#also showing her baggy pants since it's not something i could translate as nicely into the sprite as i hoped
laugtherhyena · 3 months
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Akira ref thing
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border-spam · 3 years
Leech Lord - The thought that counts
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Calypso is a bizarre, very weird man who's concept of a "gift" can be some hot drink Ven brought for him to a late night meeting, the time JK handed him a slightly rusted 1/4 socket wrench they'd spotted on a scrap pile while patrolling the slums and recalled him saying he'd have to ask Sei for the day before, or a photo of a flower Eli saw and sent on an incognito chat line.
What he considers gifts aren't usually that tangible so aren't things he can show to others, but there are some actual gifts he's held onto for far too long and people are fucking sick of being shown.
You ever see a coffee cup that hasn't been washed in eight years??
Well his friends have. Weekly.
Ty had "made it" for him in their first year planet-side, a shitty white .50c mug she'd crudely painted "Best Bro, lol" on in now peeling enamel. He knows it was a joke, but it doesn't change how that stupid gross mug has made him feel when things have been so bad that he's spent nights rolling it gently between a flesh and metal hand, reassuring himself with memories of the good times.
I mean he.. he cleans it, he rinses it out, but if he washed it properly the paint would just come straight off and that ain't happening. He drinks so much coffee. The poor thing gets refilled 4, 5 times a night sometimes, it's VILE looking. Brown and black stains, more rings than a felled steelwood tree running down the inside..
Ven hates it. Sei hates it. Eli smiles and tries not to die when he sees it. JK FUCKING LOVES IT. That mug is more Troy to them then his cruel prosthetic is, that mug is the most Troy thing on his damn ship.
Seifa has "politely" insisted on sealing it for him so he CAN wash it, but she's been told with frightening clarity that she’s not allowed near it. Leave it alone, it's fine.
Ven joke gifted him a pair of cursed-text booty shorts after two years of seeing The Holy Father’s ass crack daily and feeling his soul leave his body every time.
Troy took it as part insult / part challenge and made sure to actually wear them around Ven and make sure the other man was aware.
It went from hitching his pants just low enough in public to show their hem and smirking as they were recognised, to just straight up wearing them instead of his usual baggy harem pants some nights when he knew Ven would be spending a few hours in Sanctum.
Sei was completely in on this and acted nonchalant as her friend would desperately try to look around the room for support as his life-force withered while having to sit next to his boss in cursed hotpants and everyone else treating it like it was completely normal.
That stopped when Sei wasn't around, that kind of bullshit just didn't feel right.
He still has them though. They'll.. make a return one day, and Ven won't be ready.
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On the gift front, she's got 2 modes
1 - Extremely expensive item of value:
Munny. Nice. Highly appreciates it but won't from a personal level ( unless it's also exceptionally catered to her like very carefully chosen jewelry ). She'll secure it somewhere behind lock and key in her ship, and take it out to fondle on her floor like a goblin if she's feeling down.
Sei won't use any expensive gifts for fear of somehow "wasting" then, a weird after effect of poverty and a knife edge upbringing, but she'll cover herself in platinum and diamonds AT HOME while watching bullshit on the E-Net and drinking wine. Think Jenna Marbles leeeshuring. Only does this in private, it's some odd way of enjoying the things she's been given without fear of somehow devaluing them. She's fuckin weird. She is a weird person, she's just very close to even weirder monster twins and they distract a lot of attention from her strangeness.
2 - Piece of shit someone found in a flea market and thought of her or made for her poorly:
What the fuck. What the fuck. Treasure. Will go all red eyed and mouth wobbly when given it, won't know what the hell to say. Will use / wear / show it off daily. Will proudly point out gifts like this in her ship to visitors, go over who gave it to her, where it's from, what that person means to her, everything.
If it's wearable it will be patched into or worn with her best outfits bar ceremonial garb. She's covered in little mementos of friends and colleagues she takes massive comfort from by having close to her at all times, 'specially as some are too far away to see that often, or aren't around at all anymore.
The pendant Ven surprised her with has found its way into almost every ensemble she wears, it's on next to scrap chains and fool’s gold when she's elbow deep in a Mechanicum's process machine's axle oil, and it's on when she's dripping in platinum and faux giggling at a gala. This is... noticed by Troy, who is silently aware of how the shockingly expensive jewelry he's been gifting her for years remains stashed in lockboxes around her ship while Ven's bit of glass rarely leaves her skin. He finds it harder to ignore the blue-green glint of it far more than he'd want anyone to know.
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He sent her a droid, years ago. She picked it up from a holding dock in a grimy but carefully packaged parcel and loved it at first sight. Tiny little hive-drone, smaller than her fist and mashed together from what looked like scrap - ancient LED screen able to just about render a simple smiley face with oversized pixels. A chicken scratch note about how they were doing well, things had been going great and they'd really started to find their footing now. 
Lines about Tyreen being a pain in the ass, how he'd been having fun with this stuff - droids, that she'd been right that he should try messing around with the amount of scrap bots you could find in any junkpile across Pandora. Said he'd made this for her because he remembered her ship had no V.I. network and how half the rec-room was covered in notes she'd end up having to take to keep on top of deals and interesting tips. This little floating ball could link with her E-Dev and convert audio into notes, calender bookings, maybe make her life a bit easier? Cause she had made theirs easier, him and Ty's, hadn't she. He wanted to give her something back. When would she be touching down again anyway? Been nearly a year since they’d left her ship to make a name for themselves.. and he had a lot to show her...
She still uses that little droid daily, chats idly to it as it sits on her office desk in the Mechanicum, blinking crude emojis at her as it happily translates Sei’s cranky mutters into a schedule that makes her life just a bit easier.
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JK's silent hand over of something heavy and palm sized wrapped so beautifully in patterned cloth had keyed her in on not opening it till she was alone, but that prescription lens...
Fitted so carefully onto a hinged frame she knew at a glance would socket over her favored welding goggles? The crude but confident metal work, the tiny flicks of coloured paint she recognised and warmed her heart immediately? That asshole.. that beautiful, clever bastard.
Said nothing, knew she didn't need to, but it's been YEARS and she still notices the slight puff to their chest and way they straighten a little taller when they spot it perched over her right eye.
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Asks are open!
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babyybitchhh · 4 years
Thotty Thursday: Part 2
The second installment of Thotty Thursday is upon us. Rejoice, heathens!
Now, let me just say that I’m picking dudes at random while trying to keep things balanced between old shows and new ones but ... y’all really bout to notice some patterns the more we do this so I’m just gonna wait for someone to call me out tbh. 😰
FYI, I like to think of myself as an equal opportunist thirster and if a dude is hot then he’s hot. I’m not one to question this shit. But when you get right down to it I have like four types: high IQ smarty pants, dummy thicc, dad and bad boy bastard. Our next snack belongs in the last category, without question.
