#and one who was trained in identifying kids with autism
northwest-cryptid · 4 months
The sheer amount of times I have heard someone go "oh me oh same yea that's me!" about some depressed person or thing; only to then turn around and be the least understanding person in the room when it comes to someone else having symptoms of depression is honestly staggering.
I feel like "depression" has just become this funny little word we throw around that no one understands to the point where if you're ACTUALLY depressed it's aggravating to hear. Because you exhibit one minor symptom of depression and it's this whole thing about how annoying you are or how you're no fun to be around or whatever but then the second it's some quirky cute thing to "be depressed" in an anime or tv show or game; you hear all these people say "oh lol that's so me!" No it's not, it's fucking not dude.
Yea I understand "everyone experiences different things with the same problems" and while that's true, you also gotta remember:
We have clinical definitions of these things because there are ENOUGH symptoms that EVERYONE experiences if they're experiencing The Thing. That's how we know you have DEPRESSION and not something else like "you're sad" or "you're bored" or whatever.
A lot of these people are younger kids from what I've seen and I genuinely don't believe they have an understanding or grasp of what a real mental disorder is (I'm not saying everyone who is young is like this, trust me I've met plenty of minors who know damn well what depression is, and I've met plenty of adults well into their 50's who DO NOT.)
Never the less it's just bothersome to be going through some shit and hear someone basically say "I have that quirky cute disorder!" only to exhibit a symptom that is not quirky, nor cute and have everyone look at you like that awkward party meme, you know the one.
Self aware "depression" time, if you aren't understanding of why someone might be experiencing:
Insomnia (like actual insomnia, not "I just downed 5 energy drinks and now I TOTALLY like, have insomnia guys")
General feelings of hopelessness.
General slowness in activities
Social Isolation
Repetition of thoughts
But you still see them go through this shit and think they're just an asshole or some shit, and you look at them like THIS
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You likely don't ACTUALLY have "depression" you likely just think it's cute and quirky to have a disorder and depression is the easiest for you to pretend you have.
I say this because as someone who has had MULTIPLE mental disorders my whole life it's not hard to identify your own among others.
I'm not saying I have some authority to diagnose people or any formal training, what I AM saying is that I see someone going through these things and typically my first thought is "oh shit those are an awful lot of signs you're experiencing depression my friend, you may want to consider seeing someone about that." NOT "wow, you good dude? You're kinda bitchy..."
This is true of multiple things like ADHD, Autism, Depression, etc
If you've got something as serious as depression (yes a life threatening, serious disorder) you typically do your research to figure it out a bit better because not doing so will ruin your life. You typically know symptoms of your disorder/mental illness; and can identify them in others as well as yourself.
I know this isn't anything new for people but BOY have I been experiencing it a LOT lately and well, it might just be my depression making me irritable; but I'm losing it man.
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trans-wojak · 3 months
I just wanted to say I saw your response to the ask about Nex and I wanted to say that the way you explained your stance is very well thought out…
I hold the same beliefs as you, and I would like to not be on Anon but I fear if my friends found I hold these beliefs that they would call me transphobic and hate me (it is a kinda complicated situation…)
I just want to say I admire your bravery to speak your thoughts and opinions so openly and seemingly without fear of being rejected because of them. I hope one day to be able to have the confidence to speak my thoughts on subjects without fearing to be criticized.
-A shy anon 🪼
I have been criticised a lot for my stance because it creates conflict and many people just dislike conflict in general, which I understand. I just avoid trans spaces online and irl these cause they are predominantly filled with trenders and “non binary”. I prefer LGBT mixed spaces cause atleast those are not just a group made up of women who ID as non binary. Since it’s LGBT and not “trans”, there is less room for radical feminist man hating bullshit cause gay men will tell them to stfu.
Non binary in my experience and research is really just radical feminism lite, it reminds me of “political lesbians” who were straight femcels out of choice. All core beliefs of non binary activism heavily align with radical feminist theory more than it does with anything about trans rights. Contrary to popular belief, many radical feminists believe that medical transition is fine aslong as you retain that you’re a masculinised female or feminised male and don’t assert you are changing your sex or try to be in any of your group’s gendered spaces. Though, this treatment is mainly only directed at trans women - they rarely care about trans men sharing spaces with cis men cause they see it as “rebellious against the evil patriarchy” and benefiting.
This is why most “detrans” TERFs you find will have identified as non binary but then switched, usually after trying testosterone and ACTUALLY getting dysphoria. If you go to non binary subreddits, there’s countless posts about being scared to start T cause “I don’t want *insert literal male sexual characteristic*” or even worse “I don’t want to be perceived as a cis male”. The comments are filled with encouragement to start T anyway, saying you can microdose to control effects (a lie, it just makes it slower), suggesting taking certain hormone blockers to literally block male sexual characteristics but get very minimal ones that could be achieved through diet, exercise and voice training. Or worse, suggestions that laser hair removal isn’t even hard or expensive, it’ll work blah blah.
These retards then go on T, get side effects that cause actual dysphoria and then go full blown radical feminist.
At this point? I think anyone who identifies as non binary should be banned from transitioning medically. I don’t think you should qualify for a gender dysphoria diagnosis unless you want to be the opposite sex; not some magical androgynous being to get out of misogyny in society.
Though I do keep my beliefs to myself in many situations to avoid conflict but I also play heavily on my autism as an excuse for things, if the government and society wanna deem me as retarded then I’ll play into it. So, no I struggle with singular they cause I’m autistic. Honestly, I actually do struggle with singular they especially if they look entirely as their birth sex. I just don’t bother putting in effort cause I don’t care about how they feel. The worst woman I ever encountered who got mad at me for this was self diagnosed autistic, had a fucking child and was raising him “as non binary” so she got mad if you used he/him. I’m all for not raising kids with no gender roles or stereotypes but doing that is gonna fuck up the kid.
I also know a woman who started T cause she thinks she’s non binary and immediately stopped cause of body hair growing. Now she complains about her slightly deeper voice and says she wants to get pregnant again but worries that T hurt her. Oh she still retains she’s non binary tho, just that she likes living as a female “cause its way more comfortable” - yeah cause you’re a cis woman!
Anyway sorry for the rant, I’m glad that my opinions aren’t all seen as me being uwu disrespectful and mean cause my intent isn’t to be “mean” it’s to use critical thinking. If you want, you can privately DM me to discuss more on this so you don’t feel so alone in your convictions. It’s one of the reasons I have stopped showing my face online publicly cause trenders tried to doxx me, dangerous at times to not believe in non binary.
