#also it was a crime to hire troy baker and then give him such an unsexy fucking character to play
thegeminisage · 1 year
Why do you have complaints about Uncharted? No judgement, just sincere curiosity.
to be 100% fair to unch*rted, i haven't played it. i've watched bits and pieces of some but not all of the games - i saw a lot of 4 and a little bit of 2, but none of 1 or 3. my main complaints are with narrative and they are as follows:
1. Guy Game ie they don't treat women very well...from what i saw of nathan drake in uncharted 4 he seems like a TERRIBLE husband, lying and downplaying his wife's concerns, etc, because she's not the main character! i know they have a girls only gay lady game (in which the black lady is voice by a white woman?! i know that was on bad hiring practices but jesus christ) but in general the atmosphere feels very aimed at white dudeguys who constantly call female characters "annoying" unless she's "not like other girls" or extremely hot. in 4 it felt like elena was just there to nag nate until she came around to his way of thinking ("adventure good, let's forgive the lying husband and go have fun!") and then their marriage PASSIONATELY reignited once she decided he was right. he didn't even really wind up in the doghouse. like cmon.
2. the whole premise of Explorers and Treasure Hunters feels racist. again i have not seen all of these games. but like you're going off to some "exotic land" to "explore" and "hunt treasure" what you're doing is going to somebody else's house that they've ALREADY explored and taking their stuff to sell to some asshole while making yourself rich. idk. i love adventures and adventure games but that whole concept is cursed. i'm sure for people who are passionate about that genre there's a way to tell that kind of story more ethically/respectfully (return the lost treasure to its rightful owners maybe!) but i'm also sure naughty dog did not do it
3. actually on that note. this complaint is about ludonarrative dissonance so it's only partially about the narrative. when mr nathan drake goes to all these other countries and has to fight off lots of enemies bc the game needs to give you something to do but in actuality if he'd killed that many people he'd be like. a mass murderer. and they're ALWAYS brown. like man cmon i know you need something to do i KNOW it but CMON. its one thing for a jedi to do it to animals in star wars but these are PEOPLE
idk im sure the games are fun and maybe mr drake wasnt at his best in uncharted 4 and he's super lovable if you got to know him starting in uncharted 1 but like...i think he's kind of annoying and not in the fun way and also i reject the entire premise so. the games are simply not for me, love and light. sorry to dunk on your game unch*rted fans
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