#and its fine if i don't think to hard about it
gotham-daydreams · 2 days
For your Not [] I was wondering how would Alfred and Y/n's relationship post kidnapped will go? Down the drain? Sure, they may have some reprieve from the rest of the family with Alfred, but would they resent Alfred for causing them to come back to the manor? After gathering the clues it was Alfred that pushed them to find you.
Also would Y/n have eventually gotten back into contact with Alfred after taking their much needed break away from the family, to help figure out and find themselves?
Well, that's the thing, I suppose!
I have thought about their relationship post kidnapping, and honestly I don't even know if the reader will ever logically know the extent of what Alfred has done to ensure that they stay in the position they're in. Especially, well, considering how I plan for Chapter 4 to go.
Of course at some point they'll definitely be able to deduce that he did something- they'll be able to tell from the things some of the Batfam says and just generally how Alfred acts, even if said things they catch with Alfred aren't all as they seem. But if they'll know the full extent of it? How much he played a part in what happened? In what ends up happening? Maybe not, not everything but maybe enough to be afraid. To get a peak into the ruin and shitty mess that is their life, and the true extent of that ruin. But a glance is only a glance, y'know?
I guess that's the scary thing - for me personally, anyways - that they won't know right away. That even when it happens they'll have no idea, and for those moments where they remain ignorant, unaware, and blind- Alfred is their saving grace. The only sane person amongst the endless sea of madness and derange that is the Batfam. The only person that seems to under their side, that not only comforts them but someone they actually feel comfortable and safe with. Alfred is the only one they trust, and... well, I rather not spoil how he feels about that.
Though, for the reader- from the little they put together and the little they know, its heartbreaking all the same. They don’t want to accept it- who would? The only person after being stripping and taken from their life- is just as insane as the rest? The only person they felt like they could confide in? That they could trust? That they could allow themselves to be vulnerable with when the others were away? That person is just as insane? Just as cunning and- and tricked them too?
It ruins them, and even if I won't say much else as it will be shown when I have it written- I think what I've said here is a good enough image of how badly things get from there once the reader even gets an idea of what Alfred may have potentially done. Though even if they did reach out now, they would probably still hold the whole "everything is fine" attitude they've got going on, and just try to talk to him normally- if not then at least passively mention how the family is sort of being weird and giving you a hard time (will that cause him to stop them? Not at all, but maybe things could've turned out differently. Which may be a recurring thing?? Well- it sort of already is but yk!)
As for the reader reaching out- I think I mentioned this in an previous (albeit older) post a bit in passing, but the reader has technically been in touch with Alfred! Just... not in a way he prefers. They are technically communicating with him, but it's very one sided (which is by design) and... well, may or may not be one of the reasons Alfred kick started this mess.
If this didn't answer your question then I apologize! Feel free to send in another ask if you want, and I can clarify anything you have any questions about!
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ghostbite0 · 2 days
thought of this while reading the other question about the baby 21 babies waking up what about falling asleep? or like sleeping habits yeah there babies but as i Hashiras i don't think they slept a lot if at all so would that be hard to get them to sleep or like the second there relaxed in someone's arms or a cot or just a mountain of pillows (Obanai) its like in second
this is so cute ahhhh!!!!!!
he is the most difficult to put down
he gets really sensitive with the temperature so its a lot of squirming and struggling and trying to cool down and get comfy
sanemi is usually too angry to sleep . hes not happy about being a baby and will brawl until he’s back to normal
when he’s in baby mode its a little easier. he just needs to get tired out so most of the time someone plays with him and entertains him until he gets sleepy
he tends to fall asleep while laying on someones chest because the best way to get him to sleep is. well what i mentioned above
one time he fell asleep while genya was holding him and woke up and screamed baby curses at him
he’s the easiest to put to sleep
even if he doesn’t sleep he’s fine just laying there and tuning everything out
he won’t admit it but he prefers sleeping in the crib so long as obanai and sanemi are there too
he remembers always sleeping in the same space as sabito and his big sister while they were alive and it brings him some level of comfort knowing they’re safe and knowing he isn’t alone, even if he feels like he shouldn’t be grouped with them
he will fall asleep in the middle of playing or in the middle of eating
the only time he doesnt randomly fall asleep is when he’s in a bath. he loves his baths. he’s best friends with the rubber ducky
the poor little guy has nightmares more often than not, which means a lot of waking up in pitch darkness and balling his eyes out until someone gets him
he always needs to be warm. some sort of contact/pressure is needed. pillows, blankets, his fellow hashira, kaburamaru, etc
there’s a period of time he has nightmares nightly, so he ends up staying with mitsuri / rengoku / gyomei (depending on who is available) and sleeps directly in their arms
he also had a sleepover with muichiro which just consisted of muichiro filling obanai in on the gossip until obanai fell asleep
obanai loves his pillows and blankets
and when he’s baby mode he LOVES being held
hes a snugglebug , so long as you’re warm!
