#and reshape them into something i like more hehehehe
cobaltfluff · 2 months
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so i started playing persona 4
where are the QoL features
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Shackles pt2: Long time no see
Heat, blistering heat almost intolerable by man. Oh how Blake missed it, The sun beamed down over the evenly tanned High Leader as she sat comfortably on the docks. Patiently watching a ship approach while she spoke on her scroll.
Blake:I see a ship with the word pride on it? Is that the one you’re on?
Yang:Yep! Try to look inside the captain space!
She held her hand up to block the sun and squinted the best she could. It was a little difficult but she could make out an interesting site. Behind the wheel of the ship was her dorky blonde hair companion wearing the captain’s hat and swaying her hips.
Blake:Are you.....are you driving the boat!?
Yang:I beat the entire crew in cards so they had to teach me! I’m gonna dock the ship!
Captain:No you won’t!!!
Yang:I am not gonna be the one to dock the ship..... I’m keeping the hat though!
Blake:*giggles* See you in a few minutes.
Yang:More like seconds...
Blake jumped slightly as the sound of a shotgun blast echoed through the air. The intense heat was momentarily blocked as a shade was covered over her. A smile spread gently as she looked up to see Yang free falling while wearing the aviators the blonde couldn’t seem to live without. Blake spread her arms wide and caught her partner; the two beginning to spin around and laugh before falling. The wildness of it all only making their laughter stronger. Anyone around might’ve thought them crazy but honestly it’s a fair assumption to make after all they’ve been through. Yang is the first to get up and takes Blake’s hand to lift her.
Yang:How’d you like my entrance?
Blake:Hmmmm seven out of ten. Needs a better landing strategy.
Yang:That just means you should brace for impact next time. You look good. As in like healthiness that is! Not to say that you don’t actually look good. *rubbing her head* I mean that tan is really-
The cat faunus’s finger slowly goes over her rambling mess of a partner. Yang stares at Blake who is shaking her head playfully. Thoroughly enjoying how fast the conversation spiraled out of control.
Blake:Thank you. I see you’re doing well too. Glowing even.
Yang:Hehehe, aren’t I always?
Blake:Ooooo loaded question. Come on, let’s walk and talk. *walking backwards*
Yang:Pfft, after that insult? Oh how you wound me.
Blake:Be wounded as you walk.
Yang couldn’t believe her ears. Was she being teased? Her of all people? Not just that, but Blake has already gotten a move on so Yang couldn’t even respond back in defiance. Truly she was cornered. Yang had no choice but to follow her. No way she could just let Blake get one over on her like that.
Blake walked with a little bit of a hop in her steps as she passed all her neighbors. Her hands cuffed together and behind her back. It was easy Yang’s foot steps quickly get closer and not slowing down a beat. Patiently Blake watched Yang’s shadow get closer and closer until it was about to touch hers. Right at the last moment, Blake used her semblance to sidestep and watched Yang almost fall forward. The blonde looked to her left to see Blake continue facing forward and trying not to laugh.
Yang:Well look at you. *smiles* All playful and what not. Is this what happens when war is completely over?
Blake:This is what happens when I sleep in my own bed! Which is what I need with all the work being done around here.
Yang:Yeah, starting a new organization seems pretty complicated. Don’t know how you’re managing.
Blake:My dad fortunately. We might still be in the planning stages but it’s pretty well developed because of him. We’re organized, ready to motivate, and the word of group is already around Remnant. Some officials have already visited to see me. Atlas is now reshaping all of faunus related worksites.
Yang:Wow, big moves for sure.
Blake:Very big. Unfortunately we’ve also met a fair share of people who are just fine with how things were and some willing to get violent.
Yang:Makes since. Atlas wasn’t built in a day. It’s still amazing what progress can happen in a couple years.
Blake:As much as I would like to believe that, I can’t. This change that’s been happening. Me in power, it’s been building up for decades. Cooperation, ideals, everything with-
Yang:Gee, you really got your speech skills down packed.
