#also if yall wondering. the phone aint with me. its with my dad who is supposed to fix it
aria0fgold · 6 months
There are times when I'm glad my sense of time is such a horrible wreck that the passage of time itself is a blur to me cuz I do not want to be constantly reminded that it's nearing at most 2 months since I have no phone. (It feels like it had been a week to me but then time chose to remind me that it has actually been more than that).
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iessos · 5 years
Still haven’t found a job yet and im stressed out because money is just leaving but it aint coming back lmao. also some vents about my job search under the read more
So for yall who dont know, i have 6+ years of like HR/Payroll administration and business ownership experience, and like nearly 10 years of customer service and client relationship building on top of like 6+ yeas of MS office experience and I cannot get a job in any fields centered around payroll processing because my degree is in animal behavior and not accounting and my experience alone isn’t working out for me and it’s incredibly frustrating. I sound great on paper, I get a couple of phone screenings a week for the past month but they usually just lead to rejection emails two weeks later, even ones where the employer was positive they were going to hire me because “my experience is absolutely amazing and would be a great asset to the team”. Fuck, there was one position I applied for last night that uses the payroll program I had extensive training in because my last employer was that actual payroll company and they only required a HSD and 1+ years of payroll experience and they email me this morning saying “hey, you aren’t a good fit” like hello? HELLO?! 
I’ve expanded my search today for... well, anything. I’m about to be broke as fuck with no income. I have a temp job, but I haven’t started yet and they only pay monthly which is like... bad considering I wouldn’t get paid till fucking JUNE through them. I’ve applied for 50 jobs the past month. 50 fucking jobs. nothing. I’m like wondering what the fuck I’m doing wrong. It’s really hurting me and my depression is growing. I’m so happy I’m in DC living with Corvo with our dog Jimmy, but this lack of job shit is killing me. My dad recommended  move without a job because he said with my experience it should be easy and that way I’m there in persons And.. it SHOULD be easy but i aint getting shit and its really just killing me. I don’t wanna go back to asking folks for money just so i can pay rent and buy cheap ass food to live. blah. 
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averymessyxmas · 5 years
Chapter 10
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 Norielle passed out and MJ grabbed her in time. “Narkim go get Janessa and Vada now!”. I ran upstairs, and Janessa was already coming out the room. “What’s going on?” She turned on the hall light. “Oh My Gosh what happened to your face?!” She said trying to inspect my face, I lightly moved her hand and shook my head. “Norielle passed out” I told her. Her eyes widened. “Where, where is she?” She asked. “Downstairs, get Vi” I said. I ran back downstairs, Vada and Janessa followed me minutes later. “Okay somebody call an ambulance, she is pregnant” Janessa said. “Nori!” She said lightly. MJ pulled out his phone and called 911. “Narkim what happened?” Vada asked. I shook my head. “She had an anxiety attack” I told them. “Alright they are on the way” MJ said.
