#and i say stiles and scott because i keep saying as far as i'm concerned
kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Daily Teen Wolf Update
Gerard Argent is a f*cking psycho manipulative son of a b*tch a*shole and if I could jump into the screen and kill him myself, I would.
Season 2, Episode 10.
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 7: Risks
The next day bothered Sam. Who would've shot Derek? How did Scott know?
Why didn't he say anything before???
She didn't want to pester Derek with any more questions, but something needed to happen. If he got shot without knowing who shot him, who knows what could happen to Scott?
Only way to get answers is straight from the source. Hearing her phone vibrate, she looks at the notification that Stiles had texted her. Her eyes widened at the text Stiles sent, describing that Lydia and Jackson might've seen something.
A store clerk was attacked by the alpha, apparently.
That's no good.
She asked him if he's seen Scott and he replies quickly, informing her that he and Derek are scoping a place out. Werewolf training…
Tomorrow then. "Sam! C'mere!", she heard her mom call from downstairs.
She sighed, getting up and walking downstairs. Meeting her in the kitchen, Sam's mother turned to her, her focus on her phone. "When were you gonna tell me there was a parent teacher conference??" Oh… that. Sam rubbed behind her neck.
"I had other things on my mind." Not exactly a lie. Sam's mom frowned at that. "We're going tomorrow. Be ready at 5. We'll be there a little after.", she said, before leaving the girl alone.
After everything that's been happening, she hadn't had time to think about school. Derek was right. Things were gonna change from now on. The morning after, she tried tracking time with what she was gonna do.
Just go talk to Derek and be back before 5. Simple.
After getting ready to see Derek, she drove up to the tree line that led to the Hale house. Parking, she walked up to the abandoned house and knocked on the door.
Derek's sweaty scowl met her at the door. "What the hell do you want?", he gruffed. Sam frowned and pushed into his house, much to Derek's bewilderment.
"Uh, a hello and "thanks for saving my life" would suffice.", she said.
He closed the door. "What do you want.", he repeated.
Sam looked around and then at him. "I want answers. I was trying to be considerate before, but we can't risk something like what happened the other day to happen again."
He raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me? We?" He brushed past her and started to work out, performing pull ups on a door frame. "What do we have to talk about?", he grunted.
"I don't know, Derek. How about, do you have any ideas of who shot you? Or how can we avoid that? Or how about calling to tell me about the Alpha attacking that video store clerk, if you already knew about that.", she listed.
Derek dropped down from the door frame and held an irritated glare. "One, I don't have your phone number, if we're getting technical and two, I don't tell you anything because you have no business in this. Both you and Stiles, actually. This isn't some teamwork project.", Derek barked before turning away from her again. "Whatever you think you want to know, trust me, you don't. It's best you forget everything that happened."
Sam gaped at him. "Forget everything??? How the hell am I supposed to just forget that my best friend is a werewolf, Derek??"
He whipped his head to her. "Pretend! Mind your business! It doesn't involve you!"
She took a step towards him. "It absolutely involves me! If you forgot, I almost got killed by those hunters-"
"All the more reason for you to mind your business, Sam!!", he bellowed.
She crossed her arms, persisting. "It's hard to do that when you keep popping up in our lives. Which seems to be happening more often than you're trying to prevent.", she sneers. She stepped closer. "Whatever you think is going to happen, won't. Not unless you get rid of this lone wolf attitude and actually bother to put some effort into helping."
He glares at her as she continues. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm worried about Scott and what the hell he could do, and you're the only person I can turn to!!", she yelled, jabbing a finger into his chest.
"This doesn't concern you. You're human. He's not. What if he turns on you, then what?", he growled. "Well, that'll be on you, won't it?", she says, making his face contort in irritation.
"Look here-" Suddenly, Derek snapped his head to look at the front door.
"What?", she asked, and he held a finger up to her. Before she could say anything, he turned to her. "Hide," he growled. "For what? What's out there?", she asked.
Him being impatient with her questions, he threw her over his shoulder, and booked it up the stairs. When he lowered her, he held her against a wall, keeping a finger to his lips. "Hunters.", he mouthed, pointing at the direction of the door. They jumped at the sound of the door being kicked in.
Sam looked at him with widened eyes and he shook his head, furiously. They heard the sounds of their heavy boots as they walked along the old, charred wood of the floor downstairs, searching for Derek.
"No one home?", a male voice sounded. "Oh, he's just not feeling particularly hospitable.", a female voice responded. Sam looked at Derek in confusion as his face contorted in shock and slight anger.
"Maybe he's out burying a bone in the back yard", the previous voice joked. "Really? A dog joke?", the female mused. "We're going there and that's the best you got? If you wanna provoke him, say something like, too bad your sister 'bit it' before she had her first litter."
Sam's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to crane her neck to get a look at the bitch.
Derek shook his head at her again, struggling to keep himself under control. The more the woman droned on, the more Derek got more and more angry. His eyes flickered blue as he struggled with control.
"Too bad she howled like a bitch, WHEN WE CUT HER IN HALF!" He let out a loud snarl that made Sam cover her ears as he launched himself downstairs. Derek slammed a hunter into the wall before leaping over the banister to take out another.
He growled and snarled all until Sam could hear zapping and weakened growls. What the hell? Was Derek ok?
"Wow, this one grew up in all the right places.", she heard the female hunter say seductively. "I don't know whether to kill it or lick it." Sam frowned in disgust, conflicted as to what she should do. She pulled out her phone, considering texting Scott but if Derek's down, there's no way Scott could do anything.
She put her phone on silent before putting it away. She heard the unsettling zapping noise again and Derek crashing to the floor once more. The woman laughed. "Oh, 900,000 volts. You never were good with electricity, were you? Or fire." She laughed again.
"Which is why I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. And, well, maybe we can help each other out. Yes, your sister was severed into pieces and used as bait to try and catch you. Unpleasant, and frankly, a little too Texas Chainsaw Massacre for my taste." Sam silently fumed as the woman put Derek down for her own amusement.
"Now, here's the part that might really kick you in your balls. We didn't kill her.", she paused as if waiting for Derek to respond. "You think I'm lying?"
"Wouldn't be the first time", Sam heard Derek growl out. "Aw, Sweetie," She zapped him again, causing him to groan.
Sam huffed again, in frustration, apparently too loud. The house got silent until the woman spoke up once more. "Did you have other guests Derek? How rude of you not to invite them down…" Sam heard the woman walk closer to the stairs. "Why don't you come down and join the party… I don't wanna have to come up there to get you!"
Sam stood in silence, staying out of sight. She could hear Derek's groan. "No one's here…" The woman didn't seem to believe him. "It's fine with me if you don't come down…"
She heard her footsteps fading away from the stairs and a loud zapping noise, followed by a loud yell. Sam practically threw herself downstairs to stop her. Stupid move, but it was better than listening to her torture him.
Her eyes caught the sight of the female hunter. Blonde, a little taller than her, definitely older than both of them. Sam looked at Derek who was lying on the dusty floor, leaning against the wall. "Well. What do we have here? Another beta?", she asked, proceeding to circle Sam. Beta?
"Sh-she's nobody", Derek stuttered and gasped out as his body still shook with aftershocks of the tazing. "She doesn't seem like nobody.", she says, with a maniacal grin.
"Who are you, sweetheart?", she asked, pinching at Sam's cheek. "Seems a bit young for you Derek, I thought you only liked older women." The girl glared at her. "Who I am isn't any of your damn business. You're trespassing."
"Trespassing, hm…?" She poked Sam with the electric baton. "What're you, the police?", she mused. Sam rolled her eyes. "G-Get out of here…", she heard Derek warn, weakly. The woman ignored him. "So, what business do you have with Derek?"
"We're friends.", Sam says, courageously. It wasn't a complete lie. At least, she thought so… The woman's eyes flickered shortly in surprise before holding amusement. "Friends, huh? So that means you know what he is? Unless he hasn't told you?" Sam feigned confusion. "What he is?"
The woman frowned, rolling her eyes. It seems to have convinced her. For now. "Sit down, right next to him. I have more to say, and I don't trust you."
Sam quickly made it over to Derek, helping him sit up. He looked at her, helplessly and with a hint of shame. "Now, where were we? Oh right, you thought I was lying…about killing your sister, isn't that right?", the woman asks before smiling at him.
"Why don't you just listen to my heart and tell me if I am. Okay?", she said, firmly and stalking closer to Derek. "We. Didn't. Kill. Your. Sister. Do you hear that? There's no blips or upticks. Just the steady beat of the cold, hard truth. Found bite marks on your sister's body, Derek. What do you think of that? A mountain lion? Why aren't we helping each other out? You might as well admit what you've been guessing all along, which is - The Alpha killed your sister. And all you have to do is tell us who he is, and we'll take care of it for you.", she says and shrugs. "Problem solved, everybody goes home."
Derek looks at her with a solemn look which makes her smirk. "You don't know who he is either. Wow. Guess who just became totally useless?", she sneers, rolling her eyes before turning away.
Sam glared at her, standing up. It didn't matter if they didn't kill Derek's sister, but he was still heartbroken over it. Derek's eyes widened when he saw the girl stand up while the woman wasn't looking. She was gonna get herself killed.
He reached for Sam's ankle, but the girl quickly moved, rushing at the woman and slammed her fist into her face, stunning the woman for a moment. He hurriedly threw Sam over his shoulder and rushed out once he saw the woman grip her gun.
Sam ducked the best she could over Derek's shoulder as he ducked and dodged oncoming bullets. Once they got quite a distance away Derek stopped and set her down on her feet again.
He cautiously looked back at his house. "That fucking bitch. Who the hell is she!?", Sam fumed, also looking back at the house in the distance. "This is exactly what I was talking about!!", he yelled, before lowering his voice as he looked around. "You aren't safe. She saw your face and now you definitely have a damn target on your back." He huffed, roughly running his fingers through his hair as he paced. He wasn't trying to go through this again.
This is why he tried pushing her away and now she was gonna get killed. It wouldn't take long for the Argents to start their maniacal torturing. Human or not, they didn't care. They proved that with his family. "She's a part of the Argents. Now that she's seen your face, she could easily ask Allison about you. There's nothing, not even the sheriff can do to protect you against them!"
Sam stood there quietly as he paced. "You done?", she asked.
He looked at her in disbelief. "Am I done??"
"Yes, are you done? As I said before, this already involved me. If something happens to Scott, me and Stiles are the first to be confronted about his "condition" and there's nothing you could do to stop it. I'm not trying to live out some fantasy here, Derek. Hell, I left fantasies to books, and now my best friend is a werewolf.", Sam says, tiredly.
She stepped up to him. "I'm in this whether you like it or not. Not because I want to, but because I can't stand here and be helpless while you guys are risking your necks by simply trying to live. It's not right." Derek looked taken aback at her determination. He looked away before harshly sighing.
"You're right. You're right. I'm… sorry.", he says, begrudgingly. Sam crossed her arms. "Can you at least trust me now? I almost got tazed."
That put somewhat of a smile on his face as he rolled his eyes. "Okay. Okay, I trust you."
Sam smiled, before turning away. "That's all I'm asking for. Now, c'mon, you can't go back there.", she says, walking away but stopping only after hearing her own footsteps. She turned around to see he's already gone. She lifted her arms in confusion. "The hell."
After getting home safely, she looked at the time.
She was cutting it close.
She quickly ran into the house after parking in the driveway and got cleaned up. The less her mom knew about where she'd been, the better.
After 5, they pulled into the parking lot and Sam could see Stiles' jeep. Her eyes widened. She almost forgotten she thought Stiles got rid of it.
She quickly pulled her mom into a different entrance so she wouldn't see the Jeep.  
"So, who're we going to first? How about we start from worse to better?", her mom suggested. Sam sighed harshly. "I can't stand either class."
They ran through every class anyways, leaving one at last. "Last one… Coach Finstock.", Sam said, rolling her eyes. He wasn't too bad; he was just childish.
Entering his office, he looked up and a proud look washed over his face. "Wilson! My star!"
Sam's mom smiled at the praise whilst Sam looked at him with an incredulous expression.
"Your daughter is a delight on the team: great kid.", he said, shaking her mom's hand.
Sam rolled my eyes at his ass kissing. "So, records. Fast learner, dependable, a little C's and D's here and there but other than that, she's good.", he says.
Seriously? That wasn't too bad. She had a feeling the "praise" would bite her in the ass later.
After leaving the office and finally exiting the school, Sam stretched. "I'm so glad that's over.", she whined. "I was kinda expecting the worst."
Her mom pulled her close. "Stay close to me, something's loose in the parking lot.", she said, looking around.
Her mom placed her hands on her hips. "How bad could you have done?" Sam grinned and shrugged.
They jumped at the sudden shrill of a scream that ripped through the parking lot. With panic amuck, it was hard to see what was going on. The only thing they could make out of all the screaming was a roar.
No way it could be the alpha. Would he really attack in front of hundreds of people???
Sam looked around to see Stiles' dad, who had fallen on the ground. She yanked herself out of her mom's grip and ran to help him up.
He looked at her in confusion. "What're you doing!? Get out of here!", he ordered before stopping to look at a dark four-legged figure stalking towards them.
It moved faster and Sam braced herself before hearing loud gunshots in her ears. She looked at Mr. Stillinski and saw he didn't even have a weapon but was looking at someone else.
Sam's mom ran up to her, scolding her daughter for leaving her like that. Suddenly Scott and Allison ran up to them as well.
