#and then finish the blogue!!!!!!
faereun · 9 months
okay, mini blog overhaul complete! my finished card is linked in my pinned and i've updated that graphic as well :^) while i set to work on astarion's blogue ( @astaruin ) consider this a casual mains call ?
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donnies-bo-staff · 1 year
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W 2022 roku na moim blogu pojawiło się 205 postów
O 205 postów więcej niż w 2021!
101 utworzonych postów (49%)
104 zreblogowane posty (51%)
Najczęściej reblogowane blogi:
129 moich postów w 2022 miało tagi
Tylko 37% moich postów nie miało tagów
#tmnt – 106 postów
#teenage mutant ninja turtles – 93 posty
#tmnt fanart – 66 postów
#tmnt fandom – 61 postów
#tmnt 2012 – 55 postów
#rottmnt – 49 postów
#rise of teenage mutant ninja turtles – 32 posty
#rise of the tmnt – 27 postów
#tmnt 2003 – 17 postów
#rottmnt donnie – 16 postów
Longest Tag: 91 characters
#bad side of being a mutant is that your teeth go through your bros arm like through carrots
Moje najpopularniejsze posty w 2022:
Nr 5
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1040 notek (opublikowanych w 17 czerwca 2022)
Nr 4
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Redraw from cancelled episode
Wedding crashers
1121 notek (opublikowanych w 8 października 2022)
Nr 3
Me coming out of nickelodeon studios with the entire canceled rottmnt episodes scripts up my ass
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1217 notek (opublikowanych w 29 września 2022)
Nr 2
*throws this and dissapears into the woods*
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1380 notek (opublikowanych w 18 sierpnia 2022)
Mój post nr 1 w 2022
Shoutout to crossdress tmnt
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2050 notek (opublikowanych w 24 września 2022)
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grlfriends · 2 years
currently bloguing from my laptop guys i think my phone may have actually finished breaking down bc holy shit the touch screen is simply not working nd when i click the power button the screen blinks so yeah i think im going to have to tell my mom about this ....
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cursatives · 11 months
i need to go back to the beach and finish my reread of sharp objects so i can officially kickstart this blogue
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I posted 4,350 times in 2022
That's 1,169 more posts than 2021!
27 posts created (1%)
4,323 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 474 of my posts in 2022
#superbat - 18 posts
#the batman spoilers - 16 posts
#yes - 15 posts
#ok - 12 posts
#batman - 12 posts
#the batman - 11 posts
#damn - 11 posts
#sorry - 10 posts
#thank you - 10 posts
#the batman spoiler - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#but if i don't write them they won't leave my head and i'll be stuck thinking about the same 8 scenarios forever
My Top Posts in 2022:
I finally decided to write down my Superbat fanfic ideas to catalogue them and sort from which I should write first to which I should write last and...I don't think I'll write any...I am overwhelmed...idk how you guys do it...
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18 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Hledala jsem něco o starých Slovanech a na jednom pagan blogu jsem našla odkaz na tenhle článek a málem se zadusila jídlem.
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Udělejte si ho ještě horší..
20 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
idk what this is, a short Superbat snippet, I guess
thanks @superbattrash for insiring me with all your great stories!
Words and Actions(I am bad at titles, please suggest better ones people)
Clark snuggled his head deeper into the warmth of Bruce’s embrace.
“I love you,” he whispered again.
Bruce sighed. Clark’s tone didn’t sound like longing, where was no passion, no hidden agenda and worst of all - no lies. It was a full and finished statement of truth.
Bruce just moved his hand up Clark’s back to play with his hair.
“I know,” he whispered pressing his lips into the black locks also. “Thank you,” he added.
When he felt Clark’s silent question he explained himself.
“I know it isn’t always easy, so...” he swallowed the rest of this statement. He was a strange man, to put it mildly, and a bad one, to set things straight. (At least in Bruce’s own mind.) So to have someone as intrinsicaly good as Clark to put up with him was a downright miracle.
Clark lifted his face from Bruce’s chest and looked him in the eyes.
“Quite the opposite,” he smiled.
“It took a little while to fall for you, I’ll admit, but to stay in love is as simple as breathing, as easy as flight and as natural as taking another step towards you. Sometimes I just look at you for a while and I have to stop myself from letting you know that I love you, because one look at you is all it takes to remind me of it.”