NOTE: do not separate him from kaburamaru. he will sob until they are reunited
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days
I heard there was a new blog for pointing out endogenic "propaganda."
So let me start!
The Future is Plural...
Is a slogan...
It's designed to be repeated ad nauseum...
And it's a bandwagon. Specifically, the inevitable victory type.
I wasn't aware of what that last one was until about a month or so ago, after I had already started using the phrase. But part of the intent of the slogan was always countering the anti-endos' own bandwagon propaganda. The "join the crowd" variant. That is, their idea that they're right because most people don't believe in endogenic systems and siding with them is supporting the majority.
Let me let you in on a secret...
Propaganda isn't bad!
At least, not by definition.
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Propaganda has negative connotations.
But it's not inherently bad. And there are plenty of good examples of good propaganda.
You've probably spread a lot. Yes, you, the person reading this.
Propaganda is just a means of persuading large numbers of people of something.
And if you're doing so honestly rather than in a way that is designed to hide or obscure facts, then that's fine.
Some propaganda is bad by its nature.
The Big Lie, for instance, is an example of propaganda that's always deceptive and wrong.
But on the other hand, it's not wrong to repeat a positive slogan for a just cause nor to appeal to fear of legitimate threats to convince people of the truth, or even to use emotions to convince people.
For example:
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(Keep in mind that sometimes the fear is justified and people should be afraid.)
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I could go on forever.
The Future is Plural is propaganda.
If you look hard enough, you'll see propaganda in any attempt at convincing people to change their minds. Much of the progress we've made for human rights in the past century has been because of the propaganda, whether people realize what they're doing is propaganda or not.
Simply having a blog that points to things and says "this is propaganda" isn't really useful except to play on people's negative connotations with the word propaganda and manipulate them into thinking the message is bad just because it happens to use some sort of propaganda technique.
This would be an example of...
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And the specific labeling of it as propaganda could even be considered...
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Turns out that you are not, in fact, immune to propaganda.
It's not productive to just point at something and say "this is propaganda" without actually analyzing it any deeper or trying to differentiate between harmful and non-harmful forms of propaganda.
Oh, and The Future is Plural! 😁
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pseudowho · 1 day
hiya 🙂 i love your nanamin fics and i followed you for them way back when you wrote the pregnant reader one (and I still think about it). thought id ask you cos you seem to answer questions like this pretty wisely 🥲
i started writing fics for a pretty niche character in a fandom (not jjk) a while back and a friend/moot started then too. this character doesnt have lots of readers and thats fine im just here for the writing.
but since then ive noticed my friend has stopped reblogging my fics even tho they did before and even tho they obvs read and reblog everyone elses fics for this character (there really arent many of us).
they also seem upset about notes/likes a lot of the time. but I know they read my fics because I see lots of the same word choices and styles show up in their fics the next time they post.
its upsetting me lot tbh. i still read, like/comment/rb fics i like and its starting to feel like they do it because they think i have more readers than they do and mb theyre jealous.
anyway i dunno if you think i should raise it with them or just leave it?? they dont talk to me much anymore either after I didnt rb one of their fics i didnt really love.
First of all, well done for starting to write, and writing for an 'unpopular' character too, it looks like it's hard having a niche audience in the Tumblr-sphere. I'm always really grateful when someone writes for a niche character I love, every fic is like finding a diamond!
Second of all: I'm really really sorry this is happening to you. It has happened and still happens to me, too.
Thirdly: While I'll give my thoughts on it straight after this, one truth is that the other person maybe simply doesn't like your writing, and there's nothing mean-spirited about it at all.
Saying this, in your case, there seem to be too many little factors that actually makes me think... 👇
I have Thoughts™️💬 about Toxic Tumblr Reblog Culture...
