#also she spent like 5 min name dropping **** and I was like. really. are u for real rn I GET IT UR IMPORTANT
Called up my coworker yesterday with the promise of Drama and ended up telling her that I was telling other people she doesn’t love me anymore
#she was actually mad at me and it was kind of funny#she was like FUCK U I DO NOT NEED THIS NOW#I did also tell her about actual drama#but I was also like. u don’t spend time with me anymore. someone asked about u yesterday and I was like she doesn’t hang out with me#and she was like TAKE IT BACK FORREAL#anyways we were on the phone for an hour and a half after work#she yelled at me half the time and the other half I yelled at her! peak communication#I’m making her stop being a fucking child and talk to someone in our office she’s beefing with#and she’s sending her a non apology and I’m fine with that at least they’re talking#sometimes u have to give the 37 year olds life advice cause they’re IDIOTS trying to cause PROBLEMS FOR THEMSELVES#I think the most frustrating relationship dynamic in the world is someone the Same as you#but a lot older and therefore horrifically set in their ways and completely non receptive to feedback#it’s like looking in one of those circus mirrors and being like FUCK THAT COULD BE ME IN 15 YEARS IF I DONT GET MY SHIT TOGETHER#V v funny of me to be like ‘oh she’s dead to me’ to other people in the office when they ask about her#and for her to be like ‘oh she’s just traveling’#one day I’m gonna be less dramatic and more normal#but apparently the coworker who she is having problems with was also going around saying that so.. I do need to take it back#cause she’s important now and I’m making her look like an asshole who left all her other people behind when she became important#but MAYBE she should HANG OUT WITH ME MORE#delete later#anyways. clarified that she doesn’t hate me. my communication skills are great actually because if I’m mad at u#u will know pretty soon.#also she spent like 5 min name dropping **** and I was like. really. are u for real rn I GET IT UR IMPORTANT
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
S1e5 rewatch
Poor Nadja. And i love Nandor and Guillermo bickering and acting like they totally arent just like Nadja and Laszlo. And Nandor giving him shit then repeating his quips lololol.
I love my lazy lil fuck like…why couldnt Laszlo hypnotize the gf? Hes so awful at that lol
In Nadja and Laszlo’s room there is a skull on a table. There was one in a closet last ep (w skin lol). How many fuckin heads are in that house?
Ive come to believe Taika Waititi’s fake name has to involve Jeff
I also love how…Colin Robinson is brought into this? Like they cant find Nadja so he’ll do?!?
I think the ‘enter if only invited’ is almost dropped after this ep. It clutters what the vamps can do tho i never understood why say Guillermo couldnt enter and then invite them in?
And then as if to say ‘fuck all that’ they spent 5 mins building up how vamps cant even enter a parking garage but the animal control chick is just chatting away like she knows the cameras?! I get why they may be around (Nandor and Colin flying behind) but not why shed be like come sit and chat.
Also…why did Nandor let Colin fly w him and not Guillermo? Or did i miss it despite rewinding 3 times lol?! Ok right they made Guillermo bike lol!!!!! I so very much would love to see how that was decided.
Poor Jesk he must be so fuckin hard up to be like ‘gee this freaky chic is moaning at me but im into it’
Colin giving Nandor shut is great. Poor lil Nandor the look he has is like when Blackbeard told the guys the rich ppl picked on him.
And for something else soon to be forgotten Colin claims Nandor ate a cat (and Nandor acts like its true and hes embarrassed by it). Jenna is shown later to eat raccoons and shit so prbly true
Annnnd yup Nandor also fails at hypnotizing. Only Nadja seems to be able to do it. Colin continues nailing it
The hissing fight lolololol. Can u imagine just working ur shit job and too weirdos start hissing at each other?
Its wildly funny to me Nadja can do all sorts of shit but fake eating food realistically. Girl just hypnotize him
U do want Colin if forms are involved. Honestly this ep is a great example of their abilities and stupidities. Colin can mess w humans but is useless otherwise. Laszlo and Nandor immediately get trapped (Nandor getting trapped AFTER laszlo is so fucking funny) and they only are all still alive cuz Nadja is around…and Guillermo. I mean if they brought Guillermo this wouldve been a lot easier from the start lol. ‘Not now Guillermo’ lololol
I want little more in this life than Laszlo to take Sam as a familiar. Laszlo + cats gives me life. ‘I have a gentlemans agreement w this cat’
I have trouble believing a monger of thousands of years could be that thrilling?! Thats like saying a walmart greeter is so sexy.
I dont think we’ve ever seen the ‘go back’ trick on anyone else. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO IT TO GUILLERMO AND MAKE IT THE OFMD CROSSOVER
Its actually fascinating that by this logic u could be really fascinating as a soul and even body but not in the current outfit (life) ur wearing.
That cat is a star im telling u. Id love to see Laszlo bring cats to a riot. The lil finger hypnotize he tries is…oddly sexy?
Do u think Nandor is kind to the hell hound cuz he can turn into a dog? God id love to see what all animals they can turn into
‘You turn yourself into a dog in a place that imprisons dogs?’ This fuckhead got himself in a cage and hes LECTURING U AND RIGHT ABOUT IT. Poor Nandor.
And now the only time any of them have a cellphone and its Nadja…who cant work a remote lol
And now yup Guillermo can get her in. Or unleashing Colin long enough works.
I need a still of Laszlo sitting in that cage lol
And yup he forgot to hypnotize the cats lol
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prorevenge · 4 years
Ex-girlfriend had me arrested and contributed to stealing $1000's of dollars from my bank account before I got my retribution.
This is really long but ends with a lot of irony and perfect results.
TL;DR Ex lies and has me arrested because I didn't take her on trip with me. She also destroyed some of my property and possessions while stealing others along with cash and bank card. Prosecutor finds out it's all lies files charges to which she wants me to have dropped. That angers me so I turn over evidence of her other crimes. She goes to jail. Good stuff!!!
About 13 years ago I was in an amazingly toxic relationship, and was completely blindly stupidly in love or so I thought at the time. We had been together about 2 years and had been living together since literally the first night we met. I owned my own home which I worked from and made great money and asked her to quit her job after one too many incidents where she had to deal with a handsy boss. Months into our relationship we rented an apartment out on the beach but I kept my house and we'd go sleep there 2-3 times a month. Since she was looking for a job I told her I would pay our bills while she found and settled into her new job. Her job search lasted about 5 minutes and then she took to hanging out around the house while I worked 15-16 hour days. We spent all day everyday together except for when we would go out to bars together and she'd meet her girlfriends and I'd meet my people's. I got burnt out on work and since I owned my own business I decided I could have my subcontractors do the day to way work and I'd take a year to travel while working remotely 2-3 days a week.
It was around this time I noticed a change in her attitude and our relationship. She became suspicious and accusing me of cheating which was completely unfounded and confusing to me since we were together almost always. Had I listened to those around me I would've put that relationship out of its misery and walked away. However, I decided to try and make her see I wasn't what she thought I was. I obviously see now it was projection and her on concern about being caught sleep around.
We took a year and went all over the US on road trips, going to music festivals, and seeing friends all over the country. We also went to Europe a few times so she got to do and see not just our country but 7 others on my dime while cheating on me but making me feel like the bad guy.
