#and I love the Brodian bros
alterigo06 · 4 months
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“I love you. I always will.”
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only-lonely-www · 4 months
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Alcryst sketch 🤗
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maggyfall · 1 year
I still haven’t gotten over Alcryst’s intro cutscene. I think I laughed for 5 whole minutes.
His sorry state hides the fact that he’s mvp in nearly all my chapters.
I’ll bet he got a spartan like training growing up and I’ll bet that to the average fighter or even against any random non-Etie archer, he could sweep the floors on a hand to hand combat round.
And then apologize for the effort because back home his skills were basic.
Against others, he might be super skilled.
Brodia scary. But also Brodia has the word “Bro” in it and I keep thinking of them as a jock country and I’m probably not wrong either xD
He's great, tbh thr only archer that could arguably he better is fogado but I'll go back and forth cuz I really like them both *sorry Etie* Alcryst has been a great unit for me though and a lot of other apperently.
OH YEAH, tbh him feeling he's so incompetent but getting the brodia training tbh I wonder since he's like a backing fighter that's looked down on a bit cuz brodia is such a Warrior state? I also kinda hc Saphir maybe was the first to show him the bow, random hcs? Alcryst training with like Etie and Fogado thohgg and going "sorry I'm kinda subpar" and then hitting bullseye that break the target
It's the himbo jock country and I love it. It's got the brodian bros, Lapis, Citrine, Amber, and Jade who I also adore.
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asterisque · 1 year
Ship bias for Diamant :0
Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!
//since i answered with romantic ships with sylph’s ask, let’s go with platonic ones?
alcryst! of course! i adore them! the whole game and support chain show how much diamant cares for his lil’ bro, and how much the lil’ bro does too for the other, i love it, it’s so wholesome, i love the whole brodian family, finally some good family food after the mess that was three houses lmao. THANK THE DIVINE ONE.
framme! he totally adopted her, gonna teach her stuff and show her he’s honest when he told her all those things, plus if he marries alear (me) you know, she’s gonna have to deal with him too, gonna start early.
citrinne! like, “i don’t wanna deal with politic bullshit i’m tired” “say no more” i want my cousin to take care of my responsabilities too and the fact she’s alcryst’s retainer makes it better.
//more to be added as i get more supports/think about it/rp ???
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