#and the stupid sunflowers on his stupid cowboy boots
hippolotamus · 6 months
Fuck it Friday/Last Line Challenge 🌻
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Last night, there I am, lovingly thinking of having enough energy to write on my current WIPs, when @pirrusstuff and I start discussing cowboy boots. Specifically ones with sunflowers on them. And that, friends, is how we ended up here. Please accept this brain dump of words in which Buck is the local livestock vet that Eddie Diaz absolutely cannot stand, but is forced to deal with.
“Bobby.” Eddie’s tone borders on a whine. “There’s nothing else you can do?” “‘Fraid not. I’ve pulled out every trick I know. Ya gotta call him.” Bobby pauses for what Eddie’s certain is only dramatic effect. “Unless, of course, you want her to get an infection or, more realistically, die.” Eddie sighs and lets his head drop between his shoulders. He knows Bobby’s right, even had a feeling it might come to this before Bobby started throwing him nervous glances when Lola didn’t appear to be progressing. Unfortunately, now, there’s no time to waste on Eddie’s petty grudge.   Without looking up from where he’s crouched next to his very pregnant, very distressed mare, Eddie holds his hand out expectantly.   “Already dialed for you,” Bobby says, a little too smugly, handing him the phone.   “‘Lo?” The familiar voice answers, sounding like he’s chewing. Logically, Eddie knows it’s just coincidental timing, but it still feels like a purposeful slight. “Buckley, I’ve got a mare in labor, stalled. Between me and Nash we’ve tried everything we can think of, but we’re gonna need a hand here.”   There’s a long pause that would make him think they got disconnected except for the loud crunching.  “Huh,” Buck finally says. “So there is something you can’t do.” “Are you coming or not?” Eddie spits back. He can practically hear the smirk forming on Buck’s lips.  “Don't worry, sunshine. Be right there.” 
Tagged by my love @lizzie-bennetdarcy @hoodie-buck @buddierights @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @thewolvesof1998 @jamespearce9-1-1
no pressure tagging mi amor @disasterbuckdiaz @callmenewbie @giddyupbuck @wikiangela @eddiebabygirldiaz @exhuastedpigeon @lemonzestywrites @steadfastsaturnsrings @weewootruck @malewifediaz @thekristen999 @loserdiaz @heartshapedvows @underwater-ninja-13 @fortheloveofbuddie @eowon @jesuisici33 @apothecarose @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @stereopticons @elvensorceress @spagheddiediaz @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @your-catfish-friend @911onabc @the-likesofus @honestlydarkprincess @spaceprincessem @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @pirrusstuff @messyhairdiaz @gayedmundodiaz @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @evaneds @maygrantgf @buckbuckgoose @statueinthestone and anyone else who wants to share 💖
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expectingtofly · 3 years
First Day Jitters
established dean/cas, toddler!jack, dramatic parenting
written for day 4 of @smiledean and @chocolatecakecas's follower celebration || prompt: baby!jack
“Say cheese.”
“CHEESE!” Jack beamed at the camera and Dean snapped a photo. Gripping his backpack straps, Jack twirled around as Dean lowered his phone. The school yard was already filling up with other kids Jack’s age, ready for their first day of school.
“Wait, take one of us together,” Cas said, crouching down by Jack. Jack threw his arms around Cas’ neck, nearly making him lose his balance. They both smiled at the camera, twin grins, and Dean couldn’t help a smile as he took their photo.
“Kindergarten!” Jack yelled as he released his grip on Cas.
“Alright, dude, remember,” Dean said, pocketing his phone. “No yelling in class.”
“And no powers,” Sam spoke up. “Most important rule of all.”
Jack nodded solemnly. “And if anyone picks on you…” Dean looked at him expectantly.
“Hit first, ask questions later!”
Cas rubbed at his forehead. “Dean, we’ve talked about this.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Tell us and we’ll beat them up for you.”
“Okay,” Jack said, kicking at loose gravel with his cowboy boots. He had picked out his outfit himself—boots with bee socks, jeans with sunflower patches, and a blue t-shirt with a green brontosaurus. Complete with a Barbie backpack, his outfit was truly… colorful. A lot for the eyes to handle at once.
Teachers milled around outside, and Cas said, “There’s Jack’s teacher.” He waved and she made a pained smile before quickly looking away.
Dean stifled a laugh at Cas’ hurt expression. “Guess we didn’t make the best first impression at Back to School night.”