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jayvikyaoi · 17 days
deep post from jayvikyaoi or whatever. this is just a rant/vent about how it feels being autistic
it's really weird being on that fine line between being a functioning human being and being what people think of when they think of an "autist," where you can talk most of the time not the talking is never good and you can work some of the time but the work is never good. more specifically trying to interact in autistic spaces when you're definitely below that line when it comes to your social ineptitude, when things just can't physically or psychologically compute to you, and people don't like that, even other autistic people, so they label you "out of their comfort zone." i'd spent a lot of my life thinking i was exceptionally good at being social just because i had friends and i could get people to smile at me. but unfortunately i grew up and realized those friends were never my friends and those smiles were never smiling WITH me.
i think no matter where i go i'm always going to be labeled kind of inconvenient for anyone who doesn't understand my style of communication from experience (see: doing it Badly), or worse i'm going to be made fun of by people who don't even try to sympathize with it. i wish making friends were easier but getting older is cruel and the people around me get crueler. i really do hate that the autistic community is dominated by low-support-needs and able-bodied autistic people not because of how they experience the world but because they make it harder for me to truly, finally find people that share my life experiences, or at least understand enough to sympathise with it. they're the good ones. they don't want our voices to be heard because we actually have something to say with them, not just "ohh no we don't really support autism speaks anymore" (and sometimes not even that out of sheer cowardice). not to mention the fact that they're the only kind of autistic people that allistics can comfortably elevate the voices of because they don't challenge the allistic-centric worldview. they don't bring any light to autistic experiences. they can be easily understood without discomfort, and then ignored.
autistic spaces are full of pick-me's, that's what i think. they have enough privilege to centre allistic worldviews in their own life, and if you challenge that comfort of theirs, you're out. even at my age and even talking to people older it feels like classic high school bullying—because it is. if you're "too weird" (see: "too autistic") you'll be publicly executed and laughed at. and for what? why are all of you so *negative*? i've never been able to understand the mindset. is it your own insecurities in the traits that you can identify or is it simply the fact that you've been trained to ostracize the "different" and you listened without question like a dog? or is it both? have you no sympathy?
i'm trying my best but my best is never enough. i can't talk to people, i can't hold a job, i can hardly even take care of myself. i never finished my schooling. it's getting really hard not to give up on everything and sometimes i start to understand the statistics of suicide and ptsd—what DO i have in this world other than people taking advantage of me for fun? video games? video games can't save me. be honest.
it's getting harder and harder the older i get to make mistakes because i'm locked in an immortality chamber and publicly executed every time i make one. every day, every time i speak, every time i mess up dinner, every time i can't provide, every time i ask the world for even a morsel of love. thinking having friends who like me wasn't too much to ask for while being autistic AND ugly AND weird—my worst mistake. i humiliate myself more each time i leave my house or set my hands on my keyboard. i'd much rather be euthanized, it'd be a more forgiving existence. i have nothing to bring to the table even if everyone in my life who is paid to be kind to me thinks i'm the most intelligent kid they've ever met. it doesn't amount to anything when i can't even form a coherent thought more than half of the time.
when i try to socialize, it's like having a handful of predetermined dialogue options, but when they finally come up for me (of which it is exceptionally slow to do), it's a bunch of garbled text and missing characters of which i can barely make out a full word of. i try to analyze it but that never works because there ISN'T any sense to it, and when i finally think i'm picking the correct option, it comes out of my mouth and i have to bear with the angry or giggling faces that surround me as i grapple to understand how what i said was wrong. i know how to make out simple phrases like "i'm sorry that happened" and "how are you today?" and "haha relatable" and "thank you" but everything else is lost on me. i only know the basics of it, but everything else is just... a different language to me. one so impossibly difficult to learn, especially at this stage of my life where i have to tools to learn it and making any attempt gets me ashamed.
you *could* be my friend. but fine. jerk off to how much you think you pity and support people like me through my "journey" and then make fun of me or learn to hate me when my back is turned, when it really comes down to it.
(i'm not sure i'm even worthy enough to be used as inspiration porn)
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By: Ben Appel
Published: Mar 17, 2024
On February 5, 2024, The Free Press published the whistleblowing account of Tamara Pietzke, a Washington State mental health therapist. For six years, Pietzke worked at MultiCare, one of Washington state’s largest hospital systems. In her essay, Pietzke explained why she chose to leave MultiCare in January.
“In the past year I noticed a concerning new trend in my field,” Pietzke wrote. “I was getting the message from my supervisors that when a young person I was seeing expressed discomfort with their gender—the diagnostic term is gender dysphoria—I should throw out all my training. No matter the patient’s history or other mental health conditions that could be complicating the situation, I was simply to affirm that the patient was transgender, and even approve the start of a medical transition.”
Pietzke described the case studies of three patients she treated at MultiCare. One was a 13-year-old girl who had an abusive mother, was a victim of multiple sexual assaults, and had been diagnosed with “depression, PTSD, anxiety, intermittent explosive disorder, and autism.” After the girl was diagnosed with gender dysphoria, despite the girl’s complex history, the Mary Bridge clinicians recommended she take medication to suppress her periods and consider taking testosterone. When Pietzke voiced her concerns to her program manager, she was told to “examine [her] personal beliefs and biases about trans kids.” The girl was then promptly removed from her care.
Another patient, a 16-year-old client who had anxiety, depression, and ADHD, told Pietzke that, during the pandemic, after reading online about gender, she didn’t feel like a girl anymore. Soon, she started using she/they pronouns and wearing a chest binder. In 2022, she went to Mary Bridge, where she was prescribed birth control to stop her period, since the girl’s father wouldn’t consent to allowing testosterone treatment. After a hospitalization for swallowing a bottle of pills, the girl told Pietzke she identified as a “wounded male dog” and talked about wearing ears and a tail in order to feel more like her true self. Pietzke’s concerns were minimized by her colleagues, who seemed to have no issue with patients identifying as animals if it made them happy.
In 2022, Pietzke began treating a female in her early twenties who had transitioned as a teen. The patient, who rarely left the house and spent most of the day in bed, had been diagnosed with autism, anxiety, gender dysphoria, depression, Tourette syndrome, and a conversion disorder. Mary Bridge prescribed the girl testosterone in 2018, when she was 17, “despite the fact that this patient is diabetic and one of the hormone’s side effects is that it might increase insulin resistance,” wrote Pietzke. “The patient’s mother, who has another transgender child, strongly encouraged it.”
“My biggest fear about the gender-affirming practices my industry has blindly adopted is that they are causing irreversible damage to our clients,” wrote Pietzke. “I am desperate to help my patients. And I believe, if I don’t speak out, I will have betrayed them.”
In mid-February, I spoke to Pietzke over Zoom. She had just been fired from her new job.
After Pietzke left MultiCare, she was hired by a therapy clinic to provide mental health counseling and neurofeedback, a treatment that helps patients produce more positive brainwaves. From the beginning, Pietzke’s new boss had insisted that, if neurofeedback wasn’t for her, she could switch to counseling full time. And yet, when Pietzke requested this change, her boss said that wasn’t an option and promptly let her go.
The way Pietzke described it, it sounded like her whistleblowing had contributed to her boss’s decision. Now, Pietzke hopes to open her own practice in order to avoid running into this issue at yet another clinic.
“I just want to be able to do my job and help people,” she told me.
In Washington, conversion therapy laws include “gender identity” along with sexual orientation, which means that therapists can face legal repercussions for failing to properly affirm a patient in his or her trans identity. I asked Pietzke if this concerns her.
“Believe me, I’m making it very clear that I’m not trying to change anybody,” she said. “All I want to be able to say is, ‘Let’s put a pin in it. Let’s process this and work through this and not rush to medicalize. You’re a child.’”
I explained to Pietzke how I first got involved in this issue. After I learned that gender-nonconforming youth were being medicalized, I began to wonder what the difference was between a “trans kid” and the effeminate little boy that I had been growing up.
“I was teased all the time as a kid,” I said. “In middle school, I was often asked, ‘Are you a boy or a girl?’ Most of my friends were girls and I loved girly things. I was really athletic, but I wanted to play with the girl's lacrosse stick rather than the boy's lacrosse stick. So, to imagine that there would be this ideology, for lack of a better word, that said, 'Which sex do you feel like? Which sex do you identify as, according to these gender norms?’ I can’t imagine, being young, I would’ve been able to answer, ‘Oh, I know I feel more like a boy.’”
