#and um...linda in the last gif....... please kiss me
darlingvita · 4 years
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I like you, Michelle. Like, I like you like you.
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ylizam · 4 years
dear creator: femslashex 2k20 edition
Hi, Hello, Hey. First of all–thank you! This is my standard you offered to write one of my fandoms, so thank you for being awesome opening spiel, full of generals likes and dislikes, I’m sure you know the drill. I’ll make sure the fandom specific stuff is up by the time assignments go out. (That said, if you already have an idea about how you want to write about the fandom/pairing we match on—wow, I’m jealous! tell me your secrets!—just skip over the fandom stuff and go forth with your bad self.) 
Things I like include, but are in no way limited to: fun with POV, fun with linear vs. non-linear storytelling, fun with tone, fun with writing. I really dig character studies, stories that really get into what makes a character tick (and something porny that can get at that is wonderful too), and I like relationships that are hard and prickly and worth fighting for. I like happy endings that don’t feel tacked on or forced. I like doubt, and hope, and theology; I like actors, and directors, and I like the random deity. I like fairy tales. I like (love) romance tropes. Forced to share a bed, marriages of convenience, fake dating, friends-to-lovers, idiots-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers: it’s all like unto catnip. I like interesting turns of phrase, I like the perfect line, I like any story written just for me. If you have any questions about my taste (or lack thereof), feel free to ask @summervillen​ who probably knows my fannish tastes better than I do.
DNWs: noncon, necrophilia, pedophilia, incest, animal harm or death, child harm or death, pregnancy fic, A/B/O. Things that I would prefer you not include—especially gratuitously; there are obviously ways to engage with problematic actions/thoughts/etc. in fiction, but there’s such a fine line there—are as follows: non-character driven racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-semitism, etc. etc. etc. I’d prefer no high school AUs. I also have a pretty big embarrassment squick. And while I'm mostly interested in these characters in the worlds in which we meet them, if you really have an AU (non high school division) you want to write I'm there. Just, you know, grounded in the characters and their relationships and all that fun stuff. That's basically it.
Babylon 5 Delenn/Susan Ivanova I just ship them post-canon so hard. Later in life chances at love are sort of a thing of mine, and add to that two of my favorite characters ever, well, it’s like this pairing is made for me. That said, if you can find a way to write them during canon (maybe John doesn’t return from Z'ha'dum, maybe Delenn and John just never get together at all, maybe you can think of something I can’t) I’d love that too. Delenn/Shaal Mayan I’d love a story about them that’s really Minbari–that understands that neither of them is human. Something set when they were young and just figuring themselves out (and first love is rarely forever but it feels like it must be) or something set when Mayan visits Babylon 5 in season one or, heck, something set after the series ends. (I have a thing for writing on skin, so if you can find a way to fit that in more power to you.)
Last Tango in Halifax Gillian Greenwood/Caroline McKenzie-Dawson Oh gosh I have so many feelings about Gillian and Caroline and their relationship. How it’s grown, changed, and now they’re at a point where they see each other all the time and talk about basically everything and it’s all so beautiful. And, I mean, come on, they both have the best chemistry with the other; it’s just a fact. So what if they get drunk and kiss (or shag or something in between)? Or just deal with things like adults (I’m sure you could convince me that’s possible)? (She wasn’t part of the tagset, but I also liked what little we saw of Olga, both how she interacted with Caroline and how she befriended Gillian when they both showed up late to the play, so if you want to go the threesome route–whether it’s a V or a triad or whatever confusing mess of emotions you prefer–I’m there.) (P.S. I haven’t seen the most recent season, but I’m spoiled and have seen all the gifs and screencaps so include or don’t as you see fit.)
Lucifer Linda Martin/Mazikeen
Their relationship on the show is a thing of delight and wonder, so basically I want that but also MORE. Maze fighting people to protect Linda! Linda, well, trying to fight people but mostly realizing that Maze loves it and is good at it so. Maze panicking again about Linda eventually dying, but also MORE SO because now they’ve been fucking and also having weird candlelight dinners and um is this romantic this might be. (Whether Amenadiel is involved (romantically with either or both, as an active parent but no longer romantically, etc.) or off doing something else stage left and never mentioned is up to you, but please no bashing, killing off somehow, etc.) Feel free to include hijinks with the rest of the gang, but I’d prefer no focus on any police work. 