Things would be great while traveling until we were about to land, or just after we got home then she'd pick a fight and I'd go to my house for the night. Our last trip together was to Portland for 10 days in the first week of October. We had a great time and things seemed like the worst was behind us. Boy was I wrong! In our town there's an annual halloween street party. We had each gone for 10+ years before we started dating and every year since we began dating. This particular year I had decided I wanted to go to voodoo festival in New Orleans which is the last week of October and our local shindig is the last Saturday of October. This caused a huge fight between us and I told her I needed a break to assess our relationship. This brought out an evil side in her which I'd never seen. I was shocked and wasn't going to tolerate it. I packed my bags and went to the airport and caught my flight to NO. I got there the day before the festival started and went and gambled and did my tourist obligations on Bourbon Street. That evening I was missing her so I booked her a ticket and tried calling her but got no answer. I texted her and let her know that a ticket was at the airport and a car would be waiting to bring her to my hotel but still got no response. Hours after I called her she drunkenly calls me screaming about how she knew I had one of my whores with me on this trip. She went on for 20 min before I told her to forget the ticket and to fuck off at this point I was 100% done. At that point she asked what ticket because she hadn't seen the text (flip phones were the worst for that reason) but it was too late in my book. For her to think I was that type of person and the seriously personal attacks she launched into let me know there was nothing left to salvage. Before hanging up I told her when I returned I would be moving out of the apartment and I would no longer be paying for everything so she had a week to make arrangements.
Because we were living together she had access to the spare key to my house I kept in our apartment. She went to my house and dumped bleach all over my clothing and my sneaker collection. That there would be enough for me to murder her if I wasn't a decent person. She also stole 300+ records and my spare bank card plus the $10,000 I kept for emergencies (bail money) in a safe hidden in my closet. This was an intelligent woman but her thinking during her little crime spree wouldn't indicate that. Instead of using the bank card herself she gave it to a friend of hers and they spent over $3500 on purchases and withdrew $5500 from my savings. I only found it was happening because my bank called and wondering why my card was being used in 2 separate states minutes or hours apart in the same day. I shut the card off and filed fraud claims and put her out of my mind for the rest of the week while having a blast. Festival was great and had a great time hanging out drinking, drugging, gambling, and partying while in New Orleans. The festival ended Sunday and I flew home the following Tuesday. I come off the jetway into the terminal and am met by two detectives. They ask my name and I of course started answering all their questions. Within 5 minutes I'm in handcuffs and being led away for felony domestic violence, terroristic threats, burglary, assault, and criminal mischief.
I had left on my trip on a Friday afternoon. That next day is when I sent her the ticket and we had that blowout where I ended it. She called the police and told them we were fighting and I came to her house and she wouldn't let me in, so I threw a brick through her sliding glass door. Once in then I started to strangle her and one of girlfriends tried to stop me and I punched and beat her up. She told the police I fled to New Orleans. (The level of crazy here is beyond scary she staged a break in by smashing a door in our apartment, had hand marks on her neck to be photographed, and the other girl had a split lip...all faked) The police somehow got my flight info but didn't bother to check that I wasn't even in town when all this allegedly happened. I went to jail and bonded out ($35,000 bond) and had to hire an attorney. Based on charges filed I was looking at 12 years now that's what I would've served but still scary AF. I knew I could prove where I was so wasn't overly concerned. However it cost me $3500 for bond and $10,000 on an attorney. I got my $3,5000 back when my case was dropped. After getting out of jail I went to the airport to get my car and she had slit all 4 tires on my car leaving the pearl handled switch blade I bought her as a gift in the last tire.
My attorney gets all my travel documents to the prosecutor and the charges are dropped. I was going to let the rest of the shit go and be done with her. Honestly if losing that money meant I'd never have to see or deal with her again I would've paid double. The prosecutor was pissed and filed charges on both my ex the other girl who lied to police. At this point he didn't know about the fraud complaint from the money stolen from me. Again I was going to just let it go until my ex called me. She tried apologizing by saying she was sorry she had to do all the stuff because I told her I never wanted to see or speak to her again while in New Orleans. By doing those things she felt it would get my attention is the way she put it. I told her she was a spiteful bitch and karma would run over some day. Her response was I was spiteful for leaving her and going on the trip without her. My last words to her that I would be very spiteful and her oncoming karma rolled into one. Because I had texts asking her about the damage done in my home and the missing $10k/bank card and the money spent in which she admitted all of it I turned those over to the prosecutor. He filed theft, burglary, identity theft, misuse of credit card, and about 4 other charges on her. She had a key but no permission to be in my house so the burglary charge stuck and so did 5 of the other charges. She got 6 years and did 3. Once out I would see her when I was out because she has always bartended or been a waitress. Over a three year period I saw her working at 5 places. At all 5 I notified the manager or owner that she was thief not to trusted and gave them just enough info to see she was a felon. She lost those 5 jobs. After that she moved away. Last I heard she lived in Chicago. Feel sorry for whatever person this parasite is currently attached to.
Crazy Psycho = 0 Me = 1
(source) story by (/u/Burnvictim49percent)
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loudmouthcd · 4 years
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hello hello !! im so excited to be here ! my name is g , and u can find me on my musings blog @ pocmuzings if u ever want to hmu ! i’m 23 and in the aest timezone , so ill be on at pretty random hours between working my 9-5 ! i’m a cis woman , and use she / her pronouns . i’m a proud brown beautiful woman ( im indian ) !  if u would like my discord , feel free to ask ! i’m a horror movie enthusiast , and would d*e for any poc in the entire world . . 
i’m currently trying to figure out where the heck my sidebar links have gone on this theme . . so pls Bear with me fkjnfnjkfj . ( help . . help . . they’re in the theme preview idk what i did ) 
here’s mali , she’s a muse i’ve always wanted to play but never been able to !
inspiration for her is mandy milkovich from shameless , rosa diaz from b99 , rebeca from elite , kiara from outer banks and viola from shes the man
mali was raised in a house filled with boys , and her father was quite strict and determined . her relationship with her father has never been very personal, but more so almost like a business deal , or like a coach and his student 
mali was quite active as a child , and quite energetic . she was always running around and bouncing off walls - it drove her father wild because he could never make her sit still , whilst also trying to raise her older brothers at the same time
because of this , mali kinda took to her own devices . she was introduced to soccer at school , and that was her first love . she found herself playing it at every lunch break , or rolling the ball under the desk during class time . it helped with her jitteriness 
it took a year or two before her father realised that she was quite keen on soccer , and she was good at it - and he was overjoyed at the talent she had when it came to playing . she was a strong striker and attacker , but she was also quite aggressive and competitive on the field . she didn’t really have much etiquette when it came to the game , and she would play dirty at times . this . . only made her father even happier . suddenly he went from barely noticing her , to being at every soccer practice and game she had . he bought her the best soccer cleats he could afford , and pushed for her to win every game and score as many goals as possible . he went from not being very invested in mali , as the only girl in the family ( he didn’t know what to do with a girl ) , to being her number one fan
at first it was great . . but then . . her father got a little overbearing and controlling. if she didn’t make a shot , she could feel his disappointment radiating from a mile away . if she allowed someone to trip or foul her , her father would berate her in the car for not having been more intuitive . her father pushed her to be more and more competitive and the best she could be . mali still thoroughly loved soccer , but she started to find it slightly draining . 
whenever she had a second of time outside of studying , her father would be making her run drills or shoot goals in the backyard . she never really got a lot of time to be by herself or do stuff she wanted ( like just normal teenage girl stuff . . getting crushes on people , going to house parties , having her first beer . . ) 
mali has spent majority of her time either with her brothers and her father ( the entire house is pure chaos . messy . loud burping . video games . yelling across rooms to each other . there’s constant noise at all hours of the day ) , or hanging out with her fellow soccer team players ( sometimes they got along with mali , sometimes they saw her as too much of a ball hog or taking the game ‘ too seriously ‘ ) . mali hasn’t really had a chance to develop many friendships outside of this , and it’s beginning to really effect her 
mali has decided to take somewhat of a step back from soccer ( and the competitiveness of it ) , but she’s also not telling her father about that . mali misses having FUN with playing , instead of seeing it as a sport and chore .
she also wants to have the full college experience . her entire first year was dedicated to soccer and getting used to college and living out of home for the first time . this new independency is fantastic , but mali has no idea what to do with it . she wants to live . really live . really get the full experience .
