#and god i just need scenes of *our* cas with carlos
angelsdean · 1 year
imagine cas annoys the empty so much again it spits him back out except...it spits him out into the wrong universe (and time) and that's how *our* cas ends up in the winchesters universe. and at first he doesn't realize it's not the right time or universe and he goes looking for dean and instead finds the Lebanon bunker closed off and eventually finds john + mary and he thinks it's his universe's past john and mary and he tells them he needs help to get back to his time (bc his grace is still too low). he tells them he's from the future and needs to get back to someone and he pulls out his wallet and shows them a picture of dean and they're like "whoa whoa we know that guy!!!!" and cas is like, "that's impossible. he hasn't been born yet." and they're like "no no he was here. he helped save our universe. he's from another universe and he came here from heaven because he's dead and there was this young guy with him, jack? and an older guy, robby or bobby or something...." and cas is just slowly losing his mind, all the color draining from his face because first of all what do you mean he's dead?!!! and then all the other universe stuff and then jack? and bobby??? and yea anyways they team up to help get cas to dean and along the way hmmm what if jack pops in again....only this time he's acting even weirder than before, because chuck / the god power are gaining more control / corrupting him more. and jack becomes the big bad, thwarting their attempts to get cas to dean, and wreaking havoc on their universe, so the winchesters squad help them save jack and then dean and cas can eventually get their proper reunion (which everyone in the winchesters squad is now nvested in, especially carlos, number one deangirl and destiel stan) oh and the whole time they also do not know dean is mary and john's AU kid because cas never gives a last name just keeps calling him dean. and so john also grows invested in seeing these two people get their happy ending and BOY would it be cathartic for dean to see a version of his father who is so happy to see dean happy with a man-shaped person<3
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nerdylittleshit · 6 years
Thoughts about Spn 13x20
It is that time of the year where, as they say, the plot begins to thicken. Only three episodes left we are heading to the grand finale, so almost everything that happened in this week’s episode can be seen as a foretelling of what we can expect. Which unfortunately is neither rainbows or kittens, but when did this show ever? That being said it was a neat episode and for the first time since his comeback I had fun watching Gabriel. I liked what we learned about his past and how they moved his character forward. A quick update on all the feels, apocalypse world version. But in the end the most interesting part to me was what this episode told us about Sam and Dean’s current state and what it might mean for their future.
But as always, let’s have a closer look.
Wings & Things
Starting at the apocalypse world, where we learn that since the last time we saw them Jack made good on his promise and started to fight the angels. We already know that he is more powerful than an average angel, so it’s not surprising that so far he has been successful. Back in 13x02 we learned that Nephilim can become more powerful than their angelic parents, which in Jack’s case would be an archangel. So technically he could be powerful enough to beat Michael, but storywise it would be too easy. Besides as Mary reminded us Jack is currently almost too confident in his powers, a little reminder of season 12 where hubris was the downfall of the BMoL. Mary as well has learned her lesson the hard way and warns Jack that his recklessness is what will lead him to make mistakes.
Their whole relationship was portrayed as that of a mother and a son, and Mary later textually confirmed that by calling Jack “her boy” (while also reminding us that she saw Cas as her boy as well and still thinks he is dead). I really liked seeing them that way, because I think they give each other what they need. Jack is acting much more than a child than Sam and Dean. Because technically he still is, even if he doesn’t look like it. He needs guidance, he needs support and someone that loves him and cares about him. Kelly had been the empty space in his life, that neither Sam and Dean or Cas could fill. He looked up to them as role models, but Mary fills in a different role, that of a mother.
Mary on the other hand sees the other world as a place where she can redeem herself. The first step was to realize that not making the deal had horrible consequences in this world, that she was a victim as well, and that there was never really a right and a wrong choice. Now, just as Jack, she sees her purpose in trying to save this world. She knows that Jack needs her, as the mother he never had, while at the same he replaces the children she lost when she died. Mary’s relationship with her sons became so estranged because she felt unable to act like a mother to them. They no longer needed a mother, at least not in the way they remembered her. Mary had been taken away the chance to see her sons grow up and to raise them. But with Jack she has been given another chance.
The other interesting thing about this storyline was the return of Kevin. I already talked in my episode review on 13x18 about the different characters we met so far in the other world, and how much they changed or stayed the same without knowing the Winchesters. Both Bobby and Charlie are pretty much the same. Bobby is still a hunter because he always has been one. Charlie still fights the good fight, because she already did that (though in a different way) before the apocalypse happened. Kevin though is a different story. He is still the same kid who just wanted to go to school and was not ready for the supernatural to be a part of his life. But in our universe the Winchester take him in and that makes all the difference. Their relationship had never been easy, but in the end they became a family. They gave Kevin something to fight for, even though he had still lost his friends and (seemingly) his mother. In the apocalypse world Kevin became what he was meant to be in our world as well, an instrument of the angels. I don’t think that any of his actions in the other world were out of character. This is how Kevin would have reacted, all hope lost. And even then he decided not to wait for Bobby and the other survivors, to lessen the body count.
