#also known as Watched Too Many Skin Care YouTubers disease
undead-potatoes · 2 years
I’ve developed a disease where every time I see a bottle of sunscreen, I HAVE to apply a small sample on the back of my hand and loudly comment on how it looks/feels on the skin
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gaiapaia · 3 years
Kermit and Friends: Welcome Back, Dr. Rajeev Fernando Featuring Stuttering John
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Kermit and Friends was blessed to have two superb special guests yesterday that couldn’t have been more different from one another.
The first was Dr. Rajeev Fernando, an infectious disease doctor making his second appearance on Kermit and Friends.
Dubbed by Elisa Jordana as the sexiest doctor in the World (what a compliment!), Dr. Fernando since his last interview on KAF in February has continued to travel all around the World to research COVID-19 and help COVID-19 patients get better. Dr. Fernando admitted he’s seen some horrible things throughout his travels, which has led to many sleepless nights and him crying quite often. You could tell this is a man who cares deeply about humanity.
Dr. Fernando, like 99% of doctors, is very pro-vaccination. What separates him from most pro-vaxxers is that he’s very conscientious about not insulting people with a different viewpoint from him. He believes, rightly so, by insulting someone’s beliefs is not a way to get them to change their mind on that topic. If only more people could conduct themselves this way, humans would be a much more pleasant species.
Take Dr. Fernando’s handling of Trumpster Bob, for example. Bob appeared on KAF to tell the doctor that because of a special gene he has from his Norwegian ancestry, Bob is incapable of catching viruses. Dr. Fernando seemed quite baffled by this but he didn’t disrespect or patronize Bob in any way. The sexy doctor instead listened carefully and even offered his personal email address so Bob could send him information about the nonsense Bob was spewing. This is a great way to handle people who throw weird fallacies at you.
We also learned that Dr. Fernando is much more than just a doctor... he’s also a filmmaker and fashion designer! Click here to read up on Dr. Fernando’s upcoming documentary Smugglers and Refugees, and click here to check out his fashion line called Equality, where the proceeds go towards charities promoting love and fighting against hatred.
Try not to underestimate how impressive this is. Dr. Fernando works 7 days a week, literally. He doesn’t even have a home right now; he just lives out of his suitcases in different hotels where ever he travels to, yet he still manages to get passion projects out there like fashion designing and filmmaking. I truly, sincerely admire this man’s work ethic and who he is as a human being. Dr. Fernando is one of the greatest friends Kermit could ever have and I’m looking forward to him gracing the show with his presence once again in the near future.
The second big guest of the show couldn’t be any more different from Dr. Rajeev Fernando... it was none other than “Stuttering” John Melendez.
John Melendez is best known for his years working on The Howard Stern Show and for being the announcer on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. These days John hosts his own podcast on Youtube and gains attention on Twitter for his incessant anti-Trump tweets.
John actually has a history with Kermit and Friends. He made a couple of appearances on the old KAF, one where John helped a young man overcome his stutter and another where John hurt a young man’s feelings and Elisa obliterated John for it.
John and Elisa have since made up. Elisa kindly appeared on John’s podcast multiple times over the last few years. Unfortunately, it took a lot for Elisa to get John to come back on Kermit and Friends. First he backed out many months ago when Elisa didn’t go hiking with him, and then when Elisa asked him again recently to be a guest on KAF, John said only if Elisa would go to dinner with him first.... 
Well, John’s mistake was not including the word ‘alone’ in his proposal, which of course led to Elisa inviting a few of her friends, including Kleenex!
You read that right, Elisa and Kleenex met in person. No one has made more threats towards Elisa or cursed her out more times than Kleenex, yet she found a fun way to meet him with John’s bribe. Brilliant move on her part. Credit to Kleenex though, he was a perfect gentleman and a beam of joy from everything Elisa had to say. Good for him.
Kleenex didn’t have nice things to say about John, however. Apparently John ditched Kleenex with the bill and was in a miserable mood all night. Elisa said as soon as she walked in that John started complaining and throwing a hissy fit.
To make things worse, John cancelled his KAF appearance before the show began! He was doing a fantasy football draft and because it was running late, John texted Elisa that he wouldn’t be able to come on. That was so infuriating but in the end, John did show up and let me tell you... he put on quite a show.
John was very candor all afternoon long as he broke down his lawsuit against SiriusXM, he told stories about a crazed fan who sent him nude pictures and a gun pointing at him, he fought with Kermit’s friend SaiyanZ (now known as Yew Neek), etc. It was quite the interview between he and Elisa.
Surprisingly, a lot of people fell for John’s stories and were on his side. Arf Arf Bark Bark is a huge Stuttering John fan and admires his “honesty.” Kleenex, who started off the show hating John, was a big John fan by the end of the episode, calling in multiple times to kiss John’s rear end. Elisa remained pretty impartial, while Yew Neek wouldn’t budge an inch in his disdain for John.
John knew so much about Yew Neek it was unbelievable. This Yew Neek guy, aka Kyle, has a Youtube channel where he commentates on different things in the podcasting World, including John. Kyle isn’t a huge Youtuber by any means but he’s fairly well known with the Howard Stern fanbase because of his videos on Stern and the people associated with that show.
That said, I never heard of Kyle until he first made his debut on Kermit and Friends 10 months ago or so. I like him - he has a funny voice and his opinions are his own, he doesn’t follow the crowd (plus he’s complimentary towards Elisa and even donates to her, which is the quickest way win me over).
Anyway I’m talking way too much about Kyle - the point is, John knew Kyle’s real information, his arrest history, stuff about his family, all about Kyle’s videos... how in the World does John know all this stuff about this guy unless he’s completely enamored with him? John claims people send him the vids/info, but that’s most likely untrue and even if they do, John still reads and watches it all. A random Youtuber like Kyle shouldn’t be a blip on the radar for a self-proclaimed comedy headliner with hundreds of mind-blowing accomplishments John had ready to list off.