It was an older man pointing a gun in the direction of the roaring beast who fled. "Thanks.", Mr. Stillinski said, as he helped Sam up.
Sam frowned as she caught the face of Argent. The man got the full scan of the girl's face.
"You guys okay?", he asked. Sam nodded. "Yeah. Must've been a cougar. Couldn't get a good look.", Sam said, pointedly at Scott. He nodded and she noticed Allison hugging the man from before.
Scott seemed to catch onto Sam's line of vision and introduced the man. "Sam, this is Allison's dad."
Sam's heart dropped to her stomach as the man nodded at her. "Nice to meet you."
Sam faked a smile and nodded. "Nice to meet you too."
Allison walked off with her father and Sam felt her palms sweat as she glared subtly at Scott. He didn't know that Sam had a confrontation with both Argent but now that's three Argents they'd have to worry about.
"What's wrong?", Scott asked, absentmindedly. Sam rolled her eyes and whispered in his ear. "We're talking about this later."
She walked off with her mom, ready to go home.
When she was finally alone in her room, she paced back and forth. That woman from earlier saw her face. And she knew Derek.
If the entire Argent family are hunters, minus Allison who seems to not know of this, then there's no way that woman didn't go and tell him. Now that he's seen her face and knows her name, anything could happen. In the midst of Sam's panicking, she jumped at the sound of something being thrown at her window.
She hesitated walking over to it. She looked around for a weapon and found an old bed slat that fell under her bed and walked over to her window. She peeked through the crack of her blinds and saw a familiar face standing outside.
Sam sighed heavily as she opened her window to fully see Derek. "Seriously??", she whispered-yelled.
He climbed up a nearby tree to enter her room through the window.
"What're you doing here?", she asked. He huffed as he situated himself. "Sorry for being concerned.", he said, rolling his eyes. "I heard your heart. It's going a mile a minute. What's going on?"
"We just came back from the conferences at school and then the whole thing in the parking lot with a cougar and Allison's dad was there-" He stopped her rambling. "Hold on, hold on. Allison's dad was there??", he asked with wide eyes.
Sam nodded. "Did he see you?", he asked. "He practically scanned me. He saved me and Mr. Stillinski from being mauled but it didn't help that Scott introduced us.", Sam said.
Derek's face contorted in anger. "I'm gonna fucking kill him."
"Hold on-"
"He's being too carefree. Especially around that Allison. All she has to do is bat her eyes and she'll get him to tell her everything.", he rambled.
Sam panicked more at that. Scott was hopelessly in love with Allison. And him being a werewolf just makes his infatuation with her even worse. He didn't see the dangers of this. It was ironic. Being in love with a hunter while you're a werewolf. It was almost laughable if they weren't in danger now.
Derek seemed to notice and put his hands on her shoulders. "Easy. Breathe."
She tried calming down with a few deep breaths before finally relaxing a bit. She looked up at Derek. "He can't be this stupid. I mean, he shot at us for Christ's sake!"
"Again, Scott is obsessed with this girl. Of course, he's not gonna think straight with her around and that's gonna be a big issue and a hindrance to all of this.", Derek said.
"Speaking of all of this, you can't really go back to your house now because of them, huh? Where are you staying?", Sam asked.
He shook his head. "I'm fine. They don't know about other places I've been staying at so everything's good."
For now.
Sam sighed in relief. At least one good thing has come out of all of this.
Derek shook his head. "Just relax. He may know what you look like, but he doesn't know where you live and we're not gonna jinx that. Starting with me leaving now."
As he starts climbing out of her window, she stops him. "Hey."
He looks at her attentively.
"Be safe. Please.", she says. He gives her a half smile. "Night, Sam." With that he jumps out of the window, and Sam watches as he disappears into the night.
The next morning, Scott called Sam to go grocery shopping with him and it was a struggle, considering he forgot the entire list of what he needed to get.
Luckily, she helped him retrace his memory and they finally got everything out. "You don't have to babysit me, y'know.", he grumbled.
"Hey, you asked me to come along. You can't get mad at me when you forgot the list.", Sam argued.
"I am capable of shopping unassisted; you know that right?", Scott said smartly as they entered the parking structure, heading back to the car after getting groceries.
"Says the guy who forgot the list. You're lucky I did come, otherwise your mom wouldn't have half the things she asked for.", she fussed, following behind him.
"I've just had a lot on my mind lately.", he said defensively.
"So, I see. Since this is the second level we have checked and still no car…", Sam shook her head.
"I'm sure I parked here.", he said, pulling the keys from his pocket and clicking the locking button.
He hit the clicker about 2 or 3 more times before the car horn beeped…
"Above us…", Sam grumbled, looking up.
Scott sighed and took half of the bags from her, only for the half gallon of milk he bought to roll out of the bag.
"No, no, no…" He went chasing after it, only for it to roll under a car.
"Great." She followed him to get it, chuckling along the way. Just as he was about to get on his hands and knees to get it, it suddenly came rolling back with four puncture marks running down the side.
He backed up rapidly, growls reverberated off the walls and they both started to panic.
"Holy shit…", she muttered before Scott grabbed her wrist in a vice grip and ran off with her. He seemed to have gotten faster even though they were both on the lacrosse team. She still seemed so out of shape compared to him.
When they finally stopped, they ducked down behind a car on the opposite side of the parking structure, Scott was trying to calm his breathing as well as Sam.
When Scott calmed down enough, he stood back up and began setting off car alarms all around them.
He made it down both sides, letting off every car alarm he could.
They backed away enough to just hear the car alarms from all sides, which was dangerous and tactical.
Just as they thought they were okay, his phone decided to ring, and she looked at him in disbelief. "You have to be shitting me right now.", she squeaked.
Before he could even turn it off, he was tackled to the end of the row, on top of the hood of a car. Sam ducked and peeked up to get a good look at what it was… rather who it was.
"And now because of that, you got both you and her killed.", she heard him fuss at Scott, finally releasing him. 
He started to walk towards Sam and the girl glared at him. "What the hell was that for!? How is this gonna help him!?"
"I said I'd teach him, I never said when.", Derek countered, walking past her. 
"Ok, but I was fast though, right?", Scott asked, running up beside Derek.
"Not fast enough.", Derek replied.
"But-but the car alarm thing, that was smart, right?", Scott panted, trying to catch up to Derek.
"Until your phone rang.", Derek said, dismissively. 
"Yeah, but that was - I mean - Would you just stop? Please?", Scott exclaimed, causing Derek to slow down and finally stop, turning around to face Scott.
"What happened the other night, Stiles' dad getting hurt, that was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this.", Scott pleaded.
"Look, I am what I am because of birth. You were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time. I don't even know if I can teach you.", Derek said.
"What do I have to do?", Scott asked.
"You have to get rid of distractions. You see this? This is why I caught you. You want me to teach you, get rid of her.", Derek held up Scott's phone for him to see 'Allison' flashing across the screen.
"What, just because of her family?", Scott accused. "Wait-wait!", Scott exclaimed as Derek threw Scott's phone against the wall, shattering it.
"You getting angry? That's your first lesson. You want to learn how to control this, how to shift, you do it through anger, by tapping into a primal animal rage, and you can't do that with her around.", Derek ordered.
"I can get angry.", Scott growled.
"Not angry enough. This is the only way I can teach you. Now, can you stay away from her? At least until the full moon.", Derek asked.
"If you can teach me, I can stay away from her.", Sam looked at Derek as he looked back at her like he didn't believe him. Sam wasn't strong enough to vouch for Scott.
Derek sighed. "Fine."
Once Scott gathered up the groceries to put them in the car, Sam followed Derek.
"What do you want, Sam?", Derek asked.
"You don't have any faith in him, do you?", she asked.
"Are you forgetting Scott can probably hear everything we're saying?", he asked, raising a thick eyebrow.
"I'm aware, but he's too pissed at you to be focusing on what I got to say.", she said, crossing her arms.
Derek sighed. "You asked me to help, and what little expertise I have in helping the bitten, I'm trying. Cut me some slack."
She raised her hands in defense. "I get it, it's hard. I can't imagine how difficult it is to have someone else's responsibility on your shoulders like this. I appreciate it anyway."
That seemed to calm him down, just a little.
She gave him a smile before turning to leave but he grabbed her arm. Sam turned to him. "What's the matter?"
He held out his hand. "Give me your phone."
Sam awkwardly pulled out her phone and handed it to him, watching him hastily punch his number in before handing it back to her. "Now, go home. We made a ruckus.", he says before leaving.
Sam thanked Scott for the ride home and rushed inside to collapse in her bed.
Those guys were gonna be the death of her.
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stetervault · 3 years
Hiii! Been delving into Steter now, in the year of our lord 2021, even though I never really did when I was active in the fandom years ago and I was wondering if you'd have some longfic recs for the ship? Like, fics that are Classics(TM)? But happy endings! And I'm not super into those in which Stiles is still underage 😬 do u have any recs? Thanks!
Welcome to the Steter fandom! I definitely have some long fics to rec, some of them are super old lol, and I'll stick to ones around 20k or over, and most of them are finished. And hmm, considering the ship, and a lot of fics like to start off in season 1 where Stiles is still technically a teenager, I'll try to limit these to ones with Stiles being at least 16/17 before anything starts happening, and only 18+ if there's explicit content. I hope that's okay.
drowning in the sea of you by Corpium
Beacon Hills was perfect for Stiles growing up, but now, with werewolves, hunters, and an anxious best friend running around, it's turning into a place too chaotic for an empath like Stiles to handle alone. And pain killers can only go so far.
Wake Me Up by ToAStranger
Stiles has been in a coma for six years. Now he's awake.
Tremors by Corpium
(Stiles has a taste for him now. All Peter needs to do is wait.)
Surviving Peter and the Zombie Apocalypse by Nopennamesleft
Its the end of the world and Stiles has run out of luck. He saves a werewolf from certain death. Will they begin to rely on each other to survive or will the wolf just eat Stiles for a midnight snack?
Bite Down by EclipseWing
In which Stiles is forced to survive the zombie apocalypse with a sociopathic murdering werewolf for company.
as you are by veterization
Stiles runs straight into a tree and suddenly, things are... different. Namely, he's in a world where Peter Hale is his boyfriend.
Call My Name by KouriArashi
After moving to Beacon Hills, Stiles starts having recurring dreams of a man in some kind of prison, who needs his help. Things get so bad that he ends up in Eichen House, where he finds out that the man is real.
Devil of Mercy by KouriArashi
Peter's heard people talk about what it felt like when they saw their mate for the first time, from those who actually believe in the mystical bullshit. Like a magnet, like gravity. Peter just feels... sharply curious.
Whiskey is My Kind of Lullaby by taylorpotato
Peter is a simple saloon owner on one of the outer planets between the Aaru Belt and the Olympus Galaxy. He’s done with trouble. Done with adventure. So fucking done with rustlers. That is, until a cute young outlaw named Stiles wanders into his bar. Peter has this problem where he can’t seem to resist charming narcissists (perhaps because they remind him of himself). And when said narcissists turn his life upside-down, the worst part is he’s not even that upset about it.
Proposing To Strangers by moonstalker24
At the end of a strained relationship, crime novelist Stiles chooses to hide from the world inside a bar with far too many motorcycles outside it for comfort. Here he'll meet the man of his dreams, eat food and propose marriage, all within the first five minutes.
Peter doesn't know who this kid is, but he's cute and looks like he could use a break. So he feeds him. He's not expecting a marriage proposal, but with what comes after, he doesn't really mind.
Stiles Stilinski, Disaster Chef by Guede
The zombie apocalypse forces Stiles to learn how to cook.
The Will by Guede
We are gathered here today for the reading of Gerard Argent’s will.
On the Importance of Lunar Influences in Gardening by Guede
“Oh, it’s you again,” Stiles sighs. He puts down his basket and drops the bunch of onions into it, and then dusts off his hands. “Can’t you get your own strawberries? I mean, I have it on good authority that wild strawberries? They’re a thing. They exist. They’re out there.”
“But Stiles,” says the werewolf dangling by one foot from the tree, sticky red smears around his mouth and all over his fingers. “Your berries are so juicy, so ripe. Those ones in the woods are mere passing indulgences compared to the royal feast you have in your garden.”
Genii loci Stiles and his father run a community garden, and it’s all good, except for the werewolf who keeps sneaking over the fence to raid Stiles’ strawberry patch (and the hunter who’s constantly hanging around his father).
Runes and all kinds of things by FeelingsDusk (WIP)
Enough is enough. Stiles is tired of being always a last choice when he always tries to do his best for his precious people, so they better get their act together or face being left behind.
The things in the Argent's basement get nearly fatal, the Sheriff finds about the supernatural, Allison can have a wicked, wicked mind and Peter Hale appears to be everywhere.
Oh, and Stiles can't seem to stop breaking the laws of physics with his magic.
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
Out Of The East, Never See The Sun Rise by neglectedtuesday
In the beginning, there are three absolutes.
One. Stiles is a god, forged of starlight and collapsing galaxies and he is eternal.
Two. Peter is human, fragile bone and viscous blood and he is temporary.
Three. Stiles and Peter are in love; love that claws its way inside one’s heart like fish hooks; all encompassing love that is beautiful but dangerous.
Stiles is a god. Peter is human. They love each other.
Three absolutes.
You Had Me at Canapes by LadyArinn
Stiles doesn't mean to sneak into the Hale wedding, and he certainly doesn't mean to have cliche coat-room sex with the bride's uncle, but what had happened, happened, and it wasn't like he could just leave. At least, not until he got to have some of that cake.