This draws a pretty good picture of the Michael we will be facing very soon. He doesn’t simply kill, he does it in the most sadistic way, with the only attempt to break Jack. Jack on the other hand proves to be a real Winchesters when he wonders what his purpose is if he can’t save everyone. Which is pretty close to Dean’s current state of mind.
Some other things:
- Mary mentions that with all the new people coming to their camp they will soon run out of supplies. This could lead to conflicts within the camp, but it also tells us that by beating Michael and the angels the job isn’t done. They have to rebuild their entire world.
- Mary tells Kevin that heaven is just full of memories, that none of it is real. This is a pretty stark contrast to the suicidal Mary we saw last season, who longed for her own heaven. It is also possible that the dream state we saw in 12x22 was her own heaven and that by letting go of it she left behind her desire to go there again as well.
- It is implied that Michael in the other world decides who goes to heaven and who doesn’t. Given that most angels in the other world fight down on earth it is possible only the bare minimum of angels and new souls stay in heaven, to keep everything running.
- There is probably a lot to say about the image of Jack’s wings protecting Mary and her unconscious body in his arms, which were all pretty biblical, so I let some other people talk about it.
Gods & Odds
As I said I liked Gabriel in this episode better than I did in 13x18. His scenes felt more lighthearted and closer to the character we saw in season 5, while at the same time the Winchesters had a chance to call him out on his past actions and to give the character another chance to change.
Gabriel, who has seen “Kill Bill” one too many times, is on a quest for revenge. After Asmodeus he tries to track down the norse Gods who once sold him to the evil colonel. Others have already pointed out that everyone seems to face their abusers this season. Cas had to face Naomi and Sam and Rowena have yet to face Lucifer (which given the promo will happen next episode). The question is how one deals with the trauma and the abuse they had to suffer through. Are you ever able to truly let go? Can you only rest if the one responsible for your pain got his/her punishment? In 13x12 Sam told Rowena that no matter how powerful she will be she won’t feel any less vulnerable and helpless facing Lucifer. And yet by the end of the episode he gave her the tools to her full power back, hoping she might be able to kill Lucifer.
Sam and Dean learned the hard way that revenge won’t make you feel better. There is no satisfaction in it, there is no healing of old wounds. And yet Sam bonds with Rowena, bonds with Gabriel, because they both have become victims the same way he did. He understands their need to do something, anything, to get some sort of control back. I do hope Sam and Rowena can end Lucifer, because I am beyond tired of his storyline, but chances are he lives at least long enough to meet his son. The real answer how to face their trauma however has already been given last week by Billie/Death: “Sometimes life is unfair and sometimes we lose things and sometimes we make mistakes. And some of these things can never be fixed no matter how powerful you become. Some things just are, and everyone has to live with that”. Let’s hope both Sam and Rowena have listened.
The reveal that Gabriel impersonated the real Loki did mostly fit with the theme of things looking like other things, or in this case two things who looked the same. And apparently demi-gods are powerful enough that they can transform vessel into their own doppelgängers? The more you know. Apart from that the real Loki had two narrative purposes. For one he told Dean that despite the fact that his father Odin despised him he still wants to revenge his father’s death, making it clear that Dean of all people would understand. There has been a big negative space all season long with mentions of fathers and more precise John, the same way season 11 had been build around Mary and her absence and we all know how that ended. I’m not sure how and in which way they could build in John, though I’m not a huge fan of the character and I rather they wouldn’t at all.
The other thing is what Loki told Gabriel: that he lived for pleasure and stood for nothing. It is the same thing that Sam and Dean accused him off, that when they needed him he ran away. Gabriel got his revenge, but it didn’t make him feel better, the way Dean knew it wouldn’t. But after he starts to wonder if there was some truth in Loki’s words, if it is finally time to give his life a meaningful purpose. This is what it looked like back in season 5, where Gabriel had seemingly sacrificed himself in order to stop the apocalypse. It is why I wasn’t very fond of bringing his character back, because it took away the meaning of this death, that had never been real in the first place. Gabriel is now on a journey we thought he had already been. It is a weird repeat of a story that had seem already finished, so I’m still a bit conflicted as to why they had to bring the character back in the first place.  
