#and that’s real bold coming from an uneducated goy
jewishbarbies · 3 months
it’s really fucking annoying when goyim come in halfway to a conversation between jews and start bitching about what we should be talking about instead. like, you’re seriously going to come on to a thread of jews talking about the antisemitism in the way people use Israel’s right of return policy to delegitimize Israelis’ indigeneity and all the other countries that do it but don’t get criticized despite their own histories of colonization, just to go “ummm acktually you should be talking about how the right of return is used to colonize palestine”. get out. get the fuck out. this is why jews don’t feel comfortable having conversations about these kinds of gray topics with goyim, because all you’ll do is intentionally misread the room and shout your moot point from the rooftops like you’re a hero and then whine and cry when it’s not taken well, not to mention you won’t even look into the people already participating and find out what they think BEFORE you assume everyone talking is just an evil zionist colonizer nazi. stay the fuck out of jewish conversations and unpack your fucking antisemitism.
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