There is a little phenomenon I've noticed with a lot of fic writers, where they seem to stop reblogging the fics of others who they view as competition. Even if they often read and reblogged another writer's fics before they themselves started writing.
They seem to think that if they reblog the work of you, their "competitor", then your work will get more attention than theirs. It gets even worse the more 'popular' you get, sadly.
I understand, because it's hard to see someone reblog most other peoples' fics about a character, and then pointedly ignore yours. You're not mad for feeling targeted. It can feel this way.
Equally, there can be a cherry-picking of moots' work, and a high school clique attitude to reblogging. Do two or three people band together and constantly reblog each others' work, making a huge fuss whatever it is, but leave you out even though you've historically been part of the circle before? Again, it's not as uncommon as you think.
A real "if we become moots, that means I reblog all your stuff, and you reblog all my stuff" as an unspoken rule. While that might work nicely for some people, it can also foster an air of pressure or entitlement, or of reblogging things even if you didn't really like them, because they're your friend. While fostering growth and circulation in the art community should be celebrated, I'd hate to think someone reblogged my work out of obligation, as opposed to passion.
I've had followers who loved my stuff, always commented and reblogged etc, but when they started writing for the same characters themselves, just stopped. I've also noticed a lot of the things you mention (them using similar word choices, stylistic choices etc to mine, in their new fics).
So, you know they're there reading in the background, and it doesn't make sense that they liked your writing one day, then just stopped liking it overnight, right?
I don't often muse aloud about "controversial" subjects on Tumblr, but this one really gets me. It turns writing, an already isolating art, into an even more isolating "competition".
It's sad, really.
Saying that, I still read, comment, reblog all the work of theirs that I read and love! It feels petty and ridiculous, but try to be the person that you want to see in the community. They'd probably notice they still get just as many readers as before, and actually, will be forced to address that their writing may be less popular for another reason.
I have wonderful friends here who read and reblog any of my stuff they like, just as I do theirs. I made a post a little while back, r.e. always reblogging stuff just because you're moots, and I'm glad to say I don't have this strange entitled relationship with these friends. It's low pressure and really fun.
Reblog in the best spirit; reblog stuff you love, that you think is great, etc etc. Don't fall into bad intentions! It's meant to be fun. It's not high-stakes. What are people competing about? I feel really bad for you, OP, and I know what it feels like.
Jealousy in the Tumblr fic writer community is strong!
Hang in there baby. You're doing great.
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-- Haitch xxx
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iconic-position · 1 day
Friendship and fun of sex with a stranger
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Hello friends, welcome all of you once again to Shanaya's world.
The soul was satisfied after having group sex but only for a few days.
Although among them Anuj used to make me happy often.
Whenever Anuj felt like it, he would come and have fun the whole night and would sleep next to me.
Sometimes he would make me sit on his penis and teach me the car.
I had a lot of fun in all this.
After some time I changed the flat.
There a college boy often kept looking at me and examining me.
His name was Shashank. Everyone used to call him Shanky.
He lived in the house opposite and often followed me.
When he saw Anuj coming to my flat, he understood something.
This unknown sex story of mine is with this boy.
After a few days, Anuj started taking advantage of my body.
Anuj would come and have sex with me badly and go away.
I got upset and fought with Anuj and everything ended.
Now I started concentrating on my job.
About a week later, I met Shanky face to face because he had given me a lift and got my scooter repaired.
Now he used to come to my flat.
We would meet, we would drink tea together, talk… then he would go away.
He was an engineering student.
He was about to turn 24 years old.
He also used to go to the gym but his body did not look very active.
Yes, he was a fit guy.
One day he came to my house.
I made tea for him.
I had just placed the tea when I slipped and the tea fell on her.
I lost my balance in panic and I also started falling on him.
Then both his hands held me and supported me.
Both his hands came directly on my breasts.
Both my breasts were tightened by his hands and I was saved from falling.
However, he immediately recovered his senses and started lifting me.
I said- Sorry, sorry Shanky… Please, you might have got burnt by the hot tea, please remove your pants quickly.
The tea was indeed very hot; He himself was feeling uneasy.
He removed his pants.
I started looking at her thighs wet with tea and quickly gave her a towel.
He was burnt.
I brought the cream and started applying it on her thigh with my own hands.
It was my mistake.
He was badly burnt and was experiencing severe burning sensation.