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He’s honestly prettier than me and that is not an exaggeration but don’t let his good looks fool you
This Arabian Nights styled dime piece has a mean streak a mile wide. Because of Reasons, ofc, but that don’t change the facts
Not only did he once punch a child in the face for no other reason than to assert his dominance (fact) he also pretended to cry in front of the person he hates most just to laugh about how they fell for his (flawlessly executed) act
He honestly may or may not have a few screws loose but that’s part of the appeal, you see. It adds a dash of spice to the meal
And you know what they say about crazy bitches in bed 😏
Full disclosure, I started reading Magi: Labyrinth of Magic before the anime aired and his name was originally translated as Judal so that’s what he’s always going to be in my mind. The official translation is Judar, and I respect that, but at the end of the day I do not know her
Judar who?
Can I also just take a moment to point out that gloriously long, thick braid he’s sporting tho
This man has hair for days and there’s just something I find incredibly attractive about that
I want to take it all down and carefully comb through it, play with it and style it again 
Really show him the attention he deserves
If he decided to suffocate me with it, well, I guess I wouldn’t complain about that either
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Now, the setting alone had my interest PIQUED right out the gate because I love Middle Eastern inspired aesthetics and I truly don’t think it’s utilized as a setting half as much as it deserves to be. It’s very beautiful imo and the anime team did a pretty good job of capturing that vibe but if I’m being honest I think the manga was better (up to a point)
However there ain’t nothing quite like seeing your man move on screen or hearing his voice with your own two ears and when I say Judal put on a show each time he showed up ... 🥵
I think I can safely say my pussy clenched whenever I got so much as a whiff of him possibly making an appearance, PHEW
He’s just so pretty and mean
My favorite combo tbh
“But why do you like mean boys so much 🤔?” You ponder aloud and my answer to that is “I don’t know. I just do.”
Judal gets my kitty purring for a variety of reasons but the biggest is probably that I can’t look at him without imagining myself as his feisty little slave girl, wearing nothing but sheer silk and delicate gold chains, completely at his mercy ...
Oops, did I say that out loud? 😳
I mean, can you really blame me when he’s running around in those baggy harem pants though?? Can you really???
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So the first thing you probably thought was: damn. This guy kinda dressed like a thot 👀
And you’re not wrong
Does he HAVE to dress like that? Strictly speaking, no. But I am definitely not complaining about his fashion choices
His titties are so close to popping out of that tiny little shirt that we’d be getting nip slips left, right and center if he had any more meat on his bones than that and trust me when I say he did that shit on purpose
This boy is SUCH a fucking tease and he loves the attention it gets him - first and foremost because he’s used to being the CENTER of attention but we’ll get more into that a little bit later
Hes just a tad 👌 narcissistic, loves to show off, definitely bipolar and is in a constant state of feeling himself so he’s hitting all his marks as far as I’m concerned
In short, he’s perpetually oozing big dick fuck boy energy and I live for it
That’s why he’s always showing up with that stank ass attitude, he knows damn well he can pull the baddest bitch around AND her man too
He’d fuck you and your boyfriend at the same time just to prove a point, that’s actually how petty he is
Honestly though I’d like to see ANYbody maintain their resolve when he’s laying on the charm and Judal’s just cruel enough to do it for shits and giggles
Probably wakes up in the middle of his sprawling imperial bed at two in the afternoon and says something like “damn, I need a little pick me up today” and then proceeds to manipulate and harass his lucky unfortunate victim of choice
He’s relentless too and will stop at absolutely nothing to get what he wants, even if that means breaking you in the process
Again, I like the challenge he represents
But also I just like a man who can make me cry 🤷‍♀️
And I don’t doubt he absolutely would. Tears probably turn him on tbh and I’m positive he’s got a bit of a yandere streak too
Are y’all seeing those patterns yet??
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So did you guys notice that wand he keeps twirling around like a goddamn baton?
He’s a magic user, or in this case a magi which means he’s literally at the top of the food chain in this universe
He’s special special
Every ounce of confidence he has is rightfully deserved and even tho he’s not the strongest per say, he IS extremely powerful and his destiny as a magi is to influence the world
That’s why he’s got such a big fucking ego
I promise these aren’t major spoilers, so you don’t have to worry about that
When he was still a (too precious for words) child, he was abducted by an evil cult so that they could manipulate him and use his powers to influence shit in a bad way. The exact details of what they did to him are hazy, but based on the snippets we did get it seems like they basically put Judal on a pedestal and raised him as if he were some kind of god or a king
I’m talking waiting on him hand and foot, giving him whatever he wanted, essentially worshiping him and using persuasive mind control magic to convince him that he’s the best thing to happen since sliced bread
And it worked
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Can you tell exactly how fucked up this kid is right now
Keep in mind here that I’m not saying his screwed up personality isn’t the result of some seriously bad mojo
Magi are supposed to be what tips the scales of fate in this setting which, generally, means for the betterment of the world and this whack ass cult pointedly steered him down a path he otherwise would not have gone
But it’s this tragic past of his that really brings the whole package together
He could be a mean pretty boy for no other reason than because he wants to and I’d still drop into a split on his cock
I like mean for the sake of mean too
It’s just that knowing what made him the way he is gives us the perfect amount of insight to truly feel sympathetic despite all the bad shit he has done and will continue to do
Personally, it makes me want to be the one to show him genuine, tender affection no matter how much he’s initially appalled by the mere suggestion so in a lot of ways it’s similar to how I feel towards Hiei
But that doesn’t mean I want him to change and start being n - 🤢 start being nice - 🤮
He’s perfect just the way he is and there’s just something about big, confident egos that gets me going like little else
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And Judal seems to truly believe he’s the greatest gift the world has ever received and he’s not wrong about that imo so yeah he definitely has an attitude problem
But that also means he’s a spoiled brat tho and he’s definitely one of those dudes who needs to be dommed on occasion to really get the full experience 👀
I am not too shy to pin him down and milk his cock for all it’s worth, that is all I’m saying fam
And can I just point out how breathtakingly gorgeous he’d look all flushed and sweaty, whimpering like a needy little bitch in heat while having his prostate relentlessly teased for hours on end?
Goodness, it suddenly got HOT in here, is that just me??? 💦
Ofc the only way that’s gonna happen is if he allows it - which I don’t see being a common occurrence - but that’s why you gotta take advantage of that shit when it does 👀
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On the topic of Judal being spoiled, I want to mention that there are actually TWO very different backdrops that I can thot around with him in, and I like that
There’s the fantasy Middle East setting ofc which I personally can’t get enough of
I’m wearing the slave girl Leiah outfit in my mind right now btw
But he also spends a lot of time in this worlds version of ancient China complete with all the dramatic robes and elegant architecture to really set the mood
He has an entire imperial palace on lock and if that doesn’t get you even a little bit horny then idk what to tell you
The royal family for the most part treats him like one of their own despite not being related in any way, if that tells you exactly how much clout he pulls in this setting, and even tho they’re essentially using him for their own gain Judal doesn’t seem to mind it one bit
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He likes being at the top and having the freedom to do whatever he wants so if that means doing a little dirty work for the Kou Empire then so be it
And I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be a ride or die on these little errands
Like, just imagine this pretty boy pulling up to you on his flying carpet (that’s not a joke or something I just pulled out of my ass btw) and asking if you want to come back to his crib for some fun
You say yes, because you might be a thirsty slut but you’re certainly not STUPID
And he straight up takes you to a fucking palace
Be honest with me guys, how fast do the panties come off tho?
