#and don't get me started with the fanfictions i go completely feral
strawbsonmars · 1 year
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no because i don't think you guys understand. i have a visceral reaction everytime i see one i literally have butterflies in my stomach im not normal like i think i need a lobotomy
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whiskygoldwings · 1 month
Put four characters who make you yell "MY MAN!! MY MAN!! MY MAN!!" Tagged by @batsutousai who sensibly decided to go gender-neutral, so I shall do the same!
I will uh... Start with the most obvious of men though!
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If you haven't realised I'm completely fucking feral over Marshal Commander Fox, then I'm not sure where you've been, but it clearly wasn't on my blog! We don't even get to see his face, and he has all of about 5 minutes of screen time, but damn has fanon given him a life of his own. Love it. Write much fanfiction about it. Will lavish love and adoration on every artist/writer who gives us more.
... I genuinely had to think hard about the next three because turns out I'm a complete Fox-simp... Oops...
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Yeah, I love me some Vincent Valentine. Dirge of Cerberus was an underrated gem. The fics on this man are amazing, and I STILL want to get him tattooed. Need to find someone I'm happy to do it!
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When I was twelve, I begged my mum to buy me a black cap for christmas and let me grow my hair out and do it as a braid all the time. I'm not kidding. Every day was a Duo Maxwell casual cosplay day. I'm still stupid fond of him, and my GOD the angst back on fanfiction.net and some of the old Gundam fanfic sites was just... Divine. This man woke me up to angst and he has stayed with me ever since.
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I DO have Sailor Jupiter tattooed! And honestly I'm pretty sure she was my bi awakening! I LOVE her. I will go absolutely fucking feral about her and smoosh my worship of her in your face. She was strong, kicked arse, while also being gentle, loving and a great supportive friend.
I throw tags at you!!! @mamuzzy, @ithillia, @brokenphoenix99 aaand @wantonlywindswept
These are all super no pressure! <3
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alligatorjesie · 17 days
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Hey that's alright you can block me as much as you like but it wont change anything man. You said some shit things so I'm going to say some shit things to you.
You know what that's fine we can just repost that whole comment so people can see what a shitass you are @blessyouhawkeye
Hey real quick you do realize that reylo is just a really vanilla ass enemies-to-lovers ship if you have a problem with it well good luck man this shit is literally everywhere in media.
Almost like it's a popular trope. Have you never watched a rom com? Woof. I got some news for you brosph.
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but you know what since we're on the tangent of 'weird people' in fandoms let's talk about that for a moment.
You wanna know what's weird? There's a lot of finnreys in the reblogs acting positively feral about their ship not being canon
(which idk I watched TRoS that was pretty open ended if your still mad about reylo by the end of that movie that shits on you)
and upset they don't have book deals like the reylos but IDK man maybe the reason finnreys ain't got book deals is because they spend all their time online bitching about how their ship got shafted instead of writing that fucking fanfiction.
You know when the reylos got shafted with the shit show that was EP9 instead of spending the next 3 years complaining they just trucked along in their own fucking sandbox completing their own fucking projects for their own fucking friends.
Fuck Disney we'll make our own reylo with blackjack and hookers and sex scenes.
You mean to tell us you've had more problems with reylos who were just excited to see the story concepts they predicted from The Force Awakens coming true in The Last Jedi and making positive content to reflect that joy compared to the actual nazis on YouTube who flood the platforms with 3 hour long hate videos over how Bree Larson is somehow personally responsible for their dicks falling off?
You remember that one time ethan van sciver said he wanted to kill Chinese people? He's a really popular star wars/comic book YouTuber and he's way more problematic than anyone I've ever met in the reylo fandom.
And guess what he also hates reylo what a shock!
You wanna talk about some unhinged weird behavior allow me to direct you at a rabid finnrey who has told me graphically to kill myself at least 5 times now for the sin of enjoying the wrong part of star wars according to them.
That shits fucking unhinged
Here's some of those death threats these are 100% real by the way:
Obviously Death Threat Warning some of these are quite gnarly.
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This user still has an active account.
I've reported them several times but I sometimes feel like the only thing that will get you banned on this hellsite is being trans I swear to fucking god.
This user has spent over 7 years shit posting hate directly into the reylo fandom's tag instead of doing literally anything else to make their own fandom more enjoyable for themselves.
That's weird shit.
What has been hellish is being in this fandom for over 9 years and dealing with the amount of uncalled for vitriol at this very fucking plain flavor baby's first enemies-to-lovers ship.
I only started keeping track of the death threats back in September 2022
It's not even been a full 2 years and I'm nearing 1000.
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This is the header for my Tumblr. This is a real number by the way I have every death threat I've gotten since starting this documented on my computer.
It's actually 955 because thepettycunt here just sent me a new death threat so now I gotta update the banner.
One day I'll make a master post.
Today is not that day.
But let's be very honest here the real number of death threats I've personally gotten are well into multiple thousands across multiple platforms over 9 years.
Just for enjoying reylo.
And I'm a furry and have been since the 90s. I'm use to being told to kill myself from strangers on the internet so color me confused when I join this really basic bitch of a fandom ship only to find the hate towards it somehow fucking worse.
