#and her pushing cloud out of the dream is her accepting her death?
aerithisms · 2 months
i still have so many questions about the ff7 remake story. why did aerith even have knowledge of the future in remake to begin with? from a watsonion perspective, why does she lose that knowledge after the end of remake when sephiroth doesn't? (i'm fully aware the doylist reason is that having a character who knows the future would totally break the plot but i'm still curious if there's more to what they were doing with aerith's remake character or if this is it). what was her motivation to encourage the party to fight the whispers in the original game when she knew the party would defeat sephiroth in the end if events followed fate? was it simply that she wanted the chance to live? because that makes me want to lie down and cry!!!!
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chichikoi · 2 months
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part II. synopsis: she watches as cassian falls for another, grappling with her own hidden affections and their newly snapped mating bond in the process. pairing: cassian x fem!reader fandom: a court of thorns and roses (book series by sarah j maas) genre: angst warnings: none a/n: house of balloons/glass table girls, this is his song... i love him. fluff part two coming up OBVIOUSLY, im not fucking ending it like this i cant do this to my #1 loverboy babygirl kitty princess beloved. @joyseuphoria hi <3
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Cassian had always been the beacon of power and resolve, with a demeanor rugged and unyielding. But beneath the surface was vulnerability, and she knew that it was written in the stars for her to remain by his side as his closest friend and confidante, never to become one to uncover that side of him.
But it didn’t make it easier. Watching him as he fell for Nesta’s every glance, every touch, every word that escaped her mouth seemed to throw him deeper and deeper into a trance. And she was fine with that, and accepted it. Accepted that she would never be the object of his softened glances, his featherlight touches, his-
Her thoughts halted as Cassian stormed into the room, frustration radiating off him in waves. She glanced up from her book, her eyes immediately catching the tension etched onto his features. Without a word, she closed her book and shifted, making room for him on the couch.
Cassian collapsed beside her, his movements rough yet familiar. He stretched out, his feet finding their place on her lap almost instinctively. Y/N didn't flinch; instead, she settled into the comfortable silence, waiting for Cassian to speak.
"It's Nesta," he finally muttered, his voice heavy with frustration. "Training with her…it was like walking on eggshells. One wrong move, and she was tearing into me with those ice-cold eyes."
She listened attentively, her gaze soft as she absorbed his words. "It was like she was always testing me," Cassian continued, his voice growing softer with each word. "Pushing me to my limits, making me question everything I thought I knew about myself."
Her fingers instinctively started to massage his feet as he spoke. It was a small gesture, one born out of years of friendship and trust. Cassian didn't protest; instead, he leaned back against the cushions, allowing the soothing touch to ease the tension from his muscles.
As the minutes stretched on, their conversation ebbed and flowed, the weight of Cassian's burdens slowly lifting with each passing moment. Y/N listened, offering words of comfort when needed, but mostly content to provide silent support.
Cassian's breathing eventually evened out, his body relaxing against the cushions. Y/N glanced down to find him fast asleep, his features softened by the serenity of slumber. She smiled softly, her heart swelling with affection.
Suddenly, chains, bolts, and locks shifted, loosening, their weight growing just a little more tolerable. A soul peeked through. Broken, scarred, and trembling — with fear, she realized, but it stretched further and further. Yearning, searching.
It was as though a tether had snapped into place, an invisible thread binding her to Cassian in a way she had never felt before. Confusion flickered as she processed the intensity of the connection, the undeniable pull drawing her closer to him.
She was aware that this was not happening in the slightest. A mind trick. A dream, she thought. betraying once, the jolt of real-time that pushed through her. Burning her cheeks and stealing her breath. How the waking world slipped past the knobby parts of her fingers like a whisper, barely there, because dreaming was just a fancier word for getting lost. It held her there, suspended in imagination and for every second, it felt real. Like she could grasp the outlines and the textures. Like she could touch the weather, drink the clouds, and taste the sunlight.
The gods who had her in a chokehold withdrew.
Death feared her too, it seemed.
He was soaring in the air, and she was on the ground. She tried to reach him but he was far, far out of her reach. Seconds ticked by, and then minutes, and every thought that tried to sneak its way in, through this thick veil, bounced off and dissipated into thin air.
Because she then remembered… that beautiful things shouldn’t be broken. And she had a knack for breaking things.
The soft rays of dawn streamed through the windows of the House of Wind, casting a warm glow over the sitting room where she and Cassian had fallen asleep. As she stirred from her slumber, she found herself alone on the couch, the imprint of Cassian's presence still lingering in the air. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, her mind foggy with the remnants of… dreams? Visions? She felt as though the very fabric of her existence had been torn asunder, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty, but when has that ever stopped her?
So she stood on the ground and longed.
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part II here >>
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general-fanfiction · 12 days
Hopes And Fears Part Three. (Wally Clark x Reader)
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Summary: Y/N’s death is traumatic. So traumatic in fact, she can’t even look at Wally without reliving what happened to her.
Word Count: 2.4k
Gif Not Mine. Requests Are Open!
Warnings: Mature Language
I’ve grown fond of the early mornings whilst stuck at Split River. The first glimpse of the sun shining over the gardens, a warm hue welcoming the day. With no students roaming the halls, all I hear is the quiet sounds of nature. On the odd occasion, I’m even able to spot a rabbit or deer, grazing gently on the acres of freshly trimmed fields surrounding the school buildings.
It’s become a habit of mine, each morning I find myself lounging besides the flowerbeds. Allowing myself to feel each blade of grass that delicately brushes my skin. For a while, I forget that I’m no longer alive. I can simply exist.
It’s not uncommon for Wally to join me. Sprawled on his back, gazing up at the clouds. Pointing out different shapes and imagining different backstories for all of the cloud animals he sees. Besides that, neither of us speak much. Only enjoying one another’s company as we relax in the morning light.
Spending this time has given me the opportunity to process everything. Wally helps me to work through my emotions and thoughts. Nothing ever being too much for him to listen to, though I’m still afraid to divulge everything. I’m sure he can sense that I’m holding back, yet he doesn’t pry. Content to just listen. In all honestly, I truly believe that these moments with Wally have helped me more so than Mr Martin’s support group has. Despite attending every session since my memorial, I consistently leave the group feeling unfulfilled. Unsatisfied. In fact, it doesn’t seem as though the teacher wants us to discuss the past, our lives and our deaths. Only wanting us to focus on the present, the state we are confined to. I find myself struggling with this a lot.
“What do you think you would be doing if you hadn’t died?”
Pushing myself up on my elbows, I look over to Wally, who is resting on his stomach, absentmindedly plucking grass from the ground.
“I was supposed to go to college, play football. Hopefully make it pro, that’s what the plan was anyway.” He tells me, full of confidence yet his tone of voice suggests that’s not the pathway he would’ve chosen for himself.
“What about like outside of a job though?” I pry, the boy has my curiosity heightened. “Like, surely you have other things that you wanted to do?”
His eyes focus in on the pieces of grass that he’s now twisting together in a makeshift sort of chain. Deep in thought, I can see the cogs working in his brain as he tries to think of an answer for me. I’m sure it’s not something he’s necessarily thought of before, following the path that his mom set out for him upon birth.
“You’re gonna laugh, but I always wanted to get married and have a family. I know that times have changed and you lot don’t really believe in marriage and stuff that much anymore but I’m a family guy. Always have been.” He admits, finally looking at me and I see the honesty written across his face. “It just sucks that I’ll never actually get to experience it.”
My heart aches for him. One fatal accident and his entire future was stripped away. Never getting to experience the things he always dreamed of. It breaks heart, knowing what he could have had.
“Wally, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s no big deal, really, I’ve spent the last few decades accepting my fate and it’s not so bad here.” He tells me, a sadness shining in the brown of his eyes, trying his best to cover it up with a soft smile. “What about you? Other than taking over the world with your best friend, what was the plan?”
Giggling slightly as he references Abby’s speech, I start to wonder what my life would’ve looked like. Truthfully, I have no idea. My life revolved around dancing and cheer, other than that I have no clue as to who I am. Up until my death, I didn’t believe I was worthy of love, the one chance I took was with Spencer and look how that turned out.
“I suppose I wanted to leave Split River, Abby wanted to go to New York so I figured I would study there.” I reply, knowing New York was never my dream. I just couldn’t bare to part with her once high school ended. “It would be quite nice to live on a farm. Out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by animals, I think that would’ve been my dream.”
“Now this makes sense.”
Crossing my legs underneath me to sit up properly, he’s unable to hide the bright smile on his face. Clearly finding some amusement in what I said.
“What makes sense?” I ask, to which he laughs quietly. Pulling a clump of grass out of the ground, I launch it in his direction. “Hey, you dickhead, I didn’t laugh at you, so you can’t laugh at me.”
“No, no. I’m not laughing at you.” Wally speaks through chuckles, rolling on to his back. “It just makes sense now why you like to sit out here.”
His arms are thrown across his face, shielding his eyes from the sun. I can’t help but stare as his muscles flex, admiring the sight in front of me. Following his body, I find myself biting the inside of my cheek as I notice his top has risen up his stomach ever so slightly. Highlighting the small trail of hair that dips below his shorts.
“Did you have a girlfriend?” I blurt out, before I even realise what I’m saying.
Slapping my hand across my mouth, embarrassment floods my body, eyes wide as Wally smiles. Eyebrows raised as he looks over to me. Sly smile making its way on to his face.
“No. No girlfriend. Why?”
“I was just wondering. I mean, star high school quarterback, you must have had girls queuing up for your attention.” I’m able to stop myself before I begin a long-winded rant. Helping to ease at least a tiny amount of my embarrassment.
Wally rolls his eyes at my comment. “Well in that case you must’ve had boys queuing up for your attention. What with being head cheerleader and all.”
“Ha ha. Okay, I know it was a stupid question.”
Fortunately for me, I’m saved from making a fool out of myself even more by the sounds of cars entering the parking lot. In unison, we both turn to face the sound. Observing the students that have started to filter into the building, chatting loudly amongst one another as they do so.
My vision locks in on Spencer and his gang of hooligans. They’re jumping all over one another without a care in the world as they make their way into the school. Trail of awestruck girls following behind in the hopes of garnering the smallest amount of attention from one of the jocks.
If only I was able to tell them what they’re really like. Perhaps they wouldn’t make the same mistake that I made. Perhaps I’d be able to save them from the same fate that I suffered.
“So I was thinking we could have a pool day. I think Charlie would be up for it, maybe not Rhonda, but it could be fun for us all just to chill out. You haven’t really spent much time with anyone else apart from in our sessions with Mr Martin.”
Wally’s words echo around my head though I’m not paying any attention. Despite, no longer being able to see the group that I was fixated on, I’m still closely watching the area that they had just previously been walking through.
Two weeks later and Spencer and his friends still evade justice. Police presence at the school has increased drastically with crime scene investigators cornering off the old toilet block. Maybe I’m impatient, but it feels like they’re getting away with it. Receiving no consequences for their heinous actions.
“Y/N, are you listening?”
Wally’s words finally drag me out of my thoughts and I meet his eyes. “Yeah, pool day, sounds good.”
“And we’re inviting Charlie and Rhonda.” He states, eyebrows raised as he knows I wasn’t truly paying attention to a word he said.
“Oh, no. They’re nice but can we just do it alone? I’m not sure I feel up to doing a whole group thing.”
Wally nods, though his eyes narrow. Sensing there’s something off with me. He’s good at noticing whenever my demeanour changes, or whenever something is bothering me. It’s part of his nature.