“Who woulda known asking to lay out salt lines wouldn’t make you any friends,” Sam deadpanned.
“I still think we should’ve warded the school,” Dean protested.
“We’re trying to not get kicked out,” Sam shot back.
“Hey!” Jack said, getting their attention. He balled up his fists on his hips. “No fighting! This is an exciting day!”
“Yes, it is,” Cas agreed, giving them a pointed look. “And we are very excited for you.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Dean said, holding up his hands. A bell rang and a teacher opened the door to the school. “Think it’s time to go.”
Jack turned to watch the rush of kids to the school, his backpack nearly as large as he was. Had the school building always towered over him like that? Dean wondered.
“Exciting day,” Jack said to himself, sounding less sure.
“Hey,” Sam said, crouching by his side. “You’re gonna have fun, okay?”
Jack looked back at them and Dean nodded. “We’ll be waiting for you when school’s over.”
Jack took a deep breath, then smiled. “Okay.” He gave them all one last hug, and Dean couldn’t resist smoothing out his hair and checking the straps on his backpack.
When Jack let go of Cas, Cas grabbed his hand, holding tight. “You’ll pray to me, right? If anything happens?” Jack nodded, tugging a little to get away.
Cas held on. “And you’ll remember everything to tell us when you get home?”
“Yes, Dada.” He tugged again and Cas let him go.
Dean watched him run to join the kids lining up at the doors. The teachers counted them, and Jack started chattering with the boy standing in front of him wearing a dinosaur backpack.
“Fuck,” Dean swore under his breath, feeling his eyes prickle as the teachers started leading the kids inside. Jack skipped his way to the door, his backpack bouncing behind him. Right before he disappeared inside, he turned and waved.
Dean hastily blinked and swallowed hard, waving back.
The doors closed behind the kids and the yard was reduced to silence.
“Now what?” Cas asked, staring at the doors.
“Now we leave and don’t stalk the school,” Sam said. He grinned, looking at Dean. “Are you crying?”
“Shut up,” Dean said, wiping at his eyes brusquely. They started for their cars, though he couldn’t help looking back. Third window on the righthand side, second floor. Jack’s classroom. He’d cased the school last week, learned the exits and entrances. Still, standing outside, he felt helpless.
“Shit—he had his lunchbox, right?” he asked, hand pausing on the Impala’s driver's door. “And his pencil case, and—”
“You checked his backpack three times this morning,” Cas reminded him. “He has everything.”
“Right, right..."
“See you guys later for dinner?” Sam asked, heading to his own car.
“See ya then,” Dean agreed, getting in the driver’s seat. He paused before putting the key in the ignition, though, eyes drawn to the school doors.
“He’s going to do great,” Cas said, sounding a little too much like he was trying to convince himself.
Dean nodded. Jack had done great in preschool and they had spent all summer preparing him for the transition into kindergarten. Not that Jack needed much convincing to go. He loved school; it was more Dean and Cas who needed time to adjust to the idea.
A sniff drew his eyes to Cas, who was wiping at his eyes.
“Fuck, not you too,” Dean complained, feeling his own eyes well up again.
“His carseat,” Cas said simply, and Dean glanced at the backseat where Jack’s empty carseat sat.
“Shit,” he muttered, sinking in his seat and rubbing his eyes. “Thought we were pros at this after a year of preschool.”
“Guess not,” Cas said. He produced a tissue box out of thin air and handed one to Dean, then blew his own nose.
“Alright, enough,” Dean said, swiping at his nose and balling up the tissue. “Enough crying. He’s going to kindergarten, not off to war.”
Cas nodded and determined, Dean pulled out of the parking lot. He and Cas had taken the day off, which in hindsight was the wrong move because now they had too much time on their hands. Trying to distract themselves with errands didn’t help either because everything suddenly reminded them of Jack.
They went to the local gardening center, where Cas stroked the daisy petals with a soft look in his eyes. “I should buy some for Jack.”
And then the bakery: “We gotta have snacks when he comes home,” Dean told Cas, selecting a dozen donuts.
And, stopping at the street taco food truck downtown: “Jack’s eating lunch now,” Cas said, checking the time, the mournful look on his face not matching the delicious taco in his hand. “And then recess.”
“Hope he’s made friends,” Dean said, his own taco suddenly tasting flavorless.
