lesbiandarvey · 4 months
Did I say Donna/harvey yet idk
YESSSSSSS the thing is. hes got that james dean daydream look in his eyes and shes got that red lip classic thing that he likes
ohmygod . donnaharvey makes me want to weep. when i started the show i totally thought i would be into harveymike but now that im on s5 im totally into #darvey_endgame
1 what made me ship it?? ohmygod theyre both divas and the two hottest bisexuals i’ve ever seen and they’re INSANE about each other but would rather die than admit it they’re like philip and elizabeth on fx’s the americans. like harvey and donna could fully be living together and raising children together before they admit they like each other
2 my favorite thing is ohmygod . where im at in s5 like theyre sooooo codependent but she left him bc she needed to move on and he cant he has panic attacks about it……. theyre so messed up. they should try to kill each other at least once. darvey could be destiel. is the thing. ohmygod also THEYRE BEST FRIENDS. i need to see them like, go clubbing together and go to spa weekends together and go to brunch and shit. hes literally her girlfriend
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3 an unpopular opinion? i mean i think they’re both bi is that unpopular? they’re bi4bi . also when i looked up pegging donnaharvey ao3 there was not NEARLY enough
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lesbiandarvey · 8 months
wait amanda if you for real wanna talk about aspect ratios pls dump ur thoughts here i’m fascinated and would love to hear more <3
ohmygod . ohmygod!!!!! okay so (idk how much you know so im gonna start from the beginning)
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television of the 20th century was filmed in whats called the 4:3 aspect ratio (4 units wide by 3 units tall). basically it was more of a square because people's tvs were fat and square shaped (see above). and! basically the 4 to 3 aspect ratio forced actors together to fit in the frame which is how you get scenes like this (from Sports Night, 1998)
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they have to practically sit in each other's laps to be able to fit in the frame!
whereas, around the turn of the millennia mark, when people started having "widescreen" hd tvs, the aspect ratio changed to what movies where filmed in, aka 16:9. and now everything is in 16:9 because everyone has hd/widescreen tvs AND watch tv on their laptops (also 16 to 9)
but 16:9 is sooo spread out you have spacing like this from the americans
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now the americans is a bit of a poor example because its a show that uses so much negative space stylistically, but you get the picture. there's just sooo much extra room in the 16:9 ratio, that pushes the actors apart and we dont get that fun closeness of the 4:3
now! seinfeld (and mash, and other famous, digitally remastered shows of the 20th century that are available on streaming) is really where the rubber meets the road. because seinfeld (among others) was FILMED in the 4:3 ratio, but when it was digitally remastered for netflix it was TURNED INTO the 16:9 ratio, so the actors are all tacked together, but when you watch it (on netflix) theres all this unused space around the actors (THAT YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE! THE DIRECTOR DID NOT INTEND FOR THE AUDIENCE TO SEE THAT!) i cant prove it cus i cant screenshot netflix anymore but you can really see it when the four of the them are in the frame in jerrys apartment and you can also see his desk and his kitchen. basically its just a version of the show we were not meant to see and it BOTHERS ME. most egregious is the episode "the pothole" where in the original 4:3 theyre looking down at it but in the netflix version you cant see it!!!!
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what was i talking about? oh yeah okay so basically television used to be filmed in a square and the actors had to sit in each others laps to be able to be in the frame at the same time and now television is all stretched out and theyre like, miles away from each other. i hope this helps<3
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
HAAARRRVVVEEEYYY 1,2,8,22 and any more you want to answer!
1) why do i like him ?? well
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also hes so funny . like surprisingly smart and funny.
2) ohhhh favorite canon thing about him? thats a tough one. i think my favorite thing so far has been his whole “just like his mother fr” thing when he was talking about sleeping with amy acker with his therapist and lying about it and she was like hm sounds familiar.. and he was like well im not goddamn her! probably one of my favorite harvey scenes ever
8) “something the fandom does to the character you despise” SCREAM ohmygod youre gonna get me in trouuuubllee! um i dont see him as a dom . like im sorry like i dont actually care but when people are like “THIS IS DOMSUB THIS IS DOM HARVEY” and the scene is like him standing. and waving a little bit im like .. is it though
like i dont really care i just dont see it. plus that line where scottie’s like “[harvey] only responds to strength” ive always thought was about sex like oh does he now.