“Yeah of course. We should probably head to group first though.” The athlete pushes himself off the floor as he speaks, waiting for me to stand as well which I reluctantly do, not before releasing an annoyed groan. “You know, one of these days, you might actually enjoy the sessions.”
Rolling my eyes, I follow Wally towards the gym. He holds the doors open for me as we enter the building, his small act of chivalry makes me giddy. I make no effort to show this however, politely thanking the boy as I walk through.
“Ah here they are! Took you two long enough.” Charlie jokes as we enter the gym, taking our seats. I sit between Dawn and Rhonda with Wally seating himself between Charlie and Mr Martin.
“No guesses what they’ve been up to.” Rhonda comments, lollipop hanging out the side of her mouth as she does so.
“Thank you Rhonda.” Mr Martin chimes in, stopping the conversation from escalating any further. “So today, I figured we would get to know our newest member. Y/N you’ve been here for a couple of weeks now and we still don’t know too much about you.”
“I’m sure Wally could tell us all about her.” Rhonda remarks under her breath. So quiet, I almost don’t catch it.
“I’m sorry, is there something you want to say?” I snap, my tone harsh and confronting.
She laughs in response, the annoyance on my face evident as I glare at her. Her snarky and sarcastic nature hasn’t proven to be a problem for me, though I think that may be about to change.
“Y/N, tell us about your death. We’re all dying to know what happened. No pun intended.” The teacher interjects, attempting to diffuse the tense situation yet I still feel on edge.
“No thank you.”
“Oh come on Y/N, none of us are going to judge you. You know that.” Charlie tells me, offering me a reassuring smile.
“No, she’d rather just listen to all our trauma. Isn’t that right cherry pop?”
Rhonda’s words strike a chord within me. I’ll admit, the other ghosts have been very open about their deaths with me. All discussing in detail what happened to them to result in this fate. Sure, I haven’t divulged into the details of my death as of yet, but it’s for good reason. Not only am I still trying to process it myself but I don’t want them to look at me any differently nor do I want them to take pity on me when they learn the details.
“Do you have a problem with me or something Rhonda?” I ask, swinging around in my chair so that I can face her directly.
Upon doing so, I take note of how Charlie and Wally are quick to sit up straight. Feeling the anger radiating off me and awaiting any possible confrontation that may be about to occur.
“As a matter of fact, I do.” The girl retorts, crossing her arms over her chest before she continues speaking. “You waltz in here and make no effort with any of us besides Wally. Who, let’s not forget, you made to feel like a piece of shit on your first day after that unreasonable outburst. You listen to all of us recounting our deaths, the most traumatic things that could’ve happened to us and still none of us know what happened to you. It hardly seems fair.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry Rhonda. I’m sorry that i’m still processing what happened to me. I’m sorry that I’m not ready to discuss it with a group of strangers. I am so sorry that I’m not getting over everything as quick as you would like me to.”
My voice is raised as I speak, hurt that she would even think that my choice not to share what happened is a personal attack on the group. No matter how hurt I’m feeling, the anger completely outweighs it. Angry that she can’t see that I’m still struggling and angry that my murderers are still attending this school. Instead of being locked behind bars for the rest of their life, like they deserve to be. Nobody can understand what I am going through and that makes me so astonishingly angry.
“Boo hoo. You’re still processing, we’re all still processing. Not to mention the fact that we’ve barely seen Wally these past couple of weeks because he’s been trailing around after you, trying to make you feel less threatened by him. He’s even taken off that stupid football shirt that he loved so much! I hate to break it to you, but he was here first.” She argues, tears well in my eyes as she mentions Wally. I lock eyes with him and see his downcast expression. Was she right? Was he only spending this time with me to make me feel better and less scared? “You should do everybody a favour and fuck off back to the old toilet block where you came from.”
“Rhonda!” Charlie exclaims, clearly shocked by her words.
“Is that how you really feel Wally?” I ask hesitantly, the dejection evident in my voice.
He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. Nodding slightly, I understand completely. Pushing myself out of the chair, nobody speaks as I make my exit from the room.
“Lovely chat.” Rhonda shouts, one last attempt to get a reaction from me. Even as I shove open the doors with an obnoxious slam, I don’t look back.
The entirety of my body feels heavy as I drag myself down the hallways. Nobody comes after me, not even Wally. I feel truly alone, hurt and confused. Death was supposed to be peaceful and yet here I am. Suffering more than I ever did when alive.
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cambion-companion · 1 year
Worshipping aemond’s body is the dream
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So....what if Aemond and Y/N are involved, and have been for a long time, and Aemond's plan was to marry Y/N. However, Viserys dies, and Alicent needs Aemond to marry a Baratheon to secure an alliance. Aemond is unable to tell Y/N before she finds out via court gossip and...well...these anon requests really inspired me.
Word count: 3600
I also incorporated an idea I saw a while ago of Aemond stimulating his lover using his sapphire...so...uh...enjoy?
Aemond x reader | Smut | cockwarming | 18+ | jealous reader | angst | fluff | a bit of everything
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You pressed the palms of your hands against your swollen face, pushing your skin back as if to try and hide the evidence of your sleepless night.  The redness of your eyes betrayed you, as did the fresh tears threatening to spill down your blotchy cheeks.  
In the haze of your clouded mind you heard on repeat the gossip you had overheard the day before; while you had meandered innocently through the many courtiers whispering about the recent death of King Viserys Targaryen and all that had entailed, your keen ears had caught a woman speaking with her friend about the imminent betrothal of Prince Aemond with one of Boros Baratheon’s daughters.  
You had stopped mid-stride, your skirts rustling in the chill breeze, frozen as you gaped at the lady.  She caught your obvious stare and gave you a polite, though quizzical smile. “Can I help you, Lady Y/N?”
It took you a moment to regain your composure. “I couldn’t help but overhear, did you say Ae-Prince Aemond was betrothed?”
“With Aegon being put forth as heir, a civil war is going to be hard to avoid.”  The woman gave you a somber look as she walked closer to where you stood rigidly rooted to the ground. “Word has already spread far that in order to secure the Baratheons to their side, the prince must promise to wed a Baratheon daughter.”
“I see.”  You didn’t really.  Especially not with the sudden blurriness of your vision as you blinked the tears rapidly away.  “Excuse me.”
She watched curiously as you stumbled away, tripping on the hem of your skirts and catching yourself on the stone banister.  
With a little gasp you brought yourself back from your reverie to the present, sitting at your vanity, staring unseeing at your reflection.  
Someone knocked at your bedroom door.
“Not now, I do not wish to be disturbed.”  Typically, your maidservant waited upon you later in the day.  You squinted out the window.  The sun had barely begun to break the horizon.
“It’s me.”  
Sudden anger flared in your chest at the sound of Aemond’s voice, you were tempted to send him away without even opening the door.
With a groan you crossed the spacious chamber, pulling the door open to give the prince a generous view of your figure clad in only your thin nightgown.  Aemond’s eye roved your curves briefly before flicking back to your face.  A muscle was working in his sharp jaw.  “May I come in?”
Wordlessly you stepped aside, and he brushed passed you, his hands were tightly clamped behind his back.  You folded your arms across your chest and waited for him to speak.  
“I see you’ve had a long night.”  He picked up an empty wine bottle from the ground and placed it gingerly atop your dresser. “Dare I ask?”
“You dare a great deal of late it would seem.”  Your words came out more cutting than you intended, but you weren’t going to back down now. “Accepting an arranged marriage without so much as telling me.”
“I didn’t have much of a choice, Y/N.” Aemond turned towards you, though he seemed loathe to look you in the eyes.
“You could have spoken to me…let me hear it from your lips. Not from some random lady at court.”  You crossed to him, grasping his chin and forcing him to meet your gaze. “Do I mean so little to you?”
Aemond made a strangled noise in the back of his throat, jerking his face away from your grasp.  His brow was furrowed as he shook his silver head. “You know how I feel about you.”
“I certainly do now!”
“As I have already stated,”  Aemond was growing impatient, you could tell by the purse of his lips. “I had no choice in the matter.  Boros Baratheon will side with Rhaenyra if we do not compromise with him.”
“What of Daeron?  Could he not marry one of the daughters instead?”  You gestured wildly, letting your arms fall heavily against your sides. “You didn’t even think to mention me?  The woman you’ve supposedly ‘loved’ for years?”  
“You didn’t even put up a fight, did you?”  Fresh tears were already sliding down your face.  You were surprised you had any left.  
“We are to be at war very soon, Y/N.”  In a swift moment, Aemond grabbed your arms, holding you as though you were anchoring him to the floor, keeping him from falling. “If I do not do my duty as second-born son of the king, my family will be displaced and worse.  You will be no safer.”
“I love you.”  Your voice was so small, you wondered if he could hear you. “Is that not enough?”
“No, Y/N.”  His hands fell away from your arms as he let you go. “Love is crystalline notion that shatters at the lightest breeze of adversity.”
“Duty is the death of love.”  You breathed; your eyes still trained on the carpeted floor.
He didn’t reply.  
It was you who now couldn’t look at him. “I want you to leave.” Aemond hesitated but you were adamant. “Get out of my room.”
You heard him sigh softly, his fingers grazed your shoulder as he passed you, you flinched away.  The sound of the door closing behind him cut through your heart, you sank to your knees upon the cold ground, gasping sobs racking your chest as utter despair closed in about you.
Two days passed.
You did not leave your chambers, nor did you accept the food the servants brought to you.  You were certain gossip had spread of a terrible illness you had contracted making you unable to leave your rooms.  Most of the time you spend whiling away the hours spread-eagled on your mattress, staring blankly at the ceiling, remembering the way Aemond had made you feel during those intimate nights spent in each other’s arms, and how it could possibly be all over now.
“The queen mother insists you eat your supper tonight.”  The serving girl pleaded with you from where she stood, bearing a tray of steaming food.
“I’m not hungry.”
“My lady, you haven’t eaten for almost two days now.” She insisted.
“Please go away.”  You rose to your feet from where you’d been slouching upon the sofa, shooing the girl out of your room and slamming the door shut behind her.  
You collapsed back onto the couch, massaging your temples and staring into the flickering fire in your hearth.  Another knock on the door sent you stomping angrily back across the room. “I thought I told you-” You had yanked it open to reveal not a serving girl, but Aemond. “Oh.”  
You turned away and sat stiffly back down on the couch, allowing Aemond to enter your room, closing and bolting the door behind him.  “Y/N, I’ve come to talk to you.”
You didn’t answer, busying yourself with studying the pattern of embroidery on your skirt.
“You need to eat.”
Your hands clenched the fabric of your dress, if another person told you to eat you would lose your mind. Yet, you still didn’t dignify Aemond with a response.
“Y/N, talk to me.  Please.”
You pursed your lips together, still feigning deafness.
“You cannot continue on like this.”  Aemond’s voice was growing heavy with anger, you could almost feel it sparking off your skin. “Behaving like a petulant child.”
A firm hand closed around your arm, yanking you to your feet roughly. “Look at me.”  He breathed, taking your chin between two fingers and tilting your head up. “Speak to me.  At this point you could curse at me, and I would thank you for it.”
You gave him a withering glare, hating how handsome he looked, the firelight reflecting gold on his silver hair.  His lilac eye alight and wide with roiling emotions as he locked gazes with you.
Your lips parted despite yourself, the air between your bodies charged with electricity.  
