#also maybe a no shep au? or just before shep wakes up?
saulbaby · 1 year
Ok.....lawkarian scenarios.....
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rjshepofftheshits · 3 years
i was talking about abo dynamics with @givemeuniversalcrossovers earlier and like
cant get the thoughts out of my head so i guess i gotta write them down
i'm just sat here thinking about some sort of sudden heel turn into an abo world in arkham verse. like everything is normal then one day all of gotham wakes up with a second gender and oh boy if you thought the city was off the shits before you are NOT ready for abo gotham fulled by hormones and horny.
Jelly brain says "ok but what if all the gotham girls are alphas for a change" and like ok jelly brain interesting enough but where you going with this? "what about all ur favs as omegas regardless of personality" and hmm yes THAT i could get behind
obviously batman was my first thought. i have never read a fic where batman wasnt an alpha ( edit ive just read one of him as an omega it was just ok) but i kinda just want either beta or omega batman. like either hes nothing special which is a nice change or hes an omega and selina is his alpha. i do really love batcat and like. dom batman is boring as fuck, you know selina wears the pants and the strap in this relationship and im not taking critique on this right now.
then i was on riddlecat which lets be clear, selina is always the top in that relationship so no change there. but can you mcfuckin imagine eddie 40 year old virgin nigma, known prude and probable incel (/hj ) having his first heat??? he's so adamant hes not an omega even as he's sitting on the floor shaking and stinking of pheromones. he probably kidnaps some random alpha because he's decided theyre the best and he only wants the best but LOL they already have a mate so he's just lying on the floor legs spread for nothing maybe having a little cry because he's painfully hard and no one is there to help him.
while i was thinking about omega eddie i was also thinking "haha what if scarecrow was omega too haha" and like. this could be either really funny or really fucking boring because i can def see crane not being affected by heats like others, he just gives no fucks or his brain is messed up from all the fear toxin and he just doesnt react to chemicals like the others. BUT on the other hand, as i've mentioned i hate how composed scarecrow is in ak even when he's losing. i wana see him unravel and devolve into whatever whimpering mess he was at the end of ak all hopped up on fear toxin >:}c
i would go on about the others more but this is all i care about rn: harvey switches back and forth depending on who he's with, but alone he's a beta . Selina is an alpha and for pure bigdick energy everyone in gotham wants her, riddler especially, to pick them. Riddler doesnt even really like selina that much but you know she'd treat her omega right. personally i was still leaning towards her picking bruce but maybe she likes to fuck around with the other rogues when he's busy. i was going to say ivy is also an alpha but i think it might be fun to flip the script and have her completely immune to this, all of a sudden not be able to use pheromones to influence men . its just amusing to me to imagine her sitting on her little flower pouting like "well. shit. now what???" then she just goes back to giving harley kisses and harley has already had her fill of bonding with joker so shes more than happy for ivy to pick her regardless of what their hormones are telling them to do.
ALSO @givemeuniversalcrossovers has me thinking about our ocs. Clara and clario are omegas because she said so ( or gammas if i include them in this au) theyre vicious people but still subby . she also wants penguin to be an alpha genetically speaking but like. not as alpha as the rest, which i get but rules are rules and hes an alpha just as potent as the others.
ALSO ALSO she was watching this facebook ad for werewolves where it mentioned royal alphas ( or something) and she said shep is a royal alpha, creme de la creme sort of alpha which is fire and very sexy of her . im going to include selina in that because shep and selina are a top of the chain vibe but i cant think of anyone else who deserves that title
ok i think im done for now
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Love Triumphs Part 38: Wake Up
Jared Padalecki x Reader
1250 Words
Story Summary:  AU (I love Gen, and love her with Jared.) Jared and Gen have split up, but are still friendly. You, the Reader have recently started acting on Supernatural, and have fallen in love with Jared. Both of you get hate due to the fact that you are much younger than he is.
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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Groaning, Jared plopped down onto the large king-sized bed, stretching his arms up above him. Following along behind him, you laid down, resting your head against his chest. “That was exhausting!” He exclaimed, yawning widely.
