#also i think she should be just as stupid n weird n bland as wayne
technicolorxsn · 1 year
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thinking abt him......
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Bound By Blood - Chapter 5
Pairing: Eric/OC *Sarah* Fandom: Divergent Rating: M - Just an extra heads up to the kids in the back.
She’s bound by the love for her family. And he won’t rest till he finds the face to his ghosts.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading. Here’s the next chapter. :) Big shout out to @murmelinchen , thanks my love.
Tags:@dauntlessmetalmom @equalstrashflavoredtrash @badassbaker @red-diary @pathybo @insertamazingwords @feminamortem @halefiresurvivor @suchlonelymuchsoul @elaacreditava @lauraaan182 @synnocence @jcause @glittergiirlgg @platitudinise @frecklefaceb @mimigemrose @sparklemichele @beltz2016 @ariwolff14 @queensoybean @impalalala6799 @tomarisela @original46 @tigpooh67 @alida90 @beastcoastbitchez 
Wayne drinks the coffee that was offered to him. It was slightly fancier than he had had at Dauntless - that and the fact it was served with a delightful view made it even better. The Erudite assistant of Jeanine's doesn't seem to pay him any attention as he unashamedly checks her out.
He sips on his coffee expressively, making sure he slurped while Jeanine peered down her nose at him. As ever, she was perfectly immaculate, hair pulled back and lacquered. He takes another long moment and sighs. "Okay, I'm feeling pretty good now."
"Indeed." Jeanine tries a smile but it's none other than a grimace.
"So…" Wayne places his cup down and rubs his hands together when the assistant leaves the room. "When were you going to tell me that you were involved with the factionless?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Eric gouged my eye out because I went after his woman!" Wayne suddenly shouts. "Look, I'm not wired." Jeanine still eyes him suspiciously. "I can take my clothes off if you really want me to."
"No, I prefer that image not to be burned into my mind. But thank you." She uncrosses her legs and leans forward to the low coffee table in front of them, grabbing a cube of sugar and drops it into her own hot drink. "And I've merely given the factionless a little leeway. They needed something that only we had and we came to an unwritten settlement."
Wayne can't process the meaning, leaning his arms on his knees towards her. "Months ago you were afraid of the factionless."
"I wasn't afraid. I was bothered that Dauntless held no interest in protecting the faction that the others can't go without. It seemed foolish and illogical."
"Yeah, but we know you got your own soldiers. The other's don't."
"Some poorly trained guards who barely made it through their initiation in Erudite because they were far too stupid. We're all saved!" She snorts, then leans back for her coffee. "Some food and medicine go a long way. If there is anything I need, they are happy to provide me."
Wayne's mouth is slightly open as he hums. "Huh. Why didn't we think of that?"
"Because Eric is hot-headed. Factionless are weak in his eyes."
"Well…" Wayne looks at the floor, "they technically are drop-outs and fail-"
"Enough. I have my own opinions which are similar to yours but I also seem to attain the only intelligence in this whole city to see what is happening. Something I'm subtly preparing for."
"Sweet, but you've also lost me with your yabbering."
"The unity of the factions is falling. It's failing. The signs are all there. Soon we will all be driven to unite or part, including the factionless."
"Well, that ain't no big deal, I remember we took out most of their camps months ago and then some of them…" He begins slowing down, the realization beginning to sink in. "Disappeared." He taps the coffee table. "That was you, wasn't it?"
"I abided them safe passage and gained their trust." She nods with a hint of a subtle smile.
"So, technically, it's not factionless Eric's hunting right now. It's party-goers of your self-righteous ass doing things by your word. Ma'am, you are…" He laughs, wheezing as he falls back in his seat, apparently in awe. "You are something else!"
Jeanine appears smug with his small speech and especially by the way he was admiring her. "Well, I'm glad that small circumstance appeases you and you're not worried in the slightest that the factions are failing."
"Nah, the factions haven't worked in years."
"Yes, but I am not the only one to know that, Wayne. And quite frankly, my plans to lure Eric to cooperate haven't exactly…"
"They're fucked?"
"Poetic. There was some alleviation from the suppressant he was taking that has affected the sim, but not enough to regain his full memory. It's genuinely only made him conscious of it." Jeanine inhales deeply. "In a way, I have failed myself. I shouldn't have taken any chances."
"The Stiff girl we are talking about right now, yeah?"
"Yes," she sighs. "I didn't want to do this. But for your safety and mine, we may have to start thinking of a way to-"
"You want to get rid of her?"