The familiar smell of smoke and leather rose from his tunic and hair, filling your nostrils.  You tilted your head. “You’ve been riding Vhagar.”
“More often than I am used to of late.”  He nodded, his thumb caressing the skin of your cheek.  His small smile faded. “Tell me how I can help you.”
You bit your bottom lip.  His eye followed the movement.
You did not answer him.
Aemond’s grip on your chin tightened fractionally, he raised his eye to the ceiling, heaving a sigh. “You are as stubborn as a dragon.”  He looked at you once more, his gaze softening into something you’d never before seen. “And twice as deadly.”
Your scoff of derision was swallowed as Aemond pressed his lips firmly against your own, his hair was tangled in your fingers before you mind could catch up with your eager movements, pulling him closer to your arching body.
In a sudden burst of anger, you bit his lip ungently. Instead of breaking away as you had intended, Aemond gave a groan of pleasure at your rough treatment and forced his tongue into your mouth, tasting you even as you tried to push him off.
You successfully broke the kiss, pleased to see a tiny mark on Aemond’s bottom lip where you’d bit. “I am angry with you.”  You reminded him, still breathless and rather unconvincing.  
Your breath caught in your throat, betraying you, as Aemond ran an exploratory hand up your side, teasingly brushing the swell of your breast.  “You will forgive me.”
“Hardly likely.”  You laughed in his face. “You’ll have to make me.”
“That was my intention.”  Aemond didn’t give you time to react, scooping you into his arms and reclaiming your mouth with his.  
You squeaked, your fists on his shoulders smoothing as you ran your hands up the column of his neck as he backed you up, your knees buckling as they hit the edge of your bed.  All the pain and sorrow of the last couple days swallowed up by the feel of him back where he belonged within your embrace.
Aemond crawled over you, his mouth trailing fire along your jaw, down your neck, as his dexterous fingers untied the lacings of your bodice.  You gave a gasp of surprise as Aemond pulled your gown roughly down, taking your bare breasts in both of his hands, squeezing and rubbing your nipples while he kissed a path along your collarbone.  You arched into him, moaning loudly, grasping weakly at his wrists as he continued kneading your flesh.
“Still mad at me, my love?”  Aemond peered up at you teasingly flicking the tip of his tongue against your pebbled nipple.  
You gave a gasp at the titillating sensation but still managed to glower. “Yes.”  With more effort than you anticipated you flipped Aemond over, using the momentum to straddle his torso.  
He looked up at you, his cheeks flushed, and mouth parted in surprise.  You must look quite the sight with your dress halfway off, with shimmying movements that purposefully ground against the hard length of Aemond’s arousal, you shed the rest of it and tossed it to the ground.  
“You’re wearing far too much clothing.”  You slapped his hands away as Aemond made to undo his tunic clasps. “No.  You are not to touch anything but those blankets beneath you until I let you.”
“Y/N…” Aemond began in a warning voice, but you began climbing off of him. “Wait.”  The plea in that one word stilled your movements. “Continue…please.”
With a sly smile you resettled yourself atop him, your slick cunt already leaving wet marks upon the fabric of his tunic as you began to undo the clasps of his clothing.  Soon Aemond was as bare as you, the head of his erect cock prodding the flesh of your ass as you leaned down, pressing your chest flush against his, letting him feel your softness against the hard planes of his body.  
His hands fisted the blankets, his jaw twitching as he watched your every movement.  You carefully lifted the eyepatch off his face, revealing the sapphire beneath.  You kissed the cool gemstone with gentle care, eliciting a small sound from Aemond. His hand raised as though to touch your face, but you stopped him with a look. “Touch me before I tell you to, and I will leave.”
He watched you with a mixture of wariness and wonder, returning his hand to the bedspread obediently.  
“Good.”  You crooned, kissing him deeply, rocking your hips slightly.
You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, your hands combing through the silken hair now fanned out over the pillows.  His skin was soft, you loved the feel of it beneath your lips as you kissed down his neck and out across his shoulder.  
Aemond had several freckles on his chest, you placed a kiss to each one.  His breathing quickened noticeably as you licked a stripe up the center of his muscled chest.
“Y/N…” Aemond’s eye was hooded as he looked down at you, your tongue circling his nipple now. “What are you doing?”
You paused a moment, replacing your tongue with your fingers, tracing a ticklish circle around his nipple. “Making you realize some important truths.”
“Such as-ah-” Aemond tilted his head back as you began sucking at his nipple, mouthing as much skin of his pectoral as you could, massaging the muscle there with both hands as you did so.  
He was having a difficult time keeping his hands to himself, and you chuckled sinfully against his flushed skin, moving to the other side, licking and swirling your tongue with eager strokes. You were getting quite the reaction out of your prince, making sure to mark him with your teeth as well as your tongue as you nibbled your way down to his abdomen, loving the way his breathing had become erratic at your attentions.  
“I can feel your arousal on my skin, Y/N.”  Aemond panted. “I need to touch you.”
You gave one last little bite to his torso before sitting up, gracing him with a full view of just how turned on you had become.  You ground down upon him, rubbing your slick along the shaft of his member, watching his lustful expression as Aemond bucked up against you in return, desperate to be inside you.
“Who has been by your side since we were children, Aemond?”
He took a steadying breath, trying to regain some composure. “You.”
“Who has warmed your bed for the past three years?”
“You, Y/N.”
“Who are you going to marry?”
“You.” In a fluid movement that sent the breath from your lungs, Aemond twisted, pinning you to the mattress beneath his weight.  “If you let me touch you now, that is.”
“Touch me, Aemond.”
He grinned, kissing you fiercely.  His hands running the length of your body, tracing every detail of you, as though he wanted to memorize the feel of you beneath his fingertips. “Moan for me.” He was in control now, your body putty in his hands.  Your voice raised in pleasure mingled with the crackling fire and Aemond’s panting breaths as he parted your legs, fingers brushing the wet folds of your quim.  
He kissed you again, swallowing your mewls as his body moved against your heated skin, inserting a digit into you and pumping slowly.  You tried to move against him, but he stopped you, pressing his weight firmly down upon your writhing form.  “Patience, darling.”  He purred in your ear, nibbling at the sensitive skin there. “All good things to those who wait.”
You whimpered against the heated skin of his plush lips, twisting his silver hair around your fingers, reveling in the feeling of him pressing down on you, stretching your cunt as he pushed another finger into you, twisting and curling against the spot that had you crying out in ecstasy.  
Your orgasm was almost upon you, your vision was going white as you squeezed Aemond’s waist with your thighs.  Suddenly he removed his hand from your heat, dragging a curse of protest from your mouth as you fought to regain some form of friction, your hips twisting helplessly.
“Surely you didn’t think to tease and dominate me with no consequences, my ember?”  Aemond tilted his head at your indignant expression, the ends of his long hair tickling your chest. “It is only fair I return the favor.  Do not move.”
He rose from the bed, turning from you momentarily, seemingly not wishing for you to see what he was doing.  His head dipped, hands busy at his face.  When Aemond faced you again, the sapphire stone was in his hand, his left eye empty.  It was not the first time you’d seen him like this, the way the prince was observing you sent a fresh shiver through your core.
“Open your legs for me.”
You obeyed, welcoming him as he crawled back over you.  
“Aemond, what are you planning?”
He gave you a devious smirk.  Your hips jerked as he placed the cold faceted stone against your clit, beginning to rub light circles against the swollen nub.
“Hmm.”  He kissed your inner thigh, running the tip of his tongue to the junction of your legs.  “The reaction I was hoping for.”
Your knees locked around his head as he dipped his tongue into you, still working his sapphire against your sensitive clit.  The lewd sounds of him lapping up the nectar of your sex combined with the feel of the stone rubbing on your most sensitive parts sent you over the edge.  The force of your orgasm slammed into you, your hips rose off the mattress, Aemond’s head still held tightly by your thighs as he drank your release down, still mercilessly stroking your pussy with his sapphire until you were begging for him to stop.
“Aemond please, please.”  You gasped and writhed, his tongue still licking up your release. “I can’t, it’s too much!”
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, the sensation overwhelming.  Your hands fisted in his hair, trying to pry him away from your spasming cunt.  With a satisfying pop, Aemond released you from his mouth, looking at you with a dilated violet eye.  He moved over you, pinning your hips with his own, his ready cock probing at your entrance as he pressed the drenched sapphire to your lips. “Taste yourself.”  He commanded.  
Eyes wide, you obeyed.  Aemond watched as your tongue darted out, licking your orgasm off the deep blue stone.  With a wanton groan, Aemond tossed it aside, swooping down to press his lips against yours.  In one movement, he entered you, his growl of pleasure drowned out by your loud cry.  Your nails dug into the skin of his back as you adjusted to his size, the walls of your quim stretching to accommodate the sudden intrusion.
Aemond’s eye was closed, his mouth slack as he relished the feeling of being inside you.  You wiggled beneath him, already seeking to chase the fresh wave of arousal coursing through you.  Aemond’s eye snapped open, he smiled before placing a kiss to the tip of your nose.  “Be still.”  He nuzzled against the hollow of your throat, the scent of his hair filling your nostrils. “I want to savor you.”  
You grunted, a flare of defiance sparking in your chest as you moved your hips as best you could against him.
Aemond’s teeth grazed your neck sharply. “I said be still, Y/N.  I don’t wish to cum just yet.”
The vulnerability in his voice gave you pause, and you allowed him to rest atop your body, his weight pleasantly pressing you into the mattress.  You smoothed his tousled hair with your hands. “Are you alright, Aemond?”
You knew the answer, but the passion he had shown you tonight spoke to an inner turmoil only you could recognize.  Aemond hummed low in his throat, the sound vibrating against your chest.  He mouthed at the flesh of your breast, seeking comfort in the soft feel of your body.  “I will be, my ember.  We will be.”
His tongue found your nipple, your cunt clenched around his member in response. Aemond hissed at the sensation, rutting into you despite himself.  You coaxed him to continue, your legs opening wider for him, your wandering hands finding the curve of his ass where you dug your nails.
“Vixen.”  Aemond murmured, sucking a bruise onto your throat as he began moving inside you at last.  
He held your knees against the mattress as he pumped into you, his cock already beginning to twitch inside your core.  You could feel him closing in on his release, your quim tightening in response.  
“Please…”  Your words trailed off into sounds of pleasure mingled with soft utterances of his name.  
With a forceful movement, Aemond sheathed himself fully inside you, his fingers marking the skin of your thighs as his hot cum flooded your cunt.  Aemond pulled out halfway before sinking back into you, sending you over the edge, your ecstasy pulling his seed deeper as you clenched and quivered around him.
“Y/N.” Aemond breathed your name in reverence, his hair shining like a moonlit river over his shoulders.  “I love you.”
You brought him back down to meet you in a heated kiss, pouring your adoration into every move of your mouth against his, your heels pressing against his backside, pressing him further into you as you rode out the last waves of your orgasm.  
“Aemond.”  Your thoughts were proving difficult to gather, the bliss of your lovemaking making your eyelids heavy.  “Tell me you’re mine.”
Aemond pulled slowly out of you, leaving you feeling oddly empty, even as he collapsed on the bed next to you, pulling you securely into his warm embrace.  His fingers traced low at your abdomen as he trailed featherlight kisses up the arch of your neck. “I give myself willingly to you.”  He kissed your lips as you turned your head to look at his face. “A dragon is only claimed by one who is worthy.”  Aemond kissed you again, lingering to brush his nose against yours. “You are mine as I am yours, Y/N.”