Be real with me here
This is actually just the plot of Aladdin but with the gender roles reversed 🤣
Fr fr though, A Whole New World plays softly in the back of my mind every time I think about this dude, except it’s much darker and ... explicit 😏
But my point here is that Judal’s got basically everything he could ever possibly want so he really just needs a pretty little concubine at his side to complete the picture
And I dead ass feel like it should be ME
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When I say this man could get it ....
He is TROUBLE in its purest form and I regret nothing about my choice in fictional men
Absolutely nothing
He could honestly fuck me up seven ways to Sunday and I’d thank him for the honor
Spit on me, king. Please. I don’t need nothing else to sustain me
Unless you want to throw some of that choice dick in for free? 👀
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Lord  have MERCY
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sparrellow · 4 years
i can be ur angle or yuor devil
“I literally called you sexy. I winked at you. Then you sat on me and gave me a boner.”
It just so happens that the company's plans to revive Rin's failing idol status brings her closer to her previous partner-in-crime.
rating: T+ genre: romance/humor ships: rin/len word count:  6,974
Life in the idol world was tough.
Rin knew as much, because she, unfortunately, was an idol.
She wasn’t even sure how she got herself into this mess, but she was talent scouted at an age too young by Western standards, probably, and then forced into a duet with some bratty kid called Len.
The whole farce was that they looked almost exactly the same, and were the same age, and ‘had the same family name’ (they didn’t, but that was a long story). So, they were marketed as like, twins-by-chance-not-blood or mirror-images or gender-bend-friends or whatever.
That worked for a while, until Len went through puberty and became way too hot to duet with Rin, and his own popularity sky-rocketed so much that they were basically forced to be their own pop stars.
Alas, Rin was kind of just too damn average to go solo. Especially with more appealing talents in the charts, like Japan’s darling idol Miku Hatsune, or just, Len himself, she had no chance. All that could be concluded from this was that Rin was just too ugly and untalented.
After Meiko had heard Rin’s internal woes, she patted her roughly on the back and sighed.
“Oh, Rin. You’re not ugly or bad at singing. You wouldn’t have gotten this far if you were.”
Rin sniffled, and blew her ugly face into her handkerchief. Of course she’d started crying during the whole monologue, which made her sound and look even more ridiculous than before. “But I’m literally sucking. Even the manager has called an emergency meeting about my lack of popularity.”
That was true. Earlier that day, the manager had sent a text into the Vocaloid Idol Group Chat™ calling for an emergency meeting to save a certain idol’s plunging fanbase. Even if he didn’t name her directly, literally everyone in the group chat knew it was about her.
How embarrassing. Even Miku and Len saw it. She wanted to die.
Meiko tutted, shaking her head. “You know, you’ve been a duet with Len for almost your whole career. Everyone knows you as part of a duet. So, of course your image might suffer a little with such a sudden change as you go into solo careers. The manager just needs to figure out how to market you in a way that shows idol fans how truly spectacular you are as a solo idol. That’s all.”
Rin wailed. “That’s the thing. I’m not spectacular as a solo idol. I’m just painfully average.”
“Lies!” her companion said. “Rin, you are so cute. Like, you can take anything and make it cute. And your voice is unique, like Len’s. It doesn’t have to be like Miku’s to be special, it’s already special as is.”
She dabbed at her tears and sniffled again. Her stupid idol makeup was running down her face, making her look like she’d just crawled out of a TV set showing a horror movie. Even Miku would still look painfully beautiful crying, and not like some unfortunate Halloween-costume-gone-wrong.
“Thanks Meiko,” Rin said. “I don’t believe a word you said but thanks for trying to comfort me anyway.”
Meiko rolled her eyes, giving her another rough pat on the back. “Would you believe me if I was Len telling you all that stuff?”
The mention of Len made her ears turn pink. “Hmm,” she said, knowing the point her senior idol was making.
Meiko smirked. “That’s right.”
The brunette then left Rin to cry like a baby by herself in the private idol lobby of their record company building. To be honest, it would be humiliating if anyone else saw her like this, but she couldn’t bring herself to move somewhere more private to cry. Besides, everyone knew her career was going down the toilet.
Perhaps she would’ve been able to bounce back more if things were different, but a certain Blonde Boy with a Very Attractive Face made it all the more complicated.
Here was the catch: Rin was totally enamored of Len.
It was a bit sad, really. And it hadn’t always been so cliched-romance-story, with her pining after his very nicely shaped ass. In the beginning, they actually sort of hated each other, with her wanting to kick his ass to the moon.
He was the most self-absorbed dingus at first, and he would play pranks on her constantly. They weren’t even good pranks—like, once he put a whoopee cushion on her seat during a meeting and found that hilarious.
Of course, with time, they grew on each other and actually became very good friends. They had secret jokes with each other, they played pranks on other idols, they watched horror movies until dawn and then slept on the couch together for the rest of the week because they were too scared to sleep in their own beds.
It couldn’t be helped that Rin eventually fell for Len. Daring, mischievous, but charming Len. He always knew how to make her smile (or tear her hair out with frustration).
But for the sake of professionalism, she never dared uttering her true feelings to him—only confiding in Meiko from time to time, since she was the only Vocaloid she could trust. It sucked, but she couldn’t risk ruining the relationship between them, thus ruining their career had Len demanded they should go solo.
Of course, then they grew up. Len’s voice changed, as well as his appearance, and soon his own popularity outgrew the popularity of the duet itself. The manager made the wise choice to break them up. He went solo, with much success.
Rin, however, flopped like a suffocating fish out of water.
With his success, he moved on to doing occasional collaborations with Miku Hatsune, the record company’s most popular idol. She was, by definition, probably a global superstar at this stage. She toured internationally. She had fans of all nationalities, ages, genders, so have it. She was beautiful and cute and talented, and Len had finally made it far enough to sing with her.
It made Rin’s blood boil, because she was petty and jealous. She was also worried. Miku was just so perfect. It was inevitable that Len would fall for her, right? They were perfect for each other. Perfect people love other perfect people.
Rin blew her nose noisily and sunk back into the lounge chair. This sucked. This sucked.
Gumi appeared, having heard her meltdown, and offered some makeup wipes to fix her face. 
Rin took them graciously.
“Is this about the text from the manager in the group chat?” she asked, handing her another wipe after Rin had used up the other one.
Rin just looked at her and said nothing. There was no need to say anything.
Gumi didn’t press and fell silent. She was a nice idol. She wasn’t nearly as successful as the others, but she was quite popular in her own way. At least she was kind enough to not nag about the matter.