Infinite Space by DiscontentedWinter
Stiles needs Peter's expertise to help stop the latest threat to Beacon Hills. And, as the pack falls apart around him, he might even need Peter for more than that.
Hook, Yarn, Sinker by pprfaith
Stiles is happy with his store, his hobbies, his friends. Peter's just trying to figure out how to raise his nieces and nephew without fucking them up too badly.
Paths cross.
Open Wounds by Guede
Talia got out of the fire with Peter, but everyone else died. Years later, they’re still struggling with injuries, but they’ve at least settled in with oddball werewolf Stiles. And then other werewolves start showing up. Familiar ones.
Bittersweet Creek by Guede
When Stiles finally steps off the westward trail to California, he’s the last of his pack. He starts building a den, but then he finds a dying man next to a burnt-down house and it turns out he’s not really much of a settler, after all.
For Great Justice! by Green
Stiles is a vengeance demon, drawn to Peter just as he's waking from his catatonia.
"Whoever did this? We will make those fuckers suffer. I promise you."
Bone Deep by ShippersList
A body in the woods, a mate, and a long-awaited revenge.
Peter had no idea how his life would change when he followed the strange pull in his chest.
Love What is Behind You by KouriArashi
Basically what it says on the label. Hunger Games type fusion. Stiles doing way better than anyone anticipates. Peter finds him intriguing. Ruthless, devious assholes working together to ruin bad guys, as the Steter ship is meant to be.
Soothing the Burn by Therapeutic_Steter (WIP)
Peter is burnt out and breaking down. Stiles notices and offers him solace, along with the one thing he wants most: Pack.
Til Death by Bunnywest
“How long do we have to find him someone?” Stiles asks. “Two weeks,” says Derek, eyebrows pulling down even further. The fierceness of his expression tells Stiles just how concerned he is. “He marries, or he goes to the camps. And you know what your father told us,” Scott reminds her. The camps……aren’t camps. Peter either finds a wife, or he dies.
Ink Blossoms by Triangulum
"So, you're going to ruin your niece's baby shower with flowers in the wrong color?" the florist, Stiles, asks when they reach the counter. He pulls out a binder and starts flipping through it.
"Not ruin. Mildly inconvenience," Peter says.
"Right, messing with a hormonal pregnant woman seems like a great plan."
"To be fair, her fiance and the father of her baby is my ex-boyfriend," Peter says. "And we weren't broken up when they started 'dating'."
Stiles looks up at him in surprise. "And you're still getting her flowers?" he asks.
"It's under duress, I assure you," Peter says. He absolutely wouldn't be here if his alpha hadn't ordered it.
"Well, shit, yeah, let's get you some purple revenge flowers," Stiles says.
After You by FlyAwayMeow (rjaejoo)
It’s true that sometimes what you want the most, you can’t have and that you’ll miss what you once had all along when it’s finally gone.
After breaking his engagement to Chris, Peter heads to New York to start over. He meets Stiles, a young author at his publishing house who helps him piece his confidence back together. When tragedy strikes, he discovers how to finally let go of his past and have the family and future he's always wanted with the pieces already in his life.
love me lights out by veterization
Stiles and Peter get snowed in together. (Or: what happens when you accept phone calls from people you haven't spoken to in over five years.)
Uncle Peter Doesn't Date by Mellow (SweetCandy) (WIP)
“Oh don’t lie, you love it.” Peter purred and winked at his newest arm candy, who spluttered for a few seconds, before blushing like a 16 year old virgin. Considering how young he looked Laura wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually 16. “Shut up Peter!” Bambi squeaked, still flushing and averting Laura’s eyes. “Well, anyways, I’m,” ‘Bambi’. “Stiles. Stiles Stilinski, pleasure to meet you- again.” Stiles smiled sheepishly, obviously nervous. Stiles Stilinski. Definitely a stripper then.
Or: Laura was prepared for whatever piece of armcandy her uncle had decided to show up with, what she hadn't been prepared for was Stiles Stilinski...her uncle's boyfriend.
Under the Songbird’s Wing by mia6363
Captivity easily destroys the will of escape. It can break the fiercest of animal. It can strip the most regal man and woman down to nothing but animal needs.
Captivity can, if met with unwavering determination, shape a person into something unimaginable.
Stiles is sixteen when he's captured. Stiles's first thought is, "I won't die here."
Baby Whisperer by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
“What. Is that.”
Scott looked up at him, apprehensive.
“Her name’s Lily.”
Stiles stared at the fuzzy head peeking out of the papoose.
“Her. Her name. That is a real live human baby. Oh my God-”
“Actually I don’t know if she’s human?” Scott said with a confused frown. “Becca didn’t say.”
“Who the fuck is Becca?!”
Sacrificial Lamb by Bunnywest
The Alpha has a scruffy beard, unkempt hair and dazzling blue eyes. The scar on his face is raised, running down his cheek like a twisting, gnarled rope. Stiles knows that it came from the blade of Kate Argent herself, and that the Alpha got it fighting in the battle where Kate killed his lover, cutting his head clean from his neck, if the stories are to be believed.
The Alpha lets Stiles look his fill, before indicating that Stiles should take the other couch, and Stiles does so, his father’s words echoing in his ears. He can do this, can be pleasant and amenable. The lives of his people may depend on it. The Alpha spends long moments surveying him, before saying, “I like you, Stiles.”
You don’t know me, Stiles wants to blurt out, but he bites his tongue.
The Various Triumphs of Mischief Bilinski by Whispering_Sumire (WIP)
"Hello, Chris," sings a honeyed voice from behind.
Chris' attention snaps toward the intruder, his gun already out of its' holster and aimed at whoever it is — a boy, apparently, with braided russet hair, a red jacket, and wise eyes. He's wearing a gas mask, but Chris can tell by the way his eyes crinkle around the edges, the way sun-burnt sand swirls in his irises, that he's smiling.
Chris cocks his gun.
"You killed my father," he says.
"No offence, but he totally deserved it," the stranger agrees with cheerful solemnity.
"What the hell are you doing in my home?" Chris demands. The kid is perched on a windowsill in Chris' office, as nonchalantly as if this were something he did every day, as if they were familiar.
"I was just wondering," the kid speaks softly, fond amusement sewn through with a peculiar resignation, "how you'd feel about putting down some nazis?"
[Or: The one where Stiles goes back in time and subsequently fucks with everything.]
A Curious Magic by Triangulum
Overall, Stiles is very well-known in the supernatural community. It’d be hard not to be, not with how his reputation has grown like wildfire. He knows and is on good terms with nearly all the fae that reside in the preserve, the asrai that live deep in the lake, the Ito pack, the vampire couple that lives over in Beacon Valley (they buy an ethically-sourced food supply from Stiles), as well as almost every other supernatural entity in the area. But Talia Hale doesn’t like him, and a werewolf pack tends to do what their alpha tells them to.
So it’s a definite surprise when the wards at the edge of his property trip, the tingling down his spine telling him it’s a werewolf, the lack of burning sensation letting him know there’s no hostile intent. Stiles, in his office in the second floor turret, sets down the amulet he’s packing up for Marin and moves to the large window overlooking the front of his property. He’s expecting to see an Ito packmember, even though they nearly always call in advance, and is surprised to see a man that he recognizes as Talia’s brother, Peter.
Light in the Dark by cywscross
It still surprises Stiles sometimes, how easily he’s adapted. Seven months in a world filled with train tracks and soul-sucking fae, and it feels like he’s never known anything else.
Or, the one where diverting the Ghost Riders from Beacon Hills to prey on a different town only succeeded in setting them free.
Vengeance Looks Good On You, Sweetheart by cywscross
Just because Scott refuses to see the Argents for what they truly are - prejudiced serial killers sitting proudly on a mountain of innocent corpses - doesn't mean Stiles will. It's about time someone did something about the Argent Empire anyway, and what a coincidence - summer vacation is just around the corner.
Or, the one where Gerard Argent kidnapped the wrong fucking person to torture. Stiles has never subscribed to the policy of forgiving and forgetting anyway, not when razing the problem to the ground and salting the earth for good measure has always been a far better solution in the long run.
He doesn't expect to have company.
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charliedawn · 3 years
Imagine being in a hate love relationship with Peter Hale
Warning : attempt of rape
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You were on Peter duty..Again. Since Peter Hale was the man that everybody feared, it had been decided that you would be the one keeping an eye on the overly fool-of-himself werewolf with the power of your mighty patience. Scott and Stiles stop in front of Derek's loft and he jogs out to meet you.
" Thanks Y/N. I owe you one !"
He says with a grateful smile and you smile back.
" Big time. But come on, you three go hunt whatever creature you have to hunt and I'll stay to take care of Mr Smarty-pants up there !"
You say enthusiastically and they all smile apologetically at you, knowing how the two of you were not exactly on friendly terms.
" Be careful, okay ? And tell him that if he touches you, I'll kick his ass !"
Stiles says confidently, which makes you laugh.
" Don't worry, Stiles. If there is any problem, I'll call you guys immediately and plus, I have a way to take care of moody children.."
You tell him with a mysterious smile and Stiles nods understandingly.
" I know..Just, stay safe."
And with that last warning, they are all out of here. As soon as they are out of your sight, your smile leaves your face and you sigh loudly before turning towards the building and whisper to yourself.
" Welp..Here we go.."
As soon as you enter, you smell something burning and see the stove on fire. You run towards it and take a glass from the cupboard to fill it with water in order to stop the fire. When you're done, you are panting because of the effort and look murderously at Peter that is sitting calmly on the couch, as if nothing had happened.
You glare at him while he doesn't even raise his eyes from his book.
" Let me guess..You couldn't smell the smoke ?"
You ask annoyed and only then does he look up at you with a small mischievous smile.
" Aren't you supposed to be the one keeping me out of harm's way ? You are here to keep me from doing anything stupid, not the other way around..I create chaos and you're here to stop me. Do your job and stop whining."
You grit your teeths in anger before sitting on the couch, as far away from Peter as possible. You can't believe the nerve of this man that was ready to burn the entire flat only to prove a point !
" I don't know why you're so eager to unnerve me. Does it entertain you ? Would it kill you to be nice and helpful from time to time ?"
You ask while taking a nearby book and starting reading yourself, not really interested in his answer that you knew would not be anything but upsetting.
" I'm the spark that lits your fire, sweetheart..Try to let go sometimes, you would actually enjoy it. Why don't you try to be less of a killjoy ?"
You raise an eyebrow at that before returning to your book and replying nonchalantly.
" Have you ever considered, even for only a moment, that I simply don't like you ?"
He fakes being offended by putting his hand above his heart and widening his eyes dramatically at you.
" Oh darling ! Me who thought that you were about to ask my hand in marriage ?! How disappointing ?!"
You snort.
" Hard pass."
He sighs in false disappointment before taking his coat and walking towards the exit.
" And where do you think you're going ?"
You ask with an eyebrow arked in curiosity.
" Out."
He answers simply before opening the door. You sigh before taking your coat and running after him.
" Didn't Derek warn you that I am allowed to use silver bullets if you disobey me ?"
He scoffs before shrugging, not bothering waiting for you.
" I'm going to get a beer, not kill a bunch of innocent virgins.."
He winks at you cheekily before stepping inside the bar that was the nearest to the apartment. You role your eyes at his comment before entering the bar after him.
You look around and are amazed to see that the place wasn't as bad as you had previously thought. It had good background music and not a lot of customers, besides a couple of drunk friends who were talking in whispers at their table. However, Peter isn't visible and you sigh again before walking towards the counter to ask the bartender if he had any idea of where your irresponsible dog had run off to. You sit down and attract the attention of the bartender by raising your hand. He walks towards you and leans in to listen to your order.
" A soda, please."
He arks an eyebrow at you, nearly amused, before turning around and getting out what you asked.
" Are you sure you don't want anything else ? Anything stronger ?"
He says while eyeing your bottle of soda warily, as if it was an insult to his establishment for you to order such a drink. You smile, tempted beyond reason, but then remember that you had a werewolf to find.
" Sorry. Can't. I'm on the job. By the way, have you seen a man ? Sarcastic. Arrogant. Energic. Tall. Very annoying. Awfully blond. Seen him anywhere ?"
He looks suspiciously at you before asking in a slightly worried and even threatening voice.
" You're a cop ?"
You can't help but laugh bitterly at the question before replying.
" You could say that. But I am only responsible of one criminal, and the only crime he committed is to not have messed up my night, yet.."
He smirks when he understands the irony in your tone and was about to answer when someone puts his hand on your shoulder. You turn around to see a very smug Peter with a huge grin.
" Oh ! Look at that ! The overly confident puppy is finally back ! What ? Got lost on the way ?"
You ask sarcastically and he only humphs in response before sitting next to you, the grin not leaving his face.
" Why ? Missed me ?"
You scoff before taking a sip of your drink.
" As much as a needle in my heel..But, if Derek was to find out that I've let you out of your cage, he would have my head.."
He wraps his arm around your shoulders and makes you spill your drink a little over yourself.
" Aww..You do care ! My cold heart warms at the thought of the packs brat worrying about me !"
You groan in annoyance before biting his hand off. He hisses in pain before retrieving his hand and massaging it while glaring at you from the corner of his eyes. Just at that moment, the bartender comes back to get Peter's order and eyes Peter suspiciously before looking back at you with an inquisitive glance, asking discreetly if you needed an escape. You could have laughed if it wasn't so sad. Peter was such a nuisance that people were now wondering if he was the one bothering you, when in fact it was the opposite. However Peter, that had not missed the silent conversation, growls when the bartender gives him a warning side glance. But, not intimidated the nearest, Peter smirks a toothy grin at the bartender before showing his bitten hand.