“You will marry me then?”  You whispered, hardly daring to ask the question even with the look of utter adoration Aemond was bestowing upon you.
“If there is a future to be had,”  Aemond pressed his forehead tenderly against your own. “I would walk into it gladly at your side.”
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bloodmoon24 · 4 months
The Story of the Hell Tribes
Once upon a time, high within the clouds and behind beautiful, golden gates, lies a place known as Heaven. Populated by the beings of pure light that are known as angels. They are responsible to keep peace of their home and all of Earth and shielded all evil away. There is one Angel, named Lucifer Morningstar, who loves to dream and create new and exciting things for Earth to enjoy. To bring free will to humans and let them be with their own lives and happiness. But the elders says that his way of thinking is dangerous and should not be allowed to what Heaven organized for Earth, so he watched from the sidelines as he felt ignored and unimportant
Noticing this, six other beings saw his troubles and went over to comfort him. These beings were Satan, Beelzebub, Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, and Belphagor. These six beings were inspired by his ideas, and they’ve been very supportive of his dreams for Earth. They were so enthralled of his ideas that they would help make his ideas come to light
From the dust of the Earth, two humans were created: Adam and Lilith. The first ever mankind to walk the surface of the Garden of Eden. Adam always craved and demanded for power and control, but Lilith wants to be her own person who doesn’t want to accept his submission, so she fled the garden. Lucifer was so drawn by her rebellious spirit, he went and found her and they laid eyes on each other, the two fell deeply in love. So they both worked together to bring the gift of free will to the rest of humanity. Back within the Garden of Eden, Lucifer and Lilith found Adam’s new wife, Eve, and gifted her the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and she gladly accepted
But with this gift, it came with a curse. With this single act of disobedience, a new evil found its way into Earth, created a dark pit of darkness and sin. Everything Heaven worked for was shattered. As of punishment for their reckless behavior, Heaven casted Lucifer, his love, and the six beings that supported him into the depths of the darkness that he created. When they fell, they have seen the new world of what Lucifer had created; a land filled with cruel and wicked creatures and wildlife. A place that is now called…Hell. At first, Lucifer thought they wouldn’t survive a day here, but when push comes to shove, him and the six beings managed to rule all over the land and every single creature obeyed their every command
So, one by one, the seven beings each ruled the seven parts of Hell, making their own kingdoms and their own people to rule over. And these kingdoms are named after what are known as the Seven Deadly Sins. Belphagor rules over the floating islands of Sloth, where the Baphomets can do drugs and feel like their worries melt away without a care. Leviathan rules over the depths of the Envy Oceans, where sea demons can be jealous about anyone else as the feel the bitterness of it. Asmodeus rules over the Lust Rainforest, a place where Succubi and Incubi can feel lustful desires without force and still being able to feel the love for their partners. Mammon rules over the Greed Outback, a place where Loan Sharks have selfish desires for wealth, power, or food. Beelzebub rules over the Gluttony Jungle, a place where Hellhounds can enjoy and have an endless satisfaction of food. Satan rules the hot and dry Wrath Desert where Imp demons can let out their bloodthirsty rage and kill to all those that angered them. As for Lucifer, he and Lilith rule over the Pride Forest, a place where Earth born humans go after death when they experienced damn nation of the Deadly Sins they’ve created
And from that moment on, the Seven Deadly Sins ruled all over Hell, their territories, and their people. The population of the Six Territories can travel through the other regions at will, but the Sinners of the Pride Forest are restricted, to never leave unless they have been given permission to from the King of all of Hell himself. After everything Lucifer been through, he still felt very bad after what he has done in Heaven, but he, Lilith, and the rest of the Sins all thrived of their lives. Lilith even starts to singing songs to help encourage all of demon-kind and all of Hell with her voice and music
Seeing this from above, Heaven saw this as a threat and from that, they made a horrible decision. At the end of every year, they would send down an army of Angel soldiers and kill any demon in sight. Making sure Hell and its Demons wouldn’t be able to rise against Heaven and their Angels. But from this, Lucifer and Lilith raised their first ever child; Charlie Morningstar, the Princess of Hell. She has dream to help all Sinners to be a better person and make their way up to Heaven. She sees the good in Demons of Hell and will not stop until those damned souls go to Heaven, so she made a choice to make the Hazbin Plains. A small paradise in the Pride Forest where Sinners can learn and grow to be better and to heal their souls from the evil and sin they have committed when they were alive. Will she succeed into helping all souls in Hell and show Heaven that Sinners can be redeemed and can be given a second chance? We will soon find out and see
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twin flames | L.S. (Avatar: The Way of Water) - Prologue
Summary: Eywa has bonded the Son of the Forest and Daughter of Ember over the pain and grief towards the Sky People.
Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk’itan x Ash People Na’vi!Female!Reader (Uses she/her/hers pronouns; No use of Y/N) Warning: Canon Character Death, Angst, Grief
Chapter Masterlist
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The sea gives and the sea takes. 
Water connects all things: life to death, darkness to light.
And the sea brought comfort and pain to Lo’ak, from his first spiritual connection with Payakan, becoming his spiritual brother, and to the death of his real brother, Neteyam. All were connected with the waves of the ocean, for the sea longs to hold all of the tales.
There is no denying that Awa’atlu is beautiful, yet it still hurts to stay. Far away from home, with no assurance that they would ever return. And every time Lo’ak stays with his family, it pains him to see the reflection of his brother in his mother, the way his father is a mirror to Neteyam’s noble nature, or how sometimes Tuktirey would look for Neteyam whenever all is dark, everything reminded him of his brother. Neteyam’s death and his failure.
And the only thing Lo’ak could do is run away and hide, that’s what he is best at. Hide in the shadows of his brother and hide in shame and the racking guilt that clouded his mind. 
Sometimes Lo’ak hated the ocean, he wanted the world to burn in anger. 
Lo’ak was dreaming. Dreaming of fire. Dreaming of everything falling into chaos while he stands in the middle only watching, watching as every flame reaches his enemies, burning them with intense heat as they scream in agony asking their gods for forgiveness. Always he stood and watched as they cried… and sometimes in those dreams, he let the fire consume him too. Crawling slowly from the tips of his toes to his own neural queue. And sometimes he would see the fire in his eyes, slowly killing him as he accepted his fate.
And in the middle of the ocean, he tries to calm his mind. He tries to find comfort in calming waves, to drown out his burning rage. That’s what water does right? To kill the flame.
The waves didn’t provide him comfort, he wanted to feel numb. But it never did.
In the middle of the night, he lay floating in the ocean after his nightmare. His nightmare consisted of his brother burning in the same fire he caused, and in that nightmare, Lo’ak only stood there doing nothing. When he wakes up in cold sweat, he can still feel the burning sensation in his ribs.
And Lo’ak could only swim in the water, his ilu long forgotten as soon as he spotted Payakan. And in his hurry state, he only thought of one thing, he wanted to feel the cold embrace of water to calm down his rage. His teeth clenched tightly focused on one thing and that is to drown out the fire that is burning inside him.
Payakan tried his best to join his spiritual brother, but when the tulkun felt the sudden turn of the waves getting stronger it sensed that it was time to head back. Calling out to Lo’ak in clicks and whistles, trying to grab the attention of the boy who floated in the middle of the sea looking beyond and lost. 
Lo’ak who was far too deep in his head drowned out any noises from his spiritual brother. Only when he felt the strong current pull him under did he awaken his senses. When Lo’ak swam up coughing out the excess salt water in his lungs, another large wave came tumbling down to him. Lo’ak tried his best to brace himself for another impact, trying his best to breathe air. When Payakan helped him stay afloat, he held on tightly to his tulkun friend.
In the distance, Lo’ak could see a figure. A large animal came towards him, and he felt fear creeping up in his veins as he thought that it might be another carnivorous fish ready to bite him off. Its forked tongue hissed through the air, almost sounding like a pain cry. 
When Payakan nudged the boy towards the creature hissing in pain with every water pushing in its scales, a woven rope was tied on its body. Lo’ak felt no danger as the unknown creature only asked for help, waving through the strong current, Lo’ak could see a figure on its back.
Another na’vi, whose hands were tied tightly on the woven rope that held the creature's large neck and body. In the moonlights, Lo’ak could see their pale skin, almost resembling ash with a hint of blue. Lo’ak could feel his blood run cold, is this another dead body?
He tried tugging the body off of the creature, but it didn’t budge, their face planted down onto the animal. Payakan helped carry the unknown creature and the na’vi who was dressed in bones and large feathers, like his grandmother the tsahik. Skulls covered their face but the four-fingered hand was the tell-tale that it was a na’vi.
When Payakan had guided them to a nearby rock formation, where the water was calm and the sand helped them to rest. The large unknown creature exhaustively slumped in the sands, Lo’ak could see it bleeding as it carried its rider dutifully. 
Clutching his own knife, Lo’ak cut off the ties between the creature and the na’vi. When the body fell towards the ground with a large thump, he was worried it would awaken them, yet it didn’t. No signs of breathing, dead.
Lo’ak feared for the worst, he didn’t want another death to be on his hands. When he took off the mask that adorned the na’vi’s face. He was stunned it was a female na’vi. 
Gashes and scars littered their face, looking for a pulse, he could feel the faint heartbeat and pulse of blood flowing through their veins. Tapping their cheeks to awaken them, yet it didn’t, they stayed still on the sand.
Hands positioned at the center of its chest, his own shoulders directly over their hands and elbows locked. Then he pushed down, giving the na’vi chest compressions, panic surging through his bones as he feared that another death would be caused by him. He didn’t want to fail, no matter who this person is he’d do anything to keep them alive. 
“Hey!” With every push, he tried to scream at them.
“Wake up!”
“Wake the fuck up!”
“Fucking breathe.”
“Just… wake up.”
“Please… fucking live…”
“...Breathe please…”
When he was done giving chest compressions, he tried to open the airway by tilting their head. Lo’ak pinched the nostrils of the unconscious na’vi and covered her mouth with his, sealing it tight and giving two rescue breaths. When he first exhales a breath, he can see the na’vi’s chest rise, giving another exhale. When Lo’ak sat still, he resumed the chest compressions, restoring the blood flow. 
In the blink of an eye, he heard a sharp inhale of breath, followed by a coughing fit. He slumped down in the sand, he just saved a life. The na’vi held her hand near her chest, thumping it wildly and when she turned to her right, she saw who had saved her. 
Lo’ak sat still in shock, their pupils were in a vertical slit, and amber-colored irises looked at him, sensing danger. Eyes that looked like dancing flames; Eyes that were filled with rage.
Suddenly, you flipped away from him as he yelped in surprise, hands already holding onto a knife that looked like they had been crafted from the colors of a palulukan, dark like the night. 
“Woah! Hey, calm down!”
You hissed at him, fangs larger than his or anyone that he knew of. Ears on high alert, while your tail stood in a defensive stance behind you; Lo’ak then realize it wasn’t like those of the Omatikaya Clan nor Metkayina, yours were far different, tail almost resembling the unknown creature you rode. Instead of blue pigmentation that scattered your skin, its colors were way darker complimenting your ash-toned skin.  
Then Lo’ak realized, maybe you were from another clan, washed by the sea, in an unknown territory, far from your own home. Just like him.
You hissed, eyes only trained on him as he held his palm towards you, showing that he was no threat. When you realize his hands held an extra finger, your eyes darken and grow into a thinner slit.
“Demon.” You muttered, voice filled with disdain.
