#also sorry it got shorter towards the end i developed a headache
violexides · 4 years
fic recs (part 1?)
hi!!! so @n3tn0b0dy sent me an ask about fic recs, and i am stupid so it took me a few mins to like. compose myself and figure out what this is. i am definitely absolutely going to miss a few fics here, which is why it is a part one. i will probably keep this short-ish??? maybe go into more detailed ones later :eyes: 
(i am realizing i am going to write essays for these and for that i am very sorry)
something close to domestic, maybe by @mystxmomo (hi!)
definitely one of my favorite danganronpa fics, currently and (probably) forever. it’s a mature rated kamukoma fic, following an AU in which, instead of the remnants being captured and taken to jabberwock, despair sort of... fizzles out on its own, leaving the remnants of despair-- and the rest of the world-- to sort of heal with it. it’s in a series with another fic, that is in the same universe but following a different narrative with different central characters, and though it only has one chapter rn i highly rec that too. 
i like this fic for many reasons and to avoid prattling on, i will bullet point it.
- easy to follow. there are not overly complex structures-- not that that is inherently a bad thing, i also tend to love that style-- which makes it easy to digest.
- strong emotional impact. this fic has made me cry very, very often.
- really good characterization. mystxmomo is very good with characterization overall, especially with kamukura and servant, and that really shows with this fic.
- a compelling plot that still retains a slice-of-life format. i don’t really know how else to elaborate here.
- an idiosyncratic look into their dynamic. this fic explores kamukoma in the process of them healing, which is pretty distinctively different to a lot of kamukoma fics. obviously, this is not to shade those other fics, but, yeah. i really like it. 
okay sorry for rambling very much there, i really highly recommend it, it is a ongoing multichapter (i should have said that earlier i apologize) and the writer is also very cool. 
postscript by zombiekittiez
this is actually a series. it currently has three fics-- one that is fully completed (defy you stars), one that is a completed oneshot (supersonic man outta you), and an ongoing multichapter with pretty frequent updates (prince of a thousand). this follows a post-SDR2 storyline, with a lot of ships and dynamics within it, but heaviest emphasis on komahina. 
more bullet points! yay 
- the characterization is god-fucking-tier. this author is very, very good at characterizing these characters and i will not shut up about it ever actually. they feel real, and distinct, and flawed, and alive, and i love everything about it.
- good exploration of dynamics! i think the latter two fics especially shows this off really well. the friendships and relationships built are all pretty different from each other, but all feel like a pretty natural progression, sticking true to the characters, and feels very... real. which i like a whole hell of a lot.
- there are so many literature references and i am happy about it. there are also sparknotes-ish things at the ending notes of each chapter, which translates the quote, explains the significance within its own text, and applies it to the fanfiction. they are used in ways that make sense, too-- they don’t feel forced.
- the plot and plot building is SO fucking good. prince of a thousand has so many cliffhangers and i am very happy but also dying.
anyway, i really rec this series! be mindful of the tags and the ratings on some of the fics, but they are really, really good reads. 
absent mind by galaxyaqua
okay. this is a v3 oneshot rec, exploring pregame rantaro, as well as his relationship with tsumugi shirogane. it’s rated “teen and up audiences”, and. holy shit, okay.
- the writing style of this is GORGEOUS. i don’t know what it is about the writing style, but it feels so much like rantaro is talking, which is so fucking cool, and i love that so fucking much??? i can’t even explain it, but it is seriously super neat. 
- the EMOTIONS. this fic is so fucking emotional, honestly? it shows you this realistic, flawed, you could consider broken, character, shows them finding some hope, and shows the loss that comes with that. it’s so fucking incredible, and the lines have stuck with me even now, and it’s been a bit since i’ve last read. i think about the last couple lines especially a lot.
- these impactful one liners. holy shit. every line means something in this fic, and it’s so fucking cool and incredible, and i just??? holy shit??? i really love this fic???
i will say that this fic is sort of depressing in places, but i highly, and i mean highly, recommend. it is not a super difficult read, and it’s super, super fucking good. so i really recommend it. 
this sickness will save us by starrylitme // i believe this is @magioftheseas i am super sorry if it isn’t
okay. super, super fucking big content warning. this fic is a yikes, and the tags can sum it up a LOT better, but yeah. just keep that in mind. 
that being said, this is a really gorgeously written oneshot centered around soulmate au kamukoma, exploring the sort of... unhealthy aspects of their relationship. and i. Wow. okay.
- these fucking one liners. holy SHIT. i remember some of these scenes and lines so very well, and it does live in my head rent free. 
- the tone of this. the tone, and the mood created, is so fucking... i don’t even know how to describe it. terrifying? eerie? super fucking intriguing? it shows this shitty situation in an appropriately terrifying light, and it inflects so much emotion and connotation into the scenes, and holy shit. like, if i wanted to do a case study of incredible tonal work and diction and all, i would absolutely grab this fic.
- the characterization. while kamukura and komaeda are placed in a very interesting predicament, they still manage to stay pretty damn close to being in character, which i personally think is super remarkable. it almost enhances the circumstances too, ngl. 
- their dynamic. their dynamic in this fic is NOT healthy, and that is shown in full “glory”, in a very messy and dysfunctional and terrifying way, and i absolutely love it. it has a kind of realism to it, almost a cautionary tale but not quite, a sort of “this isn’t very good but it still feels grounded in realism”. and wow. Wow. it’s so fucking good.
mind the tags, but definitely rec this one. 
some scattered accounts i will gush about and if they have a tumblr account i will do my best to tag it. 
@kidcarma, same name on ao3. 
- okay, cam is just super fucking talented with characterization, and i adore all of their fics so fucking much? the way they characterize komaeda, kamukura, and hinata resonate super hard, and i just. really love their stuff. they are also absolutely wonderful so please support them do it why aren’t you doing it just kidding haha unle
@celestial-nova, celestial_nova on ao3
- nova is my best friend and i fucking love her, also her writing is fucking art. does a lot of naegiri and some stuff out of this fandom, but i seriously recommend her stuff. she’s really fucking talented and absolutely incredible and i adore her so very much. 
sinnohremaker on ao3
- their stuff is MAJORLY cathartic to me and they are also super sweet, love them a lot.
shutupnerd on ao3
- SHE IS REALLY TALENTED, I LOVE HER WORKS!! they are also super cool and i just appreciate her a lot fksdc,mxv, her fic “an account of events” is really good
@whatsupscythia, hinataisnothim on ao3
- i fucking love her writing, does some really good hinata prose, highly recommend it
i am ABSOLUTELY forgetting people, i am ABSOLUTELY forgetting fics, and i am ABSOLUTELY going to bash my head into a wall when i realize i have forgotten people, but uhm here is an impromptu list. i hope this was good? idk how to do fic recs. uhm yes support all these people they are dope
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mxndoscyarika · 3 years
Honeydew (Marcus Pike/Moreno x OC) | Chapter 3
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Summary: Erin He moves to DC after working for the FBI in Texas and runs into a hero in disguise; Marcus Moreno. Something about him is familiar, too familiar, yet different in a way that she can’t quite place. Although confused, she can’t deny her feelings for him; perhaps, after years of regret, she finally found the one.
Warnings: food/drink, death mention, mention of politics
Honeydew masterlist
Like my writing? Here’s my masterlist.
Author’s Note: Happy New Year, everyone! We made it! To celebrate, here’s the next chapter of Honeydew. I’d like to mention that this story takes place a few years BEFORE the events of We Can Be Heroes, so that’s why some things are a bit different from canon. If we make it far enough, there might be some allusions to the movie, but for now you can think of this as being set 3-5 years before the movie. Wishing you all a safe and healthy new year!
Erin locked her car and walked down the sidewalk to the entrance of the restaurant. She felt just a little bit overdressed with her pencil skirt and ruffled blouse, but it was a day full of meetings and she didn’t have extra time to change. Hopefully she didn’t stick out like a sore thumb.
When she walked in, she spotted Marcus sitting by a window, gazing out into the street. The daylight highlighted the curve of his nose beautifully, almost like a painting. His glasses framed his eyes perfectly, drawing attention to the warm brown of his irises and accentuating his strong jawline. The short beard on his cheek looked soft and kissable, though shorter than her Marcus kept his.
Her heart fluttered as she stepped into the dining area. Each step towards Marcus Moreno felt like one step further away from the past, from her Marcus.
But wouldn't her Marcus want her to be happy?
Stop getting your hopes up, she scolded herself. This isn’t a date.
Part of her wished it was. It was the same part of her that gravitated towards him after they met at Sachi’s party and filled her with warmth when he texted her for the first time.
She knew it was silly to develop feelings for him; he was probably too busy for relationships. After all, he had to take care of his daughter, Missy.
What if he already had a wife, too?
Her heart sank as she glanced down at his hands, which were clasped together on the table. Shining on his left hand was a ring.
Definitely not a date, then.
“Hi,” he greeted, his face lighting up when she approached. He rose to his feet to give her a hug. When they pulled apart, he took in her outfit. “Wow, you look...great.”
She blushed, hands still resting on his arms. “Thanks, you too. I must say, a suit looks good on you.”
“Oh this? It’s nothing,” he said, beaming. Before she could stop him, he pulled out her chair so she could sit. “I, uh, ordered you a coffee; you sounded tired on the phone when you called, so I figured you would want a little pick-me-up.”
In front of her was a mug filled with steaming coffee. It was a cappuccino–one of her go-to orders. When she wasn’t surviving off of plain coffee, she loved the warmth and luxury of the more elaborate form of caffeine. Sitting down, she asked, “Thank you. How do you know my coffee order?”
Marcus laughed softly, his cheeks flushed. “Lucky guess?”
“Very lucky, indeed,” she hummed, taking a sip. As she did, memories of a certain agent and cup of coffee raced back to her. It was such a lovely coincidence that both Marcuses managed to give her coffee in the sweetest way possible. Admiring his dress shirt and tie, she asked, “Are you coming from work, or do you always dress like this for lunch dates?”
She let out a breath of relief when he explained it was for work. The man sitting across from her was already beautiful–she wasn’t sure how she’d cope if he also wore suits every day.
Marcus explained that he worked for a group called the Heroics, which was the organization responsible for coordinating superpowered individuals to protect the world. There was a dress code for those working in the offices, though sometimes the heroes staying behind could be ready in their super attire.
The Heroics were a fairly new group, one that the government had seemed interested in working with. However, most of the information was classified and only relayed to those working at the Pentagon. With the rising concerns of police brutality and the acceleration of technology, the world was searching for a newer, better, way to keep civilians safe.
When she asked him what position he had, he groaned playfully. Even after all this time, his honeydew never rested. He tried to ignore what that meant for her during the past few years. “Isn’t this supposed to be our break from work, honey?”
“What, can’t a girl be curious?” she teased, tilting her head.
Marcus chuckled, heat rushing up to his face when he realized his eyes had fallen to her red lips. Without thinking, he reached across the table to take her hand into his. “How about this: I’ll tell you later if you can make it through lunch without talking about work.”
