#also theres just no way betty has been sitting up in space doing self reflection like hmm
monstertsunami · 8 months
wtf is wrong with ppl trying to manifest a petrigtof breakup. im genuinely mystified. i want them to be toxic together until the end of time some real sunk cost fallacy shit. theyve been devoted to each other for literally thousands of years, YES to a fault, but shes an entire god of chaos now there is like nothing else for her to lose. shes all powerful and her only goal is to protect simon WHY, from a storytelling perspective, would she break up with him now? why would simon break up with her? theyre both at rock bottom there is nowhere to go but up. they could even rebuild together! if you want them to be healthy so fucking bad they could confront their past and try again. TOGETHER. but its not cathartic or a good ending at all for them to just cut it off or stay friends after centuries of literal madness. stop putting these characters through therapy or making them well adjusted just shut up shut up AAGH .
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Hey guys!
Thanks for stopping by for your weekly 'Selfie Saturday' sesh.
For those of you who may be new, 'Selfie Saturday' is a weekly sesh on ways to improve your life from the inside out. I'll be delving into the many ways to design your life, from interior design for the soul to increasing your connection to source + yourself!  With our busy lives it's sometimes hard to find the time to take stock + check in on our self. I want this blog to be your 5 mins every Saturday morning where you can reflect and perhaps tweak things up a little. 
It's all about you , so take a break, enjoy, it's Saturday! 
Well winter in Australia is truely here!  Especially for those like myself living in one of the colder cities, Melbourne!
For many, winter can be a gloomy time of year. You get stuck indoors a little more, you walk outside and start hugging youerself like a crazy person in a straight jacket, just to stay warm. All the annoying things that you totally would'nt have to do if the sun would just come out!
They say the grass is always greener and if your spending all your days dreaming of a tropical island where the sun is beaming, then today I want you to realise that the grass is pretty green right here, smack bang in the middle of winter! 
It's taken me basically my whole life to realise that as much as I love a hot sunny day, going to the beach and crusing with my roof off, I am 100% a winter girl! After spending 5 years in Perth WA, (A very hot hot city, similar to LA) I came to realise how stressful I felt from constant constant hot weather. At first I was like, "yes this is amazing, enjoy your rainy days all you other suckers in the cold states, I'm living it up in my endless summer!" But as the the years passed, I slowly noticed that there really was no relief and having the sun glaring everyday was kind of boring, predicatble and actually just too much of a good thing! I came to realise how much I was missing the seasons and all the juicy stuff that only a season can provide.
So let me to tell you the 5 things that I do at home that make me fall in love with winter.  Hopefully I can inspire you to go indulge in one of these perfect winter activites and get you appreciating that there is a time for everything + the variety + balance proper seasons bring to our life is so soothing to the soul. It's all about embracing life, so lets stop the winter winge and embrace the moment!
 Sititing by the fire
OMG (WARNING I say this a lot) OMG, OMG I love love sitting by the fire. There is something so soothing about cosying up under a big chunky knit and staring into the flames. Whether it's with your BFF's or your honey, it's really just such a great way to get connected with yourself and those around you. I guess it comes back to the idea of sitting around the camp fire. It brings about a sense of contemplation, almost hypnotising and so so soothing to the soul. I feel like it's a big warm hug from mother nature and she's saying "It's all good girlfriend, I got you, just keep sipping on that red wine, everything is all good!"  :)
 You don't have a fire at home? Thats totally fine because my next fav thing to do is go to a gorgeous restaurant and hot chocolate by the fire! So if your feeling these hot firey vibes and your bummed because you don't have a fire, get googling stat and go book in for a cosy lunch somewhere.