At the speed of lightning, you swiped his feet with the ease of a snake. He tumbled down harshly on the sound with a large thump. Lo’ak realizing the danger scrambled backward as you crawled to snatch his ankles pulling him closer to you. Fear crept in his veins, as he immediately grabbed the dagger in his hands, nicking him with the tip of your dagger in his cheek. 
He tried to push the arm that held the dagger,  wounding your arm in the process not before you landed the butt of your blade directly to his cheekbones like a harsh slap. When you realized that there was far too much blood in your arms, you hissed at him, as he kicked your ribs off of him. You rolled in the sand, and a hiss of pain could be heard as he watched you roll off into the oncoming tide. Your skin felt like it was on fire from the burning sensation of the salty sea.
You stood straight, eyes narrow in anger at him. All were red, like the blood dripping from your arms and the woven beads that adorned your chest and neck. All were red, like the fire in both of your eyes. Anger is directed at each other for reasons unknown. Both of you yearn for destruction, and no prayer can calm the storm inside.
“I should kill you for that.” You snarled, he swore he could see your fangs grow longer. Lo’ak could taste blood in his own mouth, spitting the taste of iron into the sea.
“You want to fight? Let’s fight.” He rolled his shoulders, arms positioned in an offensive stance while one hand held his knife. Lo’ak could feel the fiery rage in him, the itch to go in a blind rage.
Together you fought, knives clashing as scars started to litter both of your bodies. The sea did not fare well, as with every passing moment the tide grew stronger as if it was feeling the same rage he felt. Lo’ak cut through the air in a frenzied state, his knife nicked you more than once, still tired from waking up harshly while he remained to have the upper hand.
You stumbled when a harsh wave pushed you forward toward him, and when Lo’ak saw the opening, he did everything in his power to throw your knife far away from you. Resorting to using your sharp claws to claw him, in the process scratches littered on his chest. Punching you in your gut with a harsh blow, leaving you to lower your defenses as he smacked the arms away.
Panic littered your eyes, as he clutched both of your arms, intertwining them with his own and tugging you forward once more. Before he could fall flat on his butt, Lo’ak flipped you as he was the one on top of you while you were submerged in the water.
And for a moment before you fell right into the arms of the sea, the world stopped as he stared at the fear in your eyes and the blood surrounding you. It almost felt beautiful, the stillness of the air and the anger in him burning him whole. Death would’ve almost taken you as his, another soul added in the guise of Eywa’s will.
Lo’ak paused his dagger right above your neck pulsing with life. 
Your arms slack beside you while he held you with his knees on your side. 
You were not the enemy. It almost turned ugly, turned red and dark. You almost died and he almost killed you. Another person’s blood was almost on his hand. He was just angry.
He wanted his pain inflicted somewhere, and you were the bystander who did not deserve to be in his line of rage. His anger was incoherent, unidentifiable, and inconsolable but one thing is for certain is that his anger should not be directed at anyone but himself.
The only sound he could hear was the loud thumping of his heart, and the waves hitting the rocky shore with harshness as if it was scolding him. 
He threw his knife far away from you, as he slumped down. Head right next to yours, both of you stayed still.
Lo’ak closed his eyes tightly as he screamed, wailing in anger. Cried in anger, in pain, in grief.
You didn’t flinch at his outburst. His scream was far deafening, but there was a hint of sadness, a mournful growl. Hidden with the red in his hands were the tears that fell from his eyes. And if you listen closely, you can hear the cry for help.
For a moment, both of you forgot what you were fighting for. Forget that you almost died and he almost killed you.
Him fighting for his own rage and you as well. Rage towards the same people that hurt both of you. The people that came from the sky.
Back at your home, Mahuika, one of the largest volcanic biomes of Eywa'eveng. Where your sands were colored dark like the ashes of Mount Valko, its fire embers sprouted red with the golden red lava that dripped from its side. The molten rock colored your island with a red glow, as white fog clouded every home that resided on the island. It was beautiful, the embers were nothing but comfort and warmth. Warm like a home should be.
Your people were never open to change, but you did. You thought of the Sky People as the same as you because in the eyes of the flame, everything is the same; your curiosity led to your own clan’s demise.
Only did it become red, red as blood littered the grounds, red as the scream of help had drowned out every noise, red like the wounds from your own sisters, red like the fire of your homes grew larger and larger eating everything in its path. When people that came from the sky had come to your village, your own Olo'eyktan, your mother, Varang, had pushed you towards safety. Safety in the form of the sea as she protected her village and her tree.
The last thing that you saw was the five-fingered hand that tried to grab your mother and that was the last time you had seen her.
You woke up as your own tarākona followed you to the sea. And the first person that saved you came in the form of the demon.
And the truth becomes like murky waters when the same demon has saved you from the harsh seas. You didn’t know what to do, he possessed no threat but you attacked him. Your gratitude turned into anger when his fingers reminded you of the monsters in the form of your people walking your land and taking your home as their own.
When the waters were calm, as you floated beneath him. His arms held straight right above your head as he still kept his eyes closed tightly, pain painted on his brows.
“Your kind landed in my home.” You whispered.
“I’m not…” Not what? One of them? When all was clear that he has Demon Blood, like his father before him, Jake Sully was one of the Sky People, a Dream Walker. Even if his father had already proved himself to be Toruk Makto, you cannot erase that his first birth was in one among the stars.
Lo’ak realized that he had been holding you down, he moved away and lay down on the calm waves.
“When I tried to find my mother, the sky people were gone… and so were my sisters.” Lo’ak didn’t need to question more, he understood it all too well. 
His pains were the same as yours. Two halves of one soul, bound by the ever-growing flames of rage and pain.
“I’m sorry.” Lo’ak could only apologize, for his father’s sins and his own too. 
“They killed my brother too.” You angled your head towards him. “It was my fault he is now dead.”
“I guess we are more alike than you think.”  You didn’t need to say it but Lo’ak knew, he could see the look in your eyes as he stared at the embodiment of flames. The deep understanding and connection, a mere reflection of what both of your anger would look like. 
Looking at you, he can see it. And you can too. No words need to be uttered, no actions need to be done, a deep connection binds you together, frustrations that came from deep within your hearts that tugged both of you together to a mutual understanding.
Reflection of the pain, the hurt, the sadness, the loss, the anger. The whirlwind of emotions and the fact that both of you don’t know where to place these emotions. 
Do you hide it? Keep it under your bones for safe keeping, just waiting for the day it would spill your guts just like what happened now.
Or do you forget it? Forget the memories and the people who had resided in the corners of your mind.
Or would you forgive?
What would you do?
Looking right at each other,  ‘I see you.’
Māori Words Used: Mahuika - Fire Deity, In the case of the story the home of the reader Tarākona - Means dragon Taglist: @okaylorrainee
A/N: While i'm writing this, it almost took another turn, a turn where everything is calm and the only problem the reader would face is how to heal her bonded creature. But I told myself it doesn't fit with the beginning of the fic, I'm telling a story about grief and loss. It also was supposed to be one shot and ending with that but the world-building is just so good so I'm going to write a chapter or two about this. Lo’ak needed this. He needed to face his rage, the fire inside him.
And this is inspired by my other all-time favorite series, ATLA, specifically The Southern Raiders ep.
I’m going to give credit to @sullyfortress (GREAT ASH PEOPLE ARTWORK BTW) for providing me with insightful information about the possibilities of what the Ash People could be. Also, I tried to base Ash People on Māori Culture, and I tried my best and did my research on the Māori fire deity and the cultural significance of fire for the Māori Culture. (I hope I did not disrespect your culture, Please educate me if so)
This is a reminder that the plot belongs to me, except for the characters of the Avatar Franchise. This is only for fictional purposes.
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vex91 · 2 months
Steal your heart
Chapter 16: Party
3rd's POV
Yunjin sighed pushing the door open, a not so small space full of girls immediately clouded her vision. Her eyes scanned the room in order to find Team's Captain and a "unofficial" Captain. Yuna observed the older girl with an amused smirk already knowing what the girl wanted there "They're not here yet" She said causing Yunjin to turn around with a yelp "They're... not?" She asked confused. Normally Yujin and Haewon would be there first to prepare everything.
"They needed to talk with the principal about the upcoming match" Kazuha suddenly chimed in causing Yunjin to yelp again. Everyone wanted her to have a heart attack apparently. She turned to look at Kazuha but before she could say anything, the door opened and in walked Yujin and Haewon. They were discussing something until they saw Yunjin standing there.
"Yunjin-sunbaenim?" Haewon mumbled as they walked up to her "Did you need anything?" Yunjin cleared her throat nervously before speaking up "I wanted to join the soccer team" Her eyes nervously looked between the two captains, despite being older she was still nervous as the two were very passionate about the team. Yujin's face was hard to read in that moment while Haewon was obviously not that pleased with the idea "You know that we need serious players right? I've never heard about you being interested, hell I never saw you watch our matches even once" She said eyeing Yunjin suspiciously. Kazuha laughed at the positive her friend was in until she heard Yujin.
"Why not, let's see what you've got" Yujin smiled at the older girl before finding her some temporary clothes. Haewon only watched her Captain with a disbelief written all over her face "Are you serious?" Yujin only nodded her head. She knew what Yunjin was doing there, it was obvious to everyone who knew about her situation with Y/N and honestly who was she to stop her. Knowing Yunjin she wouldn't give up so as long as she's good, Yujin has nothing to lose.
The whole team intensely watched Yunjin doing everything their coach said trying to prove herself. Kazuha only scoffed at her friend's behavior not believing that she actually came to try getting on the team. She knew the girl for a long time now and she always watched Yunjin getting bored with stuff and people easily so it was the first time she actually saw her trying so hard for someone.
You never tried so hard for me...
Yunjin's eyes were clouded as she looked around the blurry room. She was so happy about being accepted into the team she went out with her friends to a party organized by their school's graduate. She promised herself not to drink much but the party vibe and her friend's encouragement caused her to be in this uncomfortable position on a couch, not being able to stand up without stumbling to her death.
A hand on her shoulder made her look up slightly and an immediate smile appeared on her face when she saw you there. She was so happy she didn't cared to ask why you were smiling at her so happily and why were you so close to her. Your warmth was enough to make her mind all fuzy and before she knew it she was kissing you. You got on her lap, her hands immediately placed on your hips as she kissed you hungrily.
She had to be in heaven.
It was too good to be true.
But for some reason she felt like she fucked up.
Summary: Yunjin and Y/N were known to not be the best duo. Everyone could see how much they couldn't get along no matter what. One day Yunjin finds out through their mutual friend Winter that Y/N is her online friend and crush which changes the way she looks at the girl. Now determined Yunjin decides to make the younger girl fall for her.