Blake:*red* Hehehehe, you get what I’m saying though.
Yang:Yep, I also get that all of it still needed someone to push all that build up. You’re responsible for this just as much as everyone else.
Blake:......... You know that includes you too right?
Blake:Without you and everyone else I wouldn’t have made it this far. Thanks, you’ve been a big help .
Yang:Yeah? Well... *turns away* all I did was punch a few things. Crack a few jokes, pushed the boundary. No big deal.
Blake:Boy, Jaune sure has mellowed you out.
Yang:*turns back* You take that back! I’m as amped up as ever.
Blake:If you say so.
Has Jaune mellowed her out? Maybe. Yang never thought about it too much. She’s pretty much the same as she’s always been in her head. There might be a few differences but little ones. Well....as of now anyways. Blake however...
Yang:Sun seems to have brighten your life up.
Blake:*stops walking* Yeah. He’s wonderful....
Yang:No doubt. I mean I’m the end, you chose him and all.
Blake:This conversation was unavoidable wasn’t it?
Yang:Don’t wanna talk about it?
Blake:It’s not that I don’t. It’s just that you literally got here minutes ago to visit me after all this time. I don’t want to blow this with you. I miss my best friend.
Yang:I know. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t miss mine too. So if we really miss each other then we should clear the air. Now then, how is Sun? Don’t hold anything back this time. In case you forgot... *lifts wedding ring* I’m not exactly single and pinning over you dork. *smiles*
Blake:Are you sure? I don’t want to sound rude to you or any-
Yang:You can gush over him...
Blake:*blushing* I’m stupidly in love with him. Like I can’t take it and thinking about it is even more wonderful because I get to tell you.
Yang:*hugs her* I see he’s made you extra emotional.
Blake:Shut up. *hugging her tight* Gods I’m so happy you’re here.
Yang:So am I. Now can you finally show me your house and look at me for more than three seconds.
Blake:Deal. *wiping her eyes* Phew, Welcome to Menagerie!
Yang:Glad to be here.
Blake couldn’t explain it but suddenly things felt different; the heat....didn’t feel intense anymore. The two of them continued chatting as they went to Blake’s home. Both of them making up for lost time by telling stories of crazy missions and hilarious ways both of their parents reacted about the men in their lives as they approached the front door.
Blake:Hahahaha! Tai really challenged Jaune to fight when he proposed?
Yang:I shit you not. One minute Jaune is on one knee with a beautiful sunset proposing. Next thing I know I’m watching him roll out the way and grabbing his shield as my dad is leaping of our roof performing a rider kick. That sunset went from romantic to a dual in almost no time at all.
Blake:I thought your dad liked Jaune.
Yang:He loves him to bits. Doesn’t stop him from going dad mode with every huge milestone.
Blake:Sounds about right. My dad constantly looks like he wants to suplex Sun just for holding my hand.
Yang:Does that mean I should expect a wrestle mania wedding? Can I be the announcer!!!?
Blake:Uhhh sure. If marriage is on the table....
Yang:If? What does that mean?
Blake:You know....if. Just if it happens.
Blake:....What’s up?
Yang:What’s up with you? One minute your laughing and now you’re getting all...Blakey
Blake:I’m just not real big on marriage and “getting Blakey” should not be a term.
Yang:Why not? The marriage thing, not the term. Aren’t you in love with him?
Blake:I am but so much is happening. So much is always happening. My whole life has been jumping from one rebellious group fighting for freedom to the next. I can tell he’s up for it which only makes me feel bad! Trying to change the world as I am now is already daunting and hard to do at times. Being married, all the legal and perception changes that come with it is just another layer. Maybe if things slow down....
Yang:You never slow down. Ruby pumps the brakes more than you and that’s saying something. Plus you’re always changing as far as perception goes and so do the things around you. What’s one more to the list. This one is vow that you would never do it alone. I don’t know about you but that’s a change I think everyone needs. After all, who knows what it could bring? A mess or the answer you’ve been looking for.