She huffed playfully. “Alright, you win.” Rubbing her thumb along his fingers, she asked, “What do you want to talk about, Mr. Moreno?”
Everything. He wanted to talk about everything. Yet at the same time, he wanted to talk about nothing; he just wanted to spend time with his best friend.
But he was Marcus Moreno, not Marcus Pike. Even if she was his best friend, he wasn’t hers.
“I guess I just want to get to know you better,” he said, shrugging. The corners of his mouth curved up in a soft smile. “What does Erin He, the FBI’s Operational Technologies Supervisor, do in her free time?”
“Not that I have much free time these days,” she began, “but, I like making things. Food and art, mostly. There’s a new art gallery opening nearby. I’ve been meaning to go but work has taken up a lot of time. That, and most of my friends aren’t really into that kind of stuff.”
Back in Texas, Marcus had introduced her to the prospect of viewing and enjoying art, not just creating it. At first she’d been hesitant–she never really enjoyed walking through museums or galleries–but listening to Marcus’s interpretations of the artwork, and then offering her own, made her reconsider it. Maybe it was the art; maybe it was the company and quality time that used to come with it. It became a part of her life, a treat to herself amidst the bright screens and headaches. It was her escape from the world, even if it was short-lived.
She just wished Marcus could’ve been there in her years after moving to DC.
Marcus smiled. “Well, I’d love to go with you someday. Maybe not during the week, but one day when Missy’s over at a friend’s house.”
At the mention of his daughter, Erin remembered his wedding ring. Her stomach churned at the thought of keeping him away from his family. Retracting her hand, she said, “Oh, right. Of course…. But wouldn’t you want to spend time with your wife?”
His brows furrowed with confusion, then he followed her eyes to his ring. He smiled sadly. “Oh, right. I forgot to tell you…my wife passed away a few years ago.” He tapped on the metal band. “I used to see this as a symbol of my marriage, but now I like to consider it a reminder of my daughter. A reminder that I have someone waiting for me to come home and provide for.”
There were days when he missed his wife more than others, like whenever Missy would come home from school with an art project made for Mother’s Day. Or when she’d want to try new hairstyles or try on clothes at the mall. It had been years, but there were just some things he couldn’t be no matter how much he tried.
“I’m sorry,” Erin said. Offering him a small smile, she added, “For what it’s worth, I’m sure you’re a great dad.”
She always knew what to say, always a step ahead. He’d missed that about her. “I don’t have the best track record with relationships,” he replied, letting out a huff of laughter. “Let’s just say that.”
“You’re not alone in that camp,” Erin replied. She played with the corner of her napkin. “Though I must say I’ve never made it far enough to have a kid of my own, so you’ve got that going for you.”
“Why not?” He knew dating while working for the FBI was always a tricky situation, but he never thought that she, of all people, would have trouble finding someone. She was sweet, hardworking, and smarter than everyone he knew. She was....everything he ever looked for in a partner. Having lunch with her, getting to relearn what it felt like to be her friend, was everything.
But he also knew her. He understood her dedication to her work, and why she worked long hours at the office. He did the same, too. Well, until he met his wife and had Missy.
Did Erin ever get to experience that feeling? The feeling of being home and content and loved? Did he take that feeling with him when he erased his identity from the world?
She was about to answer when a waitress came up to the table to take their orders. Once the waitress left, she turned back to Marcus. “Let’s just say there was an old friend, one that I can’t ever replace.”
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, so quiet that she almost missed it.
Why did it sound like an apology?
Taking a deep breath, she changed the subject. “Well, it was a long time ago, anyways. I’m just happy that I met you. Tell me, Marcus: what do you like to do in your free time?”
They talked about everything they could think of, basking in comfortable silences once the food arrived. It was all easy; almost too easy. But Erin couldn’t help but let it wash over her. It had been a long, long time since she felt at peace with everything. There was just something about the way Marcus smiled that was comforting, like a hug from an old friend. His humble–almost shy–demeanor only served to draw her in. She quickly realized that, at the end of the day, he was just a man trying to do right by his daughter.
When the bill arrived, he didn’t hesitate to slip in his card and give it back to the waitress. “Don’t worry about it, honey. It’s my treat.” Winking at Erin, he said, “Maybe next time.”
After lunch with Marcus, the day passed in a blur. The meetings were long, but not as unbearable as she expected. Even the piles of feedback on her desk didn’t feel as daunting as they usually did. When she left the office, the weight of the folders in her arms weren’t as heavy.
Erin had just finished cleaning up the kitchen when her phone rang, buzzing against the counter. She didn’t even need to glance at the screen to know it was him; she had a special ringtone set up.
Putting the call on speaker, she answered, “Hi Marcus!”
“Hey Erin!”
Warmth filled her chest as he thanked her for having lunch with him. His voice was as soothing as ever, even through the phone. She could have listened to him talk all night.
“I had a great time, too,” she replied, beaming. Sitting on her kitchen counter, she must’ve looked ridiculous with her hair in damp tendrils. Thankfully, Marcus hadn’t decided to do a video call. “I mean it. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun in a while.”
A soft chuckle. “Well, I’m glad I didn’t bore you too much.”
She scoffed. “You could never.” Maybe to some he would be boring, but to her? He was everything. His late wife was a lucky woman, and Missy was a lucky girl. Marcus was everything she ever wanted; he was kind, thoughtful, secure. And although they’d parted ways with nothing more than a promised call, she never felt so happy.
“Actually, I was wondering–”
He stopped as a little voice piped up near him. It must’ve been Missy, his little girl. Erin could just barely hear her ask, “Who is that?”
Biting her lip, she listened on as Marcus chuckled softly and bashfully answered, “She’s, uh, a friend of mine.”
“Is she a girlfriend?”
“N-no,” he stammered, laughing nervously. “She’s just a friend.”
“Is she pretty?”
His answer made her cover her face and fight to contain a squeal. “Yes, she’s very pretty.” A pause. “Shouldn’t you be in bed, sweetie? Why don’t you get in first, I’ll be right there.”
Erin waited patiently as silence settled in the kitchen once again. Her cheeks were hurting from smiling, and she was sure she’d feel it the next morning. He thought she was pretty!
Marcus returned with a sigh. “Sorry about that, Missy can get a little curious sometimes.”
“It’s alright,” she replied, hoping she didn’t sound too giddy. “She’s cute. What were you going to ask me?”
Silence. Then, he said, “Oh, right. I was wondering if, maybe, you wanted to get dinner sometime later this week?”
Her heart raced as she realized what he wanted. It had been so long; what would she wear? Did he already have a restaurant in mind? Did he really want to take her out to dinner?
Was it a date?
Already deep into the whirlwind of questions, she realized she hadn’t responded yet. Without thinking, she said, “Yes. It’s a date!”
You couldn’t have been more subtle?
She braced herself for the rejection, but it never came.
“It’s a date,” Marcus repeated softly, almost as if he were saying it to himself. A soft laugh. “I should probably, uh, go check on Missy. We can figure out the details of our date later, alright?” His voice somehow turned even softer, like velvet. “Goodnight, honeydew.”
Erin yawned, the day’s exhaustion finally setting in. Maybe those files could wait until the morning.
“Goodnight, Marcus.”
< previous chapter | next chapter >
TAGLISTS: (please let me know if you’d like to be added/removed!)
@cinewhore @randomness501 @theghostwiththemost-babe​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @catfishingmorales​ @halfwaythereroyal​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @talesfromtheguild​ @tortles​ @ladamari68​ @theokatcov @snivellusim​ @starryluce​ @inked-poet​ @browneyes-djarin​ @shedobewritingalittle​ @chews-erotically​ @thefandomimagines​ @emesispo​ @bitchin-beskar​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @dishonouringmycow​
@leemorrigan @houseofthirst​ @meshlamando​ @engineeredfiction​ @inkyzinky​ @thedazeinmylife @theoutsidelandhere​
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
Heya! Would you like to write some Keres x Reader headcanons where the reader is a Jedi and survived Order 66 and is trying to rebuild the order? How would Keres react? Especially if she falls in love with them? Do you even write headcanons, I'm so sorry😳
Hello I love you. This will sound super lame, but my original characters are my babies and I’m so happy you like one enough to request this. It really makes my day. I hope you’re well and hydrated for real. 
Please request more things for Keres. She’s da love of my life. I’m so proud of her. 
I’ve never written headcanons before, but here we go. [Hope I did it right]
Also, there’s two versions here because the first one got kind of long and it felt more like an actual fic. Got a little nervous about doing it wrong so I split it up- one section is shorter and more of a rundown, while the second is the original and more detailed. Choose whatever works for you. 
-Spoilers below
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Short Version
Meeting on Endor
Her not liking you at all in the beginning
Respecting you for your calm demeanor and not asking about her past
Slowly warming up to you
Not knowing how to show her appreciation, so bringing you little things. 
Bringing you berries you like and you not knowing how long it takes her to find them
Hugging Keres after being worried about her and her not knowing how to respond
Keres.exe stopped working
Not agreeing with the Jedi Order, but respecting what you’re doing when you mention reform. 
Would 100% help you with reform if you would ever succeed. 
Would’ve even joined had you said the word. 
Breaking Keres’s heart when you ask her to come with you
Keres saying no and acting like it’s not a big deal to make you feel better. 
Keres wondering about you often
Seeing you in dreams
Wanting to tell you how she feels and her past
Thinking about you during Operation Ilum. 
Writing you a letter about how you had changed how she saw the Order. 
Mentioning that she hopes you’re proud
Finding out she knew Cal Kestis later. 
Asking what Keres was like and finding out that she worked on Bracca.
Smiling softly and hoping that she’s alright. 
[Keres has been dead for about 2 years at this point]
Long Version [lol]
.✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*.  The Meeting 
I imagine you meeting on Endor. Keres stayed there for about a month after her encounter with the Haxion Brood, and you planned to stay until you were ready to get back on the galaxies equivalent of a road. 
You were dedicated to the order, and you understood what it stood for. Even if you knew it wasn’t perfect, you think it’s important to have around and bring back peacekeepers. 
You wandered about the forest, hiking and climbing as you scouted out the area around you. You were hoping to find any resources or civilizations of any kind, but instead you found something far more valuable...
A girl was laying down a net in a river. You’d never seen her before, and you hadn’t sensed her presence. Your first thought was that she was a native of some kind- probably just lived here. She had brown hair in a braid that fell over her shoulder, long eyelashes and wore a dark colored outfit. She didn’t look like a native- didn’t dress like one at least. Then you saw the lightsabers on either side of her hips. 
Your first reaction was “!!!!!!!” because this was another Jedi! She definitely would’ve helped you right?! Wrong. 
Before you could reveal yourself, the girl detached one of the weapons. You were immediately concerned when you saw a red colored blade ignite in the world. She must’ve been a Sith, but at the moment, she was just calmly slicing part of the net away. 