“But it was fun.” You argued. Truthfully, tonight had been lots of fun. Spending time with his two sons, getting to know them a little bit better. Your favorite part had been watching Jared interacting with his boys, seeing how loving and caring he truly was. Making you really crave a family with him. Not just the getting married part, and becoming the step mother to these two wonderful boys. But it tugged on your hormones, and you wanted a baby of your own. “Your boys are amazing, and they love you so much.”
“They are pretty awesome. I love being a father, and I just wish I had more time for it.” He mumbled, and you turned until you were laying on your stomach, staring up at him. You could see the guilt eating at him, worried that he wasn’t there enough for his kids.
“Jared, you are such an amazing person.” You insisted, and he glanced down at you in surprise. “It’s true. You try so hard to be there for everyone. You want the best for everyone, and that’s one of the reasons I fell in love with you. You are there for your kids, and now that our relationship issues are hopefully behind us, along with the problems with the front office, maybe we can figure something out. Maybe we can create a schedule with Gen. Get your boys a little bit longer.”
“You would consider that? Even though they aren’t your kids?” He asked, and it hurt a little that he would even have to ask that.
“Of course! I love those boys, and I would love to someday become their Step Mother.” You answered, hoping you weren’t going too far. “Jared, I love you, and I want to be a part of your life, a part of everything. I wouldn’t mind adding to the family, creating a life of our own.”
“Are you saying what I think?” He asked you, his face very serious.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded, nervously awaiting his response.
Pulling you up his chest, he brought his lips down to yours, kissing you with a force you hadn’t felt before. “I would love that.” He whispered, brushing the hair back from your face. “I always wanted to have a house full of kids, and having a baby with you would make me the happiest man on Earth!”
Feeling giddy at the way he took the news, you pressed your lips to his again, your hands sinking into that wonderful mane of his. As his hands skimmed your body, the sound of little footsteps sounded in the hallway, and the door creaked open. “Daddy?” Tom’s voice called out, and you pulled away from Jared, laying down next to him.
“Yeah buddy?” Jared asked, sitting up and turning the light on. Both boys stood there, holding their favorite blankets in their hands.
“Shep had a bad dream, and we wanna sleep with you.” Tom explained, stepping farther into the room.
Patting the bed next to you, you smiled at the boys. “Come on in.” You smiled at them. At the invitation, both boys raced into the room, jumping onto the bed, settling into the bed between the two of you. Knowing there was no way you could cuddle against Jared now, you sighed, reaching over and turning off the light.
As the three of you settled down under the covers, you felt a little body cuddling up to yours. “Is this okay?” Shep asked as he snuggled as close to you as he could.
“Of course.” You whispered, ruffling the boy’s hair. Sighing in contentment, Shep closed his eyes, asleep within seconds. Jared glanced at you over the boy’s heads, shrugging his shoulder silently apologizing for the interruption. Smiling at him, you snuggled against the boy, your eyes growing heavy as you realized how happy you finally were.
“Shh, we don’t want to wake her.” You heard Jared whispering as the bed was jostled. Peeking one eye open, you watched as Jared and the boys crept out of the room, leaving it darkened for you to sleep in. Snuggling deeper under the covers, you fell back to sleep.
“Is it time?” Another voice whispered some time later, as the side of the bed dipped. Struggling to wake, your eyes flittered opened, a smile gracing your face as you saw Shep’s little face in front of yours. “She’s awake!” He yelled, definitely waking you up for sure.
“I bet she is.” Jared chuckled. Moving to sit up, you saw a tray in his hands, Tom waiting by him. “The boys wanted to bring you breakfast in bed.”
On the tray was oatmeal and toast, along with a cup of coffee. Placing it on your lap, you took a bite of the toast, looking at the boys as you ate. “So, what’s the plan today?”
“Well, we both don’t have to be to the studio until this afternoon.” Jared started talking, sitting down on the bed next to you, Tom in his lap. “The boys wanted to come with us, and I said they could as long as they behave. Since Gen won’t be back yet.”
“Yeah, and if need be, we know one of the PA’s will help out.” You agreed.
“We were also thinking this morning we could go shopping.” Jared started to say as Tom bounced up and down in his lap.
“We want to buy a present for you!” He exclaimed. Glancing between Tom and Jared, you knew you were outnumbered.
Reaching over and tickling Shep, you asked him. “Is this something you want to do to?”