mali really wants to be more ‘ feminine ‘ . she wants to know how to do boss eyeliner , and wear pretty dresses with heels . at the moment , her wardrobe consists of baggy sweaters , ripped jeans , and a lot of sweatpants . she finds woman to be so so beautiful . . but looks at herself and sees a Gremlin . . oh to be a Woman . . wow . . 
mali can be described as . . . very very blunt and loudmouthed . a bi disaster . chaotic and messy . competitive and driven , but also very blasé and careless at times ( reckless may be a better word ) . she’s very spontaneous , and always up for literally anything ( if u wanna get a burrito at 2am , mali will come . if you want to roadtrip across the state , mali will ride shotgun . she never says no ) 
mali is very sick of being seen as ‘ one of the dudes ‘ or ‘ one of the guys ‘ , she especially wants to be making more female friends and have more females in her life , because . . she’s literally never had many that weren’t on the soccer team with her , or her own competition !
connections ( but also pls i will fill any connection u WANT )
trainwreck meet trainwreck : give me two disaster bastards ! together they are absolute chaos ! they are very similair in that they are both abrasive and intense and very high energy . they usually will encourage each others bad behaviours or be somewhat of a bad influence to each other 
‘ one of the boys ‘ : give me a male friend who literally sees mali as another one of the guys . it irks mali sometimes and she has to remind them , hey  . . im a girl too , and they’re always like ‘ yeah but ur not a GIRL girl ‘ , and that lowkey grinds her gears . SHE WANTS TO BE A GIRL GIRL
soft females : please . . my god . . give me the softest sweetest gal to mali’s absolute demonic energy
soccer players : 100000% believe mali has challenged ur character to an impromptu game of soccer at one point . it doesn’t matter if ur not in the same league or team as mali . if u play soccer for even one second , she will want to size u up and try Beat u at it . 
childhood friends : i ain’t never seen two pretty childhood friends . . no i’m kidding , but i do love childhood friends so SO much
siblings but not by blood : they bicker , they rant , they get frustrated . . but they always always come back to each other . they can call each other an asshole then text each other ten mins later and be like ‘ taco bell ? :) ‘ dskjnfdnjk
watch it , bitch : mali is . . a Lot . she’s very intense and loud , and she has no manners . she’s very competitive and aggressive at times and i completely understand why that isnt everyones cup of tea ! lets get some negative connections up in here !
bi bi bi : give me hookups . past . present .emerging . future . let mali be a hoe , she deserves it . she deserves the college experience
party in the usa : whos gonna introduce mali to alcohol n partying and having  a Wild As Heck night ?
outer banks : pls pls pls pls PLEASE give me an outer banks - esque squad . total idiots . absolute morons ..  there’s not a single brain cell between them  . . 
mali , you look like shit : please teach her how to not wear the same sweatshirt 10 days in a row . pls clean her up . pls show her how to be Pretty . make her over . . . i beg of u . . 
older sister : honestly kinda like the above plot but i’d love for a Wise Woman to just . . be a mentor and guide to mali and be an amazing friend to her 
GIRL SQUAD : i literally love female friendships so muhc . . its smth that can be so personal . . but really my god . give me and mali a bunch of females in her life , shes never really had that before and she Deserves it 
pain in my ass : they both irritate each other endlessly . they’re both too similair , maybe ,and that’s why they clash . a lot of it is ‘ harmless teasing ‘ and ‘ banter ‘ for the most part , but they literally fight like an old married couple around each other .
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Tell us more about Trenton and Eric!
Ah yes! So Trenton has been next door neighbor with Eric and Derek their whole lives. They've been best friends forever and would always be going to and from each others houses all the time. Derek really saw both of them as little brothers. (Eric's like 20 mins younger but still xp) Eric and Trenton were inseparable. They were both huge nerds who obsessed over video games and horror movies. Trenton was the happy, talkative one, but Eric always kept up with the conversation. Plus they were supportive of their other interests too. Like Trenton will always be at the twins basketball games, cheering them on. And Eric thought that Trenton's fashion designs were cool. (Hes not fashionable XD)
Trenton's dad specifically did not like how Trenton would do 'girly' things. He would play dolls with his little sister. He acted more 'feminine'. The rest of the family didnt care, there was nothing wrong with him. But when he was 12, he confided in his mother that he was bi. His father overheard and started yelling and almost hit his son. His mother and brother Brandon got in the middle of the fight, and his mom decided to divorce him. She's a doctor who didnt need his income and eventually got full custody of her children. That night, Trenton went to Eric's room (their rooms are across from each other with a tree in the middle) and the twins held him, letting him cry and comforting him. They never wanted to kill a man more than they did right now, but they need to comfort Trent and theyre like 12.
By this time, the two of them developed crushes on each other. They spent so much time pining, my god. Derek literally asked his brother to grow a pair and ask him out for like 5 years. The entire friend group knew. Hell, Mari, Liv, and Chase were new in sophomore year and they knew how badly these two were pining for each other. By junior year, everyone was sick of it. It didn't help that Derek was hearing some rumors in the locker room that were pretty nsfw about Trenton and it not only made him want to kick some ass, but it made him want to push his brother into confessing even more. So, because there was no way he was gonna do on his own, he talked to the only good friend on the basketball team they had, his name is Griffin, and asked if he could ask out Trenton to help his brother realize that he needs to confess sooner than later. Griffins a good guy, super cool, but a bit himbo-ish, he asked Trenton out after basketball practice and Derek made sure his brother was watching. The entire friend group was in on it, and helped Trenton get ready for his date, dropping hints at Eric that Trenton's a catch and its inevitable that he would be asked out, and that theyre glad it was a nice guy like Griffin and not one of the disgusting douches that could potentially hurt him.
Eric was pretty jealous, but he did know Griffin was a good person, and wanted Trenton to have fun, but couldnt talk to him all week because didnt want to ruin Trentons fun with his bad mood. But again, his brother kept saying how this could've been avoided if he just told him how he felt. That Friday rolled around and Trenton and Griffin had a nice date, Applebee's and a movie (this was around the time IT chapter one came out and they saw that. Trenton felt really bad because that was the movie that he promised to watch with his friends, especially Eric, so he watched the movie with guilt). But they had a fun time, and Griffin walked him to his house, and told him that even if he didnt want to continue dating, that he hoped they could stay friends because he had fun with him. Trenton was pretty happy to here that. Griffin kissed him on the cheek and left. Trenton went to his room, and found Eric at the tree in front of the window. He apologizes for being weird the past week, which Trenton forgives. It was difficult for Eric to admit to himself, and even harder to admit out loud, but he was jealous, and revealed how much he means to him, how much he loves being around him, how much he loves him. It was a good shock, and they realized what dummies they were. Also how much they were dreading the 'I told u so's' from the group chat.
They end up being the sweetest couple. They nerd out together, Trenton is always at Eric's basketball games with his jacket on, Eric loves wrapping his arms around his bf. They are mushy and in love and their friends know this is way better than them pining.
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elijahfitz · 5 years
and introduction.
meet elijah.