“It would’ve been so confusing,” said Pietzke.
“And, because I was raised really religious, I couldn’t reconcile my sexuality with my upbringing,” I said. “So, I’m sure I may have thought, ‘Good, this isn’t a moral defect, it’s just a medical problem that I can fix. I’ll feel more comfortable, I’ll blend into society more, and the bullying might stop.’”
That was why I asked about the conversation therapy laws, I told Pietzke. “Like you said, you’re not trying to change anybody. But there needs to be some exploring here, because there can be other things at play, including the possibility that you’re just dealing with a gender-nonconforming kid who will grow up to be gay.” In other words, “gender-affirming care” can be a new form of gay conversion therapy.
“My understanding is that about 85 percent of gender-distressed youth who are allowed to progress through puberty normally resolve that distress,” said Pietzke. “And oftentimes they do end up being gay. For a kid to even have the thought that they might have been born in the wrong body is just so unfair.”
She continued. “And that is what kids are talking about now. They don’t even need an adult to say it. Their peers start to identify as another gender, and they think, ‘OK, maybe I am, too.’”
To describe what’s occurring in the medical system when it comes to “gender-affirming care,” Pietzke said that, in the past, she has hesitated to use the word “corruption,” only because “it feels so extreme.”
“But that’s what it is,” she said. “A level of corruption that makes me heartsick. I have to wonder, do people really think they’re doing what’s best for people? Or, are they personally benefiting from providing these treatments in some way? I’m trying to figure it out. But it’s scary to me.”
Last year, I spoke with Dr. Laura Edwards-Leeper, the founding psychologist for the first hospital-based pediatric gender clinic in the U.S. During our conversation, Dr. Edwards-Leeper, who adapted the “Dutch Protocol”—puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones and surgery—to be used in the U.S., used the word “cult” at least five times to describe what’s become of her field. Practitioners, she said, are ignoring nearly everything they’ve learned about childhood development and instead taking cues from colleagues who might have the “lived experience” of being trans but who lack medical training. Often, practitioners fear being labeled transphobic if they fail to follow the dictates of these colleagues.
I asked Pietzke if she agreed with Dr. Edwards-Leeper’s observations.
“Absolutely,” she said. “I definitely think people are afraid of being labeled transphobic.” She described a virtual gender-affirming care training she attended while working for MultiCare. For asking basic questions about possible side effects and health consequences of cross-sex hormones, and about the high correlation between gender dysphoria and other mental health disorders in girls, “that [label] was thrown out at me almost immediately,” she said. “They said I was harming people and that I need to keep ‘politics’ out of it.” After the training session, four people reached out to Pietzke to say that they had the same concerns, but they were afraid to speak up because they saw how she had been treated. “They’re scared,” she said.
When it comes to the politicization of this issue, I told Pietzke, I’m often reminded of Newton’s third law of motion: for every action in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is, if one side objects to, say, cross-sex hormones for gender-distressed teenagers, the other side doubles down by proposing even more radical interventions or by fear-mongering about suicide. It becomes a game of ping-pong, with vulnerable kids stuck in the middle.
Another activist tactic that really bothers me, I continued, is when they accuse people who object to sex-trait modification for minors of opposing gender-nonconformity in general.
“In reality, it’s the exact opposite,” I said. “I want society to make more space for young people who innately transgress gender norms. All I’m saying is that defying stereotypes is not a medical problem that needs to be fixed.” Especially when the “fixing” means severe health consequences, infertility, and often, particularly for males, anorgasmia.
Pietzke agreed. “Why can’t we just let people be people without making them think there’s something wrong with the way they’re wired?” she said. “Adolescence is uncomfortable for everybody. Let’s be the adults in this situation and guide them through it, rather than rushing to medicalize them.”
To learn more about Pietzke’s preferred approach to counseling young people, I posed a scenario. “Let’s say a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old comes to you for therapy. She’s really masculine-presenting, likes hanging out with boys, is rough and tumble, and she says that she doesn’t feel like a girl. How would you handle this?”
Pietzke didn’t take long to respond. “I have a few thoughts,” she said. “My first inclination would be to ask her, “What does being a girl mean to you? What does feeling like a girl mean? Because if what you’re saying is that you don’t like fake nails and fake eyelashes and going shopping, well, that doesn’t mean you’re not a girl. That’s just one type of being a girl.”
Pietzke continued, “I’ve puzzled over this a lot. I’ve thought, what if a kid came in and said she was going to kill herself because she thought she was in the wrong body? Well, that made me ask myself, what would I do if a person with depression said she was going to kill herself? The solution isn’t fixing the thing that appears to be causing distress. You need to treat the resilience piece, so that when hard things happen or difficult feelings arise, you don’t automatically default to thinking, ‘I don’t want to be alive anymore.’ Of course I’d tell my patient, ‘Yes, I absolutely hear that you’re in pain and I care so much about that. But this suicidal piece, we need to work on that. Because life is hard, and I certainly want to help you have the resilience to be able to navigate the hard things.’”
Pietzke and I talked about the data, in particular the fact that there is no evidence showing that kids and adolescents who don’t receive puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones are at greater risk of suicide, despite activists’ dogged insistence on peddling this narrative. In reality, these treatments could be making things worse for many people.
Pietzke said, “If we just assume that someone’s struggles are strictly because of gender distress and we don’t teach them the skills to navigate depression, anxiety, or whatever else they might be struggling with, we’re not doing them any favors.”
I told Pietzke that I sometimes fear that the LGBT organizations that push this false suicide narrative are actually creating a greater risk of suicide contagion among young people.
“Exactly,” said Pietzke. “If I were 14, and I was told that, if the adults in my life don’t let me do this one thing, I might commit suicide, there’s a good possibility that I would start to think, ‘Maybe I am suicidal.’ I think it just amplifies the distress.”
Since Pietzke went public with her story, she said that no one from MultiCare has contacted her. This doesn’t surprise me. But it surprised Pietzke.
“I really thought, ‘How can people hear this information and the facts and statistics and still think that I’m in the wrong?’” she said. “I know that makes me sound naïve, but I just don’t understand.”
“It’s crazy-making,” I said.
“It is crazy-making. I’ve thought, ‘What is wrong with me?’ I feel like it’s The Twilight Zone, where I’m screaming that the sky is blue and everyone says, ‘No, it’s orange.’”
As Pietzke spoke, I thought back to just a few of the myriad times I’ve questioned my own sanity when it comes to this issue. I told her that I’m constantly asking myself whether I’ve missed some important detail.
“I don’t think the other side is questioning themselves like we do,” said Pietzke. “At least I don’t hear them doing it. If you’re not willing to reconsider your position on things, then you’re pushing for an ideology rather than what’s best practice for the people you’re treating.”
What has helped Pietzke is the support she’s received since she came forward with her story. “I have had people contact me and thank me for speaking out,” Pietzke said. “I’m so grateful for that, because this is a lonely process.”
She mentioned Jamie Reed, the whistleblower from the pediatric gender clinic at Washington University in St. Louis. Reed, who is now the executive director of the LGBT Courage Coalition, which advocates for gender medicine reform and is a resource for whistleblowers, helped Pietzke through the process.
“I listen to Jamie talk and I think she’s so smart, she has so much knowledge,” said Pietzke. “I’m just a mom and a therapist who wants to give people the best treatment that they deserve. Having the support now has meant a lot to me.”
Today, Pietzke has no regrets about blowing the whistle. She said that she would be “devastated” to learn that a young person she had helped transition came to regret it.