Blake:.....I’ve told you that I’m really glad you’re here right?
Yang:About a thousand times. You can tell me it more once we’re inside.
Blake:*Grabs knob* Sounds like you everything in life figured out.
Yang:Hehe almost everything. One thing I actually wanted to talk about was how I’m-
Blake:Something is wrong.....
Blake:The door. It’s not locked.
Yang:Your parents?
Blake:Dad’s on trip until later today. I know I didn’t forget to lock it.
Yang:Blake. Look at the ground.
Sand was all over the the doormat. Blake slowly opened up the door carefully; sand was on the otherside too. Someone had broken in and by the way Blake’s ears started to perk up they were still hanging around. Her left hand moved to rest on her sword as she pushed the door open some more. No one was there and the lights were still turned off.
Blake:Looks like I have an unexpected guest.
Yang:Who would be bold enough to break into here? A radical like the ones you mentioned?
Blake:Don’t know. Let’s find out. Scouting formation.
The two of them walked into the house with Blake in front and sword drawn. Yang was crouched lower and behind her using her hair to dimly light the surrounding area. If Yang was looking in one direction then Blake looked the other. Each step synchronized perfectly. Time might have had effected their feelings but not the years of team work. Ruby made sure to drill each formation into their very being. It’s what kept the alive; in more ways then one.
Blake abruptly stopped and looked at the ceiling. One ear wiggled while the other motioned back and forth to communicate with Yang. The intruder was upstairs and moving forward to the staircase to walk back time. Perfect timing for them. Yang slowly backed up and closed the front door quietly to once again fill the room in absolute darkness. Not one sound was made by them. Right now the space around them was nothing but an abyss with the sound of old wood creaking like bones. Blake reeled gambol shroud back towards the floor. The instant the tip of blade tapped the ground the plan was set up. Yang’s hair lit up like a Christmas tree and flashed the entire room in less than a second. The flash bang caused the intruder to cover their eyes in shock and was rewarded with Blake driving her leg sweep theirs as well as a blade to the throat the moment they fell.
Blake:I got em!!!!!
Yang:*opens door* Good, now let’s see who-.... you!?
Jacquelyn:Ow...Nlice to see you too.
Blake:Jacquelyn!? What are you- how are you here? *picking her up*
Jacquelyn:Wrong questions. The only thing that matters is why I’m here. I need your help Blake. It’s Adam; he’s missing.
Blood felt like ice at those words. The more light that was let in showed the young maiden’s condition. Her clothes were noticeably soiled. Not to mention how much of a mess her hair was. It was frizzled their was tiredness in her eyes; body tense with anxiousness. This wasn’t a prank or a dream. You don’t meet someone you haven’t seen in a couple years for that.
Blake:Missing? What do you mean missing?
Jacquelyn:I...I don’t know!? I was out getting food and ended up hunting all through the night. Moment I come home he’s...he’s just not there! There wasn’t a note or anything! Not even foot prints because of the sand and-
Blake:Wait wait wait......sand? He vanished here in Menagerie? Why would you come here?
Jacquelyn:We......we’ve sort of been living in the desert.
Blake:You’ve been here the whole time!?
Jacquelyn:There’s not many places we could go! The world thinks he’s dead so we thought we should go someplace no one goes to. The desert here is like hiding in plan sight.
Blake:Do you have any idea what would happen specifically someone here sees him!? So many things would be called into question. I might be called into question...
Jacquelyn:Listen, I did not come here for a lecture Blake.
Yang:Then why did you come here? No offense but he’s got another thing coming if he’s trying to-
Jacquelyn:Help me.
Jacquelyn:I want....I need your help to find him. You know I wouldn’t ask unless I meant it.
Yang:Take it from me, chasing people who run away is a waste of time.
Jacquelyn:He didn’t run away! Something else happened.