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hey guys! im lina! im 18 and im in the cst timezone. im currently a freshman in college and ive also been rping for like 6 years now ( i started on the neopets chat boards. if thats not an embarrassing fun fact idk what is ) but i havent rped since this summer since school was and still is kicking my ass. im really into musical theater, marvel & dc, and disney! i also used to be a lifeguard at a great wolf lodge for 2 years so if u want any funny stories about stupid children, or even just wanna be friends, lmk! im also SUPER sorry this intro is so late. i was gonna do it yesterday but then my friends wanted to hang and it kinda went downhill from there. im actually posting this like 20 min before i have a lab practical so i wont be able to reply until late tonight, but like this post to plot or anything!
some fun facts abt elijah:
he was adopted when he was around 3-4? he was abandoned and left on the back of a merchant cart headed to corona, where he was then discovered and then put into the local orphanage since no one was sure where he came from or who left him. all he had was a stuffed bear (named wooly), a basket of water and fruits to eat, and a letter that explained that:
his name was elijah
he was 2 (born on february 28th)
his parents couldnt care for him, so they hoped he would be found by a kind soul who could either take care of and love him, or else get him to someone who could
they loved him and only left him in the hopes that he would have a better life
he lived in the orphanage for almost 2 years and the few months before the 2nd anniversary of his arrival, rapunzel & eugene visited the orphanage that eugene grew up in and fell in love w/ eli, promptly adopting him soon after. he barely remembers anything about his abandonment and time in the orphanage, but always wanted to find his birth parents and let them know how he turned out. he kept the bear and basket in his room but carries the letter around with him in his wallet wherever he goes.
his full name is elijah frederic fitzherbert. he was given the middle name frederic in honor of his grandfather.
but, he much rather prefers eli. doesnt mind formalities but insists on people who know him to call him by his nickname. except he HATES being called “highness” bc he thinks it sounds stupid. he wont get upset per se if u keep referring to him as “your highness” but he will get annoyed
he very much wants to fulfill his role as “corona’s golden boy” by contributing back to his people. he worries for the kingdom more than he worries for himself and is always trying to prove that he is worthy of being a prince rather than just some random kid who got lucky enough to get adopted. most of his days are spent doing modest favors and helping out the townspeople or visiting the villages surrounding the kingdom.
when he’s in the castle you can almost always find him in the kitchen! boi loves to bake and cook. he loves the way food can bring joy to everyone. he often makes goods to give to the townspeople or the kids at the orphanage, where he volunteers at least every 2 weeks when hes not busy w prince stuff.
has an acute fear of disappointment. he feels so much pressure to prove his worth that came from growing up thinking if he did anything wrong he’d be sent back to orphanage, esp since his parents had another child. they wouldn’t want or need him anymore. he mostly got over this when he broke a vase when he was 12 and tried to run away from home, except he fell out the tree that he used to climb out his window and broke his leg lmao. his parents assured him that no matter what he did they would still love him and never abandon him, and his dad also taught him how to climb trees and roofs without dying (much to his mom’s chagrin). even tho hes pretty much over it, it kinda lingers subconsciously. thus, he overcompensates in everything he does and gets overly anxious about small problems
growing up he thought the stories that his dad told him about his past were so cool, despite the fact that he would almost always only hear those stories when he was being taught lessons of what he shouldnt do. he used to run around pretending to be flynn rider and his dad played along, planning play heists for them to do together (think scott & cassie in that one scene from ant man and the wasp) but they stopped when eli hit that age where he thought it was embarrassing to play w his dad. but, it really helped him bond w eugene and help him work on his coordination bc eli is CLUMSY AF
eli legit trips over nothing at least twice a day.
he bonded w his mom through art tho, which eventually turned into aesthetic desserts and meals! thats another reason why he loves baking and cooking so much.
when his 1st sibling was born when he was 5 at first he was jealous. he didnt get much attention at the orphanage due to the fact that there were so many kids and he was just starting to get used to the idea of having parents didnt have tons of kids always trying to win their affection and attention. he thought having a little sibling was the worst thing in the world and would hide from his parents bc if they couldnt find him they couldnt send him away. he hated his sibling.
until he met them. the second he saw their chubby face he was hooked. he swore that he would do anything and everything for them. and that continued when his parents adopted his other siblings as well. he absolutely adores them and acts like the protective older bro role
thankfully, with such a large age gap eli never rlly had to go through any of those petty squabbles that siblings usually have. he was always pretty protective of them tho and would fight when he thought they were being reckless and dumb out of his own fear that if they got hurt he would be an awful big brother (again, fear of disappointment)
he loves to travel bc his mom would always take him to these extravagant kingdoms and on these amazing sightseeing trips
this boy is hopeless when it comes to love. i can imagine lots of ppl liking him on top of all the ppl throwing themselves at him bc royal, but him being completely oblivious and thinking that no one likes him.
he had rlly bad ADD as a kid but its gotten better as hes grown. he still occasionally struggles w executive functioning tho and always gets rlly frustrated when he cant focus or remember
like i said earlier, clumsy af. no coordination. the only athletic ability he ever had was horse riding and running
that said he has a horse named may (short for mayonnaise. dont ask
he likes music a lot. prob learned piano at a young age
he probably is at the party bc royals? idk
EDIT: although (currently) unknown to eli, his true birth mother is maleficent. when eli was 2, his birth father took him away from her and had her suppress eli’s natural born powers. his father realized he was unfit to care for him, so he was the one who abandoned eli.
wanted connections!!
obv his parents and siblings? i mean cmon
one ( or both???? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) of his birth parents!!!!! they dont have to know that eli is their son or mayb they do and are too scared to tell him, but being trapped together will eventually make it revealed
childhood friends! people he met when he traveled w his mom or met at royal social functions? i rlly also want friends that he would hang w at all the royal galas and stuff and they would go do dumb stuff like look sneak out and look for secret passages of make bets of who could dump more crab cakes into the stuffy duchess’ purse when she wasnt looking
people who know him solely through his family
someone who likes eli and eli legit has no clue, no matter how much they flirt and drop hints
people who hate eli! or even just dislike him, which makes him upset bc he doesnt like the idea that there are ppl who dont like him in the world. mayb bc sometimes he gets super highstrung when things arent going how they should b and he like lashed out at them once or something. maybe they hate his parents and on principle hate him. idk
someone who was w eli in the orphanage
past relationships? i feel like hes never rlly had a bad breakup tho, its just that they prob just didnt work out. hes also bi so they can b any gender. hes still looking for his otp
idk, legit anything. send me those plots man
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musashi · 5 years
Quick! Top 10 best James TeamRocket episodes of all time and why are they good?
OH GOOD ASK TELLY. im actually gonna just to top 5 because i have too many feelings and putting them all in one ask makes me anxious haha.
5. DP153/The Treasure is All Mine! - bruh they really gave an homage to my favourite episode of pokeani smack dab in the middle of DP. god i lov this ep. i can’t believe they acknowledged james’ backstory in such detail so so late in the series and so far after his initial episode. mostly i love this episode because we actually get to see a lot of bby james living his life as a kid and it drops the BOMB that he actually did have feelings for his ex fiancee at one point, incredibly shallow ones that rode entirely on the fact that he thought she was pretty, and OH BY THE WAY SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE JESSIE BUT NO ROCKETSHIPPING BRO. i have too many feelings about this. also growlie was there i love growlie. also finally got jessie in disguise as jessebelle why’d that take so long??? i mean probably because the writers aren’t cruel enough to do that to james but yknow.
4. AG147/Sweet Baby James - god i just watched this episode for the first time in japanese and it’s so good. it’s so fucking good. i think my favourite thing about this episode is that it lets you know there were at least two more people looking out for james in his childhood. so he had them and his growlithe, which is a comforting thought. every time he starts talking abt his childhood i black out from heartbreak lol. i love this whole arc of the anime because james’ chimecho is arguably his favourite pokemon of all time and when he finally gets one he helicopter parents it to an extent that it’s kinda virtually useless from a story perspective (hence why it got written out so quick) and despite his obsession with protecting it from harm, it ends up getting so sick it can’t travel with him anymore. so even though it’s not explored there’s this underlying lesson he has to learn that no matter how much he loves something he can’t protect it from everything, and i think it would’ve been really cool if they had explored that more because in a way james is kind of perpetuating a cycle in how he was treated (sheltered, stifled, and locked away) on the closest thing he has to a child of his own. only instead of out of control and abuse, he makes that mistake out of love. again none of that is expanded upon in the episode, but this episode lays the GROUNDWORK for it, and i love that. it’s also really good how devoted he is to staying by its side, how easily he truces with team twerp and turns on his teammates for wanting to rob his estate & fuck everything up, and just how good of a person he is in this episode, owning up to his lies and staying true to himself. i rly think this episode is the rawest we ever get james? like this is him at heart, no facades, no fronts, just james as he is. i love that. i love him.