Bruce just swallowed. Why did he had to fall for a writer? Especially one that is able to put all of his feeling into words so well that Bruce cannot doubt them?
His insides did the strange thing they did when Clark did...well, whatever really. When he smiled at Bruce, when he was hanging out with the kids or when he efortlesly stopped a plane in the air.
“Ok,” was all he could say back but somehow Clark seemed to know it meant more and pressed his face back to Bruce’s left peck.
Bruce just hugged him tighter, hoping that when his own words failed him, his actions would speak for him instead.
From Clark’s smile pressing into his skin, it seemed they did.
(I guess I made up the sentence with “as simple as breathing...” and had to write it down because I liked it)
but also, I feel that Bruce fears that even though people fall for him, once they get to know him and the excitement fizzles out, it is not worth the effort anymore, so to have Clark see it from the opposite side would be really nice...idk...don’t look into it pls...
87 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
ok, so I finally read Batman and Robin (the Dick and Damian run) and Jason admits to having pimles from wearing the mask and I think it’s time for
✨⭐ skin care headcanons ⭐ ✨ 
(it is realistic that they would get bad skin from the masks because I remember an old interview with Tom Holland (the guy who plays MCU Spider-man) saying that he shoots the full face mask scenes last because they mess with his skin when he sweats in it)
Bruce 🦇 wears a half face mask - his forehead is super oily after patrol, especially with his hair plastered there as well BUT! Brucie has to look great so I think he has a multi-step skin care routine with expensive products (think those fancy korean face masks) he does before he collapses into bed
it also makes him feel nice and clean and helps him relax and un-tense before sleeping
Dick 🦚
the main reason he wanted a domino mask is that it only covers a small part of his face (because he saw how bad Bruce’s skin used to be before he developed his skin care routine)
also washes his face well, because it feels nice and he likes the nice smelling products (even if some of them don’t do much)
Barbara 👩‍💻
didn’t really have that much acne as a younger vigilante, except of course the forehead (which her old Batgirl costume covered)
after getting out of puberty her skin cleared a lot and now she is flawless but she also has a complicated skin care routine because it’s part of her bed time routine and helps her calm her mind after the day
Jason ⛑️
it is canon - he has acne, probably also oily skin (come on, he wears a non-breathable helmet)
Bruce probs made him wash his face before his death but after he came back he really didn’t care much
now he maybe does, but I think he still uses only basic skin care products, just cleanser and maybe moisturizer
Tim 🐦
bad sleep hygiene will also make your skin worse so - another pimple boy
especially when he had the suit where the cowl covered the whole top half of his head
but after things calmed down I think he decided to take better care of himself (or Dick pushed him because it is nice to treat yourself sometimes, you know?) but I also think he oftentimes still forgets to wash his face
also - the guy is a teenager, his skin isn’t all that clean
Steph 💜
she used to have a full face mask - you know what that means...acne!
that is why (one of the reasons) she switched to the different costume look
she sometimes steals Bruce’s cosmetic products (she says she just wants to try them out) but he knows and buys more - so her skin is better now
Cass 🖤
probably didn’t care about her skin much and still doesn’t
but Steph sometimes tested some of Bruce’s skin products on her for fun and she actually liked a few
now she uses a mix of cheap male consmetics (with smells like ‘sports’ or st - because she thinks it’s funny) and Bruce’s expensive korean masks or so
Duke ☀️
cares about his appearance but the helmet makes it kinda difficult to keep looking fresh
See the full post
103 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Youtube randomly recommended me the clip of Harley catching Batman and him laughing at her, scaring her with it and I thought...
Let Bruce Wayne (and Batman of course) have a supervillian laugh.
All the Gothmamites are aftraid he's going to go to the dark side and they are all really nice to him (to prevent that? to make sure he doesn't kill them when he does? who knows...)
Lex Luthor thinks of him as a future ally, partner in crime, so he is really trying to get in his favour.
Bruce has no idea.
When the League hears Batman laugh for the first time, at least four of them get flashbacks to their latest supervillian encounter and the rest is left wondering just how illegal Batman's methods really are.
Bruce thinks they just don't like his sense of humour and closes back up.
The League is even more terrified.
And the kids? I am split between them either also having no idea or thinking that it's too funny and making sure he never finds out.
