#ana (rejuv)
eclipsegoon · 5 months
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heretodefyfate · 8 months
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"you are challenged by the interceptors"
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delightful-69 · 1 year
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can you tell that i think about this game a lot
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supercharged-streamer · 6 months
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My player character for 13.5 for Rejuv. I'm not sure WHAT her deal is or why she's a hidden character BUT she looks cool. (I only got to play 8 chapters in V13 and have to start over again)
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╰┈➤ Welcome, ###########.
“What is this place???”
- This is one of them classic ask blogs. Particularly for the A-Gang of Pokemon Rejuvenation; Aevis, Aevia, Axel, Ariana, Alain, and Aero.
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Ana and Crescent are also available, though more as guest appearances.
Heavy spoilers will be tagged depending on the chapter!
We try to stick as close to canon as possible. With a little hcs sprinkled in, as a treat,
considering we haven’t seen much direct interaction between the gang ingame yet save for a few scenes.
In technicality, a slight AU, but aren’t all ask blogs basically that???
- No nsfw. Please. Children are here. Also it’s just Weird. You’ll probably be blocked.
- RP accounts interacting is ok! Just don’t get snappy if something we respond with doesn’t match up with a part of the character’s verse (particularly if OC).
- The general DNI applies. If many people have you on this list, it’s probably for a valid reason!
- Art submissions are ok too but like...? You’re better off just posting regular fanart to the main tag lol. If it’s art for a specific interaction on the blog, that’s ok though.
- Do not spam the inbox. Do not also spam the inbox with questions asking why your question or previous spam isn’t answered yet. Try to keep it to five current asks at a time please! Shouldn’t be too difficult.
- When asking, PLEASE specify WHO of the group you’re asking. I can’t read minds. Sometimes I wish I could. But then I see what some people say just on main and think maybe it’s for the best.
- shipping asks are ok. i guess. don’t try to make it become the focus of this place though.
- do not ask about the next version. We are not giving any answers. It is progressing. That’s all you need to know. <3
╰┈➤ About the characters, I guess!
( All of the gang have all of the Pokemon given to them across all modes. The only canon teams are the Base [NORMAL] Mode teams. The other inclusions are for pure fun. )
--- Aevis (He/him)
BRAVERY. Aevis is a confident young man with a natural affinity for leadership. He does his best to keep the gang together even in rough patches. The type of guy to drop everything to help you out, and always has advice when you need it. He’s on the academy’s volleyball team, and may as well be their ace player! Aevis’s signature Pokemon are Decidueye and Lucario.
--- Axel (He/him)
CHAOS. Axel is the most mischievous of the group, no doubt about it. One could compare him to that of an Impidimp in personality. Always up for a joke, beloved by all. He’s very fond of his sister (who will often be the subject of his pranks.) Due to his excellent acting, he’s actually in the academy’s theater program! One day Axel’s chaos may be his own demise, and he often has some difficulty reading the room, but overall cares deeply for his friends as much as he pokes at them. Axel’s signature Pokemon are Feraligatr and Grimmsnarl.
--- Ariana (She/her)
HAPPINESS. Ariana is very peppy, and very scholarly. Her spirit shines brightly, and her optimism helps to lift the mood of any friend who may be down or such. You might think the pep would make you weary, but that tends to be quite the opposite. She’s always open to her friends who need help, and is on the academy’s cheerleading team! The main organizer of any group outings, whether that be to the mall or wherever else! Maybe she needs to take a bit for herself sometimes too. Ariana’s signature Pokemon are Blaziken and Altaria.
--- Aevia (She/her)
TRANQUILITY. Aevia is a little timid and anxious. She prefers to have her space, or only share it with people she’s familiar with. She gets rather nervous around new individuals-- enough to accidentally smack on instinct or such, apparently. Aevia is insanely talented- particularly in music. She knows how to play the Piano extremely well-- and bake excellently too. She has some issues... but she’s very sweet. Aevia’s signature Pokemon are Samurott and Lapras
--- Alain (They/she)
WRATH. Alain is rather scary to most. They’re rather aggressive to practically anyone at first, but once you get close to them, they tend to soften up a lot more (reluctantly, she may claim.) They are extremely protective of those she cares about, and will quite literally physically fight anyone who harms them. They’re actually rather creative. Their other talents include skateboarding/skating and graffiti art-- and are most often found sitting in silence with Aero. Best to give them their space. Alain’s signature Pokemon are Tazer (Partner-Pika) and Kangaskhan.