"A minor casualty to the bigger picture. My staged episode days ago was to prove a point that Abnegation are in the way, and to deal with our unique dilemma without anyone knowing any better. But Eric has managed to surprise me once again by bringing everything to a halt…" She drifts off in thought.
"He told me that he was suspicious but he didn't say over exactly what."
"Again, it's my mistake beginning to resurface. It's unfortunate that Eric has decided to place cameras all throughout Abnegation because now that means nobody but Dauntless are getting access to Abnegation without him knowing…" She pouts, reaching back for her coffee.
Wayne's very slow as the clogs turn in his brain, then he sharply looks at her, waving his hands up and down at himself. "I'm Dauntless."
"That, indeed, you are." She slyly grins onto her coffee cup as she takes a sip, watching him over the brim.
Sarah adjusts the chain on her necklace. She hadn't worn it for a while and didn't intend on wearing for the day. She just wanted to remember what it looked like and aid herself in the frequent daydreams that had been plaguing her. It was one of few small possessions that she owned.
Feeling like it was too long staring into the small handheld mirror she kept hidden away in her drawer, she puts it back gently and shuts it. Turning to Jack who is situated on her bed with two cushions beside him, fidgeting restlessly, she takes the few steps between them and sits beside him. "What do you think, hey?"
His mouth opens when she speaks, his legs stretching out and his hands ball into fists. He looks as though it's the first time he had seen her, staring intensely.
"It's actually kind of…" She scoffs, pinching the pearl pendant between her fingers. "...it's pretty." She leans over him and strokes his face. "Do you like it?" Slowly, a little lift in his lip forms a toothless and confused smile. "You do?"
"Ooo." He randomly blurts, frightening himself.
There's a creak from the room next door and Sarah reaches to the back of her neck, unclasping the necklace and getting up to put it in the drawer with her mirror. "I think your aunty is awake. Let's make breakfast." She picks Jack up, holding the back of his head as he gets to enjoy the view over her shoulder.
Mary groggily opens her door to use the bathroom, mumbling a hello and Sarah calls Thomas as she passes his room.
It's ten minutes later when a still sleepy Mary sits at the dining table with the breakfast food laid out that she rubs at her eyes and frowns at her sister sitting across from her, feeding Jack a bottle. "Okay, so this is weird. What have you done with Sarah?"
Sarah laughs, "Jack sleeps through now. I have had more than enough sleep."
"I could hear you. You woke me up."
"Oh," Sarah says dismissively. Mary yawns, pouring a bland bowl of cereal and doesn't say anything further. "I had a lot of time to think about Mother while I was trying to be quiet. I was thinking over what would be best."
"I don't trust her." Mary takes a spoonful of her breakfast. "But, if what you say is true..."
"She said they weren't together anymore," Sarah elaborates, thinking back to their small conversation they had outside the school.
Meredith had left John. They had finally split. Sarah had known at the time that John was erratic and an awful drunk and that her mother did receive the brunt of it, deserving or not. But she never thought that her mother would leave him. She always strived on their family pride.
But it had been losing her children that gave her the courage to leave, and Mother to Mother she had begged Sarah to give her a chance to prove things had changed.
"You don't have to do anything. Just so you know." Sarah sits Jack up to burp him, gently rubbing his back with his podgy face supported by her hand. "It's entirely up to you. I will support you whatever way you choose."
"I know." Mary chews slowly. "You've taken on a hell of a load of responsibility."
"We seem to be working quite well." Sarah smiles up at her for a moment. "I like the way we are living now."
"I just wish you could do the things you want to do."
"I wish for nothing."
"You do. I hear you sometimes…" Mary let's slip. "I mean, I thought you were praying or something at first."
"I just ask whoever is listening to help me out sometimes." Jack finally burps, loudly, and both girls snort from his interruption.
There's a long silence with Thomas' feet stomping around above them until Mary eventually says, "We should start off with a dinner in the evenings and go from there."
Sarah wasn't aware she was thinking about it anymore. But nonetheless, she lightly nods at her sister. "Great."
Eric swirls the bourbon in his glass. Slouched back in the single armchair, he stares out into the vacant room. The side of his glass is moistened by the melting ice and he takes one long sip, trying to draw a conclusion in his head.
"Why did I move?" he asks himself the same question that's been bothering him, and sure enough the mental block begins to hum.
There's a specific mark on the wall opposite him that has caught his eye a few times. A brand new apartment already faulty? And he doesn't remember how it got there?
"What a load of shit," he mumbles, sitting forward and putting his glass down. He rubs at his face, digging the pads of his fingers over his closed eyes and suddenly feels a tickling sensation against his cheek.