“This isn’t a gray area,” Pietzke said. “Kids can’t adequately consent to these treatments. As a therapist, my loyalty isn’t just to them at 13, 14, or 15. My loyalty is to them 10 years down the road, too.”
About the Author
Ben Appel has written for Newsweek, The Free Press, Quillette, Unherd, and many other publications. His memoir, Cis White Gay, about his experience in LGBT activism and Ivy League academia, is forthcoming. Subscribe to his Substack and follow him on X @benappel.
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alltogetheraba3d · 2 months
All Together aba
Sincerely, from the American Bar Association.
Building reliable relationships with the families of these children is essential before providing them with morally sound, evidence-based care. The caliber of our faculty and student body means that curriculum revisions are infrequently necessary.
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There has been a shift in scientific thinking regarding ABA-based therapy in the past few years. In the 1950s, B. F. Skinner established ABA. A subset of psychologists known as applied behavior analysts, or ABAs, are in charge of creating and perfecting ABA. Individuals on the autism spectrum and those experiencing other types of developmental delay may find it particularly beneficial. Prioritizing yourself and your loved ones will improve your mental and physical well-being. There are now more victories overall with each new success that comes to light. It has been shown that ABA inclusion early on increases the number of happy customers who become repeat customers. Sometimes used as a shorthand for "Applied Behavior Analysis" is "ABA."
We teach the kids on the spectrum how to set priorities as part of our behavioral therapy for autism. We will triumph if we cooperate as a team. All of us have been made aware of the modifications that have been made. The team's contribution and understanding of the strategy are critical to the plan and the organization's future performance. We know you can make a difference for the kids in your community, so have faith in yourself. Children's mental health would gain from this. Enrolling in our program will position you for success.
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In terms of identifying and resolving communication problems, we have seen it all. We employ tried-and-true techniques to help your child feel comfortable during the session. I doubt very much that I could have finished it without your help. Adults may be surprised by how rapidly a youngster picks up new vocabulary.
Purchaser instructions. A child has much to be thankful for if their parents are willing to sacrifice their lives for them.
Families with lower incomes will be given priority. We value your success so much that we are here for you anytime you need us, day or night.
Kindly let the other members of the group know about any suggestions you may have to make our next meeting more productive.
The charitable group "All Together" provides aid to underprivileged children. As a result, we are now more optimistic about the future. Our staff members worked collaboratively with the families of the children entrusted to our care on the "All Together" project. We have to get moving immediately.
The All Together approach's three components—social skills training, outpatient therapy, and diagnostic testing—help rule out more serious issues. ABA therapy is provided by Board Certified Behavior Analysts at All Together to children and teenagers who struggle with autism and other learning disabilities. Everyone agrees that these people are the best in their respective disciplines. Our approach was influenced by the ABA's "natural environment teaching" (NET) philosophy. One way to abbreviate "natural environment education" (or "NEE") is "natural environment teaching." It has been demonstrated that ABA therapy, when incorporated into a comprehensive treatment plan, enhances behavior, sleep patterns, family relationships, and communication.
Residents of Danbury, Connecticut can now benefit from our outpatient mental health services. Because of the extensive training our personnel has undergone in a range of mental health treatment procedures, we are able to meet the demands of our diverse clients in a morally and professionally responsible manner. Our medically-focused strategy was influenced by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. We were able to put our disagreements aside and work well together because of the agreement we came to.
There are several advantages to ABA therapy. Applied behavioral analysis (ABA) seems to be a reasonably priced approach to treating behavioral issues. Many autistic youngsters made great progress after starting treatment. Positive results have been obtained from the use of ABA in the treatment of numerous medical problems.
Techniques for Helping Autistic Students Succeed Some people with autism spectrum condition may experience social issues. Kids on the autism spectrum have a variety of alternatives when it comes to schooling.
The potential advantages of speech therapy extend well beyond enhanced verbal exchange.
If you want your child to become totally fluent in a second language, you need begin teaching and exposing them to it at a young age. A child's mental and physical growth will be hampered in the absence of them. Speech therapy could be beneficial if your teenager is struggling to communicate.
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alltogetheraba1b · 2 months
All Together aba
The ABA sends its best wishes.
Building reliable relationships with the families of these children is essential before providing them with morally sound, evidence-based care. Because our teachers and students are so talented, we hardly ever need to make modifications to the regularly scheduled curriculum.
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The scientific community is beginning to support ABA-based therapy more and more. ABA was developed in the 1950s by B. F. Skinner. Applied behavior analyzers (ABA) are psychologists who developed and enhanced aba therapy in my area. Its use may be very beneficial for those with autism and other types of developmental delays. Setting your needs and the needs of those closest to you first will improve your mental and physical wellbeing. The list of achievements is still expanding. ABA is being recommended more and more for use across the whole product development process in order to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Sometimes the term "Applied Behavior Analysis" is shortened to "ABA."
One of the things we teach our autistic children in behavioral treatment is to limit the amount of tasks they do at once. We're a creative bunch, so we'll figure it out. All employees have been informed of the updated policies. The future of the company and the plan's success depend heavily on the team's input and understanding of the strategy.
We believe you have the power to positively impact the kids in your community. Children's psychological wellbeing will improve as a result. You will be in the best position to reach your objectives if you enroll in our program.
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When it comes to identifying, analyzing, and resolving communication problems, we've seen it all. We employ tried-and-true methods to help your child feel at ease in front of the camera and microphone. I could never have finished it without your help. A young toddler's vocabulary can expand at a startling rate.
Purchaser instructions. If one's parents are willing to lay down their lives for them, then there is plenty to be grateful for.
People with lesser incomes are given precedence. We value your success so much that we are here for you anytime you need us, day or night.
Kindly let the other members of the group know about any suggestions you may have to make our next meeting more productive.
The charitable group "All Together" provides aid to underprivileged children. As such, we have very high hopes for the future. Our staff worked together with the families of the children in our care on the "All Together" project. It's critical to act promptly.
The All Together technique combines social skills training, outpatient care, and medical screening to rule out more significant issues. ABA therapy is provided by Board Certified Behavior Analysts at All Together to children and teenagers who struggle with autism and other learning disabilities. These experts are well known for being the greatest in their respective domains. Our approach is based on the ideas of "natural environment teaching" (NET), which was created by the ABA. A more accurate description of what we presently refer to as "natural environment education" would be "natural environment teaching." ABA therapy has been shown to enhance behavior, sleep patterns, family relationships, and communication when integrated into a more comprehensive treatment approach.
Residents of Danbury, Connecticut can now benefit from our outpatient mental health services. Our staff has received extensive training, enabling us to treat patients with a wide range of mental health challenges in a professional and ethical manner. Our medically-focused strategy was influenced by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The agreement we came to allowed us to set aside our disagreements and collaborate effectively.
There are several advantages to ABA therapy. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) seems to be a cost-effective way to treat behavioral disorders. Many autistic youngsters made great progress after starting treatment. For certain medical conditions, treatments based on ABA principles have demonstrated encouraging outcomes.
Techniques to Guarantee Academic Achievement for Students with Autism
Some people on the autism spectrum may find it difficult to develop and maintain friendships. For children on the autism spectrum, there are numerous options for their educational trajectories.
It's probable that speech therapy offers advantages beyond facilitating communication.
You should start training and exposing your child to a second language as soon as you can if you want them to speak it completely fluently. Without them, a child's physical and mental growth will be hindered. Speech therapy could be helpful if your adolescent struggles to articulate themselves verbally.