 The Old Guard (Movie) Andy/Quynh
Note: I haven’t read the comics, so this is strictly a movie request (I know they’re separate fandoms and listed thusly, but I just wanted to be clear). I’d love anything about them, in all honesty. Something in the past: a first time (they kissed, they said “I love you,” they refused to say “I love you,” they had sex, etc.), a fifth time, a mission gone wrong. Or something in the present/future: angst and fractured trust and fighting on opposite sides until they’re suddenly not. All too mortal Andy. Immortal Quynh. The options are basically endless. I also love everyone on the team, so feel free to include them however you see fit. 
Star Trek: Classic Timeline
First of all, I don’t know book canon, so include it, don’t include, whatever floats your proverbial boat. Second of all, I am more than happy with “this character lives” stories here. Obviously. Third of all, please no bashing of any other characters (even that one).
Beverly Crusher/Laris
So I came out of Picard with an undying devotion to Laris and a burning curiosity about what the heck Bev is up to these days. So tell me more about both of them. Is there’s a longstanding affair, often at a distance? Did they start out prickly and reserved, wary? How are Jean-Luc and Zhaban involved? (I am happy with whatever you decide on the Jean-Luc and Zhaban front, other than gratuitous death or bashing of either. Feel free to have them off having their own adventures and don’t mention them if you prefer not to involve them.) Is Beverly’s French as terrible as Jean-Luc’s? 
Kimara Cretak/Kira Nerys
Feel free to have Kimara escape/live/etc. I’d especially love something that recognizes that neither of them is human; play around with what we know of their cultures, about how those cultures might clash or unexpectedly mesh, how that can affect a relationship both positively and negatively. I’m always interested in Nerys’s faith and religious beliefs, and how that interacts with Romulan culture would be very much something I enjoy. 
K'Ehlyer/Deanna Troi
K’Ehlyer deserved better, and who is better than Deanna? I posit no one. This is another pairing where I’d love something about the fact that they’re not fully human and the implications thereof. (Feel free to include Alexander or not, as you choose. Ditto Thaddeus and Kestra. I’d prefer they not be a focal point though.) Whether you set it during TNG or Picard or in between, I’ll be equally happy (or an alternate version of reality works too! those are just the time references I can think of right now!). (Please note that I very much also ship Deanna and Will, so please, please, please don’t bash him or kill him off for no reason or have Deanna cheating on him or whatever. I’d much rather you don’t mention him at all if you don’t want him in the fic.) 
The Untamed Jiang Yanli/Wen Qing
Is part of this my desire to have two of my favorite characters pushed together? Yes. Is it also part of my desire to have them actually live? Absolutely. (Which is to say: I’d love a “Jiang Yanli and Wen Qing live” AU here. Or at least live longer than they make it in canon?) I’d also be fine with modern AUs here, but I’d prefer cultivation be in there somewhere even if it’s set in the present (or the 1980s or basically any time period). Maybe there’s a political partnership of convenience situation! Maybe something shifts in canon and Jiang Yanli helps the Qishan Wens out and things happen and trust grows and they fall in love! Maybe they have a secret fling! Honestly, it’s all good. 
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xsister-serpent · 5 years
I Love You All The Time
Summary: From your horrible job to the awful/abusive ex-boyfriend, you decide to come back to your old hometown after 5 years. Everything was just as it was when you left it senior year, except for your neighbor Josh Summers. 
A/n: So life has been crazy and i’m so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. This one’s kinda short but it’s honestly one of my favorite chapters! (gif doesn’t belong to me) Based off this song. Previous chapters can be found here :)
Tagging: @move-im-indigenous @diehadess @they-are-not-just-stories @vannahhere @pools0swim @ifitstoogoodtobetrue
Josh POV
He had waited till y/n was already in deep sleep. Josh inhaled her scent savoring every bit of her. Their love making was breath taking to him. He couldn’t get the image of her sweating and moaning under him, her eyes burning into his as she held him close. It was beautiful.