--- Aero (They/he)
STRENGTH. Aero is quite studious and cool. Rather laid back. They tend to prefer their space a lot, yet he’s a pretty strong people magnet regardless. People feel safe in their presence, and that is no different when they’re with their friends. Strong and silent, the popularity is to his chagrin. They just wanted to live their life with Alain. Aero took up being the academy’s star boxer, and is the strongest trainer of the group. Strength, however, comes in both physique and heart. Aero’s signature Pokemon are Delphox and Salamence.
--- Ana (She/her)
Signature Pokemon; Magne(mite)zone and Magearna.
--- Crescent (She/they)
Signature Pokemon; Gothitelle and Roaring Moon
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vaugarde · 6 months
man. hate to say it but i finished karma files and idk how i feel about it
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jazz-kitty · 2 months
i'm curious! i did a poll on my twitter a while ago but the only options were aevis and not aevis; so i'd like to do one that's a bit more proper
click whichever option feels best to you. doesn't matter if you've used multiple, just choose your favorite or the design belonging to your "main" playthrough- whatever that means to you!
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tlozypaka-tina · 7 months
Rejuv v13.5 teaser observations and theories! (Before public release)
First of all, I want to put out there I was not a Beta tester so I don't know how right or wrong I am about any observation made here. I could be overthinking things! But that's half the fun in theorizing!
Second of all, I implore every single one of my followers who happen to see this post but haven't played Rejuvenation: This huge post will contain HEAVY SPOILERS for v13!! I don't want to ruin your experience of the game so please try it out once 13.5 releases!!
Anyway time to word vomit an essay:
Prelude: Abbreviations and concepts to be used later on.
OA: Original Aevium. Before the reset (Revealed as of v13)
(to be added)
Part 1: Trailer themes and iconography.
Archetype symbol: The center of it all.
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Core symbol/Interceptor: Appears at the end. The colors associated with the Core are Blue (Active) and Orange (Inactive)...which can be seen when the butterfly flies away at the midpoint. Something to keep in mind.
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EDIT: The butterfly in question! Could be attributed to "Butterfly effect".
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Karma (?): 1st image is the Karma indicator in game, 2nd and 3rd are trailer images with different details added and removed. 3rd one is speculation and could have different meaning.
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Alright, now that I've established the most prevalent images that constantly come up in the trailer, I can start discussing the contents themselves and what the overall theme seems to be.
A big point in the trailer is the diagram depicting a pathway and connections, which all seem to be connected to an entity. The first 4 characters we saw are our core friend group: Ren, Aelita, Venam and Melia. There are 2 types of dots present in this first instance alone: A simple black dot, and a dot with extra layers. The simple ones are assigned to Aelita and Melia, while the other ones to Venam and Ren. Is this coincidental or is foreshadowing something??
I can only conclude, aided with the name of the update being .karma files, that the Main theme of this trailer is Karma and Connections. Are the consequences of our choices and actions going to finally unravel?
Part 2: Characters present, points in common.
The Theolia family (except Maria/Marianette)
Amber, Kenneth, Kreiss, Talon, Venam, Alice* and Allen* (Gym leaders)
Tesla (Elite 8)
Spacea and Tiempa + Kanon, Melia and Jenner (Stormchasers)
Hazuki is the only Protector of Aevium present of Nymieras' time.
Ren (Outlier 1 in these subgroups)
??? (Outlier 2)
Mr. Luck (Outlier 3)
Part 3: Missing faces and inconsistencies.
Ren's positioning in the trailer makes it so he is the only character in the trailer without a title on the upper right corner.
Mr. Luck. What does he have to do with all of this? All of them?
No team Xen admins...at all. Not even Madame X.