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alltogetheraba2b · 3 months
Aba therapy new york
The ABA sends its best wishes.
Building reliable relationships with the families of these children is essential before providing them with morally sound, evidence-based care. We hardly ever need to make alterations to the regularly scheduled curriculum because our teachers and kids are so great.
The scientific community is beginning to support ABA-based therapy more and more. ABA was developed in the 1950s by B. F. Skinner. Applied behavior analyzers (ABA), a group of psychologists, developed and improved ABA. Its use may be very beneficial for those with autism and other types of developmental delays. Setting your needs and the needs of those closest to you first will improve your mental and physical wellbeing. The list of achievements is still expanding. There is mounting proof that using ABA during the product development process results in happier and more comfortable customers. Sometimes the term "Applied Behavior Analysis" is shortened to "ABA."
We help the child focus on one thing at a time as part of our behavioral treatment for autism. We're a creative bunch, so we'll figure it out. All employees have been informed of the updated policies. The long-term viability of the plan and the company depends on the team's knowledge and experience. We have faith that the kids in your community can effect positive change with your help. Children's psychological wellbeing will improve as a result. You will be in the best position to reach your objectives if you enroll in our program.
Aba therapy new york
When it comes to identifying, analyzing, and resolving communication problems, we've seen it all. We employ tried-and-true methods to help your child feel at ease in front of the camera and microphone. I could never have finished it without your help. In some circumstances, a child's vocabulary can become uncontrollably large.
Purchaser instructions for ABA therapy in New York If one's parents are willing to lay down their lives for them, then there is plenty to be grateful for.
Priority is given to those from less fortunate backgrounds. We value your success so much that we are here for you anytime you need us, day or night.
Kindly let the other members of the group know about any suggestions you may have to make our next meeting more productive.
The charitable group "All Together" provides aid to underprivileged children. As such, we have very high hopes for the future. Our staff worked together with the families of the children in our care on the "All Together" project. It's critical to act promptly.
The All Together technique combines social skills training, outpatient care, and medical screening to rule out more significant issues. ABA therapy is provided by Board Certified Behavior Analysts at All Together to children and teenagers who struggle with autism and other learning disabilities. These experts are well known for being the greatest in their respective domains. Our approach is based on the ideas of "natural environment teaching" (NET), which was created by the ABA. A more accurate description of what we presently refer to as "natural environment education" would be "natural environment teaching." Research indicates that ABA therapy can improve behavior, sleep patterns, family relationships, and communication, but it is only one component of an all-encompassing treatment strategy.
Residents of Danbury, Connecticut can now benefit from our outpatient mental health services. Our staff has received extensive training, enabling us to treat patients with a wide range of mental health challenges in a professional and ethical manner. Our medically-focused strategy was influenced by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Our mutual understanding allowed us to set aside our differences and collaborate effectively.
There are several advantages to ABA therapy. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) seems to be a cost-effective way to treat behavioral disorders. Many autistic youngsters made great progress after starting treatment. For certain medical conditions, treatments based on ABA principles have demonstrated encouraging outcomes.
Techniques to Guarantee Academic Achievement for Students with Autism
Some people on the autism spectrum may find it difficult to develop and maintain friendships. For children on the autism spectrum, there are numerous options for their educational trajectories.
It's probable that speech therapy offers advantages beyond facilitating communication.
You should start training and exposing your child to a second language as soon as you can if you want them to speak it completely fluently. Without them, a child's physical and mental growth will be hindered. Speech therapy could be helpful if your adolescent struggles to articulate themselves verbally.
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sffgtrhyjhmnzdt · 7 months
How Pediatric Behavioral Therapists Can Make a Difference
In today's fast-paced world, the challenges of parenting have taken on new dimensions. Many children and adolescents are grappling with behavioral issues that can be a source of frustration and concern for parents. Fortunately, the role of pediatric behavioural therapists in hafeezpet is becoming increasingly recognized as a vital support system for children and their families. 
Understanding Behavioral Issues in Children
Behavioral issues in children can manifest in various ways, such as aggression, defiance, temper tantrums, or difficulties in social interactions. These problems can be a source of stress for parents, teachers, and the children themselves. Pediatric behavioral therapists are specially trained to identify the root causes of these issues and develop effective strategies for managing and improving behavior.
The Role of Pediatric Behavioral Therapists: Pediatric behavioural therapists in kondapur are highly skilled professionals who focus on the assessment and treatment of behavioral disorders in children. They work closely with children and their families to create customized treatment plans that are tailored to the child's unique needs. Their approach is child-centered, emphasizing positive reinforcement and evidence-based interventions to address behavioral problems.
Behavioral therapists for kids are experts in using various therapeutic techniques, including cognitive-Behavioral therapy for young children in kondapur, applied behavior analysis (ABA), play therapy, and parent training. These techniques are designed to help children learn new, more adaptive behaviors while reducing maladaptive ones.
Addressing Behavioral Disorders in Children
Behavioral disorders in children, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder , oppositional defiant disorder, or autism spectrum disorder, require specialized intervention. Pediatric behavioral therapists are well-versed in these disorders and can provide the necessary support for children and their families.
For instance, in the case of ADHD, pediatric behavioral therapists can help children develop executive function skills, self-regulation, and organization, which are often impaired in children with this disorder. For children with ODD, therapists can work on strategies to reduce oppositional behavior and improve cooperation. For children on the autism spectrum, therapists use strategies to enhance social and communication skills.
Pediatric behavioral therapists don't just focus on the child; they also consider the broader family context. They provide guidance and support to parents and caregivers, helping them understand the underlying causes of their child's behavioral issues and equipping them with effective tools to manage and improve their child's behavior.
Pediatric behavioral therapists play a crucial role in addressing behavioral issues and disorders in children. By providing specialized, evidence-based interventions, they empower children to develop healthier behaviors, improve their social skills, and enhance their overall quality of life. Parents and caregivers who seek the assistance of pediatric behavioral issues in children in Hyderabad often find themselves equipped with a newfound sense of hope and support on their journey towards unlocking their child's full potential.
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type1cyclingdan · 8 months
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What is a mentor?
“A mentor may share with a mentee (or protege) information about his or her own career path, as well as provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling. A mentor may help with exploring careers, setting goals, developing contacts, and identifying resources”.
A mentor can be someone that guides you, coaches you in person, but you can also have people that you follow from a distance such as famous successful people that have achieved great things in their field whether it be sports, acting, business etc.
I have all different kinds, I class my boss as a mentor and role model, I follow lots of different people in business and sports that I can learn from and then there are people that I have followed in cycling professionals and local racers like a guy called Colin Ward when I started cycling he was one of the best in Essex and could more than hold his own around the country. (And still can by the way).
He is amazing on a bike and he makes it look so easy and at times effortless, there were many a Time Trial where Colin has passed me, but he has always been so approachable at races and on the occasions that he used to come to the club I rode with Athlon CC for the Saturday group rides he always had time to talk. Colin now has his own coaching company, so if you want to be coached by one of the best, look him up. Tried and Tested Cycle Coaching.
Then there is a recently retired pro cyclist who is based in Essex that also used to come to Athlon rides occasionally called Alex Dowsett who again always had time to talk to you and give advise and as someone that has haemophilia is an inspiration to those that get told that they should not try to race. Really looking forward to his book coming out on the 28th September about his life, but he once told me that he would bring a book out about being a Time Trialist once he retired so hoping for it soon.