Josh heard her soft snores. She was finally asleep. He meant it when he to take care of her, to give her everything her heart desired and by god he was gonna do it. Josh kissed y/n shoulder one last time as he felt himself drift to sleep. He shut his eyes only to be woken up by a rhythmic vibrating noise. Josh slowly turned his head to the bedroom door. He looked back at y/n who was still sound asleep. With stealth he maneuvered out of the bed not disturbing her.
Josh slipped on his robe and made his way out hearing the vibrations coming closer and closer.  He went downstairs and into the living room. He heard it again and noticed it was coming from y/n purse. Luckily it was on the outer pockets. He took it out noticing it was her mother calling.
Josh looked up at the staircase, he didn’t want to send her home. Not after tonight. He quickly thought of a lie and prayed it would work. With a breath of confidence he answered the phone.
“Hi Linda,” josh answered.
“Josh? “ she questioned, “Is y/n there??”
“She is, but um she’s actually sleeping right now. We went out for drinks after I bought some stock and she had a bit one too many rosès.”
”I told her those will get her. Oh well when she gets up will you tell her to call me?” Linda asked with a hint of concern.
“Of course,” josh spoke with a sense of relief.
“Great thank you, have a goodnight josh.”
“Night,” he said hanging up.
Josh sighed with relief as he began to become drowsy again. As he walked up the stairs another buzz came. It was from Adam. Josh didn’t bother reading he knew y/n privacy was something she was entitled to, no questions asked. But unfortunately for him her phone previewed the message.
Hey y/n it was great seeing you again. Theres a battle of the bands event me and my friends are going to tomorrow night. I’d figured I’d extend the invitation to you, let me know thanks x
Josh made his lips into a fine line. He could tell Adam was warming up to her. He caught the way he looked at her. Josh wouldn’t be surprised at all if Adam did catch her special attention. He was young, thriving and had the similar taste Y/N had. If he was being honest Adam wasn’t a bad guy to look at too.  A little spike of insecurity sprang in him.
“Yea but she’s in my bed,” josh gruffed as he walked up the stairs.
Josh had told her he loved her when they came together. Maybe she didn’t hear him, or worse ignored him.  
Suddenly another text came. This time josh looked at it. It was an unknown number. Josh stomach dropped as he read the first two lines.
Hey y/n it’s Kit, I know you said not to bother you but if I don’t get this closure from you I feel like my conscience won’t be clean. I want to talk to you face to face. Please call me back.
Josh locked the phone and placed a hand on the back of his neck. He could now just see the hurt on y/n faces in the morning. He wanted to take her away from her past, and to make sure Kit stayed there.
Her life was flourishing even if Josh wasn’t in the picture, she was smart enough to move forward. A part of him wanted to call him back threatening him never to call her again or better yet asking Kit what more could he take from y/n??
Josh knew better not to delete the text as much as he’d like to. With a sigh he went upstairs and back into his bedroom. He placed the phone on the table beside y/n. He paused as he marveled at y/n, seeing her hair cascading down her shoulders as she slept. She looked like a queen encased in furs and fleece blankets. His queen.
His fingers glided against her face outlining her cheek bones and jaw line. He crawled beside her and nestled her neck.
“I love you,” he confessed in a whisper across her skin.
She shifted a little only to cuddle beside him. Josh closed his eyes hoping it would bring a promise of a goods night rest. Lord knows tomorrow he’d need his strength tomorrow.
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lesbiandanieljacobi · 7 years
Just A Card, Or Just A Letter
FlashWave Week Day One: High School AU
Iris ropes Barry into interviewing basketball star Mick Rory for the Central High Falconer. Mick Rory manages to turn it into a date.
Title from “Please Mister Postman”, which Barry probably listens to in the course of the fic. 
“I can’t do that, Iris!” yelps Barry Allen, attempting to use his locker door as a shield to keep his foster-sister’s crazy ideas at bay.
“You are literally the only person he talks to in more than monosyllables who isn’t a Snart, and as fascinating as Len Snart is, I’m not going to ask him to interview his best friend for the school newspaper, that would be weird.”
“Ask Lisa.” begs Barry.
“She’s in middle school.”
Barry shifts back and forth and attempts to hide deeper in his locker. Iris closes it on his shoulder.
“Barry. What is your problem?” 
“Iriiiiiiiiiiiis.” Barry whines. “Iris, please, don’t make me talk to him.” 