Gym leaders missing: Martin, Crawli, Valarie, Adam, Saki, Lavander, Texen, Flora/Florin, Spector, Narcissa, Souta, Ryland, Erick.
Damian and Alexandra.
Elite 8 + champion missing (except Tesla).
No interceptor hosts or Ana.
Nim absent.
No signs of Nancy.
Garufa inc. is supposed to be defunct at this point in time, yet the interface we access to see all these files is from garufa inc...
Of course, the characters omitted could be simply because of space and the briefness of the teaser, but then the question would turn into: what do the characters that were included have all in common?
Part 4: Elephants in the room - Jenner, Melia and Corrupted File.
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We got 3 hidden details as sneak peaks for 13.5! Seems to be 1 new character and 2 new looks for existing ones: those being Melia and Jenner who look....quite different.
Looking at all official art of Melia as of v13 (redesign of second iteration omitted but the hair is the same), it seems her new look could fit in after her 3rd iteration (going to the past arc, or the stormchasers arc, whatever we wish to call it) but before her awakening and current attire (4th pic) although the way the sidebang is positioned and her clothes are....off.
It doesn't quite feel like the Melia we know- the only time she has shown her shoulders has been in her 1st iteration, when we met her, afterwards her outfits are more conservative and white is the dominant color. This time, it's black.
Of course, this is a sneak peak of the outfit so we don't know anything else, but it's curious to see such a drastic change...also, it seems to be longer than her stormchasers fit, but shorter than her current version.
EDIT: This doesn't take in account the fact that Zumi's artstyle and way of drawing Melia's bangs may have evolved, but as an artist myself, I do find the choice veeeeeeeeery curious.
My friend Vance pointed out that she both looks a bit like Amber and that her expression resembles Melanie's VS battle sprite. Hm...
EDIT: The comparison!
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Also! @spar-kie has pointed out that Melia is wearing eye-shadow in this image! That's definitely out of character for her!
As for Jenner, a recent ask answered by Zumi threw into question the possibility of this being a Past!Jenner...so is this an alternate version of him, or a change in appearance after he was trapped in Nim's pocket dimension??
As for the mystery character...I can't say anything about them because the name tag is glitchy, has an error and there is no picture to give us and inkling of who they are. Regardless, they seem to be very important this version for it to be teased this early.
Part 5: Crack theories and conclusions
The trailer is from the perspective of the Interceptor accessing the information from Zeight as it was teased at the end of V13. Would fall in line with the way the characters are shown as Data and Files. They are also the center piece that connects all these characters together and fits the theme of Karma and Connections.
Related to above...but different. The information shown is from OA, not current Aevium, which is why the trailer is Glitchy and has a corrupted file...maybe a character that shouldn't exist persists in Zeight's data despite the reset? Would also explain why Melia and Jenner look different as they may have had different fates in the OA. (Observation made by my friend Vance!!)
These are all my current observations after analyzing the trailer like a normal person!! After one day!! There are things I haven't quite touched but I'll edit this post after I get home because there is a lot of things I want to improve and I need to let this thoughts into the world before I forget and this week passes by-
Feel free to discuss in the tags, by rebloging and adding into the post or replies!!!
I'm so excited for v13.5!!!
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24, 25, 26 for rejuv asks
24. Favorite npc/minor characters that barely get screentime? (Piano Lady, Truck Guy, Sariah, etc.)
Hyo’ro/David, aka Geara’s bio dad.
He’s so fucking interesting for like what??? Only be in one help quest?? You’ve opened the floodgates you WILL listen to my insanity.
Like imagine wandering the voidal chasm for who knows how long, waking up with no memories and being taken in by a village. A village where you know no matter what you’ll always be an outcast. Imagine not having them for so so many years. And then this random kid walks into your house asking about it and later comes back with something you own’d. Something with your real name! You finally begin to remember.
You remember your old life, you had a wife, you had a son! A baby boy! They have to be somewhere still in the chasm! You have to go and them! Only to get attack by and Absol and saved by the same kid who helped you get your memories back.