" Careful. The brat bites. I've seen what it is capable of, first hand..literally. Don't worry, if you should be worried about anyone around here, it's everyone else besides her."
He cautioned and the bartenders eyes widen at the mark that would certainly have left a scar if he was a normal human being while you snicker in your corner. The bartender quickly runs towards his other customers at the far end of the bar, leaving you two in your sudden awkward solitude.
" Well..Isn't he a gentleman ? Thinking you need saving from me. Not even considering that I could be the abused one in this relationship ? How rude !"
You try to stifle a laugh. Unfortunately, he hears you and smirks proudly at his small victory.
" I'm not the psychopath that tried to murder a bunch of teenagers just because I wanted to become the big bad alpha.."
You taunt while giving him an amused side glance. He groans in annoyance as you make him remember his past and he gulps down his whiskey, an attempt to make him forget faster.
" Aren't you a delight ?! Playing unfair by spreading out the touchy subjects like that..No wonder Stiles rejected you. You would have chomped his lips off !"
You glare at him as he talks about Stiles before replying harshly.
" Says the man whose only date was Scott's mom, and that was to trap him ! You're so terrible that nobody could stand being with you more than 5 minutes without hating you ! I would tell you to go to hell, but it would be unfair on Satan !"
He chuckles at that last part and you take your drink in order to take a sip and calm your nerves, but grimace at the awful taste. You had asked for a soda, but it tasted more like salt with water..He cackles at your expression before whispering mockingly in your ear with false concern.
" Oh ! What ? Ain't sweet enough for you, sweetheart ?"
You only raise a very distinctive finger at him, warning him that one more word from him would result in extreme pain and look around the room to distract yourself from his presence..and from the fact that you were his entitled babysitter. Your eyes wander and finally settle on the nice bartender that winks at you when you meet his gaze. You blush slightly before smiling back at him. He wasn't bad-looking and everything would be better than bantering with the overly sarcastic and confident werewolf that couldn't seem to leave you be. You were about to stand up and walk towards the cute bartender when suddenly, a hand raises to lay on your shoulder and pin you down to your seat. You were about to complain and even yell at Peter when you hear him growl from deep withing him while he shoots a dirty glare at the poor young man. You frown in incomprehension and grit your teeths in annoyance, thinking it was one of his attention seeking gesture. You then take his hand and force him to let go of you to walk towards the exit. Here you go again, you couldn't even enjoy your night without having to take care of the sulky werewolf. You soon hear his footsteps behind you and when he is about to grab your arm, you turn around abruptly and glare at him with such seriousness that it freezes him on the spot.
" How about you and your insanity stay the heck away from me ?! I'm so tired of your bullshit, Peter ! Why can't you just leave me alone ?!"
At your harsh words, Peter's gaze hardens and he retracts his hand to only smirk at you and tilt his head a little bit to the side, as if he didn't understand the question.
" Oh darling..I would love to ! But, you see, it seems that me and my insanity are often required to solve your friend's little problems !"
Suddenly, unnerved beyond belief and having had more than enough of him, you feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes and yell at him, so loud that it surprises the werewolf himself.
" Leave me alone ! Why am I the only one who always has to handle you?! Why do you always ask Derek for me to keep you, even though you don't even like me ?! If I'm such a bother, why not just get rid of me ?!"
He doesn't seem to be able to find an answer and you don't even let him reply. You start running until you reach a small and dark alley. When you're sure you are far enough for the werewolf not to hear you cry, you crouch down and start sobbing. When you've spilt all of your frustration and sadness out, you wipe your face with your sleeve and stand up to get back home. However, when you are about to leave the alley-way, you see someone else blocking the exit. You first think that it's Peter, but the more you approach the individual, the more you have to admit that it doesn't look like Peter. You try to walk past him, but he brusquely grabs your arm and throws you to the ground. You want to get your phone out of your purse, but the man stomps on your hand and you scream in pain. The man takes you by the jaw and forces you to look up at him. His disgusting breath hitting your face, smelling of alcool and his evil smirk making you want to puke even more.
" Aren't ya a sweat ass ? Tell me, what does a young lady like yourself doing here by herself in the middle of the night, hmm ?"
You want to scream for help again, but another individual behind you puts his hand against your mouth to muffle your screams and you feel the familiar shape of a knife against your throat. When you know that there is nothing else you can do, you close your eyes and try to stop the new tears from leaving your eyes..You didn't want to cry for those men, they didn't deserve your tears..
" Now..You're going to be a good girl and let us take care of you, okay ?"
The one posted behind you whispers in your ear and you clench your jaw, your last thought going to Peter. You had been awful to him, even though you knew he wasn't a bad person..You had let out your frustration on him and you were now regretting it bitterly. You should have sticked to your job and stay with him. If you had, maybe you wouldn't be in your current situation. Reality hits you hard when you feel one of the men starting to open your blouse. When you thought that that was it, that you were going to be raped in that dirty alley-way and probably killed, you hear the hurried footsteps of someone running towards your location. You want to scream again, but the knife is raised once again against your throat.
" One peep and nobody will even find your body.."
You whimper and nod in understanding. The footsteps stop and you hold your breath.
" Sweetheart ? Are you there ?"
You hear the familiar voice of Peter and feel relieved to know that he is near. However, the man whispers instructions in your ear and you can't help but nod in agreement, knowing that he wouldn't hesitate to slice your throat if you were to disobey.
" You're going to tell him to go away, that you don't want him to come any closer..I know what he is and the knife is made of silver and has been dipped in wolfsbane for a while..Don't play smart or you'll lose more than your life.."
He uncovers your mouth and you respond in a shaky voice.
" G..Go away, Peter..I don't want you near me ! I hate you !"
You bit to your inner cheek, wondering if he would insist or know that something is wrong. You know that even if he was to guess that something is wrong, you couldn't afford to lose him as well..However, you hear him take a step towards you and sniff the air. He suddenly growls animalistically and his eyes light up in the dark.
" I can smell the stench of two putrid little humans that shouldn't be touching what isn't theirs.."
You start panicking, knowing that he could die if he was to step any closer and yell in a last attempt to protect him.
" Don't, Peter ! They've got wolfsbane ! Run !"
One of the men muzzles you again, but Peter doesn't step back. He gets his claws out and snarls.
" Alright boys. Let's rumble."
The two men stand up and face Peter that doesn't seem scared. He doesn't keep his eyes off them while they circle him. The man with the knife tries to attack him first, but Peter grabs his arm and tears it off from the rest of his body. The man screams in agony, but Peter slashes his throat before turning towards the other man that is shaking with terror.
" What ?! You are brave enough to attack a defenseless woman, but not enough to fight a werewolf ?!"
He roars and the man suddenly gets out a gun that he points at Peter. Before he could react, the man shoots and the bullet goes through his abdomen. Peter falls on his knees and the man runs away, leaving you and him behind. You force yourself to get up and crouch down in front him to see that the wound is not closing itself.
" Wolfsbane bullet.."
He affirms what you already suspected and you have to take deep breathes in order not to panic. You know what to do, you had seen Derek do it a thousand time already. You need to cauterize the wound. You close your eyes and try to calm yourself before trying to carry him back home. When you finally enter the building after a few grunts and moans of pain from the both of you, you lay Peter down on the couch and look around for something hot enough to burn the poison. Suddenly, your eyes fall on a blowtorch and when Peter understands what you were thinking about, he looks pitifully up at you.
" I have a very bad tolerance to pain."
He warns you, a warning that sounds more like a desperate plea for you to reconsider your plan..But you know that you don't have much time and address him a silent apology with your eyes before taking the handle of your purse and make him bite down on it.
" This is gonna hurt. Bad. But, I'm going to try to be as fast as I can, okay ?"
His nostrils flare in fear for the pain to come, but he nods in agreement and you take a big shaky breath before using the blowtorch. As soon as the fire gets in contact with his skin, Peter visibly whitens, his eyes flash blue and you can see his claws digging in the soft material of the couch. You don't know what to do to attenuate the pain, so you do the first thing that comes to mind to distract him..You kiss him. His eyes widen perceptibly at your action, but he doesn't hesitate before burying his hands in your hair and reciprocating the kiss, even though the handle of your purse forms some kind of barrier between you and him. When you take a step back, he seems more relax and you glance down at his wound before switching off the blowtorch. You are relieved when you see the wound closing and smile widely at him. But, before you could truly process what was happening, Peter had gotten rid of your purse and had bounced on top of you to pin you to the floor and kiss you passionately again.
" Stiles doesn't deserve you..Nobody does..Nobody needs you like I do..Nobody can handle me the way you do..I don't want them to take you away from me..Stay with me..If you leave, I'll lose my fucking mind.."
He mutters between each breath he takes while kissing you and you blush vividly at his words. He looks up at you with his bright blue eyes and you can't help but smile up at him before kissing him back yourself and petting the top of his head appreciatively.
" You damn nut job, if you wanted me that bad, why didn't you tell me ? Instead of making me lose my mind.."
He grins before nuzzling your neck and wrapping his arms around your waist.
" Because I like when you get mad.."
You chuckle before returning his embrace.
" Bad pup.."
" Stiles lover"
You ark an eyebrow at the odd insult before replying teasing.
" Does that mean I won't be able to go back to his place and sleep on his couch ? Do I have to remind you that I live with him ?"
He tightens his hold on you and grumbles tiredly against your ribcage.
" Over my dead body. The only thing you will be allowed to sleep on from now on is me, got it ?"
You seem dumbfounded for a second and Peter picks on your uneasiness before laughing and looking up at you with a sly smile.
" Not what I meant, you pervert."
You blush a deep red and hit him on the back of the head playfully.
" Hey ! You're the one always insinuating things !"
He genuinely smiles at you before lowering his chin on your belly and tilting his head to look at you with fake innocence.
" I'm not the one who kissed me.."
You sigh, it was becoming a competition, like many things with him. You sit back up and make him fall at the same time.
" Yeah ?! Well, you were badly injured..and you reciprocated !"
You don't know why you wanted to defend yourself, you just know that you can't allow yourself to succomb for the man that had nearly killed all of your friends. Plus, you had just been attacked and were too weak to make any decisions. He seems to notice your worry and takes a step back immediately to get up and extend his hand towards you.
" I'm sorry. You helped me and I was being an idiot. You need to get some rest. Come on."
You look at his hand for a few seconds before slipping your hand in his. He yanks you upwards and proceeds to carry you back to your room where he lays you down on your bed. He leaves the room promptly afterwards, mumbling a small goodnight before walking out. When you're sure he is truly gone, you curl up into a ball and try to muffle your sobs. You couldn't sleep, every time you would close your eyes, their hands were there, touching you and making you feel as if you were weak..So weak..You whimper and cry as silently as you can until someone opens the door suddenly and blinding light surrounds the room. You turn around to see Peter standing there, his eyes glowing with such an intense color that it shocks you, you then notice the slight rise of his shoulders at each of his heavy breathing and finally, his lips curled and teeths grinding in rage.
" I should have killed them both..I should have never left you.."
You open your eyes wide at the realization, he had probably heard you and was reacting to your emotions. He approaches slowly and tenderly strokes your cheek, placing his forehead against yours.
" I'm so sorry, darling.."
You feel as if he's been crying too and step back. He seems to be hurt by your sudden distance, but you quickly indicate the spot next to you.
" Come on, I need a bed warmer."
His eyes light up like a happy puppy and he crawls next to you in order to cuddle you, making sure that you are comfortable every step of the way. You sigh in contempt before feeling sleep slowly taking over your tired body. Just before you fall asleep however, you mumble sleepily at Peter.
" You were right..I won't be able to sleep when you're not there anymore..You're too good of a bed warmer.."
You feel him chuckle behind you and smile as you realize that being best bud with Peter wouldn't be so bad..and maybe with time, a bit more.
The next day :
Derek finds the both of you on the sofa: you reading a book out loud, and Peter with his arms wrapped around you, listening attentively.
" So, I guess the babysitting went better than our stake out last night ?"
He asks, amused by your sudden friendliness towards each other. You look up at him with a small smile while Peter chuckles against your ear, the sound alone making you feel things you shouldn't be.
" Best of friends, aren't we, sweetheart ?"
Instead of answering his question, you try to change the subject.
" What happened to the stake out then ? I thought you were supposed to catch a couple of bounty hunters ?"
Derek shakes his head before shrugging his shoulders.
" I know, but when we got there, there was only one of them, and he was screaming that his friend had been murdered by another werewolf in town..I wonder if there are any others like us that we've not yet been in contact with ?"
At his explanation, you feel a lump forming in your throat, but when you were about to tell him what happened last night, Peter beats you to it.
" Funny, your description of the scene exactly matches what happened to me last night.."
Derek frowns before looking up at Peter with his jaw clenched.
" I thought I was pretty clear when I said stay put ?"
He glares at Peter, but then his eyes shift to you.
" And you, where were y..?"
But before he could finish his sentence, Peter cuts him again.
" Asleep. I waited for her to fall asleep before going out. Poor humans, can't manage a night without craving sleep.."
You look up at him with your mouth wide open, ready to deny everything he just said when you see him wink at you..He wasn't trying to make you look bad at your job, he was trying to save you the embarrassment. You close your mouth as fast as you had opened it and turn around towards Derek that was looking at you with an eyebrow raised, waiting for your confirmation. You nod and he sighs.