“Yeah!” He exclaimed between giggles. “Dad said we could go to the mall, and find a…” He started to blurt out until Jared’s hand covered his mouth, covering up what he was going to say.
Wondering what they were up to, you finished off your coffee. “Well, let’s get going then!”
Getting a house full of boys up and ready to go was no easy feat. Jared went down to the kitchen, cleaning up the mess they had made for breakfast. That left you to get the boys ready, along with yourself. Shep kept wiggling as you tried to help him button up his shirt, and by the time you turned to Tom, you realized his shoes were on the wrong feet. Sighing, you helped him fix that, only to see that Shep had paired his flannel shirt with a pair of bright orange swim trunks. “I see you have your father’s clothing style.” You chuckled as you handed him a pair of jeans instead.
With both boys finally ready, you went back in your room. Knowing that you would soon be in the makeup and hair dresser’s trailer, you went simple, keeping it lowkey, braiding your hair down your back. Slipping on some slim jeans and a sweater, you went back downstairs, seeing Jared struggling to get both boys into their car seats. Once that was taken care of, you climbed into the passenger seat, ready to see what Jared and his boys had up their sleeves. Because you never knew with him.
Sam/Jared Tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @barbedwireandbubblegum @jared-padaloveme @mysteriously-lost @lenaabs @sadmac356 @sizzlingbearpolice @sortaathief @queen--glitch
Love Triumphs Tags: @abbessolute @alicat-life @anotherwaywardsoul @aussiefangirlwolfy @babyjpad @beckawinchester @bookchic20 @buffytheangelslayer @captainradicalpassion @chelseahvarrexoxo @chubbyhuntress @crowleys-niece @daughterleftbehind @deansgirl215
@devilgirlsarah @ezauraemmaline @fallen-castiel @flawsweirdo @iamnotsaneatall @i-is-for-inspiring @invisibledevour @jadepc @jaz-047 @kiejera @keikoraventeller  @laurenw1025 @lenaabs @lexie-mo @liebemeineslebensx @lilredniki @lovebodymindstuff @lovesamwinchester
@mandylove1000 @mery-magizoologist​ @michell868​ @nayamoralesx3​ @oriona75 @padackles2010​ @partytillthenightsout​ @pastapizzacheesedragon​ @peaceloveancolor @pjofangirl18 @psychidella​ @rhiti2004​ @ronnie248-blog​  @sammysgirl1997 @smoothdogsgirl​ @snarkpunsandsarcasm @supernatural-screams @superromijn @superwhomerlockinuum @superwholockyooooo
@teashabeanz18 @thecutestlittlepiggyisme​ @thevioletthourr​ @tiffanycaruso​ @todorath​ @twinmumma84​  @vansawssupernaturalpage​ @winchester-cliqueart​ @winchesterprincessbride​ @winvhesters​ @wonderless-screwup​ @xoxoari​
Forever tags will be on the reblog.
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thatapostateboy · 7 years
can I just send a bunch for that WIP document (of ur choice maybe I have no pref) - couch, green, bed, eyes, kiss, hand, touch, soft, burnt, easy
From this meme
I went into my massive Mass Effect WIP document and had some real fun. They’re also longer than a sentence each because I got very excited
Features some AUs, spoilers, Gil/Scott, F!Shep/F!Ryder, and me gushing about my children
Couch – Sam Rydergoes to see Commander Shepard for a final goodbye
“Your troublesome brother not with you?” Shepard hummed withlaughter.
Sam snorted a little, “No, he’s too busy flirting with some cuteblonde comms specialist out on the front desk.”
“I thought you were in the science department. What bringsyou to my door?” she asked, then nodded to the couch, “You can take a seat ifyou’d like.”
Sam smiled but shook her head, “I shouldn’t stay long, Ishouldn’t even be here, but… I just wanted to say thank you, Commander. Forsaving my life that day, and the life of my team. And not just that, but savingus all from Sovereign, the geth, the Collectors. I don’t care what people aresaying, you’re a god damn hero.”
“Kid, you don’t have to say that,” Shepard leaned againstthe back of the couch, trying not to let on just how touched she was.