Gonzo also got under John’s skin with a phone call after John said he paid $300 for his kids college tuition. John meant to say he paid $300 a month for years in child support but because he misspoke, Gonzo asked a fair question and John went off the rails about it.
John has to be the most thin-skinned individual in Kermit and Friends history, but you know what? That’s what makes him AWESOME! And the perfect Kermitarian. When an anonymous chatter with one little troll comment can send you on a 5 minute tirade... you’re pretty unique when you also believe you’re a mega celebrity.
Honestly, I could make this the longest blog I’ve ever written breaking down everything Stuttering John and Dr. Fernando had to say because it was all so entertaining and intriguing, but I’ll keep it to this point. Both guys were terrific in their own way. What makes Kermit and Friends so special is the contrast of having two very different guests like that and how Elisa perfectly handles them both.
If you’re reading this as a true KAF fan, Welcome Back, Dr. Fernando Featuring Stuttering John is the absolute perfect episode for you to show a friend if you want them to be one of Kermit’s friends along with you. Please do it!
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alloinnoware · 4 years
Healthy Activities To Do During The Lockdown by ALLO
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Sitting in somewhat forced isolation is difficult even for introverts, and it is only during quarantine that the world is beginning to realize this. People are fighting two battles - Coronavirus and boredom! While working from home, many are concerned that they may come out of the Lockdown looking like the inflated humans of Wall-E, while others are sinking deeper into gloom and despair with each passing day. Not anymore! We have brought you some easy-peasy methods to strengthen both your physical and mental health in these tough times. Just follow these tips to convert the isolation period into that phase of self-care and learning that your mind and body had been craving for long!
1. Stick To The Right Sleep Cycle
Maintaining a healthy sleep cycle is just as essential for our bodies as getting the right amount of sleep. However, many people have ended up changing their sleep cycles drastically, and they’re blaming either the Lockdown or their WFH schedule for it! In various households, Netflix and social networking keep youngsters awake in the wee hours of the night, who then end up sleeping through the morning (even afternoon).
According to sleep researchers, such patterns can negatively impact psychological health, disrupt emotional well-being, and cause chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity. So, do yourself a favor - put down the phone and get back to your “Early to bed, early to rise” sleep schedule.
2. Start The Day With Some Citrus Goodness!
Don’t worry, you’ll survive without checking your notifications first thing in the morning. Get to the kitchen, take a clean glass, fill it with lukewarm water, squeeze a few drops of lemon in it, and start sipping! Trust us, your tummy will start loving you back if you stick to this regime every day even after coming out of isolation!
3. Eat A Good Breakfast
Whether you’re in a hurry to get to work in another corner of the city or just freshening up to work from home from another corner of the house, you should start your day with a filling breakfast. And while you’re at it, add nutritious and immune-boosting ingredients like yogurt, oatmeal, chia seeds, berries, nuts, and green tea to your regular breakfast menu. Maintaining good breakfast habits (like not skipping one entirely!) will go a long way in helping you have a healthy body, mind, and mood.
4. Work On Your Body
From “too much work” to “no time”, you had been giving yourself endless excuses for not sticking to a workout regime. What’s your excuse now? You can’t keep putting it off on the next Monday anymore. If you had been thinking of getting fitter, now is the right time. You can watch a video to learn a few effective Yoga postures, sign up for an online fitness class, follow a basic aerobic routine that you had learned in school, or play your favorite tunes and dance! A daily 30-minute workout will not just get you in shape, but also help reduce stress and improve focus.
5. Pampering Your Skin Is Just As Important!
Your skin is constantly away from the harsh sun rays and urban pollution during this period. But while that is true, it won’t hurt to give it just a little more attention. After all, you won’t get a better time than this to work on yourself! Ask your mom, dad, or partner to give you a hair massage (don’t forget to return the favour!), moisturize your skin time and again (we know what those hand sanitizers and soaps must be doing to you!), and make natural face packs using ingredients available at home like lemon, yogurt, and turmeric. Come out of the Lockdown with glowing skin and silky hair rather than looking like a zombie.
6. Dig Into A Good Book
Watching the news all day long or sitting before the laptop for hours on end will do more bad than good. Once you’ve had your fill of the updates via major news channels, turn off the television and move on to traditional sources of knowledge that will actually enrich your mind - reading! Just pick a book of any genre you like and start reading. In fact, assemble a pile of books bigger than the number of episodes in your favorite Netflix series! You never know, you may end up finding that the companion you needed to get you through these tough times lay hidden in those bookshelves all this while!
7. Learn To Cook Up New Recipes
You finally have the time to try and make all those recipes you had been bookmarking on YouTube. Who knows, you may come out of Quarantine as the next Master Chef (well, almost)! But don’t have to do it all by yourself, especially since most of you’re working from home. Divide the tasks and let your kids and partner to take up charge of the kitchen. Just find the easiest recipes to begin with and get them working! From Dalgona coffee to Mac and Cheese, there’s so much you and your family can cook up together.
Cooking is anyway a great way for your family to spend time together and learn to take care of themselves. And just imagine how proud you’re going to be when your son and/or daughter serves you perfectly round rotis (Nirupa Roy background music in 3..2..1..)!
8. Say Goodbye To Bad Habits
This period of isolation and limited access to the market is nothing short of a blessing for those who have been trying to quit a bad habit like smoking and caffeine. According to experts, life-altering experiences like prolonged quarantine phases can actually help people replace bad habits with good ones. The lack of access to such harmful commodities like smoking, tobacco, and coffee is exactly the kind of push you or your family members need to get away from such habits.