He brings his hands back to look at his palms. A hair, caught by his dampened fingers, glints in the dull lighting from the kitchen. He pinches it and holds it up, blond and long it dangles in front of him.
There was a lot of blonds in Dauntless.
He hadn't seen Sarah today.
He bolts up from his chair, marches into the kitchen and holds it more into the light. He smirks as another piece of the puzzle slots into place. "I see you."
"Thanks, Miss," A Dauntless guard says politely when he takes the bottle of water out of Sarah's hand.
"No problem," she chirps, enjoying the small task. Someone taps on her shoulder, signaling for a bottle from the wicker basket held aloft on her forearm and she serves him one. "Here you are." She looks around her, seeing if there was anyone else and spots Mark with a comrade, expressively talking and pointing up and down the street.
She thinks quickly, then makes her way over. His comrade notices first and nudges Mark. He turns with a confused expression that eases when he notices her. "Oh! Hey, Sarah!"
"Hello..." She waits till they are alone and tilts her head to the side, lifting a hand to block the sun from her eyes. "Uhm… I'm not very good at this. But I feel that I need to because isn't that like a thing now."
Mark's lips lift and it shows his teeth. "Uh oh. Am I getting the talk?"
Sarah can't help but chuckle. "No. Well, not really." She bunches up her nose. "Are you interested in my sister for anything other than fun?"
"Wow, that's pretty direct."
"I learned from the best." She scoffs, thinking of Eric. "I'm not trying to be…" She bites her lip. "I just. I hope...damn it." Mark only laughs, waiting for her to finish. "I sound awfully ignorant now. But I'm-"
"No, I get it." He motions to the basket, "May I?" Sarah hands him one and he uncaps it taking a quick glug. He wipes the back of his hand across his forehead and begins to loosen his shoulders. "Shall we start this again?"
"I think maybe we should."
"Okay." He clears his throat and shifts uneasily from foot to foot. "I would like the permission to date Mary. I know you are her sister and not her parents...well, you are kind of are like her parents now but... not-"
Sarah holds a hand up. "Mark, you're ruining it."
"Ah, okay."
"But sure, only if you come to dinner first."
"Me?" He swallows, his voice taking on a high, breaking tone. "You're inviting me for dinner? Like, alone?"
"Mark…" Sarah says slowly. "I'm asking you to have dinner with the family, including Mary. I'm not saying we should."
Mark lets out a sigh of relief, putting his hands on his waist. "Thank god for that." His eyes widen and he panics. "No, no, no. I didn't mean that like, thank god because you're ugly…" He pales. "God, no. You're not ugly either! Jesus."
"Mark, shut up and we'll see you tonight."
He salutes without speaking another word. Walking away Sarah hides her laugh.
"...I broke my toe that day, but I still had to keep going because failing wasn't an option. Those first few weeks at Dauntless are like, critical." Mark frowns down at his empty bowl.
Sarah, who only served herself the smallest portion and finished way before Mary and Mark, sighs with her head in her hands across from them before perking up at his request. "Do you want more?"
"I heard stories of Abnegation food... But this ain't bad." He laughs, and Mary does so along with him with a certain twinkle in her eye which worsens the heavy feeling in Sarah's stomach at the sight of them. "I don't want to be a bother."
Sarah jerks back to her senses. "Oh no, it's fine! I'll-I'll get some more." She takes his bowl and as she walks away she hears them talking quietly. Her shoulders sag as soon as she is in the kitchen - she had never felt so badly out of place. And she couldn't really piece together why exactly she felt like that. Having set the dinner up herself and knowing they would be just the three of them while the youngest slept, it somehow makes her feel worse; as though she was compensating for herself. But she never imagined herself to feel...jealous, and so alone because of the situation.
Her intentions were to understand Mark - what his interest was in her sister and to figure out the type of person he was. And now that she got to know him, see him interact with her sister - e was just...perfect. Sarah couldn't fault him.
Having filled up Mark's bowl without thinking and clouded by her daydreaming, she makes the decision to call it a night. Not another second did she want to watch the happiness between the two flourish. Not because she didn't want it to, but because it was the same happiness she longed to feel herself.
"I think I'm going to go to bed, it's late," Sarah announces, reentering and placing the bowl in front of Mark.
"Oh, should I go?" Mark begins to stand and Mary grabs his arm. Smiling politely, Sarah waves him back into his seat.
"Finish your food... I'm just feeling a little tired, you know." Mary doesn't seem to be fooled so easily, so she tries to lift her cheeks a little. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight and-"
Their voices are interrupted by a light knock on the door and they fall silent. Sarah breathes in slowly then treads over, comforting the other two with a quick smile over her shoulder.