3. SM058/Fighting Back the Tears! - This episode belongs more to Mareanie than it does to James but upon rewatching it a few times I just gotta say: its good. Esp on a second rewatch. Mareanie does a lot of Questionable Things in the beginning of this episode u don’t understand until you know her backstory, and then once you do it hits twice as hard. Her and James have so many moments of quiet love together, talking one on one, and the way he speaks to her is with so much softness in his voice it quite literally rots my teeth out of my skull. There’s a lot of subtle callbacks to James’ own backstory that I’m downright ANGRY weren’t explored (Mareanie and James have the same backstory. They were both wronged by their first love and found a second chance in a partner who resembles those first loves. Despite being a direct parallel, THIS IS NEVER MENTIONED OR DISCUSSED??? POKEANI???) Oh and there’s whump & h/c. James is deathly poisoned at one point and his friends are at his bedside looking after him while he deliriously makes poor life choices. Also James fights a tentacruel w/ his bare fists. Also there’s a slutty bisexual crown of thorns starfish in this episode. a+. good episode. 
2. DP146/Dressed for Jess Success! - i’ll do the horny part first: fetish brain like sick girl oughghhghhhg jessie hot sexy. K ANYWAYS this is my second fave episode of all time. mostly for horny reasons but theres a lot of good shit happening that isn’t that. despite only ever posting abt jessie when i liveblog this episode it’s actually an episode about james and meowth and jessie doesn’t do much besides scream at her tv while on a lot of cold medicine. this episode is fucking hysterical to me because james is really really good at being in disguise as any old rando, melts into roles perfectly, and overall never sees any of that as a burden--but the SECOND he has to act as the literal woman he has spent the last 10+ years of his life with he freezes up and is like “I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING??? HELP” like he can’t fathom it. that is so fucking funny. like is he scared he’s gonna come home and jessie’s gonna shove him in a closet and scream at him for being ooc. the other thing thats good about this episode is james spends like 10 minutes slinking around the contest hall like “ughghghg im not a fucking coordinator meowth lets lose” and he then proceeds to eviscerate not only the competition but the literal heroine as well, i mean he just EVISCERATES dawn. he has almost full points when he beats her and she has NONE. he humiliates the poor girl. and he gets the loudest cheers the MC has ever heard. loud enough that jessie yells at him fsdghfsg “i don’t like that you as me got more applause than i as me!!!” LIKE JAMES IS SECRETLY A REALLY GOOD COORDINATOR... CAN WE PLEASE GET MORE OF JAMES IN CONTESTS. fuck i love this episode. did i mention jessie’s hot 
1. EP048/Holy Matrimony! - Like dude do I have to say any more about this episode... beyond being the quintessential Backstory Episode it has one of the most pivotal rocketshipping moments in it. The black comedy is so fucking good and makes you feel all kinds of weird for laughing and that is my favourite feeling of all. There’s a vileplume AND a growlithe, like thats a wombo combo of good pokemon. Everyone in the dub of this ep is blitzed off chaotic energy. Rachael Lillis does a steel magnolia accent for like 20 mins & they named her character after a biblical figure who gets eaten by wild dogs. I’m p sure Eric Stuart transcends his mortal form to make New Noises. This is the least objective part of this list because this is my favourite pokemon episode and I will take NO feedback or constructive criticism.
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krnaturalphoto · 6 years
Water Gap 50K
When I decided that along with some of my friends we were going to try to run our first 50k this year we initially only planned to do one. Then during the process of training one of my friends training for our first 50k with me mentioned that there was another 50k later in the year that she was considering doing. That sounded potentially fun and something we could possibly do if we felt like it after our first 50k and we still had any interest in running that distance. Over time the idea of running a second 50k this year just kinda fell by the wayside. After our first 50k we never really discussed it.
Then my other friend who ran our first 50k together this year mentioned to me about one and a half months ago that she was thinking about running the other 50k we had talked about previously. And that is all it took. I was in for a second 50k. And that is how I ended up running the Water Gap 50k from Red Newt Racing. All it takes is that one friend who is a bad influence and you get sucked right into another race.
I did not have a particularly good summer of running leading into training for this race. I had no idea what to expect for this training cycle or race. I had battled a lot of soreness over the summer, but I was ready to add in some miles and see how things went. I basically just ran normally during the week and added one long run in at the end of the week. Because of our condensed training time, we only decided to commit to this about a month and a half out from the race we added two miles to our long run each week with no decreases in mileage along the way, just a constant increase in miles. The only week where there was a decrease in miles was the week before the race where most people would taper and for the taper I rested most of the week and then another tough trail race, the Green Monster Trail Challenge 25k which has over 3000 ft of elevation gain. So not really a restful taper. We don’t really do things by the book around here.
Our goal for this race was to finish the 50k in under six hours. I really had no idea what to expect from this race particularly with the condensed training, but after all our long run results we felt pretty confident that we would be in good shape.
I prefer to run in cooler weather, so I was pretty happy as the race approached and the forecast was showing that it would be cooler than the week before. What I was not prepared for was sleeping in a tent overnight in the nearly freezing cold temperatures and then starting only my second 50k race at those same nearly freezing cold temps. That was a little bit of overkill on the, I hope it is colder than last race, wish-fulfillment. But it was still better than being too hot.
This was a very different type of race for me. The course was relatively flat and relatively straight. I have never run a road marathon before (However it looks like that will change next year.) so running 31 miles on flat straight terrain was new to me. I always feel like the constantly changing course of most trail runs benefit my legs by constantly changing my stride and that keeps my muscles from tightening up, but with this course my stride was mostly the same the whole way. I think the combination of that factor and the cold made my hips especially very tight and uncomfortable for most of the race. Even in the beginning when I should have felt good. There were points during the race where we were wishing we could just do a little climbing, something that anyone who knows me knows I never say. We just wanted to break stride and activate some other muscles. I usually love downhill running and there were some very nice little downhills in the beginning of the course that I enjoyed, but by the second half of the race what downhills there were I couldn’t really enjoy because I was too stiff and tight.
Despite all the challenges of training for and then running this race we were at the half way point and pretty sure that unless something catastrophic happened we would be able to make our time goal. During the second half of the race we spent a lot of time doing mental calculations and figuring out how much time we could afford to give back as we got more tired and the wheels started to come off. We would have to run about seven miles farther than our longest training run so one never really knows how it will go. I also spent our training runs trying to work out a new fuel strategy which I never really figured out and then made some unwise choices for pre-race meals the night before that lead me to completely abandon what I was planning to do for fuel that had worked on my previous 50k. Instead I ran the whole race on gels and tailwind until the last aid station where a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was calling my name. It was the first time I felt like eating any solid food other than M&M’s.
We slowed down significantly in the second half of the race but did succeed in finishing under our time goal at 5 hrs and 47 min.
The course was a really nice course and had the opportunity to be gorgeous, but the freezing temperatures and cloud cover most of the day made it hard to enjoy the scenery.  There were a few burst of sunlight peaking through the clouds to brighten things up, however when you are in the middle of a 50k those only serve to heat you up more than you would like. A lot of the course is run on a nice wide gravel trail with trees on one side and an open field on the other side. Those sections are primarily flat. I really loved the sections of the course when you are running through the woods. Some of those sections were more technical and had more elevation changes to them. The woods, the technical trail, and the elevation changes are all thing s I love in the sport of trail running. There were some nice sections where you run pretty close to the river, which again would have been a little nicer if there wasn’t complete cloud cover. My favorite part of the race was a section where you are in the woods and you drop down across a short but relatively steep decent that is narrow and drops off to both sides and then when you get to the bottom you pull a U-turn and go back the way you came at a completely different elevation level and you enter this section of the woods that is like a small twisty canyon for a second. Its kind of narrow and wooded. When I got to that spot I was just like, wow this is why I do this.
