#also i wanna draw the teto song MementoMori by Buriru a song nobody has listened to despite being the best teto song ever
the-dragon-girl-27 · 8 months
Hello! Seen that Yuuma design discussion was coming, so.. i decided to insert my coin.
In my honest opinion, AI VOICE V.Y. Project Yuuma's design is not so mesmerizing, as VOCALOID official (Wakizashi) and famous fandesign (Roro 66) are more recognizable and iconic. They don't have to be laughed on, as if those were in the past.
P.S. You are nice artist, and it hurts to see that you have almost fallen to the level of those who say that "VOCALOID is dead. long live CEVIO, AI VOICE and SynthV!!11!". And for better understanding my point, recommend you to google "VY2" - results may like you.
oh no tumblr user the dragon girl 27 made one (1) meme about a vocaloid getting ported to a different software im sure that means she thinks vocaloid is dead and hates vocaloids
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also outside of that post and this one kafu drawing (with miku in it), this Maki doodle and some of the characters in the background of this one frame of this one fanmade mv i made, I have never really posted any art publicly of any non vocaloid syths so i have no clue where you got that impression from.
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also I dont get this us vs them mentality about voice syths, like you can be a fan of more than one software famsquad, we're all listening to singing anime robots at the end of the day.
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