#and someday I'll slap an Ingo down onto a page
egginfroggin · 11 months
Fanart of Sabi from @monsoon-of-art's Pokemon Mer AU, because I was given permission to share fanart (a terrible mistake, really), and the clairvoyant gremlin demanded that I spend two hours rendering what was supposed to be a simple doodle. She is getting up to mischief, probably.
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Jabbering under the cut.
I... assume that Sabi is supposed to have the weird cuttlefish pupils? I hunted through Monsoon-of-art's mer tag to find all the little Sabi snippets, and her pupils were very flat and wide in one of them -- the only one I could find where she had pupils -- so I went from there.
The one colored Mer Sabi that I found had blue cheeks, so I thought that that meant that her blush would also be blue. Hopefully I was right.
I was not going into this intending to render an entire drawing. I meant to do a bunch of doodles, but, well Sabi happened.
And finally....
How the heck do tentacles work?
I must practice their swoosh.
Many thanks, Monsoon-of-art, for letting me know that I can throw art at you! This was a lot of fun to do, and I hope that I did all right with the colors. Your mer Sabi is very, very cute!
(Program used: Krita)
(Time taken: about 2 hours, 30 minutes [also known as much too long])
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