That's some fucking weird unhinged shit.
I know you made this shit post just to be a shit poster so don't take this too personally I'm sure at this point you already think I'm unhinged and rightfully so
maybe I am
but after the 100th death threat I just stopped giving a fuck so you'll just have to forgive me but it's real buck ass wild to be called 'weird' when I've never sent death threats to people over fictional ships and none of my reylo friends have done that shit either but I am almost 99% sure if you look though the history of any single person who reblogged this post bitching about reylo you'll find they have a history of doing that shit.
You can pick any one. Odds are they have anti reylo posts going years back and at worst some of them have straight up told people in this fandom to kill themselves.
I can look through YOUR history OP and see You're a huge pile of shit towards reylos!
Go on pick one out at random and have a go. It's a fun horrible way to spend a afternoon.
And before anyone brings it up because people who hate reylo always do;
'what about that one time reylos harassed John Boye-'
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a group of women telling John Boyega the things he's saying are sexist towards his female coworker who had already been harassed off social media a few years prior and asking him to do better isn't the harassment you think it is.
You can find that 'reaction' video John made to the reylos on google and watch it yourself. No one is being racist but they are all asking him to stop making sex jokes on his female coworkers behalf and expressing disappointment in him. In fact he even had to reused quite a few of the quotes because I think about halfway through making the video he realized he just didn't have that much material and the things people were saying were pretty fucking mild.
And I'm not sorry. Asking a adult man to hold himself accountable for the shit he says is not on the same level as the far fucking worse shit the over arching star wars fandom has done well before reylo was even a twinkle in anyone's eye
Lastly one more thing and I'm done I swear and I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm gonna sound really spicy and I guess I kinda am but not in a mean way more in a really fucking confused way
but what the fuck do you mean jenny nicholsons reylo videos are unhinged?
They're the fucking same as the rest of her videos.
Is there something less unhinged about a nearly 4 hour long video about a failed fantasy RPG theme park over a 1 hour long video about how star wars episode 9 was absolute dogshit?
Jenny makes cringe videos about cringe shit. That's her brand.
She's voiced her enjoyment of reylo very early on... I think back in The Force Awakens days? So why are you surprised she would talk about the subject at length in detail? She bought a stuffed porg larger than herself and documented collecting it on video for her channel.
Yeah man she probably likes reylo.
Most people who like TLJ do.
What... what the fuck do you mean her reylo videos specific are unhinged?
I'm sorry but if known racist and sexist YouTuber doomcock can spend 6 hours complaining about TLJ because Rey don't make his dick hard like Luke Skywalker does and he's going to make his refusal to reflect on that issue our fucking problem I don't think Jenny is unhinged for complaining about the inarguably bad movie that was the rise of skywalker for less time than the movie's total runtime.
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I'm not even mad I'm just really confused by your statement.
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triskhellion · 5 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @dear-massacre
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Twenty-one. Twenty fics and one weird standalone soundtrack, lol.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Teen Wolf so far, but I maybe I'll get around to some ideas I have for The Sandman or something else one day.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Thunder (Sterek. 12.1k. Explicit. Depressed loner Derek meets on-the-run Werefox/Kitsune Stiles in rural Montana.)
The Cold Moon (Sterek, 40.6k. Explicit. Part one of a story where Stiles is forced across a mysterious boundary by Hunters and encounters a semi-feral Alpha Derek. My first published fic.)
Second Chance Strays (Sterek, 8.5k. Explicit. Mage Stiles, Derek, & Larem the deer alone in the wilderness. A Fuck or Die situation ensues when a darach attacks.)
CLAIM! (Sterek, 11.9k, Explicit. Misunderstandings and making up after Derek & Stiles meet at Jungle and hook-up.)
Customer Service (Sterek, 10.9k. Explicit. Surly barista omega Derek and human college student Stiles. Banter, vulgar latte art, and heat sex. Dominant Derek, Service Top Stiles.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Sometimes it takes a while, but comments are appreciated and I know I like getting responses.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess Amīca (Derissa) because it's an unresolved pre-relationship fic that's meant to be the first In a series. I've been a happy ending gal, so no real angsty ones so far. The angst is in the beginning and/or middle!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The rest of them? 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet. Knocks on wood.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Most of my fics have smut at some point, lol. Or belong to series that do/will.
Um, barebacking and creampie/breeding. Cum eating or play and marking in general, including hickeys and biting.
Virgin/first time bottoming, praise kink, light degradation, and knotting are also in a number of stories. Some spanking, bondage and pinning, and generally low-key dominance and submission. Chasing and claiming and a few omegaverse or just self-lubrication. (I have plans for more.)
All M/M or M/M/M so far, but I have WIPs and notes with other combinations. I have a bunch of Kinktober bits from 2022 to turn into fics that I'm both nervous and excited about. And lots of other ideas too.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet, but I have a summary for a Sterek Teen Wolf/The Sandman crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Sounds both fun and kinda scary.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Sterek is what finally got me into fanfiction and the whole shipping fandom thing a few years ago, so I gotta go with them. I enjoy a bunch of others from Teen Wolf too (especially Steter, Stetopher, and Sterek + various people) and from other fandoms.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I currently intend to finish all my WIPs, but who knows what the future will hold. I have 3 posted WIPs that I definitely plan to complete: The Wolf Moon, The Depths, and 15 Shades of Red. I have dozens of unposted ones that I also hope to finish...eventually.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Apparently dialogue, world building, characters' inner thoughts, and being funny sometimes. Coming up with ideas.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Epithets. It's just tricky when the characters have the same pronouns and I hate writing their names over and over. (I don't mind when other people do it though, so 🤷🏽‍♀️. But then I'll be like, "I can't say Derek three times in this paragraph!")