You knew better than to engage a Sith lord in direct combat. So, you waited. Instead, you attempted to cleverly follow the girl back to her camp and capture and question her-pounce while she slept. 
The plan did not go well.
Keres isn’t stupid. She knew you were following her, for multiple reasons, and ended up placing a trap of her own. 
You stepped right into a rope in the shape of a loop. Immediately, it snagged around your ankle and you twisted up into the air until you were hanging upside down. Dizzy and feeling the oncoming headache, you had to squint your eyes to see her walking towards you.
“Hello there,” the girl said. Keres held up a hand, and your lightsaber came off your belt and zipped into her hand smoothly. She observed it, rolling it over, pressing the nail of her thumb against it.
You were about to speak, but the blood rushing to your head was making it difficult. Your mouth opened and closed with a strain, prompting her eyebrows to furrow. “Hey,” she said with a snap from her free hand. “I’m talking to you.”
“Sith... Lord...” you managed to get out like an observation. Your fingers barely put themselves into the pointing position.
“So what if I am?” she questioned. “Aren’t the Jedi the ones who are traitors?”
You didn’t have an answer. Your head was getting too cloudy, lips were becoming too parched. Maker, you were about to pass out. 
The girl rolled her eyes. She pressed the switch of your lightsaber, and the blade popped out quickly. She cut the top of the rope swiftly, and then her hand reached out to freeze you in the air and stop you from falling. 
Tiredly, you lay back, trying to recover from your thrumming mind. 
Meanwhile, the girl tossed your saber up in the air and caught it. “Jedi, huh?”
You sighed, closing your eyes and finally regaining your breath. “Yeah,” you said in defeat. The cackling of the fire combined with the girl standing over you was a weird feeling. Relaxing, but intense and threatening. 
Keres thought for a moment. She decided to take a calculated risk. 
Your lightsaber landed in the dirt beside your face. “Don’t ever follow me again,” she warned. 
You sit up immediately, meeting her eyes. They’re hazel, with golden flecks from the light of the fire in the back. Freckles across her olive skin, powerful demeanor. 
She turns away and leaves. You don’t go after her. 
.✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*.  The Second Encounter
You just had to know about this girl. She had let you go, but somehow had a red lightsaber? It didn’t quite add up. If by any chance she wasn’t a Sith, she was still a force user. She could help rebuild the order!
She was in a different spot this night. She had clearly moved and set up camp somewhere else because she didn’t want you specifically to find her again, but you had managed to track her down again. 
As she sat on a fallen tree, staring at the orange streaks of heat lapping the air in the dead of night, you sprung on her. Your saber was drawn and pointing at her, and you pushed yourself from behind the tree you stood at. 
Keres was calm. “Didn’t I tell you not to do this?” she asked simply, looking up at you. 
Her eyes are so pretty. Hazel... emerald green and gold... you swallow. 
“I think I need your help,” you say urgently. 
“Help?” Keres questions with one eyebrow raised. “It’s funny. I can’t remember the Jedi ever needing help before.”
You feel your head become clearer. Somehow, you figure out what kind of person you’re dealing with here. If you want to convince this one, you’re going to have to work for it. You’re going to have to play your cards right.
You turn your saber off. [this takes Keres by surprise, but she didn’t show it.] 
“We were peacekeepers,” you say, sincerely. “We were betrayed.”
“In the Purge?” Keres wonders aloud, genuine and without considering how this gave you an opening.
“Yeah,” you replied. You look down at the ground at the memory, feeling the muted sadness wash over you. Then you look up and into her eyes again. “Were you there?”
Keres doesn’t answer immediately. She looks between your right and left eye, almost like she’s searching for something. “No,” she says finally. And you think she’s lying. 
You end up sitting beside Keres, on the dirt next to the tree she sits on. 
“I’m Y/N by the way,” you say after a string of silence. “Yours?”
Keres just looks at you. She’s the most distrustful she’s ever been to another person, and she doesn’t like you very much. She just remembers what the Jedi did to her, how they left her out of selfishness. How much better would her life have been if they had helped her?
“Keres,” she says finally. “My name is Keres.”
.✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*.  The Relationship Development
Gathering together, and her keeping a close eye on you to make sure you’re not a threat. 
You never drawing your weapon in order to stay on her good side. 
Telling Keres you’re on a quest to save the Jedi Order, and her not liking it. 
“So you’re pretty stupid, huh?”
Asking Keres a few times what her problem with the Jedi is. 
Keres refusing to tell you, and starting to feel guilty about asking because you know it was probably making her sad. 
Keres getting closed off and becoming more quiet after you ask. [this makes you feel even worse]
Watching her practice her lightsaber technique. 
She does it almost every day, at around the same time. She uses the same tree to practice against, twirling around and slicing it [without full power as to not bring the whole thing down]
Being in awe of her combat form. It’s not like anything you’ve ever scene or been taught about, and it’s relentless and graceful. 
Finally giving her a tip. [you know better than to question how she does this in case it has to do with her past]
“You should try using your knees more,” you say, leaning against a neighboring tree. 
She looks over at you. You’re almost afraid she’s going to quip something sarcastic and borderline rude to you, but she’s quiet. Finally, she says, “you should try using the reverse grip.”
Being secretly overjoyed that she actually said something sincere to you. 
Asking where she got the sabers from.
“Green came first, and the red came second.”
“Where’d you get a red lightsaber at this time?”
“Stole it.”
Not taking the conversation any further. 
Being shocked when she offers you food one night. 
Accepting after a second of staring at her in awe. 
Her warming up to you over the course of two weeks. 
She likes how calm and unflappable you are. She likes that you know better than to push your luck and respect her boundaries. It’s almost comforting.
Something changing in the relationship.
Waiting for her to return to camp after a day of her hunting and gathering. She was taking much longer than she should’ve, and you were beginning to get anxious and worried. 
Rocking back and forth lightly while your feet tap on the ground. 
Seeing her figure in the light of the fire, and running towards her. 
Pulling her into a tight hug. 
Keres almost drops the net of fish and berries you like. Eyes wide, mouth slightly open. 
Nuzzling your head into her hair as your chest heaves. 
“I was starting to get worried,” you explained. 
Keres not knowing what to do, but slowly wrapping her arms around you in return. 
Looking into her eyes for a few seconds after pulling away. 
You can make out a cluster of freckles that look like a constellation you really like.
“I... um... I brought those berries you like.”
Keres looking at you a little longer after that, and sometimes catching her staring. 
Making it a thing to watch her while she trained. 
Keres wanting to ask if you like the view, but being too much of a [soft cinnamon roll] to do so and getting nervous.
Keres sometimes bringing you rare berries you like. 
She doesn’t even like it herself. They’re purely for you.
Sometimes taking a while to find but her never mentioning it. 
Keres starting to wonder if maybe all Jedi aren’t bad. 
Keres wanting to brush her fingers against your face as you look at the campfire at night, but being to anxious and nervous to do so. 
Keres feeling bad about her past and feeling like she’s not good enough to be with you. [or even your friend]
.✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*.  The Finale
Almost completely forgetting about the Jedi Order and staying under the protection with Keres. 
Becoming a bit of a team in living around each other. 
Realizing you’ve already been on Endor way longer than you should have, and knowing you have to move again.  
Asking Keres to come with you. 
“You’re a good person, Keres. I could use someone like you with me.”
Keres tensing up when you call her a ‘good person’. 
“Help me rebuild the Order, Keres. Come with me.”
Keres wanting to go with you. 
Keres knowing she can’t. 
Remembering what the Jedi did, and everything bad she’s ever done. 
Her feeling very guilty and pained. 
“I’m alright here,” she said slowly, trying to keep calm. 
“Are you?” you question. 
“Yeah,” she says, even though she feels very, very upset. 
Picking up on the way her voice almost breaks. 
Spending the night in her camp more quiet. 
You’re leaving the next day, and she’s trying to ignore the fact that she’s come to really like your presence.
Keres stays up thinking about it, looking at you sleep and thinking about how stupid she is. 
Asking her to come with you again. 
“Keres,” you say, looking down at your feet. Then you look back up into her eyes. “I know you have some weird thing against the Jedi, and I get it.” [you don’t get it.] “But you’re smart and you’re strong. Come with me. Help rebuild the Order.”
Keres still wanting to go with you. 
Looking down, feeling so sad and disappointed and devastated in the pit of her stomach. 
I... I can’t.”
Not knowing what else to say to her. 
“Take care of yourself, Keres.”
Keres wanting to tell you everything that happened to her. 
Keres wanting to ask you to stay, but knowing that this is too important to just shun. 
Watching you leave. 
.✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*. Bonus
Keres thinking about you at random times. 
Looking for you around the Harbinger, trying to see if you somehow joined the rebels. 
Returning to Ilum and looking over the side of the mountain, thinking you’d like the view. 
Keres’s view of the Jedi changing.
Although she doesn’t agree with what you’re doing, and she doesn’t like the Order at all, she knows why they’re needed. She respects what you’re trying to do, and she respects your mission. She won’t intervene. 
If you would ever succeed and ask her to join the Order, asked her what she would reform, or need her to defend it, she would’ve done it. 
Wondering if you’re still alive. 
Wondering if you’re doing okay. 
Always using her knees more in combat to remember you. 
You holding your lightsaber in the reverse grip to remember her. 
Respecting people who don’t like the Jedi a little more, because they remind you of Keres and knowing you must have empathy. 
Keres thinking about you before she dies. 
Hoping you’d be proud of her. 
Stumbling across Cal Kestis, Greez Dritus, and Cere Junda years later when they were also trying to rebuild the Order. 
Finding out Cal and Keres were roommates on Bracca and suddenly remembering her. 
Hoping she’s still alive, not realizing she had died a few years prior. 
Sorry if you don’t care about my oc’s and I tagged you. It’s star wars related and i panicked. 
@omg-we-really-doo @haztory @fanficsforheartandsoul @chokemeanakin @anakinswhore @kit-jpg
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imagineseclipse · 5 years
Your Character Development Imagine
Season 1 Part 3 
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School was average for you, over the course of a few days you started to feel very different, Not like the moody different, but different as in you felt like something was brewing inside of you. 
You didn’t know what it was and it frightened you a little. Recently you had developed a never- ending headache, it had occured one night when you were laying on your bed in your room. Numerous times you had passed out, not waking up until the next morning.
You had been avoiding Scott and Stiles like always. The only thing that had changed was the fact that Lydia had a new friend to play with. Her name? Allison Argent. And of course Scott Mccall had taken an interest in her.
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“It’s y/n right?”A voice snapped you out of your thoughts, you looked up from your locker to see the new girl Allison standing next to you. She tucked her hair behind her ear offering you a friendly smile.
She was pretty, there was no denying it.
“Yeah, that’s me”you replied.
“I’ve noticed ed that you hang out with Scott and Stiles”she nodded.
“I don’t hang out with them, i tolerate them”you corrected her.