I applied burnol cream on her thigh and got up to wash my hands.
When I came back after washing my hands, I saw that he was holding his penis and applying cream on its side.
Through his underwear his penis appeared to be a hard, thick rod.
Seeing me coming, he said – Please don't look here!
I looked away with a slight smile.
He kept applying cream gently on all sides of his penis.
After some time he wore his pants and left my house.
I started thinking that I had burnt it unnecessarily.
Due to this mistake of mine, I started feeling very sad.
I regretfully wanted to do a lot for him, so I called him the next day.
He came to my house around 7 in the evening.
I made tea for him again and today I mixed a medicine in his tea.
I had brought a gel for that.
I gave him the gel to apply.
He said- Hey, there was no need for that. Now everything is fine there.
Today I was feeling a burning sensation in the hole between my legs.
Now I wanted to squirt the juice from his penis.
He was sitting and drinking tea.
I told him – Shanky, you let me see… I will apply the gel there with my hand. All this has happened because of me.
He said- No, leave it… everything will be fine.
I put my finger on Shanky's mouth and silenced him.
Now I sat in front of him.
He said- Don't do it friend… I am feeling shy.
I asked- What are you ashamed of?
He couldn't say anything.
I took off his pants and started looking.
Jhant's hair was coming out from his cut underwear.
Because of this he was feeling ashamed.
I went out of the room and brought a ladies razor to remove my pussy hair.
I told him - Shanky, keep sitting quietly, I will make everything fine.
Shanky- Leave it not.
I didn't listen to Shanky and took off his underwear.
His penis was sleeping. His penis seemed big even while sleeping.
I quickly moved my hand forward and caught hold of his penis.
As soon as I touched him, his penis hissed like a snake and it started coming to life.
Without reacting anything, I started moving the razor in her pubic hair.
It cleans hair without using soap.
Often doctors also clean the hair near the private parts with this razor before the operation.
There were hairs all over his penis, above and below.
While cleaning my hair, I said - Shanky, you haven't shaved for a long time!
He shyly said – Yes, it has been a long time this time.
I was holding his half erect penis firmly in my hand and moving it here and there and cleaning the bristles.
After that, as soon as I moved my hands on his buttocks, his shivering increased and his penis started erecting.
She- Man, stop it now… leave it please!
I said- Shanky, what is wrong in this, it happens to everyone. You just relax.
I caught hold of his penis again and completely cleared the surrounding forest.
Shanky had released a sticky substance from his penis.
Because of that, his precum got on my hand.
Shanky said shyly – Sorry.
I said to Shanky – Okay…now go and clean it with water.
Shanky went to the bathroom and after some time he did not come out.
So I went and started looking.
Shanky was masturbating his penis in the bathroom.
He started ejaculating at that very moment.
He had spoiled all my fun.
I went to him and said – Shanky, are you kid… today you have to drive in a luxury car.
There is a chance to travel and you are going to Khatara by bus. Come on, let me take you on a trip to heaven today.
Just then I came inside the bathroom and gave shampoo in his hand and said – Come on, clean it quickly and come back.
He washed his hands and penis and came out and sat down.
I removed her panties and said – Shanky, close your eyes.
He closed his eyes.
I caught hold of Shanky's penis and took it into my mouth.
Shanky- Aaah…what are you doing!
Me: Nothing, I am just massaging your penis with my saliva. Maybe the burning pain will go away.
Saying this, I took his entire loose penis in my mouth and started caressing it with my tongue.
His penis had become completely loose.
Shanky- Ah, I am having a lot of fun. Today is the first time I felt so good.
When I was sucking his penis with pleasure, his penis started coming to life.
Now Shanky got up and said – Give me full love… what is there in half?
He held my head and started kissing my lips and started tearing my clothes instead of taking them off.
I was suddenly surprised and said - Hey, don't be crazy... I am taking it off, don't tear it, friend!
Shanky- I am not able to understand today…. What should I do… you just take it out quickly.
Perhaps he was now affected by the medicine, which I had given him after mixing it in tea.
Shanky quickly caught hold of me and took me to the bathroom, took off my panty and started applying shampoo on my pussy.
He inserted his finger in my pussy and started washing it.
I started enjoying his finger.
Within a short time, he went completely crazy and started inserting and taking out his finger vigorously.
I started moaning with sensual moans – Aaah Aaah Aaah.