We all sat in the waiting room at North Side Hospital. “Should we call mama?” Vada asked. I shook my head. “Nori would be pissed if we told mama” I said. MJ stood up against the wall. “How come yall aint tell me my baby sister was pregnant?” I shrugged. “Yall let us know what they say, walk with me Nari” MJ said. I sighed. “Yo what happened?” He asked. “My friend Andre, I was telling you about is her baby’s father, her boyfriend. I aint tell her I was the reason, she been stressed lately, and I can feel it sometimes she gets anxiety attacks it started since she got pregnant, I aint expect her to find out like that. I feel really bad man” I said feeling my eyes get watery. MJ sighed. “Nari, look once dude get out and everything, she’s going to forgive you, may take a minute but yall closer than we all are cause yall shared a womb, birthday yall just close, she just hormonal” He told me. Denisha ran into the hospital doors. “Is Nori okay?” She asked. She looked at my face. “What the fuck Narkim?!” She asked. “I got beat up by some nigga trying to do a deal, I’m good though, and we don’t know about Nori”. We walked back to the waiting room. “I’m looking for my daughter Norielle Simone Richards, she’s 20 years old, I’m her mother Sharice Richards” We all looked at each other. My mom had walked in with Nylah and Damien. “Man, who called?” I asked. Vada pointed at Damien. “D probably did” Janessa shook her head. Mama had seen us all and rushed over to us, “What happened is she okay?” She asked looking at MJ and Vada. She looked over at me and gasped. “Was it an accident, Narkim what happened?” She asked. I looked at Denisha. “I um got to a fight with some dude at the club” She shook her head. “If it’s one twin then it’s another” The doctor came out. “Okay Richards family?” She asked. My mom waved her hand. “Okay so Norielle is up, she’s just a little light headed. It seems to me she had an anxiety attack and passed out due to the attack, she is okay and so is the baby. I just ask that we keep her from stress being that she does have a little high blood pressure” The doctor said smiling. Mama shook her head. “Okay run that by me again you said the baby is okay?” She asked. I shook my head. “Yes, the baby is fine, and moving around he seems to be an energetic little fella especially due to the circumstance, you guys can now see her” She said before walking away. Mama turned and looked at us. “Yall knew?” She asked. “Mama I just found out like you” Damien said. She shook her head. “I’m talking to your older siblings”. We all nodded. “She didn’t want to tell you yet” Janessa said. “I need to sit this one down, I will see yall back out the house I can’t see her right now” Mama walked out. I was nervous to walk in the room. “Come on yall” Vada said. I sighed. “I’ll be out here” Nisha told me. When we walked in Nori was eating Doritos and drinking cranberry juice. “Nor, Nor” Vada said hugging her. She smiled as she hugged MJ, and Janessa, Damien and Nylah. She looked at me and shook her head. “I want you out! Get him out!” She yelled. MJ sighed. “Come on man. Doc said no stress”. “Norielle man I’m sorry” I said as MJ was lightly pushing me towards the door. I sucked my teeth and threw myself into the seat. “What happened?” Nisha asked. “Nori don’t want to see me” I said pouting. This is what I feared, losing my sister.
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I was relieved to know my baby was okay, but I was scared as fuck to know I had passed out after having a bad anxiety attack. I was pissed at my twin for setting up Andre’ like that. He was in there doing time for nothing. While my brother was out here still doing nothing with his life but being a dope boy. Fuck him I don’t want to talk to him ever. He the reason I’m doing this shit alone. “Nori man how come you aint tell us we were having a nephew!” Damien said rubbing on my stomach. I felt happy to have my bump out and not hiding it anymore. “You’re going to freak but Mama Richards knows now” Nylah told me. I sighed. “I mean, She was going to find out eventually” I said calm. The doctor told me to stay calm. “When can you leave?” MJ asked. “Now” I told them. “Alright then chipmunk get dressed so we can go, its 5:13 in the morning we are tired” Vada said. I got dressed and checked out.
 When we got home, everybody went to their rooms. Nylah slept in Vada’s room since she was back in the guest house. I was hoping Narkim was smart and went to Denisha’s. When I walked into my room my mom was sitting on my bed drinking wine, at fucking 6 in the morning. “You know when I was pregnant with you guys, I almost lost you both due to high risk, the doctor said you were guys were supposed to not make it but you did and I knew you were destined to be something great. I didn’t expect you to end up pregnant” She said looking at me. I shrugged. “Well I didn’t either, but it happened, I can’t undo it but I can make the best of it” I told her. She just stared at me. “Was this a one-night stand, did the father bail, where is he, please don’t tell me you don’t know who he is?” She asked. “The baby’s father and I are together, he is away right now” I told her. She nodded. “So, he is visiting family?” She asked. I nodded slowly. I couldn’t tell her he was in jail. “What does he do, is he in school?” She asked. “Yes, his name is Andre’ Dobbs, his dad owns a small restaurant chain in Savannah, his parents also do ministry work and he is an honor student” I told her. She laughed chugging her wine. “Ministry work, do they know their son fucked my daughter and got her pregnant?” I nodded although I was unsure. “They are thrilled” I said. She shrugged. “Well, I hope you have a plan because I’m not taking care of that baby and honey when your father finds out, you’re going to have an ear full” She told me. “I’m going to school and I’m going to work and take care of my son with his father, I won’t need help” I said sternly. She nodded. “You don’t have a car Norielle or a pot to piss in but this house, you live in a dorm on campus once that baby is here you can’t raise him in the dorm room and have your roommate watch him before your classes” She told me. “Mommy I got this please don’t stress me out” I told her. “Hey, I’m, being realistic, I knew my fish dreams were real” She said before leaving out. I laid on my bed and rubbed my stomach. “Don’t worry baby, we won’t be struggling hopefully daddy gets out in time” I said. My door opened again revealing Grandma Rudy. “Nori” She walked in. “You okay?” She asked. I nodded. “Your mama called and told me what happened” She said. My mom walked back into the room. “You knew too?” She asked. Grandma Rudy nodded. “Mama you could have told me!” She yelled. Grandma Rudy put her hands on her hip. “I don’t have to tell you shit If I don’t want to, and this is why, you drunk again hollering go to bed Rice” She said before walking out. I laid back down and heard them arguing in the hall way. I was now wondering what Daddy was going to say.