Another sad thing about popularity was that Len soon became distant once they parted ways. They used to be so close, but now Rin felt like she couldn’t even approach him unless approached herself. Of course they talked, but only occasionally. Their careers had drifted so far apart they barely saw each other anyway.
Had their friendship only survived because they were a duet? Was Len glad to be a solo artist now and not having to deal with her anymore? It was sad to think about.
Gumi squeezed Rin’s shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. “It’ll all work out, Rin,” she said. Then she handed her her pack of makeup wipes. “You can keep them. I have plenty of extras anyway. Take care of yourself, okay?”
“Thank you,” Rin said, watching as she jumped up from the couch and skipped off. (Probably to do better things than comfort a failing idol.)
Soon came the time for the not-so long-awaited yet very-muchly-apprehended emergency meeting to fix Rin’s poor career. 
She didn’t want to go. She’d rather be curled up in her room, stuffing her face with chocolate and crying over poorly-written teen romance on Netflix. But Meiko had practically dragged her to the meeting room, makeup-less and in her go-to comfort clothes: a stained, baggy sweater and yoga pants.
Rin had already been humiliated enough as is, so showing up in this state couldn’t be any worse.
Like fate itself had it in for her, Len also showed up in the elevator on the way to the meeting. He did a double take when he saw her.
“Oh, Rin! I almost didn’t recognise you.”
Rin then promptly burst into tears. 
Len blinked at her in confusion and panic. “I, uh, didn’t mean that in a bad way—”
Meiko just put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. She’s just being fragile.”
He looked at Rin with an eye of concern, but said nothing more.
They filed into the meeting room in silence, and Len took a seat at a distance from her. Much to her further dismay, Miku took the seat right next to him, and they started chatting and showing each other things on their phones.
Rin didn’t know if she was going to have a tantrum or a breakdown.
The meeting began with the manager going over sales-related information, and just general, boring business things. About half-an-hour into the meeting, though, he set aside his stacks of paper, clasped his hands in front of him and leaned forward; a look that meant serious business.
Oh boy.
“I’ve discussed with both the marketing and sales department leaders as to where to go next with Vocaloid’s image. As you know, the idol market is ever-changing and in demand of fresh concepts. We’ve decided on a new image for some idols, and we appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation with this change.”
Translation: Rin’s career is going down the toilet, so we need to make her more interesting or something.
“Miku and Len,” the manager addressed. The pair straightened up with serious expressions. “I want you two to have a new image. You’re both our most successful idols, and your fanbase is very supportive of your every move. This is why we feel it’s best for you to take on an image of innocence and purity. You will become Vocaloid’s angels.”
Rin was already sinking down into her seat. This was going so terribly awful. Miku and Len? Angels? Together? She couldn’t even see where this was going for her.
Unfortunately, she’d find out very, very soon, as the manager then fixated his gaze on her.
“Rin. Ever since going solo, your fanbase has been dwindling and sales for both your albums, new singles, and lives, have been suffering.” Oof. “The marketing department has acknowledged this is a fault of their own, for not better marketing your image as something new and fresh after splitting from your duet with Len. We didn’t anticipate Len’s popularity to skyrocket so much that it would overshadow your own success.”
Everyone’s eyes were on her. Including Len’s.
“Your image has always been cute and innocent, and while you fit it quite well, the market is flooded too much with idols like you. That’s why we decided, you will become our devil.”
Rin almost fell out of her chair. Her entire face lit up red like a traffic light.
A devil. A devil. They were going to make Miku and Len innocent and pure, and her evil and chaotic like Satan? Wow. Wow. Rin never wanted to die more than now.
“A devil may sound bad, but we want to combine your current cute image with something mischievous, cheeky, alluring. The current idol market lacks that sort of appeal, and we believe people would become quite attracted to it. You’ll be cute, but with a twist of something dark. We think this new image will suit you quite well.”
Okay, so, Rin representing evil was like a match made in heaven? Did she radiate chaotic evil energy or something? She literally couldn’t even kill a fly without wanting to cry with guilt.
“Any questions or concerns about our decisions?” the manager asked the group.
The room was silent.
“Good,” he said with a smile. “Miku, Rin, Len. Please stay for further discussion about our next campaign. The rest of you are free to leave.”
Meiko shot Rin a sympathetic look before leaving, and once the room emptied out, the manager motioned for the trio to move closer.
“First, do you three have anything you would like to say regarding these changes?” he asked them, sorting through his paperwork to find his notes.
It was quiet a moment, before Len slowly put up his hand.
“Why are Miku and I involved with this image chance if we’re fine in terms of sales and popularity?”
Big oof. But, honestly, it was a question on Rin’s mind, too. Why were they involved with this miserable attempt at reviving her career?
“While you two are both doing very well, the sales department has noticed that you two have both, er, capped for your sales, and they're no longer increasing. They predicted that it could decrease as people become bored with your current images, so in order to prevent that, we wanted to take a different approach.”
It was Miku and Len’s turn to blush.
“Besides, your popularity will help promote Rin to a larger audience, which is why your next campaign will be together.”
Rin wanted to hide under the table.
“Any other questions?”
Everyone shook their heads, so the manager moved on. “As I said, your next campaign will be together. We were thinking of doing a photoshoot to promote a popular brand of clothing, and using that as a base of your new image. Respectively, Len and Miku promoting a more soft, pure style of clothing, and Rin, promoting a more gothic look.”
Rin? Gothic? Was she going to have to change her stage name to Darkness or Elvira or Raven Way to suit her image, too?
“We’ll see how this goes. If the campaign gains enough popularity, we’ll keep moving forward, perhaps on to new songs and collaborations with each other.”
The manager then relayed the information for the photoshoot, asked for any more questions, and after receiving no further response, dismissed them.
Miku said nothing much once they left the meeting room, simply excusing herself as 'she had business to get to'. Len stayed behind, staring at the carpet between him and Rin.
“So, uh, what do you think?” he asked.
Rin looked at him. “I’m so sorry you two have to get involved with me.”
Len snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. We don’t care about that. But you care, right?”
“I guess I don’t really want to be Satan, but…” she said in a low voice.
He chuckled, and Rin’s face grew warm. “Yeah. I can understand it. But, not saying you’re evil or anything, I feel like some cute devil image would totally suit you.”
“Excuse me?”
Len dodged her elbow, stepping back. “I mean, you’re already cute. Putting angel wings on you would be boring. But you with some devil wings? I can see the appeal—”
Rin didn’t know whether to be flattered or offended. She stepped on his foot to stop him mid-sentence. “Don’t mock it!”
“I’m not,” he said with a grin. “I’m just saying, it’ll be interesting to see what they’ll do with your image.”
She flushed. “Yeah, well, I wonder what they’ll do with yours.”
He laughed and turned away, starting off down the hall. “Don’t knock it until we’ve tried it, Rin,” he said over his shoulder.
Rin sighed. He had a point… but.
She had tried it, and was ready to knock it.