I've started looking for ones to remove whenever I edit now (and I'm cringing thinking about earlier stories that I should re-edit at some point,) but I still use some and am self-conscious about it.
Also, sometimes I info dump, but that doesn't bother me so much. Boom, here's a bunch of background now let's get on with it, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've used a few words in Polish here and there in some stories, but I probably wouldn't try to write whole conversations in another language unless I was familiar with it or could ask someone about it.
There's some Patois/Patwah in Irie, which was interesting to write because there's no one set spelling of many words, so it was part looking at common ones and part "What did it sound like/how was it phrased when this relative or family friend said something like this?"
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I vaguely recall thinking up scenes, dialogue, background, etc, for a story with Byakuya Kuchiki/Shūhei Hisagi from Bleach approximately 5 billion years ago when I was a teenager, but I don't remember if I ever actually wrote anything. Definitely didn't finish or publish anything. So...Teen Wolf.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hmm. I can't say that I have a favorite. I only started actually writing from my list of fic ideas around 16 months ago, IIRC. Maybe if I look back on them all after enough time passes I'll be able to pick one out (though knowing me...still probably not,) but right now they're all just...floating around in my head and also mixed with the particular experiences of writing them, idk.
Here's a recent one that was fun to write:
Legs (Sterek, 4.3k. Explicit. Snark and smut after college students Derek and Werecreature Stiles cross paths at the mall.)
If you want to play along, tag, you're it!
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thereadinggeek · 1 year
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tastes like summer, smiles like may (47519 words) by outropeace
Chapters: 1/1, Alpha Harry
Is this true?” Harry grabbed the beta by the shoulders. “Bryce, where did you hear that?”
“There’s rumors going around the castle,” he smirked. “stories about his beauty and his cold attitude. They know he is an omega only because of his scent, but he has never had a heat.”
“Do you know what this means?”
Bryce smirk grew into a big smile. “He can’t give you an heir.”
A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
Lunar Waltz (56795 words) by outropeace
Chapters: 1/1, Alpha Harry (must reads!!)
“You want me to seduce an alpha,” Louis hissed.
“I want you to marry an alpha. It’s the only way I could ever get back on my feet. You didn’t think a few dances at a ball would do anything to Alastair’s reputation or mine...”
“And what if Alastair comes back? Have you thought about him in all of this? You’re going to marry him to an alpha he doesn’t even know!”
“Oh he does know him, in fact... he’d be ecstatic to know he got to marry him.”
Louis’ blood ran cold, already suspecting who was the alpha the earl was talking about.
“Who is he?” he asked anyways, hating how fragile and almost scared his voice sounded.
“Lord Harry Styles.”
Louis' stomach dropped, the words came smelling like danger, sending a bolt of fear down his spine, the Earl wanted Louis to seduce The Duke of Death.
Or Louis has to replace his (missing) twin brother and marry one of the most dangerous alphas of the kingdom.
holding onto heartache (105775 words) by likelarry
Chapters: 10/10, Alpha Louis
Harry and Louis' relationship start off as something causal as Louis finalizes breaking his bond and marriage to his Omega.
Harry develops feelings for Louis and thinks Louis might feel the same but when Louis tells Harry he wants to give his marriage a try again, Harry doesn't reveal how he feels.
Nor does he tell Louis that he is pregnant with his kid.
They happen to meet again a few years later and Harry can't seem to run away anymore, even from his feelings.
Get Nesting & Soft Knots (5717 words) by ishiplouis
Chapters: 1/1, Alpha Harry
AU where Omega Louis who runs a nesting materials Youtube channel meets Alpha Harry who knits his own blankets
I Like You, Say It Back (43624 words) by ishiplouis
Chapters: 1/1, Alpha louis
Lou, this is Harry,” Niall says, making Louis pivot straight away to look at Niall with round eyes. “Yes, that Harry,” his friend smirks.
“Hi, who are you? Niall didn’t tell me we were waiting for someone.” Harry says to Niall with a pointed look.
“I’m,” he stutters, “I’m very happy to meet you.” He decides to leave out his name and who he really is. He can already imagine the guy’s smile faltering and him leaving the pub as soon as he hears his name. That’s not what he wants, that’s not what his inner Alpha wants either.
OR the one where it takes a lot of time for Harry and Louis to figure it out. But they do, they always do, don't they?
I've Got Demons, You've Got Scars (74742 words) by mission2feelike
Chapters: 18/39 -regular updates, Alpha Louis  (must read!!)