Janessa: (5 days before Christmas)
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It had been 2days since Norielle went to the hospital the house has been chill, no drama, Narkim been I’m guessing with his girlfriend. Nylah and Nori been spending time together. I’m assuming Damien and Nylah aren’t getting along. Which is awkward since it’s been so calm, but it’s always calm before the storm. I was making lunch for Chase, while Dylan was upstairs sleep. Since our last Dinner our mother had been at Stephans for a little while she had planned on coming back tonight since all the drama had ceased. “Paw Patrol!” Chase yelled. I turned on Paw Patrol on his tablet, I started cleaning up the dishes the house had been a mess since mama was gone. I heard a knock at the door. “Chase Mommy will be right back” I told him. He looked at me and smiled eating his grapes. I wiped off my hands and I opened the door. My heart dropped. “Hey Ness” Omari said. He had two roses. “I got one for you and Vi” He told me. “What the fuck? Why are you here?” Vada asked appearing beside me. He gave her a rose and handed me one. She grabbed her rose and threw it. I simply shook my head rejecting it. “She asked you a question?” I said folding my arms with the drying towel still in my hand. “It’s snowing out here can I come inside?” He asked. “Uh no you can freeze to death” Vada said. He pleaded with her through pleading eyes. “Vi” I said. She moved out the way. Omari walked in and closed the door. “Look I wanted to apologize to you both for putting you guys against each other and cheating on you Vada and taking things further with you Ness” He said. I shook my head. “Janessa” I said sucking my teeth at him. “You’re an asshole for telling her and second you made me seem like a hoe when you were the one  pressuring me to drink and fuck you that night when I was only 16, then you got me hooked on your pills after you got injured and couldn’t play football so you got addicted to pain pills and you knew I was depressed for getting an abortion after you tried to guilt trip me into keeping a baby I didn’t want in the first place!” I yelled. Vada folded her arms and shook her head at him. “Omari you need to go” She said. “Vi, you really going to listen to your hoe of a sister that split us up from the beginning?” He said. “Excuse me?!” I yelled. He looked at me and pulled out his phone. “I have old photos of you, and old videos of your pill popping druggie ass, All I wanted was Vada, so I settled for her dumb ass sister” He said. I was about to hit the fuck out of him. When I felt a force move me and punch him in his face. “Come at my wife again, and we going to have a problem for real” Dylan said. Omari laughed. “What you going to do white boy?” He asked him. Dylan walked up to him. Vada opened the door. “You really need to go and please for the love of God don’t come back don’t hit me up, you are already blocked” She said. “Vada look I’m a little drunk, I’m sorry”. He wasn’t trying to leave. “Ayo, this that Omari cat” Michael said coming down the steps. “Yeah it’s me” MJ nodded and pulled out his gun. “Come near my sisters, my family anybody again, I will put a bullet in your dick” He said. Omari hurried up and ran out the door. I looked at MJ shocked. “Malcom what the fuck!” Vada said. He smiled and shrugged. “I told you I was tired of him” he said before walking back upstairs. “Mommy!” Chase yelled. I quickly went into the dining room. “What’s wrong baby?” I asked. He pointed to the ground. His grapes had fell. I laughed and kissed his head. “Okay I will get you some more” Dylan walked in holding his hand. “Baby I need ice” He said. I kissed his knuckles. “You need more than that, that was sexy” I said to him. He smirked. “Nobody disrespects my wife” He told me.