Hearing my sigh, he started fingering me faster.
I started bending down holding his hair and saying ‘aah aah’.
‘Stop it Shanky…’
He stopped and put the mouth of the handshower on my pussy and with pressure the water squirted deep inside.
I enjoyed it a lot.
After some time he said- Let's go to the sofa.
Taking me in his lap, he brought me to the sofa and made me sit there and spread my legs.
Due to the spread of my legs, my pussy also got exposed and came in front of him.
He placed his mouth on my pussy and started moving his tongue.
‘Ahmm yummy…. Shanaya, you are a hottie.
He started sucking my pussy… He was sucking my pussy like a hungry dog.
I was rubbing my pussy on his mouth with my legs raised in the air.
‘Aaah aaah mummy…aah shanki aaah baby aaah suck it.’
After some time, he got up and put his penis in my mouth and pushed it inside with a strong push.
He started pushing his entire penis into my mouth.
He was in an agitated state abusing me and saying - Ahh bitch, you bitch...suck sister's dick, ah suck bitch.
Holding my head, he started giving long strokes of his penis.
I could feel his hard penis reaching my throat.
I was humming.
My entire mouth was filled with saliva.
His fair and thick cock was fucking my mouth.
When I held his legs he understood and stopped.
Taking out the penis from my mouth, I said – Don't do it now Shanky… I will die. Now fuck my pussy quickly.
Hearing this, he picked me up and threw me on the bed.
Spread my legs and started inserting my penis into the pussy.
Me: Hey, please wear a condom, friend!
Shanky- Why condom… now enjoy the cock without condom, Rani.
He shrugged off my words and inserted his penis with a jerk.
Me- Aaah ee… Shanky died.
She- Ah bitch, you will not die like this… you will eat two more cocks like me.
Saying this he started to jerk vigorously.
My pussy felt like bursting due to his jerks - Ahh you Shanky you took my life... Aah dog Shanky... Stop it motherfucker!
Shanky- Hmm… now you are back on track… what should I do right now you bitch… I have just started fucking… sister's fucker you bitch… today the cock has become very hard.
He kept giving thrusts after thrusts and kept on muttering 'ant-shunt' and giving thrusts of his love - Ahh here my love... really today you made me ride in a luxury car... ahh!
Me- Aaah Shanky and take it my love… Aaah ee.
He kept fucking me faster and the sounds of fuck fuck kept coming.
Within a few moments the pace increased from both sides.
Now I also raised my ass and started shouting – Ah Shanky, fuck me faster… Pelo Shanky.
Then suddenly he took me on top of him and I started jumping on his penis with all my heart.
For a few minutes I bounced my ass and ejaculated and expressed my tiredness.
Shanky made me a mare and he started fucking me by holding my waist.
He was fucking me with great force. Perhaps the effect of the medicine was that he was not ejaculating at all.
He was fucking with full force.
I was also charged again and this time I was also enjoying getting drilled by his penis.
After some time I said to Shanky- Let me come up.
He lay down on his back.
I sat on his penis and while kissing him, I moved forward to put a condom on his penis, then he filled one of my breasts in his mouth and started sucking it.
I picked up the condom while feeding her.
Then while kissing him, I started putting a condom on his penis.
Shanky- Hey, don't do it, friend!
Me: Shut up, friend!
I made the dick wear a raincoat.
I had to put my safety first.
Now he made me sit on his penis and inserted his penis and said - Come on, jump, my love.
I started bouncing my ass on the dick.
At that time both my breasts were bouncing, he caught hold of my breasts and started lifting my ass while squeezing them.
The bed started making 'choo choo' sounds due to both of us having sex.
Shanky was also giving shocks from below.
I also started saying 'Aa ee eee aaah' - Ah Shanky, I will die... stop it, my king.
Shanky- Just my love… ah tujhe marne nahi I will give.
Me: Shanky ahhh just do it Shanky aaaah… enough… I can't do it anymore!
Then he caught hold of my hands and made me lie down on him and started giving jerks.
I was rubbing my breasts and taking the cock in my pussy.
Then he suddenly got up and turned me in such a way that my feet came on the ground and I lay face down on the bed.
Me- Ahh… what are you doing Shanky?
Meanwhile, Shanky's penis entered the vagina and he ejaculated.
Me- Aaah mmamma aaah.
