#and i realy do feel better eating yogurt in a way just taking probiotics doesnt do
asexualbookbird · 2 months
Hello! Do you mind sharing the edible cookie dough recipe you tried ? I've been trying to find it on IG but I trust you more than the 500 random videos I've seen.
yeah doesnt help that they implemented the new "ask meta ai!" shit instead of a proper search
this was the video that kept showing up in my feed in fb AND insta. I did see the original vid too but ignored it because fitness bullshit but I stumbled across enough of Liams videos to think hes pretty decent and transparent.
I did not follow that recipe because I hate almond flour and also peanut butter. I used oat flour instead and vanilla protein powder and nestle mini chocolate chips. I tried the m&ms and it was awful do not recommend tbh even if it WAS that our m&ms were Bad the acid in the yogurt melted the dye off the m&ms and made the mixture soooo gross looking (and if you can taste the dye like i can then its also a bad time!)
I also made a batch this morning without any sugar at all and found i dont need it so will be leaving it out in the future. Oh i had been using brown sugar which i think gave it more of that cookie dough flavor than maple syrup or honey would.
I don't pay too much attention to measurements, I go by consistency, but roughly I use
2 cups of old fashioned oats (i use bobs red mill gluten free oats)
2 scoops of vanilla milkshake protein powder (i honestly just grabbed the smallest container my grocer had, but recently bought the quest brand and will try that next time)
fage greek yogurt, plain, 5% fat (because fuller fat yogurt tastes better! fight me! I'm not doing this for ~healthy~ uwu im doing this for Please Get Protein In Your Body I Beg), this is where I eyeball it. I add more yogurt if it's too thick, a large spoonful at a time.
I put the oats and protein in a food processor, and then add the yogurt, but if you use preground alt flour you can jhst use a bowl. I recommend adding everything a little at a time into whatever is thickest (so if you use peanut butter, add yogurt to that, and then the flour and protein).
Also a friend tried this with regular flour and a non whey based protein and a non dairy yogurt and was. Non enthused. I'm sure if you play around with the flavors YOU like you can find something but I don't think this can be made dairy free tbh but I also tried every DF yogurt I could find and they were all disgusting. So. (also ifnyou use regular flour pls bake it first. but tbh i dont really recommend it bc raw wheat flour just. doesnt add the same flavor oat or nut flours do.)
I'm also curious about using chocolate protein powder and nutella I think that'd taste gr8. Outside if the absurd cost of protein powder, this really is a good base recipe to use if you wanna try messing around with recipes you find online. People may give me flack for drastically changing this recipe but pls I based it off my moms oatmeal cookies all it was missing was coconut flakes lol
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