Another aspect of this race that I could not possibly oversell is the fact that myself and two of my friends ran the race and then two more friends crewed us at the race the whole time. I ran the entire race with my friend who talked me into running the race. I have never before run an entire race with someone before, that was a nice experience and if nothing else it makes the concept of a race less stressful. Its more like just another long training run with your friend. I highly recommend that if you are going to run an ultra and can make a weekend with your friends out of it, do it. You will not regret it.
At this race I again tried something a little bit different. I only shot video with my GoPro’s and no photos. I then used my software to extract photos from the video. I am not happy with the results of those photos. The photos did not turn out as well as I would have hoped. After these last two races I will go back to some of my methods I have used in the past. This is what happens when you are always pushing the limits and trying new things. Sometimes things don’t go as well as you would like.
from Water Gap 50K
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yutamint · 7 years
can you feel my heartbeat? (soulmate!au hyungwon)
this was so much fun to write ok also this was 100% based on my experience at the monsta x concert in mexico this weekend except... hyungwon isn’t my soulmate :// but everything else here pretty much happened and i can’t stop thinking about it ok
pairing: chae hyungwon x reader
genre: fluff are you surprised but there’s like some angst?? idk if you wanna call it angst it’s rly nothing tho
notes: swearing SORRY but not sorry
word count: 2.1k
so here’s the deal: when you see your soulmate for the first time you can feel/hear your heart literally drop and the next couple of times you see them your heartbeat is pretty audible and it pains ur chest a lil bit but in a good way!!
let’s goOoo
you managed to get vip tickets to see monsta x w/ group photo
so obviously you are excited af bc i was
and you wait 8 hours until the lines finally start moving and everyone finally gets their bracelets and fuck you're actually shaking
plot twist changkyun is your bias and you have a sign and everything and you are just so excited to finally meet him
you've been practicing your korean for like months now and you're ready to tell him that he is your happiness
but you get into the venue and everything moves so quickly
and next thing you know you're in line with 19 other girls about to take a photo with the boys
and you shake so much and you're on the verge of tears
and kihyun notices that and out of all the boys he's the one to say hello to you and all you can do is nod your head and mutter "안녕하세요"
and so you take the photo and honestly it was 5 sec long but right before the staff tells you to get the fuck outta there, you make eye contact with hyungwon
and you look at him and you smile and you say "안녕하세요" bc that's all that can come out of your mouth
and he smiles at you and waves
and that's when!! it fucking starts!!
you hear a lil thud in your chest and you're like !!??!!! what is going on but you're like oh it's just nerves LOL
and you look at hyungwon and he's holding a hand to his chest and muttering something to the boys
and they're scanning around the room like who could it be
but you didn't see this bc you were leaving with everyone else
and you're just a teeny tiny lil bit sad that you didn't get to say hello to changkyun
but !!! chae hyungwon exists !!!
and so you make new friends in line bc everything was a mess and you guys shared complaints about how you paid so much $$ but only spent 10 seconds with the boys
and then they start letting you inside and holy FUCK it's a stampede
you literally run like the wind and ??? tbh it's the fastest you've ever run in your life
and you manage to get a really gOOod view?? like think third row right in front of the barricade before the stage
but .... so many people keep pushing and hitting... and the concert hasn't even started
and it was so bad and you look around and you see fansites being crushed and one of them is on the verge of tears
so you try your best to stick it out at least one song
but you can feel your lungs giving out and tears about to form
a few girls got pulled out by security bc they were having anxiety and panic attacks and you were like fuck.... i can't do this
so literally 30 min before the concert starts you fight your way through the crowd and you manage to find an empty corner of the section
still a pretty good view?? but def not as close as you were
and your friends end up joining you bc THEY couldn't handle it either so in the end it was okay
and the concert starts and !!!! HOLY FUCK !!!!
and you're on the verge of tears bc .... you've only seen them perform in videos and you've listened to their songs on repeat for so long... and now you finally get to see them do what they love in person
and it's so surreal?? like they are actual living angels...
so you get through the first couple songs and with your luck... changkyun isn't on your side!! but guess who is?? ring ding dong chae hyungwon
and the intro to ex girl comes on and .... this is one of your fave songs so of course you sing and dance like crazy while you record it
but you notice hyungwon looking at you... just laughing and smiling
and you feel your heart soar and the thumping comes back and it starts to get a lil harder to breathe.....
which is weird for you bc nobody was pushing on you and you weren't suffocating
so why was it so hard for you to catch your breath?
and hyungwon noticed it too bc as soon as he saw you dancing he couldn't help but smile
but then his heart started to beat audibly and he was like .... fuck bc his part was coming up but he couldn't even sing bc he couldn't breathe
and so he looked away from you and everything went back to normal and he could sing again!!!
but holy fuck that's when he realized... you might just be his soulmate
but you didn't get this at all
bc you were just like !!!! hyungwon noticed me i'm so jittery n nervous
and you're waving your changkyun sign in the air trying to get your bias to notice you
and hyungwon glances at it and in his head he's like "fuck changkyun"
and you keep recording all your favorite songs and stuff what not like normal
but you notice that whenever hyungwon comes over to your side
you feel a lil... different
you focus your camera on him more and you notice him looking at you and waving a lil bit
and you're like ???? why is he noticing me so much  oh my god
and your heart starts to ache and you're like fuck what is going on
so they're doing their little talk in between songs and while the translator is speaking, you notice hyungwon looking right at your camera
and you're like ..... hyungwon......
and hyungwon sees you recording and he smirks at you bc ... you're so cute recording the other members but he knows you'll notice him looking and he knoOoOws your heart is going to skip a beat
and he's right bc you feel your heart doing that weird thing again
and you're like fuck u chae hyungwon
and during white love he came over to your side and he waved up to the balcony but before he went back to the center, he flashed a lil smile in your direction
and you literally can feel your heartbeat like.. ringing in your ears
and then you start to think ..... is hyungwon my soulmate?
but no fucking way that could happen he's chae hyungwon from monsta x and well.... you're you
but the thought of you possibly being his soulmate lingers in the back of your head
and so during white sugar when they throw candy into the crowd you were so set on catching one
and you'd use your sign as like a lil racquet to try and hit candy in your direction
but nope nothing
minhyuk threw some in your section but the girls around you were faster
and then well well well hyungwon came along with his basket of candy and he tried to toss some up to the balcony but he was always a lil bit too short
but he saw you trying your best to get some and well... he wanted you to get one
but he didn't want to make it too obvious?? he didn't want other fans to think that he was giving you special treatment... when he lowkey kind of was
so he grabbed a handful and threw some not at you but neAaAr you....
and then you felt something hit your head
and noticed a candy fell onto the floor
and three girls near you dive for it
and you just look at hyungwon like... really
deep down inside hyungwon is like fUCK i hit them w/ candy
but he sees you look at him like [○・`Д´・○] and he couldn't help but laugh at you bc you're already looking at him like that and you two haven't even officially met
and amidst the screams of the crowd he hears you call out to him "yah chae hyungwon!!!"
