#and there are people that do want to just talk about byIer and come up with AUs and headcanons but unfortunately those ppl do not want to
bylertruther · 1 year
WAIT i want to complain one last time before i go to bed 💙 smth smth letting the demons out so u can have sweet dreams or whatever after, u kno. ahem. anyway.
girls when their dash is dying and they don't particularly enjoy the direction fandom is headed in bc unfortunately this fandom does move and act like a hegemony / hivemind a majority of the time and the canon compliant content that they do enjoy n look forward to is scarce but it's not like they can even go back to their personal blog for the time being because succession is literally ending forever in three days and hotd is currently filming yes but the tag for 2/3 of their fave characters is literally all either a ship they hate and/or character x reader smut fics and also it's depressing as fuck and the other media content that they enjoy is equally as fucked up which means they'd have no lighthearted Love Conquers All content in their rotation which isn't exactly good and and and—
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#god.#i don't want to engage with fanon i don't want to engage with aggression i don't want to engage with headcanons and interpretations#that are essentially role reversals because i actually enjoy the characters and their story as it is and want to find people that also#enjoy it and make content for it i don't want to have to go back to my personal blog because you can only consume so much#[REDACTED] things before it starts to chip away at you even if you do have a healthy social life + other hobbies i don't want to leave#because i love stranger things and i love will and i love mike and i love how they fit each other so perfectly and become the perfect team#BECAUSE of their complementary natures but i just do not see content that reflects that and i don't want to make it all myself bc#i'm not an artist and i don't share my writing publicly and i don't want to scream into the void anymore :/#i miss when s4 was fresh in people's minds and logging in and engaging with others was fun i just .#plops down on the ground n sighs like tht picture of tht one baby raccoon sitting on the road#and when i say canon compliant content i don't mean compliant in every way i jus mean characterization rly bc lord knows literally all i#think abt and read are AUs for byIer LMAO. i just mean i like it when will is like will and mike is like mike and fandom hasn't done that#''it's homophobic to consider will as he is'' and ''mike is a weak useless femboy'' stuff tht it loves to partake in n peddle#and there are people that do want to just talk about byIer and come up with AUs and headcanons but unfortunately those ppl do not want to#do tht with me so . i love that for me 😁👍#ok NOW i sleep 🫡
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henrysglock · 15 days
“i was asking if anons were embarrassed about having harassed me for making one (1) mildly corrective post in the byler tag…only to have me be right. that should be embarrassing. that’s embarrassing behavior.“
Don’t act like your entire schtick isn’t entering the byler tag to hate on byler to talk about how much cooler henryism is. this wasn’t a one time thing. People have been annoyed with you.
And Bylers are starving and desperate for crumbs so of course we’re gonna latch onto everything. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Being wrong is part of the process. we are chasing hope like people chase rainbows
“Harassed” - that’s such an extreme word. Bylers don’t take too kindly to your behavior. We know what you are your friends are about.
you shouldn’t be surprised when people push back. you knew exactly what would happen
Wrow…Someone’s self-obsessed. What I talk about on my blog and what I tag as byIer are very different things. I censor byIer as byier with a capital i to avoid coming up in searches when I’m bitching about the fandom. This means if you’re seeing it you either follow me, someone you follow agrees with me and reblogged it, or you’re camping on my blog. None of that is my fault.
I tag things as byIer when they’re related to byIer or the byIer fandom, which, yes, does extend to the ways byIerblr staunchly refuses to engage with the rest of the plot. It’s not my fault they refuse to comprehend Henry in any meaningful way. The tag isn’t a closed community either. It’s a cataloguing system. If it’s about byIer or the byIer fandom, it gets tagged. As I said before, I do not tag my bitching posts.
“People have been annoyed with you” You think that’s news to me? People have been annoyed with me since 2022, back when I was still mainly a byIer blog. People were annoyed with me for pushing back on popular but incorrect takes about byIer. This is nothing new.