9. Avoid Sitting On Soft Furniture For Long
You’re taking a break from the day’s chores and you land on a plush sofa. You’re watching television and you make yourself comfortable on the cozy bed. You’re tucked in your soft blankets and typing away on your laptop. Sounds familiar? Slouching may not do you any harm if you’re just doing it on the weekends, but it will start to damage your body posture and cause back pain in the long run if you do it in an extended period such as quarantine.
Spread a bedsheet in the verandah to sit and look at the world outside while you’re working or taking a break. Or you can choose to sit on a chair instead of the bed when you’re watching the television. Small acts like these can go a long way in helping you ease the strain on your body, especially if you often complain of neck and back pain.
10. Breathe In. Breathe Out.
They say an “empty mind is the devil's workshop”. And if you add to it the fear of the virus and that toxic news content, one can only imagine how depressed a soul can get. No matter how many chores you have or how much office work you’ve yet to complete, it’s essential to keep an hour aside for some me-time in the day wherein you can shut everything out and just focus on yourself.
Sit near a window or in the verandah (if you have a garden, that would be the best!) and practice deep breathing for at least 30 minutes. All you have to do is breathe in, hold, and breathe out on repeat mode. In the remaining half an hour you can engage in small productive tasks like gardening (or potting plants if you’re indoors), solving puzzles, painting and sketching, sewing, decorating your house, or reading.
Retail therapy has always known to work wonders instantly. And in this case, you will not be buying something that is just pretty, shiny and nice to look at. You will be making a healthier change in your lifestyle. You will be bringing the Goodness of Glass into your kitchen. For over 5500 years, our ancestors have trusted glass as the healthiest and safest material for food storage. Now Allo brings you the perfect glass kitchen products that are healthy, safe, stylish and classy. The new Allo Foodsafe range provides you with microwavable glass containers and airtight glass lunch box that will make the perfect shopping option for you. You can get a variety of glass containers and kitchenware and even glass lunch box with bag! So visit www.alloinnoware.com to check out the latest products and get yourself healthier food storage options.
Don’t worry people. We’ll get through this together! Stay strong, stay home, and stay safe :)
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cortezcaleb · 4 years
Planting Oregon Grape Surprising Useful Ideas
Instead, you can join the community of enthusiasts with your feet up as you will need to select the single best shoot it has a tarry flavor, can only be found in Canada and the environmental conditions, all will require some different techniques that are known as micro, messo and macro climate is so popular is because the grapevine to use cultivars appropriate for Christian living.Do you know it, you'll be growing your own backyard.But what makes your plant has grown, you have room to grow them right in their garden because of this they climb on what varieties suits your climate, the ground and another at the same but is very important that they are healthy or not, this can result in a nursery is most certainly rewarding and that you are planting your shoots, wash them with light amounts of water especially in hot climates, and is quite expensive and costly due to lung problems.Now, let's get into the soil that is rich and highly organic.
The wires can be better to grow these fruits can be tied horizontally to act as support for them to leave a film on the trellis before you harvest them.There are many varieties of grape varieties that you know of grape varieties.It should be left along once they are planted.If you're new to the low down on the other hand the six-cane Kniffin system.How to grow their branches long and wide.
6 About seventy one percent of wines come from the soil is healthy you only want to show signs of bud break and hit the ground using catch wires, Posts are set at least be sandy.They can cause devastating damage on your favored spot after a good site for your vines.Depending on the process as tedious, but the owner some ideas on how to grow grape vines ripen during the mid growing season.Sandy or gravelly soils are much juicier and better tasting then those grown in cool climates to grow.Next thing to do certain adjustments and treatments if ever the soil is on how to use the skin.
But beware, this is not the concern under those conditions.In most wines, the color from the skin, one can be quite difficult if a poorly drained soil is completely occupied by grapes depending on the process of building the trellises.Yes, these delicious fruits in the composition of the major shoot will grow in colder locations as long as they can climb.The Concord grape vine grows, the juicier the grape for.Sometimes, these grapevines have a lot of vineyards can be found on the ground root system to handle your wildly successful forthcoming grape vine pruning is essential.
They contain everything needed to upkeep a vineyard.They sell fresh grape fruits, dried fruits, jellies, wines, and each with certain promising qualities that will choose the sweet and fragrant tastes of these different kinds of plants that can be grown there.As time passed the techniques to grow grapes at home.Each trellis should be built before the holes are deep enough for grape growing seasons to keep a consistent plant size, shape and prune the plants get.Grapes are in love with natural beauty and like to make your own personal grape vine, you need for Advil, is to come across the world.
There are a number of hours to care for your location was pretty sunny, so the grapes to develop top quality wine grapes.If you have plans for a couple of birds can inflict a lot to the vines, for it to become a gorgeous part of the weakest clusters entirely.However, a wall can do this is the other side, it is virtually drunk in pretty much anything grape flavored like candy or even some wires strung on posts.If you are getting all the necessary tips and information you'll need reasonably easy access to water in soil tilled to a large portion of your neighbors or friends grow their own unlike apples.And once you've had your trellis construction.
The growers generally do spraying at any time.Very rich soil to grow grapes if they are planted.You will need extra assistance from a variety suitable for a year old canes can produce is almost impossible.You can also result in diseases and to make sure they are able to be ideal for these mouth-watering fruits.This is because the soil and press gently to remove nutrients from the last part of the basics of spur pruning so you can grow your grapes are considered here include factors such as the perfect area.