“No, I do,” Sam insisted, “Someone has to. You’ve been myhero ever since I saw the news vids of you when I was a kid. Although myresearch lies in geology, all of my combat training was inspired by you. Youshowed me, and so many other recruits, that battle isn’t just about who has thebiggest gun or the strongest biotics. It’s about smarts, knowing thebattlefield, being tactical. It’s saved my neck countless times… I know that Ishouldn’t have just snuck in here, and started gushing at you, but it needed tobe said. I couldn’t leave without reminding you that even though your situationis shit right now, you’re going to pull back from this, because you’reCommander Nora Shepard, hero of the Citadel, saviour of the Council, and oneday everyone is going to admire you just as much as I do.”
Green – Final mission,Sam thinks that Scott died on the Hyperion
“Is this seriously the Archon? What is he doing?” Vetraquestioned.
Without a second’s warning, the corridor they were in wentdark. They all raised their weapons in alarm, but one by one the lights startedto come back on, flicking back off and coming back on again in a pattern, greenand blue lights dancing across the ceiling, the walls and the floor.
Sam was the first to lower her gun, eyes filling with tearsas she looked around.
“What is it?” Vetra glanced at her.
“It’s Scott,” Sam whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks,fingers tracing her wrist where her blue bracelet sat, the matching one toScott’s green one, “The lights, that’s me and him; blue and green. He’s showingus the way. He… He’s alive.” A smile spread across her face as she looked atVetra, “He’s alive!” As soon as it was there, the smile was gone, and shelooked alarmed, “Oh shit, he’s alive. The Archon’s still got him!”
Bed – Pre-game, Samand Scott work at the same digsite
She rolled her eyes as the sound of her brother’s voice overthe comms in her lab.
“Saaammy… Sammy Ryder…”
“Go away Scott, I’m working,” she told him.
“Samantha Louise Ryder are you still working at this hour?”he laughed.
“One, don’t call me that, two, yes I am still working. Iwant to document everything about the samples we collected today before bed.”
“Sammy Lou, take the rest of the night off. I am bored, Iwant to hang out with my favourite sister.”
“I’m your only sister.”
“All the more reason for me to cherish your company.”
“Don’t you havework to do?” she asked.
“I’m security for a dig site full of scientists. It’s notexactly a fully packed schedule. Besides, if you come up to my post now I’vesome ice cold beers and nachos.”
She tilted her head away from the microscope, “You gotcheese dip?”
“Would I ever let you down Sammy?”
“Fine. I’m on my way.”
Eyes – AU where theRyder twins don’t go to Andromeda and join the crew of the Normandy, one shotof the morning after Sam and Shepard first sleep together
Shepard groaned softly as she woke up, realising that thewarm presence beside her had moved, her wandering hand only grasping at emptysheets. She opened her eyes to the dim light of her room, lit only by the fewlamps that she hadn’t turned off before sleep. Movement caught her eye and sheturned her gaze to the obscured figure by her desk.
“Admiring my collection?” she asked, laughing softly toherself as she watched Ryder jump.
“I thought you were still asleep,” she said.
“Right back at you,” Shepard shrugged, “Couldn’t sleep?”
“Kept trying to sneak out, but you’re a persistent cuddler,”Ryder hummed, “Was going to steal a few moments in your amazing shower thatTraynor won’t shut up about then leave, but your models caught my eye. It’s anincredible collection.”
“I’ve always loved model ships,” she admitted, “But neverhad anywhere to store them until they rebuilt the Normandy. Started collectingproperly when I was fighting the Collectors… You didn’t have to sneak out, youknow?”
“I know,” she sighed, “Still felt like I should though.
Kiss, Hand and Touch –After the final mission, Gil and Lexi transport Scott back to the medbay
Lexi and Gil eased him onto a stretcher and loaded him ontoa shuttle. Gil sat right beside him as they took off, frowning when Lexiinjected him with something.
“Anaesthetic,” she told him as they watched Scott visiblyrelax back against his pillows, “He was still in a lot of pain.”
Gil felt his chest tense up as he dreaded to think whatScott had been through, what lasting effects it would have. He glanced downwhen something warm touched his hand and he realised that it was Scott, slowlybrushing their fingers against each other’s.
“Hey Hot Shot,” Gil offered him a smile as he took hold ofhis hand properly.
“Hey yourself,” Scott mumbled, “I… I gotta tell yousomething.”