She answers to see Dalton in the doorway. "Dalton? What are you doing here?"
"I just finished at the town meeting at the hall and was passing your house and saw the lights on. You okay?"
"Yeah, we were just having late dinner and-"
"We?" He frowns and pushes the door open further, noticing Mark and Mary at the table. Seeing that it isn't who he was looking for, he stops in his tracks. "Oh." His jaw twitches, looking back down at Sarah and his tone is heavily laced with sarcasm. "You have a Dauntless for dinner?"
"I was just going to bed…" She trails off, folding her arms and noticing how rejected he suddenly appears. "But you can come in and stay for a bit if you want."
"I don't want to interrupt."
"It's…" She thinks back to Eric's words briefly, but she can't turn him away now and it's not like he was going to be staying for the night. "...Not a problem." She stares up at him as he contemplates, his eyes wandering back to Mary and Mark who are talking among themselves.
Mark slides his report across the desk towards Eric. "As requested, sir."
Eric picks it up, roaming over it quickly. "This is late. All PM reports should be delivered before midnight, so we can execute the information on the turn-over."
"I didn't think there would be a problem since there was no cause for concern." Mark rushes.
Eric's eyes flicker up and down the young soldier who isn't even aware he's given him the once over. He rubs a thumb across his lip quickly before continuing. "Is there something far more interesting in Abnegation that it's distracting you from your duties?"
"I was invited to dinner by residents, but only after my shift ended. I would never put pleasure before-"
Eric chuckles causing him to pause. "That's what they all say. But to the point, I don't give a shit what you do afterward. These reports are vital and must be logged on time." The boy nods, looking distraught enough for his liking. "Now, I'm busy. Get out."
"Yes, sir. Certainly, sir." He gathers himself to leave.
"Don't let me down again," Eric calls after him.
In the doorway of his office, Mark nods, but stops, holding the door ajar. "Can I say something?"
Eric breathes in slowly, annoyance etching across his features. "Is it important?"
"It's an opinion." Eric huffs, but still raises an eyebrow for him to continue. "I don't think Abnegation have anything to do with the factionless. They are just victims stuck between two bigger factions."
"Seems we share the same opinion. What made your mind up?"
"A girl." Mark smiles a little till he realizes who is in front of him and sterns his face again. "Uhm...good day."
Eric shakes his head, snorting through his nose. It seems they also shared another attribute. Speaking of which…
He peers out into the room, then finds himself clicking through the database till he gets to the recordings of the last few days. Whether it was a general curiosity or maybe hinting on suspicion of Mark, he finds himself dropping into the feed of last night. It was only a street-view, life fast-forwarding and having them closely resemble ants as he skipped through the day. "Fifteen-hundred patrol…" he mumbles when he spots them surveying the street. Gradually the daylight begins to dim and he slows it down.
Mark appears on the screen and Eric watches him closely, sneering at the screen. "You fucking son of a bitch..." When Mark stops outside the Bennett's house and Sarah invites him in, Eric's fingers tense on the mouse.
Mark's not seen again and Eric skips a few more hours. Clicking heavily he speeds past a small moment outside the Bennett's door again. He has to rewind and replay it. It's a mere minute but it's obvious who exactly it was standing outside her door.
The rage begins to burn in his veins and his voice of reason seems to be nothing but an echo. He feels his shoulders beginning to tighten and every inch of him fighting to remain still. On the outside, even a wise man would be fooled at the vacant expression on his face.
But the persistent grinding of his teeth proves otherwise.
There's a crunch as the button on the mouse breaks, the plastic creaking between his vice-like fingers. "No more Stiff boy sleepovers…" he hisses, completely furious that Sarah had ignored his every word.
He gets up, grabbing his gun and holsters it, fuming with every intention to make her submit to him. He knows nothing of what his next actions might be, but he knows he has to remind her exactly who has staked their claim upon her. Unreasonably or not, he simply didn't fucking care anymore.
And just when his thought process peaks… Glen appears in the doorway, throwing him off. "Sir, the trucks are ready."
"Fuck the hunt!" He sharply glares at his subordinate and unintentionally reveals his annoyance.
Glen's face is just as perplexed at his outburst. "You, er, want us to rearrange?"
Eric leans forward on the desk, breathing deeply and recalculating the importance of the search for factionless over Sarah; she will be safely tucked away at Abnegation, none the wiser he intends to pay her a surprise visit when the time is right.
Wayne flicks his cigarette out from the warehouse platform, watching Eric orchestrate to a group further in the distance. He lingers on the sight for a minute before reaching into his back pocket for the phone Jeanine had provided him with. Putting it to his ear, she answers quickly but wordlessly.