Harry’s life has been ruined twice. Once, the first time his alpha raised his fist four years ago, and then again today when his job discovered that he is an omega in a world where omegas, especially bonded omegas, have no rights. Now, he’s stuck trying to figure out how he’s going to take care of his four-year-old daughter, Mia. Just when it’s looking completely hopeless, a possible job arises. Someone is looking for an omega to help an alpha in need. The only problem is that the alpha has been diagnosed with Alpha Rage, a crippling disease that causes an alpha to become feral, making them succumb to their most instinctual, primal versions of themselves.
A story of an omega that’s been broken, an alpha that can’t trust himself, and their unlikely relationship.
Lovingly known as 'The Feral Louis Fic'.
Every heart but mine (17291 words) by rainblou
 Chapters: 3/3, Alpha Louis
In the years leading up to his presentation, Harry hoped that his soulmark would appear, that his soulmate would present first and Harry would have irrevocable proof that his other half was out there, waiting for him.
Years later, he's given up on waiting and with a heat coming up, his eyes are set on Louis Tomlinson to help him through it.
Noble Intentions (43023 words) by Speechless
Chapters: 3/3,  Alpha Harry
"I could have you banished." he's saying, striking that arrogant note in his soft voice. "I could-" he pants, taking a moment to swallow dry. "Ruin you."
"Still," Harry replies, letting him catch his breath. "Here you are, letting me lick into your mouth like you already belong to me."
Louis is a beautiful omega prince impatient to lose his virginity. Harry is desperately in love with him and only wants to mate him if and when Louis agrees to marry him.
The Pure Omega (94682 words) by PillowBites
Chapters: 21/56, Alpha Harry, Discontinued (must reads!!)
There was always one strict rule know by all; Hellhounds would never be able to coexist with werewolves.
But Louis Tomlinson always pushed the boundaries.
Only You Can Be My Alpha (212378 words) by wubwubnparmaham
Chapters: 24/24, Alpha Harry (must reads!!)
In a world where one was either an Alpha or an Omega wolf, Louis found himself in a body that could be neither. Born an Omega without the expected characteristics of one, he felt broken, choosing to live as Alpha a lifestyle as he could. Harboring a serious lack of respect for Alphas and their authority complexes, Louis managed to get himself banished from his home, forced to wander the unforgiving woods for years, facing the elements and fighting enemy rogues each time they arose.
Unbeknownst to Louis, in a tribe to the southwest of his home, there lived a dysfunctional Alpha, the orphaned pack leader Harry, who had never felt satisfied enough with anyone to settle down and continue his royal line. Living their lives apart thus far, the both of them assumed that they might be alone forever, making the best of things despite this even though it hurt.
Chance, luck, or maybe fate brings Louis to this tribe when he’d least expected to receive kindness and shelter from a stranger, and when he arrives, something in his soul pulls him to Harry like a raging river current. The two don’t get off to a good start, but everyone around them can sense the chemistry—and in time they do too.
Queen of Arizella (277919 words) by seducedbycurls
Chapters: 43/43, Alpha Harry (must reads!!)
Stealing from Royalty is punishable by death.
Louis starts over, doing his best to keep his hands at his sides but he is hungry and he tries stealing from the wrong Royal.
Harry is King of Arizella, he needs a Queen and who better than an omega on the run from death? Louis will learn to become the perfect Queen -the perfect fake Queen, but only for a few months.
A fake lover, a fake Queen, but a real bond.
You Smell Like (185369 words) by mystic_believexx
Chapters: 24/24, Alpha Harry
For her part, Jay took everything in her stride, barely batting an eyelid when Louis came into the kitchen the night Harry left and said, “I seem to have accidentally become the pack’s Alpha”.
Ever since Harry left town, Louis’ found himself with the role of pack Alpha, despite being human. So he can’t wait to hand over the reins when Harry returns. Except, it’s not quite that simple…
OR The one where Louis is the Alpha’s mate and everyone is aware of it except for Louis and Harry. Go figure!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Hey torship.. do u think ppl binge reading on long ongoing fanfictions are bad? I was just finished bingeing a work and another reader commented before me like " oh wow icb i've just finished this (200k+series) in 2 days, what am i gonna binge read now?" And i was like, whoa so honest bro, would that hurt the feeling of the author or not? If it was said like that..
Hmmm, I've not really thought much on it, not enough to have a solid answer off the cuff. I'll try and muddle through it but, short answer? Don't we all 'binge' read?
Long answer is a bit more scrambled but stick with me.
I mean, you gotta join an ongoing fic at some point. If you mean specifically the type of binging where readers wait until updates pile up so they can read big chunks of the story in one go (I have readers who do this, you poor things will be on tenterhooks for decades at this point lol) or, maybe, they wait until the story is completed to start... That's a little different but it's not bad or wrong. I think it's more that, when you read that way, you're distancing yourself from the author's ongoing creativity.
Now, quick disclaimer, a fic is a fic and you can read it however you like, I binge stuff all the time. But fanfic is different from published OG work because the reader DOES have that opportunity to, kinda, participate in the creative process, to be there every step - or update - of the way.
