinda stiffens but when he does notice that there’s a person eyeing you he slips his arm around your waist and just carries on walking
he walks you to your home/dorm and is like
so awkward 
but it’s okay ! ur a people’s person enough for the two of you 
you thank him so much over and over 
and then you’re like 
“can i take you out on a real date?” 
and then he becomes ur real boyfriend hehe
is still super stiff but it’s only bc he’s so hyper aware of how attractive you are
and i’m super positive he doesn’t have that much experience with dating so 
you hold the reigns 
but he’s a great boyfriend all in all tbh 
super attentive, super protective, and so loving 
isn’t into pda especially on college campus but he does like subtle pda
things like linking your pinkies or giving you his hoodie to just parade around campus hehe
Tumblr media
end note; i’m sorry if these feel rushed or anything like. i used to be an avid writer for the batboys, but i just haven’t been feeling it lately. i still love to write from them bc i know these boys so well eeeeppp. anyways feel free to request some more!!
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franeridart · 6 years
dude your recent demon & angel kiribaku art reminds me a little bit of aziraphale and crowley from good omens!! like aziraphale would be angrier as baku obvs but still i thought of it and it made me happy lol
A lot of people have mentioned that in the tags/under the post and that makes me!!! super happy!!!! Good Omens is one of my fav books and Crowley one of my fav characters, so the comment feels nice! I wasn’t specifically thinking about them when drawing it, but possibly a bit I was influenced anyway!! I wonder if what made everyone think about them was Kiri’s sunglasses? It’s not noticeable but I did give him glowing eyes too after all haha
Anon said:Have you ever thought about how op a TodoBakuDeku fusion would be? (if they could stay together that is lol!)
Never thought of it tbh, but at this point I’m pretty sure with a lot of work on Baku’s part they’d be able to stick together long enough! He wouldn’t find it comfortable but they’d def be one of the strongest three-people-fusions in the class - not the strongest, tho, since they all have the same sort of straightforward offensive power when it comes to their quirks, I think I could find three people who’d make a stronger fusion... Baku Kiri and Momo, for example, would be even more impressive imho! Since all their quirks cover a different field, and their minds/personalities mesh well enough to have the right amount of planning and instinctive reaction/self-preservation and safety of others/pride and self-doubt/lawfulness and chaotic acting and so on. Even just as a team, without counting them as a fusion, I think they’d make one of the most balanced ones! Compared to that putting Todo Deku and Baku in the same place is just a recipe for disaster more often than not haha
Anon said:no, i move slow, I wanna stop time, I'll sit here til I find the,, inspiration to draw,,,,,,
LMAO it’s a song about art block after all, I feel every word in it a whole damn lot hahaha
Anon said:Art block or no art block, I love everything you come up with 💜
AW HECK ANON you’re so sweet!!! Thank you so much!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Mixing thei hero names? So uuuh King Riot?
We still don’t know Baku’s hero name, so anything might be, really! It’s why I didn’t outright have Kiri mention any idea, I got no clue myself where he was going with it haha it’d be cool if his hero name were Ground Zero, because it’d mix well with Red Riot imho (Red Zero or Ground Riot or Red Ground, they all sound nice!) but what if Baku’s hero name ends up just being Katsuki, after all? How do you mix that with Red Riot? (the answer is Red Victory, or Akatsu!! from akai (red) + katsu !! ngl I’ve thought about this a lot lmao) anyway so many possibilities so little known facts!
Anon said:I love the details on Kiri and Baku's skin. Great job!!
Anon said:!!!!!!!!!! fran oh my god your zine piece is so beautiful!!!!!!!
Sob thank youuu!!!! I’m glad you liked it!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just got my zine and the art and writing was so lovely, i loved your comic at the end. an amazing way to end the zine♡
THANK YOU!!!! I’m jelly, I still haven’t gotten mine ;O; I hope the comic was easy to read even in printed form, I’ve been worried about that for months hahaha rip at least there’s the pdf
Anon said: i’m in love with your kiri bday art!!!! with the colorless art like that, are we allowed to color it? of course no posting it, but just for fun.
If you promise not to post it, I’m cool with it! Thank you for liking it enough to want to do that!!! Seriously tho don’t post it if you do
Anon said:Can you draw more kamisero? g u d q u a l i t y s h i p ma' dude.
Maybe? Currently it really isn’t between my top priorities but who knows
Anon said:FRANNNNN!!!! Your comic for the Take My Hand zine!!!! I'm gonna cry! It's so beautiful and the boys are so perfect! Your art is so amazing, I was so thrilled to see your piece. Not to mention the detail you put in. Their hands killed me! With Bakugou's palms and Kiri's arms! Ugh, I just can't, I love it so much.
I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE HANDS it’s weird bc that one panel is probably my fav in the comic and I was so sure no one was gonna really notice it but!! So many people did!!!!! It makes me so happy oh man ;O;
Anon said:Hey coulda maybe make a traitor Kaminari comic?
Nope! No traitor arts here, sorry! SInce I don’t believe any of the theories to the point of finding them outright laughable, any art I could ever make about it would just come out looking either fake or ridiculous and no one wants to see that lmao
Anon said:your take my hand comic!!! it's so good!! thank you for doing the boys so well ;;;
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I don't know if you remember, but a couple months ago I asked if it'd be okay for me to write something based on a few of your art pieces. Would that still be alright? Your art is gorgeous and makes my brain think and brings joy to me all the time ^^ would absolutely link to the art and credit you. that's not even a question :)
That still depends on which art you’re specifically talking about! And thank you so much for the compliment!!