Let’s talk for a brief moment about the other scene I know everybody is already talking about. Gabriel talking about his time in Monte Carlo and of course the porn stars. We see two versions of this story, one with the porn starts, one without. It is possible Gabriel simply forget to mention them the first time and what we see then is how it happened. The other interpretation however is that the version without them is how Sam pictured the scene and the other version with the porn starts is how Dean imagined it (which would be a callback to 2x15, the first time we saw Gabriel, where we had the story told from two different perspectives as well). Say the porn star version is Dean’s imagination, then it features a male porn star. With dark hair, in an ascot. Flirting not with the flamboyant brother but rather with the manly bearded dude. I’m sorry but there is no heterosexual interpretation for this.
The for me most important scene however was the last scene. Sam calls out Dean for going alone after Loki, after he already left Sam behind to go with Ketch into the other world. Dean falls back to treating Sam like a child instead of his equal. With Lucifer free and a Michael from another world ready to conquer our world it seems like a second apocalypse is on the horizon. This brings back Dean’s worst memory: Sam’s death and his time in hell. Back then Dean could do nothing to prevent this as it was the only option to save the world. But he can’t get through it again so Dean is willing to rather give his own life than to let anyone he cares about die again.
In 12x23 Dean lost everything and there was nothing he could about it as well. Instead of waiting for another tragedy to happen it seems Dean now takes matters into his own hands. Just like Jack he feels like a failure if he can’t protect everyone.
The whole scene felt to me as if the show is starting to prepare us what will happen in the finale, which given all spoilers is very likely to be Michael!Dean. Dean acts reckless, he even says he doesn’t care about his own life, as long as his family is safe. He falls back into old destructive patterns, but so does Sam. His promise to die together is the same inability to let go of his brother that Dean shows. Dean can’t lose Sam so he rather dies instead to protect him; Sam can’t lose Dean so he rather dies with him. In the end though we will likely see a reverse “Swan Song”, with the brothers separated, and while not dead one of them will no longer be himself.
Until then though let’s hope next week gives us the ultimate power couple: Gabriel & Rowena! See you then.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
I love your meta so much. Especially right now. I've been seeing so much negativity on my dash recently complaining about Gabriel, the AU, Charlie, Buckleming, Cas' absence, etc, etc. Idk why, but it seems like every spn blog I follow rn is simultaneously freaking out about something, and it's really putting a damper on my enjoyment in the fandom. So just thanks for your meta, and so clearly explaining why everything makes sense. I wish all these ppl I follow would just come read your stuff 😟
Aww, I’m glad you’re enjoying my lil oasis of relative chill, and yeah I’ve been saddened and frustrated by some of the negativity too, but I’ll tell you what...
I do 100% understand where folks’ negative feelings are coming from, and I don’t expect everyone to watch the show the way I do. Everyone’s got stuff that bugs them, everyone’s got their own personal headcanons that they have accepted and held on to-- sometimes for years as regards characters that have been absent from the narrative as long as Gabriel has, for example-- and any suggestion that those headcanons and personally accepted theories can feel like a direct challenge.
A lot of what we do in fandom is purely emotional, you know? We love the characters, we see parts of ourselves in them, and when the show challenges our understanding of them, it can feel like a personal attack. I completely get why people might be upset about Gabriel returning.
Aside from his appearance in 9.18, where he wasn’t even real but Metatron’s literal narrative device inside the false reality experience he put Castiel through, we haven’t been given any reason to believe that Gabriel’s apparent sacrifice in 5.19 wasn’t exactly what it seemed.
The thing is, Fanon Gabriel has evolved into something very different from what Canon Gabriel ever was. He’s one of those characters where a LOT of people doubted his death had been real back in s5 just because his standard operating procedure had been deception and evasion.
There’s a post that I saw years ago regarding angel deaths that said, “Wings or it didn’t happen.” Because we know that when angels die, we see their wing prints burned into the ground/wall/whatever. But then Gabriel’s “death” scene was added with some commentary along the lines of, “Oops.” Because we saw his wing prints, and people STILL refused to believe they were real, and that it wasn’t just another trick of the trickster, and that he’d be back to fight another day.
Thing is, over the years that Gabriel DIDN’T return, people began to assume it was because he really was dead, because why WOULDN’T he have come back to deal with any of the other nonsense-- beginning with Raphael’s attempt to restart the apocalypse even after Gabriel’s presumed self-sacrifice in an attempt to stop it? People accepted that Gabriel had been convinced to nobly sacrifice himself trying to stop Lucifer, and that he’d truly “redeemed” himself in doing so. That his supposedly selfless act had tied up his character arc with a tidy bow.
But... that’s not what happened, and at first I was ???? about why they would want to open this long-closed set of wounds, but then I actually used my brain to contemplate WHY they would choose to bring him back now, and WHY they would supposedly “retcon” what on the surface had appeared to be a “good death” for Gabriel.