" Maybe it was a bad idea to leave you alone with him, you're still young and he's had plenty of experience when it comes to get what he wants..I'll ask Scott or Stiles next time."
You feel the lump in your throat slowly making its way to your stomach and your expression twists into one of pain and regret.
" No !"
To the surprise of everyone in the room, including yourself, you're the one who just shouted your disagreement. Derek frowns again before crossing his arms and waiting impatiently for an explanation while Peter only tightens his grip around you, a silent warning as to what you are about to say. You take a big breath before glancing up at Derek and saying in a calm and unfaltering voice.
" This is my job. I'm part of the pack. It's bad enough that I'm completely useless when it comes to working on the field, I can't let my only participation in all this go to someone else. I made a mistake, it won't happen again."
Derek seems to believe you, even though he shakes his head in hesitation.
" I don't know, Y/N..I was allowing this to continue since it seemed to work..But, Peter succeeded in complicating things, again."
He emphasizes on the last word while staring at Peter accusatively. Peter flashes an innocent grin at him before agreeing with you.
" I promise to behave from now on. Please, dad ? Can I please keep my plaything ? It gets lonely around here when you're all running around, chasing your own tails over and over.."
You elbow him as a warning, but Derek is already shooting daggers in his direction, on the verge of growling in annoyance. Fortunately, Derek succeeds in keeping his cool and only sighs in defeat before walking away.
" Fine. But, I warn you, one more mistake and I'll personally kick you out.."
" Can't do that, chief. It's my house !"
Peter answers with a big shit-eating grin, but Derek frowns at him before looking straight at you.
" I was talking to you, Y/N..I can't allow you to become a weakness, we've got already too many and Peter is the master of manipulation, dont fall for his tricks. It's a warning, let it be not a premonition."
And with those last words, he is gone. You both stay still for a moment until you decide to stand up and make yourself a cup of coffee. The words of Derek are swirling around in your mind and you glance at Peter when you think he's not looking..Were you really just another pawn in his mastermind plan to bring down the pack ? He seems to feel your stare and points it out.
" If I didn't know you the way I do, I'd say that you actually believe this idiot.."
" Why did you protect me ?"
You ask him abruptly, still not sure about what to make of last night's rescue. He seems to thinks about it for a while before answering you with such honesty that it surprises you.
" Because there was no reason for me to talk about it..Unlike what you all think of me, I'm not such a monster. I feel no satisfaction in a young girl's life being ruined by such macabre events. I care about you more than any of the other dumb teenagers of your group, even my own cousin. You're nice, kind, smart and you don't judge. You never told me that what I did was despicable or that I didn't deserve to live. You did what you had to do and tried the best you could to help. I agree that we have had our disagreements, but it was always playful and never really serious. Why would I ever want anything bad like this to happen to you when you're the only person who ever believed that I could become an ally ? Tell me, how many people do you think ever read to me or felt safe in my arms ? Not even my own family ever believed I could change..So, yes. I protected you, because you would have done the same thing for me. Your strength remains in your humanity, Y/N. Stiles may be the voice of reason, but you're the voice of mercy.."
You are awestruck by the words that seem to be tumbling out of his lips and surround you like the warmest of blankets. You would be happy to listen to him all day. You genuinely smile at him and, before you could stop yourself, you kiss him. He relaxes under your touch and wraps his arms around you to close the gap between the both of you. He finally breaks the kiss and laughs softly before adding.
" You also have very nice lips.."
You playfully punch his torso before laying down on top of him, finding the rhythm of his heartbeat oddly soothing.
" You're a jerk..But you're still a good person.."
You whisper while closing your eyes and you can hear him snicker above you.
" Congratulations, you just qualified me with two opposites. Jerk and good normally don't go together."
You don't answer, already snoring softly on his torso. He smiles sweetly at the sight before kissing the top of your head.
" Sweet dreams, darling.."
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usermischief · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where....Stiles pushes Theo up against a wall and realizes that Theo REALLY likes it.
Ooooh, yes. 👀 Thank you! 💖
Stiles runs his hands over his face with a groan. He can't be serious. Theo cannot be serious. "Scott's never gonna agree to those terms." It's like Theo never listened to a word he said in his life. Stiles is relieved there are negotiations because sitting between both packs is like running barefoot over hot coals. Not fun.
"I'm not going to back down."
"I'm not talking about backing down, I'm talking about a different approach." Stiles is very much aware that they need to approach a lot of things with a bit more aggression if they want to keep Beacon Hills a safe place. With the nemeton, the territory is desired. Having a conversation isn't always going to solve their problems. "That's why I'm here, isn't it?" Stiles crosses his arms. "You invited me for a different perspective."
Theo gives him a look. "I didn't invite you. You're part of this pack."
Okay, wow, looks like Theo has one of those days. Fantastic. "Don't get it twisted. I'm your emissary, not your beta. As far as I'm concerned, you can take your alpha status and shove it where the sun doesn't shine." Dealing with Theo when he's like this isn't always easy, but Stiles knows how to handle him. Usually, all he has to do is walk away, and Theo comes crawling back to him. But his attitude hasn't gotten better ever since the negotiations with the McCall pack started. It does seem Stiles has to take a different approach.
Josh and Corey exchange nervous glances. They would never talk to Theo that way. None of the chimeras do, but Theo is playing favorites. Stiles can act up as much as he wants, say whatever he feels like saying, Theo would never lift a finger. The reason for that? Stiles wouldn't know. He hasn't asked either.
Theo rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, keep doing that. Maybe you'll find a brain back there."
That, for some reason, pushes Theo further than anything else Stiles has ever said to him. And he said a lot. Without further ado, Stiles finds himself pressed up against a wall, a forearm pressed to his throat. "Don't push it."
"I'm sorry, I think I didn't hear that right." Stiles grabs Theo's chin and shirt, grip tightening as much as he can. "You want me to push it?" If Stiles learned one thing, it's that surprise is a better weapon than strength. Like every other supernatural creature, Theo is more than a little surprised when his show of flashing eyes and super strength doesn't bother him. Grinding his teeth, Stiles flips them around. He uses the advantage he has and pins Theo against the wall. It's about time someone knocks the guy down a peg or two. This is insufferable. The chimeras really let him get away with way too much.
Theo lets out a breath. His Adam's apple bops under Stiles' hand.
He steps right into his personal space, pressing against him to get his point across. "I'm not your bitch, Theodore. Maybe you can get away with treating the others like crap, but not me. What comes around, goes around, remember that." He's dealt with enough supernatural arrogance, and he's done being treated like the puny little human whose only weapon is his brain.
Theo opens his mouth, but he doesn't say anything. His hands fall to Stiles' hips, and he shifts a little. Theo swallows again, fingers twitching where's he's holding onto Stiles, and— oh. That would explain why Theo is playing favorites.
Chuckling, Stiles licks his lips. That's a turn of event Stiles did not expect. "Guys," he says, not turning away from Theo for a second, "this might take a bit longer. Would you mind waiting somewhere else?"
The chimeras mutter their agreement. They're not even questioning why Stiles suddenly wants to be alone with Theo, or why Theo is awfully quiet all of the sudden. They're probably just relieved to get out of this room and away from the fighting.
When the door falls shut, Stiles tilts his head. "You know," he says, pushing his leg between Theo's thighs, and the noise he makes— fuck, "I didn't expect being pushed against a wall would be this exciting for you."
Theo stares at him, pupils blown so wide, the amber glow is reduced to a thin glowing ring. "It's you," Theo whispers, fingers twitching and grip tightening further when Stiles moves his leg just so.
"It's me?" Something about the way Theo said it makes Stiles think there's a lot more meaning behind those two words.
"It's always been you."
I wish you would write a fic where... | ask
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freddieslater · 3 years
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Twelve Days of Rarepairs: Sciles | Scott McCall x Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @childofsquidward & anonymous
It's a lot colder inside the ice rink than Stiles remembers. He can't even take his jacket off, and his fingers are practically numb trying to do up his skates. But he's not letting that stop him. 
Well. Mostly. He's just warming up a bit before he actually skates, staying seated in the stands, eating a Reese's cup. For energy! 
Of course, when he tries to use that on Scott, he just gives him a look and a smile.
"Come on," Scott says, holding out a hand. "Neither of us have skated since Sophomore year. We're both totally out of practice compared to everyone else here."
"Not inspiring much confidence, buddy." 
Stiles glances out at their friends, already on the rink as Scott laughs. Allison and Kira gliding along, both laughing as they try and hold onto each other. Malia carefully edging along the side, a hand firmly gripping the barrier while Erica tries to be encouraging while laughing. Even Boyd and Isaac are doing their own thing on the ice. And Lydia and Jackson, skating along perfectly together. Doing little twirls and practically dancing—this isn't a competitive tv show! 
But he'll admit… they do look happier than they have in a while. That breakup, moving away, being with other people for a while thing then reuniting really seemed to help.
"I meant that it'll be fine, because we're both… not great at it," Scott says.
Stiles glances from their friends to Scott, to the hand he still has held out to him. 
"Fine," he groans, with a theatrical roll of his eyes, taking his hand. Because actually, he doesn't mind. Especially when Scott's holding his hand, lacing their fingers together. 
He allows Scott to pull him up off the bench and stumble their way to the ice. 
"But if we fall and I break something—" Stiles starts.
"I will carry you to the hospital," Scott says, his smile widening.
"I absolutely, one-hundred-percent give you my word," Scott promises, stepping closer. "I'll even do it bridal style if you want."
"No, seriously, because my jeep broke down from the cold when we got here and I don't even know how we're getting home, you'd need to carry me," Stiles says. 
Scott laughs, rolling his eyes. But he's nodding and saying, "We'll take a look at the jeep later, but yeah, I promise."
"Then lead me to the death trap!" Stiles says. 
"You" —Scott leans forward, lips inches from Stiles, pressing a kiss to them with a barely contained smile— "are the biggest dork."
"And you only enable me with your love," Stiles quips back, quickly stealing another kiss. 
Scott just shakes his head, his smile making his eyes crinkle slightly. The look he gives him has been the same for the fifteen years they've known each other, not once changed from when they were four. And yet somehow it still never fails to bring a fluttering warmth to Stiles' chest.
He thought that he would become more immune after the first couple months of being together, but if anything he's just softened to it more. And to Scott.
"Come on," he says, pulling himself of his daze with a gentle nudge to Scott's shoulder and a tug of his hand.
"Before we start to annoy all of our friends?" Scott asks, grinning as he complies and allows Stiles to guide him onto the ice.
"Oh, no, we've been annoying them since the day we met," Stiles replies, turning slightly to face Scott, taking the other hand he holds out to him to keep them both balanced. "We are sickeningly in love and they knew before we did."
"I can't disagree with that one," Scott says, and he looks utterly delighted about it. 
Stiles misjudges his control and nearly flies backwards when he goes to move his foot a little too far. Fortunately, supernaturally quick reflexes on Scott's part keeps him upright. Except he's also fumbling to keep himself steady, and they're both yelping as they go down. 
So, falling on ice hurts. Quite a bit. 
"Okay, we're definitely not good at this," Scott groans, and Stiles grunts in agreement. 
There is most definitely laughter coming fron somewhere, as well as a few concerned people asking, "oh god, are you okay?" 
But after a beat, the laughter takes over in all of them, espscially when there's another yelp from across the rink, followed by, "I'm sorry! I was distracted, I thought you were holding on!"
Scott and Stiles push themselves up into sitting positions, still trying to catch breath from the fall and the laughter that hasn't quite died down yet. 
"Why did we think ice skating was a good idea?" Stiles asks.
"Because it's Christmas Eve and Boyd had the keys?" Scott says, shrugging. He's laughing even as he winces and rubs the back of his head. "It's fun!"
"Yeah, breaking your limbs is fun," Stiles says drily. But he's already got an urge to get back up and do it again. Without the falling part.
"Rematch?" Scott suggests.
Stiles turns his head to look at him, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, this is a competition now, is it? What happened to being on my team?"
"I'm always technically on your team," Scott says, then shrugs, his grin widening. "But wouldn't this be more fun?"
Stiles considers it for a moment. Then he nods, holding out his hand.
"All right, a competition it is then," he says.
There's a muttered, "oh no" from close by. He ignores it as Scott happily takes his hand and they manage to stumble back to their feet. And then it's every person for themselves on the ice (aside from Boyd and Lydia, who are smart enough to stand to the side to avoid being plowed over). 
Their competition turns into all of them screaming at each other to help them stay upright, or for trying to knock them over. Fortunately, and miraculously, the night does not end in any broken bones or dislocated limbs. Just a few scrapes here and there. 
And a jeep that refuses to start back up. Everyone tries to chip in and help fix it, some googling what could be wrong with it while Scott and Stiles mess around with the engine and some wires they probably should be leaving alone. 
But when they're taking a break from trying to fix it, and they're just joking around in the snow, Scott and Stiles sitting on the roof of the jeep, just staring up at the stars, it all feels worth it. Especially when the jeeps lights suddenly flash to life after an hour and the engine starts up on its own. Maybe it just wanted the night to last a little longer, like they all did. 
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softranswolves · 3 years
ooh these are so intriguing! 4 and 23 please and thank
Hello hello!
