#and buck unconsciously making that decision for himself but still not necessarily being at a place where he can do it actively
buttercupbuck · 1 year
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[image description: 4 large gifs of eddie diaz and evan buckley from 9-1-1.
gif 1: from season 6 episode 14. in response to eddie saying, “and plus, you wouldn’t want to break tía’s heart,” vanessa (offscreen) responds, “or mine, you know? you get that, don’t you?” eddie smiles softly and says, “no, i do.”
gif 2: from season 6 episode 2. sitting on the edge of the fire truck at the firehouse, buck looks up at bobby (offscreen) and confesses, “i think i’m afraid of making a mistake again.”
gif 3: from season 6 episode 14. tía pepa tells eddie, “i was getting set in my ways, and the longer you’re alone, the easier it is. i don’t want that for you.” eddie purses his lips and agrees, “me, neither.”
gif 4: from season 6 episode 12. buck is passed out on eddie’s couch, his arm slung over the top.
/end ID]
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jade-marie · 3 years
What do you think was going through Rio's mind after Beth left him to die and do you think Beth was truly a victim in 2*13?
I just realized shushing up does not mean I can't ask questions.
I hate you sooooo much for making me think about this more than I already have!
Specifically after she left him, I think the overwhelming emotions were probably confusion, betrayal and anger.
Probably an unpopular opinion, but when they were arguing, before the shooting, I think he genuinely thought that was all it was - that they were basically having a domestic in front of an FBI agent. I don’t think any part of his brain registered just how far gone she was or that she was in a headspace where she’d be capable of killing him, let alone how quickly it would go from 0-100. Especially because I don’t think he had any intention of hurting her.
His face when that first bullet hit is the epitome of “what the fuck” so I think once she left that confusion was still very much present. Trying to figure out what the fuck just happened, how he misread the situation so much, where that level of anger came from and how she could just leave him like that.
I don’t know how many people actually noticed this in the episode, but as she turns away to leave, there’s a point where he tries to say the word “call”. He’s literally asking her to call for help and she doesn’t notice/acknowledge it. He also trusted her enough to give her the gun, not in the same “I dare you” power move situation we saw in 1.10, he just wanted her to clean up her mess. So there was this sort of unconscious level of trust he had, where he felt comfortable giving her his weapon and standing there totally defenceless - a trust she ultimately betrayed by shooting him.
I definitely think he was angry at himself for trusting her, for being stupid, for allowing their situation to end up where it did, but obviously he would’ve felt anger at her actions as well.
Given that he probably thought he was going to die, I would assume there was also that human level of fear. Maybe not that he’s necessarily afraid to die, but as a father, I can’t imagine that the prospect of not being around to keep his son safe wouldn’t scare him on some level.
Who’s the victim?
As for who the victim in that situation is, I don’t think it was Beth, that’s for sure. Do I think that he was wrong for kidnapping her? Absolutely. Do I think that was a scary experience for her? Yes. But once the hood came off and she knew it was him, I don’t think she was afraid anymore.
He was unarmed. If she truly just wanted him to stop whatever he was doing, there are plenty of ways she could’ve shot him that would be non-lethal - the first bullet literally went in his lung ffs.
He wasn’t trying to attack her, she wasn’t in any immediate danger, she could’ve shot him in the leg and then untied Turner, she could’ve told him to back off, she could’ve threatened to shoot him, she could’ve point blank said that she’s not doing it and gone to untie Turner. Literally a million and one options before trying to kill someone you allegedly care about.
But she didn’t attempt any of that, the only thing she tried to do was pass the buck, shirk responsibility for her own actions and tell Rio that he should kill Turner. As far as I’m concerned, she graduated from victim to perpetrator the second she made a decision to kill him - which she did, and I go into more detail about why I think she did in this post.
Typically, I wouldn’t go as far as describing Rio as a victim, because his own actions very much contributed to what went down. However, I don’t think anything he did in that moment warranted attempted murder so I might make an exception here and say, yes - he was the victim.
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