I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to this question, it's about how you approach your reading as much as how you view your writing. To me, as an author with a majority of ongoing works AND breaks in my updating, comments like that are a bit... Sweet and sour. This person binged my fic, maybe even the whole series or all of my works, and now they're left adrift with all these cliffhangers and emotions and the track is hanging, suspended and unfinished, and it's hard to scale off the ride by yourself. I always feel feral when I come up for air after a binge like that, like one of those pics of deer in dark grasses and the eyes are all lit up by the torch. You devoured my work like an animal, all fingers and teeth? I'm delighted!
But the listlessness of an unfinished work binge can also, intentionally or not, sting. Like, yeah, I know that was a lot to leave you hanging with, ain't it rough? (But please don't beg me for more because then the pressure makes it worse) and oh you read all 50K in one day, so you must've been so gripped? (You only commented on the last chapter, you ate that five course meal with a ladle and you mashed all the dishes together and did you even notice the care and garnish?)
My slowly revealed banquet becomes a buffet, whether you're picking at it or gorging. It's a different experience altogether. That's not your fault and it's not mine. It just is.
Most people don't pace themselves when they start a new show, you watch everything you can get your grubby paws on before jumping over to AO3, so why does binge reading become a thing in fandom? Because, for most people, it's the slower process that really makes the experience so positive. I've never published a work that was rubber-stamped finished before the readers ever saw it, so I'll be honest that I'm talking out of my ass as per usual, but I don't think I'd want to just.... Post all the chapters together. I want the reactions, I want the anticipation, I want the readers to travel with me.
To come back to your actual example tho, Neptune, "what am I gonna binge read now?" Is a comment that I would largely overlook by itself. I mean, if that's it, nothing about enjoying the work or thanking the author or anything to soften it, then it's a bit of a micro. Up there with letting the door swing behind you instead of holding it for the person after. (No harm really meant, just in your own world)
If it's part of a comment that expresses that the reader might've shoved down those five courses without savouring the flavours but they just REALLY loved that food, then it's more than fine, it's a big compliment! You were so busy eating that you barely paused for breath! And binging isn't a prerequisite to not commenting or savouring! It's like a mukbang, they love the flavours but fucking hell can they pack down that food in one sitting.
If it's rude, entitled, then I wouldn't give it the time of day. Putting something out there does not mean you're entitled to getting something back, even a smile or thanks. That doesn't, however, mean that it's not poor manners. And, if someone comes into my house and wolfs down my five course banquet before huffing with impatience or immediately leaving for their next meal, that's only a reflection of them and not me. I put the meal out, I can't tell people how to eat it.
This metaphor is running away from me lmao
TLDR: everyone binges, it's not a bad thing. But your manners matter and we should all be mindful that you're enjoying something for free; if the author wanted that conversation between chapters, if the author thinks binging is a compliment, if the author doesn't care at ALL. It's not a crime to be "late" to an ongoing fic, it's not a crime to read how you want.
Personally? I binge a lot, I try to comment as much as I can, and I try to remember that fandom is about community. I hadn't thought too much on the topic before this, tbh, and I don't even know if this makes any sense but I tried to sound it out for you guys anyway.
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zartophski · 9 months
4 5 19 23
4. What's a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I know there are words that make me go feral but I am drawing a blank rn. I'd know one if I saw one.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
If I don't write the entire fic before I post the first chapter, it will not be finished. You know the evidence already.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I've always been writing. I liked playing make-believe as a kid, and probably held onto those stories a lot longer than my peers. I thought the worlds in stories held so much wonder and possibility and more interest than the world I lived in. So when my peers became too old to play pretend with me, I turned to writing to continue to create those stories and exist within them.
I remember two books that got me interested in writing myself. One of them was called Sparrow Road, which was about a girl who spent the summer at an artist's retreat and met all these different artists who were working with different mediums to tell their stories. It was a place I wanted to go to. I can't remember the name of the other book, but it was about two girls who met in a treehouse by a river near their houses. They gave each other nicknames and wrote a book together and won a competition and got to travel to a University to take a summer writing workshop together. The two of these books left a big impact on me, not only by being good stories, but by showing me that people like me could write.
So I started writing. I wrote fanfiction before I even knew the name of it, mostly small scenes with a cooler version of me inserted into some cinematic universe with all my favorite characters from all my favorite media going on adventures together. I've always liked writing for large casts.
But I also wrote my own fiction. My seventh grade homeroom teacher was also an English teacher at the high school, and he was very kind to proofread and provide feedback on my scifi book I was writing. Looking back on it is embarrassing, but his encouragement meant I didn't stop writing.
Once I found out about fanfiction I pivoted more towards that. And that's been my main form of creative writing since early high school. Getting feedback and building a community around writing has been very encouraging for me, and I have definitely improved since I first stepped into the fanfic scene. But I'm also too scared to try and jump back to original works. Fanfic is hard because I eventually run out of what to say, but original work is hard because I never know what to say to start with. Right now, TML is the balance between for me, because it gives me more freedom on what to say and do without completely leaving the framework of another work. But that's got it's own difficulties, mainly the loss of a wide feedback group. Which would be completely gone if I jumped to regular original work. Ideally I'd like to publish something someday, but it's too far off for me to see how I'd get there.