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 Nylah hasn’t looked at me, spoken to me. Respond to my texts in 2 days. Narkim aint been around to talk to. I’m positive Nylah has me blocked. Kristen still blowing me up after I aint talked to her since that night. I’m conflicted but then I’m not because I just want to cut this shit off have my best friend back. I was eating spaghetti mama made for lunch at the table by myself, Nylah came down to get some chips or something. She had knocked all the water bottles out the fridge. I got up from the table to help. She looked at me and shook her head. “I’m find Damien please leave me alone” She said sternly. “I’m just trying to help” I said grabbing a water bottle. “Well I don’t want or need your help” She said snatching the water bottle from me and leaving. I sighed. “It shouldn’t be this complicated” I said to myself. Kristen started calling my phone. I sighed. “Yerrrr” I said. She paused for a minute. “Excuse me! You haven’t answered your phone in 2 days sir, what’s going on?” She asked. I got up and took the call outside. “Look I’m not your man! I don’t have to talk to you! Please stop blowing my shit up! Damn!” I snapped. She started laughing. “So childish, your father doesn’t act like this” She said. “Bitch go fuck his old ass then, you’re talking to a child what do you expect” I said annoyed. “Bitch? You will not call me a- “I hung up the phone and went back into the house. She kept blowing up my phone. I put the spaghetti away. “Yo Mama?” I said. She was decorating the house with lights. “I’m bout to go for a drive I’ll be back”. I got in my car and drove to the park to play basketball. It was a little snow outside by I just needed my mind clear. I was playing for about an hour. “Damien?” I looked up to see Narkim. “One on One?” I asked. He shrugged. He still had a bruise under his left eye and band aid above his eyebrow. “What homie look like?” I asked. He looked at me funny. “The nigga that you fought” He laughed. “Ummm homie in crutches” He said. I laughed. “My nigga” I said. He started bouncing the ball and took off on my ass. We both played for our basketball team, well I currently play on the team while he played when He was in school. “How you and La?” He asked. Shooting his shot. “We not talking, she found out about the teacher” I told him. He stopped and looked at me. “What you going to do?” He asked. I shrugged. “Ima cut that bitch off simple” I said. “And then what?” He asked. “Get La-La back” I said. He nodded. “That’s my little brother” He said dapping me up. “How’s Nori?” he asked. I shrugged. “I don’t know she been chill her and Nylah been kicking it you know laughing and shit” I said. He slowly nodded his head. “I hate when we all aint getting along you know, we family we should be tight, but you know shit happens” He told me. “I don’t know what yall got going on, but it’s always been us 3 when the rents were gone or when everybody else moved out and we always been close so I’m sure shit will get better hopefully between mama and daddy” I said. He sighed. “Keep dreaming with that one kid, but aye I’m catch you later tonight maybe” He said before driving off. I bounced the ball a little bit before deciding to drive to Kristen’s spot.
 When I pulled up at her spot, I knocked on the door. She quickly opened the door and closed it. She shook her head. “Your dad is here” She whispered. I shrugged. “Good for you, I’m done with this shit don’t call me don’t show up at my house unannounced leave me alone” I said to her. She bit on her lip. “Why? Huh before you didn’t want to stop now why?” She asked. “Because Nylah found out and I care more about her then I do you, I’m sorry Ms. Madison” She laughed lowly. “That little bitch, she’s not even women enough for you” She said smirking. I smiled at her. “Call her a bitch again and I’m tell the whole world about us” I told her. She shook her head. “I can fail you out of my class and you won’t graduate or play ball again” She said. I looked at her. “You try to manipulate me to many times, now all I have to do is tell your father and everyone else that you been coming on to me harassing me, I have all those messages we used to have from each other” She told me. I shook my head. “I’m 17 and you psycho over some under age dick” I said before leaving. She got me fucked up.