Rin stared at her reflection in complete and utter mortification. Her wardrobe for the photoshoot was something she'd only be caught dead in. One outfit was a long, black dress that made her look a bit like a nun. The other outfit—her current one—consisted of leather shorts, a black corset top, fishnet tights, and lots of unnecessary ribbons.
Oh, and platform boots, but they were kind of cool.
She grimaced at the stupid devil accessories she had to wear. Seriously? A tail? Wings? Little horns? This was a nightmare.
Meanwhile, Miku could wear this pretty, floral dress and cute, frilly overall skirt. She looked so soft and fluffy and it made Rin want to throw herself into piranha-infested waters.
Len appeared behind her reflection in the mirror. He had matching overall pants to Miku’s skirt, and a frilly, white button-up shirt with a ribbon at the neck. Rin never knew she needed to see him in soft, feminine clothing until now.
“I told you it’d suit you,” he said with a shit-eating grin.
“I look like I just walked out of a 90s vampire-romance manga.”
Len snickered. “Yeah, well, you would fit in really well with the kids in Harajuku,” he said. “Anyway, you’re totally giving off cute-sexy vibes.”
“How can one be cute and sexy?” Rin asked, not sure to take what he said seriously, let alone as a compliment.
He began playing with her tail, using it to hit her in the legs. “I don’t know. But you somehow do it.”
Her face burst into flames. Thank god her makeup was thick enough to hide that (though her ears were giving away the secret).
Len then walked off, as if nothing ever happened, but that was basically his signature move. The guy was really good at making her melt and not noticing it at all.
The first shoot was with Miku, and the photographer seemed to be really into making it weirdly intimate, so it felt rather homoerotic. Not that Rin cared, because, well, even she felt slightly gay for Miku.
That aside, it was pretty uneventful. Miku was polite, and laughed when her tail kept knocking the set pieces over. 
Next was Miku and Len. Since they were ‘angels’, they did, like, angel-ly things or whatever. Looking beautiful, eating grapes and watching humans make fools of themselves. (That was what the photographer said.)
Of course, some poses made Rin’s blood curdle with jealousy as she stood to the side watching, in between the makeup and hair artist fussing about her appearance. But her prayers were soon answered as Miku was sent off set and Rin called up to start her shoot with Len.
“So, you two were partners, right?” the photographer asked, as he set them up for the first pose.
“A duet, yes,” Rin said.
“Hmm,” the photographer said, in a way that was slightly concerning.
The first few poses were fairly tame. Rin being evil, Len being good. “Steal his grapes,” the photographer ordered. “Okay, good, now look sad because she stole your grapes.”
Why were grapes even a part of this weird shoot? What did they have to do with heaven and hell, or whatever the theme was?
“So, now, Len, I want you to look sad for your partner. She’s become evil.”
Rin frowned at the directions, and Len burst out laughing in her face. “Sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologised to the photographer.
“Rin, you want to lure Len over to the dark side.”
Len snickered again, his expression faltering just for a moment. Rin rolled her eyes, and followed the directions for how she should pose.
She placed a hand on his cheek, leaning over him and pressing a finger to her lips. He looked up at her with wide eyes, and for a moment she thought it was his actual expression, before she remembered the context of the photo and yada yada yada.
The photographer repositioned them a few times, telling Rin to play with his hair and Len to act as if he was pushing her away.
The whole time, Rin could only think about how bright red her ears were, and how the photo editor would probably have to photoshop them back to a human colour.
Eventually it came to the last photo of them together.
“Okay. Len, you have given in. Your devil has lured you to the dark side.”
Rin wanted to face-palm. Len raised his eyebrows at her and winked. 
“Creep,” she muttered to him.
“Hey, you’re the one dressed in leather right now,” he said.
“Yeah, and it’s giving me a massive wedgie.”
Len snorted. “TMI, Rin.”
The photographer began unbuttoning Len’s shirt somewhat. “Rin, hold his collar and motion like you’re trying to take off his shirt.”
“Why,” she said without thinking, and the photographer stopped to look at her questioningly. Len was laughing into his hand. She cleared her throat. “Sorry, I was kidding.”
As if wanting revenge, the photographer then instructed, “Also, I want you to sit on his lap, so that you’re both facing each other.”
Len stopped laughing, checking to see if the photographer was serious. (He was.)
Rin, with the very last remaining bit of courage, reluctantly sat down so that she was straddling Len. Their eyes met, and they pretty much communicated silent apologies to each other.
She held onto his shirt as per instruction, pretending that she was unbuttoning it. A hint of his bare stomach peaked through at her, and she almost screamed.
Len was told to hold her waist. The poor boy seemed humiliated. 
Imagine having to shoot something this grossly intimate with someone you’re incredibly not attracted to, Rin thought. That was probably what was going through his brain.
After being repositioned a few times, the photoshoot between them was finally over, and Rin leapt off his legs like she had been sitting on flames the whole time.
“I’m sorry,” she said to him, and Len looked at her with surprise.
“Why are you sorry?”
“Oh, just. That pose was a bit… Uh.”
He shook his head and patted her shoulder. “No need to apologise, Rin. It’s part of the job.”
Right. Right.
It’s part of the job.
She didn’t know why those words stung as much as they did.
The rest of the shoot was fairly tame. Perhaps the photographer sensed their discomfort with that one position, but he didn’t really force them into any intimate positions after that. Thank god (but Rin was also a little disappointed, you know, because …).
Once they wrapped up the shoot and returned to regular human form, Miku suggested that they order pizza and chill out at her apartment. 
As they headed there in a taxi, Len nudged Rin and gave her this pouty expression.
“I’m so sad they didn’t let you keep the devil wings and stuff,” he said.
“Why, did you want to wear them?” Rin asked.
“No!” Len exclaimed, looking flustered at such a suggestion. “I—I—”
Miku chuckled at them from the front seat. “You two are really close, aren’t you?”
“What?” Rin said.
Miku and Len both looked at her, surprised by her response.
“I mean, we barely even talk anymore.”
A strange expression crossed Len’s face, and he opened his mouth to say something, before snapping it shut and turning away to stare out the window. Miku watched this, before looking back at Rin.
“Really?” she said. “It doesn’t seem that way to me.”
Then Miku turned back to face the front.
Rin was silent. Had she said something wrong? She thought Len would laugh about it or agree, but… 
She sighed and turned to stare out the window as well. She could tell pizza was going to be awkward.
As expected, pizza was pretty awkward.
Len was very strangely serious with everything, and Miku tried desperately to lighten the mood. Eventually, Rin gave up and made some excuse about needing to get home so she could call her parents. 
She stared at her long-untouched LINE chat with Len while waiting at the station for the next train home. It was only the truth, though; what she’d said. They'd used to talk every day, whether it be in person or through text. But then one day, he'd just stopped, and so did she.
Was it her fault, or something? She had tried initiating conversation before, but they’d died rather quickly. To be honest, today’s photoshoot was the first time they’d talked that much in like, a year or so.
So why was Len so upset about what she said?