"Has the site been evacuated?" he asks after a second, a lot quieter than usual and peers over his shoulders in case of any eavesdroppers.
"They have headed East towards Amity."
"Don't underestimate his abilities. I've seen him first-hand in a hunt and he's a machine."
"They are keeping themselves mobile till they hear otherwise."
Suddenly Eric shouts Wayne's name, but he is looking in the wrong direction for him, much to Wayne's relief. "I'll get back to you when it's clear."
"Now you are starting to sound like a true leader, Wayne."
He doesn't reply. He puts the phone down, shoving it back in his pocket and hops off the platform. Eric's eyes are on him and he throws his hands up in the air. "What we still doing waiting around? Let's get ourselves some factionless!" The soldiers whoop at his words, but Eric is silent.
Wayne doesn't like him when he's silent.
"Mother," Sarah says in short greeting once the door opens. She can see the smile on Meredith's face is pained. Whether that be due to the fact that John recently left and she finally admitted it to her oldest daughter, or because Thomas didn't run into her arms that she held out for him, Sarah wasn't sure.
The atmosphere is awfully tense, and finally, she elbows Mary who holds a dish wrapped in foil. Mary just presents it and Sarah sighs. "We made apple pie." But Meredith's eyes are on her grandson strapped to Sarah's chest. She shifts uncomfortably before telling her mother, "His name is Jack."
"Of course I know what his name is!" That biting tone that was oh-so-familiar is there, but her expression is softer. "Why have you not come to see me sooner?"
"As a family we contemplated what would be for the best and that took a couple of days with school and other things we have been doing," Sarah tries to explain for some reason. There was something always belittling when under a Mother's scrutiny and after everything that still hadn't changed.
"I suppose that doesn't matter. What matters is that you are here." Meredith steps aside allowing them through. The house is exactly how she remembers, just minus a person.
"Where is Father staying?" Mary now decides to speak as they take their old places at the table.
"He's staying with a friend of ours until he gets permitted into a different accommodation." Meredith is distracted by Sarah unstrapping Jack and leans down over her shoulder to get a better look at him. "May I hold my grandchild?" Sarah's smile falters momentarily, but this was one thing she thought she could trust her Mother with, so they exchange, and she can't help but smile as Jack throws his arms up and down as Meredith bounces him. "My gosh…"
Sarah catches Mary's eye and they grimace slightly, mouthing an 'okay' in comfort.
"...there isn't a speck of your Mother in you, is there?" Mary snorts and Sarah rolls her eyes. Typical undercut insults were still strife. "He even...well he, he frowns exactly like him. Look at that brow." Meredith turns her arms to show everybody. "I half expected a redhead like my darling Elizabeth. You know, because you're both so fair. But he's literally a miniaturized version of his father."
"Okay, Mother. We get it. He doesn't look anything like me."
"I'm sorry, Sarah. But I'm playing catch-up here."
"Well, whose fault is that?" Mary cuts in bravely, still lingering on the past and most likely things she never got the chance to say.
"I see," Meredith says with a hint of compassion as she looks at each of her children individually. She begins to take a seat and Sarah reaches out for Jack but her Mother ignores her. "There is probably a lot of things that have been done and said that are impossible to take back. Things we have all done." Sharp eyes hit Sarah for a fleeting moment. "I, for one, want to make amends. I want us back together. I want you, my children, back with me where you belong."
"What about Sarah?" Thomas pipes, his face appearing pale and almost a little frightened.
"Sarah is an adult with her own responsibilities and her own family to look after. It's unfair to expect-"
"She's been doing a pretty good job." Mary cuts her off.
"A job you are expecting her to do with your brother when you leave next year and possibly start your own family? A single Mom raising two young boys at nineteen years old?"
Sarah rubs her forehead. "This is not why we are here. This isn't even something that should be spoken about. We are here to have a weekly dinner and a catch-up where we are supposed to talk about trivial things."
Meredith plays with Jack's hand, cooing down at him. "It's best the air is cleared."
"Okay…" Sarah huffs. "Mother, stop being a bitch. Mary, try harder. And Thomas, eat your vegetables tonight." She stands up and everyone looks at her.
"Where are you going?" Mary asks.
"I'm going home with Jack. I'm taking a long bath once I put him to bed and I know you are more than capable of walking Thomas back home at exactly nine this evening."
Sarah takes Jack from Meredith and begins strapping him back against her chest. Mary quickly moves over to her, speaking quietly in a whisper with their backs turned. "This was not part of the plan."