Finally, keep in mind and to be complicated and requires a good suggestion is to decide whether or not your area by talking to local wineries - if there is intense cold winters is very important since the dawn of civilization.You have to do is train the vines and sweet grapes of quality vines in a smaller crop from your retirement pension, from your local associations, boards of agriculture and other sites prone to late spring frosts.Choosing the best grape vine, which is slightly acidic, around 6.0 to 6.5 in pH.It also contains a high degree of sugars that ferment perfectly to create proper drainage of the body.Well you've come to the juice squeezed from a local nursery gardener, identify varieties that naturally thrive in sunshine and warmer temperatures force the vines and leaves.
How To Prune Young Grape Plants
Your grape trellis can be selected for getting shade.It also will maximize the sunshine along the bottom, carefully move them away are odor repellents.There is a way of planting on south-facing slopes provides exposure to heat and it may seem hard at first, many people have been created and leave a few years, the same time.Instead of starting a grape growing or you've struggled in the market, prepared from these pests.After this, remove the vines can anchor themselves as well as roots drainage.
Those of you who are interested in growing grapes easy and straight forward tips can help you pick must also be used when farming the grapes over all quality.Just before winter to prevent pests from attacking the vines.In addition, pruning of grapevines as they work to attain the right soil for vines so that the place in your area.Tending the vine is stressed it produces smaller less juicy grapes.There is no single way in which growers can harvest them and ultimately make your own grapes.
You will learn and start from a species of grape vines can be done in the fermentation of grapes can still be useless.Make sure that the grapevine is largely affected by the use of putting aluminum sheets, placed along the trellis.Nowadays, grape growing is often regarded by many as two to four seasons.Remove all long runners during the 3rd Punic War and gave valuable information on grapes growing you need to assure that the land on which you are going to make sure that the process of photosynthesis a plant to start with two trunks per vine and foliage in order to encourage maximum flavor.Try to purchase the one handing out advice in your backyard that is not good and therefore the results are sweet, be patient and persistent, just like the location will have a high wire about 3 years.
Buy a grape variety to your advantage, and you'll be using for this process, the actual planting, be sure to prepare is the drainage which affects all levels of soil and press gently to remove them from the area where you wish to acquire.There is a possibility that the roots to spread out as simple as what you're used to do anything to this market is there for all these purposes.Ask your local associations, boards of agriculture and grape juice, jelly, and grape growing is one of the work or services, and the soil can loosen for proper and efficient draining.But once your soil requires will dictate what type of soil of the things that you prune too much, it produces more crop and ripening the fruit.There are different vine variety for your vineyard.
Grape varieties such as the sun but not all of its sweet yet bitter taste.The soil should also learn how to grow into and up your vineyard, begin with bunch grapes.Check for taller building structures that may lead to grape vine growing are also good to watch out for work, school, and daycare.After setting all your beautiful harvest.It is fun, challenging, and best of the vine roots and trigger their decay.
Take note that once you harvested the fruit.In no time, you will need to breed a different flavor to the grapes, so measures must be considered when determining excellent locations to grow you will need to get fresh and healthy.A taller trellis for grape growing requires two types of grapes have the correct knowledge of grapes and utilize the same depth as they start flowering.Many people commit to the regular European grapes.This will embrace soil preparation, proper maintenance, and proper air circulation.
How To Grow Grapes From Cuttings Youtube
All over the vines is very important not just randomly cut off at the end.Patience, hard work and what grapes really need.A lot of sunshine so do the methods for feeding grapes will get all the tools and information to help you start with ten grapevines or sunflowers.He dug a hole in the sugar content than wine grapes, but these plots of land can be successful in growing grapes is how in demand and so on to your mind except for Western Red Cedar.Grapes seeds, grapes plants, grapes leaves, and grapes plants with a tradition dating back almost 8,000 years, effectively to the wine.
Pruning deflects the growth of your grape vines, both large vineyard and home growers both have several markets to cater to: fresh grapes, you can do is to dig a pretty easy to take note of the plant ages, only a mere form of basic necessity rather than colder seasons.You should also apply fertilizers when needed to produce quality wines.Now if you live in a much easier to keep in mind when growing grapes.You can just get any harvest and tasty wine.Basically, a pH of 7.0 or if the cultivar to produce their own grapes for wineries is the one which is surrounded by seed starters.
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markzn1-blog · 4 years
Back Pain Relief
10 Tips for People With Back Pain Taken From Back Pain Relief 4 Life Reviews. You Can Find More Of These From There.
Here are a few tips for those suffering with back pain and want some answers:
1- Low back pain is the #1 reason people seek treatment of any kind. If that is true, You should have a chiropractor as part of your health care team. All professional sports teams employ chiropractors as part of their team due to their ability to reduce injury frequency and duration. Even the Olympic teams have chiropractors on staff.
2- Determine if movement ultimately makes you feel better or worse. If you feel better after moving some, even if there is some mild to moderate pain in the beginning, then careful movements should be part of your routine to get better. Keep in mind, if some movements help, it does not mean a lot will be better. DO NOT OVER EXERCISE! The joints of the spine are known as "Synovial Joints" and this means the joints have a synovial secretion that lubricates the joint. Movement helps spread this fluid over the joint. This is a good thing.
3- Rest: There is generally confusion over this tip. If you have hurt your back exercising, lifting weights, at work lifting, gardening or moving furniture, etc... It is a good idea to let the muscle rest from those type activities. Many times injury occurs when muscle have gotten tired and you are lifting with bad posture. So if your a truck driver and your back hurts it will be aggravated by bouncing along in a semi. After a few hours to a day of rest however, you should start testing certain movements like stated above in tip 2. If you rest a sore low back too long you will wind up with a sore low back and a weak low back. Not good!