In this pose his penis was directly touching my G-point.
Shanky did not stop…he started giving jerks continuously.
I just kept screaming ‘Aaaa baby aaaah, what will you know…’.
After a few moments I also started enjoying.
But moans were coming out due to pain.
After some time I felt that I was going to ejaculate.
Then Shanky said- I am taking out the water now baby!
I immediately told Shanky – Wait.
I made her lie down and started jumping on the penis again.
I said – When Shanki starts leaving, give a signal.
I increased the pace of ass bouncing.
On the other hand Shanky also started giving shocks.
As soon as Shanky started aaah aaah.
I immediately got up and removed the condom.
His semen started coming out from the top which was rubbing on my ass.
All his goods went away there.
I immediately inserted the penis into my pussy and started tasting the juice of the penis.
Shanky- Hey darling, what are you doing… don't do it now. It's going to be a mess!
I held Shanky tightly and started bouncing my pussy on his penis.
Shanky- Ahhh baby… not now… there is no life left in my penis.
Me: Ah please hit a little more.
He closed his eyes and started trying to stiffen his penis.
I increased my speed and I also started cumming - Aaah aaah ahh gayi.
I lay down on his chest panting and he started moving his hands on my body.
Shanky said- Ah Shanaya ah… it was fun… you are really a luxury item.
I laughed and he held me tightly.
We both remained lying like this for some time.
After about 20 minutes he whispered in my ear – Honey, I am hungry, make something.
Me: Shanky, first go to the bathroom, take me!
He picked me up in his lap and took me to the bathroom.
Taking me there, he cleaned my pussy and also cleaned his penis.
Both of us came to the kitchen naked.
I started making Maggi.
He started harassing me.
Then he came behind me and started helping me.
Then I felt that his penis had started becoming erect again.
I said- Shanky, don't do anything right now, just eat well first.
He- Hey everything will be done, let it be done first.
Shanky placed my hands on the kitchen counter and placed his penis on my pussy from behind.
I moaned loudly – Aaah mummy aaah… I pushed it into my dry pussy.
Shanky said while thrusting his penis harder – Enough baby, nothing happened. You look Maggie, I'll look here.
I laughed and grabbed the spoon and started stirring the Maggi.
He started pushing into the pussy again.
When I again started saying ‘Aaah baby Shanky…’ he started holding my breasts and squeezing them.
‘Hey Shanaya… nothing happened, you just enjoy and feed me Maggi.
I took out the Maggi in a plate, while he continued to insert his penis.
The pussy had released juice, so I also started enjoying getting fucked due to the lubrication.
After some time, both of us stopped and separated our penises and pussy and came into the room.
Shanky had fallen in love with me.
He placed the plate of Maggi on my breasts and started eating.
I removed the plate and went to the bathroom and when I came back, Shanky's penis was playing in the middle of my Maggi noodles.
'Come, eat!'
I refused.
But he did not agree and I started eating Maggi with his penis.
He had wrapped Maggi on his penis and was making me lick it with his mouth.
It was really a lot of fun licking Maggi from his penis.
After about 5 minutes, he took me to the bathroom and after cleaning everything in the bathroom, he turned me into a bitch and started inserting his cock into my pussy.
This time there was lubrication in the pussy, so as soon as it was placed, the penis entered inside.
Shanky- Hey, it seems the entire tunnel has opened… the work will be done without any hard work now!
Now Shanky sat on the commode and I sat on his erect penis.
She was having jerks and both my breasts were bouncing amazingly.
He was repeatedly hitting my breasts and squeezing them.
The forced sex continued for about 20 minutes in the bathroom and we both ejaculated.
Shanky had fucked me 5 times from night till morning.
The next day both of us were lying completely unconscious.
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fellasleepinbaltimore · 8 months
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remadra · 11 months
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wanting him to succeed
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sunspinecity · 3 months
50$ to print 10 of the same skin has always been so insane to me. you're telling me it's 50$ to print....only 10.....of a single skin....and that's normal. And not only is that normal, that's what's required for a skin shop. where ppl may not even sign up for 10 runs. and then you're left in the shitter with at minimum 1-4 skins nobody wanted (not to mention if some people decide not to pay afterward) that you have to just pray someone finds & buys on the auction house. And it's 50$. Uhuh. And then that's just the artist's issue and fault and we're gonna blame them instead of the fact that a 10 print run costs as much as groceries.