“I just wanted to introduce myself, I’m Allison”
“Well, nice name”you shrugged, not really knowing what to say next.
Allison shuffled from one foot to the other, playing with the bracelets on her wrist.
“Uhh i also wanted to invite you to Lydia’s party on Friday”she added.
At this point you started to laugh a little.
-Oh you’re not kidding, thanks but no thanks”you sent her a small smile before disappearing down the hall.
The bell had rang already so people made their way to their classes, you’d now be attending english class and the door seemed to be blocked by two figures.
You recognised one to be Scott Mccall and the other to be Jackson Whittemore. Lydia’s boyfriend who was equally stuck up and annoying.
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"Good morning”Scott chirped.
“All right little man. How about you tell me where you’re getting your juice”
“What?”Scott replied innocently as you approached the two.
“Where are you getting your juice?”Jackson growled.
“My mom does all the grocery shopping”Scott replies as if it was obvious. You snorted to yourself quietly.
“Now listen, Mccall- You’re gonna tell me exactly what it is and who you’re buying it from, because there’s no way in hell you’re out there kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost”Jackson accused him.
“Oh you mean steroids. Are you on steroids?”Scott asked concerned.
You took this as your chance.
“He probably is, Jackson get off him what is wrong with you”you frowned as you pushed Jackson away from Scott.
“What the hell is going on with me?! What about you Mccall?”Jackson raised his eyebrows.
“You really wanna know? Well, so would i! Because i can see, hear and smell things that i shouldn’t be able to. I do things that should be impossible, I’m sleepwalking three miles into the middle of the woods, and i’m pretty much convinced that i’m totally out of my freaking  mind!”Scott exploded and for a second you felt sorry for Scott, knowing exactly what he was going through because you had been experiencing those things yourself.
Except for the sleepwalking. You would have weird dreams instead. You would often wake up in a cold sweat.
“You think you’re funny- Don’t you, Mccall? I know you’re hiding something, i’m gonna find out what it is. I don’t care how long it takes”Jackson threatened.
“Get out of here you dick, you obviously have nothing better to do”you interrupted the jock.
Jackson looked down at you and smirked.
“Y/n, you still go to this school, i thought you had left ages ago after the changing room incident?”he mocked. You let out a small growl before scowling at the spoilt boy. Everybody knew about the changing room incident in freshman year. It’s the whole reason why you put a ban on having friends. 
“Fuck you Whittemore, go choke on a lacrosse ball. In fact shove that lacrosse ball so far up your a-
“Just leave Jackson”Scott finished your sentence before it got too heated.
After Jackson had left Scott turned to you, a look of surprise on his face as he wasn’t expecting you to stand up for him like that.
You recognised the expression on his face.
“I didn’t do that to help you by the way, you guys were blocking the entrance to my class”you pointed towards the door behind Scott.
A look of disappointment flashed across Scott’s face before he disappeared down the corridor. Your class had been shorter than you expected, probably because of the trial Lacrosse game.
You slung your bag over your shoulder, packing up your belongings and headed for the exit. However your attempts to leave were cut short because you were pulled to the side by Stiles Stilinski.
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“And here i was thinking that you had finally left me alone, i thought i was able to live a peaceful life”you grumbled sarcastically.
Stiles ignored your comment as he grabbed another student by the collar, pulling them in to stand next to you. Stiles glanced at you, then looked away his eyes switching back to you almost instantly as he inspected your eyes.
You were starting to feel uncomfortable with all of the staring.
“Seriously y/n are you messing with us are they eye contacts because they are getting brighter”Stiles asked.
“Are you kidding m- You began to get annoyed with Stiles’ unnecessary comments. But before you could cuss Stiles out you noticed Scott’s movements out of the corner of your eye.
He was bouncing around impatiently.
“Stiles i’m playing the first elimination- man can it wait?”Scott asked.
“For once i agree with mr.canine over here, can’t this wait?”you repeated.
“Just hold on okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods” Stiles explained looking in between the both of you waiting for a reaction.
You and Scott both stood with no expression on either of your faces.
“Stiles, i gotta go”Scott protested.
“I don’t have to go but i want to”you retorted.
“Wait y/n, no Scott! You’re not gonna believe what the animal was! It was a wolf”Stiles flared his arms up in the air.
His explanation had fallen on deaf ears because you had already left and Scott was making his way to the field.
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Apparently he’d made first line, you weren’t physically there but social media had told you everything.
This confused you because Scott wasn’t really that good at lacrosse, you weren’t even close friends with him but it was obvious. Meanwhile you were dealing with your own problems, you had been suffering with an indescribable back pain for days along with your headache. To top it off you had been having visions aswell.
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Visions of the Nemeton, and visions of a place much different to Beacon Hills. During your dreams you would have the same headache you had been experiencing that was until you reached the magical place.
You were surrounded by nature,  and animals. Magic filled the air and you felt as though you were at peace. You hadn’t felt like that in a very long time.
The headache that you had been enduring was at it’s worst, your mind was clouded and you lay on your bed in agony. Your room was dark and gloomy, that’s how you liked it but that was before the attack. Now something about the dark wallpaper made you feel unsettled.
Your ringtone echoed around your room making you jump slightly. You groaned before snatching up your mobile from your night stand.
Unknown number. This was out of the blue because you never gave out your phone number. Ever. You swiped across and held the phone to your ear, not saying a word.
“Y/n?”A voice squeaked.
You didn’t know whether you were sighing with relief or if you were sighing out of frustration.
“Stiles, so first you found out my address and now suddenly you have my number. I’m starting to think that you are stalking me”you rolled your eyes.
“Dad’s a cop”Stiles muttered quickly before moving on.
“Haven’t you seen the school website?”he asked briskly.
You had to give him credit, he didn’t give up easily.
“What about it?”you yawned.
“We’re lab partners”he answered, you could practically feel the grin he was sporting on the other end of the phone.
“What a coincidence” you replied a hint of sarcasm in your voice, you pressed the loud speaker button instantly regretting it as Stiles’ voice echoed throughout your room. 
“Are you implying that i did this y/n”Stiles hummed.
“I wouldn’t be surprised”you shot back.
“And how would i pull this off, i don’t work at the school”Stiles argued, digging himself a deeper hole.
“Dad’s a cop”you mimicked his voice.
“Anyway do you know what this means y/n?”Stiles continued, ignoring your last comment.
“This means that i can poison you during class and i can make it look like an accident”you plotted smugly.
“Are you sure you aren’t responsible for the body in the woods”Stiles joked, laughing at himself quietly.
“Okay moving on, we need to start studying as soon as possible”Stiles demanded after coughing his joke away awkwardly.
“I would love to”you lied.
“But unfortunately i’m kinda busy”you lied again.
“Great, i’ll text you my address. Be here in the next ten minutes”he ordered before hanging up.
You stared blankly at the ceiling.
“What the hell just happened”you asked yourself.
You must have been possessed of something because you found yourself actually slipping on your beaten down converse, you found yourself actually driving over to the Stilinski household.
You hesitated before knocking on the door, finally deciding to turn back on your heel and drive back home. However before you could even make it back to your car Stiles’ front door opened and you were dragged inside.
You smacked Stilinski’s hand away.
“If you keep touching me like that i will cut off your hands one by one”you growled.
“I’m going to take you to my room y/n”Stiles nodded.
Your eyes narrowed and you scrunched up your nose in disgust.
“Never say that again”you warned.
“Well i was just telling you before you think i’m kidnap-
“Just go up the stairs loser”you let out a long breath before following Stiles up to his bedroom. His room was exactly how you thought it would be.
-Not that you had imagined it or anything, but the walls were blue, newspaper scattered the floor. It was a mess, just like Stiles. However something about it made you feel welcome.
“You have one hour Stilinski, then I’m leaving”you informed him.
He avoided eye contact for a moment before forcing a grin onto his face.
“We’re not actually studying are we?”you pinched the top of you nose debating on whether to strangle him or hang him out of the window by his feet.
“There’s something I want you to see”Stiles jumped over to the seat at his desk.
“Are we even lab partners?!”
“Yes we are actually! Look you can’t knock a guy down for trying I saw my opportunity and I took it”
“Bye Stiles”you said, before making your way over to his bedroom door, swinging it open to see a confused Scott McCall.
“Of course you would turn up”you muttered to yourself. Scott sent you a genuine smile before ushering you back into the room.
“Please just listen to what he has to say, then I promise he will leave you alone”Scott whispered, although somehow you heard it clearly. Like he was talking normally.
“Fine”you grumbled.
Stiles grinned at you both, before clumsily sprinting over to his door shutting it behind you.
“Both if you get in here,you gotta see this thing. I’ve been up all night reading- websites, books all this information”he exclaimed excitedly.
“How much adderall have you had today?”Scott asked as he sat down on Stiles’ bed.
Stiles twitched a little before smiling.
“A lot, doesn’t matter. Okay, just listen”
You smirked, slightly entertained by this on edge version of Stiles.
“Do you want some more?”you asked teasingly.
Scott’s eyes widened as he shook his head with disapproval.
“Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?”Scott questioned. Your interest in the conversation was never really there in the beginning so your eyes started to wander around Stiles’ room looking at the small details.
“No, they're still questioning people, even Derek Hale”Stiles replied, his own eyes landing on you as you walked over to his wall tracing your fingers over his posters.
“Oh, the guy in the woods that we saw the other day”Scott remembered.
“Yeah! Yes. But that's not it, okay?”
“What, then?”you shrugged, involving yourself in the conversation again.
“Remember the joke from the other day? Not a joke anymore. The wolf - the bite in the woods. I started doing all this reading. Do you even know why a wolf howls?”Stilinski began to ramble on.
“Should we?”Scott’s pupils flickered over to you.
“It's a signal, okay? When a wolf's alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So if you heard a wolf howling, that means others could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of 'em”Stiles pointed towards the computer screen, proudly showing off the research he had done.
“A whole pack of wolves?”you raised your eyebrows at the teen.
“No - Werewolves”Stiles corrected you.
“Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour”Scott became frustrated.
“I saw you on the field today, Scott. Okay, what you did wasn't just amazing, all right? It was impossible”
“Why am I starting to wish that I was there”you interrupted, talking to yourself.
“Yeah, so I made a good shot”Scott shot back as if it wasn’t a big deal.
You could feel the tension rising between the two best friends. Normally you would live for this kind of drama but it just didn’t seem right this time.
“No, you made an incredible shot, I mean - The way you moved, your speed, your reflexes. Y'know, People can't just suddenly do that overnight. And there's the vision and the senses, and don't even think I don't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore”Stiles’ voice grew louder.
“Where do I fit into this, if you really think I’m a werewolf then think again, I can’t run to save my life even after the attack”you announced.
Stiles eyes sparkled as he made his way over to you, guiding you over to the bed next to Scott.
“Don’t touch m-
“Okay sorry! Sorry!”Stiles apologised before raising his hands.
“See this is the brilliant part y/n, you were only scratched”Stiles clapped.