And I realized they haven’t retconned anything, and those old wounds had been festering for the last eight years, because nothing about Gabriel even remotely suggested he’d redeemed himself. And not just for Gabriel’s own personal redemption arc, but because how UGLY the fact that Gabriel having been allowed a “noble death” somehow excused all the bullshit he’d lumped on Sam since 3.11. Mr. “Shut Up And Play Your Roles” was only playing his own role all along... he was the messenger, he delivered the message, and then got the heck outta Dodge. I mean... this is the most in-character thing Gabriel said:
SAM: No, Gabriel, don't -- you -- you can't just walk away. If Michael comes here, he will end this world.GABRIEL: And the last time the world was ending, I put my money on you. I think you can pull it off again.
He’s still delivering messages and flapping off again. Like he said way back in 5.08, he doesn’t care who wins or loses, he just wants all the fighting to be over. He doesn’t care how it happens or even if it takes all of creation with it.
So what’s the one thing he’s said that contradicts this read of Gabriel? What he said to Lucifer in 5.19 about humanity:
LUCIFER: So you're willing to die, for a pile of cockroaches. Why?GABRIEL: Because Dad was right. They are better than us.LUCIFER: They are broken. Flawed! Abortions.GABRIEL: Damn right they're flawed. But a lot of them try. To do better, to forgive. And you should see the Spearmint Rhino! I've been riding the pine a long time. But I'm in the game now, and I'm not on your side, or Michael's. I'm on theirs. 
But then we learn what actually happened... because why would Gabriel suddenly have gone from teaching lessons to humans who didn’t live up to his personal code to willingly DYING, and dying POINTLESSLY on their behalf?
CASTIEL [reading the Enochian]: “Per usual, my brother had double my brawn and half my brains. He assumed the counterfeit me was what vanished that night, and he thought that he'd stabbed the real thing. The truth is, the thing Luci skewered was a fake. [flashback showing the real Gabriel watching Lucifer kill an illusion.] There are plenty of fakes to go around. Everyone believed Gabriel was gone. And suddenly, I was free. No obligation to God or Heaven, or mankind. And so, I did what anyone would do -- I moved to Monte Carlo and shacked up with porn stars.”
THAT is actually in line with everything we’d learned about Gabriel up to that point. If, you know, you don’t apply any of the fanon!Gabriel stuff that’s been draped around the actual canon!Gabriel’s character.
For one, I am THRILLED that he’s back, because if ANYONE deserves to give Gabriel a piece of his mind, it’s Sam Fucking Winchester. 
And I’m willing to wait for Gabriel’s return in 13.20 to get the full story, because I’ve NEVER actually been satisfied that Gabriel’s redemption-by-death in 5.19 wasn’t just the final cruel trick he played on Sam. And his parting words to Sam in 13.18 kinda proved that point to me.
Now as to the AU, I have no idea how AN ALTERNATE, ENTIRELY DIFFERENT UNIVERSE is supposed to be anything other than a point/counterpoint comparative tool to the original narrative. I have no idea how it’s even possible for A DIFFERENT WHOLE UNIVERSE is supposed to change any of the facts we know about the regular SPN universe, so people getting pissy about “retcons” in the AU are just spinning their emotional wheels in the mud here. If it makes them happy to be mad about stuff, I guess go off or whatever, but it’s like comparing Portland Maine to Portland Oregon and being mad they’re not the same place.
Now as to AU Charlie, I wrote a post the other day that pretty much covers my feelings on the fandom reaction to her:
But Gabriel? Yeah, I’d been meaning to post something about why I felt like it was the perfect time for him to return to the narrative, because he never really did earn any sort of a REAL redemption, and I love the fact that the show is truly acknowledging that.
He was the original “Play The Roles Destiny Has Written For You” character that TFW (and ESPECIALLY SAM) has desperately needed some resolution with for YEARS. He’s absolutely central to the “As Above, So Below” apocalypse era stuff that was only even remotely resolved by 11.23. And since he’s part of the unresolved threads that spun out of the post 5.22 fallout when the original ending was torn up, and Sam didn’t end up spending the rest of eternity in the cage with Michael and Lucifer, because locking up problems to make them go away isn’t actually a real solution to the problem here, and we’ve been going back and looking for the roots of all the actual problems and digging them out and actually dealing with them properly... well, if you like Sam at all, and hate the idea that he’d ever have to sacrifice himself and his autonomy and his own humanity in order to save a world that he wasn’t responsible for breaking... I mean, Gabriel didn’t break it either, but Chuck’s already dealt with his “original sin” of locking up Amara. Now it’s the archangels’ turn to deal with the problems of their own making...
And even if he was only ever a side player in that original apocalypse nonsense, Gabriel still played his own role, delivering the message. Now he gets to write his own script. Let’s see if his message is different this time around. If he’s got some better words.