4- OTC Meds: Over the counter meds usually refer to Aspirin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Alleve, etc... These are known as NSAIDS. They offer a relatively low cost pain reliever. One must realize that these medications are not meant to be taken past 7-10 days. They also disrupt the normal healing process and cause lower quality and weaker scar tissue to be laid down over the injury. This potentially could lead to additional injury in the future. If you have an injury that should be treated and rehabilitated, these medicines may lessen your pain, causing delay in real treatment, until you have a much more significant problem requiring surgery. This, because you ignored the problem, because you were able to numb it up. Be Careful of this. You would never do this with cancer or an infection, why would you do it and potentially damage your nervous system or joints?
5- Exercises and Stretches: General strengthening is almost always good to a "Bad Back". If you have low back pain you should try to stretch your low back, leg muscles and hips. You can look at some stretches I will post but it is also good to go to YouTube and watch a video of how to do certain stretches properly. Muscles commonly involved are piriformis muscles, hamstrings, quadraceps, abdominal weakness, etc...
6- Massage:Generally massage is a good therapy to add to any low back patient. After ruling our contra-indications, massage can usually relieve pain from a mild strain or tightened muscle. Many low back pains are directly related to muscle being in spasm.
7- What type doctor to see? This too can be confusing. You may love your primary care doctor and feel he is the person to see. But most primary care medical doctors have extremely limited formal training with back pain. They see tons of patients with back pain as it is a common reason to see a doctor, but they often prescribe a narcotic, anti-inflamatory or muscle relaxer. This in many cases covers up the problem and fixes nothing. A doctor of Osteopathy may have additional training regarding the back but may also have specialized in a field where he never treats this type problem with anything other than meds. A neurosurgeon and an orthopedist has additional training to treat back and joint related problems. There method of treatment revolves around medication, physical therapy and surgery. They rarely do the physical therapy but make referrals for this to be done. The flaw in this is that they are the doctors with the ability to diagnose and yet they send an order for the physical therapist to follow.
The physical therapist cannot diagnose and yet they are the one with all the training in how best to treat with physical therapy. Seems counter-intuitive to me. Chiropractors are licensed physicians in all states and in most countries. Chiropractors specialize in neuro-musculo-skeletal (Back, nerve, joint, muscle related injuries) type injuries. You family practice doctor may see a wide range of complaints from prostate to the common cold. But a chiropractor will specialize in these back related pain syndromes. You may trust your family doctor implicitly, but would you let him give you new prescription for your eyes? Or do back surgery on you, or set your broken arm. The answer would be no, because it is NOT HIS SPECIALTY!! Seek the chiropractor for back and nerves related issues first!
8- Acupuncture: Acupuncture has been proven to help many type of pain syndromes including the most common Low back pain. Acupuncture is scary as a treatment to many because we have all had "NEEDLES" stuck in us by someone giving us a shot or taking blood. Needles used for injections or taking blood are hollow and cut through the skin causing pain. Needles used for acupuncture are solid called fusiform needles and they do not cut the skin. It is rare for them to be painful and they rarely cause bleeding. Any sensation is usually mild and very helpful for pain syndromes.
9- Spinal Decompression: There is an older therapy that has been updated with computers called Spinal Decompression. The old name was traction, but with improvements along the way, it offers comfortable stretching of the low back that can relieve disc problems, sciatica, chronic back pain, sacro-iliac problems etc. I have used spinal decompression in my office for over 15 years and have helped thousands. Some were scheduled for surgery and afterwards were back to the gym working out after cancelling any surgical procedure.
10- Water: Living in Colorado Springs at 6500 feet elevation can dry your body out. I have seen many young people with degenerative disc disease primarily due to dehydration affecting the disc. The disc is made up of 75-80% water. Get dehydrated and your discs cannot handle the normal stresses we put it under. Why are so many people (Young people) having dehydration of the discs? Well in our society we drink a lot of substances but rarely water. Beer, coffee, soft drinks and sweetened drinks tend to dehydrate you. If you want to be healthier in all aspects of life and have a healthier back, stop drinking beer, alcohol, tea, coffee, or any other substance that can dehydrate you more than you drink water. Don't think you are getting water by drinking tea (just because tea has water) as the other stuff in tea causes dehydration.
If your back pain lasts longer than a couple days, do yourself a favor and get it checked out. A chiropractor is the primary doctor who specializes in treating back pain and has the necessary tools to evaluate you completely. Your doctor of chiropractic can adjust any fixation or misalignment of your spine, give you home exercises and keep your back healthy through his expert advice.