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what's around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
hiiiii, i'm fairly new to CR (it saved my life during the pandemic!!1) and i'm pretty much caught up with everything but my love for vaxleth is off the charts and it's both a blessing and a curse: i love everything about them but there's fewer fics about them than i thought they ought to have. i have gone through ao3 these past few months and read a lot and also saved some for later (including yours!! i want to save it for a cozy day where i need a pick me up). having said all of that i was wondering if you have any recs (preferably of the longer type but ok if not) not just in ao3 but anywhere else as well? and preferably happy endings and some smooching n stuff bc wooooooof. these two got so much angst (i do also love it tho). any smut rec is welcome as well!! AND!!! ALSO!! do you think there's any chance this last ep can reignite the flame so to speak so we can all get more and more fics bc honestly?? i'm obssessed and they deserve it. epic love needs eternal retelling.
well hello! first i wanna say welcome to the fandom, we're all pretty nice but completely feral so watch where you put your hands bc we like to gnaw on things. (i say this like i am not also very new to the fandom; i just looked it up earlier today and my 1-year anniversary is at the end of may.)
when it comes to fic recs, i actually have to admit that i don't read a ton of fics myself (i don't have time, lol). i'll start by saying reading @romeoandjulietyouwish's au posts and drabbles is what got me back into writing fanfiction for the first time since i was a teenager, so i definitely recommend checking her stuff out. @blorbologist is, in my humble opinion, the foremost perc'ahlia expert of the fandom, if that ship also floats your boat. i have started reading her extremely famous one for joy but as i said, i really do not have a lot of time to read these days so i am extremely behind. my friend @ravendruid has recently started dipping her toes into the fic-writing realm, and i've been really loving watching her style develop as she goes, and my irl best friend and platonic life partner @runforyourshield is writing a vaxleth summer camp au called camp cloudtop you should check out! other recs you can find on my blog under the tag #fic rec. also just generally we tend to rb each other a lot so just stalk all of those blogs and you'll find some good stuff.
on ao3, i actually just today read a little three-part vaxleth happy ending style fic called with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair that i really enjoyed, and i've started reading this incredible fic called Heaven Couldn't Shake that AGAIN i started reading and then stopped having time for (!!!!!!!!!!!! i am busy!!!!!!! i am sorry!!!!!) but it is really good and i highly recommend the one chapter that i have read lol.
as for smut, to be perfectly honest, there is a dearth of smut in the vaxleth fandom, and like, i get it, it is extremely common to headcanon keyleth as ace or demisexual, and i don't have a problem with that headcanon at all. but me personally, while i also hc her as demi, i absolutely believe she and vax have fucking incredible sex and i wish i could read more of it (*eyebrow waggle* keep your eyes on the mfl space for future one-shots, jussayin). my recommendation there is to go the keyleth/vax tag on ao3 and filter by E, tbh. (also, don't sleep on vaxlethmore, bc those fics are *chef's kiss*)
(also this isn't vaxleth and idk if you've seen c2 or not but truly one of the hottest fucking fics i have read in my life—and friendo i have read a lot—is this shadowgast fic that truly gave me a nicotine addiction, bc wow)
will c3e51 reignite the fandom's fire for vaxleth? i mean, i can hope so, tho tbh, i'm keeping my hopes low. i know that, generally speaking, more people care for perc'ahlia than vaxleth (which was truly the wildest thing for me to find out when i started interacting w the fandom at large, i assumed everyone would be as fucking feral for vaxleth as i was), so i don't imagine there's gonna be a ton of new people writing them, but hey, maybe the episode will spur some people who haven't watched c1 to go watch, and they'll be the new generation of vaxleth shippers (again, me talking like i'm not the new generation of vaxleth shippers).
i hope i answered all of your questions, and thanks for being part of this community! i hope you find what you're looking for.
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
Weird Writing Asks: 4, 12 and 19?
Sorry this took so long, been sick for the first time in like four years :/
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I........actually don't really have one, I don't think? Like I know the joke is people hating "moist" or "undulate" or whatever, but I actually don't really have one of those. At least not an innocuous one; I have strong opinions on what words aren't completely obnoxious to use for genitals and it is admittedly a very short list. But I don't think I have strong opinions on just random words.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
1) Ability to focus on one fic at a time, on command, without being distracted by other fics or hit with choice paralysis. 2) The ability to write actual overarching Narratives that crack even 20k. 3) No more tip-of-the-tongue-itis; I am over losing the word I meant right as I go to write it down and completely stalling out because of it, that shit's infuriating.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
Uhhhhh, I started when I was about 15, writing terrible self-insert OC fanfiction for RvB because I was in a shitty home situation and didn't have another way to distract myself. That went on for a few years before the embarrassment finally caught up to me and I nuked it off AO3. Then I tried writing slightly less terrible RvB fic, which was also around the time I also started getting into Star Wars, and aside from a few false starts in other fandoms, that's mostly where I've stuck around. I gave up on original fiction years ago, so I haven't really gone anywhere and don't intend to, I just hope to get slightly less embarrassing as time goes on.
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txciaz · 3 years
Hi!! So,
it's my ( literal ) first time writing fanfiction, so I'm pretty new at this stuff, but Lady Dimitrescu is all I was able to think about for weeks and I >needed< to do something about it.