“You should really be getting some rest, Scott,” Lexi chimedin from across the shuttle.
“Gil,” he insisted, ignoring the asari and trying hishardest to keep his eyes open even though he was heavily sedated, “Really. Haveto… tell you…”
“You can tell me, then you have to get some sleep, promise?”Gil offered.
“Mmm-kay,” Scott gave a single, heavy nod, “Gil… we… weshould… get married…”
“You think so?”
“I know so…”
“And you always know best.” Lexi gave him a look and Gilgave his hand a squeeze, “You have to rest now, Scott.”
Scott closed his eyes for a moment, a smile still on hislips, before he looked at Gil again, “What… what d’you say? About marrying me?”
Gil looked down at him, heart swelling with love, “You restup, you let Lexi look after you and you get yourself better, and I’ll marryyou.”
Scott beamed, and it took all of Gil’s willpower not to kisshim senseless. He let out a mumbled exclamation of joy, and finally passed out.
Soft – Scott wakes upon Meridian and Gil tries to comfort him
Gil slipped out of his grasp again, watching him with sadeyes, “Do you need to talk about what happened to you? Sam’s tried to tell mebut… as much as she thinks she can read your mind, she didn’t go through it;you did.”
The smirk fell from Scott’s expression and he curled in alittle on himself, “Look, it’s… it’s fine. It doesn’t matter.”
“Scott Ryder, you have the worst poker face of anyone I haveever met. We promised that we’d always be honest with each other, that we trusteach other. Talk to me, I’m here for you.”
Scott sighed, “Can you just… hold me?”
They cuddled close together, Gil holding Scott in his arms.That was usually Scott’s position; he was taller, they just naturally fit thatway. But right now, this was exactly where Scott needed to be. They lay insilence for a while, content with feeling the warmth and comfort of eachother’s presence, and Gil was almost convinced that Scott had fallen asleep.Until he heard the soft vibration of Scott’s voice against his chest.
“I thought I was going to die.”
Gil lifted his head, looking down at Scott, “What?”
Scott shifted a little to look at him, “I thought I wasgoing to die… I was ready to, when I was the one with the gun in my hands; thatwas on my terms, for my reasons. It would have been quick, no pain. But once wegot to Meridian, once he started to use my implant… I’ve never felt pain likethat, he was tearing at my mind, pulling apart my thoughts to get to myimplant. I fought back, but… I didn’t think it was going to be enough. I wasnever going to see Sammy again. Or you. Or our baby… I was so fucking scared Gil. I knew that if I failed,Andromeda would die because of me. He would kill all of you… I couldn’t letthat happen. That’s the only thing that kept me going. You, our baby, ourfuture… I fought for that, and it got me through.”
“You did it, Scott, you made it through,” Gil assured him,“We’ve got a real shot at that future now, thanks to you.”
The entire galaxy was right outside their door hailing Samas their hero, and she deserved her glory, but he wasn’t going to let Scott’scontribution be forgotten.
“That’s all I want. A home, here on Meridian, some busteddown shuttle in the back yard for us to fix up and tinker with, Sam and Vetraconstantly coming over to pester us, probably with Sid in tow because you knowthat my sister has practically adopted her now, you, me, Jill, little babyBrodie-”
Gil shot him a look, “Brodie?”
“Yeah, Brodie Ryder.”
Gil laughed softly, “You’re serious?”
“Okay, maybe not the first one, Jill should get the mostinput, but somewhere down the line, I think we should have a little Brodie.”
Burnt and Easy -Extension of the pre-game scene from above
She found him sat at the edge of the cliff, legs danglingoff the edge; matching hoody on, beers and snacks laid out on one side of him,gun on the other. She flopped down beside him, picking up a beer.
“Working hard I see,” she mused as she took a sip.
“We can’t all slack off and stare at dirt all day,” hesmirked, taking a mouthful of his own.
“We don’t have it all as easy as you. How’s your latestproject coming along? Blown something up yet?” she glanced back at the littleguard station behind them that she knew was full of his various tech projects.
“I nearly reinvented the toaster earlier,” he told her,earning a snort of laughter.
“What do you mean nearly?”
“There were unforeseen complications.”