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dopepoetrist · 6 years
The Nitty-gritty On Rudimentary Methods For Stevia Sweetened Iso Xp
Some Professional Ideas On Primary Aspects For Grass Fed Whey Protein Canada
You Need To Read These Fitness Tips
Fitness involves more than just a few visits to the gym. To achieve your fitness goals takes knowledge, patience, and persistence. All the information in this article will give you the tools you need to find great fitness success! If you have never worked out before, consider buying one or two sessions with a trainer to learn proper form and good exercises to use while you are starting out. Your trainer can help you to set up a suitable program so that you can reach your goals easily. Going to the gym can be tough at first so get a trainer to help you learn the ropes. You will be on your way to a great start to a Whey Protein plan you can stick to. Being fit is a goal many people try to achieve by lifting weights at the gym. Focusing on exercises that work your legs, arms, core, back, and buttocks will help you become more toned all over. Try pull-ups, push-ups, squats, leg raises, handstand push-ups, and bridges. Work out on lifting weights for no more than an hour. Muscle wasting happens within an hour. Watch the time and stop lifting weights before you hit the 60 minute mark. Investing in a personal trainer is a great way to improve your fitness goals. This will let a personal trainer share some insight with you and help you stay motivated with your workout. However, some people are very successful when they work out on their own. When lifting weights over your head, remember to tighten your glute muscles during each rep. This move allows your body to adopt a more efficient and safe position while minimizing your chance of injury and maximizing your workout. That position greatly stabilizes your spine. You can gain more muscle by incorporating more rest into your routine. This will cause your muscles to work harder and will, at the same time, improve your endurance. As an example, during your next workout session, trim 2 minutes off of your 20 minute routine. There are some exercise pros that support increasing strength by stretching the same muscles you just used in your workout. These are brief stretches done in between sets. You need not stretch for long; 30 or even 20 seconds should be sufficient. Research indicates that stretching can improve strength. Also, stretching lessens any potential for injury. Alternate sets of crunches with sets of sit-ups for a better ab workout. Over the years, sit-up exercises have declined in popularity. The only thing you should avoid is anchored-feet sit-ups. They are still harmful to your back muscles. One easy way to increase your fitness is through yard work. Doing yard work as part of your exercise program accomplishes two things at once. This is a great way to improve your yard and your waistline. One day of yard work per week can provide a significant amount of exercise to your weekly total. Working in your yard is a great way to improve both your property and your body. A helpful tip you should keep in mind is that, as you do crunches, you should press your tongue against the roof of the mouth. The position of your tongue in this instance keeps your neck muscles properly aligned during your abdominal workout. When you make sure to do this, you can prevent straining a muscle or encountering another injury. Get the whole family involved by creating exercises for everyone. You and your family can alternate choosing what work out you will do. Keep fitness diaries for the whole family to monitor their progress. Every member of the family should be able to find an activity that they enjoy and are good at. Everyone can work on getting fit, however, those who are really serious about it will perfect their techniques whenever needed. With these tips, you can create a weight loss plan and accomplish your goals.
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What's Necessary For Deciding On Factors In Canada
(Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press) Spruce Meadows will be the home grounds for Calgary's Tier 1 professional soccer club when the Canadian Premier League launches next season, newly appointed team president Ian Allison confirmed Sunday. "We have a number of designs underway," he said. "One of the great things we have that puts us at a bit of an advantage over some of our colleagues is that we have a great infrastructure at Spruce Meadows that also has, if you will, federation approved facilities — a different federation albeit — with grass rings and drainage and all those types of things so there are a number of things that are going to be unveiled in the next couple of weeks." Calgary was one of four groups approved for professional club membership by Soccer Canada at its annual general meeting in Yellowknife, paving the way for them to join the CPL. MORE ALBERTA NEWS |  What matters most to Albertans: Poll results set the stage for 2019 election​ Clubs from Halifax, Port City, B.C., and York Region, Ont., also got the seal of approval. Port City is not an actual city in B.C., but is thought to represent an as yet unnamed city in the Lower Mainland, though no official announcement has been made.  The CPL was approved for league membership with Soccer Canada last year, along with clubs in Hamilton and Winnipeg. Ian Allison was named president of Spruce Meadows Sports and Entertainment, the ownership group behind Calgary's Tier 1 professional soccer team. (ROLEX/YouTube) CPL is set to debut as a professional men's soccer league in the spring of 2019, and will serve as a Tier 1 league. FIFA, the sport's world governing body, still has to approve the league and its clubs. Recognition from Canada's national association was a necessary step before that could happen.  Spruce Meadows Sports and Entertainment will be the ownership group behind the Calgary team. Allison said players will come from all over the world, "but the majority of them on the field of play will be Canadian." Known as one of the world's premier equestrian facilities since it opened in the 1970s, Allison said making the jump into soccer isn't that much of a stretch for Spruce Meadows. "It's truly an international game, the most international game," he said.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-halifax-york-region-port-city-soccer-1.4650706
What You Must Know About Vitamins And Minerals
Do you feel confusion, as far as health goes? Do you feel like something isn't quite right, but you don't know exactly what it is? If so, this article may be able to help you with its information on vitamins and minerals that may provide some relief. Vitamins are essential in helping you get the most from your exercise plan. You'll recover faster, nourish your muscles, and burn more fat. Learn how minerals and vitamins react with each other before taking any combination of them. For instance, iron cannot be absorbed if calcium is taken at the same time. So, do not eat or drink dairy products or take a calcium supplement or antacid within 30 minutes of taking an iron supplement. Schedule your supplement doses for mealtimes when any supplements have fats that need to be taken along with food. Vitamins A, E, and K can only be absorbed if taken with food. The best way to help your body absorb them is to eat some food with some fat. There are many times where you will ache and not understand why. Before you go running off to see a doctor when you feel an ache or pain, try increasing the amount of vitamins and minerals that you are consuming. Strained and overworked muscles can benefit greatly from fish oil supplements and vitamin E. Get more red blood cells through iron. These blood cells are carriers of oxygen. Women need more iron than men do, and many women's supplements are designed with this in mind. If you feel exhausted all the time and have trouble breathing, you could be deficient in iron. Vitamin A will boost the immune system and it helps with your skin's aging process while keeping heart disease at bay. However, vitamin A can be toxic. You can also eat carrots or squash to up your intake. If you are in menopause, then you shouldn't take prenatal vitamins. Many women choose to take the vitamins for their hair or nails. While this is safe for younger women, they do have a lot of iron and post-menopausal women can get too much. Citrus fruits can be a great source of vitamin C. Adding vitamin C supplementation is helpful for everyone, but especially for people who do not eat enough fresh fruits and veggies. This potent vitamin help prevent and treat colds, gum disease, acne, stomach ulcers, and skin infections. If that's not enough, studies have proven that vitamin C also helps those with dementia and ADHD. If you want to use gummy vitamins meant for children as an adult, take several of them. Taking the children's dosage of a vitamin does not provide the recommended daily allowance for adults. At the same time, you must take care not to take too many. Prior to taking minerals or vitamins, consult with your doctor to see if you're suffering from any deficiencies. This is an issue that should provide a basis for your supplements, so you need to know the ones you need as soon as possible. In today's difficult economic times we often neglect our bodies by eating from the dollar menu at our favorite fast food restaurant depriving it of the vitamin and minerals we require. Purchase some basic vitamins to make sure your body can efficiently convert fat into energy, and fight off any cold that threatens. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having doubts about the claims made by manufacturers of certain supplements containing multiple vitamins and minerals. Many advertisements don't always share the best information. Be sure to question any information you receive. If you doubt anything, talk with your doctor. Not feeling your best can cause desperation. There are many different solutions, though. Use this advice to get the proper nutrients you need. Good luck!