“Bartholomew Henry Allen –“ Iris all-bar snarls. Oh dear lord, the full name, he got full-named. 
“He’s so hot, Iris.” Barry mutters, mostly to cut Iris off. Iris makes a noise in the back of her throat that’s almost too high-pitched, and pulls Barry off to the side of the corridor, away from their lockers. 
“You have a crush on him?” she hisses.
Barry stares determinedly at the white toes of his converse rather than saying anything.
“Well that settles it, you absolutely have to talk to him.”
Barry looks up, eyes wide and defensive, and the warning bell rings, loud and abrasive.
Great. He’s never gonna get out of it now.
The Allen Kid is sitting on the floor opposite the trainer’s room when Mick arrives there after school to PT his ankles. He’s got his knees half pulled up to his chest and his binder open on top of his thighs, a chemistry textbook on the floor open to a page of problems, and his phone resting on the top of his knee, unlocked and showing a Spotify playlist.  Mick wants to bang his head against the wall a couple of times, because Allen’s wearing glasses and skinny jeans and converses and tapping his toes to The Supremes, and Mick wants to fight anyone who even comes close to hurting him. Instead, he clears his throat. Allen’s only got one earphone in, so he looks up as soon as he hears Mick, plainly startled.
“Waitin’ for someone?” Mick asks, and Christ Almighty, he’s apparently a masochist, because he’s going to have to hear Allen say he’s dating Eddie the Quarterback or that fucker Oliver from the rifle team or Linda from the cross country team or something.
“Um, actually, I was waiting for you?” Allen says, voice turning the statement into a tentative question, like he’s expecting Mick to run him off or beat him up. It shouldn’t be endearing. It is.
“Well, why don’t you keep me company while I do these exercises?” Mick offers. Allen goes the most adorable shade of pink, blushing all the way down the column of his throat. Mick wonders how far down his chest is stained the same color, and then has to go back to mentally slamming his head against the wall because he cannot have his mind in the gutter for this conversation.
“Oh, there’s no need for that, I just had a question for you, is all.”
Mick cocks an eyebrow at him.
“My sister, Iris? She writes for the school paper, and they wanted to do a feature on you now you’ve committed to UCLA and she asked me if I’d talk to you for it, and I mean it’s fine if you don’t, that’s totally up to you-“
Christ, even his babbling is adorable.
“Tell you what.” says Mick, interrupting the spiel. “I’ll pick you up from your place after I’m done with practice, and I can answer your questions over dinner.”
Allen freezes. Mick swallows hard, and braces himself for Allen saying he’s got a girlfriend, or awkwardly stuttering that he’s straight. He doesn’t.
“That would be really great.” says Allen – Barry, Mick supposes he can start calling him Barry, he has agreed to a date after all – “I’d really like that. Do you have my address?”
“It’s in the contact info book. I’ll look it up.” Mick replies.
“Great.” says Barry, a little breathless.
“Great.” answers Mick.
“I’ll see you then.” says Barry.
Mick’s saved from complete loserdom in front of the boy he likes by Rob, the trainer, roaring his name. He gives Barry one last grin, and then heads inside. Not even twenty seconds later, just as he starts ice-cupping his ankle, his phone buzzes with a text from Lenny.
Finally pulled your head out of your ass and asked Allen out, I hear.
The text is accompanied by an obnoxious unicorn and rainbows gif. Mick finds a gif of someone flipping the bird and sends it back to Len, followed by an actual message because Barry did agree to the date and therefore Mick is feeling ballsy.
Does this mean you’re gonna square up and ask the science midget?
As expected, he gets no reply. But that’s normal when Mick brings up Len’s ridiculous crush on Ramon.
Barry slams the passenger door of Iris’ car shut and rests his head against the glovebox. The fact he also had his eyes squeezed shut is probably why he jumped so hard when Cisco’s voice floated out of the back seat.
“So? What happened?”
When Barry’s heart rate is back within normal parameters, he fixes his eyes on his knees and draws in a deep breath.
“He said he’d do an interview.”
Iris fistpumps.
“He’s going to do it tonight. Over dinner. After he’s done with practice.”
“What, by phone?” asks Wally, from where he’s crammed between Cisco and Caitlin.