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 Shit has been chill since we found out Nori was pregnant. Mama been quiet, we know she’s pissed. Nori and she haven’t really spoken. Nylah and Damien aint been talking. I don’t know what’s up with that. Narkim been distant. I don’t blame him, Nori is really hurt by his actions. My life been ok for these past 2 days. Gia and I been texting on and off like I said. I’m just chilling. I was sitting on the couch with Chase and Nori, and Nylah watching Zootopia. I don’t why they got me watching this shit, but it makes me really miss my kids. “Ding, Dong” The doorbell rang. “I got it” I told them. They were glued to the phones while Chase was watching in his little chair amazed at the movie. I got up and opened the door. I see it was Danielle. “Hey” I said. She smiled lightly. “Um I just wanted to stop by to check on Norielle. I had called your phone the other day but you didn’t answer so I called the house to let you know I was coming back on Christmas eve but your Grandma picked up and kind of yelled at me for not bringing the kids to see her and for not coming to check on Nori, so I’m here” She said. I nodded. I moved to the side to let her come in. “Norielle, Danielle here to see you” I said. She came in to the hall near the door. I swear as soon as we found out Nori was pregnant it’s like her baby bump grew or she just stopped hiding it. “Oh my Gosh, your pregnant?!” Danielle said in excitement. Nori smiled and nodded. “Yeah, been keeping a secret for a little minute, I’m having a boy” She said. Danielle lightly rubbed her stomach. “I’m glad you’re okay, congratulations honey, I will bring Chris and Lei over on Christmas eve”. Norielle nodded. “Okay cool they can meet Janessa son Chase, their cousin” She told her. Danielle looked at me. I shrugged. “Hey what’s my family without secrets” I told her. “Malcom can we talk upstairs” She asked me. I nodded and followed her upstairs. She sat on the bed in her big coat she had on. “I wanted to see you honestly, I had been missing you a lot and shit hasn’t been good between us and I don’t want us to get a divorce but at least try counseling this time and work on us, take time away from my job the kids just us” She said. I looked at her. “I mean, yeah that’s cool. I wouldn’t mind that, I mean I’m happy we can work on shit” I told her. She smiled. “Me too” She got up and kissed me. We started making out, it had been a minute since I see her. I can’t lie I missed my wife.
 “Ima come back with the kids before Christmas eve” Danielle said pulling up her leggings. “Come back tonight” I said grabbing her hand. She blushed. “Ima try” She told me. I got dressed and walked with her downstairs it was around 7:43pm. “I love you” I told her kissing her. “I love you” She smiled before leaving. I went into the kitchen to warm up the food mom made, and probably watch a movie on Netflix. I grabbed my food and brought it into the living room. Nylah was in the dining room with Vada. Nessa and Dylan were bringing up the stuff for the tree. “You know yall got to go get the tree tomorrow” Janessa said. I nodded. “Yeah, I know” I said to her. “I heard you and Danielle” Damien said making a face. I rolled eyes. “Shut up lil nigga” I told him smiling. “Yall made up, yall good?” Nessa asked. Mama came downstairs and grabbed my food. “You know you eat in the dining room MJ” She said. I rolled my eyes. “Aight mama” I told her. “When is Dani bringing my babies?” She asked. I got up from the couch. “Soon Ma, soon” I was walking to the dining room when the doorbell rang again, followed by a knock. “Who is it?” I asked. I opened the door to see some tall young guy. He had on a long coat with some skinny jeans and vans and his hands were in his pocket. He was like a rich kid. “Yo can I help you?” I asked. He nodded. “Hi, how you doing I’m looking for Norielle Richards, is the right address?” He asked. I just looked at him. “Im here big brother Malcom, who are you?” I asked wanting to know what this nigga wanted with my sister. “Im her boyfriend my name is Andre’ Dobbs”
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