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elsa-of-arrendelle · 7 years
If Destiel shippers are allowed to post why they ship Destiel, I am allowed to say why I don’t.
I’ll point out that, yes, I’m religious. I’m a Christian of the LDS church and I believe that marriage and sexual relations should be between a man and a woman. But that’s not the big reason I don’t ship Destiel (Heck, I think Cecil and Carlos are *neat* and freaking adorable). 
I don’t ship Destiel because of what it cancels from the characters, the healthiness of the proposed relationship, and the effect it’s had on the fandom over the years.
Destiel is a ship that began as a fanon ship and still is. The biggest promotion is fans on tumblr, the lip-service and stories are written by fans, the scenes are either drawn by or edited from available sources by fans. The writers clearly have no intent of making it canon and the actors (mainly Jensen cause he’s tired of the constant peppering) have said that Destiel does not exist in the show.
The character-destroying reasons I don’t ship Destiel:
There is a canonically straight man who watches soap operas, cleans, cooks, has worn pink satin panties, drinks flavored water, listens to kids, show empathy, cries, is unafraid to show affection to his male friends and family, mother-hens his friends and family, and listens to his own moral code. It bashes so many stereotypes it makes me want to cry of happiness. Turning Dean Bi changes “breaking useless gender roles and stereotypes” to “Oh, well yeah, he’s gay so that makes sense now.” and degrades how revolutionary his character already is against mainstream media.
There’s also an angel who doesn’t care about sexuality more than a person’s actions (a slap to Westboro Baptists) with no personal reasons for it other than his conscience. He is sweet and kind but can also be awe-inspiring and ruthless against his enemies. Has immense power but tries to use it to help people, even in small acts of service which takes down the idea that abilities are only useful if they’re out beating up bad guys over doing what you can no matter how small.
And I refuse to ignore Sam because he is not going to be demoted to a cheerleader for Destiel. Sam is kind, passionate, and endures immense hardships and is just as valid as Dean or Cas. He is his own powerhouse and while I’m certain that he supports his brother being happy and healthy in any relationship that Dean might choose, he shouldn’t be ignored or downsized as a character to make way for a new romance plot which will inevitably happen because guys, this is tv land. It always happens.
Meg. Megstiel was actually canon. Yet, during the same time that people were still trying to make it Destiel. Meg was literally making out with Cas and it was not one-sided. I have seen more romance - proper, healthy romance, mind you - and positive character development between these two than between Dean and Cas. Castiel would compliment her poetically and she had her pet-name for him and would fuss over him and cared for him when Dean didn’t because the Winchesters had their own problems to deal with.
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^^^ Related to this but Destiel shippers have actually stolen a lot from Megstiel which is just messed up. The Pizza Man was based on Megstiel. The idea of having a “unicorn” is from Megstiel. Could you please use your own cliche’s in your fanfics and headcanons??? You can’t think of any that you have on your own?? That’s messed up. If you can’t write a story without stealing a competing ship’s motifs to pass as your own, you probably shouldn’t be writing and should be researching your own dang ship instead.
Dean and Castiel’s relationship would be toxic, in case you didn’t notice. It very nearly is right now. Cas is not and never will be Dean’s top priority. He’s still a priority for sure, but he’s not Sam. A healthy relationship has either each other on equal standing whether their first priority is each other or God. Goals, real-time emotions, or anything else too changeable are easily toppled. The reason Dean and Lisa worked out for a year was because Sam was not an option for Dean to prioritize anymore but the second he came back, the relationship started (sadly) to fall apart and Dean lost that stability. Unless Sam is also Cas’ #1 priority, their relationship is going to capsize faster than the Titanic without interference from Balthazar.
Not to mention, when Dean is stressed about losing Sam/failing the world/problems, he dishes out on Castiel. Cas is a strange character in that he is so old and has so much knowledge but he’s simultaneously like a child for the first several seasons because he’s missing so much social development. Two emotionally unbalanced factors in a relationship either balance each other out perfectly or they go up like a nuclear reactor. Sometimes it’s immediate and other times it builds up, but Dean and Cas initially clash and still clash on many major decisions. They don’t balance each other, they make the other alarmed by their unpredictability and recklessness.
Dean does care about Cas, but he’s not used to him or expressing concern to anyone beyond Sam, John, and Bobby. He’s bad at expressing negative feelings in an okay way. I’m not going to be the anti-shipper who paints Dean as some kind of abusive monster cause I love Dean and they twist him out of context too, but Dean has said some hurtful things and failed on the supportive front for Cas several times because Cas is not his main priority. Similarly, Cas has shown no interest in becoming a human, he enjoys human interaction and helping humans. He’s not some Ariel out to be ‘part of our world’ and S12 had him taking up Joshua on the deal to allow him back into Heaven. They have their own goals and those goals do not align in a way that gives room for a relationship. In short, their relationship will hurt each other, not support each other.
