#alternate universe where old Palpy fell down some stairs
bibannana · 2 years
(Okay so I drew a thing for it because it was stuck in my shitty little head here)
*Anakin walking into a council meeting with the twins strapped to his chest*
Mace *staring at Anakin and the twins*: Skywalker are those children strapped to your chest?
Anakin *play dumb*:....no. No children here.
Mace *watching as Leia pulls on Anakin's hair and Luke babbles excitedly*: Then what are they?
Anakin *he should be a better liar by now*: ....weird growths.
Obi-wan is pretending he hasn't seen anything.
Leia makes grabby hands for Obi-wan and he sits with her snuggled to his chest for the entire meeting.
Plo sits with Luke on his lap for most of the meeting.
Nobody knows when or how Plo got Luke off Anakin.
The only Council members that are concerned are Mace Windu and Ki-Adi Mundi.
"No children I see. Strange growths they are."
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