and it was then when he realizes that he wants to hear you say his name like that everyday for the rest of his life
sorry that was rly lame fuck
anyways the concert continues and they start blind
and once again, this is one of your favorite songs
so you're literally singing your heart out and minhyuk and hyungwon come along to your side of the stage
and minhyuk is just doin his lil thing
but when the lyrics go "she go low i go up" you dance along and point down and shit
and you see hyungwon point back at you
and you two make eye contact and both of you guys point to your chests
bc both of you end up getting chest pains?? but they def aren't as bad as before
and he just smiles and walks back to the rest of the boys
and by this point, some of the girls around you have started to notice that you were getting a lil more attention from hyungwon than the rest of the members
and hyungwon noticed this bc these girls were giving you death glares at this point like shooting daggers into you
and so he whispered into wonho's ear while their translator was speaking
"hyung i think my soulmate is over there holding a changkyun sign" and wonho looks over at you w/ hyungwon
you're talking to your friends like "why did hyungwon hit me w/ a candy"
and wonho says "stop paying so much attention to them, we'll find them later" and hyungwon just nods bc he gets it
so for the rest of the concert he keeps his distance from you
and you get a lil sad bc the concert is ending and it feels like he's forgotten about you
but that's not it at all!! hyungwon was just waiting for the concert to finally end so he could tell one of the staff to find you bc well... what if he never sees you again?
hyungwon couldn't deal w/ the thought of losing his soulmate.... he wanted to know what you were like and whether you were funny and liked to sleep a lot too
and he wanted to know your favorite color and your favorite ice cream flavor and what kind of movies you liked
and so when last page started and the concert was finally about to end, hyungwon waved goodbye to everyone
and he came back to your section and he blew kisses to the crowd
in hopes that you would catch one
but you didn't bc you were just trying your best to savor the last moments of the concert
and you felt your heart sink a lil bit
bc what a silly thought it was.... to think chae hyungwon was your soulmate...
so many other people screaming his name... like you were something special
and after they left the stage, you were about to leave
when someone tapped your shoulder and a man dressed in black w/ a headset asked you to come with him
and so you were led backstage, legs shaking and palms sweaty
'what the fuck is happening right now'
and so you were left in a room... by yourself.. not knowing what was going on
and you hear a familiar voice outside "are they inside?" and your heart does that same thing that it does in the presence of hyungwon, something you're so familiar with now
and he says "yeah, that has to be them. i can hear my heartbeat"
the door opens and you're face to face w/ chae hyungwon
fucking hyungwon
the first thing that comes out of your mouth is "why did you hit me in the head???"
and he just pulls you into a hug and he just laughs
and your head presses against his chest and holy wOW
you could stay there forever if you had to tbh
there was something about hyungwon's chest that was comforting and secure and just... it felt right
"i'm so happy i found you... and i'm sorry i hit you in the head....??" he trailed off bc he realized... he didn't know your name
"Y/N. my name is Y/N" and you two exchanged contacts since you were going back home and he had to continue the tour
but before you left, he pressed your hand to his lips
"you're stuck with me for a really long time, Y/N. i hope you can handle all of this" and he smirked at you and you know what??
suddenly he wasn't hyungwon from monsta x.. he was just.. hyungwon. your soulmate, hyungwon.
"yah chae hyungwon, stop being so gross" "you like it though" "who said that??" "says the 40 videos of me on your phone from tonight" "fuck off"
anyways i’m really emo after writing this i miss monsta x and i miss hyungwon thanks for reading again ily
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lendoco · 6 years
Experty: Help sharing expertise on a global scale.
A Consulting Software Platform or application that you can use to pay for your time and consulting hours in minutes
Countless man hours are spent waiting for responses and follow ups and inquiries on solutions to a specific problem.
Being able to monetize the consultants by meeting those clients and answering those questions. Problem:: Charge and Cost Confusion:: Users may pay up front for consultation but the issue is their exact amount of time required on the phone call is unknown. The duration of the conversation is not set. Trust:: We can also basically work a trust payment processing system. where you can pay after you consult but what this does it requires trust on the knowledge seekers and that he is actually going to pay for the phone call or for the consultation that he completed. Payment Friction:: Third Party services can be used to facilitate the previous two options but are regulated and charge fee.
White Paper::(Market Definition):::
Huge market outlook for the Consulting Industry Market --$125Billion Digital Consulting Industry market ----$23 Billion Biggest Markets ---USA, Germany, UK. Biggest Consultations Sectors: Technology, Strategy, Human Resources.
Market Outlook:::
USA-------(Biggest)--------$55 Billion Uk------$49.4 Billion Germany----$8.3 Billion Australia-----$4.9 Billion France----$4.6Billion Nordics-----$2.7 Billion CCC------$2.7 Billion Benelux-----$2.1 Billion Spain -------$1.4 Billion Italy------$1.3 Billion Eat.Eurpe-----$1.2 Billion Russia----$0.5 Billion
Road Map:::
1:: They were an existing company with react Poland they are lot of members from React Poland they founded React Poland back in 2014 which is a software consulting company they launched their first small crypto project called Satoshi Pei in 2015((initial solidity smart contracts and web3 internal projects)) and in 2016 thay really investigated the block chain and started researching and analyzing the use cases that block chain can provide them 2:: Q1 2017------------Project sort of came was basically developed a Q2 2017 -----------Started the development on experty. Q3 2017-----------They received investment funds from seed investors around $700 000 Q4 2017-----------They actually launched Alpha project or the Alpha product.+planned token generation Event. 3:: Q1 2018---- They will be launching the Contacts management and Ethereum Q2 2018----The Security Audit market App release and available for every one. 4::: Q3 2018-----The desktop or the website desktop version will be out for the users to use. Q4 2018-----They start to advance and add some additional payment processing rules and really add some new features to it. 5::: Q1 2019----- They will be able to take the user feedback and expand the idea product and hopefully take it mainstream.
User Flow:::
Step 1: Knowledge provider ------Lets use me as a knowledge provider so I do consulting, I charge an hourly rate, lets just say 100$ an hour what I can do is I can set my hourly or min rateso if you break that intlo mins it will come down to like $1 for min or 60 $ an hour . Step 2: The knowledge provider shares his profile with other consultation networks and advice seekers can then come to me . Step3: A Advice seeker jut like you can call me up on the phone via the app the Expert EAP and is charged a minutely rate and view you know its leveraged all via the block chain which is ran off the ethereum protocol. Its simple that you are basically charged off your own wallet balance and I’m insured that you have that because if you don’t have it funded and you know you wont be able to call me though will bw you know a balance if you don’t have a certain balance if you drop below the call would essentially drop noe the potential use cases as you could image are humongous there are consultants in every industry medical lawyers ,business advises ,I’m the consultant he’s a consultant and every body can be a consultany and we get piad and start to monetize you know our time and resources and even professors ,webcam chats, models, charity donation actions and many more and the use cases are essentially limtless you can come up with anything that warrants, taking time to provide answers for and get paid for it.
Experty set to launch on:::
They are set to launch two platforms, they have mobile application would light ready it’s a beta right now.In a couple of months later they are going to launching a web app so you will be able to use both of them on the platforms.
What does the Block Chain provide the Experty:::
o Payment Settlement:; smart contracts as you know can escrow payments so it provides a safe home and ecosystem for the consultants and knowledge seekers calls are basically made and only avialble when the knowledge seeker has funds in his wallet. o legal simplification ::::so peer to peer transactions are possible on the block chain and this will really remove the need s of the third parties as we don’t want to loose the fees so I set more example the schedule one on one appointments no longer will I need to use set more if I were to use the exxperty ,I also don’t need to trust third parties with my money and rely on them as holding my money and I can work on peer to to peer and take my money. o Instant Payments : Cryptocurrency is Fast. Payments need not to be delayed by serval days or weeks.we can truncate that to just minutes by using the block chain so using the block chain we wil get o Instant Accesss o Instant Answers o Instant payment. o All in a jiffy and using the block chain of course we always have the transparency and the open source platforms that block chian are ran off of and everything seen like he said and she said,you know if you call me everthing will be in block chian and you know exactly how many minutes sent doing so. o Easy –to-use. They make it extremely easy to use the expert a platform you can launch links inside the platforms like, Facebook, Email, twitter,you can even launch or set or send QR codes where people can scan your QR and can be directly to your profile and bascillay get you know right on a call in minutes they make it really easy and I think that’s really key because block chain can be realyy fuzzy for lot of people so what they can do is via these you know great features they can make it relaly simple and you don’t want to think that you know are using the block chian.