The fact that other characters refer to them as a couple is obsolete. If anyone has ever referred to you and someone else you know as an item, you understand that other people’s feelings on your emotions do not create a relationship, your individual feelings do. So that is not ‘proof’.
Something I want to point out to the fandom:
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These are like the 3 most aggresively sexualized moments that the fandom has to work with when it comes to hardcore shipping over fluff. Usually these images are followed by fics of making out passionately after these moments. Fans have turned these moments into ‘magical’ events that scream UST and drama.
But I need you to understand something so listen up.
In each of these moments... DEAN IS FREAKING TERRIFIED. 
#1 +2. Castiel warning Dean to show him respect... because he brought Dean out of Hell and could throw him back in and Dean at this point is most definitely not close to coping with the trauma of those 40 years. He’s threatening him with his biggest trigger right here.
How Romantic. Sparks are flying, guys.
#3. Castiel is literally beating up Dean in an alleyway while yelling at him that he’s being selfish and weak and ignoring Cas’ sacrifices. By the end of this, Dean believes that Cas is just going to kill him.    Awwwwww...
#4. The angels have just been exposed at villians and Dean has yelled at Cas to make a decision. Several hours later, Cas appears and slams Dean into the wall and Dean is completely lost and alarmed by this and is unaware of what side Cas has chosen until after a moment of waiting for something to happen.
All of these moments have Dean afraid and/or believing that he is probably going to die. STOP TRYING TO TURN FEAR INTO AROUSAL. That is some serious rape-culture logic and it is messed up. It’s not “kinky”, it’s not “sexy”, it’s fear. If you can’t tell the difference, go see a psychologist.
Okay. Moving past that, the fandom has a lot of issues to deal with when it comes to context and character intent. Most of the scenes ‘supporting’ Destiel are regular pictures taken at a moment with 0 context provided. Others are gifs where something else is actually going on but it looks flirty when there aren’t words so it goes. Most shippers will also confess to not being very big Destiel shippers before they got into the fanfic because it changes their perspective and makes them look for a notice things that aren’t meant to be that way. I read some Bela/Dean stories and found myself shipping them for a while when I used to be die-hard Lisa or Jo.
Also worth mentioning: The argument of Cas being a “multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent and therefore isn’t really gay so there’s not a problem” is a double-edged sword with the fact that Castiel has never been with anyone not female (or even human btw it was a reaper and almost Hannah and Meg), but you’re also backspacing over the idea that if it was canon it would be a gay ship so... there goes the side opting for LGBTQA representation...what is your goal with that?
I don’t ship it because I’m tired of great characters being simplified, of great relationships being ignored, of made-up images and quotes being spread as though they were true, of looking up Supernatural and being hit by a wave of Destiel headcanons, of people insulting my favorite actors for both refusing to approve of the relationship and for trying not to shut down the relationship, of the level of tin-hatting required to insist that a character is bi because of the color shirt that they wear, and for people tagging every post - no matter how unrelated - as “Destiel”, I’m sick of it all. 
Spamming is the biggest reasons for Anti-Destiel blogs. Tagging everything with your ship name makes anyone who doesn’t ship it want to scream and hate you. This is not how you gain support.
I’m personally just very sick of feeling like I’m not really a part of this fandom because I don’t ship Destiel. But a lot of fans don’t. A lot of fans aren’t on tumblr, they don’t read your fanfic, they don’t consider Cas and Dean to be a couple, they just watch and like the show. That’s kinda what being a fan is. Making everything on Supernatural about Destiel is how you lose support for the show and the fandom.
Shipping despite this is fine. You want to, go for it. It won’t change the show that I enjoy, but please remember that not everyone will ship what you ship and spamming them or harassing them is pointless and rude.
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mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
10 Affordable Valentine’s Day Getaways (and Where to Eat When You Get There)
Want a romance-filled escape with your special someone this Valentine’s Day that doesn’t blow the budget? There are plenty of places close to home that offer all the charm and enchantment without a hefty price tag.
From exciting urban getaways to relaxing beach retreats, we’ve rounded up some of the most affordable places to celebrate the upcoming holiday. In addition to budget-friendly accommodations, each of the destinations on our list have a variety of award-winning cuisine to choose from. We’ve included restaurant options for every price range, so you can treat your sweetie to a nice meal during your trip.
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, book your trip now to avoid the panic of scrambling for last-minute plans. Who knows? You might even want to make a visit to one of these places your annual tradition…
Kansas City, MO | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $875
This February, stay in a spacious home in the heart of Kansas City for less than $900 per week. Straddling the Missouri-Kansas border, this friendly Midwest city is an inviting metropolis for visitors all year-long.