340 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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initcne-a · 4 years
it’s libra season so i booked a hair appointment to finally turn my hair PURPLE and i’m tryin to find piercing studios that are doing nose piercings rn.
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sapphicsavant · 7 years
hahaha its 3am i have to be awake at 8am and i havent even finished all my work
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maidqueen-blog1 · 7 years
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pls feel free to like this small starter call while i try not to think too hard about my job interview tomorrow !
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loveamongthesailors · 4 years
would love your take on patho2's nocturnal ending versus the og's three endings
 og’s endings: wow were still strapped in a cold unending hell ov civ no matter whose lot we throw ourselves in with i want to
outside powers have granted You the choice to decide what form the Town survives in but... every choice is contingent on the perpetuation ov the Town as it is, the question ov whether the town Should be perpetuated is left up to you to mull over in yr post narrative denial ov catharsis state but... hmmmmm boy i think a lot ov people just got a lot ov catharsis from the 3 endings as they stand :)
common thing i hear after people play daniils route is that they were excited to salt and burn the earth out ov sheer spite for their experiences during the game. yeowch
bit from “the touch of civilization: comparing american and russian internal colonization” that gets at why im interested in pathos narratives ov colonization coming from an american understanding ov those processes, also looking at some historical stereotypes patho is pulling from and the specific colonial ideologies fueling The Town that u can see reflected in patho.
(theres a link to that a little bit back on my blogue btw)
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so yeah, pathologic gives us a look at quite a few different avenues by which internal colonization is perpetuated, interesting looks @ how authoritarianism/industrialism/imperialism are working to reinforce this within a small colony ov “subversives”
back to nocturnal ending, very sexy ov it to say HEY WHAT IF WE DIDNT DO ALL THAT? in the absolute most crazy ass meta bullshit body without organs inside out panopticon narratology moment ov my life... havent had my skeleton torn out ov my body like this since finishing utena. GOD
anyways i really like both the diurnal and nocturnal endings taken together as a dissection and subversion ov the haruspex’s route in classic. also love that in nocturnal its like consider this utopian imaginary: three weird girls and everything else on Earth are just gonna figure it out and im like yes... but also ill still ultimately be stepping back and viewing this with critical a lens specifically to find my own weapons and masks...but yes...
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rekant-aa · 4 years
im adding abby t.lou2 to this blogue when i finish the game because i care her
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sir--cumference · 4 years
heyo its ATC again and I just just finished a scholarship and reading ur most recent fic and I was scrolling thru ur blog (that I just remembered that I don't visit enough... so thats a problem that imma work on fixing in 2020 lol) but I saw the ask and if u r still doing 'em I was wondering about 34 cream, 38 roses, and 39 sweetheart (I kinda have a thing for mugs... like I really really love mugs n tea n stuffs so yeah lol) -ATC
HI ATC! welcome to my blogue! don’t feel bad about not visiting hahaha it will always b here when ur ready
34. frozen yogurt flavour
This is tough bc I rarely eat frozen yogurt and usually opt for ice cream, but TBH when i go to the frozen yogurt place here with the self serve or whatever i find i always like the greek yogurt and honey flavour most. sounds boring but its THICC and sweet its good
38. what flower do you find most beautiful?
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Those are bleeding hearts, queen anne’s lace, and white campanula in that order. I’m kind of weird about flowers (very sensitive to the smell of most decorative flowers. if anyone ever wants to get me flowers i ask that they get me a cactus instead) but i LOVE the dainty little wild flowers that I would find in my garden as a kid. Couldn’t decide between these 3, they’re my favs.
39. favourite mug
I don’t wanna get flagged so I won’t post a pic, but for christmas a couple years ago, my roommate made me a custom Trisha Paytas mug that’s white with pink on the inside. It has the thumbnail and title from her video “Eating Pizza Naked (Not Drunk)” on it. It’s my favourite mug ever. (I’m not a Trisha Stan but I am fascinated by her in the same way I am also fascinated by 90 Day Fiance and Freelee the Banana Girl - as in, it’s a train wreak and you can’t look away)
THANK YOU FOR THE ASKS! this was a fun way to spend a very not busy few minutes at work. Happy new year!