He seemed to ignore her after that, or avoided her as much as possible. Even in the followup meetings between him, Miku, her and the manager, he avoided her gaze entirely.
The manager gave them some pictures from the shoot at their last meeting, saying their photos would be in the next volume of Sara, a pretty popular alternative fashion magazine. 
One of the photos he’d given them happened to be that pose.
Rin stared at it. It felt incredibly unnatural and awkward at the time, but as a photo, it looked peaceful and natural, and the expression on Len’s face was something different, almost as if he truly was captivated by her or something. Had they mysteriously photoshopped all their humiliation out of the picture?
When she got home from work, she stuck it on the wall above her bed, alongside other photos from their many escapades in the years before. It hadn’t grown much since they went solo, so it was nice to have a new addition.
Rin still felt miserable about it all. She didn’t know if she should message him an apology, or try talking to him about it, because she just didn’t understand.
She pulled out her phone and called Meiko.
Meiko picked up on the third ring. “What can I help you with, Little Miss Devil?”
“Oh no. Let me guess. You saw the photos?”
“Of course. Miku and Len were showing everyone in the lobby. Your butt looked really nice in those pants.”
“Please don’t remind me of my trauma,” Rin moaned, thinking back to her killer wedgie. She was pretty sure she got chafing from those shorts.
“So, what’s up? You don’t just call me for small talk.”
Rin winced, realising she’d kind of used Meiko as a bit of a therapist lately.
“It… it’s Len.”
“Len, huh? What did he do?”
“It’s not what he did, more so what I did.”
Meiko was silent for a moment. “Hmm.”
Rin hesitated. “What?”
“I think I know what you did. Miku told me about what happened a few weeks ago, and was asking for context or whatever.”
“What did you tell her?”
“Nothing,” Meiko said smoothly. “Anyway, I was waiting for you to talk to me about it, because I only have one thing to tell you: Talk to him about it.”
Rin clenched her jaw. “Talk to him about it? Why?”
“Because I’m not Len and I can’t tell you what his problem is.”
“Wait,” she said. “Has Len told you about this?”
Meiko hummed. “Not specifically, but I know some things.”
Rin began to tug at her hair, anxious. “Wait. What. What does that mean?”
“Rin,” Meiko said in a firm voice. “From one experienced adult to a less-experienced adult: communication is key.”
Not letting her get another word of protest in, the woman hung up.
Rin stared at her phone in her hand. She was mentally pooping herself. What was going on? What terrible, awful thing was going to happen next?
Reluctantly, she opened her LINE chat with Len and began writing a message to him.
Much to her surprise, Len agreed to meet up at a cafe on their day off. It was one of those hole-in-the-wall cafes, so not really busy anyway, and they took a seat in the far back corner of the shop, where it was more private for a serious discussion.
He was very quiet the whole time, until they’d settled into their seats. He looked up at her, sitting back in his chair. “So, what did you want to talk about?” he asked, straight to the point.
Rin hadn’t elaborated the reason for the talk or anything, let alone even thought about how she would broach the topic. “Uh, um…” she said, staring down at the menu in front of her. Did she want milk tea, or something herbal? She wasn’t sure how pleasant the conversation was going to be, and if shit were to hit the fan somehow, maybe she should avoid dairy in case her (anxious) shit were to also, figuratively, hit the fan.
Len raised an eyebrow at her. 
“About… the day of the photoshoot,” Rin finally said, settling on just getting straight to the point. “I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t realise it was going to upset you. It… I didn’t say it to hurt you, or be mean, or anything.”
He shifted in his chair, picking up his menu to read. “You don’t need to apologise for it. I know what you meant. And it’s true.”
Rin bit her lip. “But I still upset you.”
Len looked at her over the top of the menu. “I’m not looking for your apology,” he said in a low voice. “I don’t want it.”
“Oh.” Ouch.
He put his menu down. “Have you decided what you want, yet?”
“What do you want?”
Rin blinked at him a few times, before acknowledging he wasn’t going to move on before she gave an answer. “Er, I’ll just get some yuzu tea.”
“No food?” he asked, pointing at the cake and sweets menu.
She shook her head, and he stood from his chair. Was he going to leave?
Then he pulled his wallet out from his pocket. “Well, I’ll get you something anyway,” he said, and left to order the food before she could protest.
Rin stared down at her knees, tears stinging the corners of her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and willed herself not to cry in front of him. Again. 
What did he mean about not apologising? What did he want, then? Was he just really, really mad at her?
She glanced over her shoulder to check he hadn’t just run away, but he was at the counter, making their order.
Right. She needed to pay him back for this, too. She pulled out her purse and checked she had enough change to give him.
“How much?” she asked when he sat down.
“No,” he said, eyes narrowing in on her purse.
Rin ignored his response, counting out her coins to give him. Before she could hand them over, he reached out and pushed her hand back to her.
“Really, Rin,” Len insisted. “You don’t have to pay me back.”
Sulking, she dropped the coins back into her purse and put it away.
They both fell into silence until their order came. Len had gotten honey toast for them to share.
It was like old times; when they used to always hang out together, when they would order something crazy like a giant parfait meant for four people and try to finish it all without making themselves sick.
Rin couldn’t help but frown.
Len paused when handing her a spoon. “Do you not like honey toast?”
“Huh?” she said, glancing up at him. “Oh, no. It’s fine.”
He raised an eyebrow at her.
Rin tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, digging the spoon into the dessert. “It’s just nostalgic, that’s all.”
Len gazed at her. 
She looked away from him, embarrassed by the very intense-and-direct eye contact he was giving her. 
He then said, “Rin, I know we’ve gone our own ways and fallen out of contact, but you do know I consider you one of my closest friends, right? Just because we don’t talk as much as we used to, or see each other that much anymore, doesn’t mean I don’t think of you as someone special to me.”
Rin flushed. She set down her spoon on the table, losing her appetite. “So, you are mad at me about what I said.”
Len opened his mouth, like he was about to protest, but then he hung his head. “It’s… not…” he said, before sighing in defeat. “It’s more so, I’m sad that… that’s how you think. I’m sad that things made you feel like we weren’t good friends anymore.”
She wanted to cry again, but held her breath in an attempt to stop the tears. “Mmmmmmm,” was all she could say.
He then rested his head in his hand, playing with his spoon in the other. “I guess maybe I’ve been a bit careless about it all and I haven’t really… thought about how you’ve been feeling. And what you said made me realise that.”
“It’s my fault,” Rin began to blubber. “I should’ve talked about it sooner rather than just making the assumption you weren’t interested in me anymore.”
Len glanced up at her, noticing her ugly crying face, and reached for a napkin to hand to her. She hid behind it, trying to silence her loud sobs.
“Rin, we worked together for so long. I couldn’t just throw away our friendship after that,” he said with a pained expression. 