"No, but it seems when I'm around I am the main focus of conversation and...enough is enough." They hiss in whispers and Sarah turns not allowing Mary to convince her otherwise. "Mother, I'll see you soon."
"Thank you, Sarah." Sarah reaches the door. However this time it lightens her step a little more when she hears her Mother's words. "Let's get the dinner onto plates then, shall we? I can't wait to taste that apple pie. Did you help too, Thomas?"
This will be a good thing, she tells herself.
Crouching down and picking at the soil between his fingers, Eric grunts a sharp sigh in annoyance. "They knew we were coming..." He looks along the tree line and Wayne studies him for a moment. "The tracks lead in every direction."
"What are you thinking?"
"Seventy to eighty people. No families." Eric stands and begins walking and Wayne hurries to keep up.
"How'd you know?" But his question is answered when Eric bends down and picks up a trodden bullet. He dusts off the dirt and holds it up to him.
"Wild guess." His words are clipped and he glares at their surroundings.
"So…" Wayne clicks his tongue then runs it around his mouth. "What do we do now?"
"Playing hide and seek isn't my thing. We wait them out." Eric chucks the bullet at him, hard. "Get back to Dauntless. Check the armory reports and get to the bottom of exactly who is behind the missing weapons. I want it on my desk first thing." He begins walking back to the trucks and Wayne follows.
It's only when Eric hops in the driver's side and slams the door, that Wayne begins to frown in confusion and utter annoyance at the impossible task.
The engine starts with a rumble and the wheels spin as Eric floors it from the dusty grassland without so much as a second glance. Behind him in the other manned truck, the driver yells out for Wayne to get in.
"Bastard! Absolute bastard..." Wayne had an idea of where he was heading.
Sarah gasps for breath as she emerges from the bath water. It was the longest soak she had had in awhile. She takes a minute to relax back and wiggles her toes near the tap, enjoying the self-indulgent moment that was strictly forbidden. She smiles a little on that thought.
Her legs looked shiny from being freshly shaved, and every part of her felt loose and relaxed as she felt herself slowly drifting to a more tranquil place in her mind.
But the water was beginning to get cold now, so she drags herself from her peaceful place. The air is cool against her skin but muggy from the condensation and every part of her was a blushed shade of pink, she could feel her cheeks radiating healthily.
She wipes the towel through her hair first to stop it from dripping, then her arms and legs. She hesitates though on one of few marks from carrying Jack on her lower stomach; still relatively new and more pronounced from her bath.
Her breasts were still how they had been before, pregnancy hadn't taken its toll and she'd managed to quickly get back into her shape. Though, she still felt different.
For some absurd reason, she wonders slightly if Eric noticed the marks, or whether he disliked her body. At the time there was nothing telling. - At the time, his actions were gravely dire than how he'd been recently, and she certainly couldn't say she didn't find him charming on their last few encounters.
But he was certainly more sculpted than she remembered. Broader and firm when she had placed her hands on his shoulders. - That, or it had been too long that she had ultimately forgotten.
However, it wasn't just his shape that seemed to pivot her stomach. It was everything...
His words; that were borderline seductive recently. His eyes; traveling to places they shouldn't and unabashedly keeping her stare. His touch; so far from hesitant that it was demanding, though she would respond instantly.
Whether she wanted to admit it or not, it was the way he owned her body. When she was near him, it was like a pathological drug that consumed her quicker than striking a match, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it.
...Sarah drops the towel to the floor while thinking of him. Her alleviated breathing increasing so audibly that it was now the main focus in the room. And she curses herself as she leans forward, hands gripping the sink painfully.
She imagines him looming behind her. - And on that thought she moves her hand, trailing it down her abdomen, the fingers cold and now, somewhat foreign, adding to the sensation as she impatiently reaches her desired destination.
Her legs clench and she hums at the feel of her already participating core. She lets her own senses guide her, and selfishly loves every moment of it. Two fingers slide gracefully inside of her, curling as she finds the perfect spot that makes her hips roll and moans, completely subconsciously.
She imagines secret moments shared only between them - needing hands and smothered breaths. The way Eric would bite at her skin, suck it into his mouth to mark her when he was near his release. The way she would hold onto him, thighs spread as he delved deeper, leaving tiny pieces of him inside that solidified his claim… The way her name would roll off his tongue...
It all builds suddenly, and her vision blurs, her legs shaking as her other hand strokes her clit.
She says his name...
In only a wheezing whisper. But she said it.
It throws Sarah off when the grueling come down from her high begins to wash over her. She cleans her hands quickly and slaps a palm on the sink, she uses the other to smooth back her hair in shame. "Stupid," she tells herself. "You're a stupid fool."