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plumbbae · 3 years
okso I have 2 ideas for Sims Challenges that i’m in the process of making banners and stuff for aswell as my sim requests one that I’ve basically finished (it’s whats under the cut) i just need to finish the form BUT 
after I finished the SR one, i thought abt how I was going thru all this trouble & probably won’t get any imteraction and so I want to know if i’m doing this for nothing or no...would anyone even be interested in doing a sim rq with me?
throwing my banner here just for funsies lol i just have a couple small things i wanna do to it but. this (& the challenges i’m trying to set up) are have what kept me busy lately lol
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anyways so I just have to finish it ^ & the RQ form and then i can post it. & as for the challenges, I have 2 ideas; ones strictly a CAS challenge, and it’s so dumb I highly doubt anyone has ever done it lmao (hint: same name 😂) & the other you can do it in either CAS or BB (hint: opposites attract...? lmao)
but ya that’s what’s been keeping me busy for anyone wondering (i know, no one was lol) and I may or may not finish/do everything but I might get a liiiil bit discouraged if I feel like no one will do anything- ((which is totally fine!!! i just don’t have that big of a following and I’m not exactly “known” to be anything other than a ccfinds blogue lol ANYWAYS BYE ILY ALL
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listy-do-m · 3 years
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Jeśli czytasz ten wpis oznacza to, że trafiłem w pewien czuły punkt który zapewnie jest dla Ciebie drażliwy i w pełni rozumiem ten stan rzeczy.
Starasz się jak możesz, czasami przekładasz dobro innych nad swoje, Twoja postawa może być bardzo altruistyczna a jednak dostajesz po dupie.
W relacjach damsko-męskich jest takie pewne określenie "nice guy finish last" co oznacza dosłownie, że "miły gość kończy ostatni" ale wydaje mi się, że można zgeneralizować to stwierdzenie i ogólnie powiedzieć że mili na WSKROŚ ludzie kończą ostatni.
Ludzie o nich zapominają, odzywają się jak ich potrzebują albo jak już nie mają z kim innym spotkać się to wtedy nagle się odzywają, czasami są brzydko wykorzystywani a na sam koniec słyszą że są super ale...
Aż się ciśnie, żeby wsadzić to "ale" komuś do dupy :)
Ale ale i tym razem po ale nie chcę mówić niczego przykrego wolałbym się skupić na Tobie.
Osobiście uważam, że ludzi nie zmienisz a jeśli będziesz chciał zmienić wszystko to co jest na zewnątrz a nie swój WŁASNY świat wewnętrzny może takie podejście przyjąć toksyczną formę. Podkreślę jeszcze raz, że jedyne co możemy zmienić to siebie, jedyne istoty nad którymi mamy władzę jesteśmy my sami a przyznam się, że i ja mam z tym czasem wielki problem no ale cóż... :)
Chciałbym, żebyś się przyjrzał temu jak się czujesz w...
Reszta na moim blogu :)
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wildheartwildchild · 3 years
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Pred kratkim sem dobila Kindla. Prvotno je bil mišljen kot darilo drugi bralnik, ki naj bi bil bolj priročen za Biblos vendar sem ga zamenjala, saj Biblosa ne uporabljam. Pozna se, da je Biblos pod okriljem Beletrine saj ponujajo pretežno le njihove knjige, tistih nekaj ljubezenskih romanov, ki pa so tam, pa ni vredno bralnika. Zato menjava. Da ne bo kdo mislil, da sem kot Rachel iz Prijateljev, ki vsa svoja darila zamenja 😜 V tem primeru se mi je zdela bolj��a pridobitev Amazonov Kindle, saj berem eknjige, ki jih kupim/dobim zastonj pri njih. . Se pa po dobrem tednu še malo lovim s svojim Kindlom. Imel je že svoj prvi glitch, za katerega upam, da bo eden redkih. Navajena sem brati na fonu in multitaskati s 5 aplikacijami sproti tako da tle se morm kar opominjat, da je namenjen *le* branju. Edino kar me moti je to, da v desnem zgornjem kotu ni ure. In da se svetlost ne rihta sama. Ampak bo že. Mimogrede, tiste_i, ki imate Kindle, kje kupiti ovitek? Imate tudi kakšno zaščitno steklo gor? Ne vem, ali se mi bolj splača čakati mesce za ovitek iz Alija ali kupiti malo dražji ovitek pri nas. Če kdo ve za kakšno fajn trgovino/stran za to, na dan z besedo. . Prva knjiga na Kindlu, ki sem jo prebrala, je ARC za katerega sem upala, da ga bom prebrala pred izdajo (in bi tud morala, upsi 🤭🤫). Ni šlo. Začetek je bil čudaški, potem pa ni (tako hitro) steklo. Povprečne 3 zvezdice. Recenzija kmalu na GR in blogu. . 