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darkseldarine · 5 months
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Oh Zaknafein
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mspaintlover · 3 months
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my babys btw
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butchboromir · 7 months
is anyone else really lonely? not to get too personal on here but i am very lonely i think. not really a cry for a help or pity just saying it i think #radicalacceptance
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yellowocaballero · 9 months
I feel like I'm always discovering awesome aus on your blog lmao
There are so many other extremely cool bloggers who have like 10 different AUs that they post about and draw fanart for and I am both jealous and not one of those people. Sometimes I can just spend hours on their blog scrolling through their AUs, it's fun. Most of the time they're like a list of headcanons and worldbuilding and it's fun to mess around there.
I'm not quite like that, since I'm not a very creative person and when I have a good story idea 85% of the time I just write it. If I have a really robust series of headcanons for an AU I've written then I tend to just write another story. Also people send me asks where I can give more detail on my AUs! My stuff is always the tip of the iceberg in terms of what's fucking going on there, so I love the excuse to talk about it.
But there are some stories that I know are awesome ideas but will just never get written, which includes the Green Lantern story (I'm guessing that's what you're referring to?). I didn't really present it as a list of HCs, because my mind doesn't work that way, but just the summary of a story that won't be written. Thing is that I know for a fact it's a story with a lot of potential, but - and I really normally don't think like this - the audience would be so incredibly niche and the story would have to be so long that the ROI would be low. I write tons of stories that I never post, but those are usually because I have demons and my brain goes crazy if I don't write it. There's limited hours in the day.
All of my AUs and a few meta/HC tumblr posts are on the masterlist on my blog, so browse to your heart's content :)
#imagine if the no chip au was just a few rambly tumblr posts#nothing wrong with that whatsoever.#but I think I wouldn't actually understand the story or have the ability to make it a good story#if I didn't actually write it#I can generally tell by looking at an idea if it would make a good story or not#but oftentimes it's something you have to figure out while writing#there's plenty of stories on my gdrive that are two pages long because I realized it wouldn't make a good story#if a story is hard to write it's not good.#that's the case for me. good stories are easy. and ALSO hard. but good stories are easy and hard.#they're hard bc you have the ability to go above and beyond#and stretch yourself and do something great#badly structured or story ideas that don't work are hard to write bc they don't work#oh oh oh to clarify this:#it is easy to write SHORT bad stories#i have gotten into an argument on the internet about this#w/a guy who was like “i have no story structure climax or tension and my stories are great”#yeah theyre like 3k words. you can do whatever if it's 3k.#but a story that's meant to be longer collapses under its own weight#and it's PERFECTLY FINE to write 3k stories where not much happens#we write for fun do what sparks joy etc#but you won't grow as a writer#and imho very personally it's not fun to do a hobby and#never get better at the hobby.#you feel stagnant and talentless and you never get the satisfaction of doing something hard#..........maybe this is why so many writers on tumblr seem to hate writing.??.....ill never get that#oh well#my asks
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wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
no but thinking about it gay girl game and straight girl game are COMPLETELY different so I wonder how many of them their problem is just that theyre trying to do the same thing with both. especially if you're used to men being obsessed w you and suddenly you basically have to learn a whole new skill it's easy to get discouraged and just go back to what you know.
i see these girls saying like ohhh but girls dont text first and it's like well? you text her then! its not hard to talk to another woman, you do it every day. the type of girls that expect mascs to hit on them but don't realise if someone's visibly gay and you're not, you need to be the one to approach them and make your intentions clear. if you're used to just waiting around and falling into a relationship I get why gay dating would seem hard to you. but it isn't hard. you're just really bad at it. sorry. there's still time to learn <3
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eebooduh · 11 months
Up until recently I was very confident in my identity as an aroace person. However lately all of my friends have been getting into relationships and it seems like all they want to talk about now is their romance and sexlives. We used to meet up and talk about our interests and the world and the future. Now all I hear about is dates and sex. It's not bad to be invested in your relationship and its not bad to want to confide in people about it. I would absolutely not mind talking about it but I wish it wasn't all we could talk about now. I feel lonely while I'm with people I've been friends with for years because we can't connect when we're together anymore. And maybe thats selfish of me but it's not like I don't want to talk about romance and sex at all, I just want to be able to talk about other things too.
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benetnvsch · 8 months
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