“How is that brilliant?”you enquired, glaring at the living meme.
“Because, it wasn’t deep enough to turn you into a werewolf like the bite which is what Scott received but it was deep enough to trigger something else inside of you”Stiles almost threw his notes at you.
You narrowed your eyes at him, picking up the notes that he had made from the floor.
As your eyes scanned over them, your heartbeat rapidly increased.
Scott paused to glance at you, he could hear and feel your heart racing.
You didn’t want to admit it but a lot of what Stiles had written was making sense. The control you had over the animals, the sparkling dust, the visions, your eyes and your change of skin colour.
He’d even found an explanation for your aching back.
��This is ridiculous”you choked out as you read that you were going to develop wings.
“I’m not a freaking magical Pixie, something is seriously wrong with you”you angrily pushed the notes back towards Stiles.
You didn’t want to believe it, but it was all adding up. When you’d previously researched the Nemeton Tree a lot of supernatural theories had come up. But that’s all you thought they were. Theories.
Scott could see that you were growing worried about your changing body.
McCall stood up.
“Okay! Dude, I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow”
“Tomorrow?! What? No! The full moon's tonight. Don't you get it?”Stiles rushed around his room, gathering the paper.
You stayed where you were, your mind was racing so you wasn’t really tuned in to this part of the conversation. Were you really growing wings, could you actually do magic?
“What are you trying to do? I just made first line. I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me, and everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?”Scott yelled, snapping you out of your trance.
“I'm trying to help. You're both cursed, Scott. You know, and it's not just the moon will cause you to physically change”
It was your turn to stand up and address Stiles this time.
“So, if I was a pixie, fairy or whatever- what’s going to happen to me on the full moon?”you bit your nails.
“From what I’ve read, nothing happens to you on a full moon. However I’m pretty sure that there are certain days of the week in which your magic is strongest for example on Wednesday I saw you unintentionally turn on the Bunsen burner by yourself”Stiles exposed you.
“You saw that?”your cheeks flushed red for the first time and you immediately shook it off, returning back to your annoyed self.
“You’re not actually buying this are you y/n?”Scott’s mouth dropped open. He didn’t expect you of all people to be easily persuaded.
“Of course not, it’s just intriguing to see how invested he is”
It was Stiles’ turn to roll his eyes at you. He finally thought he was getting through to you.
Stiles looked at his best-friend once more a pleading with him mentally.
“Look, tonight’s the night when your bloodlust will be at its peak”Stilinski begged.
“Bloodlust?”Scott folded his arms.
“Yeah, your urge to kill”
“I'm already starting to feel an urge to kill, Stiles”Scott was now fuming. You’d never seen him so angry, but deep down you knew that it wasn’t him.
“I can finally relate to Scott for once”you dipped back into the conversation once more, picking up Stiles’ items inspecting them and placing them back down again.
Stiles raised his finger, telling you to wait.
“You gotta hear this. "The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse." All right? I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does. You gotta cancel this date. I'm gonna call her right now”
Stiles reached forwards to snatch Scott’s phone out of his hands. You watched the altercation with a lump in your throat.
You wasn’t usually this sensitive.
“What are you doing?”Scott became more irritated by the second.
“I'm canceling the date”Stiles started to scroll through Scott’s phone. Scott must’ve seen red suddenly because he grabbed Stiles after throwing his seat across the room. Throwing him up against the wall.
“Scott you idiot what are you thinking?!”you called out startled.
You immediately leaped towards the two boys, shoving Scott away from Stiles. You stood in front of Stiles protectively. Stiles’ eyes were fixated on you, his breathing erratic.
He couldn’t believe what you had just done, he was sure that you were going to leave him to get torn apart by the Lacrosse player. Deep down a part of you believed Stiles through all of his madness.
The team captain took a second to realise what he had actually done. His lips were slightly parted.
A look of regret formed on his face as he grabbed his jacket from Stiles’ bed.
“I'm sorry. I - I gotta go get ready for that party. I'm sorry”Scott choked out before fleeing into the night.
You and Stiles stood opposite each-other in silence for what seemed like forever, both trying to process what had just happened.
“Y/n, I-
“I don’t want to hear it”you voice trembled as you lifted your finger, putting him on pause.
For the first time Stiles didn’t see you as a teenager with serious anger issues. He saw that you were vulnerable and that you were just incredibly misunderstood and you were going through something at the moment. He could see you were struggling to find yourself.
“Thank you”he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Something caught your eye.
“Stiles, your crazy ass is gonna wanna see this”you strode over to his desk chair, ignoring his thank you as you picked the spinning seat up off the ground.
Three claw marks were now engraved into the leather.
“Okay, I’m not going to give you the satisfaction yet, but if I did believe you. If what your saying is true then how do we change back”you tilted your head to the side.
A mischievous smile spread across Stiles’ face.
“Just stick with me, we’ll figure this out”Stiles promised.
“This doesn’t make us friends”you reminded him sternly.
He nodded his head as if he was mocking you.
“What about Scott? I mean if the full moon really does affect him no one’s gonna be there to stop him isn’t that your job as his bestfriend?”you thought aloud.
Stiles had gotten lost in his own thoughts for a second, he finally looked up at you.
“Get your jacket, we’ve got a party to go to”Stiles declared.
“No chance, the keyword in that was ‘your’ not me”you stayed.
“There is no way in hell I am going to Lydia Martin’s party I’d rather die”you added folding your arms, adamant that you weren’t leaving.
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eene-fangirl · 5 years
Titanic: Never Let Me Ed  Chapter 7 (An Ed, Edd n Eddy/Titanic Crossover)
Note: Here is chapter 7 of @nintendogal55 and I’s crossover story of Ed, Edd n Eddy and Titanic. Enjoy! Here is the link to the masterpost.
Edd spent a restless night in his thoughts. His parents and Victoria were already asleep by the time he returned to his stateroom. Sitting up on the couch, Edd spent hours thinking over the events from the evening. And also replaying the moment where Eddy kissed his cheek. Right before he ran away he felt a magnetic lure drawing their lips together.
Was that normal? What was he thinking? Of course it was! That young man he had developed feelings for long ago was not behavior to cower away from.
Instead of having breakfast in the dining saloon, he and Victoria ate out on the deck which was connected to their room. His parents didn’t join them. Edd was still quite exhausted from the night of festivities, even harboring a headache. He would have slept until the afternoon hadn’t Rudy awakened him.
Plates of toast and scones sat around the table. Edd sipped his tea knowing the warm liquid would do good for his cranium.
“You were late coming back weren’t you, Eddward?” Victoria said to him.
Edd was so distracted that he forgot the woman was sitting across from him. “Oh, yes, I was.”
She placed her tea back onto the plate with a hard and loud thunk. Meeting her gaze, Victoria was staring disgusted at him.
“Did you have fun last night?” she then smiled. Though she wasn’t really smiling.
Edd timidly nodded. “Yes.”
“Oh?” she said as if to be surprised.
Edd sat up straighter, gaining courage. “Victoria, you should have experienced it! Everyone was so generous. We danced, talked, and even sang...”
“You drank?” Victoria added in not amused.
Did he smell of alcohol? “Oh... a bit...”
“Really? Only a bit,” she enunciated, clapping her tongue against her mouth.
What was she getting at? “Alright, maybe a tad over my limit. But, words cannot describe the fun I had last night.”
“I know.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Victoria folded her hands together. “Rudy and I were there.”
Edd’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. “Oh, I didn’t see you.”
“That’s because you were too busy gazing into the eyes of that lowlife steerage boy!” Her voice grew. It also trembled as if she were nearing tears.
“Oh, I um...”
“You’re not to act like that ever again, Eddward! Why don't you stare lovingly at me, like that? Aren’t I enough? I have never felt so ashamed, so embarrassed! Who do you think you are?!”
Edd was trembling, only slightly. But somehow he developed the courage to sit up straight and sneer at her. Finally, he actually felt as if he was getting through to her. “I’m a man, Victoria. I’m free to do whatever I please to. After all, I’m just your fiance.”
Staring in disbelief into his soul, Victoria snapped. “Fiancee? ‘JUST YOUR FIANCEE?’” In the blink of an eye, Victoria stood up, overturned the table that separated them smashing dishes, spilling tea, and even tossing a piece of bread overboard. It made a fishes morning.
Victoria leaned dangerously close into his face, blocking Edd from running away.
“Of course I am your fiance! You put a ring on my finger did you not?!” Victoria bellowed. Her voice echoed across the ocean.
“W-Well... I didn’t propose...”
Victoria's eyes grew as if she were smacked in the face. “Eddward, you are not to see that man ever again! Or act like one of those embarrassing cretins! You are in the first class, you should be more proud! And you should get over that ugly fixation for men. Do you understand?!”
Edd nodded quickly, scared to take his eyes off the woman.
Then she returned to that cold smile. Victoria patted his cheek a little too roughly. “Good. Now, why don’t you freshen up and put a tie on?” She then walked off, kicking away the plates or cups that were in her way. “No husband of mine is going to resemble a disheveled lowlife.”
In the instant Victoria disappeared, Edd’s throat tightened, forcefully holding in his cries. Slipping out from his wicker chair he went about picking up the broken bits of plates. What else could he do?
“If you’re going to take care of the mess you'll save me some time.”
Edd turned and looked up at Rudy. He stared smugly at him, holding his hands together in front of him. “Do you know how much strength it requires to hold back that woman?” he asked annoyed.
Tears fell from Edd’s cheeks. “Rudy, why would you and Victoria intrude on me like that?”
Annoyed, Rudy rolled his eyes. Even he didn’t care. “I’m only following out on orders! Everything wouldn’t be so complicated if you just acted like a man for once!”
After cleaning up, Edd went about getting himself dressed. For once he didn’t want to wear a tie. Would it do any wrong?
Just then his father burst into the room, startling Edd.
“What are you meandering about for? Church service starts in no less than twenty minutes!” He grabbed his tie and immediately started tying it around his neck, quite tightly.
“What is it?”
“My tie... it is too tight.”
His father stared at him with these authoritative and disgusted eyes. “Victoria told us of your night adventures.”
“Father, Eddy was just requesting that I join him for the evening. It was a purely innocent venture.”
“Is that so?” His father responded coldly. “You are not to see that man for the rest of this journey.”
Edd dipped his head to the ground, barring his eyes.
“Do I make myself clear?”
Sighing, Edd met his father’s eyes. “How you and mother treat me is unfair! I’m a prisoner! I am twenty years old! I should be in charge of my own pathway! It’s not up to you to decide my interests, career, and sexuality!”
Edd’s throat was squeezed tightly. For a brief second, he believed that his own father was going to suffocate him.
“Your life would be yours to live had you not done what you did,” his father murmured.
“Father, I was a boy! I was only trying to defend my own wellbeing!” Edd argued, clasping his fists.
“And you thought hurting those other children with whatever that machine you had built was the answer?”