Some of the other people that I follow are Luke and Tom Stoltman, Tom has been the world strongest man twice, he has Autism but has found that training has really helped his confidence and Luke his older brother has been a massive part of Toms success. I find their story really inspirational and love their attitudes.
There are many more out there that I take things from the newest person that is up there is a guy called Andrew Kerr he has type 1 diabetes and has had it a lot longer than me and races bikes also. He recently started up the team Inflite Type One, which is a team that is for people with type one diabetes. And ever since I have been diagnosed with T1D, he has been a source of support and is always there with encouragement and guidance, and he is a pretty good racer as well.
Then there are those that you would love to be able to be like. One of my favourite cyclist was a guy called Fabian Cancellara. He was so strong on a bike that he made it look easy at times. He could just ride people off of his wheel without getting out of the saddle.
I 100% believe that it is important to have these people to look up to and try and take the bits about them that you like and try and put them into your own life.
I have recently been watching everything that I can about successful people in all walks of life the latest was Michael Jordans The last dance on Netflix which was really good for seeing what can be achieved if you work hard but obviously have some natural ability.
One of my favourite films is a film Will Smith was in called The Pursuit of Happiness. It was about a guys struggle to become a successful businessman. In one scene his little son is saying how he want to be a famous basket ball player and he shoots him down and the kid gets upset and the dad then says to the boy don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something not even me.
If there is something that you want to achieve, then go for it. If you work as hard as you possibly can to achieve something within reason, then why can’t you achieve it. The only certain thing is that you will not achieve anything if you do not even try.
Henry Ford said that “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.” So believe in yourself and work at it every day, and you never know what you can achieve  “Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you will land amongst the stars”.
 Dream big, keep trying and never give up and always believe that you can achieve.
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Pediatric treatment
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Youngster advancement is a complex and also fascinating procedure that includes various physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional milestones. While the majority of kids advance with these landmarks at their very own speed, some might experience delays or problems. That's where developing pediatric medicine is available in-- a medical specialized that concentrates on detecting and also treating developmental hold-ups and also conditions in children. In this write-up, we'll discover the area of developing pediatric medicines, its duty in advertising healthy kid advancement, and exactly how it can aid youngsters reach their full capacity.
Developing pediatric medicines is a specific branch of pediatrics that deals with the unique demands of children who have problem conference developing milestones or display irregular actions. Doctors concentrating on this field, known as developing doctors, are professionals in acknowledging and treating a series of developmental problems, consisting of autism spectrum disorders, finding out impairments, intellectual impairments, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and more. View this link: autismdfw.org to get more details on developing pediatric medicine.
The role of a developing pediatrician begins with a thorough analysis of a kid's growth. This thorough analysis might include cautious observation, standard tests, and also input from parents, educators, as well as various other medical care professionals. By examining a kid's physical, cognitive, emotional, and social advancement, developmental doctors can identify any hold-ups or impairments accurately.
Once a medical diagnosis is made, the developing doctor teams up with a multidisciplinary group to produce a customized therapy plan. This group may consist of physical therapists, speech specialists, psycho therapists, instructional specialists, as well as social workers, to name a few professionals. The goal is to supply an alternative strategy to resolve the kid's one-of-a-kind requirements and advertise their development and advancement. Learn more about developmental medicine of the page linked here.
Developing doctors use a series of treatments and treatments to support children with developmental hold-ups. These can include behavior interventions, speech and language therapy, work treatment, social abilities training, and academic modifications, to name a few. Furthermore, developmental doctors supply assistance as well as support to moms and dads and caretakers, assisting them recognize their child's problem and offering strategies to enhance their kid's advancement at home and also in institution.
In conclusion, developmental pediatrics plays an important function in ensuring that children with developing hold-ups or disorders get the support they require to reach their full capacity. By determining and treating these difficulties early in a child's life, developing doctors can make a substantial influence on their overall growth as well as lifestyle. If you presume that your child may be experiencing developmental difficulties, consulting a developmental pediatrician can supply you with useful insights and also guidance to navigate their one-of-a-kind journey. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pediatrics.
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justinforprez · 11 months
I’m frustrated by people that swallow bullshit from the left and right
Trauma is a real thing and affects your brain
It affects how you think
Nature vs nurture shit
Your culture affects how you think and act
Boys will grow up to be men who are stronger than women and so are punished physically for their physical actions that could lead to uncivilized behavior
Women are punished non-physically for behavior that might put them at risk of being hurt by men, abandoned or unable to live safe/stable lives
This isn’t controversial to say
Girls see this difference growing up
Any 12 year old girl can beat up any 12 year old boy
But by 14/15 this has reversed
Girls experience this and it trains their brains/traumatizes them
Trans people will never experience this
The punishment boys and girls get cannot change because sue patterns of behavior are fairly universal
Whether its nature or nurture women seek stability and safety for children
All the women I know talk about how women have to protect children from men. It’s instinctual as far as I can tell
Transwomen CANNOT be women but that doesn’t mean gender isn’t a spectrum
Asexuality or being transgender isn’t evil but most of the time its a trauma response. Half the kids in foster care are “trans” but if you believe that I have a submarine to sell you
The submarine identifies as being rated to 4000 meters and if you don’t accept that your a transphobe
What makes a woman or a man is the experience of growing up. The experiences, traumas, hormones, and cultural norms etch your brain permanently. Calling yourself trans will not copy this magically.
If it did you would die. Literally. If your brain changed that much suddenly then you wouldn’t be you.
Its okay to be you. Even f it doesn’t fit norms
As long as you are a good person that does not bring harm to others directly or indirectly no one has any right to tell you how to live
Asexuals don’t hurt anyone but its probably (not always) a treatable disorder
Countries that ofer transitions as part of their govt healthcare only see 0.25% of people being trans and yet we are to believe that 10x are trans in the USA? Bullshit. These people are traumatized by their upbringing, our culture, and their experiences. Their brain cannot accept their reality.
It’s not “transphobic” its a fact.
You might be a feminine brianed person in a male body but you aren’t a woman. Accept your position on the gender spectrum you purport to believe in
If you believe that a person cannot choose where they are on this spectrum then you can’t disagree with this
When they say science supports trans rights they leave this out. Trauma is supported by science. Women having particular, universally shared trauma is accepted by science
All you need to do is combine those things and use your fucking brain
We cannot change culture norms of 0.25% of people
Those boys WILL become men that CAN hurt women, badly. They need to stopped from doing that and thus trained via punishments as rewards aren’t possible.
If we want women to succeed in the workplace they must be punished for gossip and shunning behavior. Its a herd mentallity/child safety thing that no longer applies as we aren’t tribal anymore.
We have to accept that people are different and that what you identify as is meaningless. Your brain and behavior determine what you are. Whether you are a subsentient NPC that parrots what the TV tells you or you accept that some men are effeminate but are not a threat to humanity (unless they act in a way that is) and some women are masculine. Some people like people of their own gender. It is a mental illness. It has no evolutionary function and WE ARE ANIMALS THAT EVOLVE (sorry catholics, not really). But its not harmful, hell with overpopulation issues its arguably a good thing. In the same way, autism, schizophrenia, ADHD, depression are mental illnesses but these people aren’t existential threats to society (shoutout to Big Ted K). Disabilities like autism (yes again), ADHD, blindness, paralysis, and others are not useful to society. They are, by definition, detrimental to the individual’s life. They are an abnormal function of the brain that is not a function we evolved to do. Its a defect. A flaw. And that’s okay so long as they don’t harm others. Make a definition of homosexuality and transgender that wouldn’t affect your function as a biological organism. An animal. We are sentient so we know that it doesn’t matter but something in your brain is defective. Like paint colors that don’t match it does not affect your function in our society but denial is wrong.