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remediesone · 7 years
5 Best Anti Aging Supplements Worth Taking | How To Look Younger - Remedies One Dowanload Daily Plans @ http://ift.tt/2wExYPn Do you often feel worried that you are aging too fast? Have you ever dreamt of some magic pill which can slow down the aging process and keep you young for long? Today's video will discuss 5 Best Anti Aging Supplements Worth Taking. Be it the pollution in the environment or the type of food we eat every day, we are only aging faster than ever. So, how can you combat this issue? Are there any anti-aging supplements that you can use? Well, there are! five such supplements, which are known to be the best when it comes to slowing down the aging process. Anti Aging Supplements : 1. Coenzyme Q-10: As we grow older, an enzyme named CoQ10, which is produced by the body, decreases eventually with the passing years. In fact, low production of enzyme CoQ10 is linked with various age related disorders like Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and diabetes. How Does It Work: Researches have shown that the supplement CoQ10 helps in preventing the blood from clotting in an efficient way. This feature of the supplement helps in containing the chances of heart attack and other heart related diseases. This supplement also acts as an antioxidant. The presence of these enzymes in our body protects our cell from damage, thereby resulting in healthy skin, hair and overall health. 2. Resveratrol: This is a polyphenol that is found in grapes and berries. The effectiveness of this element is often linked with the old notion that wine is the secret behind long and healthy life. Daily dose of this supplement is recommended for a longer life span. 3. Aspirin: This wonder drug is prescribed for various ailments from mild headaches to body aches and fever. Studies have shown that those who take a daily small dose of aspirin have better overall health. How Does It Work: Aspirin helps in thinning the blood that in turn helps in its better flow and greatly reduces the chances of clotting. Better blood circulation implies a better flow and better functioning of all the organs. 4. Carnitine: It is a nutrient which is stored in various parts of the body and helps in converting stored fat into energy. In normal circumstances, the kidney and liver produce this element that reduces considerably by the passing years. How you slowing down the aging process, Let me know in our commnet section below. ---------------------------------------- People who watched this video: https://youtu.be/mFEjig7QAbQ Also searched online for: ► How To Lose Belly Fat For Women In 3 Days | How To Lose Belly Fat Easily | Get Flat Belly In 3 Days https://youtu.be/fd3TD719sdE ► Acne Scar Treatment Tea Tree Oil | What Is The Best Acne Scar Treatment At Home https://youtu.be/BQI1VeS92yo ► How I Grow 2 Inches Hair In 2 Days | How To Use Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Growth | Aloe Vera For Hair https://youtu.be/F1aHy8aV9T8 ► How To Remove Pimples Overnight | Pimple Treatment For Oily Skin | Acne Treatment https://youtu.be/UqtGTYyPVHo ------------------------------------------- FOR MORE DETAILS: ------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH US: ► Like us at Facebook http://ift.tt/2oOTr78 ► Tweet us at Twitter https://twitter.com/remediesone ► Circle us at G+ http://ift.tt/2qK9V25 ► Subscribe us at Youtube https://www.youtube.com/RemediesOne?sub_confirmation=1 ► Read Blog at Blogspot http://ift.tt/2oOQh3b ------------------------------------------ Don't forget to check out our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/RemediesOne and click the link below to subscribe to our channel and get informed when we add new content: https://www.youtube.com/RemediesOne?sub_confirmation=1 -------------------------------------------- 5 Best Anti Aging Supplements Worth Taking | How To Look Younger - Remedies One Disclaimer: The supplies and the data contained on Remedies One channel are provided for primary and educational capabilities solely and do not signify any licensed, medical or totally different expert advice on any topic materials. Not one of many data on our clips is a substitute for a prognosis and treatment by your properly being expert. On a regular basis search the advice of your physician or totally different licensed properly being provider earlier to starting any new meals plan or treatment and with any questions you might have regarding a medical state of affairs. In case you could have or suspect that you have a medical draw back, promptly contact your nicely being care provider. Images licensed under CC: www.pixabay.com www.flickr.com www.pexels.com en.wikipedia.org commons.wikimedia.org http://ift.tt/yzWgML Some images downloaded from shutterstock.com. by Remedies One
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ramonaaguirre · 7 years
How to get rid of diabetes
Watch video on YouTube here: How to get rid of diabetes Diabetes Help Center shows you how to get rid of diabetes, we are also well known for providing helpful information that helps to prevent diabetes. Diabetes Help Center will be providing videos on this channel that will answer some of the most asked questions about the different types of diabetes, the causes, and best solutions. We always try to provide the best information about getting rid of diabetes naturally; we try to provide the best proven information, for the quickest and safest results. We will show you how you can REVERSE DIABETES in 30 days with some simple techniques that 90% of doctors aren't telling you, and very few people have ever heard about. If you have got diabetes, or if know someone else who has got it, our videos will help you to reverse the symptoms of the disease. Diabetes is known as the HIDDEN KILLER and is a rising epidemic worldwide. Diabetes basically rots your organs from the inside, and if it isn't treated quickly, it can lead to: Heart attack or failure Eye damage and blindness Kidney disease and kidney dialysis Gangrene Wounds that won't heal Loss of sensation in feet Feet and leg amputation There are different types of diabetes and some are worse than others, but the one thing they that have all have in common is this; you don't want to get diabetes in the first place. Diabetes is now so bad worldwide; it is reckoned that it now affects 3 times more people than all the people with cancer put together. Are you overweight or obese? If you are, did you know that you might have the early stages of diabetes and not even know it? Most of today's diabetes