“The situation wouldn’t have accumulated if you and Mother were there for me!” Edd shouted, his cheeks growing hot. Obviously, his temper was out of control. Who cared?
His father stared at him, no emotion or guilt. “Eddward, your mother and I have done what is best for you. We thought that we gifted you with Victoria”
“She’s a monster! You’re more proud of her than you are of me!” Edd pointed out, heartbroken.
His father grabbed his tie pulling Edd closer. “You’re scandal left us in debt. Victoria is keeping us all from ending up out on the streets. Do you want that? Do you want to see your mother become a seamstress?” he asked.
Edd couldn’t believe his ears. It was unbelievable that he grew up under the wing of these ungrateful beings.
“Eddward,” his father caught his attention. “If you marry Victoria I will pay for your education.”
Edd blinked. “My education?”
“Whatever you please to study. Your expenses are under my cover. Just as long as you marry Victoria and support her.”
Edd caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. It was the first instance he had where his parents were willing to support him. But this... he didn’t want it.
What he wanted was not up to him.
“Are you sure we’re allowed to do this, Eddy?” Ed asked his friend as they walked up the third class deck.
Eddy raced up the stairs leading to the first class decks. He banged open the gate ignoring the ‘No Third Class Beyond This Point’ sign. There was no other way to get up to the first class seeing how they were closed behind gates as if they were all rabid animals.
“Yeah, you can get into trouble,” Kevin noted, nervously looking around for any officers.
“Trouble is my middle name if you haven’t noticed, Kev!”
“I thought it was...”
“Shut up, Ed!” Eddy demanded. He then pointed to the deck over their heads. “I need you guys to give me a boost!”
“Are you sure he even wants to see you?” Kevin asked.
“Hey, the guy snuck down to see me! Now it’s my turn! ‘Sides I really need to talk to Double D.”
“About what?” Ed asked curiously.
“Business, that’s what! Now would you two quit standin’ around and hurry up before someone catches us?”
Ed and Kevin lifted Eddy up as the man got his footing on the bars. Right when Eddy disappeared an officer chased his friends back down to the third class deck.
Luck was on Eddy’s side that it was almost scary. For the last year or two since his brother... died, Eddy never felt freer. Except, something was missing. And Edd may have just answered what that is.
Finding his way back to the grand staircase where he was last night, Eddy walked down the stairs, his hands in the ratty pockets of his pants without a care in the world. First class his ass. They were all people.
“Hey, Mr. Andrews!” Eddy greeted a familiar man he saw from the dinner table last night.
Mr. Andrews looked up and politely said hello to him as if it was normal to see a third class man in the first class areas.
Distant singing was heard from the dining saloon. Church services must have been in session. There were no church services for third class. What were they, dirty rats or something?
Right when Eddy was nearing towards the doors he was stopped by a steward.
“You’re not supposed to here.” The steward said to Eddy, eyeing his attire.
Eddy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know, man, but don’t you recognize me from last night? Come on, no one else on this ship his blue hair!”
The man shook his head, refusing his entry. “I’m sorry, sir.”
Before Eddy could start up an argument, Rudy walked out from the dining room. Eddy could just make out Victoria glancing over her shoulder, glaring at Eddy in the dining saloon. Eddy’s insides burned in anger at seeing her. Edd was right beside her. He didn’t even know what was happening.
“Mr. McGee, I presume?” Rudy asked. The man was an inch shorter than Eddy. “Mrs. Von Bakewell is very appreciative of your heroic actions for her beloved. She asked me to give you this in gratitude.”
He reached into his jacket and held out a twenty dollar bill.
Eddy’s heart burst. A twenty dollar bill! This could buy him food or even a place to live in America!
No, it was only a bribe.
Reluctantly, Eddy shook his head. “I just want to talk to Dou- uh... Eddward,” Eddy corrected himself.
“Well, he doesn’t wish to see you.”
“I doubt that!”
“Listen, you stay away,” he then offered the bill to the steward. His eyes immediately beamed. “Could you make sure that Mr. McGee is escorted out?”
Grumbling, Eddy turned his nose up and marched off. “I ain’t no baby! I can walk myself out!”
Seeing Eddy walk off, Victoria smiled in victory. Turning to Edd, the man sang quietly avoiding Victoria's eyes. The woman straightened his tie and kissed his cheek.
Walking along the decks, Thomas Andrews escorted Edd and his family on a tour of the ship. It made Edd feel a little better. He’d been wanting to take a tour of the ship since they boarded.
Victoria clung tightly to Edd’s arm refusing to let him lose for even a second. She also leaned too closely against him. Andrews noticed Edd’s discomfort. Even he wasn’t too fond of Victoria.
Captain Smith also joined them on the tour. He led them through the bridge for a short minute so they wouldn’t distract the officers at work. Next, they went through the gymnasium. Andrews explained in full detail on how all the machinery worked.
“Hmm, maybe they’d be of use to Eddward,” Victoria snidely remarked.
Then they walked back out onto the boat deck. The breeze was chillier. The ocean was a bit rough. Other than that it was a peaceful Sunday.
Walking along the deck, Edd studied the wooden lifeboats. To his surprise, there was not enough.
“Mr. Andrews, I did the sum in my head, and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned,” Edd noticed a glare from Victoria. He cleared his throat and kept speaking. “Forgive me, but it seemed there are not enough lifeboats for everyone aboard.”
“About half actually,” Mr. Andrews proudly answered. “Eddward, you miss nothing, do you? In fact, I put in these type of davits which can take an extra row of boats here.” He then gestured across the entire deck of the ship. “But it was thought... by some... that the deck would be too cluttered. So I was overruled.”
Victoria huffed. “Why waste deck space? It is an unsinkable ship after all!”
As if by some miracle, Victoria finally released Edd’s arm allowing him to be free -- for only a brief period most likely.
Andrews looked towards Edd. Although he didn’t say it, his eyes expressed how sorry he was. Even he knew that Edd deserved so much more than this trapped life.
“I’ve built a strong ship for all aboard, Eddward. She’s all the lifeboat we need.”
And then Andrews walked on, his chin proudly in the air. Why couldn’t Edd be like that? Andrews was married to a good woman and living his dream as a shipbuilder. And here Edd was. A trapped man who couldn’t live his own life or stand up for his own wellbeing.
Just then Edd felt a hand fall on his shoulder. A hat covered a man’s head. Confused, Edd’s heart instantly grew feeling a wave of relief when he realized that it was Eddy. Quickly, they disappeared into the gymnasium.
“Eddy, I’m not supposed to see you!” Edd alerted him. His nervous heart pounding. He glanced at the stained glass window. There was nothing to worry about. They were alone anyway.
Eddy took off the hat, throwing it to the side. “You’re a spoiled brat, you know that?”
“I beg your pardon?!”
“You’ve never been given a chance to live and breathe, Double D!”
“Um... Eddward, if you please...”
Eddy blinked, surprised. “Oh, so now you’re letting yourself fall back into that trance? Nope, I ain’t playin’! You see, this is what I’m talkin’ about! Your parents have only spoiled you just so they could have you out of their hair! Nobody has ever seen you for your talent to invent, your intelligence or your incredible enthusiasm!”
Edd’s heart warmed. It was always around Eddy. Even just staring into his immense baby blues eyes made his insides squirm.
“Eddy...” Edd began guiltily.
“No, listen!” Eddy interrupted grasping his arm. He leaned in closer. Their lips were just hovering away about ten inches. “I gotta... man, I got no idea what I’m sayin’!” He brushed a nervous hand through his hair. “Edd, you’re amazing. Look, I’ve been ignoring it for some time, but I got... feelings.”
Edd gulped. “Feelings?”
“Yes, and I think you have complete knowledge on what I’m talking about. That guy in my drawings, the nude guy, well, long story short, we had a fling. A one night stand thing where he just got up and left and I never saw or heard from him again,” Eddy’s eyes darted. Did Edd look hurt? “I try to deny those feelings, but... but you... with you... I...”
“I know...” Edd said nodding.
“You do?” Eddy asked staring at him curiously.
Edd looked to his feet. “When I was sixteen I had these feelings for a boy my age. He did, too. Only... not for me...” Edd shook his head and turned to leave. “No, this is not okay!”
“Yes, it is!” Eddy grabbed his arm.
“Mother and Father want me to marry Victoria!”
“Do you?”
Eddy nodded. “Yeah, yah don’t! That’s why you were tryin’ to chuck yourself overboard the other night!”
“Eddy, you really do have some nerve!” Edd said irritated with Eddy’s behavior.
“And you could stand up for yourself!”
“I don’t have to listen to this!”
“So you gonna leave?”
Eddy touched Edd’s face so that their gazes met. “I ain’t turnin’ my back on you. You jump, I jump remember? I’m not gonna forget you knowin’ that you’re going to continue to suffer.”
“Eddward!” Victoria called out.
Edd jumped. His hand wrapped around the doorknob. He did not make a move to open it.
“I got nothin’ to offer yah,” Eddy continued speaking the truth. “But, I see more than beauty then that guy ever did. You’re never going to escape. Last night you had that incredible fire in your eyes. You don’t want this, and you know it.”
Edd nodded. He still wouldn’t meet Eddy’s eyes. “You’re right,” he answered softly. Then he met his eyes, staring at Eddy with this guilty expression. “I have no idea what I want. Eddy, you have been a tremendous help for me. It’s not up to you to save me.”
“Got that right. It’s all you.”
“Eddward!” Victoria called out this time more angrily.
Edd opened the door and raced out without even meeting Eddy’s eyes. “Goodbye, Eddy!”
Never had Edd ever felt so guilty. His heart throbbed and he was ready to cry. Don’t cry. Be a man. Eddy didn't deserve that.
Eddy raised hundreds of logical points. That night he attempted to throw himself to his death was a dear cry for help. Nobody was going to aid him, encourage him, or be happy for him.
It was insane to believe that he had only know Eddy for a little less than two days now. It felt as if he’d known the man his whole life like they were childhood friends. Last night felt like the life he was supposed to be living.
Thinking back to his short affair with that boy he never wanted anything to do with Edd. Only one thing.
Edd miserably sat with Victoria and her friends for tea. His father asked if he wanted to join him in the Smoking Room. Edd turned his nose up. He never liked that area of the ship. He did not belong here.
“I plan to buy my wedding gown from the finest wedding attire ship in New York,” Victoria boasted. Her friends were in rapt attention.
He did not love Victoria.
Eddy made him feel like the man he was.
Edd loved Eddy.
Right then, Edd burst out from his set and left ignoring Victoria's calls.
Out on the bow of the ship, Eddy leaned against the railing. The sun was just setting over the ocean. I mixture of pink, orange, and red painted the sky. It was so beautiful.
His hair blew in the chilly wind. His heart felt heavy like the morning he awoke when that man was gone. Never even saw him again. He only wanted one thing.
He thought he was always better off alone. As Ed said, he was wrong. Eddy was on his way to America. That was no longer appealing to him. He wanted more. He wanted someone.