22) something i like about him as a fic reader….. ohh interesting okay .. i think my favorite thing to read harvey rn is like unrequited.. like hes been in love with mike from the beginning and mikes with rachel and mikes gonna stay with rachel i love reading harvey having to sit on the sidelines and watch that . and not be able to do anything<3
something i dont like i fics as a reader… i definitely think harvey is hard to pin down.. like hes prickly but also the most sentimental man in the world like its hard to find the right balance so i don’t like it when hes too soft and syrupy but i also dont like it when hes too much of an asshole. i also dont like it when people give him too much credit or let him be too healthy like no, he’s supposed to be a toxic manipulator lmao
thank youuuuuuuu i love himmmmmmm
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
she's so patronising to him though like a relationship like that would be so annoying. he doesn't need to be told what he feels and what to do about it every day. they're fine as besties but he doesn't want more
two questions: genuinely, im not trying to be snippy at all, is this in reference to something ive said? i checked my recent postings i couldn’t find anything?? and second, um you didn’t specify who you’re talking about .. im guessing donna and harvey on usa legal drama suits? im just gonna answer to the best of my ability, as if this is about donnaharvey which im like 90% sure it is?? okay
i mean, respectfully, i would certainly push back on the idea she “tells him what to do” cus she’s certainly his emotional intelligence like she tells him what hes thinking—or at least her interpretation of what he’s thinking. theres certainly evidence of that, the scene that comes to mind is its in late s3, and mike wants to leave to take the finance job, and harvey snaps at scottie, and donna (very gently) reprimands him for it, and she tells him he’s hurt not angry “you’re hurt and the anger covers the hurt, but i know you didn’t know that.” she definitely provides him with insight into his emotions, but in a way i would argue any friend would.
there’s also a scene from season 2(?) i think, where donna is trying to get harvey to pursue scottie and she tells him to his face “i know your mother hurt you but you need to get over it” or, in other words “sorry about your mommy issues but you need to grow the fuck up.” and again i think thats a perfectly reasonable thing to say as a friend to your friend—she sees him hurting and lonely and she can do something about it, all she needs to do is encourage him to seek out a relationship with a woman who loves him, i think that’s perfectly acceptable.
i really dont see how its patronizing in any way? i mean there are certainly a couple jokes like “men are so stupid lol” but nothing that has really stood out to me as anything different than 2010s network drama gender politics, and so few and far between i cant think of any specific instances off the top of my head.
second of all, to the best of my knowledge (having seen up to 6x05 atp), that all stops when he starts going to therapy. i cant think of a single instance after season 5 when she tells him what hes feeling (i mean maybe she does in seasons 7, 8 + 9 but i haven’t seen it so i cant say lol)
but from what ive seen, her telling him his emotions stops when he starts receiving therapy with a trained professional. and thats just healthy! yknow he no longer needs to be told what hes thinking because he’s learning more about himself and his reaction to trauma and how to be a more functionally stable adult. and after that is the only way he can keep and maintain a meaningful, productive relationship.
also, not to be crass but i 100% think harvey goes face down ass up when someone tells him what to do (especially if its mike or donna or jessica)
finally i do fully respectfully disagree that “theyre good as besties but he doesn’t want more” first of all, i think you might be confusing his repression and inability to parse his love for donna as a woman and his love for donna as a friend, as a lack of attraction. i think a) hes very repressed and messed up from his childhood so like, he can fuck people but loving people is a whole other story and b) he absolutely loves her as a friend, and i think he’s just boxed up his attraction and affection for her since they moved to pearson hardman 10(?) years ago.
second of all, gabriel macht and sarah rafferty you can tell has SOOOOO much fun together and they have so much chemistry, so i distrust any interpretation of donna and harvey that doesn’t think they wanna fuck each others brains out
what was i talking about? i dont think i have a closing statement, i just think donna and harvey’s relationship re:her telling him what to do is completely legitimate and follows a natural progression of two people trying to be healthy adults
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
i thought i was past my suits phase, it's been like 5 years, after being in a constant rewatch of it for like 4 years straight i thought i was recovere, you're making me watch suits compilations of youtube, i'm so close to watching it through and revealing how much worse (or maybe more homoerotic???) than i ever thought
i will send my therapy bill
what do you think of harvey and sean cahill
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lesbiandarvey · 6 days
OMG so I’ve actually been thinking about this but is Harvey touch starved or touch phobic or both or neither what r ur thoughts
oh DEFINITELY touch starved are you kidding me . the second he and donna get together he is all over her
as well as his relationships with other women (scottie and paula) he definitely welcomes psychical touch/affection he just doesn’t get it that often. and like im sure you’re thinking of that scene where donna fixes his hair by licking her thumb and him flinching away but i think that was mostly about the fact she licked her thumb to fix his hair like the mother of preschooler lol
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lesbiandarvey · 21 days
u came in here and decided to watch it in the worst way possible. insane. can't fathom your pov of any of this at all
it's like you're watching completely the wrong show
settings -> general settings -> dashboard preferences -> filtering -> staybeautifulmp3
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
im sorry mike hasn't been gagging for this man for this slander 😭 he's wanted to get fucked by that man from day dot, but pushed that pipe dream away because pssssshh like that'd ever happen. little did he know then that harvey did want him then and would go on to fall completely in love with him.
