#and like. i think he only ever meets rhodey immiedietly after vietnam
Wait, WAS Tony even trying to make Iron Man anything like him? Like yes in the “the best parts of me are in Iron Man” kinda way, but he’s so focused on making him GOOD, would he even expected for there to be any identity crisis' from either the Robot or his friends? His friends who feel like they know Iron Man somehow? Like, we know can make (when he has the tech) basically a 1:1 version of himself he makes an alcoholic and everything, but that wasn’t the goal here but he left some of his soul behind
Like how sometimes a writer or artists pours so much of their heart and soul into a work and people see it and are like, oh it’s you! And no, the poem/painting/character/song is not about/is them, it’s a universal thing! But no it's them oops. Like the artist thinks, no I would know if it’s a self portrait, but the face you know best is usually your own and oops you gave every character your own nose.
i think he was intending for iron man to be like... enough of him to continue doing his work. like building things. to keep the suit in repair, to keep upgrading it. i think he'd want him to be close to him, just so that he knows that like... iron man is going to have the same drive to keep being iron man that tony did.
i also think that like, you need to start from something, and the something he has on hand is... himself.
i dont think a lot of it is intentional, in that i do not think tony would've made the AI exactly like him, or tried to make it too much like him (see: not putting in the alcoholism like he does when he is Just making an AI of himself) i think he can't help but put in enough of his own values that... it does turn out like him. he's the one making it. of course it turns out like him.
i think.... honestly i think a lot of the consequences that the AI faces due to being what he is are things that tony just. did not have the time or bandwidth to consider. he was dying. he did die. he had the time to make sure that the thing he considered most important could continue on.
but yeah!!! there is definitely Something his friends notice, about him being similar to tony. i don't think it ever crosses their minds that, like, they're the same person (kind of, again, not really) because, like, iron man was at tony's funeral. but there is this kind of quite... awkwardness. about this man who maybe knew their friend better than they ever did. who knows things about him that no one else does.
and yeah!!! there are issues about it, but it isn't like tony intended any of it. which is almost worst, in a way. there isn't anyone to blame. it's no one's fault. no one intended for this ai to turn out like how he did. the way he is isn't anyone's fault.
it's just how he is.
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