This is huge and you don’t see this every day with every ICO ,,MME , Quant stamp, bitcoin swiss they have partnerships established already and are actually allocating money from their ICO to partner with existing companies.
Quant Stamp is a smart contract auditor who audit smart contracts and partnerships are the fastest way to grow. Lets face it to have your name associated with the MCDonalds than it is to start your own burger king or wendy’s if you can partner in leverage existing companies resources and tools you can grow really faster, so its great to see that they are partners with the existing companies
Working Product:::
They also have the working product ,they have an application they have a phone a call in btw two phone call or phones where they can seed money in ethereum from one person to another,infct you can see the call length of 17 sec and the money is send right here at charges in point 0009 etherum ,it will seend you right ffrom one phone to another,its is thought beta and link is below so that you can view it .
Token Economics:::
· Experty abbreviated their token as EXY: · EXY Will be used for all payments from advices seekers to knowledge seekers. · EXY will be used by users for access o premium features. ;; Premium features include ;Scheduling,Piad Group Calls, Conversation Recording. · EXY can be use by advice seekers as a deposit for advance scheduling. The maxim cap on the crowd sale 33,000 ETH. The Maxx Total Supply of Tokens is -------100,000,000EXY The Cost of Token Price is ----1000 EXY per 1 ETH. Invested.
Token Generation Event:::
Tokens are been allocated to the token sale When we break down the event; 33.0% ---- Dedicated to the company 33%---------For Crowd sale 30% - ------Establishing partnerships(Huge) Small Portions …Couple of % -------Token Sale Cost, Airdrops //Bounties
Allocation of Funds:::
40%----- Software Development 40%-----Marketing 15%----Long Term Research 5%-------Legal and Admin
Team Members:::
o Kamil Przeorski (CEO):: Co-Founder of React Poland. Previously worked with the company React Poland a long side with tom their CTO .He is a Full-Stack Developer. o Tom DYL (CTO)::He is the CEO and Co-Founder of React Poland .HE is the Lead Developer . o Grzegorz Kucmierz:: He is a Solidity Expert. The programing language used Ethereum on the Ethereum Block chain. He is a software Engineer at Cisco Front-End Developer. (one of the top it companies in the world)
For more details :: http://ift.tt/2uBUiby
submitted by /u/Sushmaborra9 [link] [comments] Experty: Help sharing expertise on a global scale. published first on http://ift.tt/2lZ6zaq
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prorevenge · 5 years
Entitled parent steals from student fund, gets sued over corruption
Hello lads,
I wanted to share a story with you. I'm a 23 YO university student in Slovakia, so please keep in mind English is my 3rd language.
The story evolves around our prom night and our funds (2014 - 2015). In my secondary school of business (commercial academy), we used to pay 50 € into the fund each year to save up for the prom. We had 29 students and accumulated 5 800 € over the period of 4 years. The last year, we had to appoint a parent, who will take care of the finances (managing the account, paying for the things we need, handling the alcohol etc.). Unfortunately, EM "nominated" herself. Other parents were just like "meh, I don't want to do that".
This is where the story begins. EM (Mother) was also a mayor in the small village I live in ( My school was only about 5 min drive from my house to my school in a town nearby). I had also been a really good friend with her son (John) when we were younger. John changed and became unbelievably spoiled over the years. When we entered our new school, he started rubbing his "high life" and how rich he is in everybody's face. Standard rich spoiled a**hole. He was the first to get his new car, always the new iPhone, going on expensive vacations, etc. Simply, nobody could be better or richer than him.
As we come close the the prom night, we quickly find that our funds are almost drained out. The girls in our class were really shocked. They had planned the prom to the smallest detail with every cent put to use. We even had to end with 600 € at the end of the prom. Suddenly we had last 50 € in the bank account. Back then, we didn't really care, EM just took more money than she should and she will return it later. We asked the EM, where she spent the money. She just replied "I had spent it where you told me to, the rest I will put back".
I didn't believe a single word, but since it was a night before the prom, we didn't care. The prom was nice, we had lots of fun, inviting parents and teachers alike. With best possible food and alcohol for the evening.
The next day we went over our account and found out we were actually 600 € in debt. WTF just happened?! We first checked with the EM. She gave 200 € to the photographer. Paid him even 200 € for the job well done (really stupid) and even another 200 € to get "bluray" discs instead of regular DVDs or CDs. We bought her BS, for a time. We called the photographer. LO and BEHOLD, he only received 200 €. Question was, where did the rest of the money ended up? You guessed it right, in EM's pocket. It was not only that, a couple of 100 € here and 100 € there and you get the picture. WE estimated that out of the 5800 € we have originally had, she "borrowed" 1200 €.
We told our class-teacher and our parents about that. They were all furious at her. She was asked to present cash register receipts to see where the money went. She was red the whole day as she was trying to falsify the receipts. Eventually nobody bought into her lies anymore. She was asked multiple times to cover the losses, but she had always found an excuse (couldn't press charges, as the fund was rather voluntary, and we had no official documents, plus we gave her all the info how to withdraw the money and the credit card). Eventually our graduation came along (Maturita in Slovakia). We had no more money to make a small feast for the teachers before the graduation, as we would never see each-other again. Some of the parents volunteered to bake a cook something for the teachers. The EM came as well, and she even had the courage to eat from the tables our parents voluntarily made, free of cost. She was even asked to stay outside and was not allowed to enter until she pays her debt.
A few day after a get a FB notification from John...and boy..the audacity!
"If everyone in the class would give 20 € more, we would cover the expenses". Suddenly a rich brat turns into a choosing beggar. I told him no. He had a party in the evening since it was his B-day, so I went there. I handed him a bottle of Jack Daniels (because he gave it to me on my B-day, saying I could never afford it myself) and told him "We're done, I'm not your friend".
I couldn't let it slide. Her husband had covered the expenses eventually but it wasn't good enough. She stole from her son and from his classmates. From what I know she is a fraud (tax evasion, accountancy fraud, falsifying documents and even extortion). What we did is, we rounded up what evidence we had on her (for stealing from our fund) and we handed all the to the prosecutor, who was investigating her case (working on her corruption charges at that time, it would give a great profile of the person, who steals from her son). The trial was delayed several times ( due to her knowing "some people"). But we eventually, we put her under so much stress, she couldn't even think straight. We sometimes wrote messages on her FB page asking for her confession to the police and even sending emails to her detailing her "SCAM".
After a while she was making even bigger mistakes. She was trying to avoid this trial, as much as possible. She wouldn't want to be confronted by "stealing from a prom fund, from her son". Her actions got to her fast. There are still ongoing corruption investigations (3 I know of) as well as abuse of powers as a public official. There is also a warrant to arrest her (don't know if they really did). Since the last trial of another scam, she even had to pawn her house, sell her car even her son's motorcycle. She's now in hiding.
John didn't make it far either. As a spoiled brat he was unable to find a steady job (had like 8 Jobs in 2 years, and dropped out of college after only one winter semester). Rumors have it he deals in pot nowadays. The only person I pity, is EM's husband, John's father. He was the only actual nice guy in their family, even stood up for me once in primary school. EM didn't want to pay money she borrowed from a bunch of other people on HIS name, so she made him announce bankruptcy and possible insanity. To this day, he is still married to her (as far as I know). As I remember him, he once told me "family is the most important thing a man can look up to, to make him feel proud, to fell like you a part of something". Now, I feel like, he has nowhere else to go, but to stay with her.
Long story short; EM steals money from our fund, we put pressure on her and give up evidence in court to show what b*tch she is in court, EM tries to avoid everybody.
(source) story by (/u/TDuranteTech)
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