mike's love life went down a different plotted-out path instead. but in beginning and in end he still would be 1000% down to fuck that man
also insanely stupidly puts harvey above his actual relationship several times lmao
mike's lust for harvey has been the king of gifsets on gifsets over the years of suits
yes yes yes i do agree with that! my point, which admittedly i did not explain thoroughly lol is that, throughout the show harvey gets hit on by men. a lot. i mean the most notorious example of this is the scene between him and edward darby in jessica’s office where darby says “such a lovely face” about harvey and harvey laughs it off but is clearly uncomfortable with it. and then travis tanner who’s the epitome of “you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up / you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” and then theres that lawyer who made the cruising joke in s2 where he says to harvey “the only man im here to SOLICIT is you harvey” and THEN. CAMERON. and all that that implies with being harvey’s boss and his lover when harvey was in his 20s.. and sean cahill, who i think harvey was flirting with to get him to help get mike out of prison…… anyway. i think harvey has some issues with feeling used tbh with feeling like “just a pretty face” that people wanna fuck him but not Be with him or make any effort to listen to him or take care of him
and my point was that men dont want to sleep with harvey they want to Fuck him. like theres a huge difference there. and mike doesn’t approach sex or his friendship with harvey like that at ALL he doesn’t want to Fuck harvey, he just wants to watch movies with him and take him to dinner and get high with him. and maybe that includes a sexual relationship, but in a much softer more considerate way than harvey is used to. there isn’t that level of ownership that other men in the show express towards harvey—and THAT is why harvey fell in love with him
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lesbiandarvey · 2 months
dear person who is also crazy about jc and a swiftie, I have not seen threesome yet but *only* because the bill info goes to my mom's email and even though i'm in my twenties my family is v conservative, this would be a mess. so i'm trying to find a way to rent it and then delete the renting confirmation from her email I AM SERIOUS this is how far i am willing to go to watch that. Also. I sent that ask BEFORE the Fortnight MV hahaha...funny, isn't it? Life.
Listen, I've been in the good wife hell (heaven) for a whole decade of my life and I am absurdly feral over his character (and a particular ship) so I don't know. Let me put it this way: I got into law school because I love the character. Is this a warning? Is this a recommendation? I don't know but keep my url in mind if you do watch it so you can share your thoughts <3
ohhhh my god!!! and hii!!! lol
also bestie i hate to say it . but threesome 1994 is like really bad like unwatchable bad unfortunately 😔 my friend and i who both love josh charles tried to watch it and only got like 1/2 hour into it .. so basically you dont need to go out of your way to watch it akkdfhhjs just be safe knowing josh charles was gay in a movie in the 90s and according to interviews they filmed a sex scene between him and steen baldwin so we know for a fact josh charles has gaykissed a christian fundamentalist onscreen
and omgggg congrats on getting into law school!!! (that was something i always planned on doing myself after college) and yess okay i’ll watch the good wife eventually like its on my list <33
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lesbiandarvey · 6 days
Omg it’s fic time ok say u were to write some jarvey. how would u make it make sense - like when does it happen how does it happen. 5 Ws plz
i mean . lowkey i dont think they ever hook up :( like it would be so fun if they did but theyre friends and coworkers and like they dont want to cross that line . okay like once i think they were both drunk after work and there was a Moment and they looked at each other and then she was like okay its time to go home lol
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lesbiandarvey · 21 days
you have the wildest, shittest takes
you’re gonna have to be more specific
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lesbiandarvey · 5 months
bestie should i watch sports night? your sports night posting has intrigued me…
AHHHHHHHH omg YESSSSSS it’s like if the west wing (1999-2006) was a french indie film. and it’s directed my thommy schlamme my favorite director of all time
and this guy 🥹🥹🥹
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lesbiandarvey · 4 months
ur suitsposting convinced me to watch it and what the fuck is the deal with the unrequited thing. cuz harvey is definitely in love with mike right. and ive seen stuff. but what
oh like okay. so. the unrequited thing is that i 100% think whenever harvey looks at mike he’s picking out the stationary for their wedding invitations and whenever mike is looking at harvey he’s thinking about what he’s gonna have for dinner.
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lesbiandarvey · 6 days
Also do you think for funzies that Donna would ever go boxing with Harvey
OOOHHH. hmm . im gonna say nooooooooo? i mean he threw such a bitch fit about boxing samantha “im not gonna hit a woman” and she was already an established boxer so i feel like hed be really hesitant . but maybe like once he shows her a couple self defence things. okay i changed my mind yes a couple times he shows her a few things in the ring
i 100% think they do like yoga and crossfit together tho
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lesbiandarvey · 4 months
ooh scottie harvey okay. again i dont like “ship” them enough to have really any opinion on them at all. i liked them in season 3 i thought it was good for him to have someone to come home to! someone he could trust .. fuck now im making it all about him and his Emotional Journey. i mean i really dont have any opinion one way or the other about them like i liked them together but thats about it. oh i do have to say one thing scottieharvey gave us was that scene where theyre in the jet about to sleep together arguing about who got to be on top that was really funny. like what is she packing? does she have a strapon in her carry on luggage….???? impeccable
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lesbiandarvey · 1 month
this isn't an unpopular opinions ask, but do you have any skips on ttpd
thank you aimee lol. tbh i have no idea who kim kardiashian is and i’m not gonna learn. so when i listen to thank you aimee i just think of her “aimee” as an amalgam character of all the women who bullied and harassed taylor in 2016
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