Blake:*eyes widened* Something else like what? Abduction?
Jacquelyn:I..... don’t know. Maybe? Or a grimm caught him off gaurd.
Yang:You’re joking right? Do you really think-
Jacquelyn:Hey! Last time I checked I wasn’t talking to you so butt out! *eyes glowing*
Yang:Watch your tone with me.....*red*
Both women glared intensely as Yang walked closer before Blake’s arm held her back for the sake of the house. She helped Jacquelyn up then stood in between them.
Blake:Calm down! Both of you!
Yang:....She started it. *crosses arms*
Blake:Yang, please....
Yang:......Sigh *lilac*
Jacquelyn:*calming down* I apologize. If you haven’t noticed I’m a bit one edge. Not really making a strong case for why I should get help.
Yang:Yeah no kidding. Do you have any proof that he’s been taken anyways.
Jacquelyn:N...no..... I just ugh, he wouldn’t simply run off okay!? He’s not like that. Not at all. Blake you believe me right? *takes her hand*
Blake:Well, I couldn’t say. Wouldn’t be the worst thing he’s done. Jacquelyn maybe he was bidding his time to-
Jacquelyn:*tearing up*Things are different. He’s changing; really changing. I’m not saying Adam is a brand new person or doesn’t have things to iron out but there’s no way he’s just gone. I’d put it on my mother’s grave. So please, help me find him.
Blake:I can help when my parents get out the meeting.
Blake:I’ll go to your house and see if there’s anything you mi-
Yang:Wait! Just.....
Yang grabs her arm and walks her a few feet from Jacquelyn and keeps her voice low.
Yang:There’s no way you’re actually helping with this are you?
Blake:So what if I am?
Yang:So what if- this is Adam Taurus we’re talking about. He’s really someone you are about to go on a search for after getting rid of him? Do you really believe he’s different? Doesn’t she sound like a certain someone?
Blake:I get that it sounds crazy.
Yang:Insane actually.
Blake:But what if it’s true? What if.... he is different? You were there with me when we broke Jacquelyn out. Even back then something felt strange about him.
Yang:Because we thought he was dead until that moment! Blake are you even listening to yourself? We’re supposed to be reconnecting. When I wanted to reminisce about the past this wasn’t what I had in mind.
Blake:I know. That’s why I’m not making you tag along.
Yang:Time hasn’t been well to you if you honestly think I’m not going. For all you know it could be a trap she’s in on. It took two of us to beat him after some chance circumstances. Now we have a maiden to deal with. Are you really gonna take that chance?
Blake:Yang.......I can’t walk away from this. Trap or not, I have to see it with my own eyes.
Yang:Damnit, always feisty about the most dangerous things.
Blake:You used to love it.
Yang:I still do. A lot more things to lose this time around though, but I guess that’s always been the case. The moment I think this is a wild goose chase then I’m out. Hopefully by that point so are you.
Blake:You still don’t have to go at all.
Yang:We must be out of touch if you really think that’s a choice. *looks at Jacquelyn* Have you eaten? You look starving.
Jacquelyn:I..I haven’t eaten at all today. Everything has been happening so fast.
Yang:Yeah well it looks like things are about to get faster. Wash up and eat. We’ll head out at dusk. I’m gonna make sure I have everything I need. *walks off*
Jacquelyn:Thank you.....
Yang:I’m not doing this for you. *closes door*
Blake:Hey, let’s get you cleaned up okay?
Jacquelyn:*nods* I’m grateful, truly I am.
Blake:Well this is as big of a deal for you as it is for me.
She said nothing else as she walked off to the bathroom. Blake tried to hide it but there was doubt on her face. Who could blame her? Jacquelyn sure couldn’t, but there was no one else who she could turn to. Her hands were tied and she was running on borrowed time. It took all her strength to hold back her tears she gently held her stomach.
Jacquelyn:(I wouldn’t be too sure of that....)
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