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Taglist (Closed): @jisooftme @dream-chasers-things @jeindall777 @eunhhh @sewiouslyz @awkwardtoafault @pandamiswifey @everydayiloveyves @impossiblesharkcashrebel @aloneinacity
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giuilily · 20 days
the death scene/ending is indeed confusing and i'm still annoyed by it tbh lol but i'm fairly certain the Aerith that Cloud is seeing at the end is lifestream Aerith (which is why Red can sense her too). But, I do also think that she is alive in some other world/timeline now and it is likely that they will reunite because otherwise I do not see the point of all of this ~ defy destiny ~ stuff the games have been pushing (plus the lyrics to nptk). Why change a pivotal emotional scene into something vague and confusing if it's not going to be resolved later beyond "she dead and cloud is losing it". And yes, his grief is playing a part in him being somewhat delusional but I don't think it is only that. (also can I say i am upset we didn't get to see the water burial! I'm sure it's intentional for the cloud is delusional vibe but still) As for the terrier-verse, I was confused by which world/timeline their date was in before the end... I thought it was that one because Cloud wakes up in the wheelchair (i think?) and everyone knew that world was ending and accepted it which is in line withe the npc dialogue/lack of ability to make a real choice/sephiroth showing up at the end. But I also thought that was weird because where is Elmyra and is Zack off at reactor 6/shinra while they're on their date or has he died again already (probably lol). So I feel like that universe is.. gone? But that seems like a weird way to end that worlds story (and where did zack end up at the end) so maybe I am wrong. (wow sorry this got really long! did not know you could send an ask this long tbh lmaoo)
No worries for the long ask, anon! I enjoy reading people's thoughts on Rebirth's ending. I'm all too happy discussing it hahaha!
I love Aerith, and the altar scene in Rebirth was very emotional, but I would have much rather things didn't end ambiguously. I would have accepted her death had they made a 1:1 remake.
But I'm not gonna complain if it gives us the possibility of getting her back in Part 3 lol. (Princess Guard and Great Gospel are waving 👀)
I also wanted to see a cinematic cutscene of the water burial, anon. It would have made such an emotional ending for Rebirth too! I feel like we won't see that scene until it shows up as a flashback to Cloud which will absolutely be heartbreaking.
And I agree. I've only played Remake this year and I initially thought that they can't stray too much from OG. But after beating both games, they've put in so much groundwork on the 'defying fate' theme and foreshadowed them reuniting in the end since Remake that they have to deliver on that somehow, otherwise it'd feel like a cop out. Like Cloud said in Red's date: "There's no point in wasting our time worrying about fate if we can't change it." and I'm gonna hold the devs to that since no one asked them to add in new themes to an almost 30 yo game lol.
And the dream date happened in Chihuahua/Spitz-verse! So Terrier-verse Aerith and Cloud should still be asleep with Marlene and Elmyra watching over them. Idk what happened to Zack in this verse but chances are, if he survived, I doubt he'll find a cure from Hojo.
I'm really curious where the Zack who we fought alongside with was sent to. Devs purposely didn't show a stamp to indicate where he was. I've read speculations that he got sent to Beagle-verse but who knows?
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thebigsl33p · 2 years
It's Never Just A Dream. (part two)
A/N: HOLY SHIT THE EXTRA SANDMAN CONTENT I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. Sandman would've made an awesome animated series. Also super excited to see what they do with the next season (? maybe?) because I am desperate to see Delirium, She's acc my favourite character, her and Death.
I'm not sure I actually like this. May be edited. Informal proposals will forever be shsdfhdjhfjkdhfkshfkdsjfh to me.
Also feel free to send in requests, anon or not, otherwise I will just keep writing Bullshit. I'll accept any type btw.
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Lucifer wasn't happy with the development.
After Morpheus' return Y/N gave him back his Helm and showed him around the castle. Sure, he had brief business to attend to with Lucifer (regarding her but she didn't know that) but The Devil had given them some time together, to catch up and to just...be around each other.
Lucifer knew what lovers were like when despair struck and they knew what lovers were like when they were reunited, when the grey clouds parted and the sun shone upon them. It's in moments like this, that people realise how much they love each other.
That was why, after his little tour of Lucifer's castle, Dream asked for a moment alone with Y/N's parent.
Once Y/N had left the room Lucifer smiled, sour and malicious, "So, Dream, what can I do for you?"
"I want to talk with you about Y/N." Morpheus' voice was stern and sharp, cutting straight to business, "Let's not pretend I like you, or you like me, but we both have one thing in common: we both love and care for Y/N. The time I spent away from your daughter after spending centuries by her side made me realise how much I love her and-"
Lucifer's eyes widen, smile splitting his face in half sadistically, "You want to marry my daughter?"
"Yes." Dream was staring Lucifer dead in the eyes.
"Very well." Lucifer shrugged, "I'm going to say to you the same thing I said to Y/N when I discovered your relationship: I don't like you Morpheus, never have, never will. But I am The Devil, I represent sin and temptation and things you shouldn't be allowed to have. I represent the truest form of love, so to keep the two of you away from each other would be cruel." a beat, "Morpheus, you may marry my daughter, only because I know she loves you. But if you even so much as hurt her, physically, mentally, emotionally, I will hang, draw and quarter you before feeding you to my demons."
"I understand." Morpheus turned to leave, "Thank you, Lucifer."
"Of course. One last thing before you leave? I take it the two of you will be travelling to The Dreaming after this?"
"Yes." Single word answers now, Dream just wanted to get out of there.
"Do tell her to visit." Oh.
Finding Morpheus' Ruby took a bit of time. The man who had it was the son of Roderick Burgess, and he was slightly...out of it. His mother, Burgess' mistress, had him admitted to Arkham asylum, and that told Dream all he needed to know about the man.
But the man made a mistake. He broke the Ruby trying to take over The Dreaming and that released the part of Morpheus that he had placed into the Ruby, restoring some of his strength and power.
And after that?
After that Morpheus started work on The Dreaming. Parts of it were restored to their former beauty, but other parts required more work. But once there was enough, a nice garden and a sunny day, he found the time to ask.
There was a period of peace and relaxation where they were solely focused on rebuilding The Dreaming. Morpheus arranged with Lucienne a day off during this time, and the moment he approached her for it she knew exactly what he was planning.
As he turned to leave the Library she pushed her glasses up her nose, "I can't see her saying no. She loves you very much." It was almost a passing comment but it made The Sandman smile.
"Thank You Lucienne." He nodded his head.
The actual day that Morpheus had planned to ask Y/N to marry him came far too quick.
He planned to take her out in the morning, show her his favourite parts of London like they used to do. Times had changed, there were more things to do and see. And that's exactly what they did.
They were quite the odd pair walking hand in hand together down Shaftesbury Avenue, Morpheus tall dark and intimidating whereas Y/N was all smiles and soft. It was like putting a triangle, with its points and jaggedness, next to a circle, soft and gentle.
The afternoon they spent eating. Not that the two of them actually needed mortal food, it just tasted good.
And then evening rolled around and Morpheus dragged Y/N to Trafalgar Square. Their place, as it was many other lovers, but none of them were quite like Y/N and Morpheus, Daughter of Morningstar and King Of Dreams.
"Y'know the day you disappeared I waited here for you for ages." She confessed, sitting on the side of the fountain. It was that time in the evening where everyone was going to get food or drinks or to see a show, and therefore the square wasn't as busy as it would've been.
"I'm sorry." He said, taking her hand.
"Why? It wasn't your fault."
The couple sat in silence for a little while before Morpheus said the words which had been sitting at the tip of his tongue all day, "Marry me?"
He practically watched Y/N jump out of her skin, "Marry you? But my parent-"
"I've already spoken to them." Dream smiled at how much she worried, "They don't like me, but they know I love you."
"...I'll marry you, Dream." She said, shuffling closer so their shoulders touched and so she could kiss his cheek.
"Thank you." He smiled at her.
She shrugged jokingly, "Mutual feeling."
And then Morpheus kissed her, hands on the sides of her face, keeping her as close to him as possible.
He'd already spent a couple hundred years without the love of his life, and he wasn't willing to sacrifice any more.
Taglist for this fic: @luciamajer @rachelcarroll1819 @brutal-png
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munchyfakie · 7 months
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Body Aglow - Star Hopper, G1
I would've liked to have had this finished by Halloween but hopefully y'all still have enough spooky spirit left to enjoy it! I dusted off my keyboard to write a little something to go with it under the readmore.
cw; blood and gore, offscreen animal death
A noise Tex couldn’t describe startled him out of his dream. He glanced blearily at his dog, Lady, at the foot of his bed, already alert with her ears perked in whatever direction the sound must’ve come from. He didn’t worry much in that moment, but then it sounded again; Impossibly loud, vibrating his furniture and even knocking over the photo of his ma and pa he kept on his nightstand. Something like a scream. That worried him.
He remembered Star Hopper and ripped off his blankets in a panic.
She’d come to him that evening, asking to spend the night stargazing in his barn. She was the closest thing he had to a neighbor out here, living just past the treeline out behind his wheat field in a shotgun shack she’d painted with constellations. Star Hopper was quiet, a little odd if you asked the folks in town, but she was polite to him and always had something interesting to say about the night sky. He accepted her request no problem, only on the condition that she come inside first for supper and take his extra blankets out with her. Figuring she’d be fine out there with his spare space heater and a lantern keeping her warm up in his hayloft, Tex had gone off to bed unconcerned.
Now he rushed downstairs with Lady on his heel until she stumbled, howling at the third blare of that godawful sound. He commanded her to stay for her own good and kept on after fishing a flashlight out of a kitchen drawer, his own ears ringing terribly.
Dark clouds were the first thing he saw upon leaping down the porch steps. He tried for hope, that Star Hopper was long gone and disappointed at the weather back in her own home and that whatever the racket had been was something mundane and harmless. Maybe a hog had gotten itself stuck between fence posts again. A silly thought but it shifted his mind away from darker routes on his way to the barn.
It stopped helping once he found the pigs screaming and scrabbling away from a flayed sow in the center of the barn, the dirt floor sodden with her blood.
It looked like a dissection, her skin cleanly split from snout to tail and laid out like ironed coveralls. Her organs had been arranged in a circle around the steaming, bleached skeleton, organized by size. Her eyes looked into his from where they lay at her feet.
The noise split the air again, this time accompanied by a flash of acid green light. There was no time to react to the madness in front of him; something was in the wheat field and whatever it was had already taken a life.
By the time Tex had arrived at the source of the light it had died down enough that he could blink away the spots in his eyes. He pushed through the stalks with no plan, no thought of what to expect once he reached the epicenter. He had the flashlight creaking between his grit teeth and nothing else.
The wheat thinned as he came closer, broken and felled. A green horn slipped through tall grain and the rest of the world stopped.
The more of Star Hopper appeared between stalks the less he wished she would. Something was unnatural about the way she moved, the slow, mechanically even glide of her hooves against the soil, the bulk of unfamiliar muscles under the translucent sheen of her skin. When her moon-wide, unblinking eyes finally appeared Tex realized that this wasn’t his friend. He never liked when him and Star Hopper were young and the other foals in school called her wrong or strange but whatever was wearing her face couldn’t be described any other way. He smelled blood. He was too far from the barn for it to be the sow’s.
“I saw such beautiful things tonight, Tex.” The voice, so nearly Star Hopper’s, startled Tex into dropping his flashlight. “I ought to head back now. Thank you for your generosity.”
It turned in the direction of Star Hopper’s home and left him to his silence. Come morning he gave what remains of hers were left as decent a burial as he could manage with trembling hooves.
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urwendii · 8 months
Day 7: Sea - Alternate Universe'ish @silmsmutweek
and to conclude the week with my two loves,
pairing: Ossë x Uinen
wordcount: 669
rating: implied nsfw 🔞
trigger: a tiny smudge of implied noncon melkor x ossë
AU in the sense that Maiar sleep and Ossë was taken prisoner in Utumno for his desertion.
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He is back there once more.
In the coldest place in Arda, dark and filled with unpleasant memories that carved deep beneath his skin. His breathing is loud in his ears, white mist partially clouds his vision as he walks down the desolated hallways. The place is sacked. Every window shattered, tables and chairs lying in pieces, furniture dismantled scattered haphazardly, dismembered corpses of orcs are rotting on the rusty ground. 