4. Allison = Paige reincarnated
This honestly started from the very basic conversation piece in 1x01 when Allison asks Jackson if basketball is the sport of Beacon Hills. As we know, Derek was on the b-ball team and just like that my brain twisted the wires together. There's a lot of elements in this one I'm still undecided on, such as if Paige should save Allison or if when Allison goes to save Lydia she /knows/ she's going to die but there's nothing to be done about it. It would be Dallison endgame, with Allison and Paige both learning about Derek and Paige seeing how far he's strayed (think Allison's confrontation in 3x02 and her slight rage at "turning teenagers into killers," that is partly Paige talking there). I'm also not sure how aware of the reincarnation I want Allison to be, whether she is fully aware or if her saying/doing things reminds Derek of Paige too much to be coincidence - or maybe even Peter is the one to recognize certain patterns. It would also explain why Allison bounced around with so many hobbies and was so self conscious about them, because Paige isn't used to current day stuff and isn't sure how well she's fitting in.
23. 5+1 Malia learning about Allison
This one came in part from talking to @scribeoffate over on discord! I don't remember what prompted it but I had a very sudden thought about how Malia learned about Allison and what she was told. Which led to Jenn pointing out it would make a good 5+1 fic. By 4x01 she doesn't question who Allison is when they're discussing Kate and her "psychotic bitch" aunt, which leads me to believe that the pack told Malia at least /something/ about Allison. So far I've gotten as far as the order she talks to people:
1 - Stiles, but he's somewhat closed off and radiating such strong Guilt chemo signals that it's too overwhelming for her
2 - Kira, because she's also less ingrained in the group but Malia finds out Kira didn't actually get to know too much about Allison in the short time they knew each other; the entire time they were a bit distracted by keeping Stiles alive
3 - Scott, because Malia knows from Stiles that Scallison was a thing, but she also can't help being softer with him because of the trust they've fostered - he's the one who turned her back, after all, the one who has been teaching her how to stay human. But just as Stiles was virtually choking her with Guilt, Scott has an overwhelming amount of Grief and Malia feels it's too close to her own that she doesn't pry
4 - Noah and Melissa together, because an adult figure outside of the core pack may provide better insight, and they tells her about how /normal/ Allison was; not an insult but a reminder that they're all still just teenagers trying to survive, and he tells her about their conversation in the elevator, not the specifics but just the fact that a literal teenager was so devoted to her friends that she was more concerned about that than living an actual life of her own, away from the supernatural. Melissa talks about Allison as her son's gf and how she was so impactful on Scott, but she didn't know Allison all that well personally.
5 - Lydia, who Malia has struggled to get a read on, who Malia is unsure if she even wants her in the pack. Lydia breaks down at one point and Malia tries to assure her that she straight up doesn't care about the image Lydia is trying to project but Lydia screams, not maliciously but because she can't contain it, and Malia backs off which leads to their tension and distance during season 4. They're strained but functional, Malia out of her depth on what to do in terms of empathy and Lydia still just overwhelmed and refusing to let anyone else get close enough to her.
+1 - Malia asks Chris after the Deadpool is done. He is surprised, but glad because others have been walking on eggshells around him. He had time away from it all to process, time to sort through his feelings at least a little bit, and they talk over coffee.
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princeescaluswords · 4 years
You know what bothers me most about Teen Wolf fandom? How much of it has been taken over by people who don't like the show. I'm not talking about disliking parts of it, or starting out liking it and then coming to dislike the way the show handled things. I mean, people who watched the show, hated its very premise, and then took over fandom to turn it into the typical bland fantasy show with a cliché broody dark main lead and his white 'funny' asshole sidekick.
I think you missed the mark, just a little.
There is a difference between being critical of a show you love (which I hope that I am) and hating a show.  It’s actually super easy for someone who loves a show to become critical of it.   The production makes us happy, so much in my case that I’m still thinking about it and talking about it two years after the final episode.  That takes depth, even if you’re struggling with aspects of the show that displease you (the amount of screen time spent on Ominous Soul Cowboys walking) and things that enrage you (the treatment of  Arden Cho).  It’s good to love things, and it’s even better to love things while keeping an eye open for their flaws.  
You have to be careful.   Sometimes I worry I spend too much time on the show’s flaws and not enough on simply enjoying.  Like Aylmer in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Birthmark, there is a chance you can destroy a thing by fixating on its minor mistakes.  Luckily, the scheduled viewings we have on Rewatch Central Discord Channel helps remind me why I liked the show so much.
On the other hand, I have no concerns about spending too much time on the fandom’s flaws.   I don’t think I could exhaust during the rest of my lifetime the sheer amount of work there is to do, when you see the United States cultural problems reflected in the fandom’s approach to the show.  For me, personally, dealing with these problems helps me focus on how I fit into our culture.  Isn’t that something our hobbies should help us do?
But I think you’re off because what you’re talking about isn’t people hating the show.  If people hated the show, they wouldn’t watch it and they wouldn’t talk about it.   What the people you are talking about are doing is appropriating the show – they’re taking parts of it that support their bias and their desires and discarding the rest, regardless of how that warps the meaning and the cohesion of the show itself. It is a minor reflection of the much greater and far more damaging sin of cultural appropriation, but it still works on the same principles.  
When they, as I’ve seen fans admit to, view the show through shipping glasses, of course they will end up despising the show while still invested in it, especially if their ship is not and could never be canon.   This isn’t an indictment against shipping on principle, but it is an observation.   If you’re only watching a drama to see two characters get together, and the show, by its very nature, is about those characters enduring trauma which will often separate them, then you’re going to be frustrated.  One could even venture to say that you’re watching it for the wrong reasons.
On the other hand, Teen Wolf obviously meant for you to like and root for Scott, as well as Stiles and Derek and the others.  It’s astounding (and a little disturbing) to find people even now who try to argue that it was all a trick, that MTV and Jeff Davis filmed 100 episodes of a television show over seven years with the intent of deceiving people into believing that Scott was the protagonist and a good guy when he really wasn’t without any sort of payoff.  Certain people, who try to twist the show into Scott as Villain because he got in the way of Derek and/or Stiles being the main focus of the show, say “It’s not racism for me to hate Scott because his story took time away from what I wanted to see” and my only response is “choosing to excoriate a character of color because he got in the way of what you wanted repeatedly when you don’t give a hundredth of that negative attention to the white characters who also got in the way of what you wanted is pretty much the definition of racism.”  
So, no, I don’t think that hate is the word you wanted to use for people who twist and mutilate a show for their own ends.  It’s more like people who expect our justice system to work like they see on copaganda shows or got their political  views from The Colbert Report – it’s a misuse of the medium. 
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
I feel like that was honestly the closest we have ever come.
Holy F*CK.
Thank GOD for Satomi.
Thank GOD for Deaton.
Thank GOD for Derek.
Thank GOD for Melissa.
Thank GOD for Rafael.
Thank GOD for Stiles.
Thank GOD for Kira.
Also I'm really freaking hoping that Malia is just storming away because she's mad that nobody told her and not mad because she's gonna leave Stiles and leave the pack, because that would be all kinds of messed up and make me all kinds of mad.
Really, I'm guessing she's just hurt that nobody told her.
But Stiles, of course, is going to assume that he lost her forever, which sucks for his mental state, ESPECIALLY after everything they just went through.
But I'm sure she'll come back.
She HAS to come back?
Order of events, because this time I can do that and STILL END with that AMAZING SCILES MOMENT!!!
Freaking Rafael ex-machina oh my GOD. That man is seriously following his redemption arc full force and as far as I'm concerned, REDEEMED. ALL THE CHECKMARKS! REDEEMED, SIR!! (Also quick aside, Satomi is a f*cking bad*ss. Anyways.)
The way that Stiles was clearly soooo terrified, but used his humor to put up that mask, solely because he would never, EVER betray his friends, no matter what.
But then the way he flinches, just slightly, as "The Chemist" (as IMDb dubs him) is about to hit three...
And okay, between the scene with Malia, and how freaking close to getting shot he really was, and then the GUNSHOT SOUND--
Yeah I was genuinely terrified that Stiles was gonna die, and I KNOW he's in future episodes, but my heart didn't care.
But THANK GOD for Rafael, because THERE HE F*CKING WAS!
And Stiles was shaking, and terrified, and clearly anxious, but he was so quick to recenter himself and focus up and hear and process what Rafael was saying (thank GOD for Melissa with that phone call we love you! <3) and he RAN SO F*CKING FAST TO SAVE HIS FRIENDS!!
The way that Stiles books it and just screams and shouts even as he runs, hoping Scott can hear him.
The way Scott is on the other side, trying to get himself to stand up, trying to get himself to hear what Stiles is saying, trying to do what he's asking him.
The way that Stiles just keeps shouting, begging for Scott to answer, banging on the door, and even though Malia's in there, and Kira's in there, the ONLY PERSON that Stiles is thinking about is SCOTT.
The way that Stiles just starts banging and screaming and pushing with EVERYTHING HE HAS because SCOTT'S NOT ANSWERING and STILES ISN'T THERE and he CAN'T GET IN and HIS BEST FRIEND IS DYING and there's NOTHING HE CAN DO.
The way he just collapses to the ground, defeated, thinking he failed, thinking he lost his best friend, thinking it's all his fault.
The way the camera pans to Scott, on the other side of the room, in the EXACT SAME POSITION on the ground, because even when they're separated, they're still in sync, and still together, and still have each other's backs—literally and figuratively.
The way that we get a little bit of Scira with Kira's voice finally bringing Scott out of it and getting him to get up and try.
The way that Scott finally gets enough strength to pull out his TRUE ALPHA powers and use his werewolf sight to find the jar and knock it to the ground and SAVE THEM ALL.
The way Stiles stands up in hopeful surprise when the vault door finally opens, and then he stands there staring at Scott as if he doesn't believe it.
The way Stiles is minutes away from tears, and Scott is minutes away from death, and they just lock eyes and stare at each other, reveling in the fact that they're both OKAY, and they're both ALIVE, and they're both HERE, with EACH OTHER.
The way that Stiles just shakes his head and grabs Scott's shoulder, making sure he's really there, before moving that hand to Scott's face so gently in a "you're okay".
The way that Scott just stares at him, trying so hard to catch his breath, but so clearly grateful that he has Stiles here with him.
The way that Stiles finally shakes his head and almost rolls his eyes at how ridiculous this whole thing is, and how CLOSE they came to losing each other, brushing off the terror and horror in the only way he knows how--with sarcasm and sass.
The way that, when all is said and done, even as Scott's holding on to Kira, when Malia walks away, Scott just looks over at Stiles in the upmost concern, because he realizes that Malia knows, and he KNOWS how much her walking away hurts his best friend.
The way that these two would go to the ends of the earth and back for each other and would destroy anyone and anything they had to for each other I just...
YOU WERE RIGHT, @slice-of-magenta!!!
MY BOYS!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
God what an episode.
That is 100% going in the top five, EASILY.
Because that was SUCH an emotional ride, and it all culminated in some amazing Sciles, and I was here for it the WHOLE WAY!! <3 <3
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(I couldn't find any gifs of the reunion scene, but I did find this, and it has ALL the emotion and ALL the worry and I JUST CANNOT WITH THESE TWO THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND WOULD LITERALLY DIE WITHOUT EACH OTHER I CAN'T! :'( <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
...what the F*CK?!
I'm sorry....EXCUSE me?!
The F*CK?!
I don't...
The F*CK?!
HOW does that happen?
What on EARTH kind of spell work does THAT?!
Nothing I've seen in this show as of yet.
I mean...
This isn't necessarily...a BAD thing, right?
Okay, I'm sure there's a catch, because why would Kate do that if there wasn't more to her plan than just de-aging Derek Hale. Like, there HAS to be some sort of bad reasoning behind this.
But also....wtf?!
Yeah that's all I've got. Just...wtf.
Wtf happened to Derek?
Wtf attacked the car?
Wtf was the thing attacking Braeden and Scott?
With Derek, what happened, and HOW?! Like...okay? This is gonna be an interesting one to explain. And figure out. Because wtf. Although, that said, I can already see how this is going to DRASTICALLY change the dynamics between Derek and the rest of the pack and I am already here for the comedy that will no doubt ensue. XD
Then there's the car. Like, my initial theory was that the thing that Malia and Kira ran after was were-jaguar Kate, which it definitely could've been, but that doesn't explain the tooth/claw that got caught in Stiles's tire, because that looked WAY too big for a jaguar (though, as an aside, were-jaguar certainly makes sense for Kate, gotta say...). Also, since I'm here, shout-out to that adorableness between Stiles and Malia. Like, loved the Stydia moment with the sass and the fixing of the jeep and the "Kira, go! Stiles, focus!", but honestly, not as much as I loved Stiles's absolute concern over Malia running off, and then, after the jeep was fixed, the pure shock, then pride, then slight disappointment on his face when she said she would never leave him, but would immediately leave any of the others... XD <3 ...okay okay, you got me. I'm a Stalia shipper. Feel better, Teen Wolf? XD I'm still gonna wait anxiously for Stydia to go canon, but until then...I'll happily take Stalia. XD <3 <3
And then as far as the thing in the church... Look, that thing was not human, and it was not a werewolf, and I don't know what the F*CK it was, but I didn't like it. Though, that said, YES Scott, with your True Alpha roar! I love you! Braeden being all like "Scott get back this thing is bad" and Scott being all like "yeah, but I'm worse" and then just roaring up a storm--we love him. We love this man so much. <3
That episode was honestly so freaking good, and it makes me feel like the rest of the show really will be able to keep up the amazing work and energy that went into Season 3b. Like, I honestly think I was subconsciously stalling starting Season 4 a little bit, because I was worried it wouldn't live up, but it TOTALLY already does! This is honestly probably my favorite season premiere thus far, and I'm REALLY excited to see where the rest of the season goes.
