#and as the worlds natural processes created beasts and legends to populate the lands
dinoserious · 1 year
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have i ever talked abt my personal pokemon mythos origin for giratina as arceus’ bile. ok well im doing it now
giratina is the bile built up and spat out after the creation of the universe. arceus loved this spontaneous and unplanned creation, but it was too violent and had to be sealed away. giratina now preforms as a sort of counterbalance to the universe from the distortion world. dialga and palkia are older, and were created when arceus severed two of its many arms. they sequestered themselves in other realms on their own terms, after seeing how their power could lead to terrible results. uxie mesprit and azelf were created after all this as a sort of safeguard against further destruction. they are some of the oldest pokemon to have not left the world for somewhere else
i think arceus loved giratina very much. it was an unplanned and chaotic being that it considered beautiful in its spontaneity, but could not come to terms with the destruction it wrought. the world was new, and all arceus could think to do was to seal it away. the shame this action brought to it was a big factor in arceus becoming a mostly absent god, not trusting itself to directly meddle in the world it created
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checkkerface-blog · 5 years
People were always interested in the existence or non- existence of chimeras and other mythical and religious creatures. These beings are known mainly from the ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology, but in ancient times they appeared in almost all ancient cultures and civilizations. Statues, frescoes, writings, and other artworks from chimeras suggest that these creatures had an essential role in the religion, culture and people’s lives in ancient times.
One thing, however, was common in them: people were afraid of them and respected them highly. Up To this day, there is a dispute that these creatures are merely imaginary or really existed.
Well, let’s see the the might hidden truth behind them throughout some examples.
What are the chimeras actually?
Chimera creatures are generated by a genetic modification and show two or more organism”s pheonotipic freatures equally or variedly.  Chimeras are considered to be hybrids that are made from two parent gametes (reproductive cells). In fact, this is not true. Chimeras are genetically mosaic creatures can only be generated by directed genetic manipulation when two donor animal cells are interchanged in embryonic phase. It is important to note that this cannot happen naturally, it needs to apply external intervention, manipulation of the genetic material. To sum it up, chimeras are not hybrid creatures. At the current level of science, researchers use cell manipulation to create chimeras such as chimera mice, but currently its not possivle to create different creatures phenotipically (two or more creatures in the same body). This process demands extremely good knowledge of histology, physiology, genetic engineering and very good design skills for perfect execution of these experiments. I wonder whether people were able to do this in the an ancient times :). In mythology, chimera creatures were immortals or demigods.
Combining a created chimera with a normal, wild-type species, heterozygous (mixed) living beings can be created and will present the genetic features of both living organisms. Also many questions arise how these creatures behaved, but according to the old scripts and rumours, most of them were blood thirsty beasts and threatened and ate humans.
Chimera in ancient mythology
I.-Mezopotamia: Assyrians, Akkadians and Sumerians
II.-ancient Egypt
III.-Greek mythology
IV.-Southeast Asian Civilizations
Conspiracy regarding chimeras: the question arises whether the chimeras were existed or not, and what was the purpose of their existence and who were they created by. The history of ancient myths, especially in the case of Greeks, reports in detail that the chimeras were themselves gods, or were immortals and demigods procreated by ancient gods.
They were the gods of the old world and civilizations, and they created the world, and through the religions, they were guided by myths to form humanity
In fact, these beings later evolved from certain species eg from Mushussu to eagle and snake
People who arrived from the future world have created them by genetic modifications for manipulating and religious issues
Extraterrestrials created them exclusively to satisfy creation curiosity or for religious purposes
Let’s see some examples of chimeras
I.Ancient Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia was the first civilization in ancient times where the written history had begun. The territory between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers was populated by three groups of people, Sumerians, Akkadians and Assyrians. Chimera gods appear in all three group of civilizations, and also in architecture and in cuneiform inscriptions. The gate of the former Babylon, Isthar gate also contains chimeric motifs.
Marduk, patron deity of Babylon                   2. Mushussu, Babylon gate
3. Mesopotanian sphinx                                                  4. Ninurta, deity of Genesis
II. Ancient Egypt
In Egypt, most commonly the sphinx appears as a chimera, but there is no doubt about chimeras also were among pharaos. After revealing many sarcophagi, it turned out some of them was not designed for human size. In fact, many gods in Egypt can be considered chimeras, such as Goddess Isis, Horus, Seth, Bastet, etc. Most of them have a human body form with animal head or other animalistic features.