And then oughhhh, both choices make me emotional. You either go back into the void, risking losing your life and memories once again for the ones you love. And while we don’t know about Helena that fact Geara DID get out OUAGDGWIDHWJ. Or if you stay, constantly having to wonder about your loved ones and make a new life without them. Did they die? Did they ever get out like you? What happened to them?
Just OOSUHEJWJW. I always tell David to stay personally. I breathe copium that we’ll get a scene between David and Geara (we will not). Anyways uh that’s my ramble take a funny from my live blog when I did my paragon run <3
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25. Most frustrating/hardest battle you've ever faced?
(Takes a long drag of my cig)
Spacea and Tiempa, renegade, mono dragon.
I was playing story mode. I had debugged in the garchompite. I still couldn’t beat it until I lowered the damn levels and put on litemode. I don’t think I even would have been able to beat it with the levels I lowered it to without Arelite Wall (THANK YOU RYLAND. THANK YOU).
26. Favorite/most fun battle you've ever had?
Puppet Master 100%. The entire story and atmosphere at that point is so fucking hype that even though I know what will happen now I can’t help but get so fucking hype I need to take a break to pace around my room.
Some honorable mentions that come close: vs Host fight, Karma Beast Talon and vs ANA
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draconiccatgirl · 3 months
Ch12 was definitely the lowest low (Doomed Timeline) and one of the highest highs (Aelita) in Rejuv.
I’m not done with it (still need to actually Finish the Chapter) but can I just go back to Ana now. Please.
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ghostchanuwu · 7 months
Pokemon Echos (the fangame I've been trying to work on the side,lost a lot of motivation this year for it and spriting in general up until recently) was actually planned to have a 3rd playable character that being 'Purple' and as you can tell they would have been the non-binary option but they have actually been scrapped since I couldn't get them to function right since for example if you picked 'Red' your secondary rival would've been 'Blue' (the female player character) and vice versa
So instead they are either going to be a password reskin like Ana from rejuv or just axed completely and relegated to a postgame fight (you can still pick enby as a gender option but you can only play as Red or Blue without the password being used)
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pizzaboy609 · 2 years
for Gabriel, 13 of general character asks: What kind of friends do they have?
Gabriel makes friends with all kinds of people! But in general:
- Kind people, like Melia, Aelita, Huey etc.
- Strong people, or people who do a lot of physical training, or aspire to do that, like Aelita, Huey, Adam and others.
People he can mentor, or just children he can enjoy being brotherly towards. Huey, Mosely, Ana, etc.
People he ends up naturally spending time with, like Venam
People like Aelita and Amber (and Mavis and Sun in Rejuv Trio) who naturally end up in more sibling-like bonds with him
People with a strong passion that is born from the desire to protect others, or fight for others. Ren, Vivian etc.
Gabriel considers most Rejuv people his allies but hesitates to call people friends unless they call him their friends first, so he doesn't really know how many friends he actually has. Also, haven't met everyone in Rejuv yet, haha!
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heretodefyfate · 5 months
Me enjoying karma files then remember Nim
Shaking Melia: you and i need to go back to the third layer and dig up all those rocks!
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cursezoroark · 29 days
Ana pkmn rejuv…..my girl…..
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shachihata · 3 years
my fave side characters in rejuv are like. the grevilleas i miss them so bad oh my god bladestar arc come back to me. kieran and clear because they are 1. cracked and 2. funny as hell i think they duo in league (of legends) together and run the most toxic shit in bot lane that pisses both their own team and the other team off like some absolute dogshit kieran bringing teemo into bot and throwing but clear is so cracked on irelia it doesn’t even matter. crawli because he’s just some guy but he’s MY just some guy. Eli and sharon because unlike kieran and clear they aren’t cracked but like kieran and clear they ARE funny as hell i think they ALSO duo in league BUT they only run meta bot lane duos BUT they absolutely do not know how to play the game at all and have been hardstuck bronze for like three years. Oh dylan and ana’s dynamic is really really cute. HAve i said the grevilleas yet
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vaugarde · 7 months
ive played rejuv for 10 hours today i think i need to sleep
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