Rin wiped her face and sighed. “I know. I’m being unreasonable. But… seeing you with Miku and everything, it just…”
Len snorted. “Miku and I, we’re friends, well, more like colleagues, but we don’t, you know, click like you and I do. Sure, we hang out and talk and stuff, but with you… I can just be me. You laugh at all my jokes. With Miku, it’s not like that. It’s not always fun and easy and natural like it is with you.”
Her ears began to burn. “Len…” she said. God. Just rip out her heart right there. He was saying all these nice things about them being friends, and she didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. Well, of course she was happy, but… she wished it was more than just. Friendship.
Maybe it was time she just. Laid it flat on the table. Killed two birds with one stone. Set the whole kitchen on fire and just get it all out.
Len looked at her from across the table, spoon in hand, waiting expectantly for her to continue with what she wanted to say.
Rin sucked in a breath, pushed back her tears and smacked her hands on the table, making both herself and Len jump, and also everyone else within earshot.
He blinked. “Rin—”
“Len,” she said, before realising she had no idea what she wanted to say next. She’d stood from her seat and was leaning across the table, staring at him. Her face grew warm as panic began to set in. Okay, okay, just say something at least, because this was getting awkward. “Len.”
Len gulped. “Yes?”
Rin sucked in a shaky breath. Okay. Here we go. Here we go—
“Marry me please,” she blurted.
Len dropped his spoon on the floor.
Rin had never run so fast to the bathroom in her life. She didn’t even stick around to hear his response (nor see his reaction). She just high-tailed it to somewhere where she could emergency call Meiko for advice.
“I just proposed to Len,” she cried as soon as Meiko answered the phone.
There was a moment of silence, before she said, “Congratulations?”
“I’m serious,” Rin said. “I literally told him to marry me.”
“Good for you.”
“Meiko! What do I do? I can’t go back out there and face him after that!”
Meiko sighed. “Where are you?”
“In the bathroom.”
She snorted. “So you just left him there after that? Did you even wait for his answer?”
“No! Of course not! Why would I wait for rejection?!”
“How do you know he was going to reject you? Did you see the future, or something, Rin?”
“Well, no , but—”
“Rin,” Meiko said, her tone suddenly very serious. “I’m not your fairy godmother. I can’t help you out of this situation. Go back out there and talk to him. Len is your friend, isn’t he? Do you think he’d completely destroy you as a rejection? Does that sound like him? Think about it.”
Rin did think about it. “Well… no… maybe…”
“So, what are you doing? Don’t leave him there by himself to wonder what the hell is going on.”
She closed her eyes, leaned back against the back of the toilet and pinched the bridge of her nose. A few beats of silence passed, before she let out an exhale. “Okay. Okay. I’ll do it.”
“Good. Now, get your ass out of the bathroom, you disgusting creature.”
“R-right! Thank you Meiko!”
Rin hung up, sat on the toilet for a moment longer, before getting up to check her reflection in the mirror and emerge with caution from the bathroom. A part of her felt relief seeing Len still at their table, another part felt pure and utter terror.
He was on his phone with a serious expression, and she had no idea how to decipher that.
Without a word, she took her seat across from him and had a mouthful of her citrus tea (which had long gone cold).
Len glanced up, looking surprised, and just stared at her with wide eyes.
Damage control.
Rin took a breath. “So, um, I panicked…” she began to explain.
Len cocked an eyebrow. 
“The truth is,” she said, staring down hard at the barely-touched honey toast in front of them. “The truth is that you’re really hot.”
Oh boy. This was going south really fast.
“Thank… you?” Len said, confused.
Rin smacked her forehead. “Yeah, like, so, um, I’m, you know…”
He tilted his head. “I don’t know.”
She sucked in a sharp breath, and it all began pouring out of her mouth like vomit.
“I’ve been really attracted to you for like ever and it’s been eating me up inside and everything just feels a lot worse because I really like you and I don’t know how to handle it but you know I’m happy to just be friends if that’s not reciprocated because I never really wanted to confess my feelings to you anyway and I know it’s not professional or anything but please don’t hate me just because I like you like way more than a friend because I also like being friends with you please don’t hate me.”
Len blinked several times, processing that flood of information, before opening his mouth to speak.
Rin clapped her hands over her ears and cried, “It’s okay! You don’t need to answer! I just wanted to get that off my chest! Let’s forget this ever happened and move on.”
He shook his head at her. “No.”
She lowered her hands. No? That’s it? Just no?
Well, okay then. Alright. Cool cool cool.
Rin sat back in her chair, dazed and uncertain how to take in such a completely cold rejection.
“No, I don’t want to forget this happened,” he continued. Wait. What? He averted his gaze to the table, rubbing his hands together. “I don’t really understand why you think I’d hate you or something.”
She gawked at him. “Wh… what do you mean…?”
Len dug a hand into his hair, scrunching up his fringe in his fist. He looked up at her from under his dark lashes. “Rin, I literally flirted with you the entire photoshoot.”
Rin almost choked on her own saliva. “You—wh—huh. ”
He pressed his palms together, using his thumbs to massage the space between his eyebrows. “I literally called you sexy. I winked at you. Then you sat on me and gave me a boner.”
Her soul left her body. It just upped and left. See you later, humanity. I’m outta here.
Rin slid down in her chair, looking up at the ceiling. “I didn’t even notice,” she said, feeling like the world’s biggest clown.
“I’m surprised you didn’t even notice,” he continued. “That thing was like rock hard. I was shitting myself. I was praying so hard no one else would notice. I never felt so close to death in my entire life.”
“Not the boner, Len,” she said. “I mean, I didn’t notice that either but—the flirting. I meant the flirting.”
“I just thought your pants were really stiff or something.”
“Aha… well.”
Rin smacked her palm against her forehead again. “I can’t believe it. I just thought you were teasing me for having to be a devil or whatever.”
“While that is quite hilarious, I was way too turned on by you at the photoshoot to mock the fact that we were dressed like the occult.”
She was defeated. That’s it? She’d been panicking over this for… nothing?
Wait. Wait a minute.
Meiko… Meiko had totally pushed her to do this, despite the chance of her getting rejected. Which meant…
Meiko totally knew Len felt the same way.
That… evil…!
“So, like, does this mean we’re dating, or…?” Len asked.
Rin turned beet red at the mention of dating. Dating Len. Wow. Wow. Just wow. Big fat wow.
“Y-yes?” she squeaked.
He grinned at her, a mischievous glint in his eye. “So, does that mean I can have you sit on me again?”
“Never mind I changed my mind—”
Rin smiled and sat forward, leaning across the table. She remembered the look on his face from the photoshoot, with his wide eyes staring up at her as she had leaned over him, playing with his hair. She wanted to see that look. She wanted to see it again.
Len gazed at her as she reached out and grabbed the collar of his shirt. She brought her face close to his. “Only if we go to your apartment after this. I haven’t cleaned mine for a month.”
“That’s disgusting,” he said into her face. “Sounds good.”
Then she kissed him on the lips.
It was awesome.
26 notes · View notes
elby-manga-addicted · 7 years
Tag Questionnaire!