The dreams always start the same. He stands in Utumno, but this time he is alone. Forgotten from all. Discarded, a Maia too tainted, too defiled by darker hands. He feels lucky in this one dream though, for in others he would find himself trapped beneath an heavier body, face pushed in the sheets and unable to do much but helplessly let himself be used for the pleasure of another, a punishment for daring to leave one he once swore allegiance to. 
But this time it is less a memory, more of a silent exploration of what are now ruins beneath the sea.
His nose scrunches up, even in this dream (nightmare?) state he can still smell the acrid burnt smell of death.
“Ossë” he hears his name called out from the distant. it’s faint, a subtle whisper echoing throughout the empty torture rooms. His steps speed up subconsciously trying to find the source, there is warmth there he knows it. Warmth, love, acceptance and forgiveness. 
Something rattles close to him and he looks down to see a heavy chain wraps around his right ankle holding him in place. A sudden wave of despair washes over him, the walls start to close down and he can almost hear the cruel laugh of the being he once thought to be his dream of freedom.  
“Ossë” the voice calls again. 
Ossë is so cold and feels so small suddenly, here in the ruins of what was his folly, his failures at resisting temptation, his adulterous shame, his binding creeps up his leg and he feels himself tumbles through murky depths mocking him.
“Uinen” her name is sucked in the vacuum of his endless prison, how can Ossë escape this when she is not there to hold him close to her, when her song has been muted by the roiling of the tempestuous ocean around him. Yet despite the darkness that presses around him he feels a flutter of something, a tingle of warmth, like the sparkling waters of a river under the light of Laurelin, its music so soft and comforting. He will not let his own darkness taint her too. It did not the first time and certainly would not in his countless nightmares. 
He wills himself to wake up, focusing on her essence, on their reinstated marriage bond, wishing to tell her how much he loves her, her, his other half in all Eä and beyond. 
For a terrible instant he fears he failed at fighting back his own demons until his eyes open to a familiar sight. The bedside coral lamp is still on and he turns his face to look at her. Uinen has remained naked from their previous lovemaking before he fell asleep, her body glowing in Telperion’s hue filtering through the window, her long silver hair tied in a side braid giving her little to hide. She is sat against the headboard weaving silver pearls in a beautiful necklace and offers him a lopsided smile when she feels him stare, with a sigh she moves to tuck the necklace away, sliding back down in bed against his chest. Her skin is warm compared to his and he wraps one arm around her bare waist, wordlessly grateful for her existence and presence in his fucked up life.
She squeezes his hand and for now it is enough, tomorrow he will be stronger but for this moment he simply lies against her, kisses her hair, whispers I love you and closes his eyes once more knowing she has his back for the rest of the night.
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simplegenius042 · 10 months
WIP Wednesday/Last Line/Music Stuff
Hey Guys! So... life y'know?
Tagged by @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook and @inafieldofdaisies
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @voidika @chazz-anova @gaeadene @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @alwayssunnyinedensgate @megraen @snake-in-the-garden @poisonedtruth @purplehairsecretlair @cassietrn @direwombat and @strangefable + anyone else who would like to join in.
I've got a song for FC5 OC Silva, a last line for a Love Death + Robots fic and a WIP snippet of a Jurassic World fic if anyone is interested. Enjoy!
Here's a song for my FC5 OC Deputy Silva Omar from my @the-silver-chronicles blog. Interpret Silva and the songs connection however you wish.
Here's the song below:
Dream - Bishop Briggs
"Crying eyes, broken bells Back in course, no one tells Down we go, wish me well I don't know where we fell
Oh, I had a dream That you couldn't hear me screaming Trying to tell you everything But it wouldn't stop you leaving
I wanna wake up where your love is 'Cause your love is always waking mine I wanna break down where your heart gets So torn, it's almost breaking mine I wanna lay here, lost and bitter So long, I feel like I could die I wanna tell you what my truth is But it's buried down inside
Shining light, show and tell Don't be scared, truth is hell Down we go, wish me well No one knows, where we fell."
Next is a WIP snippet of chapter one of my Jurassic World: Before The Storm from the perspective of one of my OCs from @the-untitledverse-blog.
Snippet of the Jurassic World WIP below:
Isla Nublar, the Clouded Island.
No doubt no one would even recognise him, he wasn’t as sloppy as he was in his younger years. He now hid in the shadows, preying away at what he wanted, when he saw fit to it, and not leaving a mess in the process.
And made sure, with sufficient bribing, that his employees erased his mistakes, never speaking a word of those failures ever again.
Shame he wasn’t there to oversee the process, but he supposed now, once he was at that hunk of wasted scientific potential, he would make sure nothing was left.
And lucky for him, he had two associates inside the staff, ensuring any traces of his presence would never be recorded.
How lucky he was to bump into that man and woman; he thanked his natural ability to talk to people. Especially when using the idea of love against the latter.
His face contorted into a grimace at that word.
Naïve souls, blindly and foolishly following such a lie.
He scoffed, and mockingly chuckled at the meaningless concept. He looked to the other passengers, the families, the couples, the friends. Such fools, carrying such a weakness around.
I’m glad to be rid of those chains.
His amber orbs scanned around the passengers, searching for anyone out of the ordinary, someone that may be following him.
He didn’t find anyone worrisome, though his eyes did land on particular two passengers.
A young woman with an even younger child- a boy from what he could see. Both were seated next to each other, his observation gone unnoticed by the two.
The young woman had her arms crossed and firm, while the young boy looked to be enclosed to himself, nervously fidgeting with his hands.
He raised a brow when the young woman hissed quietly at the young boy, the latter stopping his fidgety actions.
He felt that familiar urge tug at his mind, the one that recommended he pay close attention.
He focused on observing the two more closely.
Both obviously knew each other. Was she the babysitter? Highly unlikely. Family members? That sounded more…plausible. Though they hardly shared any similarities. Foster siblings, perhaps?
Regardless of what their relationship was, the two had intrigued his interest.
And lastly the last line belonging to the Love Death + Robots WIP called Sonya's Push from my @life-despair-and-monsters-blog.
Here's the snippet line below:
Jennifer had accepted the unforgiving world she lived in was cruel, the work she did not worth shedding a damn tear over, and anything else other than a life of leisure and luxury was obsolete. Beggars can’t be choosers, emerged the thought.
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Word Find Tag
Time for some more catch up!
Thanks for the tag in may 😅, @thegreatobsesso! <3
My words are: over, start, somehow, somewhere
Your words are: contrast, cheek, choose/chose, and chill
Gently tagging: @oh-no-another-idea, @little-peril-stories, @burntcoffeewhump, and You, if you want! Have an Open Tag :)
I have a bunch of backed up word find tags, so I'm just going to go down a list of wips that have words written and go for it.
First up is Shattered Dreams.
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Over (200?! over-used word, check lol)
Time seemed to stand still for a moment while Alaia stared at the sea of strangers before her. Behind her, water gently lapped against the shore while clouds drifted over the sun, driving the world into shadow. Her skin prickled with an awareness she couldn’t explain. A light breeze picked up, caressing her brow, fluttering through her torn dress. Against all reason, she felt like she had been found–like there was someone out there who saw her, understood her, accepted her. It was stupid and foolish, a figment of her imagination as she faced death.
That was good. It meant she was useful to Warren now, at the start of the trade season, instead of in another year. It meant her plan was viable. But as the silence stretched on, she started to worry. What if he was going to wait longer after all?  She couldn’t allow that. Hoping the residual glow from her earlier demonstration still lingered, Alaia dipped into her pool of magic and leaned ever so slightly on the Head Elder’s emotions.  Warren steepled his fingers again, nodding. “It’s time.” A relieved sigh slipped out, and Alaia coughed, raising her hand to cover it. Now came the hard part. So many questions, and each one would cost her. She would need to choose carefully.
“Serin!” Alaia pushed against his hold, terrified now that she’d done something wrong, hurt him somehow– “Just… gimme a minute,” Serin huffed into her hair, his arms tightening around her.  What–oh. Oh! Her face burned, and she knew he felt it because he started shaking–laughing at her, she realized. Instead of embarrassing her further, his laughter created little bubbles of happiness inside her. Had she ever heard him laugh before? Laugh and mean it? She turned her head so her cheek rested on his shoulder, relaxing as she enjoyed the closeness that existed between them right now.
“What are you doing? Your hand is warm, and…” He trailed off, closing his eyes as the lines of tension faded from his face.  Her hand was warm. The warmth seemed to originate from somewhere in her chest and ran down through her arm.  As she stared at how the paleness of her fingers contrasted with Serin’s lightly browned skin, wondering what on Valysii was happening, her vision shifted. The warmth turned into threads of green light under her skin, flowing from her to Serin through their connection.  The light spread diffusely over Serin’s face, sinking under the skin to fill… a crack in his cheekbone? Seconds or minutes later, she couldn’t tell which, the light receded, leaving behind whole, healthy bone. And whole, healthy skin with not even a hint of bruising.
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belit0 · 10 months
Can please do Warrior by beth Crowley, I feel like this song would fit Indra and hsi wife, where the wife has powerful ablities and she wants him to help her.
I don't know if you've heard of the song before so but the lyrics match Indra and his wife so much, well mostly his wife
"You fascinated me
Cloaked in shadows and secrecy
The beauty of a broken angel
I ventured carefully
Afraid of what you thought I'd be
But pretty soon I was entangled
You take me by the hand
I question who I am
Teach me how to fight
I'll show you how to win
You're my mortal flaw
And I'm your fatal sin
Let me feel the sting
The pain
The burn
Under my skin
Put me to the test
I'll prove that I'm strong
Won't let myself believe
That what we feel is wrong
I finally see what
You knew was inside me
All along
That behind this soft exterior
Lies a warrior
My memory refused
To separate the lies from truth
And search the past
My mind created
I kept on pushing through
Standing resolute which you
In equal measure
Loved and hated
Teach me how to fight
I'll show you how to win
You're my mortal flaw
And I'm your fatal sin
Find more lyrics at ※ Mojim.com
Let me feel the sting
The pain
The burn
Under my skin
Put me to the test
I'll prove that I'm strong
Won't let myself believe
That what we feel is wrong
I finally see what
You knew was inside me
All along
That behind this soft exterior
Lies a warrior
Lies a warrior
Take me by the hand
I'm sure of who I am
Teach me how to fight
The pictures come to life
Wake in the dead of night
Open my eyes
I must be dreaming
Clutch my pillow tight
Brace myself for the fight
I've heard that seeing
Is believing."
In fact, I took the lyrics quite literally, and made Indra into one of my favorite aus: fallen angel + witch reader.
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"You fascinated me, cloaked in shadows and secrecy, the beauty of a broken angel." (Y/N) remembers, reliving the fateful night when she saw him fall from the sky. A ball of fire and burnt wings shot from the clouds with overwhelming speed, in the middle of the darkness, lighting up the sky with a hellish red color.
At the time, she did not understand what was happening, approaching the place where she saw that object impact after its monumental descent from heaven, encountering an image both enchanting and terrifying.
An angel, with charred wings and only a few black feathers remaining on his back, laid unconscious inside the crater he created when falling from that height. His skin smoldering with burns and the destruction of his wings felt like a terrible premonition.
Why would an angel be cast out of paradise?
"I ventured carefully, afraid of what you thought I'd be, but pretty soon I was entangled" Memories of how she helped him, how she saved him from a frightening fate of torturous death, keep coming to her mind, as Indra watches her with curious red eyes and broken wings still shining on his back, black feathers strewn all over the ground.