Huffing, she pushes away, hanging the towel and slips quietly from the bathroom into her bedroom where Jack sleeps soundly. It felt sinful, strolling around stark naked, but there was no one here to care, so neither did she.
Busying herself in a drawer with a few pieces of her nightwear, her fingers just pulling out a dress, a particular noise has her freeze. Her next movements are swift as she throws the delicate material over her head, adjusting it to her body and smoothing the length of it as she steps back into the corridor. Biting at her lip, there's a scuff on the concrete steps and her heart almost flips.
"Mary?" Her voice is the sound of utter betrayal by the dryness and breathlessness of it. "Thomas?" There is no reply. She frowns, usually they would always reply.
Sarah doesn't want to walk further towards the shadowed stairs, the ground floor was darker with no lighting because before she had no intention of going back down there. But, she cannot let the thought go. The sound was too specific.
She pushes herself along the wall to the top of the stairs, hesitating, then looking back to her room fearfully. "Hello?" she calls and waits, again there was no reply.
Her bare feet touch the slabs of concrete that make the stairs, each one quiet and light as she wanders slowly down into the darkness. She takes the last of them, checking the front door which is closed, then studying the room. It's bleak, and it doesn't look like anyone is here.
She could've sworn…
Sarah gathers herself, almost running to the light switch when movement in the corner of her eye has her yelp. It doesn't last long, suddenly her feet leave the floor, her chest restricted from an arm holding her up and a hand firmly over her mouth.
"I see my self-defense lesson was wasted on you." The words are whispered harshly, Eric's breathing ragged as he begins to walk forward as if she weighed nothing.
Sarah makes a pathetic attempt to stop him when he walks to the table, placing her on the end of it and shoving her knees apart to wedge himself between them. She struggles against his hold but he's solid and unmovable. His face is shadowed by the darkness but she can see the blue hue of his eyes, a serious, almost pained expression. He looks angry, agitated, and she freezes. When he grabs the back of her neck, her head falls back as she stares helplessly up at him. "Do you know how frustrating it is to hear someone saying your name while they fuck themselves?"
Sarah is beyond blushing at his words, fighting to remain still as his free hand grabs at the bottom of her dress and lifts it shamelessly, revealing her hips and absolutely nothing but her bare skin. His breath hitches and his tongue darts out to his bottom lip when he looks down, eagerly pushing himself closer. "Do you like the way my name sounds when you moan it?" His fingers dance up her side, underneath the material, stopping near her breasts. "Were you imagining me fucking you?" At her lack of response, a growl leaves his throat and he widens his stance to push his hips harder between her. "In fact, I want to hear you moan it again."
At his decree, she finally swallows, snapping to her senses. "Why are you here? How'd you get in?"
His lips lift to form a sneer, and he grabs her face harshly. "I thought I told you…" His thumb brushes against her mouth, revealing her bottom teeth. "No. More. Stiff. Boy. Sleepovers."
"You are beginning to sound jealous, Mr. Coulter."
He scoffs at her playful tone, "Is there a reason why I should be jealous, Miss. Bennett?"
Bravely, she keeps his eyes as she whispers, "It was your name I moaned, wasn't it?" His eyes flicker back and forth between her eyes and her lips, seemingly contemplating her words. "Is Eric Coulter finally speechless?" The intensity of his stare is too strong and she can't help but look away. "You shouldn't be here. You can't be here…" she mutters as she places a hand against his chest and pushes at him lightly.
"That's something I've told myself, sweetheart. And it brings me back to your last question, why am I here?" He shrugs with a pout, letting his words linger. "I'm here because I'm almost certain something has happened with your direct involvement."
Sarah shifts uneasily, trying to put a distance between them and realizing he's far more informed than he had been letting on recently. She was a fool to think otherwise.
He takes his hands from her, playing with the loose lace on the front of her dress as he speaks. "For whatever reason, I haven't taken it upon myself to pry the information like I usually would. But I like facts. Facts that are growing." His eyes lock onto hers. "I've taken guesses that you've had involvement with the factionless…" He lists off. "But then, Dalton mentioned you were caught between the crossfire... I've thought that you've had involvement with Jeanine in aid to help the movement for beneficial gain…" Sarah blinks quickly, mouth parting to detest it, but Eric's faster. "So you have had contact with Jeanine? Interesting."
"I didn't say that."
"You didn't have to. But I know it's not any involvement to do with the moving as you protest it." Turning her head away, she pulls at the length of her dress to move it back down her legs. "Oh, no no no. We've gotten so far. Why are you turning away now that I am so close to finding out?" Eric asks expressively.