“He will. He’s very friendly.” One tear dripped into his guacamole.
“For fuck’s sake,” Dean said, gathering up the remainders of his food. “Come on.”
The school yard was alive with kids yelling, laughing, swinging, playing hopscotch, and skipping rope. Dean idled close to the curb, scanning the yard through the fence. He was well aware that he and Cas looked extremely suspicious now, but he hoped the school parking pass hanging from the rearview mirror helped prove they weren't creeps. Just overly protective parents. Which was only a bit better.
“There he is!” Cas said, pointing out his window. Dean leaned over him to see Jack jumping over a hopscotch chalk drawing. One foot, two feet, one foot, two. Reaching the end, another kid high-fived him and Jack beamed. He cheered as someone else went through the course, then, the game abandoned, Jack ran with the others to the swings.
He swung higher and higher, cowboy boots kicking into the air. Dean was pretty sure he could hear his laughter rising above everyone else’s.
“We’re being stupid,” Dean realized. Cas looked at him. “He’s fine. He’s doing great. We don’t have to worry, we just gotta let him do his thing.”
Cas looked back at Jack, then took a deep breath. “You’re right.” The bell rang and Jack slowed his swing, jumped off, and joined the kids headed inside.
Determinedly facing forward, Cas said, “Alright. He’s got this.”
“We got this,” Dean amended, and Cas smiled.
“We got this.”
“DAD!” Jack ran full force to Dean, crashing against his legs. Before Dean could recover, Jack turned to Cas, who crouched down and took him into his arms, nearly getting knocked down in the process. He held onto him tightly, shutting his eyes as he buried his face into Jack’s shoulder.
“I missed you,” he said.
“I missed you too,” Jack said, extricating himself from his grip to hold up a slightly crinkled piece of paper. “I drew a brontosaurus!”
“That’s beautiful, Jack,” Cas said, admiring the drawing. “That’s going on the fridge.”
“Had a good day?” Dean asked. Around them, other kids streamed out of the school to waiting parents, and Jack nodded enthusiastically.
“The best!” He took Cas’ offered hand and told them about his day as they walked to the Impala. True to his word, he had remembered every detail, down to the amount of times he used the bathroom and the name of the lunch lady.
“And I got to swing at recess!” he told them, clambering into his carseat.
Dean and Cas caught each others’ eyes guiltily over the Impala’s roof. “I’m glad you had so much fun,” Cas told Jack, buckling him in.
“Thanks.” He swung his legs as they got into the front seat. “Did you have a good day?”
Cas glanced at Dean. There were plenty ways to answer that question. Looking back, though, seeing Jack bravely walking into school, being so independent, making friends…
"Missed you, but we managed,” Dean answered truthfully.
Cas smiled at Dean before twisting around to look at Jack. “We’re proud of you, Jack,” he told him, and Dean nodded.
“Did you cry?” Jack asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Sam said you were going to cry. I didn’t cry.”
“Just a little,” Cas admitted. Dean snorted and Cas elbowed him. “Dean more than me.”
“Hey!” Dean protested.
Jack cackled. “I knew it!”
Dean shook his head, muttering about murdering Sam. Jack continued his recap of the day, and Dean resigned himself to getting stuck in after-school traffic for the next twenty minutes.
Leaning back in his seat, he grinned at Jack stumbling over his words in his excitement to share them. It was a good day.