“ByIers are starving” That’s not my fault, and it’s no reason to go around misinterpreting leaks because they want content. They’re setting themselves up for disappointment. Having hopes is fine. Have fun. But don’t go around with ship blinders and then get mad at me going “hey…you might not be right” as a warning and a correction.
And yes, you all did harass me. You all spammed my inbox with insults and ableist takes after that one specific post. You guys called me a zealot, ffs. I don’t typically get spammed that way, so yes. It was about that one (1) specific post. If it was just about me as a blog, I’d be getting them every day.
“We know what you and your friends are about” You make it sound like we have such nefarious goals…no wonder you guys can’t get a good read on Henry.
What I’m “about” is accuracy in information. When that information pertains to byIer or the byIer fandom, it gets tagged byIer. Simple as that.
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bylertruther · 10 months
That comment was so true, I was just thinking the same way. Old bylers were more open to criticizing the show's bad aspects and writing choices instead od trying to bend the whole thing to come up with excuses and explanations. Nowadays when you criticize a writing choice or something done by the Duffers you automatically get accused as if you've just committed a crime because how dare you think the Duffers aren't perfect genius writers that put everything intentionally without any mistake.
yeah! nowadays, in this corner, criticism is seen as a bad thing that you would never do to something you enjoy, and it's like... huh? it's okay to not enjoy something 100%. the duffers and co are not infallible and people don't have to like every decision they've ever made. that shouldn't even be something that someone on the internet has to say—existing as a human being in the world should've taught everyone that back when they were a baby.
even beyond that, as others have mentioned in other conversations, you can understand someone else's viewpoint just fine and still not feel as though there's enough relevant evidence to back it up, and feel hesitant because of how the duffers have consistently handled other plots.
like, personally... i struggle to be one of those #believers, because of how present the show's racism is in my mind. also, season three and season four are right there, alongside the show's misogyny and classism, too. and don't forget the little inconsistencies and anachronisms either! there's A Lot that i don't like and that i feel could've been corrected or reworked more effectively had they had a more diverse writing room or consulted others during the writing process. i like the general direction of the show, but there are a lot of details or ways they went about it where i'm like ://// man..
and.... controversial perhaps... but i feel that behavior is especially rampant in the byIer fandom and it manifests as the fanon that we can't seem to shake off.
mike does pay acute attention to will in some ways, but he's not the obvious lovesick, clingy, forever doting, golden retriever bf that people make him out to be [shout out to s2 mike tho he was built different 💔]. that fanon!mike is fans overcompensating for canon mike's behavior and presentation, which honestly has not been that fucking great as of late, purposely because he can't balance having both will and el in his life, among other mike-specific reasons, and because the duffers changed the way they wrote him post-s2. he does care about and love will, but not like many fans suggest, at least not yet.
but if you say that around here, you're seen as a freak weirdo mike hater talking about some ooc mike even though the show is right there and i could point to the 9384038049 times that mike forgot about will, brushed him off, was mean to him, or explicitly chose someone else over him. purposely! of his own volition!
and it also shows in how they babygirlified him, even though mike doesn't act like or look like that at all in the show, nor has he ever been described that way by anyone, whether in-universe or by the people that bring him to life.
And Don't Even Get Me Started On Will. Zon't.........
they had to recreate these new characters with mike and will's names and faces, because they didn't like what was on the screen. simple as that. but will they ever admit it? lmao.
as a fan of the show, and a fan of these characters and the stories they're representing, it's really weird to witness. there has been a distinct shift in the way in-fandom bylers talk about byler and the show and it started post-s2 when things started happening that they felt they had to correct. if they want to engage with the material in a way that best suits their tastes, fine. whatever. literally everyone does that. but to insist that the things that they say that go directly against canon or don't even exist within it .... are canon? and that everyone else using direct lines from the text are the ones projecting or twisting it or otherwise not appreciating the material? i have to laugh.
it's the same with other serious criticisms. if they can't create something to justify it, then they just brush you off as a hater because that's easier than acknowledging that maybe their precious bloated ensemble show isn't entirely perfect.
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