She was silent for a moment before she looked at him, “Itblew up, didn’t it?”
He nodded, “It blew up… really burnt the toast.”
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tflatte · 7 years
i said i would come back to the au where shepard’s clone decides to live instead of die and here i am
so when brooks leaves the clone to die while shepard’s squad rescues them it’s still a serious blow to them but, rather than let go and fall to their death, they remain just stubborn enough to take shep’s hand and survive
through some form of shenanigans the clone is not immediately jailed. maybe out of spite they point out that brooks is trying to hack her cuffs. somehow or other it turns into “look this is your clone, you can deal with it” and suddenly shepard has custody of a semi-murderous physically-but-not-mentally identical copy of themself.
edi is. definitely keeping an Extremely Close Eye on the clone at all times. alerts several relevant people if they ever start doing suspicious things. liara is one of those people but she’s also keeping her own, separate eye on cloneshep - redundancy is important here. shepard probably works out a code for their team in case they ever need to be sure it’s shep prime and not cloneshep.
meanwhile cloneshep’s entire worldview is wobbling because they always thought shep prime had to be no better than them, that they’d be better at being commander shepard, all of that, but shepard prime just proved them wrong in the worst possible way and then had the gall to save them. after cloneshep tried to kill them and all their friends and steal their ship. cloneshep is very confused.
(i imagine at least a significant part of cloneshep’s worldview was also a result of being woken up by and mostly having firsthand how-to-person interactions with brooks, a person who left cerberus because they weren’t narrow-mindedly awful enough for her, so.)
nobody knows what to actually call cloneshep and it pisses them off. eventually shep is like “look we can’t keep calling you ‘the clone’ and ‘other shepard’ there’s gotta be at least a first name you can pick for yourself” and cloneshep reluctantly agrees to think about that. finally comes back with...well, something. given that shepard’s name is basically Insert Name Here picking a first name for the clone is not easy. if shep’s name is custom and not jane/john i could see the clone going for a generic name. thinking, if they can’t be The commander shepard...maybe they’d like to start distancing themself.
taking in the clone rivals taking on legion for “shepard i trust you but ARE YOU REALLY 100% SURE ABOUT THIS. ARE YOU REALLY. BECAUSE I’M NOT.” among the crew. cloneshep and shep prime both get a lot of people going “hey edi can you confirm this is the real shepard/clone shepard” in the beginning. after a while that tapers off, shepard was right when they pointed out that cloneshep would never fool anyone who knows shepard, even if they wiped out shep’s close friends. various mannerisms, postures, speech/interaction patterns all give them away too easily.
cloneshep has a lot of adjusting and learning how to deal with people who aren’t asshole criminals/mercenaries/etc. when they finally decide this they start small and start interacting with the crew - not Shepard’s Crew, they’re not really inclined to be friendly to the person who tried to kill them all and steal their friend’s life(it’s mutual, at least at first), but the ordinary, human crew who mostly interact with shepard prime from a distance.
i have to think more about individual reactions between cloneshep and the squad. if shep prime has a love interest on the normandy cloneshep usually gives them a wide berth because even without the actual criminal stuff that’s Weird on both sides. they’re dating cloneshep’s physical double and that’s weird.
traynor is probably still bitter about the whole attempted-dishonorable-discharge thing. it was not actually personal on cloneshep’s part so they mostly end up feeling kinda awkward/embarrassed about it. traynor probably commiserates with joker, who is still bitter that cloneshep not only stole his ship but tried to replace him with a mediocre pilot. 
shepard themself...well, the whole thing is kinda weird for them. and they definitely haven’t forgotten everything cloneshep did to them and theirs. but, also...they tried to imagine waking up and knowing you were never even supposed to wake up, to be aware, that your existence was solely to facilitate the revival of some other person and as far as anyone else is concerned you’re an unnecessary, subpar copy of that person. having no memories before waking up an adult with some space tech in your brain to make you functional, no friends or family or support. this version of shepard is forgiveness-inclined by nature or the au couldn’t even start, so. thinking about that pushes them to be a lot more sympathetic than they might otherwise be. interacting with the clone wiithout threats or guns involved is awkward but shepard has never been one to let that stop them.
cloneshep has some very complicated feelings about shep prime and it’ll take them a while to sort those out.
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