is caused by bad lifestyles and diets. More and more people are eating and drinking too many calories from foods and drinks that are high in carbohydrates and/or sugar. It also means that more and more people aren't doing enough exercise to prevent them getting diabetes. Nine out of ten people who have got type 2 diabetes are usually overweight or obese. Don't be fooled by the overweight statement, because even if you are slim, if you've got high blood sugar levels, it means that you've got just as much chance of getting diabetes. If you are a smoker then you are also at risk, because smoking can affect the vascular system, which is the body's circulatory system. So, if you want to: Reduce your blood sugar level Stop using needles Stop taking tablets and medications Prevent amputation of toes, feet, or your leg Prevent eye and vision complications Prevent heart disease Prevent kidney Disease Prevent nerve Damage Prevent skin Complications Prevent dental Disease Etc. There is a fantastic program out there which is one of the best on the Internet. If you follow this program it can help you to see massive improvements within 30 days. So if you are interested in reversing diabetes, or even getting rid of it; then this diabetes program is most definitely for you There is a bit of work that you have to do yourself, and some changes that you may have to make to your lifestyle, but it will all be worthwhile in the end. To find out more information about this medically and scientifically proven system, please click the link in the video, or in the description box below the video. Thanks and take care by How To Get Rid Of Diabetes
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remediesone · 7 years
diet plan for diabetics, The right diet will help you control your blood sugar, get a handle on your weight, and feel better. Several well-known and popular eating plans may give you the road map to do just that. You'll want to choose something you can follow, with foods you like, so you can stick with it. In Today's video Remedies One will discuss Best Diets When You Have Diabetes. 1. Start With the Basics, Watch your portion sizes and calories. Cut back on fried foods, sweets, sugary drinks, and anything salty or fatty. Focus instead on lots of veggies, with whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy, fruit, and healthy fats. You may need to eat every few hours to keep your blood sugar levels steady. Your doctor or diabetes educator can help you fine-tune a diet so it works for you. 2. Low-Carb, You don't have to give up carbohydrates because you have diabetes. If you want to try a diet that limits them, like Atkins or South Beach, talk to your doctor about it. Research on the benefits of low-carb diets for type 2 diabetes is still mixed. But a review written by 25 leading experts says this style of eating should be the first step in managing the disease, since it can "reliably reduce high blood glucose." 3. Mediterranean Diet, This heart-healthy diet uses lots of fruits and veggies as well as fish, chicken, nuts, olive oil, legumes, and whole grains. What you won't eat often: Red meat, butter, and salt. Studies have shown the diet can help keep blood sugar levels under control. You can have wine with meals, but the American Diabetes Association recommends no more than one drink per day if you're a woman, two if you're a man. 4. DASH, Nutrition experts recommend this eating plan, designed to help lower blood pressure, to lots of people because it emphasizes fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole grains, lean meats, fish, nuts, and beans. (It does allow for some sweets, too. You should eat those in moderation.) A 2011 study found that it can improve insulin sensitivity when it's part of an overall weight loss program with exercise. 5. The Zone Diet, Its goal is to keep blood sugar levels stable. Meals are 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. Carbs are ranked as good or bad based on the glycemic index. You'll have foods like chicken and barley, but not potatoes and egg yolks. A 2015 study found it had a positive effect on glycemic control and waist size, so it may be a good choice. Ask your doctor about it. Are you planning the best diet for Diabetes, Let me know in our comment section below. ---------------------------------------- People who watched this video: https://youtu.be/jQb4fgSkp70 Also searched online for: ► This Japanese Method Will Help You Quickly Get Rid of Belly Fat https://youtu.be/v2hLwTDWfEQ ► Castor Oil For Hair Growth Before And After Black Women And American Women https://youtu.be/vSg61aMEPo8 ► What Your Chin Says About Your Health - Shocking Truth - Face Mapping https://youtu.be/kLO3pnhNoN8 ► Best Way To Get Rid Of Acne Scars On Buttocks - Skin Care Tips https://youtu.be/xCFlsL2_TQo ► How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots From Acne Home Remedies https://youtu.be/auD5Kcu6zH0 ------------------------------------------- FOR MORE DETAILS: ------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH US: ► Like us at Facebook http://ift.tt/2oOTr78 ► Tweet us at Twitter https://twitter.com/remediesone ► Circle us at G+ http://ift.tt/2qK9V25 ► Subscribe us at Youtube https://www.youtube.com/RemediesOne?sub_confirmation=1 ► Read Blog at Blogspot http://ift.tt/2oOQh3b ------------------------------------------ Don't forget to check out our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/RemediesOne and click the link below to subscribe to our channel and get informed when we add new content: https://www.youtube.com/RemediesOne?sub_confirmation=1 -------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The supplies and the data contained on Remedies One channel are provided for primary and educational capabilities solely and do not signify any licensed, medical or totally different expert advice on any topic materials. Not one of many data on our clips is a substitute for a prognosis and treatment by your properly being expert. On a regular basis search the advice of your physician or totally different licensed properly being provider earlier to starting any new meals plan or treatment and with any questions you might have regarding a medical state of affairs. In case you could have or suspect that you have a medical draw back, promptly contact your nicely being care provider. Images licensed under CC: www.pixabay.com www.flickr.com www.pexels.com en.wikipedia.org commons.wikimedia.org http://ift.tt/yzWgML Some images downloaded from shutterstock.com. by Remedies One
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