( If you want some context, I wrote this thinking “what if Alcina survived?” - Alcina's pov )
The fall,
The end of everything you once loved
Ethan Winters.
You woke up... somehow, you woke up. The frigid air hitting your fresh wounds felt like a jolt send by reality, as if one says "you're still alive" -
- and oh how you were starting to hate that feeling.
Laying on the demolished floor of your castle, muscles twitching in pain, mouth open gasping for air... that's how you are, how you will remember yourself from now on. A defeated dragon, a crushed woman, a dead mother.
You should get up, you should let go of your carcass and crawl your way back into the warmth of your home, you should—
—you should be dead, actually. Resting on death's cold embrace along with your daughters.
God, your daughters.
The memories flood your mind with a painful, unbearable reminder; they're gone, dead, crystalized - gone. They're gone. Your lovely daughters, your pride and joy, the main reason you'd open up your eyes in the morning...
Their names are long cold, not yet forgotten - no, never forgotten - but somewhere else, as they don't belong here anymore; not on your arms, tucking them to bed. Not on your hands, caressing their faces. Not on your lips, kissing their foreheads. Not on your tongue, as you say them.
A raspy scream leaves your throat, it sounds disturbing.
You sob, hot tears trailing down your cheeks and neck, small cries for help find their way into the wind, disappearing with less importance then when they materialized.
You cannot recall for how long you stayed at that very same position, perhaps some hours, perhaps a day, but you are certain that at some point you were overcame by tiredness and collapsed - probably the best to do for now.
And so, rises the moon and the stars watch upon your limp body, the night howling a merciful wind and singing a melodic song. Grunting, you push yourself up with your elbows, sitting up and facing the sky through the hole you've made on the roof... and the levels above...
A huge carcass sits besides you, it's wings bended on itself and it's big mouth open to whoever would like to have a peek; you probably changed back into your normal body while unconscious... Now that you can see it clearly, you notice the damage that man-thing did to you... by heavens, how were you still alive and...
Oh. The castle. You look forward, taking in the horizon - the stars look exclusively shiny tonight - you breath in, the dusty air causes you to chough a few times. Stretching your neck a bit to see your whole house, you tell yourself it looks.. fine, actually, ignoring the broken windows. The broken windows.
It's cold. You shiver harshly, panting as the air meets your bare back and rumbles through your lungs, making you hug yourself, - you're naked, you just realized - the winter in Romania is truly kind to no one.
Your legs tremble with just the thought of trying to stand on your feet. You don't rush to do it either, let the wintry breeze take in your wounds, make it sting, burn it, freeze it; freeze your body along.
“To die. To die is to live. To live without them, that's torture. To live without their presence, absent of their scents, to not hear them, nor see their faces again, that's worse than death; far, far worse. How could I ever walk into that damned house without the heavenly sounds of their laughs, the tapping of their feet as they walk free, the steadiness of their heartbeats, reminding me that my own still beats.
Beats for them. For them only.
And they're gone.
So who shall my heart beat for? Myself? No, that wouldn't do. I will rip it out from my chest if I must, sacrifice it to any god who may hear me, all so I could spend five more minutes with them. Then I'd die in peace and find them at my arms again at whatever comes after this poor life.
But I'm here.”
You still hold yourself as you stare at a castle's - broken - window, new warm tears hanging the same trail the old and now dry ones did, a silent cry.
Your intrusive thoughts were abruptly cut by a loud noise from the inside of the castle, making you jump up, gathering all your last strengths to stand and walk a few shaky steps closer to home. The more you walked, the louder the noises got; a little rustle became a bang, and your tiptoing became a sprint, you hold yourself as tight as you can, ignoring the bleeding, the cold air spiking your lungs, how insanely fast you heartbeat was. You need to get there, protect the last remnant of them you still have.
The gates felt heavy now, even for you, who would open them with one hand. Where is your strength now? The fearless dragon who'd do anything to protect her house? Perhaps she died on that fall, and now all there's left is a shadow of what you were one day.
With much pain, you open the big doors, leading to the comfort of your house; you don't get in, you throw yourself in. The warm atmosphere engulfed you like a summer kiss on a winter storm, all you needed to ground yourself to reality for now. Grabbing some sheets laying over an old counter, you wrap yourself in it – oh, that's gonna get soaked in blood, but that's not of your concern now – moving incredibly fast for someone as hurt as yourself, you follow the continuous sounds that could not mean something good. The main doors are open, the cellar is unlocked as well, that idiotic man-thing couldn't even close the doors once he finished slaughtering your home? Imbecile.
You stand at the library's door now, suddenly frozen; you know what happened in there... do you really want to get in? Are you truly ready to face it again? Maybe you should take a step back and walk away, it would be the most logical decision to take now.
But what is logic when the heart screams? What is the brain for once your emotions take the best of you? You can't walk away. Put some honor on your name. Save the last bit of your daughter that fate is still conceiving you. Your chest rises and falls completely out of coordination, your fists close around the fabric involving your body; get ready, you're going in; gather the last bit of courage you have inside yourself and blast these doors.
And so you do.