He had accepted the woman's help, had accepted to be healed by her magic, had accepted what he felt in his chest every time those delicate hands ran over his skin. (Y/N) saved him, body and soul, and promised to help him with his evil purposes.
He would retrieve his power with her help, go back to heaven, and take revenge.
"Every time you take me by the hand I question who I am..." The angel whispers, unsure of what the woman causes in his heart, overwhelmed by the mess she leaves in his mind. Never having felt anything for anyone, Indra has no idea what sentiments are, how one deal with them, or how humans cope. He had come into her arms a few months ago, and from the beginning, allowed her to breach him, to tear through his being with her mortal qualities.
"Teach me how to fight, I'll show you how to win my love." (Y/N) pleaded, time after time, trying to absorb even a little of her beloved's power, to gain some of his wisdom, of his teachings, of the sorcery he has to offer. The angel had become her love, her mate, a celestial being and a human united by unexplainable bonds, ties that should not exist, and the woman set out to devote all her heart and soul to her man's cause, to help him with his plan.
"You're my mortal flaw, and I'm your fatal sin... Let me feel the sting, the pain, the burn under my skin. Put me to the test, I'll prove that I'm strong, won't let myself believe that what we feel is wrong. I finally see what you knew was inside me all along." She implores, between whispers and demands. Knowing that once her beloved regains his wings, once his feathers heal and his power is restored, he'll be headed for a fight to the death with whoever kicked him out of heaven.
She needs to stand by his side and support him when it happens.
"Behind this soft exterior, lies a warrior." Between caresses and soft touches he had mentioned, hiding their naked bodies under charred black wings, appreciating the wondrous magic within (Y/N), giving an accurate telling and narration about the potential he himself recognized in her.
"My memory refused, to separate the lies from truth, search the past my mind created. I can't imagine without you, Indra, let me join your cause, let me be by your side through it. I'll keep on pushing through, standing resolute, which you in equal measure love and hate, I know. Every time you take me by the hand, I'm seeing who I am." Her words are a silent plea, an attempt to get to the bottom of her beloved, to make him understand how much she needs to support him in this, to accompany him, to make sure his battle is successful and he finishes his personal mission alive.
Months ago she found the love of her life lying under a disaster of his own creation, submerged in a crater of earth and on the verge of death. She can't lose him now, not so soon.
"The pictures come to life when I hear you speak like that, wake in the dead of night I open my eyes and... Yes, I must be dreaming. I'll clutch my pillow tight, brace myself for the fight, I've heard that seeing is believing. You're the most beautiful dream I never had (Y/N)." The angel whispers, and the woman thinks she sees tears in his eyes before he turns his face away, avoiding eye contact.
Indra seems determined to wage his battle alone, to face combat unaided, but she will not allow it. She will fight tooth and nail to make her beloved understand she cannot exist without him, that she does not wish to live in a reality where her angel no longer is, and she will not allow him to end up in the hands of those who mercilessly threw him to earth.
(Y/N) will fight for him, whether he wants it or not.
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balmacedapascal · 2 years
hmm what about ❝ i was fearless, and now i… i’m just… i’m just afraid. ❞ as rhaenyra talking to harwin post-wedding feast about what happened
The morning after her wedding was not quite what Rhaenyra had thought it might be. Any romantic notions she'd held for marriage had fallen to the wayside years prior, a casualty of the years spent dealing with suitors set before her by her father and his small council. She'd accepted that her wedding would an exciting affair for the court but not a dream of her own fulfilled. But the bloodshed the night before had left a bitter taste in her mouth.
Laenor had spent the night in her chambers, inconsolable at the death of Joffrey. Consummating the marriage didn't even cross her mind, a concern for another day when they both were in better spirits and more willing to do their duties. He'd stayed past dawn, waking only once her handmaidens had come to dress her and bringing breakfast for the newlyweds. By the time he'd excused himself to return to his own chambers, the cloud of melancholy had settled over them both and she'd had no desire to face the world outside her room.
Hours had passed and maids had come and gone, some with requests from her father she'd turned away and others simply doing their jobs without so much as a word. She'd taken advantage of the quiet while she could, trying to reconcile her feelings of what it was like to be entering the next chapter of her life and push back the images of blood pooling on the stone floor the night before.
A heavy knock at her door startled her from her thoughts, the hair on the back of her neck standing up. An anxiousness filled her belly in a way she'd never felt in her own chambers. The last man to be outside the door of her rooms had killed a man in a crowded room the night before for reasons she still wasn't sure of. But she was a Targaryen, the blood of Valyria and descended of warriors like Visenya. She wasn't made to cower in the corner at the idea of a man at her door.
"Come in," she called out, her voice wavering just a touch. The doors opened and she couldn't explain the relief that filled her when she saw it was Ser Harwin Strong who entered, his gold cloak a welcome sight in comparison to the white she'd always seen waiting in the corridor. "Ser Harwin. What - what can I do for you?"
He hadn't stepped further into the room, staying cautiously by the doors as if he wasn't sure what would be best. "The king and my father spoke this morning about what would be best in regards to your personal shield for the time being. I thought you would like to know who'll be standing guard."
A look of surprise crossed her face at the news, piecing together what it meant that he was the one giving her the message. "Oh. I hope this new post doesn't leave you inconvenienced."
"I volunteered for it."
A silence settled over them both at his words, a kind half smile being directed towards her that offered more comfort than any of the platitudes she'd been given the night before had. For the first time since the fighting had broken out, she felt the weight her chest lift away, still present but not as stifling as it had been. Her time spent in Ser Harwin's company had never been long but he'd always been a welcome companion at whatever feast or celebration they'd crossed paths at.
"I don't mean to overstep, princess, but how are you faring after last night?"
The lie was on her lips before she had a second to think it through. "I'm fine. The wedding wasn't quite the ceremony we had all expected but..." She found herself faltering the longer she tried to express her expected happiness and the curious eyes of the goldcloak before her did little to help her maintain appearances. Their eyes met for a moment, violet and green as each watched the others expressions and finally the mask slipped away. "Truthfully... I'm still unsettled after last night. I've never... it's one thing to see the blood on the tourney field. To see them enter a mostly fair fight with the weapons at hand and their armor on. It can be gruesome but it's nothing they hadn't agreed to. But what happened last night - the way that Ser Criston - I don't think I've known such violence before. Not with my own eyes. And it's left me feeling more mouse than dragon. I feel I was fearless before I entered that hall last night and now - now I'm frightened. Frightened of the men I should trust without hesitation."
A scowl had formed on his lips, some of that dark cloud that had lingered over her moving to envelop him as well. The expression left Ser Harwin as an imposing figure in her doorway though she hoped it wouldn't stay. The happier expressions she'd seen him bear were much more suited for him. The hand at his side clenched as he seemed to search for words, fist closing and opening almost without realizing it and she watched carefully, not out of fear but curiosity at what the man would say next.
"What Cole did to Lonmouth, the way he let his promises to you fail in favor of whatever provocation he may have received to set him off, was his failure. And no one would fault you from fearing him - or any man with that sort of power. And I'll do what I can to ensure that whoever my father and the king posts to you permanently won't make you feel that fear again."
There was a determination in his words that made her believe him, a conviction that felt like more than just empty promises being fed to her for her own good. It was a reassurance she was eager to cling to.
"I don't feel that fear with you, Ser Harwin," Rhaenyra told him, her words quiet but still echoing against the stone. They brought him a step further inside, a move he seemed to not even realize he'd made as his hands folded in front of him. "If the city watch could spare you, I'd be grateful to have your company and protection for a while longer."
The half smile returned, a soothing balm to the nerves that still picked at her as he nodded his agreement. "I'm yours, princess. For however long that need be."
And with that said, the heir to Harrenhal took his place at her door and gave her back the first bit of control and comfort she'd lost in the midst of the great hall the night before.
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dreadfutures · 1 year
HAPPY DADWC DAYYYY how about 'the full moon is beautiful and faint against the noonday sky, when you blink, it changes expression, when you sleep, it carves canyons in the clouds, when you wake, it stands outside your window with a casket in its arms' for Morrigan/Mahariel?
Wow so. Fuck you kinda. My love, how could you?!
For @dadrunkwriting
Pairing: Mahariel x Morrigan (#old blood older still but it's #shadows in the sun continuity, aka Ixchel's first life, aka the one where Mahariel failed in his quest to find a cure)
She has always known this day would come.
From the moment her mother spoke of Wardens, she knew they were naught but ghouls-to-be; they might as well be dead already, and she knew better than to treat them otherwise. She was sent to them not to save their lives but to convince them under the guise of that same mercy to trade her the soul of the Old God. The Wardens were pitiful shades, lives cut short, kindling in a fire that would one day burn the world to a husk the same as the Blight would their bodies.
She knew better than to get attached to this dead man walking. He even wore death on his face, spidery purple veins that had been barely visible on his skin at the time of their meeting; their color had blended in too well with his ruddy complexion, warm with life.
It took no magic to foresee how he would grow pale and gaunt, how those inky lines would stand out more and more starkly. That his hair, too, would turn from black to white, was a surprise, but one that was merely cosmetic.
Halevune Mahariel carried surprises far more significant than that.
A beacon of reason amid a society that was wildly irrational, yet considered *them* the wild ones. A commanding voice when all others dithered and prevaricated, one who could *decide* when the options were overwhelming--or seemingly invisible. Strength and speed to kill a dragon, and a god who was a dragon, hidden in a slight Dalish frame.
Beneath his quiet kindness, his polite facade, a cold and calculating mind. A bleeding heart that grew guarded as she warned him of danger. A softness that was tempered with steel.
She loved him. That surprised her enough.
Somehow, that he loved her too was even more shocking.
There were days, after their reunion, when it surprised her less. Some days she might even accept it, at peace with the certainty of his affection and dedication. But most days, his pale complexion blended in with the fog of their Crossroads, as if his whole being made of the stuff of dreams and magic. She would turn her eyes to his hazy form and wonder--fear--if there was scorn, or resentment, in him, for all she had done. She could imagine the icy heat of his anger, for she had seen it when they heard news from Denerim, and she was afraid of it ever being shown to *her*.
But whenever she blinked the fog away, there he was, himself, as he always was for her: steady, calm, and tired.
So very tired.
Her Warden sleeps less and less, and every morning she wakes she fears the toll it is taking on him. Living. She traces the new creases around his eyes and mouth; she sees the inky infection darkening his veins; she hears the fear in his voice. Every beat of his heart, every day, every dream, pushes him closer to the grave.
One day she knows it will be his last, but she does not know which one, and she can only hope that she is there with him. To witness his departure beyond the Veil. Or to wish him well, disappearing into the Deep Roads. Whichever is his wish.
So Morrigan waits. She anticipates.
And yet the day comes, and she was a fool for ever thinking she was ready.
Their son is with them. He, too, had known this was a quickly approaching inevitability. The young Inquisitor who had accompanied them this far, becoming as a daughter, somehow, to both the Witch of the Wilds and her Warden, has vanished; she had sensed this coming, but somehow had *not* sensed that she was part of this culmination, too. Morrigan mourns two losses at once, or maybe three, because she feels the loss of her great love, and she feels the loss of her child's father, and they are somehow not the same.
She had always known this day would come, but not so soon.
Flemeth calls to the Well within her in the light of the next moon.
Morrigan goes.
She might as well be dead already.
They all should have known better.
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