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Some stuff that I feel like they might consider calling each other:
There's a lot here, so ima put it under a cut XP
Retribution @ Death: boss/sir (both sarcastically), idiot
Famine @ Death: chief, D
War @ Death: old man, D, dad (usually sarcastic or playful), sir (also usually sarcastic or playful)
Pestilence @ Death: coffee bean, death by starbucks, starbucks, hipster death, boomer
Abrael @ Death: grave digger, grim, poker face, hashtag, scrooge
Retribution @ Famine: big oaf, honey badger, daddy long legs, mi hombre hermoso (my handsome man), mi amor (my love), mi alma (my soul), cowboy, papi (no I will not be offering any context for these)
Death @ Famine: peanut gallery, hannibal lector
War @ Famine: big guy, hercules, hightower, weirdo, oddball, beanpole
Pestilence @ Famine: big guy, chuckles, snickers, amigo, lurch, lankenstein
Abrael @ Famine: smiley, terminator, chef, kitchen, roadblock, tank
Retribution @ Pestilence: rat bastard, damn rat, dumpster diver, garbage disposal, green heathen, parasite 1
Death @ Pestilence: garbage boy stink man, lord of the rats, rat lord, memelord
Famine @ Pestilence: doc, professor, brainiac, Einstein, genius, dr. strange, walking infection
War @ Pestilence: rat bastard, rat man, mister, idiot, dummy, perv/pervert, gremlin, nerd, morning glory, mister man, super soaker, loverboy, flash, gremlin 1 (again, I'm not gonna offer any context for some of these 👀)
Abrael @ Pestilence: bugger, minion, joker, bilge rat, his grossness
Famine @ War: squirt, little lady, fun sized, vertically challenged, munchkin, half pint, little buddy
Death @ War: angry bird, mamba, dynamite, spider girl
Retribution @ War: glitchy idiot, idiot, loudmouth, temper tantrum
Pestilence @ War: babe, beautiful, sweetheart, sweetness, lady love, hot chocolate, dynamite gal, cutie, hot stuff, gorgeous (basically every pet name that couples use)
Abrael @ War: glitchy, screaming dwarf, tnt, scarface, snapper, matchstick, wench
Death @ Retribution: rogue, bigshot, slayer, little prince, supreme dark overlord of negative commerce
Famine @ Retribution: firefly, shortcake, moonbeam, starshine, itsy bitsy, moonlight
War @ Retribution: boss, bookworm, sir
Pestilence @ Retribution: edgelord, emotionally constipated weenie, weenie hut jr, hot topic, apple boy, cradle robber
Abrael @ Retribution: smalls, time bomb, tough guy, dracula, incredible sulk, thuglife, princock, royal hiney
Connie @ Retribution: brother
Literally everyone @ Connie: sunflower, sunshine, sunbeam
Retribution @ Connie: sister
Abrael @ Connie: angel, treasure, goldie, goody goody, looker, treasure trove, aphrodite, ducky, lass
Famine @ Connie: oracle, fortune teller
War @ Connie: mom (usually either sarcastic or playful)
Pestilence @ Connie: golden girl
Death @ Abrael: diva, chatterbox, comedy central, shark bait, lookout, sailor
Retribution @ Abrael: fucking drunk, amateur, pirate, parasite 2
Famine @ Abrael: peewee, tequila, pipsqueak, little shit, captain morgan, jack daniels
War @ Abrael: shit for brains, loser, weirdo, idiot, gremlin 2
Pestilence @ Abrael: missy, tipsy, cap, houdini, suck up, captain morgan, jack daniels (he stole the ideas from Famine, and probably also refers to Abrael as different alcohol types/brands)
Connie @ Abrael: abby, captain/cap'n, dubloon, sparrow, sailor (She usually just calls everyone by name)
Death @ Othni: the demon
Retribution @ Othni: bitch, cat boy bitch, asshole, roach/cockroach, idiot, bastard
Famine @ Othni: the demon (can't be bothered to remember his name)
War @ Othni: shithead, bitch, idiot, stupid, creep, stalker, moron, bastard, jerk, jackass, freak
Pestilence @ Othni: the demon, hole in one, puss (in boots)
Abrael @ Othni: the demon, the horror show
Connie @ Othni: the demon, Othni
Some of these might sound kinda mean/harsh, but sometimes it kinda depends on the context of the situation. For example, if War called Abrael "shit for brains" when they were being aggravating (in a bad way), that'd be mean. If she called them that when they're simply joking around and being a dork, and she kept her tone of voice light, then it'd be more playful instead
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hippolotamus · 5 months
Please tell me about the sweetest of sunflowers! 🌻
Of course. Anything for you 🌻 (and maybe @eddiebabygirldiaz and @apothecarose who also asked about this one)
This doesn't exist as more than a vague concept and one fuck it friday post so far lol.
Eddie is a ranch hand (I guess? Haven't worked out his exact title) for Bobby and Athena. Buck is the best (and only) livestock vet for miles. And Eddie hates him. Seriously, he's always wearing those stupid cowboy boots with sunflowers on them. Plus he's constantly upbeat and smiling. Okay that's kinda nice and maybe Eddie sneaks a glance once in a while. But it doesn't mean anything because the rest of him is still annoying. Everything from his random facts to the way his shirts are too tight leaving his buttons (and Eddie's sanity) clinging for dear life.
and that is something I just said to you 😘
ask me 'bout my WIPs
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