Nobody wanted to be with him.
Hope immediately filled Eddy’s insides. Turning around he met Edd. He looked so beautiful in the setting sun. A smile creased on Eddy’s face.
Edd smiled. “I changed my mind,” he said. Then he looked guilty. “I apologize for what I said! You were only trying to...”
Eddy shooshed him, cutting Edd off. It wasn’t to be rude. He held out his hand. “C’mere.”
Edd obeyed, accepting Eddy’s soft hand. The man led him closer until their gazes met. “Close your eyes.”
Edd looked at the man confused, even snickering. “Go on, close ‘em! I got somethin’ to show you!”
Closing his eyes, Edd jumped in surprise. Eddy had touched his hip! He instructed Edd to step up on the ship’s railing and hold onto it. He stumbled forward a bit, grasping Eddy.
“Keep your eyes closed!” Eddy instructed tickling his sides. “Don’t ya dare open ‘em!”
Edd laughed. “I’m not!”
Edd had nary an idea of what was going on but he couldn’t say that he wasn’t excited. He just walked off on Victoria. Suddenly, he felt the chains release him.
Now he was climbing up the railings, Eddy closely holding him so he wouldn’t fall. He felt something lean against his shoulder.
“Do you trust me?” Eddy asked softly into his ear. He took hold of Edd’s arms.
Edd nodded. “I trust you.”
Slowly, his arms were stretched out. And then Eddy’s hands fell back onto his hips, holding him in his tender grasp.
“Open,” Eddy instructed.
When he opened his eyes, Edd smiled from ear to ear, a bit taken aback from the moment. His arms were spread out like an eagle. The wind roared through his face as the ship sailed through the ocean.
Eddy was standing close behind him, his body resting alongside his back. His hands firmly held his hips. And his chin rested against his shoulder.
This was absolutely beautiful! They stayed this way for the longest time as the sun continued to set over the ocean. Edd’s cheeks even hurt from smiling so big.
“I’m flying, Eddy!” Eddy excitedly pointed out.
Just then, Eddy took hold of both his hands, clasping them. His hands were so soft. So warm. So right. They were meant to be.
“‘Come Josephine...’” Eddy started to sing into Edd’s ear. Edd also joined in singing for a moment. This was the most astounding moment in all of Edd’s life. He was standing at the bow of the Titanic mimicking a bird. Freedom.
Turned to meet Eddy’s eyes, their lips were only centimeters apart. He could feel his breath against his skin, sending chills up his back. Edd’s heart pounded. He never felt this way for anyone. And was so right.
That’s when their lips touched. Their first kiss. One of the best, most romantic kissed both of them ever endured.
The two men held one another as they sailed along the ocean into the night.
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coffee-love-magic · 4 years
!!CaFe ReBoOt!!
May 5th, 2020 @ Cafe Reboot 12.38 pm.
She got down from the taxi, gorgeously dressed in his favourite colour - white. While walking towards the cafe, she stopped for a second to look around. Covered with green trees and no much traffic around, that place looked so serene. Not many knew about that place which is like a hidden gem in the middle of the busy city which is why that is their favourite place to hang out.
"Ahh!! This is the best place in the world. I missed it so much", she told to herself. She entered the cafe and sat at their favourite table in the corner.
She took her phone out and texted him, "I am here. where are you?".
"Sorry, I got stuck with other work. I am about to start.", came the reply within no time.
"Okay. See you babe :* :)", she replied and kept her phone on the table.
She looked around, took a deep breath and felt a strong aroma of coffee that filled the place. Suddenly, her thoughts drifted to the past when they met for the last time, in the same place.
Feb 20th, 2019 @ Cafe Reboot
He is waiting for her at their favourite corner table, trying to guess why she called him there and what she wanted to discuss something, suddenly. After 5 minutes, he saw her coming in, with a sad face unlike her regular welcoming smile. She went and sat next to him quietly, holding his hand without uttering a single word. The next few minutes are filled with silence. He is waiting for her to talk and she, waiting for him to ask - why she called him there.
He broke the ice by asking her, "What do you want to have?".
"I think I will have a coffee, this headache is killing me.", she said.
He ordered one and asked her, "Is everything okay? What's troubling you?", "I know something is not right when you told me that we need to talk. Are you going to tell me what it is?".
She started telling him, "Today morning, my manager called me for a one to one discussion. He said that I am going to be promoted this year, but...", she took a break for a few seconds and continued, "for that, I need to take a training at client location for a year".
Now he understood why she looked so troubled when she came. She needs to travel to the US to attend the training. He could feel hundreds of emotions at the same time but wasn't able to express anything, so he just sat there in silence, feeling lost.
This time, the waiter broke the silence by asking "Sir, do you need anything else?", while placing the cup of coffee on their table.
"Ajay, do you want to order something?", she asked.
"No.. no, I am good", he replied coming back to his senses.
"Call me if you need anything, sir.", Waiter said and left.
"Ajay, stop looking sad. I am not going to accept this promotion. I called you here to tell you about this in person and also to let you know that I am not going anywhere, I will be over here with you" Amrutha said by holding his hand a little tighter.
Leaving her hand, he left the place saying that he needs to have a smoke and will be back in ten minutes.
After coming back he sat next to her and said, "Ammu, I know how important this promotion is for you and I know how much you waited for this from two years." he continued, " I know I am going to miss you but it is very important for me that you grow in your life. I want you to go ahead and accept this promotion even if that means we need to stay away from each other", he completed.
"I don't understand what you are trying to say Ajay? Did I hear you right? Are you are asking me to accept this promotion knowing that I have to leave you? Did you forget that we are planning to talk to our parents about our relationship and get married this year?" She asked him while trying to shut away her tears.
"You heard me right Ammu, I want you to take this opportunity no matter what. I don't want to be the dead weight that is holding you back. So go ahead with it, I will be here for you - for how much ever time you may need", he assured while consoling her.
They discussed about the same for a while and eventually, she agreed to accept the promotion. Both parted their ways after bidding goodbye.
In the next few days, she accepted her promotion and became busy in setting up the things required for her travel. They both were talking on the phone but they couldn't meet again after their meeting at the cafe.
The following month Amrutha left for the US, hoping to complete the training fast and return soon.
Initially, they spent hours talking to each other, however, slowly their conversations became shorter and less frequent. Amrutha thought Ajay is busy with the new project that he took up recently. Ajay who has been missing Amrutha is trying hard to get diverted from her thoughts.
A year flew by just like that and finally, Amrutha returned with the excitement to meet Ajay and catch up on lots of things that they have missed to share.
May 5th, 2020. 7.30 am Hyderabad.
"Babe, I have arrived safely. I Can't wait to see you. I will come to meet you today. Let's catch up for lunch at our favourite place." She texted him once she came out of the airport.
"Sure. Let's meet. I will be there by 12.30." he replied.
May 5th, 2020 @ Cafe Reboot 1.03 pm.
While she was thinking about the things that happened the previous year, she dozed off. She woke up to the sound of the glass being placed on the table by the waiter.
"Do you want to place the order now?" the waiter asked.
She told the waiter that she would need a few more minutes before placing the order as she is waiting for a friend to join.
The next few minutes passed by while she anxiously waited for Ajay.
May 5th, 2020 @ Cafe Reboot 1.12 pm.
She saw Ajay walking in through the entrance. Before he reached the table Amrutha rushed to him and hugged him with tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't let him go for a few minutes.
She whispered in his ears, "I missed you so much." and moved away from him so that she can have a good look at him.
"I missed you too!", he said and they started walking towards the table.
They reached the table, however, Amrutha noticed that he is sitting on the opposite side of the table which is very unusual and asked him, "This is new, why aren't you sitting next to me?"
"Nothing new, I missed you so much that I want to keep looking at you. I can look at you properly if I sit here", Ajay said flirtingly.
She blushed and they smiled at each other. She gave him the gift that she bought for him.
The next hour passed like a second while they talked about things that happened in the past year.
"You have changed a lot Ammu," Ajay said, "You seem to be like a whole new person - mature, confident, independent and stylish. I am happy for you. You took the right decision".
She smiled and replied, "No, just the appearance changed, I am still the same Ammu, your Ammu. But I see that you have changed a lot, you seem to have become very reserved". She held his hand, suddenly noticed a ring and asked, "This is new, you never liked to wear any gold accessories. When did this start?"
Suddenly, a mysterious silence filled the gap between them for a few moments after she asked that question.
"I need to tell you about something Ammu," Ajay said, taking a deep breath.
"Tell me, babe, what is it?" she said looking at him with a confused expression.
"Amrutha, after you left me and went to the US, I missed you so much. There were days on which I felt so broke and stayed home doing nothing. I felt so lonely and helpless at times that I cried in the office. I was not myself for a few days when you left," he started explaining. "Ammu, when I was feeling that there is nothing left for me to do, a colleague of mine noticed that something was wrong with me and asked if I am okay. Suddenly I broke into tears and started sharing our story and how I felt, with her. She felt so attached to our story that she used to check on me frequently about how I was doing. Surprisingly talking to her made me feel better. Slowly we started talking about lots of things and without knowing, we grew close to each other. Out of nowhere, she proposed to me one day ", he further explained, "I couldn't accept her initially. I liked her a lot, yes, but I couldn't name it as love. However, slowly I was able to feel her filling the void created by your absence. She asked me about her proposal again. This time I couldn't say no to her since, I don't want to lie, I started to develop feelings for her and I told her 'Yes'. We convinced our parents and got engaged, " He said looking at the ring on his right hand.
Amrutha couldn't understand what just happened, she felt blank. It took some time for Amrutha to process what Ajay said.
That very moment, Amrutha felt the earth beneath her feet crumbled. She felt like she is being pulled into a black hole, she couldn't hear anything happening around. Not the noise from the coffee machine, not the music being played in the restaurant and not even what Ajay was trying to say. She sat there like a rock without any sensation. She could see their entire journey playing in her mind again and again like a movie, a never-ending one. Ajay snapped his fingers and brought her back to reality. Amrutha didn't want to accept the truth that Ajay left her without even giving her a clue. However, the truth dawned on her and she could feel the rush of thoughts drowning her mind like a tsunami wave.
"How could he do that?", this is the dialogue that is playing in her mind in a loop. Something for which she could never find an answer. She didn't understand when all these happened while he is still talking to her as if everything is fine between them. She had hundreds of questions running in her mind. She wanted to run away from there. She wanted to run away to the past, when they were together, at least to the time when she didn't know that her boyfriend - whom she thought was her life is someone else's would-be. She didn't want to come back to reality. She wanted this reality to be made of glass which she would like to break, melt and mould again in the way she wants to. She could see Ajay trying to talk some sense into her but she could only hear continuous ringing sound in her ear as if there was an atomic bomb explosion right next to her. She was trying hard to concentrate on what Ajay is saying but she couldn't. She lost track of time and she is not aware of how long Ajay was talking to her.