Kansas City has much to offer: delectable barbeque, lively jazz music and a loyal sports scene. Spend a day strolling from fountain to fountain, stopping to snap photos and browse local shops along the way. With more than 200 fountains throughout Kansas City, they’re not hard to find. Once the sun goes down, the 18th & Vine Jazz District comes alive with the sounds of swing and jazz music emanating from the clubs.
“The artist scene in Kansas City is alive and vibrant. Now couple that with Jazz and it’s on fire!” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: West Bottoms Kitchen (1623 Genessee St, Kansas City, MO 64102)
Moderate: Bread & Butter Concepts (1720 Cherry Street Kansas City, Missouri)
Splurge: Bluestem (900 Westport Rd, Kansas City, MO 64111)
See all 40+ rentals in Kansas City!
Hudson, NY | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $816
Book a trip to Hudson and you’ll have everything you need for a romantic getaway: access to fabulous restaurants, a cozy place to stay, fun attractions and more. Visiting in February will also save you some cash that you can put towards an extravagant dinner or an extra dozen roses.
This urban gem has a spirited downtown and is surrounded by the natural beauty of the Hudson River Valley. For breathtaking views, head down to the riverfront for a cruise along the Hudson River. If you fancy history, tour the grounds of the Olana State Historic Site. Just make sure to leave time at the end of the day to bar hop down Warren Street.
“I loved it so much, I told my parents about it and THEY went. This is definitely a photogenic place all year round!” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: Red Dot Restaurant and Bar (321 Warren St, 12534 Hudson, NY)
Moderate: Swoon Kitchenbar (340 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534)
Splurge: The Crimson Sparrow (746 Warren Street, Hudson, NY)
See all 40+ rentals in Hudson!
Colorado Springs, CO | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $795
Affordable rental prices and a variety of dining options make Colorado Springs an easy choice for a great getaway.
Inhale the crisp mountain air on a hike at Seven Falls, or snap a selfie with the Garden of the Gods as your backdrop. Walk around the Old Colorado City Historic District for a couple of hours, or treat yourself to tea in the castle at Glen Eyrie. With so many things to do , one thing’s certain: your dinner will be well-deserved.
“You cannot describe this place to people, you have to show them. The big, honkin’ red rock formations are stunning.” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: King’s Chef Diner (131 E Bijou Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903)
Moderate: Pizzeria Rustica (2527 W Colorado Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80904)
Splurge: Carlos’ Bistro (1025 S 21st Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80904)
See all 90+ rentals in Colorado Springs!
Mesa, AZ | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $758
Looking to heat things up for Valentine’s Day? Head to Mesa where temperatures typically climb into the 70s, even in February. While temperatures remain steady even in the winter, rental prices drop, making Mesa a great place to go.
As if Valentine’s Day wasn’t a good enough excuse to treat yourself to a nice dinner out, you’ll earn it after a day exploring the spectacular Sonoran Desert landscape and surrounding mountains. Mesa is a place where one-of-a-kind opportunities for outdoor recreation are always at your fingertips, while fabulous arts and cultural attractions can also be found in this vibrant urban setting.
“When you start leaving the city, I felt and you can see the transition to the raw nature and awesomeness of the area and the mountain as you approach it. Once you enter the park it’s all a nature-lover could want.” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: Inside the Bungalow (48 N Robson Mesa, Arizona)
Moderate: Red White and Brew (6740 E McDowell Rd #102, Mesa, AZ 85215)
Splurge: Steak and Stone of Mesa (2613 N Thunderbird Cir, Mesa, AZ 85215)
See all 440+ rentals in Mesa!
Charlotte, NC | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $751
Nicknamed the Queen City, Charlotte has energetic nightlife, a refreshing arts and cultural scene and vacation homes that will have you wishing you could stay longer. The best part? You can visit this North Carolina hotspot without breaking the bank.
Known for its high-octane racing, a morning at the NASCAR Hall of Fame is an absolute must. You don’t have to be a NASCAR aficionado to appreciate the interactive exhibits, simulator rides, and special events found here. In the evening, do an early dinner before catching a show at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center. Whether you’re in the mood for cosmopolitan art, a casual stroll or charming southern history, Charlotte has it all.
“For a grand night out in Uptown Charlotte – enjoy the Arts – a musical, opera, jazz in a great setting!” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: Harper’s Restaurant SouthPark (Sharon Corners, 6518 Fairview Rd, Charlotte, NC 28210)
Moderate: The King’s Kitchen & Bakery (129 W Trade Street, Charlotte, NC 28202)
Splurge: Bonterra Dining & Wine Room (1829 Cleveland Ave, Charlotte, NC 28203)
See all 50+ rentals in Charlotte!
