#and I’m supposed to believe oona was just some frivolous marshmallow he was hung up on for the rest of his life?
rosepompadour · 1 year
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Bright, pretty and spoiled, and cute as hell. I’m crazy about her. - J.D. SALINGER, 1941 He was out of his mind with adoration for this woman. - HARVEY JASON She was the love of his life, the one woman whom he loved more than any other. He never recovered. - PAUL ALEXANDER It was a tremendous love story. They truly loved each other. - LEILA HADLEY LUCE Oona was the movie always in his mind. - DAVID SHIELDS Your U.S. Army hero kisses you on the cheek, on your right eye, on your left ear and then feverishly travels down to your neck. Little Oona, you save my life several times a day and YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA ABOUT IT. - MANHATTAN'S BABE I would marry Oona tomorrow if she would have me. - J.D. SALINGER
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