After a while she could see Ajay reaching out to his bag. She once again started feeling a million possibilities of what that could be. "Is it a wedding ring? Is he going to propose me and say that this is all a lie?", " Is he taking out a gun to get rid of me forever?", she thought. While drowning in her thoughts, she could see a glossy colourful thing taken out of his backpack which he left in front of her and walked away. She could still not figure out what it is since everything seemed blurry to her. It took some time to gather some strength, to take a look at the thing that Ajay left on the table. She couldn't believe what she just saw. It was Ajay's wedding invitation.
A part of her heart felt numb....may be forever...!!
***ThE EnD***
0 notes
idornaseminary · 7 years
Chapter Ninety-One: Beatrice, Calix, Mel, and Natasha
The watch on Calix’s wrist pulsed as the ticking hands met, pale light creeping through the stained-glass windows of the Den to illuminate the clock-face, heightened by the ruby roar of the immortalised fire in the corner.
Midnight. They should be here soon.
Calix returned his divided attention to the medical notes carefully fanned beside him, his wand gently tapping the paper as he read through the fallen cases, for the hundredth time. He was gently playing with Beatrice’s hair, his fingers roaming through her long curls, as she rested in his lap, waiting for the full arrival of their unlikely company.
Calix and Beatrice had arrived first, after the inmate had been released from Doctor Evans’ incarceration, notably soured, followed shortly by Mel, notable unnerved. They were simply waiting on Natasha and Enzo - if either of them even showed up. Calix was highly sceptical of them both - neither of them were particularly communicative - nevertheless, their absence would certainly be felt. They were a team, whether it pleased any of them or not.
“Any word on Enzo, Mel? I haven’t seen him since yesterday, roaming the halls.”
“Then you have me beat,” said Mel, casting a glance towards the portrait. The last time she had spoken to him was in this very room. He was definitely avoiding her. “Something tells me he won’t show.”
“I mean, he should. I understand why he wouldn’t, though,” Beatrice said with a soft sigh, propping herself up against Calix’s chest, offering Mel a small, hopeful smile. “If he doesn’t perhaps we should make an effort to reach out to him. It was this isolated behavior that led him to being possessed in the first place,” she added with a not so subtle eye roll, perking up as the door of the Den opened, revealing Natasha looking more than a little frazzled.
Natasha looked at the small group gathered in the Den. Calix, Beatrice, and Mel. No sign of Enzo. She hadn’t seen the Aquilen since separating on Halloween night, and she had a feeling they wouldn’t be seeing him now.
She took a few deep breaths to try to calm her nerves, knowing that they were safe inside of this room. No one else knew about it. No one could be watching them.
“Hello,” she said a bit shortly, walking over and taking a seat in one of the chairs.
Calix glanced upwards but distastefully returned to his notes straight away, despite Beatrice’s immediate delight, as the portrait of the dying woman closed behind Natasha. She sounded as curt and as cold as ever, how little things change, cutting to the bone without a second thought, like the sadistic dagger plunged into the painted lady’s breast.
Just one more now.  
“Hey,” Mel greeted with a nod. She glanced around the group, heaving a sigh that was mixed with nervousness and impatience. “It’s past midnight. How much longer are we supposed to wait for him?”
“We should just go on without him,” Bea said, drumming her fingers on her denim overall covered knees. “He knows we were supposed to meet here tonight. If he’s not here, it’s because he doesn’t want to come be a part of this anymore.”
Natasha had planned to say something similar to what Bea did. Enzo was emotionally compromised now; there was little chance he would be willing to show his face in front of them, considering he probably felt some sort of guilt for what he did.
“How are you feeling, Beatrice?” she asked the other girl, surprising even herself. She didn’t expect to care, but she honestly hoped that the Gestona was feeling better.
“I mean my best friend isn’t talking to me and two people tried to kill me last week, and I didn’t get to say goodbye to my dad before he left on Sunday morning. So, yeah, I’d say I’m handling this all pretty well right about now,” she said sarcastically, letting out a sigh afterwards. She rubbed her hands together and frowned looking around the small group. “I’m sorry. Rough day is all. I’ll be better tomorrow.”
Natasha blinked in a bit of surprise at the response she received, but she nodded. “Sorry,” she mumbled, the voice a little shorter and a little more guarded. She didn’t bother to speak again, waiting for someone else to.
Wrapping a protective and reassuring arm around his girlfriend’s midriff, Calix felt the dark tension, blooming since Beatrice’s release from the infirmary, take deeper root. He kissed the top of her head, attempting to take her mind off the hurt, and couldn’t hide his pleasant surprise at the German witch’s almost kind inquisition. He wouldn’t have thought Natasha had compassion for others, not much anyway.
But, they had business to attend to. Secret meetings at midnight were meant for importance.
“So,” Calix sighed, the weight of the last few evenings palpable in the Den, “Enough about Enzo, who isn’t coming, and bad days. The real hippogriff in the room is what we’re going to do next - all of us.”
Mel allowed Calix’s words to sink in, releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.
“What can we do?” she asked, feeling that same sense of frustration that had been lingering in her gut the last few days surge to the surface. “All I can think is that we’ve got to tell someone, but who do we tell? Liara?” She shook her head. The conversation felt like it was headed towards a dead end and it had barely started. “What are they going to do about it besides drag Enzo away for questioning?”
Beatrice huffed and pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache beginning to build. “The fact is we don’t know enough to really come up with any sort of plan. What does Mount Helviti have to do with this? Who were the other hooded figures? Why did Chantal kidnap me and possess Enzo? What were they saying? How long has this been going on? There are too many questions and so few ways to find answers. It might just be best for the time being to keep a low profile. The survivors just woke up and Chantal seems to have disappeared into thin air. There’s no threat, and we should start to move on,” she said, not realizing she was babbling on and on.
Natasha shot a look at Beatrice when the girl said there was no threat and they should move on. “Someone made them jump. Whoever it was is still out there, and I highly doubt it was Chantal. She was on the pitch, someone would have noticed. That means that she’s some sort of lackey, and we have to find the real person behind this and put it all to rest.” She was angry, and she felt rightfully so. It was easy for Beatrice to say they should just move on -- she still had her friend alive, still had a chance at getting her back. She didn’t care what else happened after that. Natasha didn’t have that luxury.
“We can’t tell anyone,” Calix said sternly, his steeled voice serrated but calming. As he spoke, he gave Beatrice’s waist a cautionary warning-squeeze as her babbling affected the company, particularly Natasha. He didn’t care much for her, but he could feel the change in the air. They needed to work together - there was no other way.
“Mel, I’m sorry, but we can’t tell a soul. Beatrice is right, we don’t know enough. We don’t know who’s in league with Chantal or any of them. We don’t know if the possession is temporary, you just knock off the necklace and that’s that, or whether someone could just flick a switch at any moment. And, when it comes to Enzo, he cast the killing spell - there’s a jury waiting for him if that gets out.
“And, Natasha is right too, Bea. Chantal - though an important lackey - is not pulling the strings, she’s a puppet with a little power. The real threat, the threat which is very much at large, is whoever or whatever possessed the fallen, a threat powerful enough to stop time and space. We don’t know enough, but we need to act. We. Us. Just us. Together.”
Mel nodded, feeling resigned. “Shit. Well, Cal, there’s no arguing with that earnest fire of yours. I guess I’m in.”
Beatrice let out a little chuckle, a genuine smile playing on her lips as she looked up at Calix, a bit of her aggression dissipating. “You’re right, honey,” she admitted, squeezing his hand tenderly. “But we do need a game plan moving forward. What’re we going to do when we leave here and when’re we going to meet up again?” she asked, her question reverberating around the room, sitting heavily on the minds of all those present.
“First thing is keeping an eye out for Chantal. If anyone sees her, at all, we cannot let her get away again,” Natasha said, having half a mind to go hunting for the blonde.
“That bitch is priority number one,” Calix spat, his breath hitching painfully in his throat, “But, no one tackles her alone, unless there’s no alternative. She’s dangerous. Very dangerous.”
“I never would have pegged her for a villainess,” said Mel, breathing a sigh. She remembered seeing Chantal in the halls around Ilvermony, and she seemed like the perfect all-American girl. What had gone so wrong? “Regardless, we also need to figure out who she’s working with. It’s gotta be someone in the school.”
“Well, the easiest way to spot somebody would be if they had one of those pendants that Enzo was wearing,” Beatrice said, wriggling her nose side to side in thought. “But I doubt that they’re still in use since we brought him back. So then my next question is, who do we look for? They’re probably pretty powerful, but that’s about all I could think of.”
Natasha sat back a bit in her seat, fingers tapping a bit on her knee as she thought. “No student would have been able to pull something off like that alone,” she said finally. “Even the seventh years. They haven’t developed their magic enough.”
‘I would never have pegged her for a villainess.’
There was something about that simple phrase that caught Calix’s attention, paranoia lingering longer than it should like a barbed thorn beneath the skin. Someone should’ve realised. Someone should’ve coped. Someone should’ve evaluated her.
Calix could not remember whether he had or not.
That was worrying.
“Alone? Not in a million years, there’s old magic at work here,” he said, tightening his vice-grip around Beatrice as his thoughts bolted, “She’s definitely not working alone. We just have no idea who to trust, no idea who’s on our side. Or worse, who’s on theirs.”
A dangerous thought wriggled its way to the forefront of Mel’s mind, leaving a trail of toxic fear in its wake. She swallowed hard, eyes flitting from face to face.
“Is there a possibility it could be a professor?” she asked quietly.
Beatrice winced slightly as Calix’s grip on her became more aggressive than protective and gently took his hand in hers, releasing his arm from where it was coiled around her waist like a cobra. “Well, it does make sense. They’re highly skilled, arguably the most talented witches and wizards in the world. But which professor or professors? There could be more than one of them,” she said, paling at the thought of her teachers ordering a hit out on her, making her question being released from her boyfriend’s death grip on her.
Natasha had thought the same thing, that it was a good chance a professor, or possibly more than one, was behind this, but who would be capable of such a thing? Who would even want it? She hated not having answers, and this wasn’t getting any clearer. “If we don’t know who it is, we need to keep an eye on all of them, figure out who is acting suspiciously and keep track of what they’re doing.”
“Sorry,” Calix puffed softly, pecking the back of Beatrice’s neck as he loosened his locked muscles. These were dangerous thoughts to think and to share, thoughts that if acted upon too soon could land them all in very hot water - ignoring the boiling mire they were already perched precariously above. Calix sickeningly understood how far they had fallen, without any safety net or light to see by.
“So, we keep our eyes peeled,” he said, without acknowledging the little knot forming in his stomach, staring straight over his girlfriend’s shoulder at the lustrous fire, “We can’t really do much else until we sort Enzo, find Chantal or figure out who is involved.”
Mel nodded resolutely, standing from where she’d been sitting cross-legged on the floor. “It’s a good thing our majors are all pretty different. We can cover more ground with the professors that way. Let’s take note of anything suspicious and meet back here in a week at the same time.”
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