Oakland, CA | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $700
Looking for a reason to visit Oakland? Oakland offers picturesque views of San Francisco Bay, convenient access to nearby San Francisco, and is a more budget-friendly choice when planning a trip to Northern California.
With a growing number of hip restaurants and bars, cool music venues and recreational opportunities, there’s no shortage of things to do in Oakland. Wander around the Oakland Museum of California to learn about the surrounding environment, or experience it for yourself by hiking among giant redwoods at Redwood Regional Park. As daylight hours wane, head to the Tilden Nature Area to catch the sunset over the bay before dinner. 
“Hike, swim, ride a steam train, and see great views of the bay! No matter your age or fitness level, there is something to enjoy at Tilden.” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: Burma Superstar (4721 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609)
Moderate: Chop Bar (247 4th St, Oakland, CA 94607)
Splurge: Camino (3917 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94610)
See all 450+ rentals in Oakland!
Rochester, MN | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $671
Whether you’re cozying up in the comfort of your rental or hopping from restaurant to restaurant downtown, Rochester has the perfect recipe for a memorable Valentine’s Day.
Home of the renowned Mayo Clinic, Rochester is a place that’s attracted some of the most innovative minds in science and medicine, and much of what the city offers can be traced back to these roots. The Plummer House and Mayowood Mansion, for example, are historic buildings that are beautiful both inside and out and contain early artifacts from the Mayo Clinic’s history. Bundle up for a walk around Quarry Hill Nature Center or hit the spa for a relaxing couple’s massage.
“I love this place. It never fails me.” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: Grand Rounds Brewing Company (4 3rd Street SW, Rochester, MN 55902)
Moderate: Twigs Tavern and Grille (401 6th Street Southwest, Rochester , Minnesota 55902)
Splurge: Victoria’s Restaurant and Wine Bar (7 1st Ave SW Downtown Rochester, MN)
See all 30+ rentals in Rochester!
Pittsburgh, PA | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $513
Pittsburgh, the picturesque “City of Bridges”, continues to emerge as a popular destination because it offers affordable accommodations, friendly locals, great restaurants, and riverfront attractions. Book an urban getaway here for less than $550 per week and discover what makes this city so special.
Tour as many of the 90 neighborhoods that make up Pittsburgh and discover what makes the city so unique. You’ll find incredible architecture, amazing shopping and great pride as you go. If you fancy art, a trip to the Andy Warhol Museum never disappoints. Before you leave, get a bird’s eye view of the city and its skyline from Mt. Washington.
“What a view of the city. It’s a place to go that doesn’t cost a penny and you’ll walk away in awe of the city. It’s beautiful day or night but night time is special.” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: The Porch at Schenley (221 Schenley Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15213)
Moderate: Proper Brick Oven & Tap Room (139 7th St, Pittsburgh, PA 15222)
Splurge: The Commoner (458 Strawberry Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15219)
See all 40+ rentals in Pittsburgh!
Lafayette, LA | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $352
With an average weekly rental rate of $352 per week, Lafayette is one of the most affordable places on our list to vacation with your loved one this February.
This destination is tucked into the heart of Cajun country and will surely add some spice to your Valentine’s Day celebrations. Voted the Tastiest Town in the South, indulge in flavorful po’boys, fresh Gulf seafood, slow-cooked meats and more. When you need a break from food, step back in time and explore the historic Acadian Village or hit the shops at the Jefferson Street Market.
“Thoroughly enjoyed strolling around at my own pace soaking up the history of days gone by!” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: Tsunami Sushi (412 Jefferson Street, Lafayette, LA 70501)
Moderate: Prejean’s (3480 N.E. Evangeline Thrwy (I-49), Lafayette, LA 70507)
Splurge: Ruffino’s on the River (921 Camellia Boulevard, Lafayette, Louisiana 70508)
See all 30+ rentals in Lafayette!
Pensacola, FL | Avg. Weekly Rate in February: $326
During the winter months, Pensacola’s daily temperature dips…and so do the rates of most vacation homes in the area. Stay on the bay or just a short drive from the beach and celebrate Valentine’s Day down south this year.
Make yourself comfortable on the sugar-white sandy shores of Pensacola listening to the rhythmic crash of waves. When you’re ready for a relief from the sun, dive into the area’s proud military heritage showcased at local museums and parks, or explore downtown on foot. Pensacola is ideal for couples looking for a relaxing getaway.
“This secluded beach is stunning. Filled with beautiful sea birds, seashells, and a panoramic ocean view that extends forever, you’ll find everything you need for a relaxing/energizing stroll.” – TripAdvisor Traveler
Affordable: Seville Quarter (130 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502)
Moderate: Carmen’s Lunch Bar (407-B South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502)
Splurge: Jackson’s Steakhouse (400 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502)
See all 150+ rentals in Pensacola!
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