Winter Decor
Some of the ways to embrace winter around the home can also be through your decore! Have you seen the gorgeous chunky knit's available these days? They really are to die for and would make the most lush addition to your bedroom or living room + are a must have to embrace winter. You could also change your bedlinen, cushions or artwork up and embrace some winter tones and styles. Obviously it might not be in the budget to spend too much on seasonal purchases but any investment you make can go into rotation and then you could sell them for some cash to buy some summer pieces later in the year. Candles are great through winter, again it's about that connection with the elements and the soothing energy that a flame brings to a space. My last winter must have, which is actually and all year must have, is bringing in flowers and plants. This really is an all season must have, but I think it's especially important through winter. One of the main reasons we get down through winter is not being able to go outdoors and get our nature fix. Connecting with nature has been proven to increase our happiness so it's important to bring those endorphin providing elements indoors as much as possible. Plants and flowers are also visually up lifting and there is actual research that shows our sense of calm and happiness is increased just by having a plant in our line of sight! Cool hey!! So go grab some beautiful flowers from the garden or a market and cheer up you and your space!
Winter is the perfect season to bring out your Betty Crocker! I mean who wants to stand around a hot hoven in Summer? No one!!! Thats why Summer is great for eating out or BB'Qs but it is not great for all the delicous meals that require hanging by the stove.
Some of my favourite winter dishes are yummy full flavoured curry! My husband Jai makes the best best curry every, I seriously am obsessed with his curry! So when winter comes it's out with the french oven and in with spicey flavour bomb meals! 
My other favourtie is of course pumpkin soup!  I make a really delish pumpkin soup that I top with dill, sour cream, salt + pepper! I love smelling it simmer on the stove  on a winters day & I always serve with a crunchy bread.
Now for something sweet, my banana cake! Of course you can bake cakes in Summer too, but is it as nice as eating it in winter? No, it's just not as nice! When you serve up some warm cake, with melted butter and nice hot cup your favourite vice, some kind of mgic happens that you can never get in summer. Trust me, I have tested this theory, being the cake freak that I am, I tried to enjoy cake in summer and yes it is always yummy, I mean it's cake! But the experience is not as warming and soothing as it is on a cosey winters day. 
Picture it..... It's Saturday morning, your sitting in your cosy bed, or in a gorgeous reading nook, reading your favourite blog ;) You hear the rain on the roof and you can see the trees blowing in the wind through your window. Cosy overload!! Again this can be embraced through summer, in a hammock under a tree, ok I'm feeling that could be winning me over, but I still think winter provides the best atmosphere to really get engrossed in a good book. I mean in winter, your stuck in side, your mind is not wondering whether you should jump back into the pool like it would in summer. It's not distracted with too many other options so theres a good chance you could really get completely taken away into some amzing other world. One of my favourite reads of late is Gabby Bernsteins "The Universe Hads your Back" and I have aslo just finished reading " In the Company of Women" by Design Sponges' Grace Bonney. I'm more into reading about people who inspire me more than non fiction, but I'm open to any suggestions if you have some you would like to share below.
Lighting plays a huge role in affecting our mood and a great way to warm up a space and bring an injection of cosy is through lamps and lighting. If you have dimmers, then you will instantly know what I mean. As soon as you turn down the wattage in your lighting a sense of calm instantly comes over you. This is also another reason I feel too much sunlight can be stressful. Having excessive, glare + bright light as been known to cause headaches and actual emotional stress. So what's an easy way to embrace this idea and warm up in winter?  Bring in more lamps! Add a few around the living room or by the sofa or reading chair, make sure you have them in your bedroom, by your bed or dresser. I have one in my kitchen which instantly makes cooking in my kitchen more enjoyable. Experiment with this and see just how much you can change things up to make winter time feel like a cosy treat rather than a boring burden.  One important thing to note, use warm white globes, not cool. Cool white has a similar affect as too much sunshine and will make you feel like your in a hospital. It can feel cold + clinical and the idea of bringing in lamps is really to make you feel all warm and relaxed during this time of year. 
Well that's it from me guys,  I hope I have got you feeling a little more into winter!
Enjoy your weekend and remember there really is'nt too much longer of winter left so make hay whilst the sun don't shine ;) 
Don't forget to take time to connect!
 Peace Out xx
 Melanie Sherwell - Interior Designer
Soul Shapes- Lifestyle Interiors
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