I am also up WAY later than I should be, given that I'm supposed to be awake in four and a half hours, but you know what? Soooo worth it.
I freaking love this show. <3
More Season 4 tomorrow! <3 <3 <3
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(Adorable and really cool Stalia gif of that quote that someone made because OKAY YOU GOT ME I LIKE THEM. <3 <3 <3 <3)
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
"Due to the mature theme of this episode, viewer discretion is advised."
The last time we got that warning, Scott tried to kill himself.
You know, assuming he remembers any of that, but is this even really Stiles in the car??
...okay yeah that was DEFINITELY the Real Stiles.
"Wow that's actually all surprisingly correct." "He's not. It was my decision." "And I can't hurt you." "Make sure I never get out."
Sassy and sarcastic as ever when bantering with his dad (especially when they're both traumatized by something), blaming himself for everything, and more than anything, willing to do anything he has to to make sure he doesn't hurt his best friend.
This is really Stiles.
And that honestly scares me more.
And it also supports my theory that Stiles is gonna try to kill himself even more.
Also can we just talk about Scott for a second??
The fact that Noah and Stiles didn't tell him because they knew he was gonna freak out and try to stop them, and the fact that once he did find out, he did exactly that.
How desperate he is to save Stiles and how terrified he is to lose him.
And I know I quoted it above, but I'm GONNA DO IT AGAIN, because...
"Stiles I can't help you if you're in here." "And I can't hurt you."
And then the utter shock on Scott's face at the "make sure I never get out", because as far as Scott is concerned, that's not even an OPTION.
Also I gotta say, I'm with Scott on this one.
Like, sure, if you were actually just a human being going crazy, maybe this wouldn't be the worst idea, because theoretically, a mental hospital can save others from you, but also you from yourself.
But what the f*ck is a mental hospital gonna be able to do about a NOGITSUNE?!
Is this REALLY the best idea, Stiles?? I know you're desperate and scared and guilty and whatever else, and I think that's what's driving you here more than anything else, but I REALLY don't like this plan. I don't like you being separated from the rest of the pack. I know you're doing it to protect them, but what about protecting YOURSELF.
Oh, that's right, you don't care about that, because guilt complex.
This is fine.
...this is gonna be a really hard episode isn't it. :'(
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(I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
Update: AND THE TEARS CONTINUE. That scene between Stiles and his dad OH MY F*CKING GOD. Noah is so scared and so upset and so worried for his son and Stiles is just putting up such a f*cking front and just keeping his cool and saying that everything is fine when we are SO FAR PAST FINE and the way that he just hugs his dad so naturally and then Noah just hugs back with everything he has because he's just as afraid to lose him as Scott is and I feel like Stiles has already given up and I just...F*CK I HATE THIS!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Forget I said I want the whump.
I don't want the whump.
This is only the first episode of 3b and I feel like I'm splitting in two with my concern over these characters stooooop. :( :( :( :( :(
That said...
The way they're all helping each other makes it better.
Lydia helping Allison (and Isaac keeping a watchful eye from afar), making her start the painting over and making her ground herself.
Scott and Stiles helping each other, and their, like, utter concern for the other...Stiles catching Scott as he was coming down the stairs, Stiles noticing Scott's eyes and helping him get away, Scott making Stiles stay as far away as possible until he could get himself under control, Scott's fearful worry in his voice at Stiles' admission about the reading...the Scott and Stiles moments in this season are gonna SEND me ahhhhh!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Those good moments are gonna make it easier to watch for sure, but it's still gonna hurt.
But I still kind of love it.
It's a love/hate thing for me lol.
But it's gonna be worth it.
I just have to remember that.
The "comfort" part of the "hurt/comfort" is what makes it worth it lol.
Also I say Isaac can have Allison, 'cause...Scott and Kira clearly have a connection there (hence...the Alpha change, I think?? I mean, we ALL saw the way his eyebrows rose when he turned around and saw her.)
So yeah anyways.
I have to go to a class event, and this is a decent enough place to stop for now.
But I'll be back.
Update: Scott, honey, I know we're mad at Isaac because he likes Allison, but he also saved Lydia's life, so can we maybe not be mad at Isaac? That said, that shove into the wall will never not be funny. XD
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(These three, you poor things...)
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay first of all, you can tell I'm not Scott OR Stiles, because it took me until seeing Rhys with the burn bandages in the hospital bed to realize that RHYS was the one the Nogitsune possessed, and it took me until she said "Eichen House", plus the accompanying visual, to establish that the Eichen House is on the same plot of land as the Oak Creek Internment Camp was. XD
That's so freaking sad, and I feel so bad for Noshiko, because in a rage over what had happened to Rhys, she invoked something even worse, and she regretted it instantly, and now there's no coming back from that. And the fact that he said "coup de foudre" right before he died I CAN'T. :( :( :(
The f*cking looks and emotions and lines in the rest of those sequences I CANNOT.
Okay since we're here, starting with Scott, Kira, Ken, and Noshiko.
The fact that Kira looks over at Scott when her mom says it can mean "love at first sight" just SENT ME omg. And then on top of that, the way they keep exchanging looks, and she keeps looking at him for comfort, and he keeps nodding and encouraging her along, and then when he looks at her in just utter awe and amazement and pride when she manages to put the sword back together (also as an aside, Kira's bad*ssery and sass with the "I just found out your 900 years old. I don't think I'll ever trust you again." we love her. <3 <3). And then, after all of that, Noshiko, having been angry at Scott's presence and bitter at the idea of wolves to begin with, ends with looking at Scott with "And maybe seek out a wolf to help you." I CANNOT! I LOVE SCIRA SO FREAKING MUCH!! WHEN DO THEY KISS?! I WANT THEM TO KISS!!
And then, in all of this, Noshiko only further confirms that, as far as she's concerned, the only way to save Stiles is to kill him, and Scott is having NONE of that, and the LINES, dude.
"Sometimes, history does repeat itself, Scott." "Only if you don't learn." "But sometimes even then, fate conspires against you."
I mean, D*MN.
That said, I am obviously with Scott in not killing Stiles, and I fully support this plan, which is why I love, with every fiber of my being, the anger and determination in his face when he says "There's a way to save him. There has to be." Because that is his BEST FRIEND, his BROTHER (Noshiko even admitted that herself), and the last thing he will do is resort to killing him. Never in a million years.
And then we have our little group of four. First of all, that transition was EPIC, going from the sword lighting up to the chess board. I was all for that, OMG.
Secondly, that whole sequence was so good. Everyone working together to figure out Void Stiles' message, but Noah being the one to ultimately break it down and acknowledge that there's more to it than meets the eye, because he's RIGHT. The Nogitsune is a trickster, not a killer, and there HAS to be more to it than just wanting to trap them and kill them.
"All we have to do is come up with a new punch line."
And then that ENDING. The transitions. OMG that set-up was terrifying, but so f*cking beautiful and well-done.
With Noshiko narrating as it goes through her flashback of hiding the Nogitsune in the nemeton, and then the transition to Scott, Stiles, and Allison coming out of the tubs after their sacrifice, and all the little clips of the nemeton falling apart until it eventually released the Nogitsune, all leading up to Stiles in the loft, with his dad opening the door behind him.
"They let the demon out of its cage."
And Void Stiles turns, and Dylan's got that extra little darkness in his eyes that shows he's not the Stiles we know and love, and you get...
"Hi, dad."
And now we immediately watch the next episode because I cannot possibly leave off on that.
Let's f*cking go, because I'm ready (but also so not ready) to see how all of this goes horribly wrong, since we're still two episodes away from the finale...
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(I feel like they're gonna find a way to somehow parallel this exact scene, but then alter it somehow because Scott and Kira will NOT repeat history and kill someone they care about, and I can see the integration of that being so cool and I'm honestly so excited. <3)
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stetervault · 5 years
Has there been a "Stiles rescues Peter" rec list yet? I'm looking for anything from monster of the week to Eichen House to the Wild Hunt. The idea that I've already read them all is too terrible to contemplate. (Thanks for running an amazing blog!
Not specifically as far as I can remember. But it’s always a genre I can get behind :) Here are some I think fit that category, either as the whole fic or part of it. And thanks for following my blog!
A Moment, Then Silence by Therapeutic_Steter
anonymous asked: Stiles takes care of a heavy injured Peter, who has permanent damage since then. The pack doesn’t care, but Derek and Cora realise that he is family.
Scale Tales by Therapeutic_Steter
Connected drabbles revolving around Dragon!Stiles and his werewolf Mate, Peter.
Rhythm of the War Drums by HyperLittleNori (Shiguresan) (this one’s more them taking care of each other and saving each other)
The foreboding song of the drums rumbled through the stands above, made his heart, his blood pound with their increasing rhythm. He’d seen this so many times now, heard the sickening, morbid excitement of the rabble. He readied himself for the carnage, but even nearly a year after he’d first stood in this spot, it still filled him with dread.
As always, he watched the sandy arena through the barred steel gates. They vibrated with the movement, with the almost deafening sounds of the crowd and the drums. A sea of guards stood at his back, but they were not there for him…
Hooverville by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
Town to town, train to train, tent to tent.
By 1932, the dust had begun to blow and the jobs were gone.
Anonymity was a byproduct of looking for work, which made it both necessary and convenient.
Stiles had enough secrets of his own to know to look the other way when he saw something that shouldn’t be possible.
The ghost of a tail giving enough balance to disembark a moving train.
Near silent Latin whispered on the edge of a tent encampment.
A flash of burning eyes.
He had more than enough to worry about without adding the oddities of others, and besides- having unusually sharp teeth certainly didn’t make a man worse than the ones running from the wife and kids they couldn’t feed.
So Stiles kept his observations to himself. He kept his everything to himself.
Until he met a man. One with eyes so blue they seemed to glow- and then they did.
Stiles tried to look away, but for the first time he was stopped.
“Don’t be like that sweetheart. Aren’t you curious?”
If I Could Kiss You Again by Triangulum
“Summer plans?” Peter asks, eyes on where Isaac is now trying to inch along the ceiling beam toward the wall where he can slide down a pipe.
“Leaving for Stanford in September. Saving the world and working in between now and then,” Stiles says. “Why, gonna miss me?”
“Considering I’ll be left alone with Derek? Yes,” Peter says.
“You’ll have Cora,” Stiles says. “And Isaac will be here to make up a few high school credits.”
There’s a shriek and a thud as Isaac loses his grip, falling on top of Erica and Boyd, sending them all to the ground in a heap.
“Yes,” Peter says flatly. “Thank god for that.”
Five times Stiles kisses Peter and one time Peter kisses him.
Stravinsky by rightsidethru
Duke Orsino:If music be the food of love, play on,Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,The appetite may sicken, and so die.
Twelfth Night; Act 1, scene 1, 1–3
Wolf Within by wynnebat
Instead of convincing Scott to regain his humanity by killing the Alpha, Derek offers another possible solution.
Fashion. Police. by Bunnywest
In which Stiles is a cop with an interest in menswear, Peter’s the owner of a menswear store with a definite interest in Stiles, and why is there always some maniac running around throwing tins of red paint and making death threats?
Fashion, baby.
Under the Songbird’s Wing by mia6363
Captivity easily destroys the will of escape. It can break the fiercest of animal. It can strip the most regal man and woman down to nothing but animal needs.
Captivity can, if met with unwavering determination, shape a person into something unimaginable.
Stiles is sixteen when he’s captured. Stiles’s first thought is, “I won’t die here.”
The Promises Of Yesterday, The Pledges Of Tomorrow by ShippersList
Stiles is a kid with serious concentration issues and definitely not a guide—let alone a guide strong enough to calm down a feral Sentinel wolf. It’s just not possible.
Keep You (Safe) Within my Shadow by lavenderlotion
Stiles has never been scared of the dark. The shadows are his friends.
Dance Under the Moonlight by Therapeutic_Steter
Anonymous asked: Fae!Stiles saving Peter from Pack’s stupidity and washing his hands of them. Please?
Through Space and Time by MaroonDragon
When Stiles pulls the body of Peter Hale into his ship, he doesn’t expect him to be alive. He also doesn’t realise he might have gotten more than he bargained for.
Promises We Never Made by Green
Peter runs off to wreak havoc without telling Stiles where he’s going. Then Stiles has to rescue him.
Rainwater, Morning Dew, Ozone. by lavenderlotion
When Peter is kidnapped, Stiles is left to come to the rescue.
Peter ends up hard.
Fear (Doesn’t Mean I Can’t Fight) by azerblazer
Peter is the damsel in distress, the Sheriff is the hostage, random unnamed hunters are the bad guys.
Stiles has a bat, a hoodie and a willingness to do anything to protect those he’s loyal to.
Bring it on.
Bone Rot by neglectedtuesday
Stiles watches Peter from across the room, although he feels like he shouldn’t. Like he shouldn’t try to insert himself, even by proxy, into the moments Peter is experiencing. Autumn spills into the living room through the open doors, lighting Peter from behind. He is bathed in soft light and Stiles lingers in the shadows, ignoring the symbolism of that. He’s bored of all the different metaphors for longing.
Slice by syriala
Blood magic was dangerous magic, but Stiles’ teacher was one of the best, and Stiles wasn’t too worried that it wouldn’t work out. It would cost him, dearly even if his teacher was to be believed, but Stiles had learned all about the sacrifices for this and he couldn’t care less.