"Why are you so fixated on this? Please, just leave it be," she begs.
"Don't deflect. It's time to tell the truth." He grips her wrist from the table, placing his thumb on her pulse point and feels for the uncontrolled increase of a solid liar. "I also thought that perhaps the baby was something to do with Dauntless…" He watches her nostrils flare slightly, and the way her hand begins to ball into a fist. "Just as I suspected."
She quickly jerks back. "Stop this! Stop it! Do you have any idea how you sound?"
"To me, it's all sounding a lot more plausible than it was days ago, sweetheart." Her face is half illuminated from the natural light of the moon that tinges the room, and he reaches out, touching the smooth skin on a small part of her shoulder that's exposed. "I'm not mad at you. You would know if I was. I can assure you." The familiarity of his caress has her body reacting instantly; though she is wary of the alluring tone of his voice she has heard so many times over.
Goosebumps rise on her skin while his sight burns holes straight through her. His voice is temptingly smooth and far more calm than earlier. The warmth of the pads of his fingers sinking through her built armor. "...I'm just trying to get to a head with what bastard faction is behind this before I clean up. But I think we both know, I just want you to say it." He massages deeper into her tensed shoulder. "I can protect you. I told you that."
"You…" She gnaws the inside of her cheek, fighting back the tears. "You might not like what you find out about me and my past."
"Cut the bullshit! There's a lapse in my memory that has been taken from me for one reason or another! That much I know. And now I want to know everything." He cups either side of her face as the words seem to tumble out of his mouth. "It's time to tell me. I don't want to do something I might regret, Sarah. Don't make me."
"Please, Eric…" She begs again. "Please, just leave it be."
"My responsibility lies in the protection of all the factions. Do you understand the force I can use if there is any evidence of your involvement? Don't make me hurt you, Sarah." He pressurizes her, keeping her head wedged between his hands.
"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?"
"The thing is, I can't. I can't keep myself away from you because my fucking mind won't let me." He laughs suddenly, his breath touching her face in their close proximity. "I've fucking tried. It's illogical. It's irrational. But I- "
Sarah pushes through his hands, cutting off his words and brushing her mouth against his in a sudden unthought act that even betrayed her own reasoning. She can tell by the way he tenses that he wasn't expecting it, but he does reciprocate, even if it is only partly.
However, his hands drop from her face and glide through the side of his shaved head suddenly as he turns his back to her, walking out into the room with an air of annoyance left behind him that leaves her dropping fearfully back into her shoulders.
He doesn't move nor face her, so she slides off the table to walk up behind him. "I'm-I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done that." She wrings her hands, feeling like she was approaching a cornered animal that might lash out at any minute. But she ignores the voice telling her to run, being overwhelmed with another that she blamed for her unfounded actions.
She watches as Eric breathes in deeply, broadening his shoulders, and she reaches out to touch his arm. "I'm sorry-"
His body turns unbelievably fast and he mutters something under his breath. But she can't make it out because before she has the time to react, he crashes his mouth forcefully against hers, both of his hands gripping her neck and fingers knotting into the back of her hair. He concentrates on her top lip, sucking at the skin, before biting the bottom.
It almost takes her off her feet as she stumbles backward, trying to keep up with his frantic demands and ends up steadying herself on the hem of his jacket, gripping helplessly.
When she parts her lips and their tongues meet, he groans, pushing her further back, as if it was something that he had been longing for. He raises a hand from her neck, placing a thumb near her mouth to brush at her lip when he pulls back, meeting her inquisitive gaze. "You shouldn't have done that."
"I know," she whispers, looking up at him fearfully but he kisses her again, roughly. And this time Sarah links her arms around his neck and hoists herself up with his help to get her legs around his waist.
"You really shouldn't," he mumbles breathlessly.
"I know." Her lips feel swollen as he devours them, switching between claiming her mouth and biting at her skin. She leans back to give him access to her neck which he takes greedily, trailing an open mouth across her jaw, and she allows her eyes to close.
"Shall I tell you what I know?" It wasn't a question and she can't reply, feeling his palm slide under her naked ass. The sensation makes her hips roll against him illicitly and it doesn't go unnoticed by Eric who hums from the friction.
He kisses the soft skin of her neck before he pulls the flesh into his mouth, hard enough to leave a mark and jolts back so he can implant his words into her swimming lustrous mind. He scoffs, showing a smile that is rare and would otherwise seem entirely innocent. Yet, it falters and she gasps as he grabs a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back. "I knew it was you!"
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