“No, he’s going to pick me up.” says Barry, a little snappishly. The noise from the rest of the car is deafening.
“Oh my god.” Iris says, finally, still about an octave above her normal voice. “Oh my god, Mick Rory is going to take you out on a date.”
Barry just about chokes on his own inhale. 
“Its an interview! Not a date!”
“Which he scheduled for dinner. That he’s picking you up for. When he could have done it literally any other time. It’s a date, Barry.”
Barry swallows hard, and Iris floors it. 
They go to their usual coffee shop, Jitters, first, for their usual homework sessions, but when they’re done, Cisco and Caitlin climb straight back into the car. 
“Are you kidding?” Caitlin says, when Barry questions this.
“We’re coming to help you get ready for your date.”
“It’s not a date!” Barry yelps. The discussion of it keeps them occupied for the drive back to the West house, and all the way inside. 
“It was his decision to do it over dinner, Barr, you’re not reading too much into it.” says Iris.
“Reading too much into what?” Joe asks, from his seat at the kitchen table.
“Hi Detective West!” chirp Caitlin and Cisco in unison, as they kick off their shoes.
“Hi, Cisco. Hi, Caitlin. What is Barry overthinking?” 
“Mick Rory asked him out.” says Wally, way too gleefully.
“Mick did no such thing! He just agreed to do the interview and asked to do it over dinner.”
“He did what.” says Joe, voice low and a little scary.
“Mick agreed to the interview Iris asked me to ask him for, and asked if we could do it over dinner?” Barry says, suddenly terrified for no reason he can place, but sure it’s because of Mick. “He said he’d pick me up?”
Joe’s stormy expression breaks, and he grins.
“Sure sounds like a date to me. And if you’re dating someone, then Missy over here can stop pretending that the paper is so interested in cross country meets and admit she’s going to support her girlfriend.”
Iris goes pink, and Cisco makes a grand and melodramatic “oh” in the background.
“I assume you guys are here for moral support?” Joe asks Caitlin. She grins and nods, and Joe waves them all up the stairs.
“Make sure he wears something nice!”
Mick arrives at 7:35, the fastest post-practice turn around he’s ever pulled, and Barry’s out on the porch before Mick can make a move up the path, so instead, Mick leans himself against the hood of his car and watches Barry walk out.
“You look nice.” Mick offers, when Barry gets to the car. Barry blushes that pretty pink again, and rubs a hand over the back of his neck, under the collar of the deep red dress shirt he was wearing. 
Mick opens the passenger side door for him, and Barry blushes even harder as he slides in. It’s like he’s deliberately hitting all of Mick’s buttons. God, Mick hopes this works out.
When he gets in the car, Barry grins at him, bright and sunshine-y, and Mick suddenly feels like he could move mountains. 
Someone tap-closes Barry’s locker door against his shoulder the next morning, grabbing his attention despite the fact he has both headphones in. He’d needed them both for the trip in that morning, which Iris and Wally had taken as a chance to tease him mercilessly for the fact that Joe had turned the driveway floodlight on to drag Barry out of Mick’s car and into bed, and very obviously illuminated the way that Barry was half in Mick’s lap and clutching Mick’s shoulders, while Mick attempted to check Barry’s tonsils with his tongue.
When he turns, it’s Mick standing next to him, rather than Iris. He’s all dolled up in a shirt and tie for the road game, grinning despite their late night and the early hour.
“Hey, doll.” Mick says, once Barry’s paused his music and taken his earphones out.
“Hey.” says Barry, nervous. He’s very aware that it’s one thing to make out in Mick’s car, and another to been seen together in public.
“I have a proposition for you.” says Mick. “I give you this now, and the next time we have a home game, I’ll get you something a little less bulky to wear.” 
He extends his hands towards Barry, and the bulk he’s holding resolves itself into Mick’s letterman jacket, complete with his surname and his number. Barry stares at it for a moment, and then takes it out of Mick’s hands.
“When you say less bulky-“ asks Barry, as he slides it on.  Mick grins, and pulls Barry in by his felt lapels to kiss him. 
At the next home game, Barry and his friends are in the front row cheering, and Barry’s wearing Mick’s away jersey with his jeans.
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