 5. Ram headed sphinx
5. and 6. Ammit, from Book of Dead
A good example for the chimeras is the Apis deity depicted as a large bull. It is very similar to the Greek bull cult where the bull was a sacred animal of Zeus. There are a number of notes proove Apis was a supernatural bull that was much larger than the average, who usually raved with fury and terrorized the egyptians. Apis is usually relating to the ram headed god, Khnum. The historical scripts rarely mention Ammit (Ahameit) goddess, who was the devourer of souls in the underworld. Souls of People who had not allowed to reincarnate and did not pass into afterlife were eaten by demon Ammit. Some source from papyruses also mention that Ammit actually existed and Egyptian priests themselves executes the funerary practices on sinners with the help of Ammit beast who ate human flesh. Notes also mention execution rooms for feeding Ammit.
III. Greek mythology
Chimeras are most knowed from Greek mythology, for instance centaurs, the Minotaur, griff, Cerberus, sirens, Medusa, Khimaira.
Centaur: half horse and half human body
Minotaur: human body with bull head and tail
Griff: lion body with eagle head and wings
Sirens: human body with wings
Cerberus: three headed large dog
Medusa: human body with venomous snake hair and tongue
Khimaira: mixed lion and goat with snake tail, first chimera7. Minotaur                       8. Odysseus offensive method against Sirens
9. Khimaira
The legend of the minotaur
According to the legend, Poseidon sent a pure white bull to Minos king for sacryfing purposes. Minos kept the bull and in spite of Poseidon’s remonstrance refused to sacrify tha animal for the God. For revenge, Poseidon anathematheized Minos wife, Pasiphae who fell in love with the bull.
After that, the Minotaur was born, whose mother had been caring for a while, but soon it became too aggressive so he was isolated in the labyrinth underneath the palace.
The minotaur was in fact the Egyptian Apis, and since Egyptians visited the island of Crete, they had founded the bull cult and built temples and altars for the god.
A mentally disabled, distorted son of Minos was born, but the king was ashamed of having a distorted descendand so he hidden him from the world. There was no Minotaur, Minos only frightened the population with this creature, because they were in war with the city of Athens.
The minotaur was a chimeric and existed, but the Greek government annihilated all source materials and proof. Catacombs were found on the island of Crete, but the labyrinth of the Minotaur has not been found this day. If they revealed the catacombs under the palace, archeologists could find the tomb and bones, so they would admit the minotaur’s existence
Minos had a very beautiful bull that the Athenians gave him in return for peace. The Bull was the winner of bullfighting series and an exceptional specimen, so Minos was proud and named him the bull of Minos, the Minotaurus.
Parallelism in chimera world
The ancient cultures came into contact and met, and as a result of this the same chimera was worshiped in different cultures
– The Sphinx also appears in a similar form in Egypt, Greece and Mesopotamia. In all three cases, they were known as Sphinx
– in the Greek mythology the centaur was the sumerian verson of Lamassu, a winged protector of Mesopotamia
-egyptian Horus is identified as a god Ninurta in land of Sumerians, an eagle-headed, man-made fowl god
-Babylonian Mushussu was a complex chimera with eagle, snake and lion body parts, in ancient Indians also worshipped this creature
Some supernatural creatures are also known in the modern world such as Pegasus, mermaids and Griff
In acient civilizations there is mostly polyteist. In these days there are 5 world religions, and only Hinduism is polytheist.
IV. Ancient Asian civilizations
In ancient India and China, the wide ranges of theese creatures were worshiped as a god or feared as a demon. A good example for this is the elephant headed Ganesha or the god of destruction, the multi-handed Siva. In China, part of the chimera body is almost  always a dragon, while in India the most common feature is the multiple handed limbs. Chimera creatures appear in the peaceful tibetian land as well: example Naga is half human and half serpent goddess in buddhism and hinduism religions. In ancient asian cultures, snakes were always the symbol of afterlife and eternity.
10. ancient God, unknown                 11. chimera with bird body and dragon head,
12. Naga
To sum it up, I would like to clarify my final opinion: -many evidences exist for chimeras in ancient cultures (hidden papyruses,, fresco, tunnels, catacombs, unrevealed archeological digs) -theese creatures are in many different cultures -people from ancient era had no enough fantasy (no internet, TV video games) so they only drew, painted and written what they really could see-in ancient arts there was no significant fiction -nature WILL NEVER EVER create chimera: making chimera is only possible artifically: this molecular biology procedure demands very good knowledge of genetics, nucleinacid biochemistry, sequencing and cell culture laboratory experience. TRUST ME I am a biologist as well 🙂  Chimera creatures will never be born accidentally -hidden truth is chimeras have a role in not only in religion and in after life, but also in the daily ancient life: sphinx, griffins and ammit beasts were protecturs of the egyptian dynasthy and empire ( I will write about buried tombs under the sphinx later)
So this post about Chimeras ends here now. Thank you for reading my post! 🙂
Chimera People were always interested in the existence or non- existence of chimeras and other mythical and religious creatures.
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