📚 . Got my Kindle! He (I like to think of it as him not it) already had his first glitch after a week of use which I hope is one of the rarest of glitches because I refuse to put my baby to a repair service after not even a month of usage. . I thought of distorting the cover to the Kindle but I couldn't find a free app to do it so I had to do it with the original cover (recs for apps welcome). The Nanny and the Nerd released almost two weeks ago and I really thought I could finish this book closer to the release date but I just couldn't. The start of it was just plain weird. It got better but there wasn't really anything exciting happening. That's why it took me so long to finish it. Apologies to the publisher and book tour hosts. Review comes soon on GR/blog. (at Novo Mesto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSc2pfYoFZ_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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0scypek · 3 years
Wracam do ukończenia tego projektu. MK23 od STTI. Chcę mieć pistolet na lato i jesień, pewny, celny, bez bajerów. Wykonujący zadania. Bezawaryjny. Dzięki pomocy ASG 3D Customs , mam już wszystkie elementy układanki.
Co będzie zmieniane w tym pistolecie? Zostanie wyciszony, wymiana gumki hopup, TDC mod (specjalny prototyp od ASG 3D customs), szyna RIS, drukowana szybka kabura.
Na moim blogu macie recenje tego pistoletu. Niebawem instruktaż jak montować TDC mod oraz podsumowanie efektu po tuningu. Na YT też pojawi się materiał!
I am going back to finish this project. MK23 from STTI. I want a pistol for summer and fall, reliable, accurate, no frills. Performing tasks. Fail-safe. Thanks to ASG 3D Customs, I have all the pieces of the puzzle.
What will be changed on this gun? It will be muted, I will change the hopup rubber, TDC mod (special prototype from ASG 3D customs), RIS rail, printed quick holster.
You have reviews of this gun on my blog. Soon instructions on how to install TDC mod and summary of the effect after tuning. The material will also appear on YT!
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kulinarnenawigacje · 4 years
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Gotowanie i sztuka są sobie bliskie prawda?🎨 Czy kucharz jest rzemieślnikiem czy artystą? . 🧐 Myślę, że najpierw trzeba się stać dobrym rzemieślnikiem, żeby stać się artystą. Rzemieślnik dobrze przygotowuje potrawę, dobiera przyprawy, temperaturę i rodzaj obróbki warzyw czy mięsa. Artystą stajemy się gdy zaczynamy potrzebować do dań właściwych dodatków i dostosowywać je w zależności od okazji czy sezonowości. Artysta wg. mnie z potrawy uczyni prawdziwą sztukę na talerzu, a nie tylko smaczne danie. . A co mają z tym wspólnego jajka?🥚 Bo przygotowując dla Was ten wpis poczułam się jak malarz...taki co maluje naturą, bo barwniki są 100% naturalne! . 🎨 Jak zabarwić naturalnie jajka i stworzyć cudne pisanki? Post jest już na blogu link ➡️ BIO @kulinarnenawigacje . Przy okazji....skończyłam podyplomowo Architekturę Wnętrz 😊, to też jest sztuka! _____ Cooking and art are close, right? Is the chef a craftsman or an artist? . I think that first you must become a good craftsman to become an artist. We become an artist when we start to choose the right additions for dishes and adapt them depending on the occasion. Artist will make real art on the plate. . And what connect with eggs?🥚 Because preparing this post for you, I felt like a painter ... nature painter, because the paint are 100% natural! . By the way ... I finished post-graduate Interior Architecture 😊, this is also art! _____ #pisankiwielkanocne #pisanki #naturalnebarwniki #barwnikidojajek #naturalrecipes #eggs #easter #eastereggs #egg #kulinarnenawigacje #naturalnejedzenie #naturalfood #ecofriendly #eko https://www.instagram.com/p/B-y7AtDlcfA/?igshid=kzlm87lkj19s
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