Tagged by: @the-frustrated-muggleborn
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke
2. Disney or Dreamworks: I CANT. CHOOSE.
3. Coffee or tea: Tea
4. Books or movies: books, even though movies can have amazing visuals and music, the fact that you can choose how to imagine the much richer story in a book wins me over :p
5. Windows or mac: Windows, duh!
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel
7. X-box or Playstation: I don’t have either, but I think that what I used to play on at my cousin’s house was a Playstation, so...
8. Dragon age or Mass effect: YOU EXPECT ME TO CHOOSE??! I suppose I’ve played dragon age a lot more hours than mass effect but that’s just because Mass Effect is so heavy on my emotions... In terms of story, worldbuilding and characters I literally could never choose between these two! D:
9. Night owl or early riser: Night owl, hoot hoot!
10. Cards or chess: I’ve always liked the aesthetic of chess but even though my brother once tried to teach me, I couldn’t play it to save my life, so... cards! XD
11. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate!
12. Vans or converse: Converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: I’ll have to go with Adaar because qunari are just too cool and I was beyond excited to hear we’d get to play as one :3
14. Fluff or angst: Angst with fluff on the end. I won’t settle for one without the other!
15. Beach or forest: Forest
16. Dogs or cats: CATS!!! I love dogs too, but nothing can ever beat cats :p
17. Clear skies or rain: depends... If the sky is truly clear then I prefer that, but if there are clouds that are reflecting the sun I’d like dark rainclouds better. (Because I’m super sensitive to light and get migraines from white skies D: )
18. Cooking or eating out: cooking
19. Spicy food or mild food: mild food
20. Halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Christmas!
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Too cold, then I’d have an excuse to cover myself in blankets 24/7!
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: stopping time for everyone except myself. God knows I could use more time.
23. Animation or live action: as an animation student I feel obligated to say animation XD
24. Paragon or renegade: I’m like... 80% paragon but when my morals are challenged I can turn full on renegade.
25. Baths or showers: Showers
26. Team cap or team ironman: Team cap
27. Fantasy or sci-fi: FANTASY IS LOVE, FANTASY IS LIFE.
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: “No one is you and that’s your power” -Dave Grohl, “rock bottom became the solid foundation upon which I rebuilt my life” -J.K. Rowling,  “ When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted; when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realize, too late, that wealth is not in bank accounts and that you can’t eat money.” - Alanis Obomsawin,  “I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.” -Terry Pratchett
29. Youtube or netflix: Youtube (I do wish I had netflix though...)
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter
31. When you feel accomplished: When I’ve made strides towards my ambitions and have something to show for it.
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Another impossible choice! Star Trek is so nostalgic for me and it always reminds me of quality time spent with my family, but Star Wars is more actively present in my life right now...
33. Paperback books or hardback books: Hardback! They’re not at all as practical as paperbacks but OH MY GOD THE AESTHETIC! It’s so satisfying to hold those books~
34. Horror or rom-com: rom-com! (when will I be able to see queer romcoms???)
35. TV shows or movies: I’m gonna go with tv shows, there’s more to savour and usually more in-depth storylines and characters.
36. Favorite animal: CATS. After that tigers, pandas, butterflies and possibly squids. I’m also quite fond of majestic birds like peacocks, ostriches, eagles and small ones like nightingales :3
37. Favorite genre of music: uhhh my taste in music is so widespread and random! I love some punk, some pop, some metal, a lot of soundtracks and instrumental music and kpop as well!
38. Least favorite book: “Geen wonder dat moeder met de goudvissen praat” by Ed Franck and equally horrible is “Doornroosje’s honden” bij Willy Spillebeen . I had to read these like 5 years ago for school and I still haven’t gotten over the trauma. (In case you’re wondering, the titles translate to “No Surprise Mother Talks To The Goldfish” and “Sleeping Beauty’s Dogs”. The first is the diary of a teenage boy who’s vulgarly in love with his female teacher and it has the most distasteful illustrations. The Second book is about a little girl who’s mother is in a financially sticky situation and the child is confused about everything and eventually kills herself by taking a dozen of her mother’s sleeping pills so that she can be like sleeping beauty but be awoken by her dad. Both were an absolute pain to read.)
39. Favourite season: winter, but only if it snows. Otherwise autumn. (I mean I like them all but summer is too warm and sunny so it gives me headaches and in spring I sneeze all the time due to hay fever. Sure there’s less animals in the other two and the white clouds give me headaches as well, but it’s pretty and it gets darker doon :p)
40. Song that’s currently stuck in your head: “Shiny”  from Moana XD
41. What kind of pyjama’s do you wear: My Totoro onesie! Or equally fluffy hp PJs. Or when it’s hotter I wear adorable shorts or baggy PJ pants and a top. (I get excited over PJ’s. I have waaayyy to many of them but it just makes me eager to go to bed and it’s so cosy and everything!)
42. How many existential crisis do you have on an average day: Like... 6?
43. If you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be: Either “I Was Here” by Beyoncé or “What Do I Know” by Sara Groves
44. Favourite theme song to a TV show: the first Winx Club into!!
45. Harry Potter movies or books: Books! The movies are great but there’s so much depth that they’re missing! And some of the characters are just portrayed completely wrong (*cough* Ginny *cough*)
46. Favorite traditional food from your family: Either fries with roasted chicken and loads of veggies, or the family recipe cake that my mother taught me when I was 5!
47. Favorite decade from 1900-now: Uhhh how should I know? I’ve only lived in 2 decades! :p I suppose the now is best for me since equal rights and mentally ill people are no longer put in asylums and stuff.
48. Worst habit?: Putting off important things because of my anxiety or thinking “oh, I’ll respond to this later” and then never doing it.
49. Teach an old person to use the internet or stay for a week with a kid stuck in the “why” phase?: both could potentially be adorable and loads of fun! So it doesn’t really matter to me. 50. Who’s your favorite painter?: My grandpa! I’ve looked up to him all my life and not a single painter who’s work I’ve encountered in art history or musea can compete! (I’m biased, I know). If I had to choose someone else I’d either say René Magritte, the Van Eyck brothers or Kinko White (If you’re a Tolkien fan and like aquarel paintings, GO LOOK THESE UP!). 51. Favourite flower?: Wisteria and water lilies.
52. Boots or sneakers?: Boots~
53. Abroad or at home?: Home is where the cat is, so HOME.
54. Three places that you want to visit in the world: In this world? Japan, The Niagara Falls and somewhere I can see the northern lights!
My question: 55: If you were immortal and could choose one person to spend eternity with, who’d you choose?: I’d pick my cat!
Tagging: I’m not about to tag 55 people, but I’ll tag a few~
@zuzumi @x-ello-x @leftski @definitelynotclayface @thelargemagellaniccloud @bellatrixstolethetardis @momo-tan @virtualtaleinternet @nathankoekenpan​   @karelopteynde​ @that-one-asexual-fangirl​ @captainthingsandstuff​
(you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to though! I don’t want to pressure
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