Anon said:I don’t know if you read fan fiction, but I have one to suggest to you! It’s called, “It’s Obvious When You Lie”. Only three chapters are out so far, but it’s really good!
I’ll add it to my marked for later list then!! Thank you so much for the rec, I don’t easily try out ongoing fics so this was very nice of u!!!
Anon said:In the body switch AU Todoroki sees how fucked up Midoriya feels around Bakugou('s body?) and realizes wow fuck this guy has traumatized my bf. I wonder what I can do to fuck w/ him so the day before they switch back (So Bakugou can't do much in retaliation) he takes Bakugou's body and does the stupidest bullshit ever as revenge
HECK anon sorry but nothing like this would happen ever as long as I’m the one writing the AU! For three main reasons! One, I don’t think Deku is traumatized at all! His relationship with Baku at the moment is actually pretty damn neat and on equal footing, you go you two, growing so much!! Two, Baku and Todo are friends!!! And Todo would never be a dick to Baku instead of just talking to him, if he had a problem with him!! Three, even if one and two weren’t true, Deku has no need for knights in shining armor fighting his battles for him!! He’s a strong independent boy and if he hasn’t fought Baku over this it’s probs cause he doesn’t want anyone to fight him over it!!! Also in this specific AU Todo and Deku aren’t dating, so the scenario doesn’t work for me! Sorry!
Anon said:Have you ever thought about krbk wedding?
I have! And I’ve talked about it on here a few times too! Lately I’ve been thinking about it again tho, from a designs point of view, because!! There’s that very neat post going around tumblr about that wedding photos in which one of the two grooms has a white tux with a cape, and I’ve been thinking about a variation of it for Kirishima’s wedding suit :0 something red instead of white, but generally similar! It’s a lot of effort to draw it so I still haven’t, but yeh!!
Anon said:Hello! I read this fic about your cat comics and the author said to send you some love in their end notes so here is some well-deserved love: your art is beautiful! It's why I became interested in BakuShima and I would not have loved these characters as much if it weren't for you. You also seem to be a very nice person, your mind is beautiful and I am glad you exist
G O DS this is such a nice ask!!!! thank you so so much!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Non chiedo una risposta a questo messaggio, anzi. Volevo solo dirti che trovo la tua arte FANTASTICA, e non sai quanto i tuoi comic e tutto il tuo lavoro mi ha strappato più di un sorriso in brutti momenti. Sapere che sei italiana mi ha fatto totalmente impazzire. Continua così, hai del talento vero. E grazie!
Anon said:Okay okay okay! I adore your art! Could you maybe... draw some KiriBaku fantasy? If it’s not too much to ask! It can be as simple as can be! Your art is just really cute!
Yes I can and yes I will!!! Definitely and in the near future, did you know one of the app games JUST revealed a fantasy wolf Baku as a special halloween chara?? It’s just fantasy Baku with wolf ears and tail, but he’s adorable and I’ve been wanting to draw him since I saw him this morning ;O; so cute!
Anon said:Pssst. Singer Baku, Guitarist Kami, and Drummer Kiri. A good hc if I do say so myself.
It IS a great thought!! Drummer Kiri and Singer Baku have always been a weakness of mine too, so heck!! What a good image! If we put Jirou on bass and vocals too and sero on keyboard and mina on guitar, you make my fav band right then and there hahaha
Anon said:I'm not in the BNHA fandom at the moment but your art still continues to give me the warm fuzzies
GODS ISN’T THIS A NICE ASK!! I’m happy I can make you enjoy even characters you’re not specifically into! Thank you so much for sticking around!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just got into bnha and fell in love with your art, started going through your sketch tag, and then realize that youre the person who made a bunch of haikyuu comics i loved a while ago so im! very glad to rediscover your stuff!!
HOLY GODS THAT’S NEAT!!! Welcome back!!!! ;O;
Anon said:I love it when you draw kiri with his hair down 💕💕💕 so good, so pure 💕💕💕💕
Oh boy thank you!! ;O; he’s so much easier to draw with his hair spiked for me, knowing people like the way I draw his hair when down means a whole damn lot!! 
Anon said:Hello! First I love your account and artwork! Second will you ever be drawing Mako and Taiyou again? They are so adorable! Also Bakugou and Kirishima seems like amazing dad's!
Thank you!!! And yes I will! I have another ask around here asking about them, so maybe soon! Just gotta find the right idea to draw, I got a bunch but they’re all way too long for my curret attenton span level sadly hahaha rip
Anon said:lmaaaaooo my boi kaminari be having an emotional awakening
Kaminari is like, he’s always somewhere subconsciously known that Baku’s objectively pretty, but since he knows him so well and he’s always around him and most of the times they’re bickering and making fun of each other he’s never actually realized, so now he’s like oh, NOW I see it hahaha
Anon said:hi u probably get this enough but I wanted to give u all my appreciation for ur art thank u for sharing it with us I love everything u post ♡♡♡
THANK YOU!!!! It might be greedy of me but this sorta asks are never enough for me, so seriously thank you for taking your time to drop by and be so nice!!!
Anon said:Could you please draw more of the body swap au? Or what if a different pair of students were to switch?
I’m not gonna draw any other switch with other students, because before settling on Baku and Todo I went through a lot of possibilities and came to the conclusion that nothing would be as funny as Baku and Todo switched are (or at least nothing Horikoshi hasn’t already done himself lmao) so there’s that. I might draw more of them switched, but to be honest with you the only idea with that concept I have right now is Bakugou forgetting he’s suddenly taller and continuously walking into things around the dorms, so there’s that as well hahaha
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