Just be who you are and accept that you aren’t normal and that trying to define what you are is silly.
Pretending to be something you CANNOT is wrong. Not morally or because its a sin but because lying to yourself is bad for your mental health.
People are raised differently. People do think differently and exist on a spectrum. But because of your brain and real science a man and a woman are on different spectrums. There are two spectrums. You can’t switch no matter how hard you try. You can perfect female movement, speech, and imitate their behavior but women think differently. Their neurons route their thoughts differently. Even if we perfected CRISPR and cloned womb transplants were possible you would be something else and THATS OKAY. Thats the hard part. Almost everyone reading this will either recoil because trans=evil or OMG so transphobic.
It’s okay to just be whatever and love whoever. Don’t indoctrinate kids but let them know to just live. Not the 2 different ways they could live. NOT the spectrum they are assigned to live on. Just live and love and contribute to mankind. They will figure it out.
And remember, pedophiles get the woodchipper
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hopeamcae · 1 year
What Do ABA Therapists Do?
Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a therapeutic approach that aims to address and improve specific behaviors of children. This may range from social skills to academic abilities. ABA therapists generally work one-on-one with their clients, who may be children, teenagers, or adults, and may be dealing with various disorders, including autism or other conditions.
Objectives Of Behavior Analysis
In short, behavior analysis is a field of study that helps us understand how behavior functions. As well as it also helps the therapists to understand how it's influenced by the environment, and how learning occurs. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy applies this knowledge to real-life situations. Here the goal is to promote more helpful behaviors and decrease harmful behaviors that may hinder learning.
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How Aba Therapy Specialists Work
On a daily basis, ABA therapy specialists evaluate their clients' behavior patterns. They also devise personalized plans to bring about positive changes in their lives. ABA support services are available in various settings, such as schools, hospitals, mental health centers, correctional facilities, and other places outside of a therapist's clinic or office.
ABA therapists are licensed clinical therapists who have undergone additional training in ABA principles and techniques. By utilizing scientific principles of human behavior and learning, ABA therapists use strategies like positive reinforcement to help children modify their behavior and achieve their goals.
Responsibilities And Duties Of An Aba Therapist
Conducting in-depth consultations with parents to understand their child's medical history and symptoms
Observing children in their everyday environments to identify and understand their behaviors, environmental factors, and triggers
Crafting a tailored treatment plan
Communicating with patients' families to address concerns and challenges
Keeping detailed medical records of kids and tracking their progress
Staying informed about advancements and emerging treatments in the field to provide the best possible care.
Therefore, don’t wait! Look for experienced therapists who specialize in offering customized ABA therapy for kids.
Book an appointment now!
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Choosing a School for Autistic Children
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Choosing a school for your autistic child is a difficult decision. It may take some research to find the best match, and it's important to consider their personality, strengths, struggles, and family situation. However, choosing the right school for your kid will help them thrive and succeed.
Many children with autism benefit from a more personalized learning experience. Specialized schools that offer an individualized curriculum and small student-teacher ratios are ideal for students who need extra support.
Some families choose to send their kids to public schools, but if your child has autism, it's likely they need additional support. This could mean an individualized education plan (IEP) or 504 plan. This can be a long process that includes meetings with teachers, educational specialists, and parents.
Another option is a private trường dạy trẻ tự kỷ kids with autism. These types of schools offer a range of services, from academics to social skills training and more. They also provide a supportive environment where kids with autism can learn new behaviors and build relationships with their peers.
One example is the New England Center for Children, a nonprofit organization that provides full-year day services for people with autism or PDD from 14 months to 22 years of age. The NECC's education program is based on research and evidence-based practice.
This educational school also uses behavioral analytic strategies in its classrooms to teach and increase socially validated behavior. The school also works with teachers to identify and address underlying problems and to help them improve their teaching methods.
Some of the benefits of this type of school include:
Students are provided with a daily schedule that is flexible and allows them to move around freely. This can be a great tool for reducing frustration and behavioral issues.
They also have a lot of visual support to help them learn. They use pictures and demonstrations instead of verbal instructions, limit distractions, and use positive rewards for good behavior.
Their staff is trained to work with students who have autism and other learning challenges. The school has an interdisciplinary team that includes teachers, counselors, occupational therapists, and psychiatric aides.
The curriculum is based on the latest research and proven effective practices, including Structured Teaching Strategies. This system is built on physical, work, and social structures that allow students to transition successfully into different situations, learn more independence, organize time and space, and build vocational skills.
At Pace School, students are taught by a staff with autism-specific expertise. They are given an individualized education plan that incorporates academics, speech and language therapy, physical therapy, and social skills training.
They are also taught to be self-advocates, a skill that is crucial to their success in the real world. They are also required to complete an ABA-based curriculum, which helps them understand and respond to others' emotions.
Some of the teachers and students at this school also believe that getting students outside can have a positive impact on their learning. This is not a new idea; in fact, researchers have shown that time spent outdoors can have positive impacts on children with developmental disabilities.
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writesaboutdragons · 1 year
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I'm getting poised to release three new books in the next several months. Previous book launches have all been individual, and That's what I'm planning for these as well. But in the past, I've had nobody reading, reviewing, or rating these books.
I'd like to put this out on my various social network platforms that I'm seeking advance readers (eReader copies only) who can ping me offline if they are willing to read, give me feedback if there's any glaring issues, and possibly rate or review.
Attached are pics of these 3 books. Blurbs are below. Please PING me if you are interested in reading an advance copy, and which one(s) you want. IM or email me if interested.
Synopses below: THROUGH THE WORMHOLE Cries for help in the middle of the night coming from the ductwork of our home might have been a clue that Houston had a problem.
As our family rocketed our kids through grade school, it was quickly apparent that all of them had issues with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. What was not as readily apparent was that we were also dealing with kids on the Autism Spectrum. But once the characteristics were identified to us, it became plain we had something a bit more serious going on.
In this second installment of Life in HyperSpace, Chris takes a look at autism and how it's affected the boys he's raising, and his own sanity. Packed with all-new hilarious accounts of the antics and shenanigans his kids have pulled, it also offers assistance in dealing with, training, and adjusting to kids on the Autism Spectrum, and perhaps some hope for others in the trenches trying to train up their kids to be contributing members of society.
THE RED DOOR Matt Shakleman's attempts to wreak vengeance on those who tried to kill his sisters have jeopardized the lives of hundreds, and now the family must flee to their own dimension, destroying the door to prevent pursuit.
But Pilfer has determined to foil their plans, and in a desperate move, kidnaps Professor Shakleman and flees with him and all the crystals into a dimension destroyed by nuclear war. The family follows just before the door is destroyed, but now they are stranded in a world permeated by radioactivity, where mutants and the Pure continue a war they cannot win, bent on destroying what life is left on earth.
Only Matt Shakleman has the key to rescuing this hate-filled dimension, if only he can overcome his own overpowering rage.
Insult History and you might just BE History.
Clumsiness is Chumley Stumblefoot's superpower. So much so, in fact, that everyone just calls him CLUMSY. But when he trips up and insults HISTORY in front of his teacher, he has no idea the crazy old man is going to send him FIVE HUNDRED YEARS back in time to get an education on it.
NOW, Clumsy must travel around the world with Ferdinand Magellan, and figure out how to get back home in one piece. WITHOUT messing up the timeline.