You bring those pieces of wood to the ground, the only barrier between you and the reality you couldn't accept; a guttural growl forms in your chest as you see a lycan approach your child's crystalized body; you're blind with ire, sorrow, protectorship - you name it - and it makes you shout at the top of your lungs as you dilacerate the filthy beasts you'd bat your eye at. A bloody trail of corpses marks your way through the castle grounds, your claws dripping with fresh sanguine fluid - which you can't tell if it's from the creatures or from yourself - the crimson path follows you all the way to the other wing of mansion like a spirit who must haunt you for eternity.
You scream like a feral animal, blood soaking the once white cloth around your form; the scream becomes a shriek, which descends to a yelp, ending as a furious cry. You can feel the anger leaving you, like the waters of a waterfall; explosive, big portions of water falling into a numb, deaden lake. Hopefully those waters will carry you with them, you shall fall and sink at a anesthetizing lagoon.
You kneel, eyes closed, eyebrows frowned; a loud sigh fills the deafening silence in the air, your mind is blank – better, your mind is red, scarlet red mixed with black, ire and grief. Slowly, your head lower itself so you're facing the floor.
The big Lady Dimitrescu,
kneeling on a pool of blood, defeated.
“Lady Dimitrescu!”
Who..? The voice was so far yet so close, you try your best to focus on the direction of the calls but your nerves just won't cooperate.
Who would be calling for you? Is your mind playing tricks on you now? And since when you were laying on the floor? Too many questions for too little answers. You try to stand up, but a sharp pain on your side made you cry out and fall on your back, face knotted in pain – perhaps your adrenaline rush was keeping you from feeling what was really happening with your body, and now you feel like you're betraying yourself for that.
A small figure approaches you in a fast pace, causing you to unleash your claws one more time and snarl at the not-so-possible threat; you were hurt. Vulnerable. Letting someone close was the last thing you wanted now. The humanoid thing backs away a few steps with your aggressive reaction, hands on their chest, visibly afraid – even though your vision is quite blurry, you identify their expression: scared, desperate, sorrowful – they call out once more, almost shouting.
“Please, Lady Dimitrescu, let me help!”
Ah... Help... The now clearer feminine voice washes over you - a wave of compassion - as if hope has found its way to your house again. Well, it better go away again, or you'll drag it out yourself.
“Out.” was all that left your lips, your intense gaze locking with hers, a silent yet not so discrete warning; although you had only said one word, it was well understood by the woman, who stepped away, eyes still meeting yours, a dreadful cast hang on her face.
Still, she didn't left.
Is that girl testing her luck? It can only be. Once again you warn her: “Leave. I will not repeat myself.”
Her posture stiffens, after a moment of silence she looks at the door, truly wondering about leaving or not; her body turns around, her knuckles going white from how hard she was grabbing the fabric on her chest – she's conflicted. But why? Who is she, after all? – A long, defeated sigh leaves her, as if she knows there is no choice left.
“Allow me to help.” A failed effort on trying to sound confident; her voice is full of tears and her tone is oscillating – it makes you wonder if she has been crying – The human walks towards you, trying not to make any eye contact; you can't stand on your feet, you left hand is pressed on your injured side, the other is open and directing your now extended nails towards her.
Oh how funny it is, no?
The predator being cornered by the prey. The dragon being trapped by the rabbit. How ridiculous it is.
Her extremely shaky hands hang in front of her, trying to say she won't hurt you – oh if she only knew it's going to be the other way round. – One step closer.. Her lips and chin tremble; Another. Your claws grow bigger, eyes peering through her soul; another step, your eyebrows frown, her eyes are teary. The last step - your blood is boiling hot, your nerves on edge; you are still the predator. - a slicing sound and a half-scream saturate the air for a millisecond, just for silence to overfill it once more. Red splashes over the room again, on your face, on your chest, but mostly on the floor, where the girl was thrown at.
An agonizing scream leaves her throat - what a miracle, she remains alive - both of her hands cover her face, blood spilling all over her; what a sight, you would most definitely enjoy this very much on another situation. She cries out in despair, making you face the ceiling and close your eyes, a tired look on your face – you just want all this to end, you don't have any more patience for this. You want to crawl back into your bed and starve, you want to destroy this place, make it abandoned ruins of what one day was a home; you want to kill that damned sickening man-thing, kill this foolish girl for perturbing your grieving, and then yourself.
The woman captures your attention once again, she is kneeling, her body facing yours, her right hand presses her ripped face, the other makes its slow way up to you, although she is trembling, she manages to keep her hand steady enough to hand you a little green flask with a yellow-y label; You look closer, 'treatment disinfectant' it says... Oh you can only be joking. You feel like slaughtering the girl right this instant, but takes in a deep breath and holds the flask, her hand immediately falling along with her body. Is she dead? No, her slow yet consistent breathing exclaims that she is still alive – you honestly find it a bit offensive – You should, but you cannot bring yourself to finish the human; you should end her suffering, but now she caught your attention; and besides, she wants to help, doesn't she? then the price she'll pay is staying alive.
hahaaa I'm so nervous about posting this,,, ,
and yes! It is a alcina x maiden fic! I do plan it to be slow burn, and if some you liked it and read it till here, please like and/or reblog and I'll post chapter 2!
( posted on Ao3! Name: “The woman in your castle” )
( chapter 2 posted!! )
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