Not This Again by RebaK1tten
There’s a rumor that the last episode of the show will have Peter getting killed, again. Perhaps to give him a redemption arc or something.
So this is a fix it fic. I decided Stiles has finished one year of college. And Peter’s back again!
Cleanse My Soul by Mysenia
cywscross asked: “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” + Steter? Thanks:)
Call My Name by KouriArashi
After moving to Beacon Hills, Stiles starts having recurring dreams of a man in some kind of prison, who needs his help. Things get so bad that he ends up in Eichen House, where he finds out that the man is real.
Shelter by ShippersList (more hurt/comfort than straight-up saving Peter)
A magical attack leaves Peter vulnerable and in agony, and it reminds him way too much of his time in a coma.
love me lights out by veterization
Stiles and Peter get snowed in together. (Or: what happens when you accept phone calls from people you haven’t spoken to in over five years.)
labyrinth by sinequanon
Stiles prefers goblins to werewolves. Except maybe Peter.
Til Death by Bunnywest
“How long do we have to find him someone?” Stiles asks.“Two weeks,” says Derek, eyebrows pulling down even further. The fierceness of his expression tells Stiles just how concerned he is.“He marries, or he goes to the camps. And you know what your father told us,” Scott reminds her.The camps……aren’t camps.Peter either finds a wife, or he dies.
Bigfoot Told Me You Were Coming by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)  (Stetopher)
Peter and Chris are on the run when they stumble across Stiles’ home in the woods.
You Got Me Now by syriala
Stiles stormed into the warehouse, eyes roaming around, desperate to find Peter. The pack was close behind Stiles, but he didn’t pay them any mind when his eyes fell on Peter.
He was on the floor, not even shackled, like someone had just discarded him without a second thought.
Peter was naked except for his pants, and Stiles could see the wounds that marred his skin. He decided not to think about why they weren’t healed.
Bittersweet Creek by Guede
When Stiles finally steps off the westward trail to California, he’s the last of his pack. He starts building a den, but then he finds a dying man next to a burnt-down house and it turns out he’s not really much of a settler, after all.
The Alpha by Therapeutic_Steter
An Alpha always protects what’s theirs.
“Has anyone seen Peter?” Stiles asked at the next Pack meeting, trying to play his concern off as his typical curiosity. It wasn’t like he and Peter had been trying to keep…whatever it was that was developing between them a secret, but most of the Pack was notoriously self-absorbed and hadn’t noticed yet. As it stood, Stiles was only sure that Lydia and Derek knew about it; Lydia because she put it together and warned Peter off hurting Stiles and Derek because he came back to the loft to find them snuggled on the couch looking through an old tome and he’d also warned Peter about hurting Stiles.
Why did they not think Stiles could hurt Peter? Stiles could totally hurt him. If he wanted. Which he didn’t, but that was beside the point.
Let Me Run Away With You by Whispering_Sumire (Steterek)
“So,” Peter says, after an hour or so of driving in tense silence, “I assume we’re going back to your beloved Beacon Hills?”
“No,” Stiles tells him, without even looking up from the restorative paste he’s administering to Derek’s wounds. And isn’t that surprising?
“I took the GPS out of Roscoe and I hacked into some of your accounts to get him travel-ready. I don’t care where we go Peter, but I don’t want to go back to Beacon Hills,” there’s a desperation in his voice that makes Peter’s skin crawl, though he has no idea why, “please.”
“Okay,” Peter agrees softly.
[Or: The one where Stiles is in a very bad place, and Peter and Derek manage to unwittingly save him from himself while he saves them from themselves.]
Hostile Takeover by kiranightshade
Alternate season 4 where Peter gains a new roommate in Eichen…for about five minutes. Then all hell breaks loose.
For Great Justice! by Green
Stiles is a vengeance demon, drawn to Peter just as he’s waking from his catatonia.
“Whoever did this? We will make those fuckers suffer. I promise you.”
Enemy Action by pprfaith
Once is chance, twice is coincidence and three times is far too many bodies on the ground.
Whiskey is My Kind of Lullaby by taylorpotato
Peter is a simple saloon owner on one of the outer planets between the Aaru Belt and the Olympus Galaxy. He’s done with trouble. Done with adventure. So fucking done with rustlers. That is, until a cute young outlaw named Stiles wanders into his bar. Peter has this problem where he can’t seem to resist charming narcissists (perhaps because they remind him of himself). And when said narcissists turn his life upside-down, the worst part is he’s not even that upset about it.
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stetervault · 7 years
I'm new to the steter fandom, can you rec some of your favourite or fan favourite fics?
Ugh there’s just so many, but this is a question I’m always willing to answer XD I’ll try to rec fics from a variety of writers, and if you like them, you can check to see if they’ve written others :)
Proposing To Strangers by moonstalker24
At the end of a strained relationship, crime novelist Stiles chooses to hide from the world inside a bar with far too many motorcycles outside it for comfort. Here he’ll meet the man of his dreams, eat food and propose marriage, all within the first five minutes.
Peter doesn’t know who this kid is, but he’s cute and looks like he could use a break. So he feeds him. He’s not expecting a marriage proposal, but with what comes after, he doesn’t really mind.
it’s not the color i came in by nezstorm
Stiles is a bit of an anomaly among the Omegas he knows, or everyone on the spectrum really.
For him, heats are about comfort and safety, and not at all about sex.
Baby Stilinski-Hale by Triangulum
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Peter says. Stiles just shrugs. “Are you going to tell me why, or do I have to guess?” Stiles would love to glare at him and snark back like they always do, but her nerves are just too frayed and she doesn’t have it in her. Peter seems to sense this and frowns, his face morphing into one of concern. “Stiles..?”
He takes a few steps closer, slowly as if he’s trying not to startle her and that makes her want to let out a hysterical laugh, but she keeps it in. He sets his hand on her shoulder, the other going to the side of her neck. He frowns at the way her pulse is racing, as if he needs to physically confirm what his ears are already telling him. She lets him touch her, knowing without even needing to think about it that he won’t hurt her. She does let out a bitter little laugh at that. Well, physically he won’t.
“What is it?” he asks and the genuine concern in his voice almost breaks her. He leans down and stares into her eyes, their faces so close, and she sees his nostrils flare. “You smell…different.”
Well, that’s her cue.
“I’m pregnant,” she whispers.
The one where Peter gets Stiles pregnant and is a big old softie about it.
The Devil You Know by Twisted_Mind
He’s so tired, in every way it’s possible to be tired. He tried going for a walk tonight to prevent a panic attack, and ended up being rescued, dazed and bleeding, by Peter Hale. There are so many things wrong with that sentence he doesn’t even know where to start. Panic attacks. Being stuck inside his brain sucking so hard he needed to be alone and moving. The sense of relief that came with crashing into Peter. He shouldn’t be okay with this. He didn’t give Peter permission to sleep in his bed. His dad will be home soon. Peter’s more than a decade older than him. Peter can’t be trusted.
But he’s tired, and this feels so, so good.
drowning in the sea of you by Corpium
Beacon Hills was perfect for Stiles growing up, but now, with werewolves, hunters, and an anxious best friend running around, it’s turning into a place too chaotic for an empath like Stiles to handle alone. And pain killers can only go so far.
The World That Is Not Ours by Ragga
”Are you sure?” Noah asked as he stared at the plush Claudia was holding. It was a rather scary-looking thing if he had to describe it with just one word. It was some sort of a monster, he thought, and not a wolf like the tag called it. Its hair was slightly coarse, not silky smooth like children’s toys usually were, and a sort of a dark colour; not black but not brown either, just a muddy shade of dark. Its body shape was also rather interesting. It seemed almost disfigured with its back and legs twisted and its snout was long with sharp-looking teeth (which actually weren’t, sharp that is, thankfully). But even those traits weren’t the one Noah objected to. No, that honour belonged to the shining red eyes that seemed to stare into his soul.
“Stiles is going to love him.”
Eventually (I’ll Crash Into You) by ToAStranger
Derek pushes Stiles away to keep him safe.
Stiles more than just leaves.
You’ve Got Me by Inell
Stiles arrives home earlier than expected and finds someone sleeping in his bed.
Baby Boy by SushiOwl
What the heck is FetLife?
Stiles is too curious for his own good, and he can’t help himself, so he joins a website advertising to be a good place for “kinksters.” He just wants to be nosy and see what total strangers are up to. Then he meets Peter, who wants to be called Daddy.
Could Stiles be his baby boy?
Whiskey is My Kind of Lullaby by taylorpotato
Peter is a simple saloon owner on one of the outer planets between the Aaru Belt and the Olympus Galaxy. He’s done with trouble. Done with adventure. So fucking done with rustlers. That is, until a cute young outlaw named Stiles wanders into his bar. Peter has this problem where he can’t seem to resist charming narcissists (perhaps because they remind him of himself). And when said narcissists turn his life upside-down, the worst part is he’s not even that upset about it.
Take Care of Me by Mysenia
Prompt: It was so hard to choose on that list so I won’t instead I’ll go with W and the pairing Peter & Stiles. Peter to Stiles “I take care of you because you’re Pack.” Along with or in place of that one if it doesn’t work for you (still Peter to Stiles.) “I’ve failed you once I won’t do it again.”
According to plan by FeelingsDusk
The plan was very simple: go back in time, kill Kate, kill Gerard, never ever make contact with his parents, try to find a place within the Hale pack or not, but either way, live the rest of his life displaced and without the people he loves.
Of course, as it always is with him these days, nothing goes according to plan.
The Sphinx of Beacon Hills by Guede (Stetopher)
Stiles is a sphinx, and he’s winging his way to visit his buddy Scott when a storm drops him in Beacon Hills, the craziest, crankiest, coldest place ever. And somehow, he ends up with a bunch of werewolves.
Note: Bestiality warning is because the version of sphinx here is lion-shaped from waist down, and I don’t know how else to tag that.
Bite Down by EclipseWing
In which Stiles is forced to survive the zombie apocalypse with a sociopathic murdering werewolf for company.
At the End of All Things (What’s Another Sin?) by Ceris_Malfoy
The first year of her solitary existence had been all about survival.
The second year was learning how to want to survive.
And then the wolf arrives.
The Terrible Things We Do (For Love) by Rrrowr
Being a demon, he’s seen some of the pretty nasty things that humans are willing to do for love. Things that, were he still alive (and human), would make him hesitate to be in a relationship with anyone lest his partner start getting some funny ideas. That said—
“This seems a little desperate for a kid your age,” he says to Stiles.
A welcome arrow by 1001cranes
The wedding is small and grim, because Stiles is being carted off to parts unknown, married to a thirty-something year old dude who wants to marry a seventeen year old dude - totally not creepy at all.
Hold Me Down by sneksonaplane
Waking up in Peter Hale’s bed was weird. Waking up in Peter Hale’s body was even weirder. Stiles had been disoriented and confused when he’d found himself in a plush, king sized bed in an unfamiliar bedroom instead of in his own room (and seriously, why did Peter even need a king sized bed? Why would anyone need a bed that big?) It had all come back to him when he’d glimpsed the body he was inhabiting, one that was shorter but more defined than his own, and older, and kind of hot.
The one where Stiles and Peter swap bodies, Peter relives his adolescence, Stiles suffers, and then suffers a little less when he discovers Peter’s fetlife profile where he’s listed as a submissive seeking a daddy.
Cast in Stone by wynnebat
To think, people would kill for this.
run away and hide with you by Green
Stiles has been taking care of himself for far too long.
Can I Tattoo a Baby? by Elpie (Horribibble)
Before he inked his first tattoo, Stiles Stilinski had filled a dozen sketchbooks.Before he knew what he wanted to do with his life, Stiles Stilinski had a kid to take care of.Before he threw in the towel completely, Stiles Stilinski met Peter Hale.
Life is made up almost exclusively of happy accidents. (And some really terrifying childhood memories.) But that’s okay.
(Really they’re all kind of morons, but the Buffy style asskicking doesn’t hurt.)
Waves that rolled you under by radishwine
AU in which Peter has the good sense to get the hell out of town after killing Laura. He drives up the Pacific coast to the old Hale cabin and stays for a while.
Beyond The Shore by SmartKIN
When Peter Hale leaves Beacon Hills and moves into his family’s lake house, all he expects to find is solitude and freedom.He definitely doesn’t expect the loud-mouthed, too-pretty-for-his-own-good merman who breaks into his house in the middle of the night, unable to curb his curiosity.
Lucky Penny (Tastes Like Copper on Your Tongue) by pibroch (littleblackdog)
When Peter woke up, he spent a good fifteen or twenty seconds earnestly wishing that whatever had hit him had the courtesy to kill him outright. Because this? This was bullshit.
AKA the time I decided to give Peter all the nice things, but made him get hit by a car first. Like you do.
Naughty Hookers (Swathed in Wool) by pprfaith
Stiles is happy with his store, his hobbies, his friends. Peter’s just trying to figure out how to raise his nieces and nephew without fucking them up too badly.
Paths cross.
Red String verse by gryvon
Peter had given up hope of ever finding his soulmate until the red string on his finger leads him to a four-year-old. He’s going to Hell. Or jail. Or both.
If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out by mia6363
Commander Stilinski looked like he fell out of a propaganda video, his armor still smoking as he pulled off his helmet and handed it off to First Officer Argent. He had a few bruises down his neck but his smile was bright.
“Glad to see you safe and sound, Mr. Hale. I’d hate for Derek to lose a member of his family.”
“I told you,” Derek snapped at his superior, “he’s not worth this, Commander.”
There you go, enjoy ^_^
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