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Pediatric Neurologist in India
Pediatric Neurologist
The nervous system and the brain are the hubs of everything a human body does, from keeping the heart beating and breathing to driving a car and picking pencils. When the nervous system doesn't function the way it should, it can impact the entire body. Pediatric neurologists are healthcare professionals who are skilled and specialized in treating the conditions associated with the nervous system and brain. This comprises the spine, nerves, and brain. Any complication in these areas can cause problems like development delays, multiple sclerosis, seizures, and headaches. These healthcare professionals or experts are specialized in treating these conditions in kids or children. 
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What Does a Pediatric Neurologist Do?
While Pediatric neurologists work on maximum conditions associated with the brain and nervous system, they work especially with children and young people. Pediatric doctors generally treat children between 18-19 years of age. They receive the training to address a child's unique needs, which also comprise their specific conditions. 
They see a plethora of patients and treat some general neurological conditions like cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and migraines, as well as rare and complex conditions like degenerative neurological conditions, metabolic conditions, and traumatic neural injury. 
Because it is a vast field, some neurologists may focus on certain conditions, which are very composite and need large treatment. Examples include brain tumors, stroke, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy. 
What Conditions Do Pediatric Neurologists Deal With?
A Pediatric neurologist treats any condition associated with the nervous system or brain. While some conditions are general, some are genetic as well. In some other cases, they might occur due to trauma. The conditions are extensive and comprise Tourette's epilepsy, muscle diseases such as muscular dystrophy, and developmental issues. Despite practicing general child neurology. Their specialties may involve malformations, genetic conditions, nerve diseases, complex metabolic disorders, and autism. 
Reasons to See a Pediatric Neurologist
Your child's family doctor or paediatrician may refer them to a child neurologist if they suspect the following things- 
Problems with motor functions or coordination. 
Unintentional tics and jerks
Walking issues 
Developmental delays 
Problems moving around 
Lack of tingling, numbness, or sensation
Memory loss
Unexplained consciousness loss
Poor balance 
Severe and frequent headaches
If your little one is diagnosed with such conditions, you should immediately take him for further check-ups and treatment. 
What to Expect from the Pediatric Neurologist
When you visit your child's family doctor or neurologist, assessment will be done using several techniques. For instance, the healthcare expert may utilize a hammer to hit on the knees or elbows to check the reflexes. They also use different lights to inspect neural functions. In addition, to monitor your child's coordination, motor skills, mental status, and balance, you may ask them to stand from a sitting position, walk or run, report words and phrases and answer certain questions. 
Because healthcare expert must deal with children, they should have training on steps to coordinate with the patients having limited or non-existent verbal skills. However, they will ask questions from caregivers or parents to better know the kid. 
What tests does a pediatric neurologist perform or order?
Healthcare experts or doctors can perform or order a wide variety of screening and diagnostic tests, including: 
Electroencephalogram (EEG): This test is performed to record the brain's electrical activity and identify symptoms like blacking out, fainting or seizures. 
Electromyogram (EMG): In this test, the neurologist records the muscle and nerve's electrical activity and identifies the symptoms, such as weakness or tingling in the nerves and muscles, numbness, or pain. 
Evoked potentials: Under this test, the doctors record the electrical response of the brain to diagnose dizziness and sensory stimulation, numbness, visual disorders, and tingling. 
General health and screening: These tests include arterial blood gas testing, blood oxygen levels, blood pressure, kidney function tests, electrolyte tests, blood glucose (sugar) test, chest X-rays, urinalysis, spinal fluid analysis, blood culture, and the complete blood count. 
Imaging tests: The doctors perform imaging tests to look at the nervous system, spine, and brain, including magnetic resonance imaging, carotid ultrasounds, nuclear scans, computed tomography scans, and X-rays. 
Psychometric and neurological testing: The test is performed to diagnose learning disorders. 
Sleep studies: Under this test, the doctors record the activity of brain waves during sleep and diagnose some causes of sleep problems. 
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What treatment or procedure does the pediatric neurologist perform? 
The doctors perform or order various treatments and procedures. Medication is the primary treatment used by them. They do not perform surgery on the nervous system or brain. Instead, a doctor specializing in neurosurgery performs the procedure on the nervous system and brain. The general procedures include: 
Treatment for seizure disorder: This includes the ketogenic diet and vagus nerve stimulation. 
Nervous system biopsy: It includes taking a tissue sample to diagnose cancer. 
Lumbar puncture: It is also known as a spinal tap to monitor infections and multiple sclerosis. It can also inject certain drugs or medications into the spine. 
Cerebral angiography: It is an X-ray scan showing how blood flows in your brain through the arteries. 
If you are searching for a Pediatric neurologist, then Dr. R.K. Jain is there to help you when you have fewer clues about what you should do. Of course, it is a hard time when you notice your child is suffering from a neurological disorder. Still, the quicker you get them for diagnosis and treatment, the more possibilities you will have to reduce the complications. Therefore, if you are concerned about your child, do not wait to see Dr. R.K Jain, and resolve the future complications shortly. 
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msclaritea · 1 year
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Tim Hunter is the Director of Learning and New Talent at BAFTA. Here are some of his thoughts on why the redevelopment of 195 Piccadilly is so important: 
For me the new headquarters is about far more than bricks and mortar. For the first time we will have a floor purpose built for learning and new talent activity which will launch a greatly expanded programme, reaching every corner of the UK and internationally. The activity will be focussed on driving a more inclusive industry and help all those with talent to achieve their potential.
We’re committed to the new HQ being a centre of excellence for the whole nation, not just London. All of our new initiatives will be national and many will culminate in a celebratory event in London. This is how BAFTA Young Game Designers (YGD) works – it’s a national initiative that any young person can enter. We see how powerful it is for the young people to be invited to BAFTA's headquarters for the YGD Awards and how it’s valued as an endorsement of their talent. 
I’m particularly excited about the activity we’re developing with partners to help identify young people with talent and support them into entry level positions. The industry tells us how hard it is to find new entrants who have the talent and commitment to take up entry-level positions, but there are hundreds of amazing organisations who are training young people in industry skills. We believe we can harness the power of this amazing network, support talented young people with employability skills training and introduce a network of amazingly talented and diverse young people who are work-ready.
One of the most interesting projects we’re working on at the moment is a project with Screenskills, looking at ‘employability skills’ – those soft skills, like networking, presentation, resilience, which success in the industry is based on. These skills come more easily for some than for others and we want to make sure everyone is able to take advantage of the opportunities BAFTA can offer.
Some of the most striking stories come from our BAFTA Kids activity – children with severe autism and learning difficulties who, following workshops in their schools led by BAFTA-nominated presenters, have presented to the whole school where previously they had struggled to speak in class. These examples illustrate the power of film, television and games to inspire learning and raise aspirations.
What is your favourite film, TV programme and game?
This changes all the time, but for now I’ll say Double Indemnity. I love how every inch of the frame tells a story and how the snappy dialogue weaves in and out of the censorship rules at the time, leaving you in no doubt about all the risqué things which are being said between the lines.
My So Called Life - It perfectly captures how it was being a teenager in the 90s. Ricky was the first gay character I remember seeing who was flamboyant and camp but who wasn’t ridiculed for it – and the power of seeing that as a teenager is something which perfectly illustrates the impact film, TV and games can have.
Monument Valley – It’s so visually pleasing and so damn clever. I love the fact that it’s not massively competitive and how it plays with perspective. It makes me marvel at the creative brains who came up with it.
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